Rose oil in cosmetology for the face. Ready-made products with rose ether. Benefits of Damask rose oil

Rose has long been considered a flower that not only has a subtle characteristic aroma, but also has a number of beneficial properties for maintaining female beauty. For a long time, queens took baths with rose petals and also applied them to their faces in an attempt to preserve their youth. It was from rose flowers that essential oil was first extracted.

Rose oil is an almost colorless, light green or dark yellow substance, the color of which mainly depends on the method of obtaining the oil, as well as the type of raw material. The oil has a fluid consistency, but when stored at low temperatures it can harden, which does not in any way affect the complex of beneficial properties of the product. With gentle heating, rose oil becomes plastic again.

It is most often sold in dark glass vials with lids. Concentrated rose oil has a very sharp tart aroma, which when diluted becomes very pleasant, sweet, with notes of honey.

Chemical composition essential oil roses are very complex, and some elements and compounds included in it have not been fully studied. The composition of the essential oil directly depends on the raw material being processed - the specific type of rose. IN general case rose ester contains alcohols (nerol, geraniol, citronellol, etc.), geranic acid, terpenes, phenol. Citronellol and phenylethanol are responsible for the scent released by rose oil. The higher these indicators are for an oil, the stronger the odor it has.

Industrial production of essential oils uses different types roses, the characteristics of which depend beneficial properties final product. Most often you can find oils based on Damask, Crimean and tea roses. In principle, their effects on the human body differ little; they differ in smell and the presence of various components to a greater or lesser extent. The main beneficial properties of rose oil:

  • choleretic, diuretic, laxative;
  • blood purifying and vasodilating;
  • anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic;
  • bactericidal and antiseptic;
  • rejuvenating and smoothing wrinkles;
  • calming, relaxing, mood enhancing as a natural antidepressant.

Contraindications to the use of rose essential oil

In principle, it should absolutely not be used only in case of individual intolerance. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct a skin reaction test before starting to use the oil. At the same time, it is worth remembering that in pure form Rose oil is not used, but is diluted with the so-called base oil. Essential oils of jojoba, peach and apricot kernels, avocado or almonds.

Pregnant women should consult their doctor about the possibilities of using rose oil.

Based on its beneficial properties, this product has a wide range of uses in medicinal and cosmetic areas, as well as for lifting mood and getting rid of depression. For these purposes, you can make harmonious mixtures of essential oils, or you can use rose oil separately.

Rose oil can be taken internally in a diluted form, perform massages with it, pour it into an aroma lamp, take baths with its addition, make compresses and applications, and to eliminate women's problems Douching is recommended.

Rose essential oil in cosmetology

Due to its beneficial properties and pleasant aroma, rose essential oil is most often used at home for cosmetic purposes: to improve the condition of hair, skin, nails, as well as to combat various diseases. Rose oil can be used to enrich cosmetics already in the house: shampoos, creams, shower gels, masks. But, as practice has shown, the best and quick effect is still achieved when using rose oil in combination with other natural ingredients. Below are a few recipes for caring for your skin and hair and eliminating some of the problems associated with them.

Using rose oil in hair care will give it shine and healthy looking, and also get rid of many scalp problems: greasy, dandruff, flaking.

Recipe for a mask for split ends

To prepare it, you need to heat a mixture of 1 tbsp in a water bath. burdock oil and 1 tbsp. honey, then add 0.5 tsp. oils grape seeds and 4...5 drops of rose essential oil. First of all, the resulting mixture is applied to the ends of the hair, and the remainder is distributed along its entire length. It is recommended to put a bag on your head and wrap it with a terry towel or warm scarf on top. The procedure takes 45 minutes, after which the mask is washed off.

This mask is best used daily in the evening, as it does not require rinsing. To prepare it, you need to chop 2 tbsp. cinchona bark, pour 1 tbsp. castor oil and 250 ml of wine alcohol. Finally, add 4...5 drops of rose essential oil and mix well. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp with circular movements for several minutes.

Anti-hair loss mask recipe

In a water bath you need to heat a mixture of 1 tbsp. almond oil and 1 tbsp. jojoba oils. Then add 4...5 drops of rose oil and stir well. First, the mask is applied to the hair roots, and the remaining mass is distributed along their length. To obtain the effect, the hair is collected under a bag or plastic cap and wrapped with a shawl or towel on top for the duration of the procedure, which lasts half an hour. Finally, the mask is washed off from the hair.

Rose essential oil is suitable for all skin types and helps get rid of puffiness and swelling of the eyelids, refreshes and gives elasticity, and cleanses pores.

Anti-aging mask recipe

This mask is not washed off, so it is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening, leaving the mixture on the skin of the face until the morning. To obtain the substance, you just need to mix 2 tbsp. olive oil with 5 drops of rose oil and apply to the face, and rinse off in the morning. The use of such masks will help even out your facial skin and get rid of fine wrinkles.

The mixture is very simple and is prepared from only two components: jojoba oil and rose oil. For correct drafting Add 1 drop of rose essential oil to 10 ml of base oil. This mixture is suitable for daily use.

Mask recipe for sensitive skin

To make it you need to mix 50 ml natural yogurt with the juice squeezed from one lemon, add 10 ml of avocado oil and 4...5 drops of rose oil. This mask is applied for 10...15 minutes to previously cleansed facial skin and then washed off.

Rose essential oil: video

Rose water is a lotion for daily use to improve general view facial skin and around the eyes, neck and décolleté. With constant use, the skin will noticeably tighten, pores will narrow, fine wrinkles will disappear, and oily skin- will dry out. To prepare it you need 250 ml of cool clean water add 2 drops of rose oil, mix and pour into a bottle with a cap. Usually, cotton swabs are soaked in rose water and wiped over the skin; there is no need to rinse off the lotion.

It is clear that there is no way to prepare real essential oil at home, but it is possible to prepare an oil extract if desired. It will be less concentrated than oil, but also has a number of beneficial properties.

To compile such an extract, you need to collect petals from garden roses (it is not recommended to use purchased ones for these purposes, since the flowers often contain a large amount of chemicals that they are treated with to ensure good durability when cut).

  • Immediately after collection, the petals are placed in a clean glass jar, compacting the mass with your fingers. Then it is poured on top vegetable oil(preferably olive) and close with a lid.
  • Leave to infuse at room temperature in a dark place for 5...7 days.
  • To obtain a more saturated infusion, make a second pass: when the first mass of petals has already settled, fresh ones are added to them and left to infuse again.
  • After that, you need to strain the resulting liquid or simply remove the petals from it.

In this simple way, you can obtain rose oil extract at home within 1…2 weeks.

The price of rose essential oil in a pharmacy may vary. It all depends on what components are included in it. It’s rare that you can buy concentrated rose oil in a pharmacy, and even if you do, its price will be simply stunning - you can pay from 700 rubles for 1 ml. and more. Most often, pharmacies sell rose oil diluted in a base oil (avocado or jojoba). The price of such mixtures is much lower, and therefore depends on the concentration of rose oil in them.

When purchasing diluted mixtures, you should always pay attention to the concentration so as not to be deceived by sellers and manufacturers.

Facial care


07.10.14 13:15

Rose oil- a valuable and rather expensive product very wide range actions. It is prepared from the freshest rose petals different varieties. At the same time, in different areas they use different ways extracting oil from the petals: steam distillation is the most common; hydrodistillation is often used. One way or another, face masks with rose oil- an excellent skin care product.

The high cost of rose oil is due to the amount of raw materials that go into its preparation. Judge for yourself: to get just 30 g of rose oil, you need to use more than 60 thousand petals.

The composition of rose oil is very complex, multi-component. At room temperature, it is divided into 2 fractions having different densities. The denser fraction is called stearoptene. It is odorless and colored yellowish color. The lighter fraction is called eleopten, has a pronounced rose scent and a transparent color. When the temperature drops, both fractions mix, and a homogeneous, dense, thick, greenish-yellow liquid with a pungent, even unpleasant odor is obtained.

This product is widely used in most different areas, from cooking and perfumery to cosmetology, but in this article we will look at the benefits of rose oil for the face. And this benefit is almost limitless. It’s not for nothing that face masks with rose oil are so popular among women.

We can start with the fact that face masks with rose oil promote facial rejuvenation. The components included in its composition help smooth out small facial wrinkles, even out the skin texture, and tighten it. The skin becomes more elastic and learns to resist the effects of external environment. That is, thanks to rose oil, the skin becomes younger, more beautiful, and the aging process slows down.

In addition, face masks with rose oil are very delicate, which allows them to be used in the care of absolutely any skin type, including sensitive ones. Moreover, rose oil is suitable for use on the skin around the eyes, where the skin is very thin and delicate. Typically, the choice of products for caring for this area is real problems y for a woman.

Face masks with rose oil have a general strengthening effect. They make the skin smoother, more pleasant to the touch, improve its color, more natural and beautiful. Thanks to them, the skin is healed and cleansed.

Moreover, face masks with rose oil for each skin type will have their own advantages and pleasant bonuses. Thus, oily skin will be freed from oily shine due to intensive cleansing and regulation of work sebaceous glands. In addition, rose oil helps tighten pores.

For dry skin, face masks with rose oil will provide the nutrition and hydration it needs. Abundance of vitamins and nutrients allows rose oil to enrich the skin with the most essential elements.

Sensitive skin will get rid of irritation and peeling. Masks with rose oil soothe the skin, relieve redness and itching.

Thanks to components that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, masks with rose oil help fight many skin problems, such as acne, blackheads, eczema and other skin diseases.

The versatility of such masks is simply amazing. Strictly speaking, the effect largely depends on the accompanying ingredients. Whichever property will manifest itself most clearly in them, this will be the purpose of the mask.

It can be considered a pleasant bonus pleasant smell diluted rose oil. But pleasant aroma greatly contributes to the enjoyment of the mask application procedure itself. It is believed that the aroma of roses relieves fatigue, restores strength, and relieves stress. And all this can be combined with a cosmetic procedure.


Almost any component home cosmetics requires compliance with certain precautions. Rose oil is no exception. To begin with, let us remind you that aroma oils are not used in their pure form. Only diluted several times with other oils or components.

This mala has no serious contraindications. Well, maybe it’s better to give it up during pregnancy. It causes allergies extremely rarely, but it is still recommended to do a test on the skin of the wrist.

To do this, just apply diluted rose oil on your wrist and wash it off after a while. If after 30-40 minutes there is no redness in this area, no itching or flaking, then everything is in order and you can safely use it for facial care.

In general, rose oil can be added to absolutely any cosmetic product, be it a mask or lotion. With one small caveat: you must know the exact composition. That is, cosmetics industrial production in this case is not suitable. It contains preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers and other components that may well react with rose oil.

Face masks with rose oil, the recipes for which are located below, are truly universal. It is difficult to imagine other means of similar action. All that remains is to figure out what to mix rose oil with in certain cases. To make it convenient to add oil to masks and other products, measuring required quantity drop by drop, it should be at room temperature.

Oil masks

A large number of rose oil masks are based on a base oil and the addition of various essential oils. For example, a rosehip-based oil mixture is ideal for getting rid of wrinkles. Take a tablespoon of base and add 3 drops of sandalwood, 2 drops each of rose and polysander and 1 drop of rosemary oils.

Another anti-aging mask consists of a mixture of two base oils: jojoba and hazelnut. You need to take 10 ml of each oil. Then add 5 drops of primrose oil, the same amount of sandalwood, and 1 drop of rose into the base.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The resulting mixture is generously lubricated onto the skin of the face, allowed to be absorbed, and the excess is removed with a paper napkin.

For sensitive skin Almond oil is used as a base. Take 100 ml of base and add 4 drops of rose oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil to it. Mix everything and apply to skin.

If your skin is dry, then take 2 tablespoons of avocado oil and add five drops each of geranium and rose oils. This is an excellent cleansing mask that will moisturize and nourish the skin. In addition, this mixture can be used for facial massage.

Owners of combination skin can take 3 tablespoons of jojoba oil as a base, and mix 3 drops each of bergamot, rose and lavender oil into it.

A tablespoon of peach kernel oil is mixed with 7 drops of rose oil and 3 drops of myrrh oil.

Another mask suggests using a mixture of grape seed and jojoba oils (10 ml of each) as a base. Add 4 drops of vanilla oil and 1 drop of rose oil to this mixture. This mask perfectly whitens the skin and gives a marbled shine effect.

An excellent anti-inflammatory mask to combat acne and eczema consists of a spoon of olive oil, two drops of rose oil, the same amount of myrrh and chamomile oils. This composition needs to be wiped problem areas, let the oil absorb. If there is any excess left, you should blot it with a napkin.

Other masks with rose oil

However, it is not at all necessary to use oil as a base. It may well be other components.

For example, a cleansing mask with honey and almonds. A teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of chopped almonds, and 2 drops of oil diluted in a glass of water.

Dairy products also go well with essential oils. For example, fermented baked milk or Varenets. Take 50 ml of one of the two products and add 5 drops each of rose and juniper oil, 2 drops of rosemary oil.

However, you can mix almost all of these ingredients in one mask. For example, if you take 2 tablespoons of rice, chop it and mix it with a tablespoon of avocado oil, 50 ml of fermented baked milk and add 3-4 drops of rose oil, you will get an excellent cleansing mask with a peeling effect for normal skin.

You can mix a tablespoon of sour cream, honey, the same amount, and 2 drops of rose oil, you will get an excellent nourishing mask for dry skin. You can do without honey, and add juniper oil to rose oil.

Often used to make masks cosmetic clay. For example, blue or green clay makes an excellent restorative mask. Take a tablespoon of clay powder, add a spoonful of milk and one drop each of rose, ylang-ylang and lavender oils. The mask is mixed and applied to the skin. Keep the mixture for 15 minutes, regularly sprinkling with water from a spray bottle.

All of these recipes are just examples of how you can use rose oil for skin care. You can add it to any home cosmetics. It is enough to know the proportions in which the ingredients are mixed. So, 3 drops are enough for one serving of mask or cream, and about 10 drops are added to a glass of finished lotion.

Now you can create your own effective masks with rose oil, achieving the results you need.

Rose oil is considered a diamond in cosmetology, reviews of the rarest and effective drug only good ones. Tree pink breed valued for its wood. It is from it that life-giving drops of the miracle elixir are obtained, which have the richest composition and properties. As far as the opinion about the uniqueness of the product is justified, the correct use of rose oil for the face, for the skin around the eyes in particular - further.

Rose oil for cosmetic purposes is obtained from valuable tree bark. It got its name due to the delicate pinkish tint of the wood, but not the flowers. The flowers are significantly different from roses, with a yellowish tint. The homeland of the plant is Brazil, Guiana, Peru.

The crushed wood is subjected to steam distillation technology. The main supplier of the elixir is Brazil.

Don't expect to buy rose oil on the cheap, which has such amazing reviews. The high cost of the material and the production distance affect the price.

The second name of the product is cayenne oil. It is an almost colorless liquid, fluid, with subtle notes of resin and bitterness. Since it is impossible to make rose oil at home, you will have to splurge.

Properties of rose oil

The unique composition makes it one of the most effective cosmetic elixirs. Holder large quantity advantages, it has a multifaceted effect on cells.

Rosewood oil for the face is one of the safest cosmetic products. Its benefits are manifold:

  • Miraculously tones the skin;
  • Has a sedative effect, reduces pain;
  • Characterized by antiviral and antiseptic effects, used in the fight against acne and pimples;
  • Eliminates the activity of dry dermatitis, eczema, reduces allergic reactions;
  • Has a positive effect on dermal cells, activating the synthesis and appearance of new collagen and elastin fibers;
  • Deodorizes the skin.
  • The aroma of the drug has a beneficial, relaxing effect on nervous system. Carrying out classic massage with the extract, in addition to the rejuvenating effect, an aromatherapy session is guaranteed.

How to use rose oil at home?

Use rosewood oil for the face with other components or in its pure form. The gentle action allows you to apply the oil against wrinkles around the eyes. A variety of recipes for nourishing, rejuvenating masks for any type skin. The prepared cream with rose oil, with regular use, will return at least 5 lost years.

Rosewood oil for the face and skin is absolutely harmless. There are no contraindications for use.

You can use it as an aromatherapy product. To do this, add a few drops to special aromatherapy lamps and emulsifiers.

Beauty Recipes

Rose oil mask – the right way restore lost elasticity, restore water balance. The result will be visible after the first procedure.

  • For dry skin, a composition of essential extracts of orange, chamomile, wheat germ, sandalwood and cayenne is useful. Combine the drugs in equal quantities. It is recommended to use the oil composition during massage sessions. Increase blood flow, speed up metabolic processes A deep facial massage will help activate collagen production.
  • It is also possible to revive and invigorate fading epidermal cells using rosewood oil for the face. To do this you will need a small amount of almond essential agent, sandalwood and rosewood pomace, leuzea, orange. Almond extract will complement and enhance the effectiveness of the mixture; learn more about its properties.
  • Some oily components are interchangeable. Therefore, you should not get upset or postpone the procedure in their absence. The almond remedy is replaced with avocado and olive extracts, and the wheat germ elixir is replaced with grapefruit and jojoba.
  • Rose oil is used at home to enhance the effectiveness of skincare creams. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of the product to the main cream.
  • You can prepare a nourishing skin cream based on the following oils: jojoba, hazelnut, avocado - 1 tbsp each, orange and rosewood - 5 drops each, jasmine and vanilla - 1 drop each. 2 drops of geranium can complete the composition.

Oil against wrinkles around the eyes works amazingly when combined with 1 tsp.

The rose is considered the queen of flowers because of its beauty and delicate aroma. It is not surprising that essential oil is extracted from the petals of this plant, which helps girls maintain their natural beauty. Cosmetologists recommend using rose oil for wrinkles. It perfectly “erases” the signs of age from the face, eliminating wrinkles, evening out tone, cleansing and eliminating inflammation.

To obtain rose oil, the method of steam distillation is used. The raw material is rose petals. The finished product has light color, viscous consistency and sweetish floral aroma.

The oil has a very complex multicomponent composition, consisting of solid and liquid parts. The liquid part has a pronounced aroma, the solid part has no smell. At room temperature and below, the solid part may separate and precipitate. To restore the homogeneous structure of the oil, it needs to be slightly heated. But you cannot overheat the product, as light essential substances will begin to evaporate.

What effect does it have?

Given that correct application, essential rose oil has next action on the skin:

  • Rejuvenates. By stimulating regeneration processes, the product promotes cell renewal. In addition, it activates the natural synthesis of collagen, which increases the elasticity of the skin.
  • Pulls up. Rose oil provides a lifting effect, so the oval of the face becomes clearer.
  • Relieves inflammation and irritation. This property allows us to recommend rose oil for problematic and sensitive epidermis.
  • Refreshing. The use of ether eliminates signs of fatigue and perfectly tones.
  • Cleanses. Rose ether helps remove toxins and also effectively cleanses pores, eliminating comedones - blackheads.

In addition, rose essential oil helps eliminate various cosmetic defects, it not only smoothes out wrinkles, but helps make them less noticeable:

  • age spots;
  • spider veins;
  • peeling;
  • scars and dark spots from healed acne;
  • swelling and purple shadows under the eyes.


Like other essential oils, rose petal product is highly concentrated. Therefore, it is used in small quantities, adding a few drops to various cosmetics. These can be commercial lotions and creams or homemade cosmetic formulations.

Rose oil may cause allergic rashes on the skin. Therefore, before applying mixtures of this product to your face, test it on the skin of your wrist. If there is no negative reaction within 24 hours after application, then this ether is safe for you.

Important! Does not recommend use this product For cosmetic care for girls who do not tolerate strong, heavy scents. This drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, problems with blood pressure or blood vessels.

Basic rules

To home cosmetic procedures brought maximum effect, you need to remember the nuances of using essential oils:

  • when heated to a temperature above 38 degrees, roses evaporate from the oil valuable substances. Therefore, never add ether to hot mixtures. If the recipe calls for some product (for example, honey) to be heated, then first cool the mixture and then add the ether;
  • The principle “the more, the more effective” does not work when preparing cosmetic compositions with essential oils. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the prescription;
  • Apply ready-made compositions only on previously cleansed skin. The holding time should not exceed twenty minutes.
  • If you want to eliminate cosmetic defects, you need to use rose essential oil once every three to four days. If the procedures are carried out for preventive purposes, then it is enough to do them weekly;
  • Do not use essential oil for too long; after 15 procedures, you need to take a break.

Application options

The easiest way to use the product is as an additive to finished cosmetics. It is enough to drop one drop of ether into a single portion of your regular cream to make the cosmetic product more effective. But you can also prepare homemade, completely natural cosmetics.

Tonic or cosmetic ice

150 ml purified or mineral water need to be mixed with five drops of rose essential oil. This tonic can be used for daily wiping of the face. Or freeze it in molds and rub ice cubes on your skin in the morning.


This homemade cosmetics option is suitable for problematic, combination or oily skin.

You need to mix:

  • Purified water – 200 ml;
  • Glycerin – 50 ml;
  • Salicylic alcohol – 15 ml;
  • Rose essential oil – 10 drops.

Use the product twice a day to wipe the skin

Eye cream

  • rosehip and jojoba oils – 10 ml each;
  • rose essential oil – 5 drops.

Mix everything, pour into a small dark glass bottle, leave for a day in a dark place. Apply the prepared cream every evening thin layer onto the skin of the eyelids and gently press them in with your fingertips.

Mask options

Rose essential oil can make homemade anti-aging masks more effective. Here are some proven recipes:

  • With rice flour. Grind 50 grams in a coffee grinder white rice until you get flour. Separately, mix 30 grams of yoghurt or fermented baked milk with 10 ml of avocado oil and three drops of rose essential oil. Add rice flour to the prepared mixture.
  • Honey and sour cream. Mix by big spoon liquid honey and fat sour cream. Add four drops of rose essential oil to a homogeneous mixture.
  • Oily. You need to mix 10 ml of grape seed and jojoba oils. Then add three drops of rose ether and the same amount of vanilla ether to the mixture. This composition whitens well and gives the face a healthy, even color.
  • With clay. Two tablespoons of clay blue color must be diluted with milk to obtain thick gruel. Then enrich the composition with esters (two drops each) - lavender, ylang-ylang and rose.

  • Honey-butter. Prepare a homogeneous mixture of oil almonds and natural honey. To facilitate the mixing process, the honey needs to be warmed up a little. Add the contents of one ampoule of aloe extract and three drops of rose ether into the cooled mixture.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Professional cosmetologists believe that, provided correct use rose ether will help solve various cosmetic problems. But it is very important not to forget to be careful and not to use the product too often, as this can only worsen existing skin defects.

Women's opinion

Many girls are happy to use rose essential oil, their reviews speak about this.

Lyudmila, 38 years old:

Rose oil is my favorite. I love its sensual scent. In addition, it is not too greasy and does not stain clothes. The oil is wonderfully refreshing and fights wrinkles. I've been using it for over two years now and have no plans to give it up.

Galina, 48 years old:

I, like most women, love roses. And just recently I discovered such a wonderful product as rose oil. This is a real elixir of youth, which allows you to refresh aging skin, make it more elastic and toned.

To rejuvenate your skin, use rose essential oil for your face, which can be used to home care for any skin type. Its gentle effect is a guarantee of quick and excellent results. With regular use of masks based on rose oil, the skin is noticeably smoother.

Cosmetologists are increasingly recommending that women use essential rose oil for facial care, which has many beneficial properties for the skin. It has a somewhat specific smell, which can be described as slightly sweet and at the same time sharp, floral-pink and spicy, honey and tart at the same time. The delicate, persistent aroma of this ether gives good mood, promotes excellent well-being, and most importantly, makes cosmetic procedures at home pleasant and relaxing. Essential rose oil is obtained industrially by steam distillation of rosehip flowers (their petals) of different varieties - evergreen, damask, centifolia, musk, etc. In skillful hands, this extraordinary substance becomes an excellent cosmetic product for rejuvenating mature, aging skin.

The effectiveness of rose essential oil

Essential rose oil has many beneficial properties for the beauty and health of the skin. Its pronounced anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, antioxidant and antitoxic effect on the deep layers of the epidermis provides the delightful result that is obtained in the end. If after the first mask (compress or application) with rose essential oil the facial skin only slightly smoothes out and improves its color, then with regular use the effectiveness of all these products will only increase each time. With proper use of the ether, in just a couple of weeks you can expect results that will definitely please you, since rose oil:

  • Has a rejuvenating effect : helps damaged tissues regenerate; in mature, already aging skin, restores sufficient production of elastin and collagen fibers; smoothes facial and age wrinkles; has a lifting effect, eliminating problems such as jowls and double chin;
  • Visually narrows capillaries , under its influence the vascular pattern in the form of a mesh or stars on the face gradually disappears, so rose oil is excellent medicine against rosacea;
  • Makes the facial contour clear , embossed, younger;
  • Capable of daily care for aging, fading, mature, rough, hard, dry, and in some cases even sensitive skin;
  • Recommended by cosmetologists for therapy inflammatory processes on the face (even teenagers can safely use rose oil against pimples and acne );
  • Relieves fatigue (thanks to its medicinal aroma), gives the skin freshness, perfectly tones;
  • Used as a massage product;
  • Brings it back to normal lipid metabolism in cells, which also helps to tighten facial contours and getting rid of sagging jowls and double chin ;
  • Neutralizes harmful substances, removes them from cells, cleanses the skin , eliminates blackheads.

The targeted action of rose essential oil on the skin is a guarantee of excellent results and always positive emotions after using home remedies prepared on its basis.

If one of these problems has become your obsession, a complex, or simply a problem that you want to solve as quickly as possible, be sure to buy this ether at an aroma store and enjoy its effect on the skin. If you have wild rose (rose hip) petals at your disposal, you can try to make this oil yourself at home, but this will require time and patience. Otherwise, rose ether will not cause you much trouble.

Rules for home use of rose essential oil

Some beauties underestimate the cosmetic power of essential rose oil and immediately, without prior preparation, begin preparing masks and compresses. But it is not recommended to do this without prior instructions, as it can harm the skin. We must not forget what any ether is: it is a very concentrated substance, which in its pure form can cause a burn to the dermis or intensify the source of inflammation. So be sure to first study the rules for using rose oil for facial skin care to avoid undesirable consequences because of his own frivolity.

  • Best in for cosmetic purposes use aromatic concentrate , which will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it in rejuvenating and improving facial skin. Adding to homemade cosmetic masks rose oil capsules purchased from a pharmacy , can also be effective, but not as much as in the first case. Capsules are intended primarily for oral use and have slightly different therapeutic indications, not cosmetic. Already ready-made facial skin care products , which initially contain rose oil, can be purchased, but do not expect much effectiveness from them, since the content active substance there will be very little in them. There is another option cosmetic use rose oil for skin rejuvenation - if it is prepared at home. But in this case you need to be very careful and prepare it exactly according to the recipe, without experimenting.
  • When using rose oil, keep it away from hot substances. . High temperatures destroy the beneficial properties of the ether, and it becomes simply an aromatic liquid. Therefore, when preparing various homemade cosmetics based on it, do not heat the remaining ingredients: they should just be at room temperature. Recipes often recommend bringing it to warm state honey, kefir, milk and other products in a water bath - discard this if you want to enjoy the full cosmetic effect of rose essential oil.
  • It is advisable in this matter not to experiment at first. The recipe always contains precise instructions about what ingredients and in what quantity to include in the mask. If you use more rose oil than you should, it may cause hyperemia (excessive redness) of the skin and irritation due to high concentration ether. It's easy to avoid such troubles - just follow the recipe exactly.
  • Rose oil also has its contraindications. Firstly, it is often found individual intolerance of this ether, which manifests itself in allergic reaction after external use of the oil. To find out how your skin reacts to the concentrate, dilute it with water (10% ether to 90% water) and rub the resulting solution on your wrist. If no rash or irritation appears within a few hours (2-3), you can safely enjoy the effects of wild rose oil on your facial skin.
  • However, individual intolerance is not the only contraindication for the use of this remedy. Since it has a pronounced odor, it is not recommended for those who have any problems with blood pressure or mental health. Serious illnesses circulatory system can also become a barrier to the use of rose oil as cosmetic product for skin. Therefore the most best option in all these cases, consult your doctor.
  • Before applying rose oil to the skin, it is better to steam and cleanse it. To do this, cook with herbs and massage your face with your favorite scrub. This will only enhance the effect of your chosen mask with rose oil.
  • You can apply the product with your fingers or a special brush.
  • The duration of action cannot be long due to the high concentration of active biological substances. Therefore, 15–20 minutes for such a procedure is quite enough.
  • Washing off the mask from your face should not cause much trouble, as you can simply wash your face under running water or remove it with a cotton pad soaked in milk at room temperature.
  • If the problems you are trying to solve with rose oil are quite serious (pimples or wrinkles cover most of the face), then healing masks can be done twice a week. If things are still not too bad, once a week will be enough.
  • Don't forget to take a break from treating your skin with wild rose oil. After 10-15 uses, be sure to give your skin a rest so that it does not get used to the same substances. You can, for example, change the composition of the mask.

Now you know how to competently and correctly use wild rose essential oil for cosmetic purposes.

If you do everything exactly according to the instructions at least for the first time, after the first procedure you will be able to appreciate all the beauty of this ether.

Then, regularly repeating the same manipulations, you will succeed automatically, and the result will get better and better. A lot will also depend on which recipe you choose.

Recipes for products containing rose oil

You can find many different recipes cosmetic masks, compresses, applications that can be easily and quickly made at home with the addition of essential rose oil. Choose only those that promise to solve your problem. If you need to smooth out wrinkles and tighten sagging, sagging skin, an anti-acne mask with rose oil won't do much for you. So be wise when choosing your recipe.

  • Homemade rose oil

Olive oil (it must be unrefined) must be heated in a water bath to 65–70°C. Then you pour rosehip petals into it until there are no more free space in the container, i.e. to the top. Next, you need to leave this mass somewhere in a warm place (for example, place it near a radiator, in the sun, near a stove) for two days. After this, squeeze out the petals and add fresh oil again. This procedure must be repeated 10 times. You will get real rose oil when prepared with my own hands at home. It is recommended to store it in a dark, preferably cool place in a well-closed container.

  • Tonic for fresh face

IN boiled water(250 ml) add rose oil (5-8 drops). Wipe your face with toner every day for 2 weeks.

  • Anti-wrinkle mask

Mix 1 tablespoon. almond oil with 3-6 drops of rose ether.

  • Double chin mask

Mix 30 ml of almond oil with 10 ml of wheat germ, add 4-5 drops of rose petal ether.

  • Acne mask

Mix 15 ml of honey and almond oil, add 2 pharmacy capsules of tocopherol and rose oil.

Those women who have felt the full power of this elixir of youth - rose essential oil - are unlikely to agree to give it up. Lasting results, pleasant process of the procedure itself, minimum side effects with proper use, excellent skin condition after masks and compresses with rose oil - all these benefits this tool speak for themselves. With regular use at home, you can forget about many different skin problems. Pamper yourself with a gentle and pleasant oil: it will not only restore your youth and beauty, but also restore your strength with a healing, concentrated aroma.

Rose facial oil - fragrant skin rejuvenation at home

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