Why does a healthy adult tooth become loose? Teeth are loose - what to do at home and what do dentists do? Why do my front teeth become loose?

Most people wait to see a doctor until the toothache becomes severe. But there are pathologies that do not provoke pain symptoms, although they themselves are quite serious. One of these is considered to be loose teeth. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. And each requires immediate treatment. If you have a loose tooth, this article will tell you how to strengthen it at home.

Leading causes of pathology

Gums and teeth are very sensitive structures. The following factors can cause its weakening:

Traditional treatment of the disease

If you have loose teeth, it is very important to seek medical help immediately. If you ignore the symptom, unpleasant consequences may occur. In addition to various infectious or viral diseases, the tooth may simply fall out. After visiting the dental clinic, the specialist will conduct diagnostic tests. These may include radiography or radiovisiography. In the case of the first method, you can find out the condition of the bone tissue and determine the presence of a tumor, ulcers or cysts. The second method serves as an additional measure, which is used a little less often.

This treatment can take a long time. It is very important to follow all the dentist’s recommendations and treat all procedures with great care.

Drug treatment

To treat loose teeth, you can turn to pharmacies. Various ointments, rinses and toothpastes will help in this matter.

Home therapy for unsteadiness

Traditional medicine effectively fights various diseases. Loose teeth are no exception. The following recipes will help:

In order to strengthen your teeth, preventive measures and small secrets will not hurt:

  • Rinse your mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, oak bark, eucalyptus);
  • Regular table salt will help prevent loose teeth. It is enough to rub it with your finger into the gums. Pre-mix salt and water in a 1:1 ratio;
  • Instill in your baby the habit of brushing their teeth regularly. Teach him how to perform the hygiene procedure correctly. And then in adulthood there will be fewer problems with the oral cavity;
  • To avoid negative consequences, try not to unscrew caps and caps with your teeth. Don't get carried away with eating nuts;
  • Eat more foods that contain calcium (milk, sour cream, yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese). Don't forget the onions and garlic;
  • Give up. If this is not possible, try to brush your teeth several times a day, and also rinse your mouth with special products.

But in any case, visiting the dentist is important and necessary. Such an event should take place regularly. This will help avoid any problems with gums and teeth.

Video about periodontitis treatment

In this video you will learn how to strengthen your gums if your teeth are loose:

Pathological mobility of teeth in an adult is the outcome of pathogenic processes in the periodontium, manifested by a characteristic clinical picture: the gums are inflamed, bleeding, pain is felt when clenching the teeth and the act of chewing.

If such problems arise, they turn to the dentist, who determines, due to what reasons, what to do at home in order to restore their stability.

The key role in restoring the reliability of the dentition is given to the subject who independently follows medical recommendations at home.

If your teeth are loose, what to do at home?

To eliminate the instability of teeth, giving them strength and stability, they act simultaneously in several directions.

  • They eradicate bad habits - nicotine, alcohol, drugs - that irritate the gum mucosa, provoke lesions, and inhibit regenerative processes.
  • Eat a nutritious diet.
  • Strengthen - use specialized gels.
  • They use traditional medicine recipes.

Following one of them in isolation is futile, but an integrated approach to restoring the stability of the dentition in the vast majority of cases gives positive results.

Foods to strengthen periodontal disease

Dietary requirements for eating style: the diet is complete and balanced in the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and is rich in microelements contained in the products.

  • Vitamin C - citrus fruits, sweet peppers, currants, rose hips. The antioxidant participates in all metabolic processes of the body, strengthens the vascular wall, and stops bleeding.
  • Vitamin D - butter, fatty fish, cheese. Without this substance, the body cannot absorb either calcium or phosphorus.
  • Vitamin A - chicken egg yolk, carrots, greens, apricots, tomatoes, melons. Powerful antioxidant, activator of regenerative processes.
  • Calcium - dairy and lactic acid products. Serves as a material to strengthen the enamel and ligaments of the tooth.
  • Phosphorus - lean meat, pumpkin seeds, cucumbers, apples, cabbage, legumes. Restores phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
  • Zinc - garlic, onion - anti-inflammatory mineral.
  • Ubiquinone - nuts - a preventive element against the growth of tartar.

Solid and semi-solid foods - tough meat, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts - are crushed so as not to further injure loose teeth or provoke their loss.

If it is not possible to provide a complete diet, therapeutic and prophylactic multivitamin (Aevit, Revit) or vitamin-mineral (Complivit, Vitrum) complexes are administered.

Pastes, ointments and mouth rinses

Three groups have a local effect on teeth and gums.

  • supported by the use of specialized . Their effect is not limited only to strengthening the gums and ligaments, they also dissolve soft plaque (tartar).
    • Splat Biocalcium - saturates with calcium, eliminates bleeding.
    • Splat Ginger - activates local blood flow, thereby enhancing gum nutrition.
    • President Classic - accelerates regenerative processes, eliminates, prevents relapses. The effect can be noticed after the first applications.
  • - have a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect due to the antiseptics they contain. , making them less loose, eliminate pathological sensitivity.
    • - relieves pain, inflammation, bleeding. A lasting effect occurs after regular two-week use.
    • Lakalut Fresh - strengthens, disinfects. Aluminum lactate dries out the inflamed mucosa.
    • Colgate Plax - strengthens gums and provides twelve-hour protection against bacteria.
  • Ointments, gels- activate blood supply to the gums, enhance tissue nutrition, eliminating inflammation and pain, stimulating regeneration. The dosage form is applied to the gums and abstains from eating and drinking for one hour. A lasting effect is observed on average after two weeks of use.
    • Forest Balm - strengthens gums, heals, prevents relapses.
    • - based on propolis: relieves inflammation, pain, disinfects. Improves nutrition and tissue regeneration.
    • - anti-inflammatory, healing agent. Effective even in advanced cases.

Through the integrated use of specialized therapeutic agents, the stability and reliability of teeth is restored within a half-month. Subsequently, these drugs are used occasionally for prophylactic purposes to prevent relapses.

Therapy with folk remedies

For loose teeth in an adult, traditional medicine recipes offer a large selection of infusions of medicinal plants that have a therapeutic effect:

  • cease - when using their astringent, tanning properties (elecampane, St. John's wort);
  • the oral cavity is disinfected by rinsing with herbal antiseptics (calendula, chamomile, sage);
  • Regenerative processes are activated, gums are restored faster (aloe, Kalanchoe, mumiyo).

Most medicinal herbs have several properties that are beneficial for gums.

It is advisable to purchase plant raw materials for the preparation of healing solutions in pharmacies, and not in spontaneous markets. Infusions are prepared in glass, ceramic or enamel-coated containers.

The raw materials are poured with boiling drinking water and infused in a warm place (in a thermos, if possible) for one to two hours to increase the extract content of the decoction. Then the infusion is filtered and used for rinsing.

After rinsing, refrain from eating and drinking for half an hour.

Oak bark

A decoction of oak bark is prepared at the rate of: 3 tablespoons of raw materials per half liter of boiling water. Apply three times a day.

An infusion of oak bark has a soothing, drying, astringent, healing effect, and reduces bleeding.

The combination of therapeutic effects strengthens the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth, making both the anterior (anterior) and chewing units more stable.


Use it alone or in combination with other means:

  • cut the garlic clove and apply the cut side to the affected area of ​​the gum;
  • the clove is crushed, mixed with a teaspoon of loose leaf tea, poured with boiling water (1 cup), left to steam for a quarter of an hour, and used for rinsing.

It has a disinfecting effect, relieves inflammation, stimulates local blood supply, thereby strengthening the gums.

Fir oil

A cotton pad or gauze pad is soaked in fir oil and applied to the damaged areas of the gums.

Hold for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is three weeks.

After application, refrain from eating and drinking for an hour.

Fir essential oil tones the gums, disinfects, eliminates inflammation and irritation, and improves local immunity.


To strengthen loose teeth and treat gums, only fresh grass is used, so treatment with yarrow is seasonal.

Freshly squeezed plant juice is used to treat damaged gums three times a day using a cotton pad. The result appears after a couple of weeks: the inflammation will subside, the gums will become stronger, and the pathological mobility of the teeth will decrease.

Pharmaceutical chamomile

An infusion of chamomile is prepared at the rate of: a couple of tablespoons of medicinal raw materials per glass of boiling water. Rinse the mouth morning, afternoon and evening. The course lasts three weeks.

It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, dries out the mucous membrane, stimulates regeneration, and increases local immunity.

How to strengthen a loose tooth at home with massage?

Gum massage activates local blood supply, which leads to:

  • reducing inflammation, swelling;
  • improving nutrition of gum tissue;
  • accelerating mucosal healing;
  • restoration of the ligamentous apparatus of the teeth.

The totality of the effects of massage strengthens the dentition, making it reliable and durable.

Massage is carried out with a clean finger or a (soft) toothbrush daily for three to five minutes.

To enhance the effect of gum massage, you can use:

  • , fir, rose hip or other medicinal oils;
  • a mixture of olive oil and fine sea salt;
  • fresh cranberry puree - effective for bleeding;
  • fir oil and fish oil accelerate healing.

Many people prefer not to see a dentist until they have severe toothache that can no longer be ignored. However, there is a problem that does not cause pain, but is actually very serious and requires mandatory treatment. The main symptom is when teeth begin to loosen.

The fact is that this can be triggered by many factors, including general diseases, although the symptoms are only dental. That is why it is worth contacting a specialist as soon as the looseness of one or more teeth becomes noticeable.

Why is this happening?

As already mentioned, there are quite a few reasons for this problem. They can be divided into four main groups.

Gum diseases

This is one of the main reasons. All inflammatory periodontal diseases ( periodontal disease, gingivitis, periodontitis) weaken the attachment of the roots to the gum tissue. This is why mobility and obvious swaying begin. Bleeding, swelling, inflammation, an abundance of carious cavities - these are symptoms along with loosening.

Besides this, there are also cysts and granulomas, which act on the root and lead to the same result.

Chronic and general diseases

There are quite a large number of diseases, one of the manifestations of which can be called loose teeth. Here is a short list of them.

  • arthritis (joint disease);
  • diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • psoriasis is a chronic dermatosis affecting the skin;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • osteoporosis.


With strong impacts or other similar impacts, the tooth can also become loose. Most likely, this impact led to a fracture in the root area, so it can no longer properly hold the crown. It is also possible that inflammation forms at the site of the impact, then this could also be the cause.

Injuries can also include bruxism– creaking due to uncontrolled clenching of teeth.

Pregnancy period

At this time, the woman’s body undergoes strong changes. In particular, metabolic processes associated with the absorption of calcium are disrupted, which could also be causing this problem.


Very often it is the front teeth that are subject to pathological mobility. What to do in this case.

  • The first step is making an appointment with a specialist. The dentist will definitely conduct the necessary research in order to identify the cause of this phenomenon. Without this, treatment is impossible, since only by eliminating the cause can the symptoms be dealt with.
  • The doctor may refer you to appointment with another specialist, if the cause was some general disease. First of all, you should start treating it.
  • A dental clinic is a must professional oral hygiene session to eliminate associated factors - the appearance of infections and inflammation, deposits on the enamel surface, and so on.
  • Among other things, you need to do targeted x-ray of the anterior jaw, especially if there has been any recent injury. If the mobility was caused by a blow or other injury, then most likely only one tooth will be loose.
  • If the root is broken, it will be necessary to carry out surgery to remove the fragment.


The steps to correct this problem should always be appropriate to the cause of the problem.

  • Quite often, the cause of a loose molar (one) can be cyst. It forms near the apex of the root.

    In this case, the treatment will be determined by the doctor depending on the degree of development of the tumor. There may be two methods - therapeutic, which lasts quite a long time, and surgical, more radical.

  • If the loosening process has spread to several teeth in parallel on both sides of the jaw, then the most likely cause is one of the inflammatory periodontal diseases.

    The treatment complex includes mandatory professional hygiene, since the infection spreads from deposits on the enamel and near the gums. Anti-inflammatory therapy is also used. Physiological procedures, in particular gum massage, are designed to speed up the process of regeneration of gum tissue.

    Sometimes curettage (removal of subgingival deposits) and gingivotomy and gingivectomy (excision in different planes of the wall of the gum pocket) may be required.

  • If the root cause of this problem was malocclusion, then you need to carry out treatment (braces, etc.) as soon as possible so that the load is equal on all parts of the jaw.
  • In case bruxism There is also a special device called a mouth guard. Since uncontrollable creaking usually occurs at night, you should wear it every night before going to bed. Then the main factor can be eliminated.

What to do, how to strengthen molars that have begun to become very loose? The most important thing is to understand that it doesn’t matter whether it’s age or not!

In addition to professional methods, it is imperative to independently strengthen hygiene procedures. In particular, this concerns the correct brushing technique and choice of toothbrush.

Mandatory preventive measures include general strengthening of the immune system. If there are any bad habits, you need to get rid of them, as this is often also the cause of loose teeth.

Wisdom teeth

Although tooth extraction is an extreme measure, which is not often resorted to in modern dentistry, there are still cases when it is necessary. A loose wisdom tooth most likely falls into this category.

The final decision should be made by the doctor after conducting an examination and obtaining an x-ray of this area of ​​the jaw.

“Eights” are always the most problematic teeth. They may develop and grow incorrectly, which most often leads to staggering. To minimize damage to everyone else, you will most likely have to remove it.


Around the age of five, children's teeth begin to change. If you notice that one of your teeth began to loosen during this period, this should not be a cause for concern.

After all, this process is natural - in order for a permanent tooth to erupt, the baby tooth must fall out. When a tooth falls out, first of all, the root dissolves, so the crown, which is held in place only by the gums, will wobble.

You should not immediately try to pull out a tooth that has just begun to loosen. You can speed up the process somewhat by giving your baby more hard and solid foods. This is the most natural way.

However, there are cases when removal is necessary. For example, if you notice that the child is experiencing severe discomfort and tries to chew food on only one side. This may affect the further formation of the dentition and the correctness of the bite.

If loosening occurs not during the period of teeth change, but, for example, earlier, this may be a consequence of injury or dental disease, which is accompanied by inflammation and a general deterioration in well-being. In this case, it is imperative to contact a pediatric dentist to provide adequate treatment and avoid further problems.

Methods used at home

You can also strengthen your teeth at home. For this, there are a huge number of traditional medicine recipes that are quite effective. However, if the problem gets worse, then It’s better to contact a specialist, as the process of loosening can lead to loss.

Massage for loosening

It will help restore blood flow to the gums.

You need to take a thin branch of a tree (preferably a fruit tree) and begin to chew it carefully. Direction – top to bottom. In the first stages, you need to do this very carefully and monitor your condition.

After about 2 weeks, another exercise with a twig is added. It is clamped with the front teeth and, clenching the jaws, gently move them back and forth, as well as to the right and left.

After another 3–4 weeks, in addition to the two previous exercises, perform the third. The stick is clamped with the teeth and hand, and then slowly pulled.

Rinse with propolis and calamus root

In two containers, separately pour 30 g of dry calamus root and propolis with 0.5 liters of vodka. They should infuse for 12–14 days. When the tinctures are ready, you need to rinse your mouth for several minutes a day with a mixture of 1 part propolis and 2 parts calamus.

For gums

Mix one teaspoon of burnt table salt with 20 g (2 teaspoons) of honey. This mixture must be rubbed into the gums, after placing it in a small piece of thin chintz or other similar fabric.

Homemade pasta

Calamus root is finely ground and mixed with an equal amount of regular teeth cleaning powder. You should use about half a teaspoon at a time. The procedure is carried out regularly three times a day.


The gauze swab should be well moistened with fir oil. Then it is applied to the gums for 7-12 minutes. The procedure is carried out once a day for 2-3 weeks.

After a few months you can take the course again. You should be careful and if there is a burning sensation, then the lotion should be removed, even if the prescribed time has not yet passed.


Unfortunately, this recipe is only suitable for the warm season, since the yarrow needs to be fresh. The juice of this plant should be rubbed on the surface of the gums once a day. Do not swallow during the procedure, and rinse thoroughly afterwards.


For 2-3 weeks you need to rinse your mouth with a propolis solution. To prepare, you need to take a ready-made 15 percent tincture. Add 20 drops of tincture to a glass of warm clean water.


It is necessary to crush a clove of garlic lightly, so that the juice comes out. Rub it on your gums once a day for three weeks. The course is repeated every other week.

Folk remedies for strengthening gums can be used in parallel with professional treatment. This will help speed up your recovery.

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Loose teeth are a big concern for anyone. If a tooth falls out, an artificial substitute will have to be installed in its place, so many people try to save their teeth until the last minute. If the tooth is only slightly loose, it can be secured in the socket in various ways - pharmaceutical ointments and homemade tinctures. It is important to change your lifestyle in time - change your diet and give up bad habits. But why do teeth start to loosen?

Causes of loose teeth

  1. The most common cause of loose teeth is an advanced form of periodontal disease. If this disease is not treated in time, bleeding gums lead to their looseness and weakness. The gums simply can no longer hold the teeth in their sockets. To avoid this, you need to treat the disease in the early stages of its development. You cannot ignore periodontal disease - you may be left without teeth.
  2. Sudden loose teeth can occur due to a blow or injury. A strong push simply knocks the teeth out of their sockets. If the teeth still hold together despite their instability, they can be saved. It is enough to restore damaged gum tissue.
  3. Various inflammatory diseases can lead to loose teeth and tooth loss. Stomatitis, gingivitis, and periodontitis worsen the soft tissue of the gums. Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  4. Teeth are bone tissue. Like any bone tissue, teeth can become loose and weak. Arthritis, diabetes, rickets, and psoriasis can cause loose teeth and tooth loss.
  5. Over time, malocclusion loosens teeth, making them weak and unstable.
  6. Lack of vitamins, strict diets and unbalanced nutrition are also common causes of loose teeth. If for some reason you have to go on a strict diet, it is better to take a vitamin complex that will keep your teeth, nails, skin and hair healthy.
  7. Low immunity is also a common cause of loose teeth. When the body does not have the strength to resist viruses and infections, its most vulnerable parts begin to suffer. In our case, this is the oral cavity, since this is one of the main accumulations of microbes in the body.
  8. Genetic predisposition plays an important role in determining dental health. If you know about bad heredity in this regard, you need to take care of strengthening your teeth in advance.
  9. Many young women lose teeth during pregnancy and lactation. They explain this by a lack of calcium, the need for which has increased significantly due to the growing fetus in the womb or milk production. In fact, the reason is slightly different. Gums become loose and teeth begin to loosen due to hormonal changes in a woman’s body. It is necessary to monitor the hormonal background during such periods of life and respond to its fluctuations.
  10. Dental instability can be a consequence of bad habits, namely smoking. Nicotine destroys bone tissue, especially with direct exposure.
  11. Teeth can also become loose due to poor oral hygiene. Excessively hard brushing and frequent use of dental floss can loosen teeth and lead to bleeding gums.

Whatever the cause of loose teeth, you need to fight it, not the symptom. If you have diseases of the oral cavity, you need to contact a dentist, who will prescribe adequate treatment to cure the disease and save your teeth. To strengthen teeth in their sockets and not lose them during the next meal, you can use medications.

Drug treatment for loose teeth

To make your teeth feel more “confident”, you need to support them with balms, ointments, rinses and specialized toothpastes.

  1. Forest balm, Colgate crybaby, Lacolut fresh are products that not only relieve the oral cavity of unpleasant odor. Mouthwashes contain powerful antiseptic and antibacterial ingredients that suppress various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Medical rinses make gums less loose and sensitive.
  2. Ointments and gels. All pharmaceutical preparations are made on the basis of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components. Asepta gel, Solcoseryl ointment and other medicines can be used on the go and at work. It is enough to lubricate the gums with the medicinal composition and not eat for an hour. Local ointments heal wounds and inflammation, relieve swelling, redness and pain, and help strengthen the gums. Ointments and gels can be used as an emergency way to strengthen a tooth. With regular use of such ointments, the tooth will stop loosening within a couple of weeks.
  3. Specialized toothpastes. They can be bought at any pharmacy; the range of such pastes is quite wide. To restore your teeth, you can use them constantly or periodically as your teeth become loose. Toothpastes of this kind not only strengthen gums, but also improve dental health - restore the integrity of tooth enamel, break down plaque, fight caries and the formation of tartar.

What to do if the tooth starts to loosen

If a tooth begins to become loose, do not rush to remove it. It can still be preserved. Massage your gums every evening to improve blood circulation. Gently massage your gums with your fingers or a soft toothbrush. If your teeth are weak, you should temporarily avoid hard foods such as nuts, meat, raw vegetables and fruits. Otherwise, you may lose your tooth without strengthening it.

To restore dental health, you need to quit smoking and alcohol. It is necessary to eat a balanced diet so that your gums and teeth receive enough vitamins. Eat more foods containing vitamin C and D, protein, minerals, calcium. Your daily diet should include citrus fruits, dairy products, fish, and soft boiled vegetables.

There are many homemade tinctures, compresses, ointments and decoctions that will help strengthen your teeth.

  1. Fir oil. Fir oil copes well with any inflammation of the oral mucosa. To strengthen a loose tooth, you need to soak a cotton swab in heated oil and apply it to the damaged gum on both sides. Leave for half an hour. Daily lotions with fir oil will strengthen a loose tooth.
  2. Chamomile. Chamomile decoction relieves swelling and redness, soothes soft gum tissue. You need to rinse your mouth with a strong chamomile decoction to get rid of any inflammation.
  3. Aloe and calendula. This decoction can be used to rinse your mouth during infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Aloe is a strong bactericidal agent, and calendula disinfects the surface of teeth and gums.
  4. Spruce resin. Spruce resin not only perfectly disinfects the oral cavity, but is also a delicate simulator for teeth. Choose fresh and soft resin and then try chewing it gently. Regular chewing of the resin as chewing gum will give positive results within a few days.
  5. Oak bark. Oak bark contains a lot of tannins, which stop blood circulation and regenerate damaged tissue. The oak bark must first be crushed and pour boiling water into it in a thermos. Leave overnight. In the morning, the still warm broth must be strained and rinsed with it twice a day.
  6. Sage and yarrow. These herbs improve blood circulation and eliminate loose gums. Pour two tablespoons of crushed plants into a liter of boiling water and prepare a strong, rich decoction. Strain the prepared product and rinse your mouth with it as often as possible.
  7. Honey. As you know, honey has a pronounced antibacterial property. You can lubricate damaged areas of the gums with honey. You can strengthen a loose tooth using propolis tincture or decoction. Propolis must be boiled over low heat for about half an hour, and then rinse the mouth with the prepared liquid. The tincture is prepared with alcohol and can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Soak a cotton pad in the tincture and apply the lotion to the loose tooth.
  8. Sea buckthorn oil and sea salt. Take a soft toothbrush and dip it in sea buckthorn oil. Then dip the oil brush into the salt. Gently massage your gums and teeth with this brush. Sea buckthorn oil restores the soft tissue of the gums, and salt acts as a delicate massager that irritates the gums and increases their blood circulation. This procedure should not be done if the gums are bleeding severely.
  9. Lemon, hydrogen peroxide, soda. Often the tooth becomes loose due to inflammatory processes inside the gums. To disinfect all pathogenic bacteria, you need to prepare the following remedy. Three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide should be diluted in half with water, add a spoonful of fresh lemon juice and half a teaspoon of soda. Mix all the ingredients and rinse your mouth with them twice a day.

If your teeth are loose, you shouldn’t write them off ahead of time. A loose tooth can be strengthened in the gum and given new life. If loose teeth are accompanied by pain, bleeding and inflammation of the oral mucosa, then there is only one way - to the dentist. Take care of your teeth and be healthy!

Video: how to strengthen teeth and gums with oak bark

If a child’s tooth becomes loose, this is perceived quite naturally, because no one places the same demands on baby teeth as on permanent, fully formed segments. But when loose teeth are observed in an adult, it’s time to sound the alarm and ask a specialist what the cause of this problem is and how it can be corrected. A painful symptom is not always proof of the presence of pathology - when teeth become loose, the reasons can be due to many factors, including not only dental, but also general diseases. That is why an immediate visit to the doctor will be the most rational and competent decision.

If your teeth are loose, the reasons can be very different, but they should be divided into several main groups.

Periodontal diseases

This factor is considered the most important, since pathologies such as periodontitis, gingivitis, and periodontal disease significantly weaken the root attachment system in the gingival tissues, and therefore the loosening of teeth progresses.

Swelling, bleeding, and many carious cavities are the same unpleasant symptoms as loose teeth, indicating the presence of a serious inflammatory process. In addition, the patient may have granulomas and cysts, which have the most unfavorable effect on the root system and explain the situation why the teeth are loose.

Presence of general and chronic diseases

Not everyone knows that there are many diseases that cause all the teeth to become loose, and the reason for this phenomenon does not lie in dental problems.

Diseases such as:

  • arthritis (joint problems);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic dermatosis (psoriasis);
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • osteoporosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tumors

can lead to problems with loose teeth.

Consequences of injuries

After suffering injuries, with strong blows and bruises, a situation may arise when a tooth or several teeth in a row at once become loose. This may be due to a fracture in the root area, which as a result is no longer able to support the coronal part of the segment. In some cases, an inflammatory process develops at the site of the blow, causing instability of the teeth.

This group of causes also includes bruxism, which causes uncontrolled compression of segments and increased tissue abrasion.

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Pregnancy status

Since a woman’s body undergoes a radical restructuring during this period, metabolic processes affecting the absorption of calcium are significantly disrupted, which may also be the answer to the question of why teeth become loose. In some cases, experts note the importance of hereditary predisposition. Changes in hormonal levels during puberty and menopause can also cause the development of loose teeth.

Read more about gum disease

The most common answer to the question of why teeth become loose in adults lies in periodontal disease, when the soft gingival tissue becomes inflamed, the tooth roots lose support, and the front teeth and molar segments of the dentition become loose. Thus, gingivitis and periodontitis are the culprits in this situation. Gingivitis occurs for many reasons, among which experts note allergic reactions and infectious processes, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, the disease is manifested by swelling and bleeding of the gums and worsening carious processes.

Why teeth become loose in adults: the influence of chronic diseases

The question of why teeth become loose in adults, if it would seem that a person is doing everything correctly when caring for the oral cavity, worries many. Since the causes of this phenomenon may lie far from dentistry, we may be talking about the presence of chronic diseases in the body. Disorders of mineral metabolism, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, and the presence of diabetes mellitus can significantly reduce immune strength and cause unstable position of segments in the dentition.

Improperly organized nutrition, due to which there is a lack of vitamins in the human body, against the background of a genetic predisposition, can also lead to extremely undesirable consequences for the dental system. The negative role of malocclusion, hormonal disorders, the development of an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses, and various dysfunctions of internal organs certainly affect the condition of the oral cavity.

A healthy lifestyle, control over health status, and compliance with medical recommendations can stabilize a person’s well-being.

What to do if your front teeth are loose

It is the frontal group of teeth that is most often exposed to instability, which is associated with both physiological and pathological factors.

Front teeth often become loose for the following reasons:

  • periodontal diseases;
  • traumatic damage to dental tissues;
  • genetic factor;
  • bite defects;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • bruxism;
  • improper brushing technique for dental hygiene.

Chronic diseases also jeopardize the stable position of segments in the oral cavity.

What is the right thing to do in this case and what to do if a tooth becomes loose.

The procedure, if it is necessary to strengthen loose teeth, will consist of the following steps:

  • make an appointment with a doctor, a specialist will definitely find out the causes of loose teeth and conduct the necessary diagnostics;
  • an experienced doctor will definitely involve highly specialized specialists in the treatment process and refer you for a consultation to clarify the diagnosis, since the cause may be a general disease (osteoporosis, tumor processes, etc.);
  • in dental practice, a session of preventive teeth cleaning is well known for its effectiveness, which radically eliminates all dental plaque and helps eliminate factors favorable to the development of pathology;
  • taking a targeted x-ray aimed at examining the front part of the jaw helps to identify the cause of tooth looseness in this area, since the mobility of the segments can be caused by the consequences of injury;
  • If a root fracture is detected, surgery will be required to remove the fragments.

Why is a molar tooth loose and can it be strengthened?

People are often concerned about the reasons why a molar tooth becomes loose and whether it is possible to prevent the onset of this unpleasant process. It should be noted that not only diseases of the oral cavity are the cause of this, but in general, the weakening of the body has a negative effect, which is why loose teeth are often recorded in old age, when a person’s strength decreases.

It happens that even apparently healthy segments begin to cause concern due to bleeding, inflammation of the periodontal tissues, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. This is, first of all, associated with pathological processes occurring in the body, so if teeth are loose, treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist who has established the cause of inflammation. A possible cause may be a cyst, granuloma, purulent inflammation of the periosteum, so after making a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment and strengthen loose teeth.

Loose teeth: what to do

After the doctor conducts the necessary diagnostic tests and finds out the cause of tooth instability, patients are concerned about whether the tooth is loose, whether it can be saved, and how to cope with this task as soon as possible so as not to waste time.

If the mobile state of segments in the dentition is caused by a disease, then it is necessary to carry out treatment in accordance with the prescribed recommendations. So, for gingivitis, after professional cleaning, complex therapy is prescribed using agents that have an astringent effect - Corsodil, Romazulan, Eluddril and other solutions in combination with medications Faringosept, Proposol, Indomeacin, etc.

If teeth become loose due to periodontitis, what to do is decided after cleansing the oral cavity of accumulated dental deposits. Restorative manipulations aimed at strengthening loose teeth involve a number of measures - curettage of the periodontal pocket and antibacterial treatment. If such treatment is not effective enough, surgical intervention is resorted to.

If a tooth becomes loose due to periodontal disease, how to strengthen it is determined jointly during a consultation by specialists such as an immunologist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist, since the treatment of this disease requires an integrated approach, and therefore the efforts of one dentist may not be enough. Vitamin therapy and, based on clinical indications, the use of hormonal drugs may be prescribed.

When a segment may be lost as a result of an injury, measures are prescribed taking into account the degree of injury. For example, if a tooth is loose, it can be saved through therapeutic procedures, trying to prevent it from chipping, and if the instability of the segment is very pronounced, the doctor splints it and prescribes antibiotics.

How to treat loose teeth in a pregnant woman

In a pregnant woman, due to a lack of calcium in the body, the tooth sockets begin to lose this substance, and a situation arises when the tooth becomes loose. Also, with toxicosis, exacerbation of periodontitis develops, carious processes intensify, phosphorus content in saliva decreases, and therefore this cycle in a woman’s life requires special attention to her dental health. What to do if a tooth becomes loose and is there any way to prevent it from becoming loose?

First of all, it is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations with a dentist, who will notice emerging problems in time and will be able to give the necessary recommendations. In addition, you should review your diet to ensure that you consume the required daily amount of calcium, which is present in foods such as cottage cheese, hard cheese, milk, etc. Regular walks in the air will contribute to better absorption of calcium, and the necessary content of vitamins and microelements when consuming fruits and vegetables will complement and balance the diet.

Preventive measures against loose teeth at home

The main procedure designed to prevent loosening of teeth is compliance with hygienic rules for oral care. Your doctor will help you choose the right toothpaste and toothbrush. Timely professional cleaning will get rid of dental plaque and the accumulation of pathogens in the oral cavity.

Foods such as carrots, apples, pears, parsley, and sorrel help maintain periodontal health.

Simple methods to strengthen loose teeth at home:

  • to restore blood flow to the gum tissue, a light massage using a brush with soft bristles, intermittently massaging the gums with your fingers, is useful;
  • A positive role is played by rinsing with tinctures of hops, wormwood, chamomile, sea moth with iodine, and rubbing sea buckthorn oil into the gums.

Getting rid of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, too hot and cold drinks), a balanced diet, taking vitamins and immunomodulators can prevent a situation from arising when you need to strengthen loose teeth.

What to do if you have loose teeth, which dentist is best to go to?

You can get accurate information about the work of specialized clinics, find out reviews, as well as the cost of services by contacting the “Dentistry Guide”.

Service "Guide to Dentistry":

  • will select the optimal and comfortable option for treatment and prosthetics and help you make a decision taking into account your needs;
  • recommend specialists with experience in the field you need;
  • will help you make the right decision when choosing a clinic, private office, or dentist.

Attention!!! This service is provided free of charge and with a quality guarantee. Trust your choice to professionals.