On mom in missionary position. "missionary" position is the most innocent. Advantages of the missionary position

How to give real pleasure to a woman. Realization of sexual fantasies Hodson Phillip



We have already described the missionary position in the previous chapter. This is the most common love position in Europe and America. As recently as 1948, Alfred Kinsey found that 70 percent of Americans had never had sex in any other position. Since then, later surveys have shown that we are more likely to vary our love positions depending on the level of education we have received. For example, if you graduated from college, you are more likely to enjoy a variety of love positions than if you left school early and went to work. However, the missionary position is still very popular today.

This position (remember, the man is on top, face to face with his partner) provides an opportunity for kissing, caresses and eye contact during sex. It is relatively easy to accept and is best started with the woman spreading her legs with her knees bent. If you encounter any difficulty in inserting your penis, she is in a good position to reach down and help you. Just like you. The beauty of the missionary position is that it allows you to lean on both knees and an arm, thereby freeing up your other hand for all sorts of gentle maneuvers.

From the book 100 positions for delicious sex author Kolosova Svetlana

Position 1. Missionary The most common position can be considered the so-called “missionary position”. It received this name, probably because it was in this position that the church prescribed that husband and wife make love. The priests at that time considered sex to be something

From the book Kama Sutra in French. Women only by Gato Michel

Pose 19. At a dead end This position means that the legs of both men and women are closed together, their genitals are in a kind of “dead end”. After love foreplay, when the partners exchange kisses, caresses, influencing each other’s erogenous zones, they begin sexual intercourse

From the author's book

Position 20. Amazon In all previous positions, the dominant position during lovemaking was given to the man, it was he who most often performed friction, he was the leader in sex. But a modern woman cannot put up with this state of affairs for long. The next group of poses

From the author's book

Pose 21. Paparazzi This pose is a smooth transition from the “Dreams” pose. It's quite simple. The only difficulty is that the partner's phallus, in order to get the effect of this position, in an erect state must be quite flexible. Let's now

From the author's book

Pose 23. Intermediate This pose is a smooth transition from the Amazon pose and allows the woman to relax a little. In this position, the active role belongs to the man. Without additional stimulation, it is difficult for a woman in this position to achieve orgasm. Of course, if a woman

From the author's book

Pose 26. Maharaja This pose is similar to the “Baroness Strahl” pose, only in it the woman changes her position a little. In this position the woman again plays an active role. It is recommended to move to this position from the Baroness Strahl pose. The Maharaja pose promotes faster

From the author's book

Pose 31. Evita This pose is a little similar to the previous ones, only the partners in it change places and the man plays an active role in this pose. This position is very comfortable for a woman, as she practically does not strain and simply enjoys it. Moreover, this position allows

From the author's book

Pose 69. Bodyguard This position is a modification of pose 67 “Oriental Tree”. But this time, the man appears not in the image of a soulless trunk of this tree, but in the role of a protector, protecting a woman with his back from danger. You can start with a light relaxing

From the author's book

Pose 72. To the barrier To use this pose, the back of a chair or armchair is suitable if it is high enough. In this case, it is necessary that the woman’s legs remain straight during sexual intercourse. In this position, like pose 71, the main role is given to the man. If you love

From the author's book

Pose 73. Rush Hour This pose is the logical conclusion of the three previous poses, if, of course, you used them in your love game. It basically repeats the “Towards the Barrier” pose, differing from it in that in this pose the partner bends over his partner. It seems so small

From the author's book

Pose 76. Alliance From pose 75 “Iron phallus” you can smoothly move to this pose, only slightly modifying it. As in the previous pose, the woman stands with her back to the man, only her legs, like the man’s legs, are spread shoulder-width apart. Pose "Alliance" may be the logical conclusion

From the author's book

Pose 77. Gotcha! The name of the pose is very symbolic. In this position, there is a kind of connection between the partners. The close contact of bodies, the feeling of yourself and your man as a single whole allows partners to fully enjoy each other. If the bed is too

From the author's book

Pose 78. Ballerina Speaking about this pose, it should be noted that it is not suitable for everyone. Couples in which the man is not much taller than the woman are suitable for this position. If you are not that kind of couple, but you really want to try making love in this position, you can

From the author's book

Pose 85. Family This pose means maximum bodily contact. It is most common among couples who live together for a long time. The woman lies on her side with her back to the man, his arm hugs her waist, and the woman also hugs this arm, the partners wrap their arms around each other

From the author's book

Position 88. Sledge Why shouldn’t an experienced couple try making love in this position? Experienced lovers say that although it is simply impossible to perform sexual intercourse in this position for a long time, short-term contact in this position brings so much pleasure,

From the author's book

Missionary Woman below, man above. The most common and comfortable position. According to statistics, 90% of couples use it (seven out of ten coitus). It is natural for the West, and it was called “missionary” because it was completely absent in African

Haven't you experienced dizzying pleasure in bed for a long time? Some sex positions are especially suitable for stimulating the hottest spots of the female body.

1. Pose “Butterfly”, or “Missionary advanced”

You lie down on your back, your hips at the very edge of the bed. He penetrates you in a standing position. You put your legs on his shoulders and slightly raise your hips up: with deep penetration, the angle of inclination now established between you is ideal for stimulating the cervix, the position contributes to intense uterine and vaginal orgasms. With less deep penetration, the G-spot on the front wall of the vagina is stimulated.

This position is ideal for those who prefer clitoral stimulation.

2. Reverse Missionary

The starting position is the usual missionary position: you are on your back, legs spread, he is on top. After deep penetration, you bring your legs together, and his legs are spread on top of yours. He shifts his weight forward a little, finding a position where he can rub against your clit as he moves. This position is ideal for those who prefer clitoral stimulation and produces a powerful and long-lasting clitoral orgasm.

3. Technique “Drawing the Scepter”

Although your partner will sometimes perform this technique himself, you can take the initiative and help him when you are on the bottom. Wrap the thumb and forefinger of one hand around the penis at its base, as if creating a ring around it (the letter “C”). Pull the skin on the penis to completely remove the foreskin from the head.

This will increase the sensitivity of the penis by exposing a larger area of ​​exposed nerve endings. In addition, in this way you can increase the degree of male erection to the required state for continuing (or completing) sex.

4. Board games

Everything happens quickly, in a fit of passion: you find yourself lying on your back on a table, for example, in the kitchen, he, standing, roughly and strongly penetrates you. Usually, in this case, all the objects that interfere with you fly to the floor. This creates the impression that something wild and obscene is happening, and this kind of impression is just very suitable for hot sex. The man feels like the master of the situation: he has excellent control over the depth and strength of his movements, and feels power over his partner.

For such experiments, your man and you will need good physical preparation.

5. Seated Intertwining Pose

This position, unlike the previous one, will allow you to fully control the power, depth and angle of its penetration, as well as regulate and change the strength and frequency of clitoral stimulation at will. He lies on his back, his legs are bent at the knees, you sit on top. With one foot you touch his thigh on the outside, and you place the other between his legs and turn slightly to the side. In this position, you can choose the pace and depth of penetration. Of course, this will soon lead to mind-blowing sensations!

6. Standing

He stands, holds you in his arms or squeezes you in a tight embrace, leaning your back against the wall. Many people like this position, because innate gender stereotypes are realized here: he is a strong, big, strong man, you are a weak, defenseless, petite girl. In addition, the pose promotes emotional intimacy: you are intertwined in a tight embrace, you are a single whole. Of course, for such experiments, your man and you will need good physical preparation. This option is recommended for strong men and light women; those who are less fit and not too petite will experience banal physical fatigue instead of orgasm.

7. “Love Button” Technique

Due to the fact that the main female erogenous zone is covered by folds of skin, it is not surprising that it does not always receive sufficient stimulation. Put your hand to it. Form a winning "V" with your middle and index fingers.

In this position, press your fingers on the pubic mounds on both sides of the vagina and pull up a little. The clitoris will open slightly, and now this important point will be able to more actively participate in achieving orgasm.

8. “Bell” technique

Ideally, sex ends with simultaneous orgasm. But in practice this is not so easy to achieve. If a man is already approaching the highest degree of bliss, and you are not yet, then, as one of the options, he can postpone his orgasm a little by taking out his instrument, and, taking it in his hand, move it over the clitoris, or even easily “spank” him » the head of the penis. This will cool the man’s passion a little, and your orgasm will become closer, and it is likely that after a short time both of you will be overwhelmed by a simultaneous release.

9. “Lucky scissors” technique

During sex, when you are lying on your back and he is sitting or standing, lift your legs up so that the man can grab your ankles with his hands. Now it’s easy for him to move, move, and bend your legs, there are countless options, and since the tendons of the legs are connected to the pelvic cavity, each manipulation can subtly change how you feel about sex. Remember which movements made you feel especially good, and tell your partner about it so that next time he knows how to act correctly.

I found an anecdote about the Kama Sutra on the Internet: “Hari finally, after many years of research, interviews and personal experiments, finished writing a book about sex, where he collected 3542 different positions. He showed the manuscript to his friend Krishna and asked him what he thought about all this. Krishna read the manuscript very carefully, then his face darkened and he asked: “What about that position where the girl lies on her back, spreads her legs, and the guy lies on top of them?” Hari thought, nervously biting his nails. Then he exclaimed: “Oh, I seem to remember! This is what Lady Jane once showed me!”

Yes, the fact that chaste Christians give orgasm may seem funny to followers of Eastern teachings! However, it seems to me that behind the apparent simplicity lies infinite depth and significance. It is no coincidence that everything ingenious is simple!

The missionary position in sex, colloquially dubbed “The Sandwich,” became an image of puritanism and prudishness at the height of the sexual revolution. For sexologists, this arrangement of bodies during coitus is the “norm” position. Some believe that this unsophisticated intercourse is too primitive, and real love contact requires sophistication and grace. Others are convinced that it is this position that allows you to feel the most complete and intimate contact with your partner, and not even in the physiological, but in the emotional, that is, in the language of Eastern philosophy, in the energetic sense. Supporters of two polar opinions have compelling arguments. On the one hand, the missionary position is, indeed, extremely simple and comfortable, conducive to complete relaxation, bordering on the loss of expressed activity, on the other hand, this position symbolizes the separation of love relationships from animal copulation, because only a human female and a male are united in this position. This means that only the highest form of consciousness inherent in man made it possible to invent such a way of exchanging affection. This means that there is something spiritual in this form. Queen Victoria of England declared that this is the only position acceptable for spouses, which is why there is another name associated with the royal name. Accordingly, all ladies and gentlemen of that era were obliged to have intercourse only this way. How can one not recall Lady Jane from the joke, who had the opportunity to “capture the imagination” of the author of the Kama Sutra!

What secret is hidden in Queen Victoria's pose? Let's find out! The name comes from the word “missionary” and has religious overtones. The Catholic Church once believed that only this pose could be recognized as a pose that did not offend God. Indeed, in this “situation”, face to face, it is impossible to see anything except the partner’s eyes. And since the eyes are the mirrors of the soul, one can stretch the idea of ​​the merging of souls precisely under such erotic circumstances. But if we look for another connection to the root “mission”, endless depths of meaning can open up.

Remember when we talked about the yin and yang of sexual behavior? Not the one that is in bed, but the one that is inherent in sex, and sex is “gender.” So, I repeat that the “sexual” function is yang, that is, the function more natural for male behavior is activity and transmission of information-energy, the yin function is the acceptance and processing of energy and information. Yang is the active heavenly principle, yin is the calm earthly principle. The “Sandwich” pose fully corresponds to the Taoist idea of ​​​​female and male missions. The man is positioned on top, horizontally, symbolizing the Sky, the woman reclines under him, like the Earth. This is one of the few sexual positions that so limits the mobility of the partner that all responsibility for the result of the interaction falls on the man. And this is also very Taoist.

But that's not what I'm talking about! I recently learned from my spiritual mentor that heavy pathogenic energy tends downward, while light and clean energy tends upward. The concepts of “up” and “down” in ancient Chinese science about man and the Universe are closely related to intimacy. “Shang Jiao” means “upper connection”, these are all types of sexual communication that maintain conditional spirituality, such as kissing. “Scha Jiao” - “lower connection”, sexual contact, implying penetration and maximum bodily intimacy. The “higher” the connection, from the point of view of followers of Taoist teaching, the purer it is from the point of view of “love ecology”.

But light and pure energy is not so easy to “shove” into a woman. I went through a rather strange experience when yang energy did not want to get into me and only got in when my practice partner turned out to be spatially higher than me, and not on the same level. Since it was qigong, it was easy to change positions in space; there was no need for body contact. Later, I asked Master Ji a question about this incident and received confirmation of my suspicions. Pure and light energy may not enter without a special skill in “shoving in the non-shoveable” if some channels are closed. But any “dirt”, heavy and harmful, falls easily. If a woman is spatially taller than a man, yang energy may be categorically “impossible.”

I once enthusiastically read a book by the famous American popularizer of Taoist practices, of Chinese origin, about healing through sex. While I took everything at its word, the author made a lasting impression with promises of happiness and health as a result of wild sex. As a connoisseur of erotic delights, I tirelessly put into practice the precepts of a world-class Taoist master. However, for some reason, physical health fiercely resisted Chinese influence and not only did not improve, but also began to frighten with strange symptoms. The “heavy” energy of the wrong chosen one hit the target. As a result, I ended up being a patient of the hereditary healer Ji Xiaogang and heard the harsh truth, which boiled down to the fact that sexual practices backfired on me, or rather, on the bottom, if you know what I mean. Glory to the Tao, treatment has grown into training.

Now I know for sure that sex is not as healing as the cunning popularizers of Taoist practices swear, as if they accidentally forgot to warn about the serious consequences of easy “health-improving” relationships. However, let's give the Kama Sutra justice: sex can be rejuvenating and healthy under certain conditions, the most important of which is the spiritual basis of relationships. Moreover, the Kama Sutra itself is not a collection of ingenious options for combining two extremely flexible bodies to “inflict unbearable pleasure” and obtain unusual sensations, but a collection of sacred methods of energy exchange between a man and a woman. If we draw an analogy with Taoist practices, the Kama Sutra is a version of qigong or love gongfu.

So what is the “missionary position” for followers of ancient erotic culture? Let's try to make a deep penetration into the sacred meaning of sex! The connection of bodies for all ancient cultures is inseparable from the connection of souls and the exchange of energy. Moreover, the choice of a partner is based precisely on spiritual intimacy, and the spiritual life of an individual implies a high degree of awareness and understanding of who you are, why you came into this world and what your mission is. It turns out that the missionary position, the connection face to face, eye to eye - this is a spiritual choice, the choice of a companion with whom we are ready to follow through life, that is, to share the path. By the way, from an anatomical point of view, the eyes are parts of the brain that have come out. And since it is the brain that is responsible for the distribution of energy in the body and for the spiritual aspects of behavior, we can consider that eye contact is a connection of souls.

Once again I will remind you of one Chinese wisdom. In accordance with the teaching of Tao, in every object, phenomenon and in every person, two principles interact, yin and yang, which, being in balance, give rise to the state of Tao, that is, ideal harmony. A man and a woman, united by Love, also become the two principles of a sacred union, the woman is yin, the man is yang. And when the balance of their energies is ideal, they achieve absolute happiness, close to the state of Tao. If you feel harmony in your soul and are united in loving bonds with an equally harmonious ally, if the two Universal Missions turn out to be equally important and of equal value, you will easily recognize Love as the most important human mission and will be devoted to it.

If your missions are far from each other, no matter how close your bodies are, complete fusion and, so to speak, a genuine spiritual orgasm will remain a sealed secret. During sex, not only an exchange of energy occurs, but also an exchange of information, and “heavy” pathogenic or simply foreign energy-information, the carrier of which may be a partner, can not only not improve, but even destroy your health. In addition, the conscious transfer of energy during sexual intercourse is the result of accepting and processing a massive layer of information and mastering the skills of managing one’s energy, because “shoving” pure energy is disproportionately more difficult than twisting a woman’s body into a ram’s horn and pushing it into this “installation” some piece of lustful flesh.

Do you want to remain healthy, happy, loved and desired for many years? Think about what it is, your personal “missionary position” and how tightly your spiritual connection is with your companion. And when Heaven approaches the Earth, a real miracle will happen. Then everything will be like in the Russian proverb: “Belly on belly - and everything will heal.”

Lisa Piterkina

You don't have to re-read the Kama Sutra to get an orgasm. The seemingly boring missionary position can still pleasantly surprise you.

Active alternation of positions is something like a sign of quality for sex: at least men, with their incomprehensible craving for changing plans and flashing pictures (just remember how they handle the TV remote control) definitely like it. However, do not get carried away with acrobatics if you feel that you are close to orgasm. For a woman to reach the peak of pleasure, three components are necessary: ​​rhythmic pressure, increased blood flow to the genitals and a feeling of complete relaxation throughout the body.

A sudden change of position disrupts the magic of the interaction of these three components. In other words, the gymnastic program can and should be practiced at the very beginning of the sex scene. During the final chords, it makes sense to stabilize the position of the bodies, concentrate on your own sensations and think less about the fact that your partner will get bored. After all, there is no more exciting sight than the sight of a satisfied woman.

Classic of the genre: missionary position

History is silent about when the “man on top” position became a symbol of monotony. Meanwhile, it has a number of obvious advantages that even entertainers who are accustomed to having sex standing on their heads will not dare to argue with.

Firstly, you don’t need any special endurance or flexibility: just lie back and have fun. Secondly, there is always the opportunity to merge in a passionate kiss without being distracted from the process. And most importantly, with a simple movement of the hand or foot, a boring “sandwich” can easily be turned into an erotic delicacy.

The main disadvantage of the missionary position: how to fix it

The main disadvantage of the classical position is that the clitoris, the organ responsible for our orgasm, remains, as it were, out of action. The sexual alignment technique will help correct this annoying misunderstanding. According to the idea of ​​its author, the American Edward Eichel, partners should move not towards each other, but along. If we talk about technique, the difference between standard friction and sliding swings is about the same as between driving nails and sawing a log.

Don't take the word "log" too literally. To ensure that the contact between you and your partner does not weaken, you will have to work with your pelvis - below you must form an indivisible whole. At the same time, the desire for intimacy should not contradict the need for oxygen. If your loved one leans on you with his whole body, breathing will become problematic, and without it, as we know, female orgasm is usually unattainable. Moreover, in such a situation, thoughts that are far from passion and romance will enter your head. So make sure your upper bodies are mobile.

Bottom view: what to do for a woman in the missionary position

The “man on top” position does not mean that you should be inactive. You can command the parade with your feet. First, when performing the “sexual alignment,” try to wrap your legs more tightly around the gentleman’s hips. So he will definitely have to take your wishes into account. If nature has granted your man a not too long instrument of love, there is a way to help him penetrate deeper.

To do this, pull your knees to your chest and, if the freshness of the pedicure allows, rest your heels on your partner’s chest. This will ensure the closest contact, which means it will deliver an additional portion of pleasant sensations. Male hands, carefully supporting your buttocks, will give stability to the entire structure. If the lack of length is compensated by the impressive diameter of his dignity, immediately after penetration, straighten your leg so that it is between your partner’s limbs. This position will provide additional friction and enhance the magical effect of the Eichel technique.

Another trick: after successful docking, close your legs under the man so that he can, as it were, “saddle” you on top. The tighter the thighs are clenched, the greater the pleasure for both. The penetration itself will be shallow, but the partner’s penis will seem to be clamped in a vice. The range of your emotions also promises to be diverse: the outer and inner labia and the nerve endings concentrated on them are surprisingly responsive to rhythmic mini-frictions.

Reverse missionary and a couple more tricks

The angle of immersion is no less important. Firstly, partners do not have to be parallel to each other. After penetration, a man has every right to lean slightly to the side - so that his body is at an angle to yours. The larger the angle, the more interesting the sensations.

Let your partner place one of your legs on his chest and wrap his legs around the other. If you are unaccustomed to this position, it can be difficult to synchronize movements, but this problem is not significant if one person begins to set the pace with hip movements. Secondly, it is worth considering the issue of additional equipment. A small cushion (cushion, plush dolphin) placed under your sacrum can work wonders. Approximately the same effect can be achieved if you throw your beloved man’s legs over his shoulders. Well, the tandem of a roller and correctly thrown limbs will not allow anyone to get out of bed unsatisfied - the angle of penetration will be exactly the same as it should be.

If we haven't convinced you, try the classic pose in a modern arrangement: switch roles with your loved one. Usually, “reverse missionary” works best for couples where the girl is fragile and energetic, and the gentleman does not like to bother himself with unnecessary movements, but is strong enough to fix the partner on himself. The main thing is to remember that it is not recommended to lean on an “enslaved” man with your whole body.

The “missionary position” in its classic version (man on top), it would seem, does not allow female initiative at all: the man does everything, your participation lies in timely moaning.

It is precisely this position (as conceived by Christian missionaries, which presupposed complete female indifference) that is ideal for us, since in almost all its variants both the clitoris and the G-spot are stimulated at the same time - so you yourself will not be able to reliably determine whether it was vaginal or clitoral. True, you will have to move a little. So what if you're underneath and pinned to the bed? It's even more interesting! Let’s just be clear right away: the “missionary” position is considered exactly as long as your back is spread out on the mattress, and the man’s stomach touches the woman’s. All options for angles between bodies (when you rest your legs on a man’s chest, or he is on his knees and you are on a wrestling bridge, or your legs are thrown over your head) is another topic, and we will certainly address it next time... And Today, sexologist Alla Delarieu, an expert, explains what heights of pleasure can be achieved without violating modest missionary requirements.

Alla Delarieu, sex therapist, sex coach, member of the Russian Association of Sexologists.

Butt pillow

Lifting a woman's buttocks with a pillow is an innocent trick. You are still lying flat. And even the legs are stretched out on the bed. This method is practiced by 95% of couples - purely intuitively, without any technical calculations - and do not even suspect why their sensations become so heightened. It turns out that due to the fact that the buttocks are raised, the angle of the entrance to the vagina changes, and the head of the penis clearly falls on the G-spot.

The same, but without a pillow

Approximately the same effect can be achieved if you place your fists under your tailbone. But, firstly, your arms can hurt under the weight of two bodies, and secondly, there is a better way! Simply move your pelvis up and down as the man thrusts back and forth. Thus, the penis will enter at an angle, rest against the G-spot and, stimulating it, go deep into the vagina. At the same time, the clitoris will be stimulated in rhythm with the movements of your pelvis. Orgasm will come inevitably and very soon.

Cross legs

As soon as he enters, bring your legs together. Better yet, cross them. As a result, the entrance to the vagina becomes narrow, tightly clasping the penis - and both experience increased sensations due to good stimulation.

Leg hugs

Wrap your legs around the man's body, closing them on his back. With this option, the vagina becomes shorter - so that the penis reaches the cervix. Carefully! This position can speed up the onset of male orgasm.

Stretching pose

Bend your knees, pull them towards your chest, but still spread them so that the man can lie on top, and not stand at an angle. Thanks to this option, there is additional stimulation of the clitoris and the entire surface of the vulva - this will greatly enhance your sensations.