Itching and microcracks in the anus. Why does itching occur around the anus? Diseases of internal organs

We determine the causes of itching in the anus in women and find treatment options at home

Itching in the anus in women can be quite a painful phenomenon, in which a person feels a burning and tingling sensation in the corresponding area. These sensations force him to scratch the anus, which is often accompanied by injuries. The topic of anal itching is quite delicate, but it can affect anyone, regardless of their gender and age.

The causes of anal itching can be either trivial factors such as lack of hygiene or serious intestinal diseases. In addition, itching of unknown etiology has a serious impact on the quality of life, worsening it: performance decreases, mood deteriorates, normal communication becomes difficult, etc.

The main causes of itching in women

Often, itching around the anus occurs due to poor hygiene. As a result of the development of pathogenic microflora and insufficient cleansing of the skin, diaper rash may develop. Tight or synthetic underwear can also cause skin irritation. When diaper rash occurs, it is enough to follow the necessary hygiene standards; sometimes you can use an anti-inflammatory cream or powder.

Another complaint of anal itching may occur against the background of mental and neurological disorders:

  • for neuroses;
  • with obsessive-compulsive disorder with an obsessive desire to frequently wash various parts of the body (including the perineum);
  • with dermatozoan delirium, when a person considers himself infected with insects or worms crawling under the skin;
  • in case of violation of surface sensitivity due to diseases of the spine and spinal cord.

Itching due to skin irritation is associated with rough toilet paper, synthetic underwear, allergies to washing powder and detergents. Identifying the true cause of anal itching will help you choose the right treatment. And the solution to such a delicate problem should be entrusted to doctors, and not to self-medicate.

How to treat itching in the anus in women?

Depending on the established cause of itching, the doctor selects medications that can relieve this unpleasant sensation.

If the symptom is caused by diseases of the internal organs (diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the pancreas and liver, intestinal dysbiosis), then the medical specialist will prescribe adequate treatment to eliminate the underlying disease. Skin diseases require a special approach, timely prescription of drugs produced in the form of special ointments that have a drying effect. This group of drugs includes salicylic and zinc ointment, Hydrocortisone.

If the appearance of itching in the anal area is a consequence of the development of an allergic reaction, the attending physician selects highly effective antihistamines that have a wide spectrum of action:

  • Suprastin.
  • Clarotadine.
  • Claritin.
  • Tavegil.

Sexually transmitted diseases must be treated with special medications:

  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Polygynaxa.
  • Azithromycin.
  • Doxycycline.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Wormil, which comes in the form of chewable tablets.
  • Pyrantel, produced in the form of suspensions.

Sometimes, after a comprehensive examination, diseases of the rectum and sigmoid colon are detected. Then the attending physician prescribes medications produced in the form of suspensions, special ointments and gels. Their regular use helps to quickly relieve itching. Let's list these drugs.

  • Hepatrombin G is a safe and highly effective remedy for hemorrhoids, available in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments of uniform consistency.
  • Preparations of the Relief line, which are intended for topical use and are considered antihemorrhoids.
  • A cream for external use called Celestoderm-B, its active ingredient is betamethasone 17-valerate.
  • Troxevasin is an angioprotective agent produced in the form of a gel.
  • Heparin ointment. This drug has an antibacterial effect, eliminates inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes, and relieves constant itching and discomfort.

If prolonged stress, exhaustion of the nervous system, severe physical and mental stress have led to the development of constant itching, it is recommended to take sedatives and sedatives:

  • Tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn or valerian.
  • The drugs Tenoten and Afobazol, which have shown high clinical effectiveness.
  • Novo-Passita or Persena.

There are cases when, in addition to the patient’s complaints of itching, no disease tests are detected; in this case, a latent course of proctosigmoiditis is suspected, and dietary nutrition, skin ointments, and microenemas with collargol are prescribed. In case of manifestation of neuritis and psychosis, sedatives are prescribed - valerian, bromine, Corvalol. For allergic causes, antihistamines, that is, allergy pills, are indicated. To prevent itching of the anus, the cause of which has been established and treatment has been carried out, you can use Hemo-Pro rectal suppositories with propolis.

Folk remedies

The obsessive feeling of itching can be reduced with the help of various herbs and natural products. The following recipes work well for this:

  1. Chamomile and calendula baths. You need to take 2 tablespoons of herbs and pour a liter of boiling water. The product is infused for 2-3 hours and added to the bath.
  2. Ointment made from Vaseline and fresh cranberry juice. To prepare the medicine, 100 g of Vaseline is mixed with 30 ml of juice. The resulting product is used to treat the anus area.
  3. Flax decoction. To prepare the decoction, mix a tablespoon of seeds with 500 ml of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Take the decoction orally, 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies gives quite good results. In addition, the use of natural products is considered safer.

There are problems that most people prefer to remain silent about, usually believing that it is embarrassing to talk about.

For example, people are embarrassed to go to the doctor because they experience a constant burning sensation in the anorectal area.

And, by the way, the reasons for such feelings can be very serious.

And only a specialist can determine what causes it during a personal examination and after conducting tests, on the basis of which treatment will be prescribed.

What could be the reason?

Burning sensation can be a symptom of various pathologies.

There are primary and secondary burning sensations:

  • primary is a separate disease, often it is impossible to establish its cause, which is why it is difficult to treat;
  • secondary, it is a symptom of another disease, by treating which you can get rid of discomfort in the anorectal area.

Personal hygiene - everything is good in moderation

Failure to maintain personal hygiene in the anorectal area can cause burning, itching and other unpleasant sensations.

This includes infrequent washing, using rough toilet paper after bowel movements, and infrequently changing underwear.

This is especially dangerous if you have problems with defecation: the anus is already regularly injured by hard feces, which increases the risk of occurrence, and such unsanitary conditions create good conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi in the perianal area.

In this case, a burning sensation in the anus may indicate a secondary infection.

On the other hand, burning in the anus can be caused by excessive hygiene of the anorectal area: frequent washing, use of all kinds of disinfectants and degreasing agents.

At the same time, local immunity in this area is reduced and it becomes quite easy for microorganisms to penetrate into the rectum.

Proctological diseases are the main factor

Diseases of the rectum, which are accompanied by severe burning:

  1. Chronic proctosigmoiditis which is characterized by inflammation of the rectum, affecting some organs of the abdominal cavity. Quite often, with this disease, making an accurate diagnosis is problematic, since malfunctions in individual organs blur the overall clinical picture. One of the signs of pathology is a strong burning sensation in the anus.
  2. Benign and malignant neoplasms of the rectum.
  3. Not the last cause of burning in the anorectal area is haemorrhoids, which increases the sensitivity of the lower intestine and also prevents the anal sphincter from closing normally. With this disease, the patient will experience pain in the rectum, which intensifies with defecation, and bleeding, and the nodes can be easily felt. Sometimes a burning sensation in the anus is caused by an allergy to antihemorrhoids or. An allergic reaction can also occur to any hygiene products for the perianal area.
  4. Often unpleasant subjective sensations are observed due to. In this case, it is especially intensified during or after defecation. This is due to the contact of feces and bacteria on the open wounded surface. Also, with rectal fissures, there is a disruption in the functioning of the anal sphincter, which increases the sensitivity of the lower intestinal mucosa and increases the burning sensation.

Other reasons

Pain, burning and itching in the anus can be caused by reasons not related to proctological pathologies:

  1. Diabetes mellitus.
  2. Diseases treated by a dermatologist: scaly lichen, genital herpes, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis.
  3. Shaving in the intimate area, the appearance of ingrown hairs.
  4. Intestinal dysbiosis, as a result of which the feces change their chemical composition and can severely irritate the perianal area.
  5. A burning sensation may appear due to impaired contractile function of the anal sphincter, for example due to perianal polyps and condylomas.
  6. Malfunctions of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, biliary tract due to various diseases, for example, giardiasis. As a result, the feces become fatty, oily, and are easier to pass out, irritating the area near the anus. Fatty stools may occur when taking weight loss medications based on orlistat.
  7. Sexual infections. Pediculosis pubis.
  8. Neurogenic burning sensation, it usually occurs in patients suffering from mixed diseases of the skin and central nervous system (neurodermatitis, diathesis, and others).
  9. Often the cause of discomfort in the perianal area is diaper rash. They most often appear in those who sweat a lot, in people who are overweight or have excessive hair around the anus, in young children, for example due to poor-quality diapers.
  10. Side effect of taking oral antibacterial drugs or from saline laxatives.

Little patients

In children, and sometimes in adults, a burning sensation in the anorectal area can be caused by infection with pinworm worms (enterobiasis). With this disease, nothing but scratching can be seen on the skin.

When infected with pinworms, symptoms in a child include grinding teeth during sleep, only night sleep is disturbed, lethargy, decreased concentration and memory, abdominal pain, and loose stools.

What risks do men take?

A burning sensation in the anus in men may be due to infectious prostatitis. Bacteria from the genitourinary system enter the intestines and cause irritation in the anorectal area.

In this case, I may experience other symptoms: difficulty urinating, pain when emptying the bladder, nocturia, decreased sexual activity.

Women's question

A burning sensation in the anus in women occurs due to various infectious diseases of the urinary system.

Other symptoms may include vaginal discharge, unpleasant odor, pain in the lower abdomen, and problems with urination.

Quite often, discomfort in the anus can appear due to thrush; this disease is easily diagnosed and treated, unlike most gynecological infections.

Associated clinical picture

Depending on what causes the burning sensation, the clinical picture of the disease will be different:

  1. For hemorrhoids In addition to burning and itching, there is pain during defecation, swelling of the anorectal area, varying in intensity from traces of blood on toilet paper to constant bleeding, the sensation of a foreign object in the anus, with external hemorrhoids.
  2. For anal fissures the pain intensifies with problems with bowel movements and with the passage of hard feces. In parallel, there is a discharge of scarlet blood from the anus. A burning sensation in the anus after stool is associated with irritation of the cracks with feces. With chronic fissures, discomfort and pain occur not only during bowel movements, but also during movement and changes in body position.

Diagnosis and patient interview

To accurately establish the cause of a burning sensation in the anus, you need to collect a complete history:

  • when a burning sensation appears in the intergluteal region;
  • how intense it is;
  • how long does it last;
  • Are there any other symptoms (pain in the anus, bleeding after defecation);
  • What time of day does it appear?

After the interview, the specialist prescribes a series of tests.

The following will help determine the cause of burning in the anorectal area:

  • blood test to determine blood glucose levels;
  • general stool analysis with interpretation (coprogram);
  • analysis of feces for the presence of pathogenic microflora in them, as well as the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;
  • scraping for eggworm;
  • genital smear;
  • visual examination by a gynecologist, urologist, proctologist.

It is possible that a colonoscopy and angiography of the blood vessels of the pelvis will be prescribed.

Treatment approach

Treatment of anal burning depends on the cause of the disease:

If the cause of burning in the anal canal is hemorrhoids or rectal fissures, rectal ointments and suppositories are used.
As soon as the rectal fissures subside and heal, the burning sensation will go away.

During treatment, all spicy and salty foods and alcoholic drinks are excluded. To eliminate pain, Betiol and Proctosan ointment are used.

The ointment is applied to external hemorrhoids after hygiene of the anorectal area. Suppositories are inserted into the anus after bowel movements or an enema.

Actovegin and Bepanten ointments also have a healing effect.

If you have problems with bowel movements, you can use laxatives, such as glycerin suppositories. They will soften the stool, resulting in less trauma to the anorectal area.

Help yourself!

Self-medication for these symptoms at home is not acceptable, but first aid is necessary.

Before seeking medical help you should:

  • after visiting the toilet, you should not wipe yourself, but wash yourself with warm water without using any hygiene products and blot the intergluteal area with a napkin or soft towel;
  • exclude the use of medications for the treatment of diseases of the rectum;
  • you can treat the anorectal area with a decoction of oak bark, mixing it with an equal amount of baby shampoo, of course, if you are not allergic to it;
  • do not wear synthetic underwear.

If it is definitely established that the cause of the burning sensation is anal fissures, you can use aloe using traditional methods. He has a wound-healing and antibacterial effect. To do this, apply a cut aloe leaf to the damaged area.

You can cut the leaf into several pieces, freeze them and then insert them into the rectum.

Also shown with a decoction of chamomile and calendula, they have a calming, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect

Preventive measures

Following the rules of personal hygiene, wearing clean and ironed cotton underwear, using soft toilet paper without fragrances and dyes, preventing constipation, eliminating excessive sweating, and timely treatment of concomitant diseases will all minimize the risk of burning in the perianal area.

If you experience discomfort in the rectum, you should not feel ashamed and self-medicate, but you should immediately consult a specialist because this could be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

This is a very personal and sensitive topic that men try not to talk about at all. There can be many reasons for discomfort in the anus, ranging from ignoring personal hygiene rules to serious diseases of the rectum. As a rule, if there is itching in the anus and perineum, discomfort, anxiety and other symptoms, men are reluctant to go to a specialist, thereby aggravating their situation.

If you notice unpleasant symptoms in sensitive areas, you must promptly seek help from specialists. In this review, we will talk about the reasons, how to get rid of unpleasant itching and burning in the anus, and which doctor to see.

Causes of itching in the anus and perineum

Experts identify several of the most common causes of itching and discomfort in the perineum and anus in men.

Fungus in the perineum in men

The most common fungus that affects the perineum and anus are fungi of the genus Candid, popularly called the disease. The fungus begins to actively multiply when the body weakens (illness, decreased immunity). As a rule, candidiasis affects:

  • Mucous membrane of the mouth, stomach, liver;
  • The skin of the genital organs of men and women;
  • Skin of inguinal folds;
  • Urethra.

Symptoms of fungus are:

  • Itching in the groin, anus and perineum;
  • and around the anus;
  • Spots of different diameters and shapes;
  • Flaky skin;
  • In advanced form, purulent discharge.

Treatment of fungus in the perineum consists of using antifungal creams Clotrimazole, Terbinox, Triderm, Chlorhexidine solution.

To treat fungus in the anus, Heparin and Troxevasin ointments and rectal (anal) suppositories are prescribed. All medications are prescribed only by a specialist; do not self-medicate.


Another disease that causes discomfort and itching in the anus. This is a disease caused by a violation of the outflow of blood into the tissue of the rectum. In addition to burning and itching, symptoms of hemorrhoids can include:

  • Mucous discharge with blood;
  • Burning in the anal area;
  • Swelling, inflammation;
  • Blood during defecation.

The disease and symptoms of hemorrhoids should be treated by a specialist. Practice shows that self-treatment at home rarely leads to a positive result and complete recovery, exacerbating the situation.

Therapy for hemorrhoids consists of taking anti-hemorrhoid suppositories and ointments. In advanced cases, the patient is prescribed surgery or removal of formations using a laser or nitrogen.

Intestinal dysbiosis is a common cause of burning and itching in the anus.

Frequent constipation, loose stools, and gastrointestinal diseases can lead to itching in the anus and perineum. Dysbacteriosis can be caused by fungus in the intestines, decreased immunity, infection, poor quality food, bad habits, etc.

Dysbacteriosis is treated with:

  • Normalization of nutrition and diet;
  • Taking antibiotics (to eliminate harmful bacteria);
  • Taking medications that restore intestinal microflora (Hilak-Forte, Linex, etc.).

Candidal urethritis

Itching in the anus in men, irritation in the perineum and on the penis - all these symptoms can signal a fungal disease -. This occurs due to a weakening of the urethral mucosal barrier; candidal urethritis can be caused by:

  • Obesity;
  • Neurosis, stress;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Allergy, psoriasis;
  • Active use of strong antibiotics;
  • Decreased immunity.

As a rule, the fungus affects the walls of the urethra, but it can often “settle” on the skin of the inguinal folds and the tissue of the anus. It can also manifest as pale white discharge from the urethra, red-brown spots on the penis, groin and perineum. The spots can be of different colors and sizes with peeling of the skin.

Drug treatment is prescribed using antifungal drugs (Fluconazole tablets, Ketoconazole cream, etc.).


These two problems are closely related to each other. Excess weight provokes active sweating, which in turn can lead to skin irritation, diaper rash and dermatitis, which cause itching in the perineum in men. There is no specific treatment for this problem; you need to normalize your weight by following a diet. At this time, the inguinal folds, anus and perineum can be periodically disinfected with a solution.

Diabetes mellitus

Burning sensation, unpleasant itching, pain in the anus and genital area may indicate diabetes mellitus. Here you will need to consult an endocrinologist.

Itching in the anus in a child

Helminth - aka worm

You can get rid of the symptoms and their causes at home by resorting to traditional medicine methods, but we advise you to first consult a pediatrician.

Which doctor should I consult if I have itching in the anus?

If your anus itches or you feel a burning sensation in the perineum and groin area, then first of all you need to go to the doctor for an examination. The following will be able to provide all possible assistance to the patient:

  • Proctologist;
  • Dermatologist;
  • Gynecologist;
  • Endocrinologist;
  • Gastroenterologist.

The specialist will listen to the patient’s complaints, conduct an examination and prescribe the following tests:

Based on the results of these tests and the characteristics of the patient’s body, treatment is prescribed, the effectiveness of which will depend on correct compliance.

Itching of the anus - folk remedies

Healing decoction. Chamomile flowers, burdock root and walnut bark are dried and mixed in equal proportions. Then two tablespoons are poured into 150 ml of filtered water and boiled for half an hour. The resulting broth is cooled, filtered through cheesecloth and drunk 50 ml three times a day.

Sitz baths. Oak bark (500 grams) is dried, placed in a saucepan, filled with water (5-7 liters) and boiled for 30 minutes. You can add calendula, string, and chamomile flowers to the decoction. Then this broth is cooled to a temperature of 35-40 °C and poured into a regular basin. The patient needs to sit in this basin for half an hour until it cools down completely.

Celandine. We take celandine, St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile flowers in equal proportions and dry. Two or three tbsp. l. dilute with a glass of boiling water, wait until it brews for 1.5 hours. You can add 15 drops. Drink the decoction three times a day, half a glass, an hour before meals.

Treatment with enemas. Dry chamomile and calendula flowers and mix in equal proportions. Two or three tbsp. l. boil in 150 ml of water for 20 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes. Ten drops of sea buckthorn oil are added to the decoction and used as an enema before bedtime.

Ointments for burning and itching. Vaseline mixed with cranberry juice and sea buckthorn oil is suitable for treatment. Apply to the anus area no more than four times a day.

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Constant itching in the anus in men is considered an alarming symptom that indicates the presence of dangerous diseases. If it does not go away on its own within 2-3 days, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will determine the cause of its occurrence.

Having identified the nature of the itching, treatment is prescribed, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the characteristics of the development of the disease. Without proper treatment, the problem may progress to the next stage. Often, embarrassment of doctors by patients became the cause of the development of rectal cancer.

Causes of itching

The skin near the anus is very delicate, so it immediately begins to react to any external irritant. Itching in the rectum signals the possible presence of a disease. It can be short-term or long-term with varying degrees of intensity. It's hard to resist scratching your private part.

The reasons for the appearance of itching and burning in the anus in men are:

  • Haemorrhoids. With it, the veins become enlarged, and nodes appear around the anus. With this disease, the patient experiences heaviness in the anus. After using the toilet, bloody discharge may appear.
  • which are the result of exposure to hemorrhoids or various injuries.
  • The presence of polyps that grow and prevent a man from going to the toilet. Removed surgically.
  • Anorectal fistulas, which are pathological canals. Sometimes they open directly in the rectum.
  • Chronic proctosigmoiditis, which is characterized by inflammation of the colon. In this case, burning and itching occurs around the anus in men.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Helminitis, pinworms and other worms, which often come out through the anus.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Obesity, which leads to the appearance of folds that interfere with intimate hygiene.
  • Mental illnesses.

These are not all the reasons for the development of burning and other unpleasant sensations. In addition to the main ones, indirect ones are distinguished. These include diseases that affect the appearance of discomfort in this area.

Symptom ika

It is quite difficult to independently determine the symptoms in this place, since it is almost impossible to visualize. That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. True, not everyone knows which doctor to see. It is better to immediately make an appointment with a proctologist, and he will refer you to other specialists if necessary.

The following symptoms are often present:

  • redness and swelling of soft tissues in the perianal area;
  • Excessive moisture due to excessive sweating or other reasons;
  • bleeding from or around the anus;
  • detachment of individual areas of skin;
  • the appearance of a rash or blisters.

Sometimes treatment occurs simultaneously with a proctologist, venereologist and dermatologist. In rare cases, a nutritionist is involved if the itching appears as a result of obesity. In this case, due to increased sweating, the area between the buttocks is constantly wet. On the Internet you can see various photos of what a constantly itchy anus looks like in adults.

The photographs clearly visualize small cracks and redness around the anus. Some have tumors that are removed surgically. Without surgery, going to the toilet will be painful and then impossible.

How is the cause diagnosed?

In order to correctly prescribe a medicine or ointment, it is necessary to understand the cause of the problem. A proctologist cannot always help with treatment; other doctors often get involved.

To identify the problem, analyzes and studies are carried out, namely:

  • Analysis of stool for the presence of worms and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Colonoscopy allows you to visually examine the rectal area.
  • Carrying out tests for the presence of genital herpes.
  • Sigmoidoscopy or examination of the rectum and colon using a special probe.
  • Sphincteromanometry is another way to study intestinal microflora using a probe.
  • Blood test for glucose levels.

Sometimes an abdominal ultrasound may be required. A standard survey is also conducted, during which the man will need to answer the following questions:

This is a standard list of questions that changes depending on the answers received.

How does the treatment work?

Itching near the anus is treated in various ways. This usually involves the use of various medications, physical therapy and surgery, depending on the extent of damage to the rectum and the cause of the problem.

Effective medications are those based on:

  • Shark liver oils;
  • Glycerin;
  • Starch and cocoa butter;
  • Zinc oxide;
  • Kaolin and lanolin.

Physiotherapy lasts for 10-15 days. It comes down to influencing damaged areas to regenerate soft tissue. Often itching is the cause of rectal fissures. As a result of healing, itching occurs around the anus.

If you scratch it, the soft tissues are damaged, as a result of which the wound healing process will be prolonged in time. The skin around the anus is especially delicate and susceptible to the negative effects of external factors.

What can be treated

This list of medications does not mean that they can be used independently. Depending on the cause, the doctor prescribes one drug or another. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. Self-prescription may cause an allergic reaction or become a catalyst for aggravating the situation.

Most often, proctologists prescribe:

  • Relief, which are sold in the form of suppositories or ointments;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Proctosan;
  • Aurobin;
  • Olestesin.

These medications treat itching and the cause of it. The duration of medication use depends on the severity of the disease.

How to treat at home

It is known why people often refuse to visit a proctologist. That is why they find various methods of treatment with folk remedies. There are many recipes on the Internet, some of which are very dubious. These include the use of chili pepper tincture. Also, oral use of infusions will be ineffective. It is necessary to consider measures that are aimed at local impact.

According to information portals, self-made suppositories are the most effective for treating discomfort in the anus. However, their cost will be much higher than those purchased at the pharmacy. At the same time, doctors question the quality and effectiveness.

To make them you need:

  • badger fat or any other natural fat of animal origin;
  • propolis, wax or other products from the apiary;
  • raw potatoes;
  • healing decoctions.

This mixture will need to be frozen, first shaped into a candle. Homemade medicine does not guarantee the desired effect and may cause other side effects.


Prevention is the best way to avoid unnecessary meetings with a proctologist and other doctors. To prevent anal diseases it is necessary:

  • carefully observe the rules of personal intimate hygiene;
  • wear comfortable and natural underwear;
  • use natural soap or special gels to treat the intimate area;
  • buy toilet paper without dyes and fragrances;
  • refuse to take hot baths;
  • Wash with cool or cold water.

Important! This article is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation for the use of the above medications if there is itching in the anus. Sometimes it is caused by diseases not related to proctology. Then the drugs will not have the desired effect and may be harmful to health.


If there is itching and burning in the anus, it is recommended to conduct a self-analysis to identify the cause. If this is an allergic reaction to underwear or poor personal hygiene, then you don’t have to go to the doctor, but solve everything yourself. When discomfort remains, despite eliminating these factors, you need to make an appointment with a proctologist.

A very unpleasant situation that can happen to anyone is itching in the anus. Quite uncomfortable sensations in such an intimate place significantly reduce the quality of life and cause a lot of psychological problems.

Many people endure this inconvenience for a long time and do not want to visit a doctor because of a feeling of shame and embarrassment, although the cause of itching and irritation may be a fairly serious disease that needs to be treated as soon as possible.

The problem is very delicate, and some simply do not know which specialist they need to contact, and it is not possible to consult with friends and acquaintances. In such a situation, you need to contact a proctologist, who will help solve the problem in a short time, or, in a difficult situation, refer you to other specialists for consultation. If itching of unknown etiology occurs, you may need to be examined by a general practitioner, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, and allergist.

In any case, if the problem cannot be solved with the help of simple hygiene procedures, you must immediately visit a proctologist.

TOP 5 causes of itching

1. Violation of personal hygiene rules

The most basic cause of severe itching in the anus may be a violation of personal hygiene rules. This also includes wearing uncomfortable or synthetic underwear, especially for women who constantly wear thongs.

To solve this problem, it is enough to simply remove the irritating factor and wash the perineum several times a day using baby soap, especially after defecation. Underwear should be changed every day. All diaper rash and areas of maceration should be treated with glycerin or baby powder after water procedures. If the problem persists, you need to seek help from a specialist.

2. Infectious and dermatological diseases

Some types of skin diseases can manifest themselves as symptoms such as itching of the perineum, in particular the anus. Psoriasis, eczema, scabies tend to spread to intimate parts of the body, but the symptoms will be bright and very varied, and itching in the anus will not be the first and main manifestation. Dermatitis occurs due to constant rubbing with seams, folds, and artificial fabric in the genital area.

In places of friction, cracks and wounds appear, which are entry gates for pathogens.

There are plenty of them in this place, and given the constant scratching, inflammation cannot be avoided. This type of itching is treated by a dermatologist using special ointments and physiotherapeutic procedures.

3. Diseases of the genitourinary system in women and men

Most sexually transmitted diseases affect the entire perineum, mostly in women and only occasionally in men. This is related to the physiological location of a woman’s anus and vagina. Most often, the anus itches due to the active phase of candidiasis, which almost every female representative experiences. This option is considered the most harmless.

Itching can also be caused colpitis (inflammation of the vagina) of various origins. Uncomfortable sensations that arise for these reasons will disappear when the underlying disease is treated and the causative agent of the pathological process is eliminated. Therapeutic measures include specific medications that are used to treat sexually transmitted diseases, or antifungal drugs.

4. Worm infestations

Itching in the anus can be caused by worms that affect the lower intestines.

Along with itching, a burning sensation can sometimes appear (usually after bowel movements), which indicates infection with roundworms or other types of worms.

5. Diseases of the rectum

In adults, the causes of itching in the anus may be associated with diseases of the rectum. In the case when the itching is accompanied by pain and spotting, it’s time to visit a proctologist, because we can talk about serious health problems that best decided at an early stage development.

The most common pathologies manifested by such symptoms may be the following:

  • rectal fissures;
  • anorectal fistulas;
  • inflamed hemorrhoids;
  • neoplasms of the lower rectum;
  • internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • malignant tumor of the rectum;
  • proctosigmoiditis, which affects the mucous membrane of the sigmoid and rectum.

The diseases are protracted and recurrent, so the patient’s main task is timely consultation with a doctor who will carry out diagnostic measures and prescribe effective treatment. Otherwise, the symptoms will increase, and the itching in the anus, according to subjective sensations, will fade into the background in comparison with the increasing pain syndrome and heavy bleeding. In such situations, surgeons come to the aid of proctologists and stop the pathological process with a scalpel.

Timely initiation of treatment from the first symptoms provides a high percentage of cure. Patients are treated with ointments, gels and medications that improve peripheral blood circulation in the venous bed.

Possible causes of itching in the anus

The question of why it itches in the anus will be answered by some diseases, the clinical picture of which can manifest itself in a similar way. Accordingly, itching in the perineal area sometimes appears with the following pathologies:

  • dysbacteriosis due to disruption of intestinal microflora (manifested by inflammation and irritation of the anus);
  • obesity and overweight (always characterized by diaper rash in all folds on the body, which are collections of colonies of pathological microorganisms, and, accordingly, itching appears);
  • diabetes mellitus (very often manifested by scratching of the perineum, especially in women);
  • Infants are very often exposed to diaper rash, which provokes itching, which is accompanied by loss of appetite and capriciousness of the baby;
  • increased sweating;
  • forced refusal of the opportunity to perform hygiene of the external genitalia (provokes irritation and itching in the perineum);
  • psychological disorders or severe shocks of a negative nature (cause itching of the skin and mucous membrane of some organs);
  • anogenital herpes;
  • papillomas (very often occur in the perineum and anus) can cause irritation during maceration.
It must be remembered that if there is an itching of the anus that does not go away after hygiene procedures, you need to look for the cause of its appearance in dysfunctions of the body.

Treatment of anal itching

In all pharmacies you can find a wide variety of remedies for itching in the anus. Most of them really do an excellent job with this problem, that is, the itching can stop. Typically, such external preparations contain the hormone hydrocortisone. But the effectiveness of such an ointment can be justified only in the case of dermatitis and diaper rash. In all other cases, the symptom will return as the underlying disease continues to progress.

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