Why does my left palm itch from a medical point of view? Why and why the palms of children, women, and men itch. Treatment of itchy palms

Such a phenomenon as itchy palms is usually not taken seriously by anyone. After a complaint, as a rule, there follows a joke about the need to wash or folk signs.

Why does my right palm suddenly itch? To visit the doctor! This is especially true if the condition is accompanied by an itchy rash, redness, blisters, or dry skin.

Causes of itching
Allergy. If only the palms begin to itch, then the reasons are usually in the product or substance that the hands touched. Very often, a negative reaction appears after using creams, chemical cleaning solutions, washing powders and soaps.

If not only your palms, but also your fingers and other parts of the body itch, then the reason may be an allergy to animal hair, food, odors, dust, etc. In this case, it is recommended to conduct a thorough analysis to determine the allergen. If allergies occur due to external irritants, then contact with them should be limited or completely stopped.

For example, replace household chemicals and cosmetics with hypoallergenic ones, clean with gloves, etc. It is also necessary to maintain water balance, that is, periodically apply moisturizing creams, infusions, and masks to your hands. Your doctor may prescribe anti-allergy medications.

In some cases, the symptoms are almost invisible and evening itching is also absent, but under stress they become obvious and severe. If you have scabies, you should definitely consult a dermatologist, because all anti-scabies are poisons. Their use without prescription can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and worsen the condition.

Eczema is a skin disease characterized by an inflammatory process on the surface of the skin. After scratching the affected area, redness and, in some cases, peeling or blisters occur. Eczema often occurs as a complication after an allergic reaction.

If your palms itch, you need to consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary treatment. It is also not recommended to scratch the affected areas, as the skin will be further damaged.

Traditional medicine recipes can also help, for example, lotions made from fresh cabbage, ground into a pulp, viburnum berries, as well as compresses from a decoction of burdock leaves and baths with birch decoction.

Psycho-emotional stress. In such a situation, itching occurs as a reaction of the body. It is necessary first of all to limit contact with the irritant, and then consult a doctor. Treatment most often involves taking sedatives.

Palms can itch for other reasons, for example, due to a malfunction of internal organs (usually the liver), fungal infection, etc. Constant itching is a reason to seek medical help.

Why is my left palm itching?
If you believe popular beliefs, then this phenomenon promises either an unexpected arrival of money or, conversely, unexpected expenses. To bring what you want closer, you need to take the money with your left hand and put it in your left pocket, and do not reach your hand until the itching stops. In this case, according to legend, capital replenishment is guaranteed.

Right palm itches
People say that itching of the right hand is a sign of a meeting. But from a scientific point of view, this fact is explained by completely different reasons.

Basically, people do everything with their right hand, and it is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. Itching of the right palm occurs when it is necessary to perform a logical operation, for example, make an important decision, perform a number of actions with the right hand.

This phenomenon also occurs due to negative emotions, or rather, their suppression. For example, a person gets angry for a long time, then his hands begin to sweat, itch and clench into fists.

Itching of hands and feet
If your palms and feet itch, the reasons are much easier to determine:

Insect bites;
Fungal infections;
Allergic reactions;
Severe stress.
It is worth noting that allergic reactions can be accompanied by attacks of nausea, headaches, and swelling.

As for scabies, the feet and palms, or more precisely, the skin between the fingers, are affected first. Irritation may also appear on the abdomen, as well as on the buttocks and groin. Localization often depends on the age of the patient; for example, in young children, lesions can even appear on the head. Treatment must begin as early as possible, since scabies can progress to a more complex stage - purulent.

In addition, fungal infection is also a dangerous disease. In this case, the nails and skin between the toes are affected. Advanced pathology leads to the feet becoming covered with cracks and ulcers, and the nails crumble and collapse. A fungal infection is very contagious, so the patient not only suffers himself, but can also infect others.

It is worth noting that in general the drugs are applied only in the evening, completely over the entire body (except for the head). During the treatment period, bath procedures are avoided. After recovery, the apartment is cleaned using special products, bed linen and underwear are washed and ironed.

As for preventive measures, it is necessary to completely limit contact with an infected person. But if contact does occur, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands and periodically inspect the skin.

A fungal infection, of course, must be eliminated immediately at the slightest symptoms of infection. It is necessary to visit a doctor who will draw up an individual treatment plan. Antifungal creams and ointments are used for external use. For oral use, appropriate tablets are prescribed.

It is noted that it is impossible to eliminate the fungus with ointments alone. It is imperative to approach the problem comprehensively. For example, special varnishes are purchased to treat nails, and creams are purchased for feet. Modern pharmacology offers a wide variety of solutions that have an antifungal effect.

They penetrate well deep into the skin of the hands and feet. However, fungal infections are quite difficult to cure. Only six months later can we say that it has been completely eliminated.

Severe itching of the feet can be caused by uncomfortable shoes. However, the reason sometimes lies in advanced stage varicose veins.

It is also necessary to take into account that many diseases characterized by itching can be contagious. Compliance with simple rules of personal, household and public hygiene also plays an important role.

In any case, to the question “Why do my palms itch?” Only a specialist can answer by conducting an examination, taking tests and conducting research.

Article outline:

Itching of the palms of varying intensity can occur for several reasons. This condition is a consequence of illness or an allergic reaction. Regardless of the origin, itching causes a lot of inconvenience; infection easily penetrates into the cracks and scratches in the skin, and an inflammatory process develops. Effective treatment requires the help of a dermatologist.


A common cause of itching is allergic reactions. Provoking factors can be food products, animal hair, cosmetics, and plant pollen. However, the most common cause of itchy palms is an allergy to chemicals contained in detergents and washing powders. The skin on your hands is sensitive; prolonged contact with household chemicals can cause irritation.

In some cases, itching is one of the symptoms of an internal disease. Skin problems are typical for diseases such as:

  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • lymphosarcoma;
  • leukemia

If your palms itch, then there is a high probability of disruption of metabolic processes in the body.


This type of itching is also characteristic of eczema. The skin begins to peel off severely, and painful ulcers form on it. The causes of eczema can be disorders of the nervous system and pathologies of the endocrine glands.


The presence of a fungal disease can also cause itching of the palms. The mycelium usually spreads to the skin of the hands when treating the affected feet. A characteristic sign of mycosis is a white coating. Often a burning sensation occurs at the same time.



Very often stress becomes a provoking factor. Prolonged emotional stress negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system. In severe cases, itching can spread to the entire body. This condition requires the help of a psychologist.

Causes of itching for a long period

Sometimes itching on the palms bothers you for a short period of time. As a rule, it is formed due to the influence of external factors. These could be:

  • chemical burns;
  • insect bites (mosquitoes, wasps, midges);
  • plant burns;
  • cold.

Constant scratching is often observed in older people. This is due to large losses of moisture and dryness of the epidermis. This itching does not require treatment. Similar sensations in late pregnancy are also considered normal.

Associated symptoms

Itching can be localized exclusively in the palms of the hands or cover the entire hands. The nature of the sensations varies from a slight tingling sensation to an unbearable burning sensation. As a rule, scratching the affected areas does not bring relief.

In parallel, other manifestations may occur. Usually this is:

  • skin redness;
  • plaque;
  • blisters;
  • rash;
  • ulcers;
  • cracks;
  • peeling.

A set of symptoms will help the dermatologist determine the cause of the problem. To clarify the diagnosis, some laboratory tests will be required.

Drug treatment

Treatment tactics are always determined by the cause of the discomfort. If the allergy is confirmed, the factor that provokes its occurrence is eliminated, and systemic antihistamines are prescribed. The most common:

  1. Suprastin,
  2. Tsetrin,
  3. Claritin,
  4. Zyrtec.

If itching is a consequence of internal problems in the body, then it is necessary to treat the affected organ system. If mycosis is present, the doctor will prescribe a topical antifungal agent. You can choose ointments or creams. Well proven:

  • Zalain,
  • Mycoseptin,
  • Lamisil,
  • Clotrimazole.

The most difficult thing to cure is eczema on the palms. For numerous ulcerations, the use of hormonal ointments is indicated. Dermovate and Advantan are considered the strongest. These drugs have many side effects, so it is recommended to use weak steroid-based drugs first. Prednisolone is prescribed for children and pregnant women.

Non-hormonal ointments have a weak effect. As a concomitant treatment for mild itching, you can use:

  • indomethacin ointment,
  • Aurobin,
  • Dermasan.

The main thing to remember is that the selection of drugs to treat itching should be left to the doctor.

Treatment with traditional methods

There are many traditional medicine recipes that can reduce itching or get rid of it completely. These techniques cannot replace drug therapy, as they do not affect the cause of the problem.

Your palms will itch less if you take warm baths daily. You can add decoctions of chamomile, string, celandine or oak bark to the water. Baking soda solution also relieves itching.

If there is peeling, it is recommended to use natural vegetable oils, for example, almond, peach, olive. Cold compresses or lotions are effective. You can wipe the affected areas with an ice cube or a cotton swab moistened with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

By using medications prescribed by your doctor, you can eliminate the itching fairly quickly. To prevent relapses, you should limit contact with household chemicals, wash your hands more often with fragrance-free soap, and minimize emotional distress.

The reasons why your palms itch are varied. The problem cannot be ignored, as it can cause negative consequences and all sorts of complications. You must immediately go to a qualified specialist.

If your hands are constantly itching, the main provoking factor is negative stimuli - both internal and external. In this case, an irresistible desire appears to scratch the skin or its individual areas. This is due to the fact that there are a huge number of nerve endings on its surface.

Since the skin of the hands is constantly exposed to negative influences, the causes of itching are varied. The exact nature of the phenomenon has not yet been determined. It is believed that this is a kind of pain syndrome.

Why your palms itch can be very difficult to understand. There is an opinion that this is how pain manifests itself, that is, the skin itches when the receptors are irritated. Itching sensations cause an inflammatory process, as a result of which the skin color changes and blisters form on its surface. Palms can itch under the influence of negative factors, with sudden temperature fluctuations.

The most popular reason is increased sweating. It is observed with poor hygiene or the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In addition, itchy skin that occurs on the palms of the hands can also be bothersome due to other reasons:

Sometimes itching indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • liver – cirrhosis or hepatitis;
  • intestines and stomach;
  • skin – infections and fungal infections;
  • blood and lymphatic system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus

Expectant mothers sometimes have itchy palms. As a rule, the symptom appears in the last months of pregnancy, and skin rashes are also possible. The problem is often observed in people of advanced age, which is due to severe dryness of the skin.

Every person is familiar with such an unpleasant sensation as itching. In medicine, this condition is classified into several groups:

  • generalized – covers a significant part of the skin on the hands;
  • local – appears in certain places;
  • chronic;
  • spicy;
  • intolerable;
  • weakly expressed.

When scratching the skin, complications are possible: the addition of a bacterial infection, the formation of wounds, and pustular lesions.

Red rashes that appear on the palms and are accompanied by itching may indicate an allergic reaction and other skin pathologies. The most common option is dermatitis. They develop after contact with a variety of substances. Allergies can be recognized by small pimples or large rashes. Itching that appears along with the rash is a sign of increased sweating. In such a situation, they can be seen not only on the arms, but also on the legs.

Often the palms begin to itch as a result of heavy metal poisoning. The formation of pink spots may indicate such ailments as:

  • chicken pox;
  • measles;
  • meningitis;
  • rubella.

If your palms not only itch, but also peel, you may have a skin disorder, such as eczema. It is characterized by dryness, cracking and blistering. Another danger is psoriasis, which can cause red spots on the palms.

Peeling of the skin is one of the signs. This is a chronic disease that occurs with exacerbations and remissions. Other reasons include:

  • age;
  • dry skin;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • non-compliance with drinking regime;
  • insufficient humidity level in the room.

High local temperature is a sign of certain skin lesions. As a rule, this is eczema, which develops with a complicated allergic reaction, and scabies, which bothers you at night.

Other reasons include:

  1. Stones forming in the bile ducts.
  2. Liver diseases.
  3. Frequent drinking of alcohol.
  4. Diabetes mellitus is manifested by constant thirst.
  5. Polyarthritis – characterized by problems with the joints.
  6. Carpal tunnel syndrome – intense sweating of the palms.
  7. Lack of vitamin B – it is characterized by a burning sensation, hair loss and splitting nails.

Itching of the skin of the hands that occurs in children is not always associated with dangerous pathologies, but they should not be ruled out. It is better to go to a doctor who will conduct the necessary research and determine the root cause of the problems.

Provoking factors are:

  1. Allergies – to medications, foods or cosmetics.
  2. Enterovirus infection - accompanied by the formation of a rash on the hands and body.
  3. Lack of vitamins - skin irritation.
  4. Fungal infections - accompanied by peeling and dryness.
  5. Hormonal disorders and stress.
  6. Burns from plants.
  7. Various insect bites.

Treatment methods depend on the disease that led to the development of itching.

If it is an allergy, it is enough to limit contact with the allergen and take antiallergic drugs for some time. In other situations, treatment is carried out in the following way:

  1. Antidepressants - if the itching is caused by psychological reasons.
  2. Creams and ointments are prescribed for skin diseases.
  3. Complex therapy – for diabetes mellitus or cirrhosis.

Specific medications to eliminate itching of the palms are selected taking into account the cause of the discomfort. The doctor may prescribe antihistamines, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Among external medications we can highlight:

  1. Fenistil.
  2. Bepanten.
  3. Advantan.
  4. Elokom.
  5. Nizoral et al.

If the itching is caused by stress, regular valerian or another sedative will help. But to be more reliable, you should visit a neurologist and dermatologist. Emollient ointments effectively relieve inflammation and eliminate dry skin.

You can also relieve itching and improve the patient’s well-being using alternative medicine recipes. Most often, masks or healing baths are used. There are several popular means:

  1. Chamomile, chamomile and oak bark - add to water, boil and leave. Place your hands in the prepared broth and hold until it cools.
  2. Lotion prepared from a mixture of coconut oil, menthol and camphor alcohol - wipe your palms with a cotton swab.
  3. Oatmeal and honey – mix and apply to skin. After twenty minutes, rinse and apply cream.

Decoctions prepared with celandine, yarrow, plantain, and sage give a good effect - these herbs have excellent natural antiseptics.

If the itching becomes unbearable and causes numbness in the hands, urgent measures must be taken. In such a situation, you should hold your palms under a contrasting stream of water or make a bath, preparing it from calendula and other herbs. This method helps especially well with burns left by nettles.

If itching occurs after an insect bite, take an antihistamine. Unpleasant sensations are quickly relieved by a cold compress - to do this, apply ice to your palms.


If itching occurs rarely, it is often attributed to folk signs and considered a definite sign. If your left palm itches, you can expect:

  • stabilization of the financial situation;
  • valuable purchase;
  • big win.

You need to put your left palm in your pocket and pick up the money that is there. This ritual attracts good luck. If your right palm itches, it is possible:

  • unexpected meeting;
  • making a profit;
  • receiving news from relatives.

For the belief to come true, you should stroke any red cubic object or scratch it with your palm on the edge of the table.


Simple rules will help prevent itching. First of all, protect your skin from the negative effects of various factors. If you are allergic to foods, stop eating them. But the best preventative measure is careful personal hygiene. It is important to wash your hands regularly and regularly apply protective and moisturizing creams to your skin.

There are many reasons why your palms can become very itchy. The phenomenon is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, so you should not delay a visit to the doctor. It will help identify the causes of problems and eliminate them.

When your palms and feet itch at the same time, this is not only an irritating symptom that brings discomfort to your usual way of life, but also a sign of the progression of certain diseases. There is no need to worry if the itching is rare, intermittent, indicating an external cause of irritation. Constant scratching of the hands and feet cannot be ignored. It is necessary to establish the causes of concern.

We establish the real reasons

The reasons why the feet and palms itch are external influences or internal processes of the body. Factors of synchronous itching lie in hidden pathologies, when external irritation is one of the symptoms:

  • psoriasis;
  • allergy;
  • avitaminosis;
  • cholestatic itching;
  • dyshidrotic eczema;
  • skin infection;
  • endocrine pathologies of the body;
  • stress, nervous overload, hyperhidrosis.

Allergic reaction


A person’s predisposition to various allergens may be one of the symptoms of unbearable itching of both palms and feet. It is important to identify the irritant in order to exclude any contact with it to avoid complications.

An allergy may appear after contact with aggressive agents, which may include:

  • food;
  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • various medicinal creams and gels;
  • soap, shampoo or shower gels;
  • cosmetic and perfumery substances;
  • and medicines;
  • household chemicals (washing powder, dishwashing detergent, etc.).

Itching of the skin is accompanied by redness and the appearance of a small rash, sometimes swelling of the extremities. It is necessary to analyze products and household products, identify the allergen and exclude it from use.

Dyshidrotic eczema

It is rare and the course of the disease is severe. It manifests itself as redness of the skin of the extremities, followed by a rash of small, watery blisters and spots. Bursting pimples form very itchy, inflamed crusts. Severe itching does not decrease until complete healing.

The main treatment is the use of topical hormone-based creams and oral medications. The development of eczema can be triggered by:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • metabolic failure.

Endocrine pathologies of the body

A factor may be changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland. Characterized by severe itching, dryness and peeling of the palms and feet. Due to hormonal imbalance, the skin suffers from moisture deficiency. Most often, this bothers a person at night or while lying down, when blood circulates freely throughout the body.

Such symptoms are not uncommon in pregnant women due to dramatic changes in hormonal levels and restructuring of the body during gestation.

Cholestatic itching

Disorders of the liver and gallbladder. A common cause of itchy extremities. Interruptions in the function of bile outflow lead to the accumulation of acids in the blood, which causes irritation of skin receptors.

The cause of pathologies may be:

  • oncology;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis of any form;
  • pathology of the bile ducts;
  • intoxication (poisoning with alcohol, medications).

Signs of cholestasis manifest themselves in constant itching on the skin of the palms and soles.

Neurological causes

In a state of stress, the amount of histamine and serotonin in the body increases, which causes an involuntary strong desire to scratch. This is often accompanied by symptoms such as.

Frequent worries and stress provoke increased sweating in a person, resulting in involuntary scratching of the hands and feet.

With a chronic nervous disorder, a person itches almost constantly, even without sources of agitation. The reaction to stress in the form of itching may not appear immediately, but some time after nervous excitement.


It is characterized by red spots all over the body, the main focus is formed in the area of ​​​​the palms and heels, which itch quite severely. The reason is often the active and constant presence of a person in a stressful, uncomfortable environment.


With a lack of vitamins A, C, D, E and other important elements, dryness and redness of the skin of the hands and feet is observed. The inflammatory process begins - the skin cracks and itches. Sometimes this symptom of pathology is seasonal.

Skin infections

Skin infections are often a symptom of itching of the palms and heels. The fungal infection of the feet and palms is rapid. Red spots and peeling appear. If the area of ​​infection increases and covers the elbows and back, then these are signs of an infection such as lichen.

The spread of the main lesion to the area between the toes and hands, increased itching at night may suggest infection with scabies. With this disease, small pimples filled with fluid appear. When scratched, they progress to the stage of ulcers and severe inflammation. Without proper treatment, the scabies mite penetrates deep into the skin, causing extreme itching and discomfort. After healing, marks in the form of spots and scars may remain on the skin.

The appearance of other unpleasant symptoms in combination with itching (burning, redness, dryness, peeling) indicates pathological changes in the body that require special treatment. To make a correct diagnosis and select the necessary treatment package, you must consult an appropriate specialist.

The importance of medical intervention

If your palms and feet itch, it is important to see a doctor. Only a thorough examination and detailed questioning will give the right direction for further successful treatment. Self-medication is fraught with worsening health conditions and further development of the disease. Competently and timely therapy is the key to a successful and quick recovery.

If your palms and feet itch, to determine the root cause of the irritation, the doctor conducts a comprehensive diagnosis and prescribes a number of studies for the patient:

  • blood test for hormones;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • thyroid examination;
  • stool analysis for the presence of worms;
  • blood sampling to determine sugar levels.

In case of external manifestations of the rash, a skin scraping is taken to study the presence of a skin infection. To identify pathologies of the liver and pancreas, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed.

Patients in whom no problems were found in the tests, and the symptoms of irritation have not disappeared, are referred to a neurologist.

If an allergy is identified, it is necessary to visit for consultation to find out the nature of the allergen and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Getting rid of itching correctly

Complete relief from the disease and elimination of its causes is only possible with comprehensive treatment. To alleviate the patient's condition, the following methods are used:

  • application;
  • use of camphor and methanol lotions;
  • ingestion of medications appropriate to the diagnosis;
  • applying cold compresses (wet towel) to the extremities;
  • rubbing or applying compresses from decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, plantain, celandine, yarrow, St. John's wort and others).
  • do not wear tight clothes and shoes;
  • avoid heavy physical activity;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun is contraindicated;
  • give preference to natural fabrics (cotton, linen), avoid synthetics.

Itching of the skin, regardless of where it is localized, is an important symptom indicating an internal illness or mental disorder. It is important to know the causes and methods of treatment if your legs and feet, arms and hands itch.

Only timely treatment allows you to quickly get rid of the sore without causing global harm to health.

Itching can develop in any part of the human body, but if it occurs in a specific place, then this phenomenon is called “localized itching.” It is this phenomenon that refers to cases where the palms itch.

In addition to unpleasant discomfort, this phenomenon can be painful. When the itching does not stop for a long time, the skin of the palms dries and becomes covered with cracks, which leave behind scars. Such lesions appear in places where they are scratched and do not heal for a long time.

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    Common reasons

    Itching on the skin of the palm of the right or left hand occurs due to many reasons, so specific symptoms should be distinguished from general ones. Based on the nature of the itching, specialists determine the cause of its occurrence.

    If this symptom is detected, you should consult a dermatologist to identify its source. This is necessary to exclude or prevent the development of serious diseases.

    Red palms of the hands - possible causes of pathology


    Allergies are one of the main reasons that make a person's palms itch. Allergic reactions in most cases are mild, but in rare cases they can lead to serious consequences when a person’s palms burn. Itching occurs when the skin comes into contact with chemicals. For example, concentrated soap, which contains allergens that provoke burning, itching, hyperemia of the skin (palms turn red) and the appearance of blisters.

    To prevent the development of allergic itching of the palms, experts recommend using hypoallergenic soap.

    Tar and laundry soap have this property. They are not inferior to conventional detergents in terms of effectiveness, but significantly reduce the risk of itching in the palms.

    In addition to soap, allergies lead to:

    • hand washing powders;
    • cleaning products;
    • creams;
    • dishwashing detergents;
    • other concentrated chemicals.

    If a person does not experience other symptoms besides itching or burning on the palms, doctors advise thoroughly rinsing their hands with cool water, taking an anti-allergy medication (antihistamines) and eliminating the provoking drug from everyday use. To prevent allergic itching of the palms, you need to:

    • exclude the use of powders and other cleaning products that have expired;
    • change household gloves more than once a month to prevent the accumulation of allergens on their surface;
    • monitor how the skin of your hands reacts when using a new detergent or cosmetic substance;
    • wear gloves when dealing with household chemicals (for example, when cleaning), especially if the product contains a high concentration of alkalis or acids.

    If the itching of the palms does not stop after the measures taken, you should consult a doctor to diagnose the disease.

    • wooden furniture;
    • upholstered furniture;
    • old sofas and armchairs that are more than ten years old;
    • children's toys made of fluff;
    • pillows;
    • carpets.

    If itching of the palms was caused by insects, it will soon appear in other places (hips, back, inner arms, lower back). Rarely, bedbug or tick bites can provoke an allergic reaction, in which case itching on the palms will become complicated.

    To get rid of this, you will have to completely disinfect your home. In especially severe cases, it is advised to get rid of old furniture, because it can become a hotbed for the spread of bedbugs.


    One of the most unpleasant types of mites is scabies. Most often they affect the upper extremities, especially the skin between the fingers and the wrist, so after their bite my palms begin to itch. This type of itching occurs mainly in children.

    This problem is very easy to diagnose because its symptoms are very pronounced. Itching in the palms is accompanied by the appearance of small pimples with liquid inside. The palms do not itch in the morning, but they itch in the late afternoon or at night.

    If these symptoms are detected, you should consult a doctor immediately. This must be done because of the danger of toxins that ticks carry under a person’s skin.

    Other reasons

    In addition to the listed causes of nonspecific itching, there are other, less common:

    • skin fungus;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • diseases affecting the epidermis;
    • contact with plants (nettles, thorns);
    • diseases in the chronic stage affecting the pancreas, liver or gallbladder;
    • arguing and excessive sweat on the palms;
    • characteristics of age (in old age, the skin becomes drier, which contributes to itching);
    • lack of minerals or vitamins in the human body;
    • frostbite of the hands or, conversely, burns of the skin of the palms;
    • psychological trauma or stressful condition (psychosomatics).

    Skin itching in the palms of this nature is often diagnosed independently, but if it is complicated by other symptoms, you should not engage in self-diagnosis.

    Itching with rash

    In addition to nonspecific itching, people experience concomitant symptoms that accompany this manifestation in the palm area. Patients develop a rash on their palms, which occurs in several cases:

    1. 1. Dermatitis. If itchy palms are accompanied by skin rashes, then most likely this is a sign of dermatitis. The most common form of this disease is contact dermatitis. Occurs when the skin comes into direct contact with a provoking factor (for example, alkali or acid). With dermatitis, spots or pimples appear on the skin.
    2. 2. Heavy metal poisoning. This is an equally common reason why people experience itching with a rash on their hands. The reason is often the person's profession, which is associated with the processing or production of heavy metal compounds. Due to the possibility of developing severe complications, doctors categorically prohibit people with similar symptoms from self-medicating.
    3. 3. Infection. Bacteria, fungi and viruses make up a large percentage of the causes that cause itchy palms with rashes. These are diseases such as measles, lichen, chickenpox, trichomoniasis, rubella, syphilis, meningitis and other diseases. In such cases, doctors do not treat the symptom, but the disease itself that caused it.

    Itching of the skin of the palms in combination with a rash is one of the main signs of the development of anaphylactic shock.

    If you find a rash on your palms that is accompanied by itching, you should consult a doctor to rule out or confirm possible serious diseases.

    Itching with peeling palms

    If a person has peeling skin in addition to itching of the palms, this may indicate the onset of a disease. Such diseases include eczema or atopic dermatitis. When the disease occurs, the patient's palms become excessively dry, the rate of keratinization of the epidermis increases, and the skin of the palms cracks. The appearance of blisters of various sizes is noted. Doctors distinguish between weeping and dry skin eczema, but the treatment for these types is the same.

    A disease called psoriasis has similar symptoms. In this case, the itching is accompanied by red spots, which begin to peel off over time. The essence of psoriasis is that the affected cells age much faster than others, which causes itching and dying of the skin. This is a particularly serious condition, because with it the palms itch so much that the patient often tears them until they bleed. Treatment takes a long time and is carried out strictly under the supervision of a highly qualified attending physician.

    If the itching of the palms is caused by atopic dermatitis, then the severity of the symptoms will be less and the palms will not peel much.

    In rare cases, itching with peeling occurs due to natural aging of the body. In this case, to reduce it, doctors recommend following a number of rules:

    • maintain the body’s water-salt balance (drink one to two liters of water per day);
    • maintain air humidity in the place of residence;
    • apply moisturizing creams;
    • Regularly ventilate the room and take walks in the fresh air.

    All these conditions cause severe physical discomfort, so do not put off visiting a doctor. It is worth visiting a dermatologist for comprehensive treatment.


    Most drugs that treat itchy skin with accompanying symptoms are dispensed strictly according to medical advice (prescription). The list of drugs includes drugs from the group:

    • steroids;
    • hormonal agents;
    • GCS (glucocorticosteroids).

    These medicinal substance components treat psoriasis, eczema or other manifestations of dermatitis. In such cases, self-diagnosis and self-medication are unacceptable.

    If a person believes that the cause of itching of the palms is not such a serious illness, then it is recommended to use weaker drugs available without a doctor’s prescription. But in order to be sure, you should undergo a full course of diagnostic measures from a dermatologist.

    Medicines used:

    Group of drugs Description Name of drugs
    AntihistaminesDrugs in this group are used only for itching caused by an allergic reaction. Allergy itching occurs due to the release of large amounts of histamine in the body. These medications block it and eliminate irritation in the shortest possible time, eliminating the patient’s discomfortSuprastin, Loratadine, Cetirizine, Tavegil, Clemastine
    CholestyraminesPreparations containing chlorestyramines bind bile acids and remove them along with feces from the human body. Such medications help only when the cause of itching is a violation of the liver or biliary tractQuestran
    SedativesA group of highly effective antidepressants is used only for psychosomatic causes of itching. Medicine that saves you from a nervous disorder is available only with a prescription from a specialist. But in pharmacies it is possible to buy a less effective substance. These medications are available without a prescription and have fewer side effects.Tenoten, Persen, Glycine, Motherwort forte, Valerian, Magnesium B6, Afobazole
    Anti-inflammatory ointmentsOintments do not serve as a treatment for a disease, but as an assistant. The ointment moisturizes and nourishes damaged skin, improving its regeneration. This makes it easier to eliminate the inflammatory effect and soothes the skin when your palms are itchyPanthenol, Bepantol, D-Panthenol, Bepanten

    In addition to these medications, there are more serious ones that cause many side effects. They are dispensed only when absolutely necessary and strictly according to the prescription of the attending physician. Such drugs include:

    • calcineurin inhibitors (Elidel, Tacrolimus);
    • opioid receptor blockers;
    • antidepressants (Doxepin);
    • hormonal corticosteroids (Prednisolone).

    It should be understood that itching on the skin of the palms indicates both minor changes in the body and severe pathologies of the entire organ system. Therefore, if the itching continues for a long time and causes anxiety in a person, it should under no circumstances be ignored. It is necessary to contact an appropriate specialist, because timely treatment can reduce the risk of complications and speed up treatment.

    Folk remedies

    When your palms itch, it is permissible to use alternative medicine. Folk remedies can relieve an attack of itching or serve as an auxiliary therapy for the main treatment. In folk medicine, substances of plant origin are used. Some of the most effective are the following recipes:

    • Take a glass of country sour cream and mix with juice squeezed from one lemon. Mix all this with the yolk of one egg and apply the mixture to a medical bandage. Wrap a bandage around the affected palms, then wrap your hands in cling film. Keep the compress for twenty minutes, after which you need to thoroughly rinse your hands with warm water.
    • Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and place the mixture on the person’s itchy palms. Then carefully put on rubber gloves without moving the potatoes from your hands. After two hours, remove the mask, rinse your hands and smear your palms with nourishing lotion.
    • Warm the olive oil in a water bath and dissolve capsules with vitamin E and A in it. Add three drops of essential oil and mix thoroughly. Palms should be immersed in oil and kept there for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
    • Pour water or warm milk into a bowl of oatmeal and wait until it swells. After this, carefully rub the mixture into the affected palms and rinse with cool water.
    • Prepare a large container that will fit your palms. Fill it with warm boiled water, mix with lemon juice, sea salt and olive (or essential) oil. Place your palms in a container of liquid and wait half an hour. At the end of the procedure, hands should be washed with warm water and dried with a towel, without damaging the epithelium of the hands.
    • Pour whey or country yogurt into a bowl and heat to twenty degrees. Add one teaspoon of starch to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Place your palms in the bath with the nutrient mixture for thirty minutes, then rinse and apply the nourishing cream.
    • You should take nettle leaves, mint, burdock root, lemon balm and violet, pour two glasses of boiling water over everything and wait until the infusion cools. Drink the drink during the day at any time.
    • Pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of dill seeds and leave the infusion to cool. After this, strain the solution through a sieve and drink during the day at any time.
    • Dry several chamomile flowers and pour boiling water over them. After the infusion has cooled, strain the infusion and use it as medicinal baths. Chamomile infusion has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates burning, irritation and other discomfort.

    Before using folk remedies, you should consult your doctor to rule out an allergic reaction or worsening of the condition.