What is rapid fire in men? Rate of fire in a man: causes and solution to a delicate problem. Don't forget to go to the toilet before intercourse

A considerable number of people have encountered such a problem as “I’m a quick shooter,” or “my boyfriend is a quick shooter.” This term, meaning too rapid ejaculation, is extremely unpleasant for every man to hear from his woman. What to do if you are a rapid shooter, and how to get rid of the problem?

A guy is called a quick shooter if only a couple of minutes, and sometimes even a few seconds, pass from the moment the sexual intercourse begins and ends. In other words, a quick shooter is a person who cannot long time control sexual contact. There are many reasons why ejaculation occurs too quickly. Sexologists believe that important role age, degree of experience in sexual relations and sexual activity play a role. Also, due to some illness, the act can pass very quickly.

Reasons for ejaculating too quickly

  • Too little sexual experience. The very first sexual intercourse does not always last long enough for everyone, so you should not worry or be upset. After a few months, everything will return to normal, and an inexperienced boy can make an excellent lover with a lot of experience in bed.
  • Inability to control and manage your erection. IN modern world already written large number books on this topic that can be found in the library. Not all men know that the problem can be dealt with, and they simply try to have sex as little as possible, as a result of which a lot of complexes appear about this.
  • Feeling afraid with another partner. According to statistics, every second male representative has a fear of “screwing up” in bed with a girl. If such cases have already happened, you don’t need to worry too much about it. Not all girls react to this inappropriately. Most make attempts to distract from thoughts of failure and support the man. After some time, you can repeat the act, which will become successful.
  • Problems psychological nature(self-doubt, depression, etc.). In his subconscious, the young man sets himself up for failure in bed. A state of panic, despondency and worry sets in. In this case, you need to consult a doctor for help.
  • Hormonal imbalance. If a guy shoots quickly, he needs to be examined by an endocrinologist. It is likely that such a symptom could mean serious illness. You need to heal and get into the right shape.
  • The problem is at the genetic level. Rapid ejaculation can pass from father to son and so on.
  • Increased sensitivity. In this case, you can use two condoms at the same time or proceed to sex without performing foreplay.
  • Disease. If a man has previously suffered from inflammation or a sexually transmitted disease, this means that he can become a rapid shooter. The specialist will write out a referral for treatment and get rid of the problem if you follow all the recommendations.
  • Too much short bridle. The problem is congenital. The fight against her is quite difficult. You should consult your doctor.
  • Magnesium deficiency in the body. Try to get everything essential vitamins. Eat milk porridge for breakfast, cook meat in a double boiler, add fish to your diet, more vegetables and fruits. It is strictly forbidden to consume fried, salted, spicy, smoked and fatty foods. This could cause a rapid eruption.
  • Availability bad habits in humans. Problems with potency and ejaculation worry males who periodically drink, smoke or use drugs.

How to treat rapid ejaculation

Being the owner of such a problem is extremely unpleasant for every man. It’s quite easy to deal with it, you just need to understand the reason. There are also special exercises which help significantly. If during the act of ejaculation the ejaculation comes too close, you need to try to hold it back. It is possible to conduct training without the participation of a partner, stimulating the sexual organ. Before the eruption of semen, it is necessary to abruptly stop stimulation and take a break of a couple of minutes and continue again. There are special attachments that are sold in adult stores and through the Internet. It is recommended to do three approaches of fifteen minutes without ejaculation.

Freezing lubricant will prolong sexual intercourse; you can buy it in pharmacies. Thanks to her, the sensations become more pleasant.

You can contact a surgeon to perform an operation to remove foreskin.

If the first ten minutes pass without breaks, it is not recommended to abruptly end the act, but to slow down the pace. This is quite difficult, but if you practice more, the process will take much longer. Preliminary masturbation will help prolong the act. You can contact a surgeon to perform an operation to remove the foreskin. Sensitivity, due to this procedure, decreases.

In conclusion

There are also special medical supplies to lower high sensitivity the head of the penis. The medicine contains a substance that helps slow down the functioning of nerve endings. Sensitivity is significantly reduced and it takes much longer to ejaculate semen. The effect is achieved after thirty minutes and lasts up to ten hours. To achieve the desired result, you can use lubricant or a special spray; it must be applied before the act itself.

The main substance in the drug is an anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of the genital organ. The effect lasts for an hour. In folk medicine, there are a large number of herbs that have the property of reducing agitation and sensitivity. You can infuse hops, motherwort herb, oak bark. Replace regular tea with currant leaves, St. John's wort and calendula.

The body should receive 15 mg of zinc daily, since its presence affects the duration of sex. It is found in peanuts, chocolate, watermelon and pumpkin seeds, chicken eggs, beef liver, wheat and beans.

Do not forget that the fair sex needs much more time to achieve orgasm, so it is advisable to move from foreplay to sexual contact after the girl is sufficiently aroused. This increases the pleasure and opportunity to receive several times highest point pleasure at the same time.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

IN colloquial speech Men who reach orgasm very quickly are given the rather unpleasant nickname “quick shooter.” How to deal with this? There are a lot of ways, the main thing is to choose the most effective one for yourself.

Most men reach orgasm approximately 3-6 minutes after coitus begins. This time counts normal duration sexual intercourse. However, according to studies, this duration is not enough for the vast majority of women. What can we say about shorter intimacy...

As a result, the quality of sex deteriorates significantly. Over time, regular dissatisfaction can lead to even greater sexual problems, cause a decrease in self-esteem, conflicts and even a break in relationships.

There are several solutions to this problem, depending on what caused it.

Reasons for the rate of fire in guys

Let us dwell in more detail on the most common factors causing too rapid onset final stage in men.

Young people who are just starting their sexual life experience increased excitability. Most often, the problem resolves itself over time.

It is worth remembering that regular long-term abstinence and frequent change partners Lead to premature ejaculation may lack self-confidence, fear of failure and other psychological problems. Experts believe that sometimes the cause is heredity or physiological characteristics genital organ.

Particular attention is necessary if problems arise in an adult and experienced man. Most often they are a consequence of hormonal imbalance or in organs genitourinary system.

A decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse can also be caused by fatigue and a lack of certain essential microelements and vitamins or taking certain medications.

The guy finishes quickly - what to do?

What to do if the guy shoots quickly? As a rule, in most young men the disorder is predominantly psychological in nature. To change your sex life for the better, you need to eliminate all psychological problems: fear of failure with your partner, depressive states, stress.

Certain mental disorders can also be observed in those men who practiced masturbation or extreme sex. The fear of being caught leads to the fact that the minimum duration of sexual intercourse becomes the norm.

In such cases, you may need help professional psychologist or a psychotherapist. The partner’s behavior can also play a positive role in solving psychological problems. An understanding woman is able to give a man self-confidence and overcome all difficulties together with him.

In cases where the reason for the decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse is a man’s health problems, you should contact a specialist and undergo the necessary examination. As a rule, after successful treatment Sex life returns to normal.

How to treat rapid fire and find happiness

The use of medications gives good effect, if the partner or husband quickly shot because of hypersensitivity head of the genital organ. These drugs contain substances that slow down the functioning of nerve endings. Due to this, sensitivity is partially reduced and it takes longer to achieve orgasm. The effect after taking the tablets occurs within half an hour and lasts from 6 to 10 hours.

For this purpose, medications can be used local action– Stud 5000 spray. It is sprayed 15 minutes before sexual intercourse. Main active substance Such agents are anesthetics that reduce sensitivity. The duration of the effect in this case lasts up to an hour.

In pharmacies you can find condoms already coated with an anesthetic lubricant. Only after wearing it, we recommend wiping it off. outside condom and apply regular silicone lubricant so as not to reduce vaginal sensitivity

In the most extreme cases it can be used surgical treatment: circumcision of the foreskin or denervation of the glans penis.

Women with a quick-shooting husband can try to prolong sexual intercourse by changing the man’s diet and various herbal teas. Traditional medicine There are many herbs with properties that can reduce arousal and sensitivity of a partner.

Infusions and decoctions of hop cones, motherwort, and oak bark have a certain sedative effect. As tea, you can brew raspberry and currant leaves, calendula flowers, St. John's wort and oregano.

A man should also get up to 15 mg of zinc every day. This trace element affects the duration intimate relationships. The foods richest in zinc include peanuts, watermelon and pumpkin seeds, chocolate, liver, fresh eggs, legumes and wheat germ.

It is also worth removing from the diet too fatty and spicy foods, smoked foods, and limiting the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed.

Exercises to prolong sex

If a man is quick at sex, certain exercises can help him. Several techniques are known, the main task of which is to develop the ability to control ejaculation.

The compression technique is considered one of the most effective. Its essence is to squeeze the head of the genital organ for 15-20 seconds before the onset of orgasm and reduce arousal. Several such short breaks will help significantly prolong sexual intercourse.

Another method is based on successive stimulation of the penis and stopping just before the end. You need to learn to prevent orgasm for at least 10-15 minutes. After just 1.5-2 months of exercise, you can learn to control the duration of sexual intercourse.

Some simple rules will also help slow down the onset of the denouement:

  • Everyone knows that sensitivity can be reduced by using a condom. It is enough to use this remedy, and the duration of sexual intercourse will increase.
  • During intimacy, a man with problems with premature ejaculation is recommended to stop briefly and switch his attention until the excitement partially subsides, and then resume friction again.
  • Even in men with very rapid ejaculation, repeated sexual intercourse lasts longer than the first. Extend sexual relations Preliminary masturbation will help with a woman.
  • Keeping in mind that a woman needs more time to reach orgasm, a man should begin intercourse only after she is sufficiently aroused. This will greatly increase the likelihood of simultaneous satisfaction.

Quite a lot. By establishing the cause of the disorder and choosing the most effective one, you can forget about the problem forever.

There is a situation in every man’s life when he notices that sexual intercourse ends too quickly. He begins to look for an answer to why this happened, delves into himself and thereby only increases general level anxiety and fear of repeating an unsuccessful scenario. However, life is not a pornographic film where sexual intercourse can last for hours. Sometimes a man has from birth low threshold excitability and then any sexual stimulus causes a violent reaction in him. In common parlance this phenomenon is called “rapid shooting”.

WITH scientific point vision, premature ejaculation is a fairly common sexual disorder that occurs in 20% of the male population, especially in young people who are just beginning to have sex.

Hello, Alexander Burusov is here, an expert at the Viva Man men’s club. In this article we will continue to talk about the topic rapid ejaculation. And in conclusion, I will give you some useful lifehacks to solve this problem. sensitive issue.

Men are especially afraid of looking like a “quick shooter” in the eyes of their partner. Failure in bed, especially if a woman does not react quite correctly, can cause neurosis and other psychological problems, which only a psychotherapist can correct. Therefore, the relationship between partners, their level of trust and expectations play an important role. Often, the first sexual contact with a new partner goes faster than all subsequent ones. You should not initially set a high bar for demands on your own body.

According to research, sexual intercourse lasting from 1.5 to 3 minutes can already be considered complete. If premature ejaculation was a one-time occurrence, then there is no need to worry; however, if you observe the frequency of this phenomenon or ejaculation occurs during foreplay or before insertion of the penis into the vagina, there is reason to think about it.

Why do problems with premature ejaculation occur and how can it be corrected?

Blaming the physiology of the penis alone for this is stupid. After all, the real “organ of love” is the brain and it is in it that sexual desire is born. After visual perception of a sexual object, the ventromedial cortex of the brain gives a command to the limbic system, which evaluates attractiveness and calculates our chances of success, connecting the senses for analysis.

The amygdala, which is located in temporal areas, connects with memory and forms emotions: if something was exceptionally pleasant for the body, it must be repeated. The process involves a substance that the brain produces to transmit nerve impulses - dopamine. It is he who “motivates” our body, influencing different areas limbic system, prepares for sexual intercourse - an erection occurs, the heartbeat accelerates, the pulse quickens...

Now imagine that the girl evoked such thoughts inside you strong emotions that all these processes have accelerated several thousand times - and you have “left the race” without even having time to really start. Or, conversely, you have had an unpleasant experience in the past when you were caught or your partner “asked to hurry up” and now your brain is subconsciously pushing you to a certain line of sexual behavior.

The reason for a “quick ending” can even be frequent masturbation or a long break in sexual activity. Either " internal problems", which you are unlikely to be able to diagnose on your own - inflammatory processes genitourinary system, weak sexual constitution or nervous disorder.

Therefore, self-medicate, and even more so buy “ magic pills"It's not worth it. You can stick to proper nutrition, reduce the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, avoid stress and overexertion - and then the “quick shooter” status will disappear by itself.

But we must warn you - if premature ejaculation is not treated in time, there is a risk of developing complete erectile dysfunction. Don’t be embarrassed to tell your doctor about your problem - there is nothing shameful in this, and a competent urologist-andrologist will quickly determine the cause of the disorder and offer high-quality treatment tactics.

Lifehacks for long-term sexual intercourse

If you decide to postpone a visit to the doctor “until better times”, and you no longer want to hear an offensive nickname from your “friend”, then we have several useful techniques, by practicing which you can gradually increase the time of sexual intercourse:

  • Exercise to control erection: we train the pelvic muscles. Firmly squeeze the buttocks 10 times in 2-3 approaches throughout the day. After 2-3 weeks of regular practice, you will be able to see the result.
  • Contraction of the penis before ejaculation. If you sharply squeeze the penis with a large and index finger within 15-20 seconds at the base, you can “pull back” the climax for a few more minutes.
  • Playing sports will teach you to better control your body and become more resilient, including in sex.
  • Long-acting lubricants (as well as condoms) will help prolong sexual intercourse.
  • During sex, you should adhere to a measured pace, sometimes making short stops. Don’t concentrate on achieving orgasm as the only goal - think about an abstract topic, or better yet, caress your partner during the “break”, and then “finish” together.

Every man feels the need for quality sex, so let’s leave the curse word “rapid fire” for erotic jokes, not real life!

Rapid fire is the man who fast loses seed with a woman in bed and prematurely forced complete sexual intercourse because of your problem.

That is, as they say, he shot back and that was the end of it.

He himself would like to continue prolonged caresses, but this delicate problem limits his pleasures.

How do you know if you're a quick shooter?

What signs indicate this:

  • This problem repeats constantly with different women or every time with one - the only one.
  • If the end of your love affair came 2-3 minutes after it began.
  • When a girl remains dissatisfied and dissatisfied with spending time in bed with you.
  • This is when the very fact of rapid completion of intimacy creates psychological stress and inconvenience to one of the partners or both at once.
  • Conclusion. You are one if you have completed intimacy before your beloved has had time to receive any pleasure and before you would like to last with her.

If I meet many of these many points, then I can easily find out whether I am a quick shooter or not.

Why is this happening

Reasons for appearance:

  1. Excitement, jitters due to inexperience or bad experiences in the past.
  2. Increased sensitivity and excitability due to young age.
  3. Long abstinence and a long absence of relationships, affection with women.
  4. The mistakes of hasty and too hasty relieving tension when alone with oneself produce harmful reflex descend quickly.
  5. Due to the appearance of a new partner, for whom it may not be enough trust.
  6. The desire to seem like a skilled master in bed and stick to it image macho, on the contrary, makes you a pathetic loser in bed. After all, this creates unnecessary tension and unnecessary escalation of the situation.
  7. Problems with the combat readiness of the organ, that is, with an erection, force the male half to quickly complete everything while everything is working.
  8. Various illnesses organ, infectious or venereal.
  9. A lack of magnesium and zinc in the body is often recorded, avitaminosis. This is what it means to shoot quickly - a man and the resulting symptoms from this problem.
  10. Highlight sedentary lifestyle life that leads to stagnation blood in the pelvis and stagnation of yang energy in the body.
  11. Cigarette abuse, frequent smoking causes improper breathing during intimacy. And also side effect may be alcohol abuse.
  12. Hormonal imbalances.
  13. Stresses and daily strains that affect emotional state and the mood in bed with your beloved.
  14. Weakness of the pelvic muscles, buttocks and pubococcygeus muscles. Lack of their training.
  15. Injuries, fractures of the lumbar region, tailbone or spine. And also it could be hernias.

1. Take your time and take breaks

Let's look at the first tip on the topic of what to do if you are a rapid shooter.

  1. Sometimes, it is necessary to pause deliberately so as not to get involved in this hasty and fussy rhythm, which forces you to quickly complete the process.
  2. The correct thing to do would be take the first break as soon as you make the first friction. You just wait and see how you feel.
  3. If everything is ok, then continue slowly.
  4. If you feel again the tide of the wave, then you don’t move and wait again. In this case, it would be better to even take it out and wait.

It would be a mistake to rush

This imperceptible and subtle moment in no way lets you understand that you are rushing because of your habit of forcing everything and rushing. A popular mistake in a hurry!

They are in a hurry because:

  • This is how adults were taught films(in fact, you need to do everything twice as slow as usual).
  • Haste for fear that someone will now will come in or knock (you need to choose a quiet place in advance for love without prying eyes).

2. Choose the right position

Which pose is better to choose?:

  1. The woman is a rider (you are on the bottom and, holding her buttocks, you set the pace and rhythm of her movements, you are facing each other);
  2. Side pose (both lie on their sides facing each other).

Regular missionary positionthe worst, and in it the man reaches the finish line the fastest. Don't use it!

3. Don’t breathe too hard, watch your breathing

The next tip on how to quickly deal with this delicate incident in your pants is to breathe evenly.

What are the mistakes

  • How more often and the more intensely you breathe, the faster you will reach the finish line.
  • Because of this, men who are faced with this disease often simply do not have enough air. You can see that they are greedy swallow him during intercourse.
  • For the body rapid breathing and lack of air is signal about danger, and to calm the nervous system, the brain gives the body a signal to discharge and the liquid end comes.

You need to breathe like during meditation with a focus on breathing

  1. You need to breathe in the same way as during breath-focused meditation.
  2. Deep breath, take a break, take a deep breath.
  3. You watch all this and as if you are not taking part, everything goes on by itself, naturally and calmly.
  4. You don't allow increased and rapid breathing. By combining this article technique with others, you will no longer worry so much about the thoughts of pleasing your beloved.

4. Organ compression technique

Let's sort it out the following technique on the topic of what to do if the guy is a quick shooter, and your love night undergoes a fiasco. It consists of compression.

  • When it comes the moment of discharge during intercourse, the vein at the top near the frenulum begins to contract intensively.
  • Find with your palm and start squeezing it with your index and middle fingers on one side, and thumb- on the other.
  • Plus to this some also squeeze their organ at the base with the other hand, thus forming a ring. So, compression occurs in two places.
  • Error when performing this technique, there will be an imitation of back-and-forth movements, which will only speed up the approach to the finish line. This one is for fighting the disease.

Therefore, hold with medium pressure without unnecessary movements for 15 seconds. Once the contractions have stopped, you can release.

5. Ask the girl to pinch you in other areas to shift her attention

The essence of the principle is that during intimacy you should ask the girl not to touch you in others. intimate areas. Under no circumstances should she touch your genitals.

What can a girl do to change your attention? during intercourse:

  • kissing lips in lips;
  • the girl lightly bites your earlobes ear(in another article we talked about);
  • pinching for inner side hips, clinging with nails to this part (if a girl clings with all her nails to the inner thighs, then a man’s erection may even decrease).

Advantages of the method

The fact is that your attention and energy will go to other parts of the body, it will not accumulate in one pelvic area, which will delay the approach of discharge and resolve questions on the topic of how not to be a quick-firer in bed.

6. Train alone properly

  • The main rule during training alone with oneself is patience and preserving the seed. This is useful for those who are not in a relationship and do not have a girlfriend.
  • If during solo practice it starts to come up, you stop abruptly and wait as long as necessary. The main thing is that you don’t reach the finish line.
  • It's better to be away from the critical point. Therefore, be sure to take breaks, rest and wait until it lets go.
  • This is how you train your endurance and do proper solo practice alone with yourself. Once you find yourself in bed with your beloved, you will have a better understanding of the topic of...

7. More physical activity and pelvic exercises

It is known that the more the organ is filled with blood, the longer the lovemaking.

Therefore, it is imperative to keep the pelvic muscles in good shape. Remember this or advise your spouse not to ask questions about what to do if your husband is a quick shooter.

Which physical exercise and the classes are useful:

  • rotational movements of the pelvis;
  • boat exercise (raising arms and legs while lying on your stomach);
  • exercise bicycle (legs in an upward position, hold your pelvis with your hands, support in your elbows and you stand on them like a “candle” and spin your legs like a bicycle in the air);
  • yoga;
  • running (the benefits of these activities were also mentioned in a similar site).

8. Rule "Thousands of times"

  1. The essence of the rule the fact that you psychologically set yourself the task of doing 1 thousand frictions and only then allow the opportunity to let off steam. You need to keep score in your head and not be distracted by any other things.
  2. Pros the fact that you focus less on your organs and know how much you still need to hold on so that both she and you are satisfied.
  3. About a thousand there will be enough friction in time to satisfy your desires.

The next video is just about our problematic topic. It’s about rapid fire and how the male population can deal with it at home.

9. Get one steady girlfriend.

It is a big mistake to try to maintain relationships with several women while having this delicate problem in your panties.

What are the benefits of being in bed? in a permanent relationship with one girl:

  • lack of pressure and greater mutual understanding;
  • greater confidence and comfort in bed increases;
  • getting used to her body and less excitability;
  • lack of long-term abstinence and stability of sexual intimacy (stability is the secret of success).

10. Don’t forget to go to the toilet before intercourse

Let's look at the tenth tip on how to stop being a quick firer at home.

It is known that with complete With a bubble, a man’s excitement and peaking occurs many times faster.

Therefore it is necessary before love games in bed you need to go to the toilet a little and empty your bladder.

Thus, after going to the toilet, your prostate won't feel much pressure.

11. Create more comfort in the room

Comfort is real important thing for relaxation and a harmonious state before intimacy.

How to add comfort:

  • complete confidence that no one will knock on your apartment, you don’t expect guests and strangers;
  • confidence that you have full time and no one needs to rush anywhere;
  • background romantic music;
  • go to shower yourself and send your partner there before intercourse ( clean body And pleasant smell create more attraction);
  • there should be no bright light the room is like a spotlight in a stadium, only dimmed (girls are more embarrassed about their naked body than men, even if they have a perfect figure).

Consider these important subtleties and ask less questions about what to do if I shoot quickly.

12. Distraction technique

The essence This method is that you are distracted by different thoughts in your head that have nothing to do with the girl and intercourse.

You can think about anything, even some unpleasant topics, to slightly reduce the intensity of passions.

Examples distractions:

  • imagine a public toilet in your head;
  • thoughts about cockroaches, spiders, bedbugs, and so on.

13. Add foods with zinc and magnesium to your diet

Where are zinc and magnesium found:

  • pumpkin seeds or watermelon seeds;
  • chocolate;
  • beans;
  • peanut;
  • oysters and mussels;
  • pine and walnuts;
  • beef and lamb;
  • coconut;
  • peas;
  • pistachios and hazelnuts;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal.

Proper nutrition will eliminate the need to find out what rapid fire is in men.

14. Remember about the second approach and do not disperse after the first “shot”

If, nevertheless, the first moment of release happened very quickly, then do not scold yourself. It is what it is.

Remember that already in the second run it will be difficult to reach the finish line and there will be better control.

It’s more important to give the girl pleasure in bed, and it doesn’t matter from what point you did it!

Of course, premature ejaculation is a fairly common disease among representatives of the stronger sex, but this does not mean that every case of this type should be attributed to the above-mentioned “male” problem. It is possible that the man is simply mistaken, thinking that he is a “quick shooter.” “How to treat this disease?” - this question constantly bothers him. In such a situation, we can only recommend one thing: there is no need to try to look for reasons why the “peak of pleasure” came very quickly, and the right thing to do would be to immediately go to the doctor.

Even if it turns out that you are a “quick shooter,” he will definitely tell you how to treat this disease. And in no case should you self-medicate, since it is possible that you will fight with “windmills”.

Features of treatment

In order for the treatment of “male rate of fire” to be as effective as possible, it must be carried out systematically. Only strict adherence to all recommendations at each stage of “rehabilitation” will give a positive result.

So, the man was diagnosed as a “rapid shooter.” How will this pathology be treated? First of all, it is necessary to establish the causes. The set of means by which he will be relieved of the disease in question will depend on this.

“I am a quick shooter.” How to treat my illness? The answer to this question depends on the characteristics of the physiological state of the patient’s body.

In some cases, it can be triggered by diseases of various nature.

Perhaps among the representatives of the stronger sex there will be those who have absolutely no idea what “quick shooter” means. It will be useful for them to know that this pathology characterized by early emission of semen during sexual intercourse.

The main thing is an integrated approach

If the doctor, having analyzed physiological state The patient did not find any deviations from the norm, then it is likely that the disease appeared as a result of malfunctions that occurred in the nervous system. In this case, professional assistance should be provided by a neurologist. It is likely that he will prescribe medications that calm the nervous system to reduce the effects of depression and relieve stress. These include, in particular, antidepressants. This is one of key points the question of how to get rid of the “rapid fire”. The main thing is to normalize work nervous system in the body.

The psychologist also plays a significant role. He will tell you what changes the patient should make to his sex life so that it is harmonious. He will also recommend you medications that will eliminate melancholy and raise your spirits.

And of course, in the treatment of the above male pathology one cannot do without qualified assistance urologist. He will prescribe medications to the patient aimed directly at getting rid of the disease in question. With their help, the patient's sex life will gradually improve. These products include gels that “dull” the sensitivity of the nerve endings located on the head of the genital organ.

Surgery is also an effective treatment option for male problem

How else to get rid of the “rapid fire”? Of course, it is necessary to mention such a method of treatment as surgery. It is based on the impact on the integrity of the nerve trunks of the genital organ. At the same time, doctors say that similar method absolutely safe for the patient.