Burdock (burdock) - treatment with burdock. Burdock - medicinal properties of each part of the plant

Burdock or burdock- medicinal plant with the widest spectrum actions. It is common in middle lane Russia, which makes funds based on it accessible. Burdock roots not only have medicinal properties, but also contraindications. The healing properties of burdock and the rules for use will be discussed in detail in this article.

How to preserve properties when harvesting

Possesses unique composition Why burdock is useful:

  • fatty and essential oils;
  • citric and malic acids;
  • pectins;
  • routine;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • inulin and other useful components.

Burdock: leaves for the winter. It is better to collect leaves in spring or early summer, when young shoots are full of energy. The raw materials are crushed and dried in the shade, in well-ventilated areas. Fresh leaves are widely used. The pulp of them is most effective for compresses and ointments.

Burdock: harvesting roots for the winter. The roots are collected in the fall; over the summer they accumulate healing substances. Burdock is a biennial plant. The roots of the first year have medicinal value. It’s not difficult to recognize them - they are powerful and larger.

The dug roots are washed, the above-ground parts are removed, and split into small pieces. Dry the roots at natural temperature, at fresh air. The raw material is considered ready when it loses flexibility and crumbles when the chips are compressed.

The product is stored in a dry place, protected from light for up to 3 years.

Healing properties of leaves

Young leaves of burdock (burdock) are actively used in folk medicine thanks to its properties:

  • accelerate tissue regeneration and promote wound healing;
  • are an excellent diuretic;
  • have an antiseptic effect;
  • promote the removal of toxins from the body;
  • improve metabolism;
  • help with joint diseases.

Casting burdock herb: medicinal properties

Burdock leaf juice: medicinal properties and recipe

The healing composition is extracted from ground leaves. Green mass scroll in a meat grinder and squeeze through cheesecloth. The resulting concentrate is used as the basis for an alcohol infusion.

A squeeze of the plant is used for kidney inflammation - the product is drunk before meals for a month. Start with 5 ml twice a day, gradually increasing the dosage to 10 ml three times a day. After the ultrasound, the course is repeated if there is positive dynamics, but the need still remains.

Decoction of burdock leaves: medicinal properties and recipe

A large spoonful of dried burdock leaf is placed in a pan with thick walls, poured with a liter of boiling water and covered with a blanket. You can use a thermos to prepare the medicine. The product should sit for 1.5 hours. Drink the resulting drink twice a day, 1/3 cup. The recipe is suitable for lotions. Used as an antiseptic local action, as well as internally to cleanse the body and strengthen general immunity.

Burdock compress for joints

The leaves are washed with running water and doused with boiling water, or kneaded with your fingers. Apply with the fleecy side for at least 2 hours. This procedure is effective for skin lesions.

To treat joints, leave the compress under insulation overnight.

The bright green surface of a fresh leaf will help get rid of nodules due to mastopathy and lactostasis.

Benefits of burdock root: medicinal properties

Most often, the roots are used as a base for a decoction.

Cooking method:

  1. Healing raw materials are poured with cold water.
  2. For 2 cups of liquid, 10 grams of dry ingredient.
  3. The composition should simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
  4. Then the broth is allowed to cool completely at room temperature.

Using a decoction of burdock roots. What does it cure?

Prevention of diabetes. Burdock contains bitter glycosides and inulin, which correct the metabolism of carbohydrates. Application herbal tea before meals allows you to avoid sharp increase blood sugar.

Eliminates problems gastrointestinal tract. Ulcers, gastritis, colitis, indigestion and constipation - this is an incomplete list of diseases that can be cured with the help of burdock. Substances with a mucous consistency included in its composition envelop the walls of the stomach and help heal damage. Acetaminophen slows down inflammatory processes.

The intestines are cleansed of toxins. A favorable environment is created for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria.

Burdock contains components that are similar in function to enzymes produced by the pancreas. The use of drugs based on medicinal plant helps quality digestion of food. A drink from the leaf enhances peristalsis and has a mild laxative effect.

Helps cleanse the liver. The main task of the liver is to remove harmful substances from the body. The burdock takes on part of its work and gives the organ the opportunity to recover.

Is effective means from hemorrhoids. Helps when used externally as part of baths. You can use a decoction of roots or leaves, or plant juice. Green pulp is applied as a lotion. Drinking it as tea will speed up recovery from illness due to its wound-healing properties.

But the benefits of burdock do not end there. Treatment of diseases is only one area of ​​its application, the second is cosmetology.

Application in cosmetology

Burdock has been used to preserve beauty for decades. Cosmetics based on it, they relieve inflammation and normalize work sebaceous glands. Tannins have a lifting effect.

Burdock contains vitamins A, E and C, zinc, magnesium and iron. Regular consumption of herbal tea makes the skin glowing due to its high mineral content.

Zinc tightens pores and regulates sebum production.

Magnesium able to remove toxins.

Iron ensures sufficient blood supply to tissues.

It's important to remember positive impact on the functioning of the digestive system. Well-functioning functioning of the stomach and intestines improves the condition of the skin and makes it possible to absorb the nutritional components coming from food. Recurring admission courses healing drink will help preserve youth.

Decoction or frozen juice cubes wipe cleansed facial skin and make masks from ground leaves.

Benefits of burdock for hair. How to cook?

Burdock oil will turn weakened hair into thick hair. It is obtained by squeezing the seeds and fruits of the plant. Buy medicinal composition can be found at any pharmacy. The mask is applied 20 minutes before washing your hair, intensively massaging the skin. Simple procedure:

  • will make curls shiny and smooth;
  • soothes the scalp;
  • strengthens the bulbs;
  • nourishes dry strands;
  • will prevent hair loss;
  • will stop inflammatory processes.

Finally, the curls are rinsed with a decoction, which gives them shine and restores water balance. Burdock oil is more effective against hair loss than many shampoos.

Contraindications for treatment with burdock

A contraindication to the use of burdock-based drugs is individual intolerance plants. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Burdock is truly a miracle cure, but do not forget that before starting self-medication you should consult a doctor.

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Burdock, also known as burdock, unpretentious herbaceous plant with an erect, branched stem 70 to 100 cm high. During flowering, it forms flowers in the form of balls of bright purple color. For gardeners, the plant always causes negative attitude, since it is a weed and can form extensive thickets in a short time.

There are more than 10 species of this plant. It is believed that burdock came to our regions since 1812, when it was almost universally used both in cooking and in medical purposes. IN modern world the root of the plant and its leaves remain popular as before. Fortunately, it grows on almost any soil and is completely unpretentious.

Composition of burdock

One hundred grams of raw burdock root contains:

Burdock leaves are usually used fresh, but the roots are especially distinguished by their beneficial properties in the first year of the plant’s life, then they become rough, hard and lose most of their beneficial qualities.

21 healing properties of burdock

  1. Help of burdock for scalp problems

    Burdock oil is the most affordable and proven product obtained from the roots of the plant, and has found well-deserved use in cosmetology. The oil, saturated with phytosterols and fatty acids, helps strengthen the scalp follicles and has a beneficial effect on hair growth. With seborrhea, it controls the production of sebaceous glands.
  2. Help with burns

    Freshly picked burdock leaves are used as a pain reliever for burns. A finely chopped leaf of the plant in a mushy form is applied to the affected area. In this case, the properties of burdock will have an antibacterial effect on the wound.

  3. Prevention and treatment of cancer

    Research conducted by scientists in Russia and India has established the ability of the substances that make up burdock roots to actively resist the development of malignant tumors. The roots of the May plant are considered especially useful; they are stored for future use, dried and taken infused in alcohol and aqueous solutions. In addition to tinctures from the root, the flowers of the plant are also used. At cancer diseases internal organs take a remedy prepared from burdock roots, butter And chicken eggs. It is also used to lubricate the skin for melanoma.

  4. Liver treatment

    Herbal infusions, aimed at treating diseases of the liver and pancreas, include burdock raw materials. This is due to the fact that compounds of the chemical components of the plant, carbon tetrachloride and acetaminophen, reduce inflammatory processes in gastritis and colic. So, for cirrhosis of the liver, a collection of burdock, elecampane, St. John's wort, chamomile and mint roots is used.

  5. A decoction of the roots of the plant is famous for its medicinal properties during exacerbations of diseases. digestive tract in particular ulcers duodenum, gastritis and dysbacteriosis. Substances of mucous consistency found in burdock, enveloping the walls of the stomach, protect it from unfavorable factors. For dysbiosis, use plant seeds infused with aqueous solution. Decoctions and infusions of burdock help cleanse the body of toxins and reduce blood glucose levels.

  6. Increasing the body's immunity

    Drinking burdock tea can trigger mechanisms aimed at protecting against viruses and bacteria external environment, thereby enhancing the natural immune properties of a person. The ability to improve lower blood circulation gives the right to use burdock extract as an antirheumatic agent.

  7. Improved skin appearance

    Skin is an indicator of our health. Sluggish, with a pale tone, it signals negative processes occurring within us. Burdock, having stimulating properties on digestive system and the ability to remove toxins, acts as a cleanser on the blood, while nourishing it with useful substances, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

  8. Diuretic property of burdock

    An infusion of the roots of the plant is a diuretic, this property allows it, removes toxins from the body, stimulating the liver. Tea made from burdock increases sweating and removes toxins through the skin.

  9. Diabetes help

    The ability of burdock to have a lowering effect on blood sugar levels is used to solve problems associated with diabetes. However, patients with this disease should use it with caution in combination with the main tablets.

  10. Help with allergic reactions

    The anti-inflammatory qualities of the plant can have a positive effect on atopic dermatitisallergic disease caused by hypersensitivity to environmental allergens and characterized by itching. Burdock improves the quality of immune molecules and inhibits genes responsible for strengthening immune properties body.

  11. Oral health

    A report from the Brazilian journal of dentistry, Biological and Pharmaceutical Journal, published an article in 2012, the content of which concerned the properties of the plant that affect dental infections. Studies have confirmed that burdock leaves are able to resist infections that destroy tooth enamel. Rinse oral cavity Infusions of burdock heal the oral mucosa and prevent the occurrence of caries.

  12. Strong Bones

    The plant is rich in composition in proteins, essential oils, insulin polysaccharide, protein substances, as well as the minerals of magnesium, calcium and manganese. In our regions, burdock is compared to ginseng, in terms of quantity useful substances and the properties that it is capable of providing. So one glass of boiled root can satisfy daily requirement in potassium and partially in magnesium, which makes this plant indispensable in the prevention of reducing the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis.

  13. Help with diseases of the endocrine system

    The composition of burdock includes vitamin B6, which controls the formation of hormones, and manganese in the plant is aimed at the normal functioning of the pituitary gland and is responsible for the production of sex hormones. The use of infusions with burdock extract gives a chance to increase the body's resistance to depressive conditions, while improving the performance of the entire endocrine system.

  14. Cardiovascular Health

    One glass of brewed plant root contains daily norm vitamin B6, which is responsible for the amount of the amino acid homocysteine. High performance Homocysteine ​​in burdock increases the chance of solving heart problems vascular disease. Excessive presence of homocysteine, an intermediate product of methionine metabolism, can cause internal damage walls blood vessels, and burdock, rich in manganese, prevents this process.

  15. Burdock for urinary tract diseases

    The ability of burdock root to eliminate excess fluid from the body makes it possible to classify it as a powerful diuretic. It is used to treat infections urinary tract, brewing finely chopped parts of the root in the form of tea.

  16. Positive effect of burdock on intestinal motility

    The seeds of the plant are used in folk medicine to improve intestinal motility; their mild laxative effect can solve delicate issue constipation

  17. Help with headaches

    The plant will also help with headaches. Like cabbage, a burdock leaf applied to the head can reduce headaches.

  18. Cough treatment

    Consuming burdock root infusion will provide additional treatment for the respiratory system. Inhalations from the infusion of the plant will relieve inflammation of the throat and relieve dry cough.

  19. Beneficial properties of burdock for joint diseases

    The use of burdock root reduces pain in those suffering from arthritis and osteoporosis, and also reduces joint swelling.

  20. Anti-infective effect of burdock

    The phytochemical polyacetylene, which is part of the fresh plant root, can resist bacterial infections urinary tract, ringworm, as well as fungal infections. The antibacterial properties of the plant stimulate wound healing and help in treatment peptic ulcer.

  21. Improved stomach function

    In folk medicine, burdock roots are used to treat problems of the gastrointestinal tract and as a stimulant. digestive. An infusion from the plant improves the secretion of bile, which improves the digestion process.

12 medicinal recipes from burdock

The Japanese have found the use of the leaves and roots of the plant in their cuisine and prepare a lot of it from it. delicious dishes. There, burdock is specially planted and grown in beds.

  1. Salad

    Well-washed burdock leaves -200 g, 50 g horseradish, 100 g green onions, 30 g plantain leaves, finely chopped with salt and seasoned with sour cream, you can add sesame seeds.
  2. Green gas station

    Pass through a meat grinder, or finely chop the leaves of burdock, sorrel, plantain, dill and parsley. Place the mixture in a plastic jar and freeze. If necessary, you can add it to side dishes and soups, as well as to meat and fish dishes.
  3. Coffee

    The crushed, well-washed roots of the plant are fried in a frying pan until brown, then ground in a coffee grinder. This coffee is brewed in the traditional way, using one teaspoon of raw material for one cup of water.
  4. Burdock root infusion

    It’s quite simple to prepare. 20 grams of finely chopped burdock roots should be poured with boiling water in the amount of 2 glasses and left, wrapped in a towel. Drink half a glass of infusion per day after meals. The range of help from this infusion is quite extensive; it will help with urinary tract diseases, peptic ulcers, problems with gastric motility, increased rates blood sugar, furunculosis. The period of taking this infusion for a positive result is about a month.
  5. Infusion of burdock leaves for the liver and stomach

    For liver and stomach diseases, use an infusion of plant leaves at the rate of 50-60 grams per three glasses of boiling water. Infuse the solution for 4-5 hours and take 3 times a day.

  6. Burdock juice for warts and papillomas

    Burdock juice helps cleanse the skin of warts and papillomas. You just need to apply the juice to unwanted formations.
  7. Burdock recipe for constipation

    For constipation, drink 1-2 tablespoons of strained infusion made from one glass of boiling water and 30 grams of burdock seeds. To achieve a positive effect, you should drink the product up to 3-4 times a day. This infusion is also used for osteoporosis and rheumatism.
  8. Burdock recipe for hemorrhoids

    For hemorrhoids, use an infusion prepared from 100 grams of finely chopped burdock roots, steamed with one liter of boiling water. The product is drunk 3-4 times a day, 4 tablespoons.
  9. For arthritis

    For painful symptoms of arthritis, gauze applications soaked in a solution of burdock are used. Pour 30 grams of plant flowers into one glass of boiling water, infuse and moisten napkins intended for applications. You can also add such a raster when taking a bath.
  10. For frostbite

    For frostbite, use an ointment prepared from 30 grams of plant leaves, which are boiled for about 30 minutes and then mixed with 100 grams of butter.
  11. Hair recipe

    Good action burdock also has an effect on dry brittle hair. To prepare a mask for weakened hair, you will need an yolk and one tablespoon of vegetable, or another of your choice cosmetic oil. 4 tablespoons of kefir are added to the mixture. The mask can not only revitalize your hair, but also accelerate its growth. Cosmetologists have long been successfully using the properties of the plant to prevent early baldness in both men and women.
  12. Facial toner

    The plant will also take care of your facial skin. Leaf juice diluted in a 1:1 ratio can be used as a tonic. They can be used to wipe skin prone to increased sebum secretion.

In our regions, burdock leaves are added to salads in the spring, when they are most tender.

Contraindications to the use of Burdock

Burdock should not be used for:

  1. Individual intolerance. Having strong medicinal properties, infusions and ointments using the plant can provoke severe allergic reactions.
  2. Should be used with caution by women during pregnancy.
  3. Burdock is quite common and easily grows almost everywhere. It should be remembered that raw materials collected in contaminated areas are not capable of providing a sufficient therapeutic effect.
  4. The plant should not be used long period, this will not cause positive result, but the exact opposite will affect the body in the form of a decrease in performance and a decrease in overall tone.
  5. Treatment with burdock is also contraindicated for intestinal colic.
  6. It is not recommended to use burdock-based preparations for children under 12 years of age.
  7. Excessive, unjustified use of burdock infusions can also cause negative reactions in the body.

Burdock can grow taller than a person.

Burdock leaves are fed to domestic animals, and birds eat the seeds with pleasure. Gardeners make a starter from the leaves and then spray them to kill garden pests.

It was the ability of burdock flowers to release a claw and be caught by it that prompted an innovator named Georges de Mestral (an engineer from Switzerland) to create the Velcro fastener. Another interesting fact is that when it rains, these claws on the caps of the plant straighten.

In the old days, burdock was credited with magical properties and burdock root was worn as a necklace, believing that it eliminated the influence of dark forces. And in houses they hung the roots of the plant above the entrance, believing that they protected the house from visiting people with bad thoughts.

In cooking, burdock roots replace carrots.

You can prepare burdock yourself or buy ready-made preparations in pharmacies.

What else is useful?

Burdock (Arctium lappa) is also known by such names as Burdock, Dedovnik, Lopeshnik, Relyak, Repnik, Ashpelnik and Burdock. Burdock is a biennial herbaceous plant that has large, broadly ovate leaves, the color of which is green on top and grayish-felt underneath. Burdock root is branched and thick, spindle-shaped. It grows about 15 meters deep. The stem of the plant is quite powerful and is fully formed only in the second year of its life. Burdock grows upward about 2-3 meters, the leaves are quite large, and in the first year of their life they are basal, oval or triangular in shape, drooping, with a diameter of 50 cm. Burdock flowers are very small in size, lilac-purple in color, collected in “ baskets." The fruits of this weed are in the form of small seeds that fully ripen only at the end of summer.

Today there are about 11 species of burdock, whose habitat is located in the temperate zone of Asia and Europe, as well as the British Isles and Japan. Burdock also grows in Northern and South America, where it prefers mostly fertile soil. It became widespread in Europe and Russia during the Great Patriotic War, when in 1812 Russian soldiers brought burdock seeds with them. In Russia, this plant can be easily found on heavy soil, forms continuous thickets on the banks of rivers and other bodies of water, grows on the side of the road, in ravines and even on garbage dumps. It is also widespread in vegetable gardens as a weed, in gardens, wastelands and clearings.

Harvesting and storing burdock

Burdock raw materials can easily be found on the herbal shelf in pharmacies, but you can also prepare raw materials at home without any extra effort. Basically, it is burdock root that has medicinal properties. It is harvested mainly from September to October in the second year of life. To carefully remove the root, you need to dig up the entire plant with a shovel, shake it off the ground, cut off the thin roots and the above-ground part of the burdock with a knife, and rinse it in cold water and peel off the bark. After this, the root needs to be spread thin layer on a cloth or newspaper for drying under a canopy in a dry place (possibly in the attic).

Basically, after drying, the root should be packaged in a cloth bag and stored in a dark, dry, cool place. Dried burdock root has a slightly distinctive faint odor, tastes sweetish, with a slightly noticeable sliminess. Burdock root contains bitter and tannin substances, essential oil (0.17%), protein (up to 12%), and inulin (up to 40%). Decoctions from the root are used mainly as a diuretic and diaphoretic. It is also very useful to drink burdock root for rheumatism and gout. The infusion of the root for hair extensions is also very popular. It is usually used with butter or almond oil.

Burdock greens are also suitable for drying. It needs to be collected from early spring to late autumn. It can not only be dried and stored for decoctions, but also frozen or salted, and the weed petioles can be pickled.

Use in everyday life

Burdock leaves and stems are very common as an additive in salads. Many people also like to eat burdock roots raw, fried or pickled, and even add it to soup! If the root is thoroughly dried, it can be used to make flour for mixing with wheat and baking very tasty bread.

Not many people know that burdock itself and its flowering is a highly productive honey plant that bees simply adore and cannot fly past. Honey from burdock blossoms is dark in color, viscous, has a delicate aroma and is very good taste, which can be compared in terms of the content of its useful substances only with linden honey. Over the short period of its life, burdock can accumulate a lot of different substances useful for our body, especially potassium salts. It is precisely because of the excess of potassium salts that previously it was possible to obtain potash (potassium carbonate) from the dry stem by burning it, which is often used for soap making, crystal making, and even as a fertilizer for acidic soils.

Even burdock seeds have found their use in our lives. Because they are rich fatty oil, but due to their sharp bitterness they are not popular in food; they are actively used in perfumery for the production of drying oil. He also loves them poultry as feed.

Composition and medicinal properties of burdock

  1. Burdock has proven its medicinal properties in practice thanks to many studies and rich experience. traditional healers. This plant can be safely called medicinal, since its use has become widespread due to its diaphoretic, diuretic and mild analgesic properties.
  2. In addition to all this, burdock can also easily relieve you of allergies, relieve itching, and even significantly improve the condition of your skin.
  3. It has antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, and also a slight laxative effect, which is very helpful with gastrointestinal disorders, antidiabetic effect, and is widely used in the removal of kidney stones and the removal of salts in joints.
  4. In dermatology it is also very often attributed, since the effect is not just quick, but also long-lasting.
  5. Most often in medical practice It is the fresh or dried root of the burdock itself that is used, and much less often its flowering and leaves. Decoctions of burdock root are used for severe disorders stomach, with intestinal diseases, gout, metabolic disorders, diabetes, edema, rheumatism, cholelithiasis, gastritis, exudative diathesis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and skin diseases.
  6. In addition to decoctions, burdock oil is also used for diseases such as severe burns, bedsores, wounds, trophic ulcers and frostbite.
  7. An infusion of burdock leaves is used for urolithiasis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  8. Juice from burdock leaves (fresh) is used in the treatment of bruises, severe wounds, burns, ulcers, hematomas, boils and bedsores.
  9. A decoction of burdock inflorescence and its fresh leaves is used for baths and compresses for diseases of the joints and spine.
  10. The use of burdock in folk medicine

    A decoction of burdock roots for urolithiasis and housing and communal services diseases

    If you suffer from gastritis, urolithiasis or colitis, then it is recommended to prepare a decoction according to the following recipe: pour 10 g of crushed burdock root into a jar with 300 ml of boiling water, then leave the infusion in a water bath for about 30 minutes, cool and strain thoroughly. You need to take one glass of the decoction three times a day.

    For the treatment of gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids and exudative diathesis, use the following decoction

    Take 100 grams of crushed burdock root and fill it in a liter jar with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let the broth brew for about 40 minutes, then strain it through a gauze cloth and add a little honey to your taste. You need to drink this decoction 3 tablespoons 4 times a day.

    Infusion of the plant for baldness, frostbite or for the treatment of burns and damage to the skin

    To treat a burn or frostbite (which often occurs in everyday life), or to cure baldness, an ointment prepared at home from burdock root is a great help. To do this, you need to take 25 leaves and burdock root (having previously crushed them), pour a small amount of boiling water over everything and leave to infuse for half an hour. After this, add a little butter (approximately 100 g) to the substance and rub the mixture on the problem area of ​​the skin.

    Burdock oil for skin diseases and hair restoration

    To cope with skin disease, as well as promote active hair growth, you need to take 75 grams of young weed root and pour 200 ml of it sunflower oil. This mixture should be infused for at least one day, but no more than three. After infusion, the mixture is simmered over low heat for about 15 minutes, then removed from the stove, filtered while hot and cooled. When everything is done, apply with massaging movements to problem areas of the skin.

    Fresh burdock juice for the treatment of wounds, bedsores, burns

    For the treatment of burns, bedsores and wounds, making juice from green burdock leaves is also a good option. To prepare the juice, you need to take young shoots of grass and squeeze the juice out of them. Next, mix it with finely chopped burdock leaves, and apply it all as a compress to the sore spot.

    A decoction of burdock leaves and flowers for lotions for joint and bone pain

    to cure joint disease and osteochondrosis, you need to take 40 grams of a mixture of burdock leaves and inflorescences, pour the entire mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil over low heat for about 5 minutes. Afterwards, cool everything and strain thoroughly. Can be used as a lotion or compress.


    Burdock is a fairly peaceful plant, which is very widely used in medicine and in everyday life. That's why he doesn't have any strict contraindications, but using it in any form is not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or if you have an individual intolerance to the weed itself.

    The substances contained in burdock can cause bleeding in patients suffering from low blood clotting, as well as thrombocytopathy. Just like for others medicinal herbs, treatment with burdock is also not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age, since such treatment poses a potential danger to the baby. It is recommended not to self-medicate, and before using this or that decoction or ointment, you should consult with your doctor, who will decide whether you can use burdock root or not.

What does burdock help with? How to properly use burdock in treatment? Indications and contraindications for treatment with burdock.

Burdock, or, as it is popularly called, burdock, is a fairly common and simple plant for our latitudes. It can be found in a summer cottage, in a city under a house, in a forest or in a field. Despite its prevalence, burdock is quite useful plant, which has a wide range of applications in folk medicine.

Burdock root and leaves - medicinal properties

  • Burdock in home medicine cabinet can be used as infusions, ointments and compresses. Moreover, all parts of the plant (root, trunk, leaves, cuttings and juice) find their use for medicinal and preventive purposes.
  • Burdock pollen makes excellent honey. In cooking, burdock leaves are often used to add a unique taste to soups, salads, main courses and confiture. During the hunger strike, burdock root was eaten instead of potatoes.
  • If we talk about the medicinal properties of this plant, then, first of all, it is worth mentioning its mind-blowing popularity in cosmetology. It is used in many creams, masks, tonics and balms for the face, body and hair.
  • In medicine, burdock is used to strengthen the immune system, prevent and combat diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, as well as such complex diseases like cancer and diabetes mellitus

The burdock plant contains essential oils, resins and vegetable starch. Each of his products has found its application in folk medicine. They have a great effect on cleansing the blood and the entire human body. The use of burdock helps remove toxins, stones and salts. Burdock also helps fight joint diseases and gout.

Burdock - kidney treatment. Burdock root for kidney stones

Burdock is very widely used in medicine to treat kidney diseases such as cysts or kidney stones. On early stages in combination with other methods of therapy, the nephrologist may prescribe burdock decoction.

Here are the most famous methods of preparing medicines for kidney ailments based on burdock:

  1. First of all, a kidney cyst is treated with burdock juice. To extract it, cut the washed burdock leaves and squeeze the juice out of them. For this purpose, it is advisable to have a juicer or meat grinder on hand, since the juice needs to be renewed every three days (this maximum term storage of burdock juice). The resulting juice is taken the first two days, a teaspoon before meals in the morning and evening, the second two days - the same amount, but three times a day, and the remaining time - a tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is one month
  2. To increase the effectiveness of burdock juice, add dried aspen leaf powder to it on the tip of a knife.
  3. To prepare a decoction of burdock root, take ten grams of it and boil it in a glass of water for twenty minutes over low heat. Let the broth cool for about half an hour and strain it. We distribute one such portion of the decoction into three to four doses per day.
  4. In order to make a compress from burdock, which helps to resolve a kidney cyst, we wrap its leaf with the white part to the area of ​​the diseased kidney and insulate it with a warm woolen scarf.

It is advisable to apply such a compress at night, since its effect time is at least eight hours.

Burdock as a diuretic

Burdock has excellent diuretic and diaphoretic properties.

In order to prepare a diuretic from burdock, add three hundred grams of its roots into eight hundred grams of boiling water and let them simmer over low heat until the liquid is reduced by half. Then we infuse the resulting decoction for about half an hour and filter it. Add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the cooled infusion. We take burdock infusion half a glass three times a day and a glass at night.

Burdock root for allergies. How to use burdock tinctures?

Burdock has excellent antiallergic properties. It removes from the body harmful substances, which can cause mixed reactions. Burdock copes best with this mission in tandem with dandelion. Here are a couple of recipes for preparing burdock infusions for allergies:

  1. If we only use burdock, then in the evening we pour two tablespoons of its root into half a liter boiled water and leave it overnight. In the morning, put the infusion on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for about five minutes. While still hot, strain the broth and drink half a glass on an empty stomach. We drink the remaining drink over the next three times
  2. In the evening, take a tablespoon of burdock root and dandelion, pour three glasses of cold boiled water and leave overnight. Place the resulting infusion in a water bath and heat for ten minutes. Strain the broth and take a third of a glass five times a day.
  3. Take a tablespoon of burdock root, rose hips and dandelion roots. Pour it all into a glass hot water and put it in a water bath. Keep the mixture in a water bath for fifteen minutes, cool it and strain. We drink the infusion three times a day, one third of a glass.

Benefits of burdock for the liver. How to use burdock juice?

In the fight against liver diseases and hepatitis, it is recommended to use burdock juice. It is advisable to take May juice as a medicine. To do this, you need to collect burdock leaves and squeeze the juice out of them using the same juicer or meat grinder. Freshly squeezed juice can be stored for no more than three days.

Take burdock juice for the liver, one tablespoon three times a day before meals. Having taken the medicine in this way for a whole week, you need to take a break for seven days, and then repeat the course again, etc.

Burdock for gout

There are several ways to fight gout with burdock:

  1. To make an infusion for gout, take two large spoons of dry crushed burdock root and fill them with three glasses of water. Let the mixture brew for a couple of hours and put it on the fire. After boiling for fifteen minutes, strain it. Take the resulting decoction half a glass three times a day after meals, warm.
  2. For gout in the joints, grind burdock leaves to obtain half a liter of pulp. Add half a liter of honey and half a liter of vodka to them, mix everything thoroughly. We take this mixture three times a day, a tablespoon before meals. The medicine must be stored in a dark place - the refrigerator is not suitable
  3. If you have gout on your leg, you can make burdock compresses. Take a tablespoon of dry crushed burdock roots and cook in a glass of water for about ten minutes. Infuse the decoction for forty minutes. We fold the gauze in several layers and dip it in the infusion. Apply a compress to the sore leg and insulate it with a woolen scarf or cotton wool. The compress is done at night, and after each procedure it is advisable to change the gauze or wash it thoroughly. The course of treatment is a month of daily compresses

Burdock for hemorrhoids

For hemorrhoids, burdock medications can be used both orally and as baths:

  1. To prepare an infusion of burdock, take a handful of its flowers and pour a liter of boiling water. Let the mixture brew for two hours and drink one glass per meal instead of tea. This type of tea is used for both internal and external hemorrhoids
  2. To prepare burdock baths, dig up its root at the moment the flowers set, wash it thoroughly and cut it in half. Fill the burdock root with water and put it on fire in an enamel pan. After boiling, let the broth simmer over low heat until it becomes brown. When the broth is ready, let it cool to body temperature and pour it into a basin. You need to take such baths for fifteen minutes three times a day. It is very important that the source of the disease is completely immersed in the bath. As a rule, burdock baths are taken for external manifestations of hemorrhoids

The healing properties of burdock for joints. Burdock in folk medicine: recipes

To improve the condition of human joints and relieve pain in them, burdock can be used in all possible forms: compresses, infusions, decoctions, ointments and creams. Here are some of the most popular recipes for such medications:

  1. The most basic burdock compress is a compress made from its leaves. We take young, thoroughly washed and dried burdock leaves and apply them to the sore spot, previously lubricated with any vegetable oil. We fix the sheet on top with compress paper (ordinary polyethylene will create greenhouse effect) and leave it overnight
  2. The knee joint can be treated with a compress of several burdock leaves, folded with the fluffy surface down. Before placing sheets on them, place a vessel with hot water. Then we apply all the leaves to the sore spot moistened with oil, with the velvety surface facing the skin. We fix the burdock with compress paper and insulate it overnight. It is worth noting that the course of treatment with all compresses is one month.
  3. For painful symptoms in the back area, you can mash a burdock leaf and dip it in cologne. Then you need to apply it to the sore spot, cover it with polyethylene and insulate it overnight. It is advisable to carry out this procedure regularly for half a month.
  4. An infusion of burdock with vodka is good for relieving joint pain. To prepare it, take crushed burdock roots, fill them with vodka and leave in the dark for two weeks.
  5. To create the oil, pour eighty grams of burdock root into a glass of unrefined oil and leave for one day. After 24 hours, put the infusion on the fire, cook it for fifteen minutes and strain. It is better to keep burdock ointment in the refrigerator

Cleansing with burdock. How to use burdock decoction?

With the help of burdock, you can not only cleanse the entire body of toxins, but even cleanse the blood. Many claim that burdock is capable of removing radionuclides and toxic substances from the body.

After severe poisoning or undergoing chemotherapy, this plant will help get rid of the aggravating consequences and will expel heavy substances and toxins in the near future.

For cleansing purposes, both burdock juice and its decoction can be used. Here are a few medicinal prescriptions:

  1. To cleanse the blood, take a teaspoon of dried burdock root and pour it with a glass of water. Place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and let simmer for a couple of minutes. Drink a glass of infusion three times a day on an empty stomach. Cleansing should be carried out for at least two weeks
  2. Take twenty burdock fruits (burdocks) and fill them with a cup of hot water. Cover the mixture with a lid and simmer over low heat for twenty minutes in an enamel pan. We drink a cup of warm thorn infusion three times a day on an empty stomach. The cleansing course lasts one month and is repeated no more than once a year.

Burdock root for stomach ulcers

For stomach and duodenal ulcers, burdock is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Here are a couple of recipes for preparing medicines from burdock for ulcers:

  1. Take a large spoon of dry burdock root and fill it with half a liter of boiled water. Let the mixture sit for two hours and strain it. We drink the infusion two hundred milliliters hot three times a day
  2. Take a tablespoon of crushed burdock and lovage roots and pour them into a glass of boiled water. Boil the mixture over low heat for just a minute. Let the broth brew for about an hour and strain it. We use the medicine three times a day, one-fourth of a glass

  • Burdock is rich in vitamins C and E. These healthy vitamins are able to protect the skin from the effects of free radicals, which are recognized as one of the main causes of wrinkles. Vitamin C improves collagen production in female body, which affects the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Vitamin E also protects skin from sun damage
  • The composition of burdock root also includes folic acid and niacin. They are essential for maintaining youthful skin. It also contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. They help enrich the skin with oxygen
  • Burdock is an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, so it helps eliminate various pimples and blackheads from the surface of the skin.

Burdock for strengthening and growth of hair (link to article)

Since ancient times, burdock was considered an excellent remedy for hair. Our grandmothers also preferred to wash their hair with a decoction or infusion of burdock instead of shampoo and conditioner. Burdock root, juice and leaves help hair recover in a very short period, nourish it and prevent hair loss.

Well oh burdock oil Needless to say. Every woman knows what it is the best remedy to stimulate hair growth. The composition of burdock allows hair to look silkier, shiny and healthy.

How to use burdock oil?

  • Burdock oil is used all over the world to combat dandruff, seborrhea and to stimulate hair growth. It can easily be purchased at any pharmacy or specialized hardware store. You can prepare this oil at home
  • When using, burdock oil must be heated and rubbed into the scalp with gentle massaging movements. Then it is advisable to cover your head with something cellophane to avoid the appearance of greasy stains and insulate it with a towel. After walking around with burdock oil for about an hour, you need to rinse it thoroughly with shampoo. The course of treatment with burdock oil is two months
  • In addition to hair, burdock oil can be applied to eyelashes. They also require care and nourishment. The oil will strengthen their structure and stimulate growth
  • Burdock oil is also used for the skin. It perfectly moisturizes it and normalizes metabolic processes.

How to use burdock extract?

In addition to burdock oil, you can also purchase its extract at the pharmacy. Burdock extract is a concentrated substance from which many medicines can be created.

It can be taken orally in diluted form or as part of various infusions and solutions. Unstirred burdock extract has a very rich and bitter taste, so taking it in pure form not recommended. In addition, it is quite difficult to regulate the dosage of such a drug.

Contraindications to the use of burdock

The big advantage of treating burdock is the absence of contraindications. The only exceptions are pregnant and lactating women. It is better for them to consult a doctor before starting to use burdock.

It is also necessary to be careful when using medicines based on this plant for people suffering from allergic reactions, since they may have individual intolerance to such drugs, especially with their complex regular use in large quantities.

However, no matter how beneficial and health-improving the properties of burdock are, before starting to use it for various diseases, it is better to get the advice and approval of a doctor. Since self-medication is sometimes worse than inaction.

Video: Using burdock

In nature, there are several types of burdock or burdock, but only large and felt ones have healing properties. It is quite difficult for an amateur who is not well versed in botany to distinguish these plants. In cooking they are cleaned, boiled or stewed and eaten. The delicacy is especially popular in Japan, where it is cultivated.

The list of beneficial properties of burdock is impressive, which is quite surprising for a weed that grows “under every fence” in the summer and clings to clothes with its thorns.

In folk medicine, all parts of burdock are used: stems, roots, seeds and leaves. Juice is squeezed out of parts of the plant, compresses, ointments, tinctures, decoctions and infusions are made. Pharmacies sell both simply the dried root of the plant and a number of medicines made from it. Treatment with burdock is not only the preserve of traditional medicine; it can be prescribed by qualified medical specialists, which significantly strengthens the “reputation” of a healing plant.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Although burdock is considered a weed, it contains many beneficial substances.

The roots, stems and leaves of the plant contain:

  • organic acids;
  • inulin;
  • tannins;
  • B vitamins;
  • proteins;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils.

The highest content of microelements is:

  • calcium;
  • gland;
  • zinc

Only the leaves contain vitamin C and carotene, and the seeds contain arctiin and fatty acids. The plant has a choleretic, diuretic and laxative effect. The benefits of burdock leaves include analgesic, disinfectant, antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory effects. Range medicinal properties the plant root is slightly wider: clinical studies Burdock root tincture has been shown to lower blood sugar and increase glycogen levels in the liver.

Due to the high concentration of antioxidants, it is recommended to take it for prevention and as a additional treatment oncology.

However, therapy with plant derivatives also has its contraindications. First of all, an obstacle to taking medicine from burdock may be individual intolerance to its individual components. Allergies can be identified either empirically, or with the help of a specialist. It is not advisable for pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children to drink decoctions or tinctures. At the very least, it’s definitely not worth experimenting without consulting a specialist.

Healing properties and rules of use

The medicinal properties of large burdock are almost completely identical to those of felt burdock:

  • Burdock is effective for diseases of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder;
  • The juice of the plant is used to lubricate wounds, burns, bedsores and ulcers. A natural antiseptic often saves the situation when you have it at hand special means No. Burdock leaf juice is much more effective and healthier than dusty plantain leaf;
  • The juice of the roots of the plant helps with ulcers, gastritis, diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • The product helps with weight loss: in just a week, a decoction of burdock cleanses the body;
  • IN Chinese medicine The juice of the plant is given to those who have been bitten by a snake to drink to detoxify the body.

All details about beneficial properties you will learn burdock from the video:

You can buy a concentrated liquid at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself.
To do this:

  • Leaves or roots are thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt;
  • Then soak for a couple of hours, squeeze out and dry thoroughly. It is important that raw water did not get into the finished medicine;
  • Then the mass is crushed, placed in gauze, folded several times, and squeezed out.

You need to take the medicine on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon three times a day. On average, the course of treatment usually does not take more than 7 days. This is followed by a break of 7-10 days.

The plant occupies a special place in cosmetology due to the fact that burdock treats a number of “cosmetic” diseases: from teenage acne and to dandruff.
Use it as a basis for:

  • shampoos;
  • balms;
  • creams;
  • lotions;
  • body milk

You can prepare the decoction yourself:

  • For every 50 grams of leaves, stems and roots, there are 150-200 grams of water;
  • The washed and dried parts of the plant are crushed, filled with water and brought to a boil;
  • You need to infuse the solution for about a day;
  • Then it is filtered.

Apply the decoction to problem areas of the skin or rinse your hair after washing.
The plant made a “name” for itself through the famous burdock oil, which is sold in every pharmacy. It's also easy to make at home. In a ratio of 1:2, pour crushed burdock roots olive oil. Leave for two weeks, and healing elixir beauty is ready.

Although the plant has a number of healing properties, its use is often limited to the treatment of diseased joints. For these purposes fresh leaves The burdock is cleaned of dirt and washed. Then lubricate with natural vegetable oil and apply the smooth “front” side to the sore spot. The top of the compress is covered with cotton wool and wrapped in cellophane to preserve it. temperature regime. It is recommended to apply the leaves at night. Usually, after the second application of the compress, the first results appear: sharp pains dull and the swelling subsides.

Apple cider vinegar can also help heal sore joints.

Burdock seeds: their medicinal properties and how to use them

Burdock seeds are used very rarely for treatment. Not because they are ineffective. They are simply more difficult to assemble and prepare. If the roots are collected at the end of spring, the leaves throughout the summer, then it will be possible to get to the seeds only in the fall. They can only be collected in dry weather, approximately between the end of September and mid-October. In some regions, capricious nature “pleases” with rains, which turn into a “chronic” stage. That is why collecting seeds that will be suitable for use in traditional medicine recipes is quite problematic.

Their benefit lies in a powerful laxative effect, and harm can only be caused by a severe overdose. Place 1 tablespoon of seeds into a saucepan with 200 grams of water. They are boiled for five minutes, and then the resulting decoction is allowed to brew thoroughly. Usually a few hours are enough, but you can extend this process over a whole day to make the liquid more concentrated. Drink a decoction of seeds, 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day before meals. The result makes itself felt by the evening of the first day of treatment for constipation.

Burdock tincture and its medicinal properties

Burdock tincture is used to treat gout, atherosclerosis, influenza, furunculosis and urolithiasis. The product has long terms storage, and you can even prepare it at home.

By classic recipe you will need:

  • 250 grams of vodka;
  • 1 cup crushed burdock root.

The plant mass is simply poured with vodka and left for about a week in a dark, cool place. It is better to use a container for the medicine made of dark glass. After a week, the tincture is filtered.

All the details about the benefits of the tincture and various recipes You will learn how to prepare it from the video:

As a preventive measure, it is enough to drink 1 teaspoon per day. To treat colds, 3-4 times a day, 1 teaspoon of tincture is mixed with honey in equal proportions and consumed with hot tea. For urolithiasis, drink the tincture for about a week, 2-3 times a day. To treat joints and muscles, the root is also added to it for greater effectiveness. You should be careful with the dosage, especially for diseases in severe stages. Consultation with your attending physician is considered mandatory.

Medicinal properties and contraindications for women

The product, thanks to its healing properties, has found its use in gynecology:

  • Burdock decoction helps normalize menstrual cycle which may be disrupted after surgery or due to a nervous breakdown;
  • The plant is also useful after childbirth: it helps a woman activate hidden reserves and restore strength after ordeal for the body;
  • Directly during menstruation active substances burdock juice “saves” a woman from painful cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • During menopause, a radical restructuring of the body to a new regime will be easier and with less stress if you systematically take plant-based medications;
  • As is known, cystitis in chronic form Mostly only women are affected. Men because of the structure genitourinary system“this cup” has passed around. The cause of cystitis lies in the inflamed bladder, which burdock will help cure.

Although doctors prescribe burdock as a additional method therapy, but it still received a place of honor only in folk medicine. Burdock is especially respected in China.

Chinese doctors use the plant as a real panacea:

  • for colds;
  • flu;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • constipation;
  • and even syphilis.

Few people know that burdock decoction helps not only with snake bites and poisoning, but also to relieve hangover syndrome. Just half a glass of plant decoction is enough to stop the noise in your head and improve your mood. And you don't need newfangled Alco-Seltzer or classic cucumber pickle.

The strongest advantage of burdock can be considered its prevalence. An adaptable plant systematically covers more and more new territories.

To collect burdock, you just need to go outside and get close to the most impassable thickets of weeds. Just one such trip and the healing bush will be in your hands. All that remains is to “cook” it correctly.

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