Beneficial properties of eucalyptus leaves. Useful properties of eucalyptus. Using a nebulizer

The healing properties of eucalyptus globulus have been used by mankind since ancient times. His antiseptic properties compared to quinine and used even where all antibiotics are powerless. Preparations from the plant are created in industrial scale, A traditional healers include eucalyptus in most antimicrobial preparations.

General characteristics of the tree

Eucalyptus grows well in natural conditions, but its great value forces humanity to additionally grow the tree. This is not surprising, because the price is not only for the leaves, as medicinal raw materials, but also for the bark and wood of the plant.

Places of growth

The eucalyptus tree is classified as a fast-growing tree. In tropical climates, it can reach 30 m in height in just 15 years. It is actively grown for industrial processing in Africa, America, the southern part of Europe, as well as in the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In the wild, eucalyptus grows almost throughout Australia, on the island of Tasmania. These places are considered his homeland.

Eucalyptus globulus prefers moist soil with good drainage. Feels great on soil mixed with sand, clay, and small stones. Although eucalyptus is considered a very heat-loving plant, it can withstand light frosts (down to −8 °C). With still greater reduction temperature, the tree dies, freezing from the root.

What does it look like

Eucalyptus globulus is an evergreen plant. In nature, there are trees up to 80 m tall, their diameter reaches two meters. That is, eucalyptus is quite a worthy competitor to the American Sequoia both in height and in the massiveness of the trunk. At the same time, the tree simply surprises with its voluminous crown of a regular spherical shape.

  • Bark. The trunk and branches of eucalyptus globulus are covered with medium-thick bark unusual color- white-gray with a blue tint. Deep grooves can be traced on the surface, formed as a result of the gradual peeling of the upper layers of the bark. Parts of it often hang from the tree, falling off from time to time.
  • Leaves. All foliage on a tree is divided into young and old. The first is represented by leaves “sitting” on young shoots, closely enveloping them. The color is bright gray, the surface is leathery. Even young leaves are quite large - from 7 to 16 cm long and up to 10 cm wide. It is in the young foliage that the largest amount of essential oil, rich in the antiseptic cineole, accumulates. Large old leaves, thanks to the petiole, turn edge-on towards the sun's rays. They're shiny dark green, have a crescent-lanceolate shape. Dimensions range from 10 to 30 cm long and 3-4 cm wide.
  • Flowers. Eucalyptus blooms with light axillary flowers for the first time in October, in the third year of tree growth. Flowering is short-lived.
  • Fetus. Presented as a tube-shaped box. It reaches 15 cm in length and 30 cm in width. There are several grooves on the surface of the box. Inside there are one or two seeds, which finally ripen only after a year and a half.

Powerful root system eucalyptus is able to draw moisture from a large area. For this quality, the tree is also called a “natural pump” and is planted in swampy areas that require drainage.

Leaf harvesting process

Medicinal raw materials eucalyptus leaves protrude. In order to obtain them, wild and specially grown trees are pruned in the fall. The cut branches are carefully folded so as not to damage the leaves. During the collection of raw materials, annual pruning occurs in order to form a dense crown.

The branches along with the leaves are tied into small brooms and hung in a shaded place on outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. When drying, the leaves release vapors containing phytoncides. They are able to disinfect and purify the air in any room.

Dry branches are wrapped in paper and topped with a plastic bag. Store suspended for two years in a dry place with good ventilation. If it is necessary to separate the leaves from the branches, they are placed in a glass or plastic container and hermetically sealed. Store protected from light. If dryers are used to procure raw materials, it is necessary to maintain a reduced temperature regime 35°C to avoid evaporation of essential oil.

Composition and medicinal properties of eucalyptus

Useful properties eucalyptus, namely its activity against most existing microbes and anti-inflammatory effect, are due to a multicomponent chemical composition leaves:

  • essential oil (contains antiseptics and aromatic substances);
  • tanning components;
  • bitterness;
  • flavonoids (antioxidants and anti-inflammatory);
  • minerals (K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cr, Zn);
  • coumaric, cinnamic organic acids.

In fact, the chemical composition of eucalyptus globulus is much more complex. One essential oil consists of 40 types of volatile components. It is this extensive natural combination that gives the antimicrobial effect of eucalyptus, comparable to synthetic antibacterial drugs.

Pharmacological action

In the official and folk medicine the use of eucalyptus leaves accompanies the therapy of a huge list of diseases, because the plant has a number of healing properties that are effective even in complex pathologies.

  • Antimicrobial action. It manifests itself due to the content of a large number of volatile substances that have bacteriostatic, bactericidal, antifungal activity. It has been scientifically proven that preparations with eucalyptus are effective in eliminating the following pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, dysenteric amoeba, Trichomonas, streptococci, Escherichia coli. A bacteriostatic effect is observed regarding Pseudomonas aeruginosa and typhoid bacilli. This spectrum of action allows the use of eucalyptus for the treatment of bacterial carriage, infections of the upper respiratory tract, for trophic ulcers, infected wounds, furunculosis, fungal diseases.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. The effect is manifested by eliminating pathogenic bacteria, as well as due to the presence of flavonoids. At the same time, normal blood supply to the tissues is restored, and signs of inflammation (swelling, hyperthermia and soreness) disappear. The anti-inflammatory effect of eucalyptus leaves is actively used to treat skin damage, as well as internal diseases inflammatory nature: gastritis, enterocolitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis. Elimination inflammatory process accompanied by the wound-healing and analgesic effect of the plant.
  • Expectorant action. Occurs due to dilation of blood vessels in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This leads to normalization of secretory processes in the bronchial mucosa and improved removal of viscous sputum. The bactericidal vapors of eucalyptus help cleanse the lungs of bacteria that cause bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, and tuberculosis.
  • Cardiotonic influence. The use of drugs with eucalyptus has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle - its endurance increases, the amplitude of contractions increases, and the supply of oxygen to the myocardium improves. Regular ingestion of products containing eucalyptus will serve as excellent prevention. coronary disease heart disease, angina pectoris, heart failure.
  • Sedative effect. Under the influence essential oils from eucalyptus leaves, a decrease in the excitability of the central nervous system is observed. This effect allows you to eliminate insomnia, increase the body's resistance to stress, and neutralize anxiety and depression.
  • Effect on digestion. Eucalyptus stimulates the secretion of food juices due to the presence of bitterness. Increases appetite, exhibits mild choleretic and diuretic effects.

The enormous benefits of eucalyptus lie not so much in the listed effects, but in their combination and strength. Combination pharmacological properties allows you to significantly speed up the healing process for diseases of a bacterial nature.

Use in folk medicine

Eucalyptus globulus is a tropical tree, so residents can prepare its leaves at home middle zone pretty hard. Fortunately, every pharmacy sells already dried leaves. And not as a dietary supplement, but as a real standardized raw material collected from a pharmacopoeial plant. But for successful treatment It is important to use this medication correctly.


Peculiarities. Used internally to treat wet and dry cough with bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis. The use of eucalyptus in the form of an infusion is advisable for gargling with laryngitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, regular rinsing oral cavity will help with stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Preparation and use

  1. Pour half a liter of boiling water 10 g dried leaves eucalyptus.
  2. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then strain.
  3. Take 40-50 ml orally four times a day.
  4. Before rinsing, warm the infusion slightly and apply three times a day.


Peculiarities. Suitable for compresses and rinses. Indications for use include phlegmon, abscess, furunculosis, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, purulent mastitis.

Preparation and use

  1. Place 20 g of eucalyptus leaves in a saucepan, pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cover the mixture and keep in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Leave for 10 minutes, strain, squeeze out the pulp.
  4. Bring boiled water to a volume of 200 ml.
  5. Treat the affected surface twice a day or apply a compress for two hours, soaking a piece of cotton fabric in the broth.


Peculiarities. Can be used as tonic before cold season complex treatment influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. The product is recommended for lack of appetite, poor digestion, dysbacteriosis.

Preparation and use

  1. Pour a cup of boiling water (250 ml) over 30 g of dried eucalyptus leaves.
  2. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Drink in small sips throughout the day.


Peculiarities. Used internally for ARVI, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, malaria, stomach diseases, inflammation of the gallbladder, intestinal infections. Externally used for rubbing the back for radiculitis, injuries, dislocations, sprains. In folk medicine, douching is popular for healing erosion. cervical canal(cervix) s. There is a ready-made pharmacy option.

Preparation and use

  1. Fill a dark glass bottle with a capacity of 0.5-0.7 liters by a third with crushed fresh eucalyptus leaves.
  2. Add granulated sugar to half the entire volume of the bottle.
  3. Place the vessel in a dark place for four days, tying the neck with gauze.
  4. Add half a liter of vodka to the resulting syrup and mix well.
  5. Leave for a week in a dark place.
  6. Strain into a clean container, squeezing out the pulp thoroughly.
  7. When taken orally, add 20-30 drops of tincture to 50 ml of water. Take three times a day.
  8. For external use, including douching, mix 200 ml together warm water and a teaspoon of the drug. Use a cotton or gauze swab to treat damaged areas twice a day.


Peculiarities. Effectively eliminate bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract, tracheitis. Used for runny nose, sinusitis, nasal congestion, headache.

Preparation and use

  1. Inhalation glass boiled water cool to a temperature of 60-70°C.
  2. Add 15 ml of decoction, 20 drops to the prepared water alcohol tincture, or 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  3. Breathe in steam, covering your head with a towel, twice a day.


Peculiarities. is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic aroma of cineole. Has strong bactericidal properties. Used after dilution with water or indifferent oil. Pure oil is used only for herpes rashes.

Preparation and use

  1. Sold in pharmacies in dark glass jars. It is extracted industrially from fresh leaves.
  2. For rinses, lotions, compresses, inhalations, 15-20 drops of oil are diluted with a glass of water.
  3. Evaporating the oil using an aroma lamp helps disinfect the air in the room.

It is advisable to add eucalyptus essential oil to hair shampoos and facial cleansers. The short-term effect of natural antiseptics helps get rid of seborrhea, excessive oily scalp, acne, and dermatitis.

Eucalyptus is included in ready-made medicines. These are throat sprays "Kameton", "Inhalipt", eucalyptus extract - "Chlorophyllipt", lozenges "Eucalypt-M". All drugs are distinguished by antimicrobial activity and have been successfully used in official medicine for a long time.

Contraindications and side effects

The healing properties of eucalyptus make the plant an indispensable assistant for home treatment bacterial diseases. However, like any other medicine, Eucalyptus globulus leaves should be used only for their intended purpose. Recipes for preparing infusions, decoctions, and tinctures from leaves must be strictly followed to prevent unwanted effects of the self-prepared drug.

Side effects from the use of dried eucalyptus leaves can include allergic reactions: redness of the skin, rash, itching. As a rule, such phenomena disappear immediately after stopping use of the plant. According to reviews, external use of eucalyptus preparations causes allergies very rarely.

Also, before using medicinal raw materials, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to eucalyptus:

  • use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is undesirable;
  • individual sensitivity reactions;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure.

Before using eucalyptus essential oil, you need to do an allergy test: apply the oil to the inner bend of your elbow and evaluate the skin reaction after 20 minutes. Due to the high concentration of volatile substances and the local vasodilating effect, slight redness of the skin is acceptable after applying the oil. The oil should not cause any burning, pain or itching. With the right approach and compliance with the instructions, it is impossible to harm the body with eucalyptus.

The eucalyptus globulus tree is a source of valuable plant materials and essential oils, the properties of which go far beyond antimicrobial effects. The most popular treatment for cough is eucalyptus, but even with incipient heart disorders or work disorders nervous system This plant will help restore the proper functioning of the body.

Eucalyptus is a genus of evergreen woody plants from the Myrtaceae family. It lists over 700 species of artisanal crops and trees, most of which are famous for their healing properties. A unique feature of the plant is that it grows very quickly and after 15-20 years it can reach up to 100 m in length. Such trees have a proud appearance. Their trunks grow straight, and the crown is scattered with massive leaf plates standing on edge.

Today, enough is known about the medicinal properties and contraindications of eucalyptus to confirm the benefits of the plant for the human body if used correctly.

European contemporary scientists first learned about this plant at the beginning of the 18th century, when they began to study the flora and fauna of the tropics. They proposed the traditional name for the culture, which translated from Latin means “well hidden under the sepals.” Among other names, “gum tree” or “wonderful tree” are sometimes found in the literature. The natural habitat of the plant is the tropical part of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Although today these trees can be found throughout to the globe, especially in countries with warm and humid climates.

Unique chemical composition

Eucalyptus boasts a unique chemical composition

The greatest value for human health are eucalyptus leaves, the use of products based on which helps to get rid of many ailments and improve health skin. Green leaves contain a number of substances beneficial to the body, including:

  • essential oil;
  • phytoncides;
  • tanning compounds;
  • vitamins and microelements;
  • organic acids.

In general, the plant has a very complex chemical composition, which, when deciphered, can count about 40 types of healing components of natural origin.

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The benefits and harms of eucalyptus products

The plant, due to its content, has a huge amount healing effects. It can help eliminate many symptoms of diseases. internal organs and improve the aesthetic properties of the skin. The most significant beneficial properties of eucalyptus-based products include:

As an external remedy, eucalyptus is used to correct the following: pathological conditions and cosmetic defects:

You will learn more about the benefits of eucalyptus from the video:

Eucalyptus is one of the plants whose use side effects occur in exceptional cases and are associated mainly with its uncontrolled use. If you follow all recommendations regarding administration, you can minimize all complications. The most common consequences are fraught with taking eucalyptus products when contraindications to herbal medicine are ignored.

It is better to avoid consuming eucalyptus for patients with the following problems:

  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • complex pathological processes of the kidneys and liver;
  • epilepsy;
  • undergoing chemotherapy;
  • pertussis infection;
  • spastic airway disorders.

It is prohibited to use eucalyptus in children under two years of age. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should use plant-based products only after consulting a doctor.

Features of application

Eucalyptus is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. With its help, many health problems can be solved. Improve the immune system and cleanse the body of toxins. The most commonly used are tinctures, infusions and teas based on eucalyptus.

What does eucalyptus tincture help with?

Eucalyptus tincture is used for many inflammatory lesions internal organs. The enriched composition of eucalyptus tincture makes it an indispensable tool treatment and prevention infectious processes upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. It is also recommended for use when nervous disorders and to eliminate sleep disorders, as an effective sedative. In addition, eucalyptus tincture is often recommended for women for treatment. pathological processes from their genital area.

Benefit women's health will bring red clover

Eucalyptus for the throat is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that can eliminate pain when swallowing and others. discomfort. Eucalyptus for gargling with purulent sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis must be brought to a boil in a glass of water and cooled to body temperature. Rinse with ready-made product sore throat 4-5 times a day. The same solution can be used to clean the oral cavity, since eucalyptus for teeth helps get rid of plaque and prevent caries.

When coughing, it is better to take eucalyptus orally. To do this, 15-30 drops of tincture should be diluted in 0.5 glasses of water and drunk after meals. The frequency of such techniques should be one two to three per day. When using eucalyptus tincture internally, pay attention not only to medicinal properties, but also on the contraindications of the drug. It is forbidden to give it to children under 12 years of age, as it contains ethyl alcohol.

During treatment gynecological diseases The tincture is used to prepare a solution for douching. To do this, take one teaspoon of tincture and dilute it in 0.5 liters of water. Ready product can be used for washing, douching and making tampons.

Inhalations for children

For diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by cough and other catarrhal phenomena, children are recommended to inhale with eucalyptus. The procedures are best carried out using a nebulizer. To prepare the solution, you need to take only essential oils. The tincture is not used in this case, as it contains alcoholic compounds.

To prepare a solution for inhalation you need:

  • in 50 ml clean water dissolve 4-5 drops;
  • place the prepared solution in a nebulizer;
  • Continue the inhalation procedure for up to 10 minutes 3 times a day.

It is important that when inhaling the product, the child closes his eyes, since eucalyptus strongly irritates their mucous membranes.

Leaf decoction

What are the benefits of eucalyptus for? men's health? First of all, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the prostate gland and restores its normal structure. Eucalyptus for prostatitis is best taken in the form of a decoction or infusion. To prepare the product, do not large number The leaves of the plant need to be poured with boiling water and allowed to brew. To enhance therapeutic effect Eucalyptus for prostatitis can be kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. After preparation, the resulting composition must be cooled and taken 100 ml three times a day. Eucalyptus infusion is drunk on an empty stomach.

How to prepare medicine from eucalyptus - watch the video:

Application in cosmetology

To eliminate problem areas on the skin of the face, experts recommend applying a small amount of eucalyptus oil to them with a cotton swab. Also, applying essential oil will help strengthen the nail plate and prevent it from being damaged by fungus.

Daily rubbing of the skin with a decoction of eucalyptus will restore its natural radiance, eliminate pigmentation, smooth out the first wrinkles and prevent the formation of acne. It is recommended to wash your hair with this product to strengthen it and stimulate growth. Eucalyptus for hair can also be applied as a mask. To do this you need to take egg yolk, a little and add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to them. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the finished mask to washed hair once a week.

Eucalyptus pillow: pros and cons

IN recent years Eucalyptus pillows are becoming increasingly popular. Their developers claim that this the best remedy for healthy and restful sleep.

In addition, such products are absolutely environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and durable.

They also protect a person from colds, normalize the function of the nervous system and help to relax after a hard day at work. The only drawback of this pillow is the persistent eucalyptus smell that does not go away even with time.

Similar materials

Eucalyptus refers to trees of varying heights (up to 90-100 meters) that do not shed or shed their bark. The flowers of this tree are quite small, about 7-8 mm in heads or simple umbrellas, less often single. The fruit of the eucalyptus is a woody capsule that opens with valves and fuses with a calyx into a tube. Australia is considered its homeland; later it was brought to Transcaucasia to drain swamps - a breeding ground for malaria mosquitoes. Eucalyptus is cultivated on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

The medicinal raw materials of the tree are the leaves, collected throughout the summer. But the leaves collected in the fall are considered richer in beneficial essential oil and of better quality. The smell of eucalyptus leaves is strong, aromatic, and they also have a spicy-bitter taste.

Dried leaves contain 1.5-3% essential oil, which is the main active principle of eucalyptus. It is dominated by cineole(about 80%). After receiving healthy oil It is subjected to rectification by steam distillation. This process removes aldehydes and other components that have an odor that irritates the mucous membranes.

How to choose

It is recommended to combine the process of procuring raw materials for household needs and pharmacology with decorative pruning of eucalyptus. It is better not to break off the branches, but to tear off the leaves from them. Ground-based is considered useful part of a plant, including young leaves that are light green. You can also cut the branches and remove all the leaves from them. It is recommended to carry out such events in winter, or more precisely, from the beginning of November to the end of winter. Although leaves can be harvested all year round as needed.

How to store

Completely dried leaves are stored in closed jars, away from light. This way they can be stored for 2-3 years. We must remember that due to the fact that essential oil is an important component in eucalyptus leaves, they must be dried at a temperature not exceeding +40ºC so that the valuable properties and aroma are not lost.

In cooking

Eucalyptus has found its use as a component of a tonic drink. To prepare it you will need a teaspoon of honey, 50 ml of eucalyptus hydrolate and water. This drink can also help strengthen the immune system and quickly restore strength after illness.

In addition, the leaves of the plant are used in cooking as a seasoning. She is very popular among Asians.

Almost all varieties of eucalyptus produce a hot red sap known as Australian cinema».

Calorie content

The calorie content of eucalyptus is only 1 kcal per 100 grams of leaves.

Beneficial properties of eucalyptus

Composition and presence of nutrients

Eucalyptus leaves contain up to 2% oil, a large amount of micro- and macroelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, nickel, silicon, boron, etc.).

This oil contains about 80% cineole, as well as eucalyptol, resins, pinene, tannins, ketones, aldehydes, terpene compounds, alcohols and carbonyl compounds. The main thing in essential oil active substance- this is eucalyptol, which acts like cineole - a substance that is found in many healing plants (rosemary, laurel, sage).

In addition to oil, the leaves contain healing bitters and phytoncides - substances that have a detrimental effect on a variety of pathogenic microbes and bacteria. In terms of phytoncide content, this plant is a champion among other deciduous trees and essential oil herbaceous plants. Even so inferior to him famous source antibiotics, like noble laurel.

Useful and healing properties

Eucalyptus is considered an indispensable remedy for getting rid of pathogenic microorganisms, such as staphylococci, streptococci and dysentery bacillus. The leaves stop the spread of Trichomonas, which affects the genital tract, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

In addition, the plant is indispensable in cases of suspected fever caused by malaria. It is no coincidence that the dislike of blood-sucking insects for the smell of eucalyptus is famous. An infusion of the leaves serves as a remedy that relieves redness and relieves itching caused by an insect bite.

In medicine, decoction, infusion, alcohol tincture and eucalyptus oil are most often used.

Eucalyptus decoction used for gastritis with low acidity, for all kinds of pain in the intestines. To do this, you need to prepare a composition of two tablespoons of leaves and a glass of boiling water, which must be poured into a saucepan, covered with a lid and left for half an hour. water bath. After this, you need to leave the composition to cool for 10 minutes, then carefully strain using a strainer and squeeze out the resulting mixture. The resulting composition must be brought to 200 ml with boiled water. It should be kept cool for no longer than 48 hours. It is recommended to drink this decoction warm, ¼ cup after meals three times a day. The medicine perfectly relieves inflammation and is an excellent antiseptic. It is also recommended to use it for inhalation or rinsing, adding a tablespoon of the composition to a glass of water.

You can prepare a decoction like this: crushed leaves (1-1.5 tbsp per glass of water) are poured with boiling water, boiled for 3 minutes at low boil, settled for several minutes and filtered. Shake the decoction before use.

To get leaf infusion, 2 teaspoons are poured into one glass of running water, brought to a boil and kept on fire for 1-2 minutes, then cooled at room temperature and used for rinsing the mouth and throat, for inhalation (a teaspoon of infusion per glass of lukewarm water). Thanks to its disinfectant and bactericidal properties, this composition also helps with acute gastrointestinal diseases. You can also prepare an infusion in this way: pour 10 grams of chopped leaves into one glass of boiling water and simmer in it for an hour. It is recommended to prepare the infusion for 2 days.

To receive alcohol tincture eucalyptus, pour a tablespoon of dry leaf into 100 ml of 70% alcohol, infuse in a dark place for about two weeks, filter. It is used for inhalation - 15-20 drops per glass of water. The tincture is prescribed orally, 15-20 drops three times a day after main meals - as a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity.

This tincture has anti-inflammatory, strong antiseptic, expectorant, and analgesic effects. It is used for various coughs, ailments of the respiratory system, malaria, as well as acute intestinal and stomach ailments, influenza, and colds. The tincture is also used for lotions for erysipelas, purulent ulcers and pustular diseases on the skin, for douching for ulcers and cervical erosion. You need to dilute a teaspoon of tincture in a glass of heated boiled water. The tincture is also used for rubbing for neuralgia, radiculitis, and rheumatic pain.

Eucalyptus oil most often used for carbuncles, osteomyelitis, phlegmon. In addition, the oil is prescribed externally as an analgesic for rheumatism, neuralgia, radiculitis, lumbago and is used as effective remedy, repels mosquitoes, ants, mosquitoes and other insects.

To get rid of wounds, ulcers that have not healed for a long time, and phlegmon, the following remedy is also prepared: mix a glass of boiling water with thirty grams of dry crushed leaves, put on fire for 30 minutes, stir regularly. Then let it cool and pass through a strainer. They use such a product as lotions. Also for rinsing, use a mixture of a teaspoon of tincture and a glass of boiled warm water.

For first and second degree burns, use as a lotion a mixture of a tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves with a glass of boiling water, which is heated for about half an hour in a water bath, and then cooled, filtered through gauze and squeezed.

In addition, eucalyptus helps in the treatment of influenza, catarrhal or putrefactive bronchitis, tracheitis, respiratory diseases, laryngitis and lung abscesses. You can add a spoonful of eucalyptus to a glass of boiling water and leave it for a couple of hours, after wrapping it in a cloth. Then you need to pass the composition through a strainer and drink a spoonful three times a day. You can also use the resulting product for rinsing. If there is a sore throat or damage to the upper respiratory tract, the recipe is different: you need to pour two tablespoons of leaves with one liter of water, put it on the stove and inhale and exhale the steam coming from the pan. In this case, you need to dress warmly so that all the warmth goes inside. You can also pour 2 tablespoons of dry eucalyptus leaves with a glass of boiling water, heat for 5-8 minutes in a water bath, strain through cheesecloth and use up to several times a day for rinsing.

At chronic pharyngitis you can take about 15 ml of tincture of eucalyptus leaves in alcohol, 20 ml of infusion of tea leaves (half a spoon per glass of water) and 2/3 teaspoon of honey. Mix everything and pour 0.5 liter of boiling water into a thermos. Leave for 25-30 minutes. After this, the composition is shaken and administered to the patient using a pipette, 6-7 drops into each nostril up to 4 times a day. Approximate course – 4-6 days.

Eucalyptus will also help with chronic runny nose. To do this, you need to take 500 milliliters of warm salted water, add a teaspoon of eucalyptus tincture and rinse your nose with the composition, for which, bending over 45 degrees, you need to absorb the solution with your nose and then release it with your mouth. Having used the entire composition, you must definitely blow your nose - each nostril separately. The procedure is carried out twice a day (in the mornings and evenings). Sufferers bronchial asthma or acute respiratory diseases can use this recipe in a tablespoon up to four times a day. You can also do inhalations, for this you need to pour 20 grams of crushed dry leaves with a glass of water, bring to a boil and hold for 15 minutes, and then pass through a sieve. Also, for bronchitis and asthma, an infusion is prepared at the rate of a teaspoon of dry chopped eucalyptus leaves per glass of boiling water, taking a third of a glass per day after the main meal.

In addition, for chronic sinusitis, a collection for inhalation is prepared from a teaspoon of eucalyptus leaves and two spoons of plantain leaf and stinging nettle. The collection is poured into a glass of boiled water, left for an hour, filtered and used a quarter glass per procedure. It is done twice a day for 3-5 minutes; 10-11 procedures are recommended per course. Inhalations can be carried out using a regular heating pad. Place a teaspoon of eucalyptus, coltsfoot and motherwort leaves into a metal saucepan, pour half a liter of boiling water, close and leave for about 20 minutes, then filter thoroughly. Half a glass of the decoction is taken orally: drink 2 tablespoons warm three times a day. The remaining mixture is heated, poured into a heating pad to one-tenth of the volume and inhaled with steam, placing the heating pad either to the nose or to the mouth. Also when chronic sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammations of the nasal sinuses, it is recommended to mix a teaspoon of tincture of eucalyptus, honey and tea. Instill this composition in 2-3 drops about 3-5 times a day. It is useful to supplement this treatment with foot baths, performing the procedure every day before bed for 5-8 minutes. After the bath, you need to dry your feet and dress in warm woolen socks.

Eucalyptus tincture 2-3 times a day, 15-20 drops, helps to cope with urogenital diseases and kidney ailments. Eucalyptus is used in gynecology for douching and fighting leucorrhoea. For douching, pour 30 grams of eucalyptus into a liter of boiling water and leave for about half an hour in a water bath, cool, strain. For erosions and ulcers of the cervix, a tincture from this plant is indispensable. To do this, add a teaspoon of tincture to a glass of warm boiled water.

In ophthalmic practice, especially in the treatment of blepharitis, an infusion and decoction of the leaves is used.

Medicinal raw materials of eucalyptus exhibit beneficial properties in a variety of herbal infusions. They are most common in the treatment of various respiratory diseases.

For example, you can mix two tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves, sage and calendula flowers, a tablespoon of elecampane and naked licorice roots, linden flowers and marsh rosemary, 4-4.5 tablespoons of flowers pharmaceutical chamomile and leave for about 45 minutes in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of the mixture per glass of boiling water, after keeping it in a water bath for about 12-15 minutes. The airways are rinsed with this composition up to 3-4 times a day.

No less popular is this herbal mixture: you need to take one tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves, peppermint, plantain, medicinal sage and coltsfoot, calendula flowers, St. John's wort, elecampane root, anise fruits and pine buds.

Use in cosmetology

Eucalyptus is also used in cosmetology. So, in the morning you can wipe your face with pieces of ice prepared from a decoction of leaves (you can use ice diluted in water and pharmacy tincture– 1 tbsp. per glass of water). It is better not to dry yourself with a towel after such a procedure, but to wait until your face dries itself. If you use this means constantly, the skin will become more elastic, fresh, and its color will improve. It is also an excellent prevention of pustules and inflammation, and has a whitening effect.

To irrigate wounds, baths and lotions, make a solution from half a liter of a decoction of leaves, prepared in a ratio of one to ten, and honey dissolved in it (2 tablespoons).

Dangerous properties of eucalyptus

Usually negative influence There is no noticeable effect on the body from eucalyptus and products containing it - of course, provided that the instructions are followed. But possible side effects cannot be ruled out, such as allergic reactions, personal aversion or excessive sensitivity to the drug.

Therefore, before using eucalyptus or products containing it, you need to observe the reaction to it and the absence of intolerance or sensitivity.

Eucalyptus essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the tree of the same name, which belongs to the myrtle family. Australia is considered its homeland. His Latin name- Eucalyptus. All parts of eucalyptus have a specific aroma that has medicinal properties. The most valuable material for pharmacology is the leaves of this tree. They contain resins, tannins and phytoncides. Raw materials are harvested in September, when the peak ripening of essential oils occurs.

The lifespan of this tree is 500 years, and it begins to bloom only in the fifth year of life. Eucalyptus is distinguished by its high vitality. The seedlings of this tree have excellent survival rate and growth rate. Thus, a ten-year-old tree is already about thirty meters tall, and if branches or buds are damaged, new shoots immediately begin to grow.

Its branches are located in such a way that they practically do not create shadows. Its bark is bluish in color and also has a strong, intoxicating odor. The oval leaves of this tree have valuable substance- cineole, which is a powerful antiseptic found in eucalyptus herb.

There are three types of plants: twig-shaped, ball-shaped and gray. Ball bark and gray look used for making paper. Rod-shaped eucalyptus is the most frost-resistant and can grow in the climatic zone of the Caucasus.

The leaves of this plant are the most valuable. They contain a lot of useful substances that are successfully used in pharmaceuticals.

  • Cinnamic and course organic acids.
  • Tannins.
  • Gallotannins.
  • Cineol.
  • Bitterness.
  • Aldehydes.

Essential oil is present in sufficient quantities in all parts of this tree. Twenty kilograms of fresh or dried leaves can yield one liter aromatic oil. About eighty percent of this medicinal product makes up cineole. This is the reason for the pronounced antibacterial and antiviral properties of this plant.

Useful properties

Eucalyptus leaves have the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Wound healing.
  • Expectorant.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Antiviral.

Due to these properties, the use of eucalyptus leaves is advisable in the following cases:

The active components of essential oil act as a preventative cancer diseases. This is an excellent immune-strengthening agent that is simply irreplaceable during the cold season.

It is also used to disinfect premises and repel mosquitoes on summer evenings.

Preparation of products from eucalyptus leaves

Its medicinal properties are widely used for cooking various means. The tincture and essential oil are used for inhalation for bronchitis and in the form of drops for a runny nose, and gargles are used with eucalyptus preparations for a sore throat. Treatment of tuberculosis and any pathogenic microorganisms is no less effective. There are several ways to use the leaves of this tree.

Decoction for gastritis

To prepare the decoction you will need two tablespoons of dry raw materials and one liter of boiling water. The leaves are poured with boiling water and boiled for ten minutes. The product is consumed warm, half a glass a day before meals. Eucalyptus infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

This medicine can also treat a sore throat and stomatitis, and a decoction of eucalyptus perfectly removes bad breath.

Tincture for stomatitis

You will need the following herbs: St. John's wort, lilac flowers, wormwood and eucalyptus leaves. To prepare one liter of tincture you will need five tablespoons of raw materials. Herbs are flooded cold water and leave for ten hours, after which it is heated on the stove for about ten minutes. The resulting product is used to rinse for at least four times per day.

Tea for bronchitis

This tea is an excellent remedy to remove mucus. They're preparing it as follows: one tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water. After the tea has cooled slightly, drink in small sips.

Decoction for wounds

Wounds and ulcers on the body are washed with a decoction. To do this, prepare a weak solution from one tablespoon of raw materials and a liter of boiling water. Gently wash the wounds with a warm decoction twice a day.

Ointment for joints

For arthritis and joint pain, prepare the following ointment based on tree leaves and goose fat. Dry raw materials are first ground into powder and then mixed with fat. The product must infuse for three days, after which it is used as a rubbing. For twenty grams of raw material, one hundred grams of heated fat is enough.

Skin diseases

At skin diseases prepare a bath with a medicinal mixture, which includes the following herbs: clover, elderberry and lilac flowers, eucalyptus and walnut leaves. For one liter of broth, it is enough to take three tablespoons of raw materials. The finished composition is filtered and poured into the bath. Treatment is carried out over a course of one month.

Eucalyptus for migraines

The following is prepared for migraines medicinal collection: chamomile, linden, clover and eucalyptus. One tablespoon is poured into a glass of boiling water and drunk as tea throughout the day. Consuming more than four cups per day is not recommended. If migraine attacks are associated with menstruation, then the drugs begin to be used five days before the start of the course.

Contraindications and preparation

  • These medications are not used for kidney and liver diseases.
  • At individual intolerance And allergic reaction on the skin.
  • Do not inhale eucalyptus for whooping cough and asthma.
  • Pregnant women can use eucalyptus products only after consulting a doctor.
  • Children under two years of age are not recommended to use the product.

The leaves are collected in September, carefully cutting them off with a knife or pruning shears. Dry the raw materials in a well-ventilated area, without direct contact sun rays. The leaves are occasionally turned over. If you dry them in the dryer, then choose the appropriate temperature setting. It should not exceed forty degrees. Store raw materials in a glass container for three years.

Sold at the pharmacy ready-made drugs- tincture of eucalyptus and Eucalyptus Forte in tablet form. It is used for oral administration, as well as rinsing and inhalation. To do this, you need to dilute about ten drops of the drug in one hundred grams of warm water.

It is not recommended to use the tincture for children under twelve years of age, as it contains ethyl alcohol.

This remedy is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and allergies. In the instructions for use of eucalyptus tincture among side effects contact dermatitis in the oral area is indicated. If it occurs, the use of the drug is suspended.

Store the tincture in a dark place at a temperature of about fifteen degrees for five years.