Guasha massage using Chinese technique. Secrets of the Chinese gua sha massage technique. Basic rules of massage for children

Guasha massage is the oldest type of Chinese massage. The name translates as “scrape everything bad”, i.e. "gua" - scrape; "sha" is bad. In order to “scrape” a special plate is used. It is used to treat certain areas, including various points and reflexogenic zones of the body, face and head. Reflex irritation with a special plate causes a powerful impulse, and microcirculation of skin tissues and organs is restored. Tissues begin to regenerate on their own, metabolic processes improve, the natural restoration processes of our body are launched, lymphatic drainage occurs, and cleansing of toxins and impurities occurs.

Execution technique

Guasha massage ideally combines ease of implementation and effectiveness, which makes it available for widespread use by Russian doctors. This excludes the difficult stage of precise localization of points, which is required for acupuncture. The impact is carried out on fairly large treatment areas, and the skill of using the plate is acquired after several lessons next to an experienced mentor.

Guasha massage includes 3 main methods of influence: se-gua - fast movements, with strong pressure (dispersion method); bu-gua - slowly with gentle pressure; ping-bu ping-se: slowly with strong pressure. Scrapers of various configurations made of jade or Chinese animal horns are used. The massage is carried out using special oil. The session lasts 20-25 minutes. The effect of exposure occurs immediately. At first, the treatment area becomes very red and a burning sensation may occur. Then, on the skin in places where the pathological process is projected, hemorrhages appear - “sha” spots. Thus, the “waste” of this process appears on the skin. The spots can be almost black in color - this is “lifeless” blood. The appearance of these hemorrhages can be frightening to the patient, but the procedure itself is usually minimally painful. Bruises subsequently appear at the site of hemorrhages, which quickly disappear in 2-3 days. After the session, severe fatigue may appear, as after physical activity.

The effect of a gausha massage often occurs already during the procedure. Therefore, it can be used in the acute phase to relieve severe symptoms of the disease. The treatment process may go through exacerbation. To treat diseases, it is necessary to perform a massage procedure 1-2 times a week after the bruises from the previous massage disappear. The course includes from 10 to 20 sessions. It is advisable to conduct such courses 2 times a year.

Scope of application of gua sha massage

The scope of application of gua sha massage is very wide and varied. Here are a few examples of its therapeutic effect.

  • Improved skin condition. Due to the removal of toxins, pigmentation and acne are removed, and skin rejuvenation occurs.
  • Osteochondrosis. Blood circulation in the affected areas improves, lymphatic drainage increases, due to this, swelling is removed and the associated pain syndrome disappears, and muscle spasm is relieved.
  • Colds. Impact on the projection points of the lungs relieves swelling of the bronchial mucosa, relieves shortness of breath, and reduces cough.
  • Cholecystitis. The gua sha procedure relieves spasms of the gallbladder, normalizes its motility, relieves pain, and relieves the feeling of nausea.

When exposed to certain areas of the body, it improves the condition cardiovascular system: blood pressure decreases, heart rate normalizes. There is a beneficial effect on nervous system: sleep improves, anxiety is relieved, appetite, impaired due to nervous diseases, improves. Carrying out a gua sha massage on the reflexogenic zones of the lower back and abdomen improves blood circulation and normalizes lymph flow in the pelvis, which removes blood stagnation in this area, relieves inflammatory processes and normalizes the functional activity of the pelvic organs, leading to resorption of adhesions.

Contraindications for the use of gua sha massage

  • infectious skin diseases,
  • allergy,
  • thrombocytopenia,
  • injured skin surface,
  • fractures until bones heal,
  • decreased kidney function,
  • high blood pressure,
  • pregnancy.
2019-04-24 Masha Beauty Hamster

In today’s post I want to tell you about facial massage using gouache (gua sha), the Chinese method of lymphatic drainage massage (this time I’m really proud of myself, I promised to post at the beginning of the month when, and now I’ve done it, not even a year ago passed). In general, today I will try to talk about massage techniques, various gua sha scrapers (a terrible word, yes), as well as my experience of using gua sha massage tiles (I have been practicing this massage for about two years, I have tried two different gua sha tiles and now I am just about to order third). But let's talk about everything in order...

Guasha scrapers

So, by and large, gua sha scrapers for facial massage differ little from each other in terms of their functionality (I would say that in fact they do not differ at all, at least this is the second tile that I use and the result is the same), here I tried to collect gouache tiles from different stones, at the end of the article I will give a complete list of scrapers from different brands that I found on English sites (the only thing, I’m not entirely sure, is in the “three-headed” tiles like Jane Scrivner, it seems to me that they not very convenient for working out the chin area):

  • White Lotus Jade Gua Sha – jade massage tile (it is believed that jade is a healing stone that normalizes the nervous system and promotes healing);
  • – rose quartz massage tiles (rose quartz is believed to be a stone of love, especially self-love, which opens the heart chakra);
  • Odacite Crystal Contour Gua Sha Blue Sodalite – massage tile made of sodalite (sodalite is believed to promote harmony and restore internal balance);
  • Odacite Crystal Contour Gua Sha Green Aventurine – massage tile made of aventurine (aventurine is considered a stone of luck that promotes prosperity);
  • Jane Scrivner Gua Sha Tool is a carnelian massage tile (carnelian is believed to have a strong calming and calming effect).

In general, I now have a White Lotus Jade Gua Sha scraper (before that I had another jade scraper, but after an unsuccessful landing on the tile, I had to say goodbye to it), overall I was happy with it all the way (I repeat, for the most part I think all gouache tiles for facial massage are approximately the same - the shape, size, thickness of the material itself are almost identical)... But when I saw the tiles from Odacite, I simply fell in love with the rose quartz scraper (compared to this pink beauty, my jade scraper has already started seem like some kind of freak), for me Odacite Crystal Contour Gua Sha Rose Quartz is just a visual delight and I have already decided that I will definitely buy this tile (I’ve been looking at it for a couple of weeks now, I just can’t think of an excuse for such a replacement, because the scrapers are essentially identical)…


The gua sha scraper is named after the Chinese massage technique of the same name (the essence of which is quite harsh “scraping” movements, after which microscopic hemorrhages remain on the body, which look frighteningly like “blood trails”). Modern facial massage with a gua sha massage tile essentially has only a visual resemblance to its “progenitor” (similarity in the form of a scraper), while the massage itself is done with little pressure (and does not injure the skin).

So, gua sha facial massage is essentially a lymphatic drainage massage, which is aimed at improving lymph circulation and blood circulation, relieving tension, toning the skin, improving facial contours, removing puffiness and smoothing out wrinkles. I will attach more detailed videos with the gua sha facial massage technique below, but now I would like to briefly discuss the main points:

  • It is advisable to massage over the oil (so that the device glides well over the skin and does not stretch it). For example, Odacite suggests sprinkling your face with mist and applying 5-10 drops of oil (but everything is individual, you can use less or more oil, depending on the oil itself and its texture in the first place). I usually do a massage either on top of a cleansing balm (like Sarah Chapman, etc.) at the washing stage, or on top of facial oil (in this case, I apply the oil to a mist without hyaluronic serums and at the end of the procedure I blot the remaining oil with a napkin, apply on average about 3-5 drops of oil);
  • The pressure on the gua sha should be light (so as not to injure the skin), and the movements should be smooth;
  • The device should be held at an angle of approximately 15 degrees;
  • The device must be washed after each use.

You can use different parts of the gua sha scraper for different areas of the face; in principle, you can use the massager in any convenient way, but there are the following recommendations:

  • The lower, less curved part of the gouache is suitable for working on the cheek area;
  • The upper, more curved part of the gouache is suitable for working on the forehead and neck area (although for me, for example, it is most convenient to use the lower part for working on the forehead);
  • The side part with a recess is suitable for working on the area around the eyes, the nose area, as well as the contours of the face (on the sides of the chin).

Regarding the effectiveness of gua sha massage, massage perfectly relieves puffiness; with constant use, facial contours actually improve (this is especially noticeable in the cheekbones, which become more pronounced, as well as in the chin area), skin tone improves, and wrinkles noticeably soften. Overall, the skin looks fresher, healthier and tighter.

And a few more words about the effect of gouache on wrinkles. I have a fairly deep wrinkle between the eyebrows, which I struggle with with all my might. So, in this area I did a more intense massage (from bottom to top) with more pressure than on other areas of the face, and actively kneaded the forehead. At first the sensations were, I would even say, a little painful, but gradually the tension in the muscles was relieved and working on the forehead became easier and easier. As a result, I can say that in the end my hated wrinkle began to look much better (some of my friends even noticed the changes).


That’s probably all I wanted to tell you about gua sha facial massage. In conclusion, I would like to clarify a point regarding the use of facial massagers; in my opinion, by and large, it does not matter which massager to use, the main thing in this matter is regularity. For example, I currently have three massagers in my arsenal (now I alternate them according to my mood) - ReFa, and White Lotus. Yes, all of these devices differ slightly in terms of personal ease of use for different areas (for example, I find it most convenient to use gua sha on the forehead and cheeks, ReFa on the cheeks and sides of the chin, Nurse Jamie on the area around the eyes and chin) , but again, by and large, they are all interchangeable...

My rating: 5 / 5

Ancient types of oriental massage are used to achieve harmony of the soul and body. One of them is scraping massage or Gua sha. Its peculiarity lies in the use of special plates. Using a scraper, an ion impulse is created by influencing the reflex meridians of the head, face, and body.

What is Guasha massage: influence on reflex nodes and deep tissues through mechanical irritation of the skin. The effectiveness of the effect can be assessed after the first sessions of the procedures. Manipulations give good results when:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation of the muscle and joint capsule;
  • muscle spasms, cramps;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • migraines;
  • gynecological problems;
  • cardiovascular dysfunctions;
  • diabetes;
  • increase in blood pressure.

Cosmetic Guasha massage is used for cellulite deposits, decreased activity of the immune system, neuroses, dysfunction of the skin glands, and acne. The healing properties of Chinese massage can improve kidney function. Before using the method, it is recommended to undergo treatment and remove the sand from them.


  • mental dysfunctions;
  • heart failure;
  • cirrhosis;
  • oncology;
  • varicose veins;
  • stroke, heart attack;
  • hemophilia;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • diarrhea, allergies;
  • fractures, skin trauma.

The Guasha technique involves intensive effects on the skin and deep tissues.

The procedure is practically painless, but has side effects in the form of bruises that turn into bruises over time. Hematomas disappear in 3-5 days. Bruises form in areas of lymph stagnation. When congestion is eliminated, the appearance of bruises will stop.

Effect of massage

The technique should be aimed at detoxifying the body. Self-regeneration processes are improved and persist for a long time. The effect after the massage lasts 5 days.

Dilation of blood vessels and elimination of spasmodic muscle contractions allows you to quickly get rid of headaches. By restoring blood circulation, it is possible to increase joint mobility. Irritation of the point responsible for the functionality of the lungs eliminates bronchospasm, improves sputum discharge, and increases drainage of the respiratory system.

Blood circulation improves in the lower extremities and swelling goes away. By activating biocurrents, collagen production increases, which improves skin condition. Effectively eliminates the first signs of aging, increases elasticity, firmness, evens out complexion. Removing toxins from the skin allows you to eliminate acne and inflammation.

In case of cholecystitis, spasm of the gallbladder is eliminated through massage. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the patient’s general health, improves the functioning of the cardiac system, and improves immunity. Manipulations are aimed at restoring internal balance.

Mechanism of influence on the body

By influencing active points, synthesis processes are activated at the cellular level. Blood pressure on the vessels increases. Stagnation is eliminated. The central nervous system receives an impulse to relax a certain area of ​​the body. Deep treatment of reflex nodes stimulates the elimination of toxins, due to which antioxidants are released. The blood is enriched with oxygen.

During any disease, pathological microorganisms accumulate in the body, which die off during life and form decay products, which negatively affects the condition of the body. At a certain point, the number of toxins reaches a critical point, stagnant processes appear, and organ systems cease to function properly.

Chinese massage technique helps eliminate these phenomena. Gua, sha - translated means “scraping off the unnecessary.”

Massage devices

You need to choose scrapers for Guasha massage. They are made in the form of flat-round pebbles without sharp edges. Gua sha scraping can be done with spoons, coins or round shaped lids.

Scrapers are made from stone, animal horns, and metal. The shapes of the scrapers are different and are designed to work on certain areas of the body.

  • Square - for the back.
  • Triangle – neck, upper, lower limbs.
  • The shape of the fish is a face.

Gua sha scraping is performed using massage oil. The ideal option is a mixture of aromatic esters of jojoba and sea buckthorn with the addition of oil vitamins A and E.

Techniques and Techniques

The Guasha technique is presented in 3 variations.

  • Cosmetic – the goal is to relieve defectological processes in the face and whole body.
  • Preventive – prevents the occurrence of certain ailments.
  • Therapeutic and diagnostic – allows you to determine existing diseases and methods of treatment.

It is difficult to perform a massage at home on your own. Performing manipulations requires certain knowledge. It is better to contact a qualified specialist.

First you need to cleanse your skin. Take a warm shower and wipe your skin with a bacteriological agent. Apply massage composition. The effect on the body can be enhanced by activating the meridians. This is done by tapping at certain points. According to Chinese technology, all points are divided into Yin and Yang:

  • the first are located on the inner surface of the limbs, the front surface of the torso, points are connected with dense organs (consisting of muscle tissue);
  • the latter are associated with hollow organs - localized on the anterior surface of the limbs and the posterior surface of the torso.

Yang is tapped from top to bottom, then moved in the opposite direction. The points of the pericardium and gallbladder are necessarily worked out. Yin is tapped from bottom to top and back.

Methodology of elaboration

Gouaches are made in a room with a comfortable air temperature. According to the conditions for the procedure, Guasha includes 3 doses.

  • Se-gua – intense express manipulations with pressure.
  • Boo-gua – tonic lingering movements with a scraper.
  • Pin-bu pin-se - movements that are average in speed and pressure.

Scraping with Guasha scrapers is carried out from the center to the sides. The impact is carried out along the meridian of the spine, from the lower extremities to the head, working on the points of the urinary, gall bladder, and triple heater.

Back massage scheme

Exposure to a scraper in one zone is carried out 6 times for girls, 7 times for boys, 8-9 times for women and men of middle and mature age. The intensity of pressure is selected based on the patient’s condition on an individual basis.

Guasha back massage begins with working out the spinal region. Long up and down movements are made with the scraper. Next, we massage the shoulder blade and the Tian Zun point, located on the shoulder. The Guasha massage therapist, standing to the side of the patient, describes arcuate lines along the border of the scapula. Then Tian Zun is massaged. Using your thumbs, you work through 5 gaps in the intercostal space. Along the arcuate trajectory of the ribs, 5 lines of lumen are drawn alternately. The movements are reminiscent of drawing with chalk and leave behind a clear pattern.

In China, lower back massage involves working on the Fuan Chau point, located above the buttocks. Then continue to massage the upper limbs with a Gua Sha scraper in the outer direction. Movements are made from the cervical region to the fingertips. The manipulation is designed to remove toxins. Periodically, the body is freed from excretory products with a cloth moistened with antibacterial oil. Then the massage therapist performs the same procedure on the second half of the back.

The masseur takes the second plate and massages the entire back, moving from the center to the sides. The movements move outside the body, allowing toxins to be eliminated. This completes the back massage with scrapers. Finally, lymphatic drainage is performed by hand. Massage oil is applied to the body and the back is worked with stroking circular movements, then moving to the shoulders, relaxing the hands, pressing on the Laubun point, then returning to the shoulders, moving to the neck, pressing on the Fanchen point.

Using the thumbs of both hands, press the points responsible for the bladder meridian.

Final stage

Then the circle is repeated. Then, alternately, moving the fingers of both hands along the spine from the third cervical vertebra, apply pressure to the points of the Think meridian. Repeat the circle again. The four fingers of both hands are folded into a fist, and the thumbs are put forward and begin to move down along the spine, massaging the points of the bladder meridian. Perform 1 more round. Gathering both hands into a fist, perform back-and-forth movements, working through the Sanjao knots. Another circle of strokes. The areas of the Sanjiao meridians are massaged alternately with the palms. Another circle of strokes. Both hands alternately massage the shoulder blade. Press on the Dzyandzin point, then Jianjun shu, Gauhan and Tiandzun. They go down the back to a point on the buttock and apply pressure. Then they move up. The second half of the back is treated in the same way.

The scraper for Guasha of the facial area is selected with special care. The most suitable material is jade. Massage is recommended even after Botox injections. Quickly eliminates swelling.

Facial massage using the Gausha technique differs somewhat from the generally accepted therapeutic massage of the whole body, because the face and décolleté area requires a more careful and delicate treatment. The procedure is based on light pressure on the scraper so as not to cause discomfort. Movements must be performed from the central part of the face towards the hair growth lines. Next, you need to move from the chin with light movements to the neck and with a final movement to the collarbone, where the lymph flows from the face.

As you perform the movements, remember that you should hold the scraper at an angle of 15 degrees so that you can cover most of the surface of the facial skin.

A few nuances

How to do a Gua Sha massage - behavior before and after the procedure:

  • drink 2 liters of warm water after working out any area of ​​the body;
  • After eating, the massage is done an hour later, before the procedure you need to eat, it is not performed on an empty stomach;
  • no effect on moles is carried out - it can provoke the development of a tumor;
  • the preventive procedure lasts 40 minutes, the therapeutic procedure – no more than 25, the facial zone – 1.5 hours;
  • the next session is carried out only after the bruising disappears.

Some patients experience worsening chronic illnesses after a massage session. This is a natural reaction of the body. The phenomenon is temporary. The body may emit an unpleasant odor for several days after the procedure. This is due to the active elimination of toxins. Patients are advised to shower more often, eat a healthy diet and drink more water.

Frequency of application

Guasha massage of the back and whole body is carried out 1-2 times a week. The full course is 10-20 days. Frequency of application – 2 times a year.

Guasha massage involves the active impact of a scraper on the reflex areas of the human body that are responsible for the functionality of certain organ systems. The lasting effect lasts 5 months after the full course. The duration of the course and intensity of exposure are determined in accordance with the patient’s health condition and the susceptibility of the skin to irritation. The next massage session does not begin until the massage spots are eliminated. Contraindicated during pregnancy and with pathologies of the lymphatic system.

Some of the original treatments used by people included stone needles, massage, hot packs, and Gua Sha.
The earliest source that mentions Guasha method, is the “Huang Di Nei Jing” (Yellow Emperor's Canon of the Inner) - a fundamental treatise of traditional Chinese medicine that is more than two thousand years old.
Much more mentions of Guasha contained in works on medicine of the Yuan (1271 -1368) and Ming (1368 -1644) eras.
In works on Chinese traditional medicine, this method is also called “Xia lyue” (夏掠).
By the time of the Qing era (1644–1911), descriptions regarding Gua Sha become more detailed.
For example, Guo Zhisui in the book “Jasper Balancer for Serious Diseases” (Sha Zhang Yu Heng) / 1674 / writes: “When using Guasha, measles rashes on the entire spine from the bones of the neck, on the chest, shoulders, are scraped out with a copper coin moistened with aromatic oil , or the base of a woman's hair comb; rashes on the forehead and legs are scraped out with a bunch of silk or hemp threads soaked in aromatic oil.”

In addition, an even more detailed description of the specific purpose and use of Gua Sha is given: “For rashes on the muscles, it is better to scrape them off; on blood vessels, it is better to refrain from doing so.”

The doctor Wu Shiji (1806-1886) in his treatise “Discussions on purification in a parallel style” (Li Lun Pian Wen) / 1853 / also mentions the use of Guasha: “When Yang is exhausted and there is pain in the abdomen, you should scrape the spine with a porcelain spoon dipped in aromatic oil; strengthening the connections of the five organs. If you scratch, the harmful element decreases, the disease itself weakens.”

Thus, it is obvious that since ancient times, treatment with Guasha method was widely used and the tradition of its use has survived to this day.

Basic concepts of Guasha technique

TGuasha technique Since ancient times, it has been widely used by the population of Asia in conjunction with massage, acupuncture, vacuum therapy, bloodletting and other methods of treatment.

The term "Guasha"(Chinese: 刮痧; pinyin: guā shā) consists of two characters.

"Gua"- a verb that has a number of meanings:

1) plan, scrape, scrape

2) scratch, scrape, clean off; those. scrape

3) shave; shave off

4) rip off the skin, rip off

5) spread

6) touch, catch (while moving); rub

7) comb your hair

8) to blow, to blow (about the wind).

"Sha"- noun meaning

1) Chinese medical terminology - cholera

2) a popular name for a number of infectious diseases.

Literally, term "Guasha" means "clearance of fever", in a more free interpretation - “treatment of diseases by scraping the skin until it turns red (Sha)”.

A "Sha"- this is the substance of the disease, which emerges during the treatment on the surface of the skin in the form of specific reddish dots or spots - petechiae.

In Vietnam, this technique is called “gau yo”, loosely interpreted as “selecting (scraping) the wind.”

The canon “Su Wen” (Questions about the simplest) of the treatise “Huang Di Nei Jing” says: “The wind is the chief of a hundred diseases.”

Wind is the main external pathogenic factor, while other pathogenic factors very often enter the body along with the wind, causing sha syndromes.

Sha syndromes caused by wind (风 feng), cold (寒 han), dampness (湿 shi) lead to blockage of the meridians, which manifests itself in the form of chills, fever, pain and bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle tension and numbness in the area of ​​extremities, etc.

The Gua Sha technique is also known in Laos as "khud lam", in Cambodia as "kos khyol", in Indonesia as "kerik" or "kerokan".

What is the ancient Guasha method from modern views?

At first glance, Guasha is positioned as an instrumental massage.

But in the process of studying and practical application of the Guasha therapy method, new facets of understanding, practical significance and applied effectiveness of this method are opened.

Guasha therapy is a therapeutic and preventive method, unique in its effects.

The selection of treatment areas is determined according to the etiology of the disease and is determined by the basic concepts of Chinese medicine about the relationship between dense and hollow visceral organs.

The impact zones topographically coincide with the system of canals and collaterals (for more details, see G. Luvsan, 1986; M. Porkert, 1982).

In the process of performing Guasha manipulations, pronounced hyperemia forms on the patient’s skin, or extravasates are formed in the subcutaneous layer - a characteristic skin-vascular reaction to the effect in areas of pathologically altered tissues, which manifests itself in the form of red, bluish-dark, crimson-bluish-violet spots with large and small punctate petechiae.

The extracted liquid, rich in protein and cells of hematogenous and histogenic nature, which sweats from small blood vessels at the site of inflammation, is called exudate.

The biological meaning of exudation is that together with the exudate, immunoglobulins, active components of complement, plasma enzymes, and other biologically active substances that are released by activated blood cells are released into the altered tissue.

Entering the site of inflammation, they, together with tissue mediators, ensure the activation of the pathogenic agent, thereby stimulating tissue immunity and ensuring subsequent tissue repair.

Together with the reflex effect, the processes of autohemotherapy and detoxification of the body are launched.

Intensive and effective binding and removal from the body of many toxic compounds of various chemical natures and metabolites occurs.

In this case, the nonspecific immunological reactivity of the body is stimulated (G.I. Kostina, 2006)

Often, by people unfamiliar with the technique, extravasation that occurs when exposed to Gua Sha is mistaken for a hematoma.

A hematoma is an accumulation of blood in a tissue cavity, which occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall, that is, rupture of blood vessels.

Extravasates occur on the skin or mucous membranes as a result of tiny capillary hemorrhages, which are a consequence of changes in the permeability of the vascular wall, and not a violation of its integrity.

Guasha therapy is essentially a complex effect on the body, consisting of non-invasive acupuncture effects on the skin, bloodletting procedures and massage.

The practical significance and therapeutic effectiveness of this method is confirmed by a number of articles and publications:

  • Positive dynamics in diseases of the musculoskeletal system with various vertebrogenic lesions (Boreichenko, I.V., 2004);
  • Positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of cervical spondylosis (Gou X, 1995;Wu FL, 1996);
  • Beneficial effects on the spine in cases of intervertebral disc herniation (Wang ZG, Tao Y, Wu NT, 2004);
  • High effectiveness of application compared to acupuncture (Li J, Li GZ, 1996; Tang SM, Liu EL, LIu ZW, 2008); Analgesic effect in fibromyalgia (Tang SM, Liu EL, LIu ZW, 2008);
  • Positive dynamics in chronic neck pain (Braun M, Schwickert M, Nielsen A et al., 2011), etc.

Theoretical aspects of the application of the Guasha therapy method

The Guasha therapy method involves the use of a special plate made of various materials: Asian water buffalo horn, semi-precious stones, tortoise shell, rattan, shells, porcelain and metal, which is used to treat certain anatomical areas of the body for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

The surface of the skin is disinfected.

A thin layer of oil with a complex, multi-component composition (angelica Chinese; cassia; Chinese cinnamon; camphor oil, etc.) is applied to the patient’s skin, which has a therapeutic effect due to diffusion, and manipulations are performed in certain areas using a Guasha plate.

Treatment of affected areas using the Guasha therapy method has certain specifics.

Guasha therapy includes three main methods of influence:

Se-gua - movements are fast, with strong pressure (dispersion method);

Bu-gua - slowly with gentle pressure (stimulation method);

Pin-bu, pin-se - slowly with strong pressure (harmonization method).

Direction of movements: from top to bottom, from the center to the periphery.

The head and back are treated first, then the stomach and limbs.

The angle of inclination of the Guasha plate, the applied force, and the duration of exposure depend on the syndrome and severity of the disease.

The gua sha plate repeatedly covers the area of ​​the acupuncture point being used, capturing nearby tissue. The therapeutic effect is not diminished.

In case of possible allergic reactions to the components of the oil, it can be replaced with wine, aqueous infusion or water.

One of the main criteria when conducting a Guasha session is the need to keep the body warm, due to the need to prolong the effect of enhancing hemomicrocirculation and drainage of harmful substances of endogenous and other origin.

In this connection, it is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids after Guasha therapy.

Scraping plates can be disinfected, washed with soap, and then wiped dry with a towel. Their surface can also be wiped with alcohol.

The duration of a Guasha treatment session is 25-30 minutes.

Guasha therapy is prescribed in five to ten sessions per course, depending on the indications.

The sessions are repeated as the “Sha” petechiae disappear.

It can also be performed as a preventive procedure twice a year.

Indications for Guasha therapy therapy are:

1. Violation of the trophism and functions of the peripheral nerve trunks: radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia, sciatic nerve neuralgia, as well as spasm and paralysis of the facial nerve, neurodermatitis, etc.

2. Diseases of the central nervous system: neurosis, neurasthenia, epilepsy, hysteria, etc.

3. Injuries of the musculoskeletal system: bruises of joints and soft tissues, damage to ligaments and tendons, tunnel symptoms, desmogenic contractures of joints, periarthritis of the shoulder, aseptic bursitis and tendovaginitis, contusion of the chest, abdomen, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints, senile cervical spondylopathy, periarthritis of the shoulder, etc.

4. Arrhythmias, heart disease, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

5. Thromboangiitis obliterans, atherosclerosis, consequences of stroke.

6. Colds, rhinitis, tracheitis, asthma, rehabilitation after pneumonia or bronchitis.

7. Acute and chronic nonspecific gastroenteritis, reflux esophagitis, dyspeptic disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystopancreatitis, gastric prolapse, adhesive intestinal disease, constipation, diarrhea.

8. Urinary tract infections, cystitis, prostatitis, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, enuresis, anuresis, etc.

9. Algomenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine prolapse, pelvic inflammation, menopausal syndrome, mastopathy, etc.

Guasha therapy can be used to improve the patient's condition:

For swelling

Muscle spasms

Insufficient joint mobility

Insufficient blood supply or lymphatic drainage

Inflammatory processes in tissues

Decreased functional activity of organs and systems of the body

Contraindications to Guasha therapy are:

1. Tendency to bleeding caused by diseases of the blood or microvascular bed (thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, acute anemia of various origins).

2. Exacerbations of chronic somatic diseases of the cardiovascular system (stroke, heart attack, thromboembolism).

3. Serious infectious diseases (severe hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria, etc.; infectious diseases during hyperthermia).

4. Women during pregnancy, lactation, menstruation in the lumbosacral region and in the anterior abdominal wall, as well as in the mammary glands.

5. For pustular skin diseases, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, herpes in the acute stage.

6. For children in the head, neck, spine area.

7. In weakened chronic patients of elderly and senile age.

8. People with mental illness, under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  • Avoid scraping birthmarks, tumors, surgical scars, etc.
  • You should not scrape the eye area, ears, nostrils, tongue, mouth and lips, external opening of the urethra and anus, navel, etc.
  • You should refrain from performing a session if you feel hungry, oversaturated, thirsty, or very tired in order to avoid dizziness or fainting.

In case of fainting, it is necessary to lay the patient on his back with his legs elevated, loosen tight clothes, and ensure an influx of fresh cool air.

We ensure peace and control of the victim’s condition.


Currently, the wide geographical distribution of the treatment and prophylactic method of Gua Sha indicates its popularity and is based on the therapeutic effectiveness of this method.

Guasha therapy is distinguished from other methods of traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture, acupressure, moxotherapy, etc.) by its relative ease of implementation, which makes it accessible to mastery and widespread use by Russian specialists.

Guasha therapy is essentially a complex effect on the body, consisting of non-invasive acupuncture effects on the skin, and it is a consequence of the various effects of acupuncture-zonal effects (for more details, see Vogralik V. G., 1961; Vogralik V. G. ., Vogralik M.V., 1978; Tabeeva D.M., 1986; Chang H., 1983; and the totality of the effects of the bloodletting and massage procedures.

The obtained research results give grounds to recommend the use of the Guasha therapy method for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for use in sports and rehabilitation practices.

It should be taken into account that the Guasha therapy method requires further scientific and practical study.

Boreychenko I.V.

Employee of the research laboratory of biomechanics and kinesiology

Surgut State University of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, rehabilitation specialist.

Saint Petersburg.

The great advantage of this technique is that it allows you to use wide areas of the skin, which is impossible with a targeted effect. Scraping movements along the meridian activate the movement of energy, blood, lymph, simultaneously launching several healing processes in the body. The Qi energy moves intensively along the channel, congestion in the vessels is relieved, due to the rush of blood and active tactile effects, muscle tension is eliminated, and this has a beneficial effect on the joints. As we can see, Guasha is a truly deep, comprehensive way to eliminate pathology.

Thanks to it, the hormones endorphin, dopamine, and serotonin are produced, since bioactive points on the body are connected to the corresponding parts of the brain. Therefore, Guasha relieves not only physical, but also mental stress, having a beneficial effect on the hormonal and nervous systems.

“Sha” spots - bruises, bruises indicate that a powerful cleansing process is being launched in the body. It is known that an unhealthy body does not cope well with self-cleaning, accumulating decay products in the blood and vessels. This therapy allows all metabolic products accumulated over many years to naturally exit through the skin and urinary tract. This immediately affects your well-being, even after the first session you will feel the effect - tension will go away, lightness and more energy will appear. This is explained by the fact that all vital systems have come into operation. Massage has a cumulative effect, which unfolds over three to four months, improving the patient’s physical and psychological condition every day.

Prevention of any diseases

According to Chinese medicine, disease is a decrease in the level of Qi energy in organs and channels, as well as an imbalance of Yin and Yang energies. As a result, degenerative processes develop in tissues, organs, and joints. Accordingly, the Guasha technique, influencing the energy circuit of the meridians, as well as working the muscle layer to the fascia and joints, is an excellent tool for the prevention of any pathological processes. Its versatility is difficult to overestimate. It works great with any preventive task: tendency to lower immunity? The scraping method perfectly restores the body's defenses, activating the production of interferons, strengthening cellular immunity. Activation of the lung point allows you to prevent colds, while working on the ENT points protects against sinusitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis.

Genetic predisposition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system?

Guasha is also effective in this regard: by working on the meridians of the kidneys and liver, which are responsible for the musculoskeletal system, the doctor removes the possibility of developing a genetic predisposition, strengthening bones and joints. The physiological effect on the joints themselves through scraping removes accumulated salts and uric acid, reducing the risk of pathology.

Tendency to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys?

No matter how strange it may seem to a resident of Russia that with the help of massage you can prevent the development of organ diseases - in fact, this is so. For three millennia, Chinese medicine has proven the effectiveness of the scraping technique, which scrapes out not only the disease, but also its beginnings. What is prevention due to? And again we pay attention to the main principle of action: activation of Qi energy. By treating the area responsible for the gastrointestinal tract, liver, heart, kidneys, the doctor eliminates congestion, improves the functioning of the organ, creating a rush of blood, removing toxins and decay products, preventing the formation of foci of inflammation. The brain sends signals to the organ that help it reach its health potential. And all this by influencing certain areas of the body! Truly, a divine creation is a person created in such a way that everything in him is interconnected and one is inseparable from the other. Chinese medicine achieves high results in treatment because it knows this fact and takes it into account when treating. Unlike Western medicine, in which the patient is divided into organs, joints, and each doctor treats one without paying attention to the other.

Therefore, Guasha massage is ideal for the prevention of any known diseases. The doctor at the TAO clinic will be able to create healthy and strong body settings that will not allow the disease to manifest itself.

Treatment of gynecological and urological diseases

For all its simplicity, Guasha is an effective method for restoring the genitourinary, andrological and gynecological systems. As is known, most failures in the functioning of this area occur as a result of stagnation. For women, Guasha is the best way to eliminate adhesions, nodes, fibroids by increasing blood circulation in the pelvis, activating the meridians of the uterus and kidneys, which are responsible for women's health. Diagnostic interpretation of the pathology of this area “Excess cold”, “Lack of Kidney Qi, Kidney Yang”. Active scraping in the pelvic area replenishes the lack of Qi, eliminates cold, increases Heat, and also regulates the hormonal sphere, affecting reproduction.

Treatment of liver and gastrointestinal diseases

As you know, human health and immunity directly depend on the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Any violations in this area immediately affect general health, resistance to colds decreases, chronic fatigue appears, and the metabolic process changes. Working out the abdominal area simultaneously improves several parameters: relieves tension, eliminating congestion in the intestines, and has a beneficial effect on liver function. For cholecystitis, massage helps eliminate spasm of the gallbladder.

A rush of blood to the gastrointestinal tract has a beneficial effect on its work, triggering the production of necessary substances in the large intestine, which is the center of immunity. It is not without reason that abdominal massage is present in all traditional medical areas, since the foundations of health are laid in the abdomen. Gastritis, ulcers, constipation, intestinal disorders - all these and other diseases can be treated with Guasha.

Treatment of vascular and circulatory system diseases

Hypotension, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis are diseases caused by disorders of the heart and circulatory system. Relieving symptoms with the help of pills and injections does not allow a person to become healthy, but makes him hostage to chemicals that are harmful to health. Guasha massage actively affects the blood vessels and circulatory system, cleansing the blood, removing toxins, waste, and decay products from the body, accelerating the movement of lymph. The effect on the meridians of the heart and pericardium, which in Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to a separate organ, improves the functioning of the entire circulatory system, and can significantly reduce or normalize pressure, relieve tinnitus, and restore heartbeat in case of arrhythmia. According to Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the master of the heart. This means that when treating cardiovascular problems, this fact must be taken into account, involving the kidney meridian in the work. Of course, the doctor achieves the best results with an integrated approach - acupuncture and Guasha, for example. In this case, there is an enhanced effect at all levels, which leads to rapid recovery.

Treatment of acne, acne, post-acne

In traditional Chinese cosmetology, a scraper is used to actively remove toxic substances that accumulate on the skin and signal a malfunction of internal organs. Therapy for these problems also occurs on the internal level, through the regulation of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and on the external level, the scraper perfectly eliminates acne areas, cleanses the skin, and activates tissue regeneration.


Hypersensitivity - since during the first sessions the pain is quite noticeable, and this is a necessary stage of therapy.

Fractures in the healing stage


Kidney failure


Poor blood clotting