The sight of food makes me sick. What to eat when nothing fits? He ate a spoonful of food and won’t eat anymore

Appetite may decrease various reasons, for example, due to depression, bad sleep or well-being. When a person sees the world in black colors, a piece of food does not fit into his throat. He perceives food as medicine, without which he cannot live. Indifference to food turns into disgust.

How to cause food aversion?

If a person becomes lethargic and apathetic during depression, then he stops eating. What if nervous tension expressed in the form of anxiety, non-constructive activity appears. That is, a person walks chaotically around the room, bites his nails and empties the refrigerator.

Violation eating behavior often associated with self-flagellation, when a person, for some reason, directs aggression towards himself. From birth, children should know that they are loved, valued and cared for. If a child knows for sure that the world needs him, then no feelings of guilt will appear. The baby will grow up to be a mentally healthy and adequate person.

People deprived of love and attention refuse to eat, exhibiting some kind of suicidal attempts. Some don't buy for themselves good products and things because they consider themselves unworthy of anything good in life. If in childhood a child was told that he was a burden, a parasite, that he was fed in vain, then these phrases, which settle in the subconscious, therefore cause an aversion to food.

How to cause food aversion? It is not easy to answer this question. First of all, you need to understand why this is necessary in principle. If a person is prone to overeating and therefore gains weight, then you can go to a psychologist and find out the real reason active emptying of the refrigerator. If there are no health problems, then there is no need to cause aversion to food. Food should give pleasure.

Causes of aversion to food

When a person needs food, he experiences hunger. In the civilized world, people do not experience true hunger because they eat well and regularly. If a person does not feel hungry, then he should not eat, otherwise oversaturation, obesity, complexes, and so on will occur. Do not overfill your stomach or force food into it.

After alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, coffee, strong emotions, heat and pain, you may lose your appetite. There is no need to force food into yourself; you should start eating after hunger appears. Eating can only be done in a calm environment, when nothing interferes or disturbs you. The reasons for aversion to food must be sought within yourself. Stress takes a lot of energy, the body refuses food because it is unable to digest anything. So there is no need to aggravate the situation with extra products. Fasting will help redistribute energy and recover quickly.

During illness, the doctor creates a diet that promotes speedy recovery. It is not for nothing that in hospitals there are numbering of tables, that is, there is a list of dishes that will help you quickly recover, regain strength and replenish energy.

It is important to listen to your body. If he says he doesn’t want to eat, then that’s true, and there’s no point in arguing with him.

Fasting improves health, regulates weight and helps develop taste. A person who experiences hunger from time to time begins to be more picky about food, does not thresh everything in the refrigerator, but eats only selected foods that he really wants.

Food aversion and nausea

Vomiting is often preceded by a painful sensation in the throat, weakness, pallor and aversion to food. A person may feel sick from stress, overeating, lack of sleep, stuffiness, hunger, fatigue, bad smell and so on.

Food aversions and nausea can be a sign of pregnancy. Moreover, an unpleasant sensation arises precisely when a specific dish appears nearby. With the help of nausea, the body tries to protect itself from harmful substances.

People who lead healthy image life, exercise and eat right, and rarely experience nausea. A healthy body cannot vomit, because it has no reason for this.

Food aversion during pregnancy

A woman should make lifestyle changes long before pregnancy. You need to spend a lot of time outside, exercise, don’t smoke, don’t drink, and eat only the right foods.

Food aversions during pregnancy mainly occur in the first trimester. After the body adapts to the fact that someone has settled in it, everything will pass.

Nausea during pregnancy occurs mainly in the morning. In order to alleviate your condition, you need to put a glass of water and a pack of crackers on your bedside table in the evening. This ration must be swallowed without getting out of bed.

Aversion to food in a child

Parents are always terribly happy when their child has good appetite. And everyone, without exception, begins to panic if a child develops an aversion to food.

A child has a much smaller stomach than an adult, but he is forced to eat almost the same amount. Why? Parents don't know about physiological characteristics children? It seems to them that the child is not eating anything, although he ate some porridge, a ladle of soup and yogurt. At two years this may be quite enough.

Agree, a completely healthy person cannot refuse food and feel disgusted by it. There are many factors of external and internal influence on the body that can cause such a reaction. It may not be like serious reasons, and dangerous pathological changes.
Reasons that can lead to decreased appetite:
  • Severe stress and depression;
  • Toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Intoxication of the body (poisoning);
  • Allergy to certain foods;
  • Presence of worms.
A person who has an aversion to food must diligently monitor his health. Often despite the fact that food doesn't fit And be sick, other symptoms are present: fever, vomiting, weakness, horse racing blood pressure. In such cases, the patient requires drug treatment. To do this, you need to contact a gastroenterologist.

Drug treatment of nausea and food aversions

It is very important to determine what caused food to no longer bring pleasure. Afterwards, the doctor will help eliminate it using special therapy:
  1. If the case is not very serious, you can at least sometimes force yourself to eat something, then they may prescribe sorbents and antiemetic drugs to improve the work digestive system. When it comes to completely refusing food, antibiotics and antispasmodics are already used here;
  2. Proper nutrition: follow special diet, in which preference is given to eating fresh herbs and spices, they stimulate the appetite.
  3. In some cases, they resort to herbal medicine.

Do not try to look for the reasons on your own, because a lot of time will be wasted, and the problem must be solved quickly, otherwise there is a possibility of serious deviations in the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

How to improve appetite using folk remedies?

If not serious problems with health, and refusal of food was provoked external factors, then you can apply several folk recipes to stimulate appetite:
  • decoction from the roots of calamus: grind 1 teaspoon of the root system, pour 3 cups of boiling water and cook over low heat for no more than 20 minutes. Then cool and let it brew. Drink 3 times a day, 2 glasses before meals;
  • consuming pomegranate juice and pulp stimulates the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dandelion root infusion: 30 g of root pour into 1 liter boiled water, drink ½ glass 3 times a day before meals.
And there are a lot of such recipes; you need to use at least one of them so that your appetite returns again.
“Video The piece doesn’t fit into the throat. Diagnosis while eating"
Nutrition for a pregnant woman.

Rational nutrition is one of the main conditions for normal fetal development, positive course of pregnancy and completion of pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, nutrition must be organized correctly; it is necessary to supply the body with vitamins and minerals from fresh, properly prepared, tasty food in a timely manner.

A woman’s body must be well prepared even before conception. There is no need to go to the other extreme - the expectant mother does not have to eat for two. Eating too much food will not improve the health of a pregnant woman. On the contrary, this can lead to an unnecessary increase in fetal weight, which, in turn, will lead to problems during childbirth.

Rational nutrition of a pregnant woman is based on taking into account the period of pregnancy, the level physical training woman and her character labor activity. In the first half of pregnancy, especially in first trimester, nutrition may not be particularly different from what it was before pregnancy. The main emphasis should be on quality, not quantity, according to the principle of “a little, but good.”

Everything is vital important processes processes occurring in the human body require a constant supply of energy. It is created as a result of the biological breakdown of nutrients and is released in the form of heat. The units of measurement for thermal energy release are kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ). Each gram of carbohydrate produces approximately 4 kcal, fat - 9 kcal, protein - 4 kcal.

The main sources of energy are fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are used mainly to build tissue cells and organs of the unborn child.

A pregnant woman, with proper nutrition, does not need a significant increase in calorie intake. On average, it is believed that in the first trimester she needs no more than 50-100 kcal extra per day, in the second trimester she needs to add another 200-300 kcal/day, and in the third trimester she needs to increase her diet by another 300-400 kcal/day. For example, healthy women mid-level physical development(height 155-165 cm, body weight - 55-65 kg), engaged in work of average intensity, were at rational nutrition, the energy value of which was 2200-2300 kcal/day. That is, during pregnancy, their diet should provide 2300-2400 kcal/day in the first trimester, 2500-2600 kcal/day in the second, and 2800-3000 kcal/day in the third.

Optimizing caloric intake in the last three months of pregnancy is necessary because the fetus at this time is growing rapidly and increasing body weight, he develops a subcutaneous fat layer. The expectant mother should also accumulate this subcutaneous fat. It is necessary for both as an energy material during childbirth and in the postpartum period.

A pregnant woman with increased body weight needs to restrain herself from increasing the caloric content of food. In this case, the issue of nutrition is best resolved individually according to the recommendations of the attending physician.

Composition of a pregnant woman's diet.

In order for mother and child to feel good, the woman’s body must receive valuable nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and microelements that are found in both animal and animal products plant origin. There is no food that is contraindicated for pregnant women. You can eat everything, but just a little bit. Is it true, eating sugar, confectionery, lush cakes, no matter how delicious they are, should be limited. They provide a huge amount of carbohydrate calories and do not contain any nutrients.

Protein is the main material for building a cell. Full intrauterine development of a little person requires the creation of billions of cells. And for this you need food with a rational content of protein of plant and animal origin. The value of animal proteins (meat, offal, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products) is that they contain all the amino acids necessary for the human body, which means they are indispensable for a pregnant woman and the developing fetus. The main amount of protein in a pregnant woman's body comes from milk and dairy products (mild cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese) and is supplemented by proteins from meat and fish, as well as proteins found in eggs.

Proteins of plant origin, which enter the body with bakery and pasta, cereals and legumes (soybeans, peas, beans, beans, lentils, and so on), although inferior in nutritional value to animal proteins, contain other essential components: carbohydrates, B vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is positive to combine 60% animal proteins and 40% plant proteins in the diet.

Fat in a pregnant woman's diet should only be of high quality. Among animal fats, it is useful to use milk fats - cream, sour cream, butter, ghee, and among vegetable fats - sunflower, corn, olive, and soybean oil.

Milk fat and fat egg yolk- a good source of fat-digesting vitamins A and D, vegetable fats- highly concentrated sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamin E. Association of animals and vegetable fats plays a role in the nutrition of a pregnant woman important role in energy supply, the correct course of metabolic processes in a pregnant woman, in the construction of cell membranes (cell membranes) of the fetus, its development and viability.

To ensure that fats do not lose their valuable qualities, they must be consumed in their natural form. Salad using vegetable oil or sandwich with butter You can eat it at least every day, but as for hidden fats (sausage, sauces for meat, baked goods), it is better to consume them in limited quantities. IN last trimester a pregnant woman needs more fat than the first two.

Easily absorbed by the body, carbohydrates are a source of energy and play an important role in many structural processes. Sugar is carbohydrates in pure form. Neither the mother nor the child needs it in excess quantities. Products made from coarse flour, fruits and vegetables will be more valuable.

Products containing starch are digested slowly, which means energy is supplied to the child’s body slowly but constantly. If you have a craving for sweets, it is healthier to eat fruit. If you want to eat a sandwich, eat it with vegetables, for example, green lettuce or cabbage.

The growing uterus puts pressure on the organs and significantly complicates the work of the stomach and intestines. The intestines, with all its complexities that have already arisen, become even lazier under the influence of certain hormones that are produced in the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, a pregnant woman’s body is very sensitive to the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Its normal level is maintained by rhythmic meals containing simple and complex carbohydrates.

Considering all this, you need to change your diet. Take food not three times, but 5-6 times a day in small portions. This is especially important in the second half of pregnancy. Products must be distributed between meals so that meat, fish, and cereals are included in the menu for breakfast and lunch. For afternoon snacks and dinner, dairy-vegetable foods are recommended. At night it is useful to eat fruits and wholemeal cookies. If you really want to eat something else, don’t deny yourself it. Your body will tell you exactly what it needs. If the desired product is not very useful for a pregnant woman, limit yourself to a small amount. You have every right to satisfy your little whims. It is advisable to eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Don't overuse fried food smoked food and, of course, it is necessary to limit the use of spices.

After eating, you do not need to rest lying down. Let your holiday be active. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. Pay attention to your drinking regime. It shouldn't be too bulky.

Limit salt in food. A diet with low content salts This will prevent the development of edema and have great value for the normal course of childbirth. The amount of salt one month before childbirth should be limited to 6-8 g per day.

In what cases is it necessary to change your diet?

Nausea and heartburn. These phenomena can be avoided if you eat little and often. If you eat every 2-3 hours, your blood sugar will be stable and your baby will get energy evenly.

Morning sickness. In the evening, put something edible next to your bed, and in the morning, before you even get out of bed, you can eat or drink it. Many pregnant women wake up at night feeling hungry, which indicates that their blood sugar levels have dropped significantly overnight. Having a light snack right before bed helps. At night or in the morning on an empty stomach, it is better to eat an apple, banana or other fruit.

Belching sour. Two nuts must be chewed until they turn into pulp, after which they can be swallowed.

Swelling. Latest studies have shown that there is no need to prescribe pregnant women a salt-free diet, a diet poor in protein, as well as the so-called “rice days”. They give only a temporary effect. It is better to drink rosehip decoction, fruit compote without sugar or fruit tea. Parsley decoction is also a good diuretic. So in a natural way kidney function is activated.

Migraine, dizziness, convulsions, intestinal colic, disorder heart rate- all these signs indicate that there is not enough magnesium in your diet. Eat more nuts and soybeans, as well as grains and vegetables, especially root vegetables.

Headaches. One of possible reasons- lack of iron reserves. Your menu should include a more complete representation of wholemeal products and offal.

Increase thyroid gland, heavy breathing, brittle hair, dry skin. During pregnancy, the need for iodine increases sharply because from the 13th week the fetus begins to independently produce thyroid hormones and takes iodine from the mother’s body. If this loss is not restored, the pregnant woman begins to increase thyroid gland. It is necessary to eat food rich in iodine: fresh fish (cod, sea bass, etc.), broccoli, dairy products, and also eat iodized salt with food.

Bad habits.

If you like coffee, try to limit your consumption so as not to provoke an accelerated heartbeat in your child. Black tea also contains caffeine, so don't drink more than 2 cups per day. It is better to do this 2 hours after eating, since black tea inhibits the absorption of iron, affects the development of the fetus and can be one of the reasons for miscarriage.

Alcohol should also be avoided. Sometimes you can indulge in a glass of wine or a little beer. The child saves alcohol intoxication longer than an adult. As a result, children whose mothers often drank alcoholic beverages are born with low body weight, congenital defects of the head and face, internal organs, and mental disorders.

Women who smoke also harm their children. Nicotine is a poison for blood vessels, so the placenta does not receive blood well. Smoking stimulates miscarriage, bleeding, and illness respiratory tract in newborns. Passive smoking It is also unsafe - toxic substances penetrate through the mother’s blood, so try to stay away from smoky rooms. Please ask that no smoking occurs in your presence. If you yourself smoked a lot before conception, then while smoking, try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke to a minimum.

Food is the main source of energy for any living organism. Absolutely healthy person he is not in danger of losing his appetite, he is not sick from the smell of meat, seafood, fried and boiled dishes. Various external or internal factors can provoke temporary or persistent categorical aversion to food. Pathological condition has no clear age or gender restrictions.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The causes of aversion to food can be harmless or indicate pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and psychosomatic disorders. In the civilized world, people have the opportunity to eat well and regularly, so they rarely experience true hunger. If you forcefully fill the stomach with food, discomfort will appear in the epigastric region, followed by nausea and vomiting. IN stressful situations, and also after drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking, the body is not able to digest food efficiently, so indifference to food gradually turns into aversion to foods.

During menopause, there may be an aversion to food.

Loss of appetite and aversion to food occur due to:

  • Malfunction of the digestive organs: stomach, liver, gallbladder or pancreas.
  • Hormonal imbalance (lactation period, female menopause, andropause.)
  • Worm infestation. Aversion to food is accompanied by sudden weight loss.
  • Allergic reaction to taking medicines. Lack of appetite and nausea are often included in the list of possible side effects for antibiotics, painkillers and other drugs.
  • Severe food poisoning.
  • History of oncology.

Patients with food aversions should pay attention to associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, changes in body temperature and blood pressure. Thus, an aversion to meat, fish and other foods can provoke viral infection, usually accompanied by fever. Food, chemical or drug intoxication does not occur without nausea and vomiting, and indigestion.

The norm is a short-term aversion to food in the first trimester of pregnancy during toxicosis.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, aversion to food is caused by toxicosis and is considered by doctors as a variant of the norm. However, loss of appetite long term gradually dehydrates a woman’s body (with a minimum water intake) and poses a danger to the baby’s health. Sometimes representatives of the fairer sex deliberately refuse food in order to get rid of extra pounds. This method of losing weight creates an aversion to familiar foods, which leads to nervous exhaustion, anorexia, gastrointestinal diseases.

With malnutrition, the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases, a person becomes sick from the smell of food, and, as they say, “food doesn’t fit.” Cause eating disorder lies in the following: the body begins to take energy from its own tissues, while releasing toxins. As a result, a person reacts to intoxication with nausea, and thoughts about the upcoming lunch or dinner cause disgust.

Eating disorders in children

Lack of appetite due to aversion to food affects the natural weight gain, activity and development of the child. It is in the first years of life that children develop their activities intestinal tract, taste and smell are formed. To make food enjoyable, you should not ignore your baby’s taste preferences. If a child has an aversion to fish, prepare cutlets from it; if he is disgusted by meat, cook soup on the stove. chicken broth. Your favorite food should not only be tasty, but also attractive in appearance.

As teeth grow, children may experience negative reactions when eating.

Eating is accompanied by a negative reaction during teething or stomatitis. Due to accelerated growth older children often experience attacks of nausea and a strong aversion to vegetables, cereals, and dairy products. Be patient and attentive to your child’s choices so that temporary lack of appetite and aversion to food do not become pathological.

It's no secret that catering dishes are far from ideal. Children up to school age or elementary school students should not be forced to eat in the canteen if they do not like the taste of the prepared food. IN similar situations It is appropriate to take a “brake” from home with food that will not spoil before lunch. When the situation changes (moving to another city, country), parents may notice that the child has lost his appetite. As soon as the adaptation period is over and the child finds new friends, the “whims” in the kitchen will disappear without a trace.

Pregnancy and toxicosis

The first signs of pregnancy include aversion to food, expectant mother literally sick from the smell of food. Usually discomfort are marked on early stages pregnancy, the urge to nausea and vomiting occurs at any time of the day. In the hot summer, the situation worsens, a woman may feel nauseous from the stuffiness, and it may seem that her favorite food smells bad.

Food intolerance during pregnancy is associated with:

  • Hormonal surge. No appetite due to sharp increase progesterone synthesis.
  • Psychological factor. Depression or anxious thoughts about the upcoming birth impair sleep, appetite, aversion to foods and nausea.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements. If during pregnancy you don’t even want to think about food, drink compotes, freshly squeezed juices, and fruit drinks. It is advisable to take folic acid and iron in tablet form.

Due to violation metabolic processes women eat foods they previously had an aversion to. For example, a vegetarian shows interest in meat dishes, while a sweet tooth eats salty and pickled foods with an appetite. The condition of a pregnant woman is considered dangerous if toxicosis is accompanied by an aversion to food, constant nausea and repeated vomiting (up to 10–15 times a day). In this case, the woman should be under the supervision of a competent specialist.

Therapeutic measures

Diagnosis and treatment of problems with food perception are the responsibility of a gastroenterologist. After interviewing the patient and thorough examination the body, a therapeutic regimen is built with subsequent correction of the diet. If a child’s appetite has deteriorated, a pediatrician’s consultation is required.

Food aversions can be eliminated with:

  • Taking medications. Conservative treatment involves the use of antiemetic drugs, sorbents, and means to improve gastric motility. Subject to availability inflammatory process, which provokes a lack of appetite and does not allow an adequate attitude towards food, antibiotics and antispasmodics are prescribed.
  • Recipes traditional medicine. You can combat food aversions and nausea by increasing your appetite. For this purpose, decoctions or infusions are prepared from chamomile, parsley seeds, anise fruits, and crushed dandelion roots.
  • Dietary food. Fresh herbs and spices activate digestion and stimulate appetite. Eat in portions, chewing your food well. Remember, artificial flavor enhancers are dangerous to your health.

If, while carrying a child, a woman experiences a strong aversion to food, doctors recommend giving up foods that irritate the stomach. The morning portion of food will not be wasted if you eat it immediately after waking up. To do this, prepare food the night before, don’t nauseating and vomiting (low-fat cookies, bagels). Long intervals between meals will not help cope with food aversions and restore appetite; the period of toxicosis must be endured.

Trust your own feelings, don’t ignore them alarming symptoms such as lack of appetite, nausea, rejection of eaten food. Create your own daily ration nutrition is not at all difficult, the main thing is that there is a desire to comply with it. But if food still doesn't bring you pleasure, you feel disgusted with it. food products, consult a dietitian. Be healthy!

For healthy body It is normal to have an appetite and enjoy food and feel full. For most people, eating delicious food is a source of strength, both physical and emotional. Naturally, the diet should be under control, within reasonable limits, without overeating or starvation.

Sometimes an eating disorder manifests itself as an aversion to food, and it occurs at any age and in any state of health. Let's try to figure out why nausea and aversion to food suddenly appears and how you can deal with it.

How does aversion to food and its smells manifest?

If you look at it, it's unpleasant condition similar to loss of appetite, but much more pronounced.

When there is no appetite, it means “ I don't feel like eating anything", and the feeling of disgust makes a person experience acute negative emotions to the sight, taste or smell of food, sometimes even the thought of food or specific product Enough to make you feel nauseous.

Disgust can come in several forms:

  • the taste for certain products and the dishes that were previously liked suddenly became disgusting;
  • everything makes you sick, but you can somehow force yourself to eat;
  • complete and categorical aversion to any food and the inability to eat at all because of this.

According to severity and impact on women's health The last point is most alarming, as it can be a manifestation of serious disorders and diseases - from anorexia to cancer.

Refusal to eat or prolonged malnutrition leads not only to weight loss, but also to nervous exhaustion, depression, mental disorders, can provoke diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular and systemic diseases.

Therefore, it is impossible to take a long-term refusal of food lightly! Instead of waiting for everything to go away on its own, it’s worth thinking about why the aversion to food arose and what to do about it.

Looking for the cause of food aversion

If the problem has become a torment, and there is also a deterioration in well-being, then the best way To find the causes of this condition, you will need to visit a doctor, preferably a comprehensive medical examination.

It would be reasonable to visit specialists in the following sequence: therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, psychotherapist. It would also be a good idea to visit a nutritionist, if such an opportunity is available.

The identified reasons for deviations in appetite can be completely different:

  • toxicosis (during pregnancy, food, drug or chemical poisoning);
  • malfunctions of the liver and bile, pancreas, gastritis, duodenitis, colitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergies - food, household or medication;
  • helminthic infestation (even if cleanliness is maintained, the source can be pets);
  • internal diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders (problems of the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland);
  • pathologies of metabolism and immunity (diabetes, gout, hemochromatosis);
  • viral diseases (hepatitis, HIV, cancer, influenza)
  • neurosis, clinical depression, psychotic disorder.

However, if accompanying symptoms no and your health has not changed (no sudden and significant weight loss, dizziness, fever, rash, pain), then most likely the problem is superficial and will not become big threat. However, to improve your quality of life, it is better to know what to do about food aversions.

Why does a child have an aversion to food?

The problem of children has its own characteristics, for starters, it is almost impossible to get a small child to eat normally, so loss of appetite or hatred of certain foods can greatly affect the natural weight gain, activity and development of the baby. Why does this happen to children?

The first years of life are associated with many changes in the child’s body: intestinal function improves, immunity develops, baby teeth are cut, taste and smell are formed. Frequent pain and the irritation that inevitably occurs in babies going through all these stages can easily cause loss of appetite and reluctance to eat.

In addition, monotonous food, poorly prepared or heated, forcing the mother to swallow food and simply ignoring the baby’s taste preferences leads to a persistent association - “ unpleasant to eat!" To avoid an eating disorder in a child, you need patience and attentiveness to his choice, reaction, as well as efforts to make children's food as tasty and attractive as possible.

During periods of growth, school-age children may experience attacks of nausea and a sharp aversion to certain foods (often onions, carrots, milk, porridge). At this age, one can easily mistake changes in taste and appetite for whims, but many parents will confirm that if you meet children’s preferences halfway and adjust homemade dishes to the child’s taste, then after a while such “oddities” go away by themselves and without a trace.

A difficulty for kindergarten children and schoolchildren is often the need to eat in the canteen. Catering meals are far from ideal, and here you can only help a child by preparing lunches and snacks for him to take with him, and also talking with the teacher and teacher about not being forced to eat cafeteria portions.

Unfortunately or fortunately, children’s hatred of public catering, as a rule, remains for life - it is impossible to fight this preference.

How to deal with food aversions during pregnancy

While expecting a baby, women have to deal with such unpleasant conditions as toxicosis. It usually occurs in the first trimester, but toxicosis is also common throughout the entire period, as well as in the last three months.

Loss of appetite and nausea may be accompanied by intolerance to stuffiness, sleep disturbance, general weakness and low weight gain. Severe toxicosis manifested by attacks of vomiting not only from what was eaten, but also from the smell of food and even thoughts about it.

To overcome this condition without resorting to hospital treatment, you need to try to maintain a daily routine, avoid food and drinks that irritate the gastric mucosa and esophagus ( strong tea, coffee, cocoa, sour juices), eat small meals and only those foods that cause a minimal reaction.