Causes of frequent and severe headaches in teenagers and pills for them. Why do teenagers get headaches? Headache in teenagers, causes Frequent headaches in a 17-year-old girl

Adolescence is a great test for the child’s body, all its organs and systems. The functional maturation of the brain and autonomic nervous system ends.

These processes occur against the background of hormonal changes, and often those disturbances in the functioning of the organs and systems of the body that were hidden for the time being begin to manifest themselves: where it is thin, it breaks.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it is during puberty that morbidity increases, with diseases of the digestive, respiratory and nervous system occupying the leading positions.

One of the most common misconceptions not only of parents, but also of doctors is that headaches in adolescents are not taken seriously enough. Indeed, it is often believed that this is an adaptive reaction of the body to “restructuring”, so examination and treatment are not required.

Any painful sensation is a protective reaction of the body, an alarm signal, ignoring which leads to serious consequences. After all, in case of toothache during puberty, parents take their child to the doctor and do not explain it as “restructuring of the teeth,” their adaptive reaction to growing up.

A headache has the same mechanism; the body signals trouble. It is not necessary that a headache is a consequence of neurological problems only, but it definitely requires examination and treatment by a doctor.

Every person has experienced a headache at least once in their life, regardless of the number of years they have lived. Everyone knows that it is very difficult to determine the causes of these conditions.

And this must be done to eliminate the cause. But not only does every adult suffer from headaches, but also children (from 3 years old) experience these unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations.

According to studies and observations, children experience the most frequent periods of headaches at the age of:

  • 6 years (most likely this is due to the beginning of the school period).
  • 12 years for girls and 13 years for boys (puberty).

The only way to find out the true cause of headaches is through a complete diagnosis.

Let's look at the most common and possible causes of headaches in a 6-year-old child and decide what can be done to reduce and prevent them.

If a child constantly has a headache, he should be immediately shown to a specialist and examined to determine the cause of this anomaly.

Causes of HDD

Headache in adolescents can have two types of causes: external, that is, independent of the physical state of the body, internal, which means various diseases.

This article is dedicated to children and adolescents suffering from headaches and migraines. After reading the article, you will learn to understand that a child has a migraine or a simple headache, what complications of migraine lead to and how to treat it.

We will also analyze in detail tension-related headaches and cluster headaches specifically in adolescents aged 13-16 years.

How to identify migraine?

With cephalalgia in adolescents, there can be many reasons for the development of symptoms. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Prolonged and constant tension of the body muscles in various anti-physiological postures, for example, an uncomfortable desk when a person is in an uncomfortable position.
  • Stress, anxiety and depression of a psychological nature. Moreover, this process is accompanied by numerous complaints about a constant feeling of fatigue in the body, an increased level of irritability, and serious fatigue. Masked depression is also observed, which has certain somatic complaints.
  • Analgesics were taken in excessive quantities.

The disease can also be triggered by changes in weather conditions, eating insufficient quantities, constant exposure to a stuffy room, mental or physical stress. Headaches in teenagers also occur due to other symptoms, but they are no longer as significant or common.

The disease can also be triggered by changes in weather conditions, eating insufficient quantities, constant exposure to a stuffy room, mental or physical stress. Headaches in teenagers also occur due to other symptoms, but they are no longer as significant or common.

Constant headache in the back of the head.

Constant headache in the back of the head - the cause of such a headache can be arterial hypertension, in other words, increased blood pressure. Often it is the increase in blood pressure that gives such sensations in the back of the head, but there may be other reasons; we will describe the main ones.

The next reason may be neuralgia of the occipital nerves of the greater and (or) lesser, these are peripheral nerves that can cause painful and tedious pain in the occipital area.

Considering the characteristics of adolescence, we can identify a number of reasons why a teenager has a headache.

One of the common reasons why a teenager may have a headache may be an insufficient amount of fluid in the body. At this age, people lead an active and mobile lifestyle and in order to restore fluid balance, they need to drink a lot of water;

Modern teenagers are often addicted to energy drinks that contain taurine and caffeine. These substances often cause headaches in adults, and those under 18 are not recommended to use them.

Etiology of the disease

Headache can have a number of other causes, these are:

  • cephalalgia - pain in the head and neck area is chronic;
  • obstructed outflow of venous blood;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • nervous tension;
  • migraine;
  • dilation of the walls of blood vessels in the brain;
  • infections;
  • taking medications that have side effects such as headaches;
  • abscess;
  • cyst;
  • stroke;
  • flat feet;
  • pathologies of skull structures;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • renal pathologies;
  • mental illness.

According to statistics, almost 50% of all patients with constant headache experience it due to nervous tension. This discomfort can last up to a week, day after day, without stopping.

Migraine affects about 15% of all people who seek help. Doctors do not yet fully know its causes, but there is an opinion that the disease is inherited.

A small number of patients suffer from cephalgia - up to 2%. Almost 30% of patients suffer from osteochondrosis.

At least 70-75% are susceptible to depression.

Each of the patients self-medicates for headaches, taking tablets from a number of analgesics or antispasmodics without a doctor’s prescription. Many people constantly get by with these methods and forget about headaches for a long time.

If the pain was associated with minor changes in the body, and everything was restored, it is not dangerous. But when a patient simply veils his illness, sooner or later more serious consequences will come out.

There are a number of other reasons that can cause headaches:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Chronic course of the disease.

Ignoring the seasonality factor when choosing clothes can significantly worsen the condition of a teenager’s body.

Walking without a hat in winter often leads to inflammatory changes in the ear and damage to the sinuses of the facial bones.

Classification of etiology

Experts are accustomed to distinguishing between types of headaches:

  • acute pain localized in front, in the frontal part of the head or on one side;
  • pulsating;
  • full coverage of the head with pain (as if it were tied with a hoop);
  • with dizziness;
  • with nausea and vomiting.

Many experts find only 2 causes of the disease:

  • related to arterial characteristics;
  • related to venous characteristics.

Other common causes of frequent headaches include prolonged stress.

Diseases that provoke symptoms

According to statistics, doctors diagnose every fifth patient with hypertension, and headaches accompany this condition. It appears when blood pressure levels exceed the norm by an average of 20-25%. When the pressure stabilizes, the pain may subside, but not disappear. Over a period of time it will become a concern again. In this case, it is important to immediately measure blood pressure.

Why does a 6 year old child often have headaches?

Stopping attacks. As soon as a person notices the first symptoms of such an attack, it is necessary to immediately take paracetamol and Ibuprofen.

It should be taken into account that the first medication is used at the rate of 10 mg for every 10 kilograms of body weight, and Ibuprofen should be taken twice as much.

If the attack continues to develop rapidly, then the procedure is repeated again with the same number of tablets taken.

According to official statistics, such tablets are effective in approximately 55% of all cases. At the same time, experts note that Ibuprofen is considered more effective, especially when it comes to a child’s illness.

Such drugs can significantly suppress and reduce the synthesis of pain mediators such as kinins, prostaglandins and others. If the above tablets did not give the desired result, then it is recommended to use medications that belong to the category of dehydromitans.

It is worth noting that they are considered more effective due to the fact that they have vasoconstrictive actions. Such drugs are produced both in the form of drops and in the form of tablets. But, it can only be used if the child is at least 13-14 years old, and in no case should these products be used by very young children.

Preventive treatment methods. This option is used in cases where migraine occurs more often than 2 times in one month. In general, all such methods are divided into two types - drug and non-drug treatment.

If we talk about the second option, then these include good sleep, a stable daily routine, massage treatments, gymnastic exercises, water treatments.

As for treatment with medications, these include the so-called β-blockers (propranonol, which must be taken in an amount of 20-25 grams, and at the same time constantly increase the RAM when the desired effect is not observed).

In addition, various types of antidepressants, in particular amitriplitine, are quite effective. It is necessary to use this substance in the evening and in small quantities, since an overdose can affect the appearance of side effects.

A medical course of treatment that lasts approximately 3-4 months. But, this method is considered quite dubious when it comes specifically to teenagers, since various side effects may occur.

It must also be said that girls are more likely to suffer from this disease. If migraines occur more than once a month, then most likely this disease will accompany the person throughout his life.

According to statistics, approximately every third person experiences migraine at the age of 13-16 years.

As a rule, with age, migraines appear much less frequently, but the pain is felt with the same intensity. Quite often, such a disease gets rid of during puberty (puberty), but then various kinds of relapses seem quite likely.

In general, such headaches in adolescents are observed much more often than other diseases, but I would like to remember about other possible diseases.

It is worth noting that they are considered more effective due to the fact that they have vasoconstrictive actions. Such drugs are produced both in the form of drops and in the form of tablets. But, it can only be used if the child is at least 13-14 years old, and in no case should these products be used by very young children.

Therefore, before deciding to take such a step, it is imperative to consult with an experienced doctor. To summarize, I would like to note that if a teenager begins to have a migraine, then in approximately 50% of cases it will be short-term.

Signs of diagnosis

In children, headaches have their own symptomatic characteristics:

  • the pain goes away faster when compared with adults;
  • simultaneously with pain in the head, pain often appears in the abdominal area;
  • Children rarely have unilateral pain.

Headache can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the reasons that caused it.

The headache lasts from one hour to 5 days. At least two of the following symptoms are observed: the headache is bilateral and diffuse; there is a squeezing, squeezing effect, a monotonous type of pain.

If you constantly do physical activity, the headache will be stable, but will not get worse; medium or low level of intensity, at which the quality of work or educational process significantly deteriorates.

There are accompanying symptoms: anorexia, vomiting and nausea, mild photophobia and phonophobia. It should be noted that such signs can be observed both together and separately.

All GNB are divided into two large groups – chronic and episodic. In the first version, the disease is felt more often than 15 days per month or more than 180 days per year. Headaches present throughout the day. If we talk about episodic headaches, they occur less than 15 days a month and are necessarily associated with some kind of stress.

How to identify migraine?

If you have a headache, what should you do? The answer to this question is simple. You need to undergo a number of necessary diagnostic procedures. Among them:

  • electrocardiogram - examination of the heart;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • electroencephalography, which studies the electrical potentials of the brain;
  • Ultrasound of cerebral vessels brain and neck;
  • general blood test;
  • blood test for cholesterol levels in the body;
  • consultations with specialists: neurosurgeon, neurologist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol and quit smoking. You don't need to take a lot of painkillers.

When the first pill doesn't help, don't rush to take the second one. The medicine may still work, but if this does not happen, you need to look for another type of help.

Lie down quietly, take a walk, take a break from your work. Some medications have the ability to act only when a person is at rest.

When your head hurts constantly, it is important not only to undergo a course of diagnosis and begin treatment, but also to limit yourself in the consumption of certain foods:

  • spicy and salty;
  • soy sauces, spices;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • red wine;
  • smoked herring;
  • cheese;
  • sugar substitutes (aspartame, additive E 961).

Some patients notice that in extreme cold the headache begins to hurt more severely. This is due to the spasms that blood vessels experience in a cold environment.

Don't stay in the cold for a long time, dress for the weather. Get into a warm room as soon as possible and drink hot tea.

Avoid sudden temperature changes. Massage your temples, forehead, and place a towel soaked in water at room temperature on it.

A child with periodic pain in the head should be shown to a pediatrician: he will do an initial examination, listen to complaints, find out the location and characteristics of the pain, and refer him for further examinations.

You may also need to be examined by other specialists: an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, an otolaryngologist.

Testing, depending on your symptoms, may include:

  • laboratory tests of blood and urine (general and biochemical tests);
  • encephalography;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • fundus examination;
  • vision test using a table;
  • examination of the ears and nasal cavity;
  • measuring blood pressure in case of headache and in its absence;
  • measurement of intracranial pressure.

Based on the results of the study, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of tension-type headache

The basis of headache treatment is working with the causes that caused it: eliminating provoking factors, treating diseases of which it is a symptom.

If necessary, consultations with a psychotherapist, conversations with educators or teachers in contact with the child, reducing the load during the learning process.

What can you give your child for a severe headache? The following drugs are used to relieve pain: Paracetamol, Nise, Erius, Nurofen.

Taking vitamins, minerals, and sedatives (Persen, Glycine) may also be indicated.

Aspirin should not be used to relieve headaches in children under 12 years of age unless specifically directed by a doctor.

Tablets for pathology do not always help eliminate a symptom, especially if it is caused by a specific disease. Sometimes it is necessary to urgently place a person in a hospital setting, for example, when a brain tumor develops or after a head injury. Let us highlight the main situations when immediate contact with a specialist is required:

There is no need to prescribe medications to your child yourself, because they may not only not help, but also cause negative consequences, including drug addiction. You can use folk remedies that will not cause harm, but will help reduce the intensity of the symptom:

Among the medications used for migraines and pain of other etiologies, Nurofen can be distinguished, which is suitable for adolescents under the age of 15 years. You can also give Paracetamol. If the pain is very severe, medications such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen will help.

Any pathological changes in the child’s health should be alarming, especially if they occur in the brain area.

When a teenager, adhering to all the principles of a healthy lifestyle, still experiences headaches, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Only a competent specialist - a neurologist will be able to determine the true cause of the pain and prescribe the correct drug treatment.

If, however, the cause of the pain is clear and you just need to get rid of the pain, there are a number of drugs that will help alleviate the condition. At the same time, do not forget to read the instructions, because many drugs have age restrictions.

For example, Citramon, which is in great demand, should not be used until the age of 15. Well-known painkillers with lower dosages have been developed especially for children.

These include Paracetamol and Nurofen. For severe pain, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and Phenacetin are prescribed.

Be that as it may, a teenager should take all of the above medications under the strict supervision of adults. Headaches during puberty have their own causes and specifics, and often go away when hormonal levels improve and the teenager learns to control his habits.

But if the pain is acute and not associated with the above-mentioned reasons, you should consult a neurologist.

When a teenager, adhering to all the principles of a healthy lifestyle, still experiences headaches, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Only a competent specialist - a neurologist will be able to determine the true cause of the pain and prescribe the correct drug treatment.

If, however, the cause of the pain is clear and you just need to get rid of the pain, there are a number of drugs that will help alleviate the condition. At the same time, do not forget to read the instructions, because many drugs have age restrictions. For example, Citramon, which is in great demand, should not be used until the age of 15.

Well-known painkillers with lower dosages have been developed especially for children. These include Paracetamol and Nurofen. For severe pain, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and Phenacetin are prescribed.

Be that as it may, a teenager should take all of the above medications under the strict supervision of adults.

Headaches during puberty have their own causes and specifics, and often go away when hormonal levels improve and the teenager learns to control his habits. But if the pain is acute and not associated with the above-mentioned reasons, you should consult a neurologist.

Complications of migraine

Migraine stroke. In this case, either one or several signs may be observed at once, which will last approximately seven days. In addition, a so-called ischemic stroke may be present.

Migraine status. It consists of a series of severe attacks that alternate with each other, with light intervals also observed, but they last no more than four hours. There may also be one attack, but it is quite serious, which will be felt for 72 hours.

In addition, constant riding on public transport, watching TV for a long period of time, the presence of unpleasant odors in the room, and changes in weather conditions can also trigger the appearance of migraines.

Migraines can also be caused by various types of somatic diseases, such as diseases of the teeth, nose, ears, throat, and various allergic conditions.

Scientists have conducted some studies and, as a result, concluded that most often migraine affects those who have certain psychological characteristics, namely anxiety, good social adaptation, a high level of aspirations, a desire to become a leader in everything, and high activity in society.

There are many factors that can trigger migraines. The most important of them include: excessive consumption of foods rich in thiamines (citrus fruits, cocoa, nuts, smoked meats, eggs, cheese), emotional stress, bad habits, in particular, smoking and alcohol abuse, changes in the standard and typical phase of the body sleep.


  1. It is necessary to reduce in the child’s diet foods with tyramine, a preservative that promotes vasoconstriction (chocolate, nuts).
  2. The rooms in the house should be regularly ventilated, and the temperature should be optimal.
  3. The child must have enough time to have a relaxing holiday(without working at the computer or watching TV).

If you don’t overload your child, treat him with trust and warmth, give him enough time to rest every day, help him with his studies and make sure his diet is complete, headaches that are not associated with any diseases will appear extremely rarely. .

In order to prevent headaches from becoming a chronic and constant phenomenon, it is important to take preventive measures to eliminate them in a timely manner. Here are some useful tips:

  • It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. It involves proper nutrition with the inclusion of protein foods, plant fiber, vegetables, fruits in the diet, the elimination of bad habits, an established daily routine with sufficient sleep - at least 8 hours a day.
  • The body needs moderate but regular physical activity. Many teenagers are interested in swimming, race walking, and athletics. At this age, sport is only beneficial - it makes the body more flexible and resilient.

In teenagers, no one is surprised anymore.
Frequent stress, excess information, overload at school, hormonal surges, daily noise attack that increases blood pressure, hypothermia, diseases of internal organs - all this can cause spasms and constriction of blood vessels in the brain and tension in the muscles of the skull. As a result, the teenager’s adequate perception of the world around him is disrupted, he becomes irritated, quickly gets tired, loses healthy sleep and the desire to learn.

In most cases, headaches in children aged 10-13 years do not cause concern and are perceived as a common occurrence. However, if your child often has a headache and you do not take appropriate measures, this can lead to serious chronic diseases and disastrous consequences. In order to prevent dangerous consequences and start treatment on time, you should first find out the causes of the headache. According to modern experts, more than 40 diseases can cause headaches in adolescents.
Let's try to consider why modern schoolchildren have headaches.

Causes of headaches that you can eliminate yourself at home

Reason #1

The first reason that can cause headaches in children is increased fatigue. Modern school curricula are full of information, most of which burdens the younger generation, since the child does not know where to apply it and whether it will be useful to him. However, the desire to please strict parents and get a good grade forces the child to do homework until late at night. Moreover, “night lessons” are being replaced by computer games.

As a result of such mental overload, the teenager’s normal sleep is disrupted, he becomes lethargic, enters into conflicts with others and begins to experience frequent headaches. According to scientists, every adult should sleep at least 6-8 hours a day. For a teenager, 8-10 hours of sleep is considered healthy. In case of constant lack of sleep, the child’s body’s defenses are reduced and, as a result, general malaise and headache occur.

How to cope

If your son/daughter often complains of headaches, try adjust the student’s daily routine(so that the routine is acceptable to all family members). And if you dream of making your child a child prodigy, remember that he will learn not thanks to your prodding and reminders, but in spite of him. Therefore, allow the teenager to take responsibility for his actions, including facing the negative consequences of his actions (inaction). When planning your day, be sure to free time must be provided which is literally like air necessary for a growing person for personal growth and, of course, the prevention of overwork. Pull out current generation because of the computer difficult, but possible: try to come up with a worthy alternative together.
Remember, it is better to see a happy and enthusiastic C student than a sick A student.

Reason #2

The second cause of headaches can be constant stressful situations. According to the results of European studies, the overwhelming number of office workers and schoolchildren do not show up at their jobs due to stress (excessive overexertion). Stress literally “eats” a person from the inside and is the main cause of many diseases.

How to cope

If your child complains of general weakness and acute headaches, try to find out the cause of this condition. Try to do this not by intrusive questions, but by demonstrating your sincere empathy. Perhaps he has troubles with his peers, difficulties in studying school subjects, or misunderstandings with teachers. Pay attention to your child, and you can independently eliminate the cause of the malaise.

If a teenager has a headache due to conflict situations with their parents, they should do everything possible to correct the situation. Try form trusting relationships with children, find a common cause that interests both of you(cooking a delicious dish, going to the skating rink, translating foreign songs, reading aloud, knitting, etc.), try watching good films, positive programs together, visiting exhibitions, theaters and sharing thoughts about what you saw. If you can build a constructive dialogue with your growing-up-little-creature and set him up in a positive way, he simply will not have time for negative thoughts and self-flagellation. With this approach on its own.

Reason #3

One of the most common causes of head pain is hormonal changes, which occur in a child’s body at the age of 10-14 years. At the same time, disturbances in the functioning of many systems and organs are observed - from the skin to internal disorders. Acne, malfunctions of the genitourinary system, digestive disorders, intensive formation of the musculoskeletal system, unexpected emotional outbursts, dizziness and frequent headaches - all this is normal for a growing body. But practice shows that growing children who have warm relationships with their families, go in for sports and physical work, and have not lost interest in the world around us, do not experience any special problems during puberty.

How to cope

If similar symptoms occur in your son or daughter, there is no reason to worry, but you should think about how to help your child survive this difficult period. A teenager needs help if he has acute and frequent headaches. At the same time, parents must show maximum patience and create favorable conditions for life. Only by surrounding your child with care, attention and warmth can you achieve positive results.

Sometimes, pain in the head area can be relieved with valerian or the amino acid glycine. These are natural remedies that gently relax blood vessels, relieve headaches and have a slight calming effect.
Possible use paracetamol, citramon or ibuprofen. But the child will be much more pleased if you give him head and neck massage, pet it, and don’t get away with “potions.”

Reason #4

Don’t forget about the possibility of your child’s addictions: smoking, drinking alcohol or taking narcotic intoxicants are likely to cause chronic headaches, a general deterioration in well-being and changes in behavior. Be attentive to your brainchild, and bad habits will not go unnoticed.
Of course, if you can’t do it on your own, you need to see a narcologist.

This also includes the tendency of young creatures to diet. Try to explain to your daughter that the path of a growing body to a beautiful figure lies through physical activity, but not hunger strike. But the restriction in sweet fatty and salty foods does not harm anyone.

Reason #5

Serious causes of aching pain in the head include: high blood pressure. A sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet, which have become the norm for modern youth, lead to disruptions in the functioning of all organs. The spine is especially affected. Excessive consumption of salt, fatty and fried foods leads to changes in the walls of blood vessels, disruption of the regulation of their tone, which impedes the flow of oxygen to brain cells, and, as a result, provokes pain.

How to cope

Only a change in diet, sufficient physical activity and positive emotions can correct the situation and restore the condition of the blood vessels in the brain. At an advanced stage of arterial hypertension, treatment by one’s own efforts becomes impossible.

Reason #6

Another cause of headaches is considered increased noise attack. Modern man is so accustomed to constant noise that he sometimes does not notice its destructive effect on the body. The daily hum of cars, disturbing sounds of news and thrillers falling from TV screens, screams of schoolchildren, conflicts between parents - all this has a negative impact on the psyche of adolescents. Over time, the child gets used to loud sounds and stops noticing them. However, excessive noise can cause tension in the blood vessels of the brain and lead to acute headaches.

How to cope

Try to create a calm atmosphere around the child, eliminating sharp and too loud sounds. Even if a teenager receives a noise “blow” within the walls of school, a cozy, calm home environment helps restore emotional balance. From an early age, instill in your child a love of beautiful, classical music. There are cases where the mother’s soft speech literally raised the child to his feet during illness.
Sometimes it is silence and dim light and fresh air can eliminate headaches more effectively than the most potent medications.

Causes of headaches that require immediate medical attention

If you have taken all the necessary measures to eliminate your headache, but the pain syndrome does not stop, is accompanied by disturbances in vision, consciousness, and repeated vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In addition to the above reasons, the following factors can cause private headaches in a teenager:


Many schoolchildren are accustomed to following fashion and do not pay due attention to the seasonality factor when choosing clothes. The desire to look stylish often leads to severe hypothermia and serious illnesses in the future. For example, walking without a hat in winter can lead to inflammation of the middle and inner ear (otitis), inflammation of the sinuses of the facial bones () with the subsequent transition of the process to the membranes of the brain (meningitis). All these conditions are accompanied by severe headaches.

Moreover, staying in the cold in light clothing can cause infectious and inflammatory diseases in the genitourinary system, which can subsequently lead to infertility in both girls and boys.

How to treat

When the first symptoms of a cold occur, you can carry out “first-line” treatment measures, which consist of drinking plenty of warm drinks and taking high doses of vitamin C - ascorbic acid (sold in sachets). Drugs that stimulate the production of interferon (Galavit) and have immunomodulatory and antiviral effects (Amiksin) have proven effective and quite safe.
But remember, only a highly qualified specialist can prescribe the correct treatment that will quickly relieve your children of headaches and eliminate its cause.

Chronic diseases of internal organs.

In addition to viral infections and mental factors, chronic diseases can cause. Sometimes parents may not even realize why their teenager often has a headache. However, it is the headache that is the alarming signal that indicates the presence of a serious disease in the growing body. For example, a child may have a headache due to chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary organs and musculoskeletal system. As a rule, the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases is accompanied by aching and then acute pain in the head area.

How to treat

If you don’t understand the nature of your headache, the only right solution may be to see a specialist. After examination and tests, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment that will help quickly relieve pain and cure the disease. Thus, an attentive attitude towards your child, confidential communication with him and timely measures taken will help eliminate headaches and restore the teenager’s emotional mood.

Proper nutrition, necessary physical activity, a healthy emotional environment in the family, the ability to dress according to the weather, constant access to fresh air and the absence of a strong noise attack - these are all things that will return your children to a normal perception of the world around them and will prevent the development of headaches for a long time.

Learn to listen to your children so that they are always healthy, happy and cheerful!

Headache in the forehead area occurs very often. Her character may be different. Pain sensations can be sharp and dull, bursting and squeezing. If you understand what the pain syndrome is associated with, you can take measures to relieve cephalgia. But if, despite everything, the pain does not go away, you need to consult a doctor. Regular pain should also be a concern.

A very common cause of pain in the forehead is fluctuations in blood pressure. At the same time, both high and low blood pressure can provoke such discomfort. The nature of the pain is pressing, the intensity is medium or strong.

If your blood pressure is very high, additional symptoms include:

  • dizziness;
  • rapid pulse;
  • increased sweating;
  • nausea.

With a significant decrease in blood pressure, general weakness and drowsiness are observed. There is noise in the ears and spots appear before the eyes. The pain intensifies when taking a lying position.


Migraine is characterized by unilateral pain in the forehead. It is pressing or pulsating in nature. The discomfort can be so strong that it causes dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and sometimes loss of orientation in space.

Migraine is a chronic primary pathology, the causes of which are not fully understood. But at the same time, a person can identify triggers for himself - factors that provoke the occurrence of severe headaches, and try to avoid contact with them.

Increased intracranial pressure always leads to severe pain in the forehead. A characteristic additional sign of this pathology is the appearance of a feeling of pressure in the eye area. In severe cases, there is deterioration in visual function.

Headache caused by increased intracranial pressure cannot be relieved with analgesics. It intensifies with any change in head position, as well as with coughing and sneezing. If the syndrome manifests itself in the evening, then by morning the pain only intensifies.

Almost all infectious and chronic diseases lead to headaches. Headache in the forehead area with influenza, meningitis, sore throat, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and other diseases.

Any viral infection causes a general deterioration in health. Usually an additional symptom is muscle weakness. Against the background of a viral infection, body temperature often rises. As a rule, the condition can be alleviated with the help of painkillers.

Cluster pains are paroxysmal in nature. Their peculiarity is that they occur suddenly and are so strong that people have thoughts of suicide. Such pain usually occurs on one side of the forehead and is short-term. Attacks rarely last more than a quarter of an hour.

As in the case of migraine, the nature of cluster pain is not fully understood, but each person suffering from this pathology can determine the triggers for themselves. Sometimes pain is triggered by smoking, a certain type of food, or a change in weather conditions.

Vascular pathologies can also cause pain in the forehead. Due to problems with blood vessels, disturbances occur in the blood flow, which causes discomfort. Headache in the forehead area with discirculatory encephalopathy, which is characterized by a slowly progressive deterioration of cerebral circulation. The causes of the pathology are atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.

The pain can be of a different nature, but the main additional symptom is increased discomfort with overwork.

A headache in the forehead also occurs due to a history of brain injury. Any concussion or brain injury can have negative consequences that will last for a long time.

Brain contusion is considered especially dangerous. This pathology is accompanied by dizziness and nausea for a long time. An additional symptom is the occurrence of problems with vision function. In addition, numbness in the limbs may be observed.


A constant headache in the forehead occurs when there are tumors in the brain.

    Tumors of the frontal bone.

    Brain tumors localized in the frontal region.

    Vascular neoplasms in the frontal part of the brain.

    Tumors of the paranasal sinuses and orbits.

    Pituitary tumor.

Additional symptoms are impaired coordination, speech, and epileptic seizures. In this case, the discomfort cannot be relieved even with the most powerful painkillers. A characteristic symptom is an increase in pain over time.

Headache in the forehead area with the development of eye pathologies and diseases of the nasopharynx.

The main eye diseases that provoke pain syndrome:

  • increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma);
  • thrombosis of the vessels of the eyeball;
  • any inflammatory diseases (keratitis, iritis, iridocyclitis, etc.).

In addition, severe discomfort can occur due to eye fatigue, for example, when working for a long time without breaks at a computer screen.

In women, hormonal imbalance can provoke a headache in the forehead area. For example, discomfort often occurs in women during menstruation. Typically, such a headache is combined with psycho-emotional manifestations: increased irritability, nervousness, and a tendency to depression.

Additionally, there is a feeling of weakness and drowsiness. Relieving headaches due to hormonal imbalances is quite difficult. Only special hormonal drugs can stabilize the condition.

The list of therapeutic measures in each specific case is established by the doctor. Attempts to independently cope with the baby’s problem with the help of medications can lead to aggravation of the situation. If cephalalgia did not appear after an injury, then it is worth trying to put the little patient to sleep. In most cases, the symptom disappears after rest.

If your child has a forehead pain, you can try to help him in the following ways:

  • apply a cool or warm compress to the problem area;
  • give warm tea with lemon balm, valerian or chamomile;
  • put a glycine tablet under the tongue for resorption;
  • rub a drop of essential oils of mint, lemon or grapefruit into the whiskey;
  • Apply fresh lemon peels to your temples with the light side.

In the case of infants, it is better not to carry out even the listed manipulations, but to immediately seek help from professionals. It is important to understand that in a number of situations, delay can negatively affect the baby’s condition and increase the level of danger.

According to statistics, in 90% of cases, headaches in the forehead in school-age children are caused by an incorrectly chosen daily routine or an overly busy schedule. Going to bed on time and waking up at the same time, rationing the hours spent with gadgets can completely rid the child of the problem. Prevention of the listed pathologies and timely treatment of infectious diseases will reduce the risk of symptoms to a minimum.

Cephalgia, or pain when the forehead seems to be splitting, combines unpleasant sensations that arise in the areas from the bridge of the nose to the back of the head. Headache has a protective function. The forehead contains many receptors. Due to the developing nervous system and high compensation potential, headaches occur less frequently in children than in adults.

According to statistics, a fairly large number of children periodically complain that their forehead hurts. The highest frequency of complaints that the forehead hurts occurs during 2 periods of children’s growth: the beginning of school and puberty. There are more than a dozen types of headaches, which are signals of the occurrence of about fifty different diseases. If your child complains that his head or forehead hurts, you should never give him the medicine that you yourself take for headaches.

The main causes of headaches in children:

  1. Vascular disorders – hypertension.
  2. Unbalanced diet.
  3. Migraine.
  4. Neuralgic causes of headaches are inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.
  5. Various head injuries (blows to the forehead).
  6. Emotional and psychological problems.
  7. External factors - noise and other external stimuli.


The symptoms of a headache in the forehead area can vary. In each case, specific signs may indicate the development of a specific pathology.

If the temporal and frontal region hurts on one side, this indicates a migraine or cluster pain syndrome.

Other conditions that are associated with these symptoms: /p(amp)gt;

  • Temporal arteritis, characterized by inflammation of the walls of blood vessels localized in the temporal region.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia.
  • Impaired cerebral circulation, which may be a precursor to a stroke.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Intracranial hypertension.

A pressing headache in the forehead can occur for various reasons. Most often this is associated with the following pathologies:

  • frontal sinusitis, occurring in acute or chronic form;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammatory processes in the frontal part of the brain;
  • encephalitis;
  • general intoxication of the body due to poisoning, viral and bacterial infection.

Usually, when there is a headache in the forehead and eye area, this is associated, in most cases, with an injury to the eyeball or foreign objects getting into the eye.


    Myopia, farsightedness or astigmatism due to incorrect selection of glasses or optical lenses.

    Inflammatory diseases, for example, iridocyclitis.

In addition, this symptom may be a sign of other pathologies:

  • forehead bruise;
  • neuroses;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

When your head hurts severely in the frontal part and you feel nauseous, this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. This symptom very often indicates the presence of problems with the central nervous system.

Sometimes nausea combined with headache can have physiological causes:

  • hormonal imbalance in women during the menstrual cycle or pregnancy;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure - in weather-dependent people;
  • stressful situations.

Nausea can be caused by severe pain that occurs:

  • for migraines;
  • for vascular pathologies;
  • with increased intracranial pressure;
  • in case of intoxication of the body due to poisoning or infection.

Provoking factors

Let's take a closer look at the negative factors when children complain of pain in the forehead. Hypertension is a consequence of circulatory disorders in the brain. The primary cause of the disorders is periodic or constant increase in blood pressure. In children, hypertension is often hereditary in nature, and its provoking factors are poor sleep, weather conditions, and improper daily routine. With such a baby, you need to often walk in the fresh air and give him tea with soothing herbs.

Poor diet can also cause headaches. A child’s body reacts differently to foods familiar to adults. Also, headaches in young children can occur if their mothers did not eat well during the last months of pregnancy: a lack of sugar in the mother’s blood provokes headaches in the child in the future.

Migraines are passed down to children through the mother's side and are associated with a lack of serotonin in the brain. To relieve headaches, massage your forehead before going to bed. It is also useful to drink viburnum juice or St. John's wort decoction.

Neuralgic headaches occur due to colds and some infectious diseases, problems with the cervical spine. Such headaches are well relieved by warming up. A warming composition is periodically applied to the forehead. It is necessary to regularly check the child’s posture and do corrective gymnastics. It is not recommended to put your child to sleep on a soft bed.

Children by nature are very mobile, and they often experience various types of injuries. Head injuries result in brain injuries. A clear symptom of this is loss of consciousness. The child complains that he is dizzy. After a head injury, light rubbing should be done to prevent the formation of hematomas. Limit noisy and active games for a while.

A child has a forehead pain: causes, diagnosis, treatment

    Doppler ultrasound allows you to obtain data on the state of blood circulation. Using this method, it is possible to identify vascular pathologies at the initial stage.

    Electroencephalography makes it possible to assess the activity of different parts of the brain. This guarantees the detection of epilepsy, mental and speech development delays, and the identification of long-term consequences of injuries.

    Computed tomography allows you to scan all areas of the brain using X-rays in order to identify pathologies of various types.

    Magnetic resonance imaging based on the use of electromagnetic radiation. This method is highly informative when localizing a pathological focus in soft tissues, including brain tissue.

To determine the cause of a child’s complaints that his forehead hurts, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Only a doctor can determine the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment. Diagnosis is carried out by a neurologist or otolaryngologist. Treatment can be either medication or physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy is often prescribed. If determining the cause is difficult, the doctor may prescribe a tomography to clarify the full picture of the disease. If the cause of a headache in the forehead is migraine, medications are prescribed. In cases where the pain is caused by trigeminal neuralgia, the doctor, together with medications, can prescribe health procedures: breathing exercises, head massage and an oxygen mask are practiced. An oxygen mask can reduce pain that occurs at night.

If pain in the forehead is accompanied by additional symptoms, such as nausea and dizziness, or loss of coordination, it means that all this was preceded by overwork or severe physical stress. In this case, the best medicine is rest.

Anyone can experience headaches, regardless of age. This unpleasant phenomenon has a number of reasons. The nature of the pain matters. It can be aching, sharp, dull. Its localization is also important. For example, sometimes mothers note that their child has a headache in the forehead area. This condition may be accompanied by other symptoms. Parents should know what can cause such a deterioration in their well-being in children.

Headache, called cephalgia, is one of the symptoms of many diseases. If a child has a headache in the temporal or frontal part, then his physical and mental activity decreases. The newborn becomes capricious and irritable, the schoolchild begins to lag behind in his studies, causing concern among parents.

Let's look at the main causes of cephalalgia and ways to combat pain at home.

In children, in 9 out of 10 cases, cephalgia is associated with overexertion. Despite the statistics, it is important to understand that the remaining percentage is due to pathological causes that require timely diagnosis.

When a child has a cold, not only does the forehead hurt, but there is also a sharp rise in temperature ((amp)gt;39°). The body affected by the virus is poisoned by toxins that provoke pain.

In addition to high fever and cephalgia in the forehead and temples, the following appear:

  • pain and sore throat (the child begins to cough);
  • muscle weakness;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • rhinitis;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pronounced reaction to light;
  • feeling of chills.

To avoid complications, it is important to exclude physical activity and ensure proper rest with mandatory bed rest.


Inflammation in the maxillary sinuses occurs as a complication of diseases of viral etiology.

You can recognize the disease in a child by the following symptoms:

  • The headache is most severe in the forehead area;
  • pain is aggravated by tapping on areas near the nose and trying to tilt the head;
  • against the background of the inflammatory process, the temperature rises;
  • mucous or purulent discharge flows from the sinuses;
  • There is pressure and tension in the upper part of the face caused by accumulated pus pressing on the nerves.

Accumulated purulent masses can infect the brain. If your forehead hurts and the feeling of fullness increases, call a doctor.


Inflammation during frontal sinusitis affects the mucous membranes of the brain and is accompanied by chills, weakness and aches against the background of toxin poisoning. In a child:

  • forehead hurts and temperature rises;
  • the affected area swells and turns red (the area of ​​the sinuses or brow ridges);
  • stuffy nose;
  • there is pressure on the eyeballs;
  • tearfulness and photophobia appear;
  • Symptoms increase immediately after waking up and when trying to tilt your head.

It may hurt in the frontal area after receiving injuries or bruises. In case of a concussion it is noted:

  • short-term loss of consciousness, lasting not (amp)gt;5 minutes;
  • tearfulness or delayed reaction after waking up;
  • dizziness and feeling of nausea.

To eliminate the consequences of the victim, it is recommended to urgently show a doctor. If you miss the necessary therapy, then headaches in the forehead area may appear in the child several years later on an ongoing basis.

Most often, school-age children suffer from cephalalgia associated with overexertion. In addition to the unusual mental load, the emotional stress associated with adaptation to an unfamiliar team plays a big role.

The pain syndrome is recorded in the 2nd half of the day, accompanied by:

  • lack of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • sudden mood swings.
  • feeling of nausea.

The child has pain not only in the forehead, but in other areas. There is a feeling of being squeezed by a tight hoop.


Migraines are inherited and occur in first-graders and teenagers. In primary schoolchildren, the disease does not depend on gender, and at the age of 14 it is more often registered in females.

Interesting: Hydrocephalus in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis

If a child has pain on only one side of the head, and a squeezing sensation of pain is noted in the forehead area, radiating pulsation to the temple, then the likelihood of a migraine is high. In addition to the main symptom, the following is noted:

  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • attacks of nausea, accompanied by vomiting and subsequent improvement;
  • fear of light and noise;
  • spatial disorientation.

Intracranial hypertension is a condition characterized by the pressure of excess cerebrospinal fluid accumulation on brain receptors.

The increase in pressure inside the skull is explained by:

  • tumors or inflammation of the brain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • cerebral hypoxia;
  • disruption of metabolic processes associated with vascular spasms;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • reaction to drug treatment;
  • intoxication of the body caused by infections or poisoning.

For intracranial hypertension:

  • swelling of the face and subcutaneous pressure occurs;
  • severe headache in the temples and forehead, stuffy ears;
  • vision and appetite deteriorate;
  • the temperature rises, dizziness occurs;
  • general activity decreases.

The pain syndrome intensifies in a supine position, which disrupts daytime and night sleep.


The appearance of the first teeth is accompanied by headaches, a slight increase in temperature and swollen gums. The baby begins to be capricious and refuse to eat.

Pain during teething is accompanied not only by baby teeth, but also by molars, so even teenagers face this problem.

If your forehead hurts for a long time and your general condition worsens, contact your pediatrician or call an ambulance. The diagnosis is made based on the results:

  • general urine and blood analysis;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • electroencephalography;
  • X-ray of the skull.

Depending on the reason explaining the cephalalgia, the patient is redirected to:

  • ENT;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • neurologist;
  • dentist;
  • surgeon;
  • oncologist.

As a rule, therapy is based on taking medications to relieve pain and physical therapy to improve immunity.

If a child has a pain in the forehead, temples, or the whole head is splitting, do not panic and try to figure out the root cause. Some factors that cause cephalalgia can be dealt with on your own:

  1. Psychological discomfort. Constant feelings of stress are relieved with relaxing herbal infusions and aromatherapy. If the forehead and temporal area hurt for a long time, then brew herbal tea or take a warm bath with the addition of aromatic oils.
  2. Oxygen starvation. With long walks and mandatory ventilation of the room, the headache will be much less.
  3. Fatigue and muscle fatigue. Avoid being too busy. If after school your child comes tired and complains of pain and fainting, then refuse the additional sections.
  4. Poor nutrition. Eating fast food leads to impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. Adjust your diet and eliminate unhealthy snacks.

The basis for treating these problems is adherence to the regimen. In addition to normalizing your diet, avoiding sleep deprivation and maintaining physical activity, use:

  • cooling (for the forehead and temples) or warming (for the neck and back of the head) compresses;
  • approved painkillers (Glycine, Paracetamol);
  • mint, grapefruit or lemon oils for rubbing the temporal area.

For your child’s health, see doctors regularly for preventative purposes. For cephalgia in children under one year of age, it is better to seek help immediately. Due to low immunity, infants are more difficult to tolerate any disease, so even ARVI can cause unwanted complications.

Headaches of various types and origins are a fairly common phenomenon among children, and much more common than most adults tend to think. Children have headaches similar to those of the adult population: in the forehead, crown, back of the head, temples...

A typical migraine, similar to the one that affects some adults, is now typical for preschool children, and reduces the quality of life of children in all other age categories. This headache occurs in girls and boys.

Just like in an adult, not every headache in a child has the characteristic signs of a migraine, in which the head hurts in the temples and forehead. Even in the pediatric population, tension headaches are common, usually of vertebrogenic origin, i.e.

Possible diseases

Medicine does not give a clear answer to the question of the causes of pain in the forehead. There are many factors and reasons. The main causes and diseases that contribute to the occurrence of pain in the forehead:

  • sinusitis;
  • forms of sinusitis that cause inflammation of the frontal sinus;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • infectious diseases when the temperature rises;
  • tropical fever disease;
  • acute meningitis;
  • migraine.

Headache can occur due to mental or physical fatigue, or a combination of these two factors. Because of them, pain first appears in the neck area, then spreads to the forehead and eyebrows. To relieve your child’s pain, you can take a walk, drink soothing tea, and engage in calm games. Symptoms can also be triggered by certain foods and artificial food additives:

  1. Meat products, vegetables and fruits that contain nitrates.
  2. Seafood - they contain large quantities of monosodium glutamate.
  3. Cheese, nuts, chocolate containing tyramine.
  4. Caffeine is found in large quantities in tea, coffee, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola.
  5. Citrus fruits can cause headaches in children prone to allergies.

The main factor that allows you to reduce the frequency and severity of headaches is adherence to diet and rest.

What to do if a child has a headache in the forehead area

If your child frequently experiences pain in the forehead, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Treatment should be carried out only on the basis of an established diagnosis.

Acute pain requires calling an ambulance, as it may be a symptom of:

  • Meningitis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Other neuroinfections.
  • Concussion or contusion of the brain.

But just as often, children experience pain for physiological reasons, namely due to:

  • overwork. As a rule, school-age children are susceptible to this due to the heavy workload of the school curriculum;
  • oxygen starvation. This occurs when the child spends most of his time indoors;
  • unbalanced diet. The cause is also products containing a large number of chemical flavor enhancers and flavorings.

In these cases, it is necessary to normalize the child’s lifestyle, reconsider his workload, and leave more time for walks and play activities.

External signs

If the child is small, it is often difficult for parents to understand that he has a headache. This can be indirectly determined by the following characteristics:

  • irritability;
  • tearfulness;
  • the child rubs his head;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • frequent yawning.

In children, headaches in the forehead often appear due to accumulated fatigue, nervous tension at the end of an emotionally intense day, after school, after active games on the computer. The time a child spends at the computer must be monitored and reasonably limited. Excessive use of the computer can cause deterioration of posture, vision, and provoke pain in the head.

School-age children often experience headaches, including in the forehead, associated with mental fatigue. With these pains, the forehead feels as if it is splitting. In such cases, rest will help. But if the headache returns after rest or sleep, then you need to visit a doctor.

The task of parents is to help plan the child’s day: allocate time for rest, being in the fresh air and playing sports or sports games. It is necessary to approach the combination of study and leisure processes wisely and responsibly. During headache attacks, you need to spend time with your child. The main thing is not to overdo it, since excessive care can push to subsequent simulation in order to attract the attention of parents.

How to reduce pain

There are various ways to relieve headaches in the forehead area. But it is very important to do this only after the cause of the discomfort is clear.

A wide range of medications can be used for pain relief. If you have a headache in the frontal area due to a viral infection and an increase in body temperature, then antipyretic drugs and NSAIDs are an effective remedy. In particular, Nurofen has proven itself well. This remedy is also capable of stabilizing the condition of low blood pressure and relieving migraine pain. Paracetamol is also considered effective.

When the pain is paroxysmal in nature, the spasms can be relieved with antispasmodics. These include No-shpa (drotaverine), Spazmalgon.

Among analgesics, it is better to give preference to combination drugs that have a minimum of side effects. The most famous of them are Pentalgin and Solpadeine.

Any drug can be taken occasionally in accordance with the instructions for use. If headaches recur frequently, then a doctor should prescribe medications to relieve them based on the diagnosis.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies are safer than medications. If the pain is caused by overwork, then you need to try to find time to rest. A light head massage and special pain-relieving exercises will improve your well-being.
An aromatherapy session with lavender, eucalyptus, cedar or mint essential oil will help dull the pain. You can make a compress to your temples from a mixture of vegetable and essential oils.

Why does a teenager often have a headache? This question often interests many parents and children themselves. This is why you can find a huge amount of information on the Internet. However, before you jump into treatment according to the first advice, you should carefully study the symptoms. The fact is that every growing organism has its own nuances. For one, pain may be associated with a lack of physical activity, for another with overload, both in the body as a whole and in the nervous system. The source of the problem may be:
lack of sleep;
stress and tension;
crooked posture;
body overload;
lack of tone in blood vessels;
leading an unhealthy lifestyle;

In addition, there are cases when headaches in adolescents indicate that some serious inflammatory processes are occurring in the body. But in such situations, in addition to pain, other symptoms appear: weight loss, fatigue, vomiting and nausea, fever. Therefore, if this is not observed in a child, you should not panic, but figure out other reasons, and, if necessary, take measures to improve the teenager’s well-being.

Lack of sleep

Many teenagers go to bed too late for various reasons (talking with friends, playing games, watching TV shows, or doing tasks that they did not do in advance). The guys don't pay attention to the fact that they will need to get up early. This leads to an irregular schedule and constant fatigue, which in turn leads to severe headaches.

Therefore, if teenagers often have headaches, parents should ensure that their children sleep at least 7 hours. Of course, in adolescence, almost everyone believes that they know better what they need than mom or dad. However, it is important to conduct conversations with the guys in such a way that they listen. Also, if parents see that their child is too overworked because of school, it is worth explaining to him that health is still more important than grades.

Stress and tension

Poor posture

Many people don’t notice how they begin to slouch. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Some children conflict with peers, are outcasts, those who are ridiculed. Therefore, they try to “hide” in order to be unnoticeable to the offenders. Others, sitting at their desks, begin to bend over so as not to attract the teacher’s attention or because of poor eyesight. The posture of others suffers due to the fact that they carry heavy bags and backpacks on one shoulder. Also, some guys read and watch movies in incorrect positions, spend a lot of time at the computer, and do not keep their backs straight. For all the above reasons, pinching gradually appears in the cervical spine, due to which blood flow to the brain deteriorates, oxygen starvation appears, which leads to headaches.

To solve this problem, children should play sports or at least do exercises. You can also take a course of therapeutic massage, which will help straighten your posture and relieve discomfort, in particular headaches.

Overload of the body

Many parents believe that their child should succeed in everything, because he is a genius and the best. Therefore, they begin to put pressure on their child, sending him to various sections, completely not noticing that the student is already overloaded. As a result, in addition to the school curriculum, which already causes stress due to the large volumes of material, many more sections and clubs are added, and they leave absolutely no time for rest and hobbies. As a result, the growing body, not adapted to bear such loads, begins to overwork and the teenager develops headaches.

Therefore, all parents are strongly advised to remember that teenagers should have a childhood and adolescence. Of course, developing and learning something new is good, but everything should be in moderation. If a teenager has frequent and severe headaches, you need to relieve him as much as possible. Children should have time to do what they love, to walk with friends in the fresh air.

Lack of tone in blood vessels

A teenager often has a headache when hormonal changes occur in the body and the nervous system continues to form. Headaches caused by vegetative-vascular dystonia also often occur. When blood vessels spasm, the pressure can increase, and when they expand, it can decrease.

With VSD, the condition may worsen in bad weather, if the child is in a stuffy or noisy room, or while traveling in public transport. The body becomes less resistant to stress, during which any minimal load can lead to a sudden increase or decrease in pressure, and even to fainting.

If a teenager has vegetative-vascular dystonia, he should definitely contact a neurologist. He will prescribe treatment and give advice that will improve your general condition.

Leading an unhealthy lifestyle

It's no secret that many teenagers start using tobacco and alcohol for fun. And over time, interest develops into a bad habit, which leads to irreversible consequences. The same nicotine that cigarettes contain causes a narrowing of the blood vessels in the head, which, in turn, causes headaches. Alcohol also negatively affects blood vessels, nerve cells and other organs. If a teenager drinks frequently and suffers from a hangover, over time, he may begin to have constant headaches, even in cases where he did not drink anything.

Severe headaches in some cases are caused by stimulants that contain caffeine - energy drinks. By exceeding the consumption limit, a teenager harms himself, and if he does not stop in time, the consequences can be quite serious. Therefore, it is important to explain to children that excessive consumption of any food and drinks can lead to serious disruptions in the body, which cause severe discomfort. All of the above reasons can lead to serious consequences, so you need to identify them in time and deal with the situation. If headaches do not go away, you should consult a specialist. Qualified help is the key to health, remember this.

Text: Tatyana Maratova

There are thousands of reasons for headaches in teenagers. Some are related to their lifestyle, others are related to changes occurring in their body. In addition, teenagers do not always carefully monitor their health, which, of course, also contributes to headaches.

Stress and sleep disorders

Most manifestations headaches in teenagers pretty harmless. Such pain passes very quickly and does not cause serious health problems. However, in order to understand whether a particular case of headache in a teenager should be taken seriously, you need to know its causes. One of the most common causes is stress and anxiety. A teenager always has a lot of reasons to worry - school, interpersonal relationships, family issues, friends and goals for the future. Too much tension often causes a teen to experience a throbbing headache or a feeling of “tightness” around the head.

Another common cause of headaches in teenagers is sleep disturbances. Lack of sleep due to the psychological stress of schoolwork, an inconvenient study schedule, or due to the fact that a teenager, trying to socialize, stays out late with friends or spends a lot of time on the computer on the Internet, can provoke frequent headaches in a teenager.

Smoking, dehydration and energy drinks

Parents should know that, according to medical statistics, teenagers who smoke experience headaches more often than teenagers who do not have this bad habit. The toxins contained in cigarettes, such as nicotine, cause constriction of blood vessels in the brain during smoking, which is why a teenager will almost certainly develop headaches.

Another cause of frequent migraines in young people is dehydration. Teenagers tend to be very active. To avoid dehydration, they need to consume plenty of fluids. The lack of habit of constantly replenishing the lack of water in the body provokes headaches in a teenager.

Finally, headaches in teenagers can be caused by the abuse of stimulants such as caffeine, which are found in coffee, tea, and most importantly, in energy drinks, the names of which are all too well known. If a teenager regularly consumes all of the above in large doses, he is guaranteed to experience frequent headaches.