Review of mobile applications for meditation. Meditation device Muse (neuro-hoop): The Brain Sensing Headband black

With the help of gadgets you can now even control your meditation. Biofeedback devices are used to reduce stress, improve sleep and increase creativity. “Futurist” figured out which applications are worth downloading now.

Name "Biofeedback devices (BFB)" sounds complicated and unclear. Everything in life is simpler. The most common gadget used for biofeedback is the familiar fitness bracelet and others.

So what is biofeedback? Wikipedia gives a rather complex definition, the whole essence of which lies in several points:

  1. Eat technical means for monitoring physical indicators health and human condition in real time.
  2. A person uses them and independently evaluates the indicators.
  3. Looking into such a “physiological mirror”, a person learns to manage internal processes with the help of special exercises. For example, meditation.

Training with biofeedback devices allows you to learn self-regulation of breathing, muscle tone, cardiac activity, and body temperature. In fact, a person learns to control his body using the power of thought.

Smart meditation

The popularity of meditation increased in the 1950s, and at the same time, the debate about its miraculous properties or its complete uselessness began to gain momentum. I put an end to this issue Nobel laureate Elizabeth Blackburn who discovered telomeres in the 90s of the last century: the terminal sections of chromosomes responsible for the preservation of the genetic code. The length of an individual's telomeres is directly related to the risk of developing diabetes, obesity, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and other diseases. The shorter the telomeres, the higher the risk. And they shorten under the influence of stress and other unfavorable factors.

The Harry Potter star meditates with an app for a reason Headspace . Moreover, she loves him so much that she strongly advertises him on her Twitter. And 8 million app users agree with her.

Other stars also practice meditation: Anderson Cooper, Kate Hudson, Moby, Orna Ross, psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman

Meditation headband

However, there are also special headsets for meditation, for example, the smartphone-compatible Muse gadget. This headband is equipped with EEG sensors and records electrical impulses of brain neurons. Upon reaching a relaxed meditative state, the user hears the peaceful sounds of nature. But if you think about it, the audiophone will immediately acquire stormy intonations.

Jess Barron , one of the authors of, notes in his article: “According to a 2010 American Psychological Association (APA) survey, nearly 70% of Americans experience physical and mental symptoms stress, but only 37% think they can control their stress levels. (...) The Muse headset is surprisingly effective. She helped me quickly focus on meditation and relax. This motivates you to use it even more often and relax better.”

Author and effective time manager Tim Ferriss also agrees with this, who wrote the book “How to Work 4 Hours a Week, Don’t Stay in the Office, Live Anywhere and Get Rich.” He writes: “Is it possible to re-moderate your brain in two weeks? My answer is, at least in part, yes.” Agrees and Shane Snow , author of Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and High-Rise Icons Achieve Success. He tried the Muse headband for several weeks and noted an improvement in performance: “My journal entries indicate general decline excitement and anxiety by the end of the experiment. My ability to focus on tasks (primarily writing) has improved. I usually have a tendency to get distracted when writing lyrics.”

The Muse device is also recommended by the YogiApproved website: “As yogis, we are well aware of the benefits of meditation. However, many beginners do not know how to begin meditation or do not feel like they have achieved a meditative state. In this case, Muse becomes a real salvation.”

Meditate with your heart

While the Muse headset records brainwaves, devices and software aimed at heart rhythms.

Brain Health Specialist Daniel Amen says, “Too often when people meditate, they don't really have any idea how they're doing it. After all, there is no feedback. Headsets from HeartMath provide immediate feedback so the user knows what they are doing. This allows a person to practice managing heart rate variability, calms the brain, and prepares the body to enter a meditative state."

Judging by the reviews, the device really helps:

“My emWave device has greatly helped me cope with post-traumatic stress. stress disorder 16 years ago. This is an amazing way to manage anxiety symptoms,” shares his joy J. O'Brien.

“Many, if not most, of my patients complain of stress-related symptoms. HeartMath's methods and technologies give patients the power to take control of their health. This is the most useful way decrease harmful effects stress compared to anything I've tried before. Plus it's just fun. And no side effects!", - speaks Wendy Warner , MD, founder and medical director of Medicine in Balance, and former president American Board of Holistic Medicine.

Antistress Thync

Author of the development Jack Canfield said: “I've been using Holosync for several years now and find that my thinking has become much deeper. I travel with psychoactive CDs and listen to them daily. As a result, I have greater freedom of expression, a sense of relaxation and personal awareness."

Very similar technology is used in Mindvalley's OmHarmonics audio meditation programs. Candida Fink , a psychiatrist specializing in several areas, including anxiety disorders and mood management, writes about OmHarmonics: “Like others who have been diagnosed for ten years bipolar disorder, I could never calm my mind. Never. And then I downloaded OmHarmonics. WOW! What a shift. I was able to go from extreme mania to absolute peace and peace. I strongly recommend OmHarmonics for all people with problematic conditions. This is what you were looking for!

“Faster, higher, stronger” is the slogan modern man. Gadgets also push us towards an active and fast lifestyle: smart watches and fitness trackers stimulate their owner to conquer new heights. But it seems that not everyone likes this approach. After all, a new generation of wearable devices is emerging - ones that invite us to do nothing and just relax.

Analysts say the wearable technology industry will become the largest sector of interest by 2025. The industry's capitalization will reach $75 billion, and those who are passionate about a healthy lifestyle will only help this sector grow. And it’s true: such devices are useful both in medicine and in training, and the demand for them is only increasing.

It is clear that the “big jackpot” goes to the most famous brands- Jawbone Up and Apple Watch remain the most popular on the market. But another trend is interesting: everything appears more wearable gadgets that encourage the user to do less. It seems that we are waiting for a new generation of devices that help pacify the chaos of life and achieve peace, harmony and... inaction.

Created in a laboratory at Stanford University, the gadget is shaped like a smooth stone. It should be attached to a belt or bra. Spire can count steps, take breath samples, and based on this, draw conclusions about your stress level. The developers claim that this gadget can reduce tension levels by 50%, thanks to built-in sensors that monitor breathing and synchronization with the application. This program sends gentle notifications when stress levels are high and gives recommendations on how to reduce it.

“Stone” has already received rave reviews from users and the press. He really offers a lot simple solutions for daily problems. For example, almost all of us forget to breathe properly when we sit for hours in front of the computer. Bonus - Spire is beautiful and minimalistic.

The gadget, very similar to the previous one, presents a slightly different view of stress as such. Being can track frequency heart rate, blood pressure, sleep cycles. And also - draw a conclusion about your emotional background, distinguishing good stress from bad. Of course, Being offers ways to harmonize your inner state.

As for appearance gadget, it is equipped with a fairly large screen. Some may find it a little uncomfortable to wear 24/7.

The concept behind this device is based on the idea that stress is most often caused by external factors. That's why WellBe not only tracks your heart rate, but also compiles statistics about how your body works throughout the day. Based on this, a general picture of the user’s stressful conditions is formed.

The WellBe application is a separate pleasant story. It not only analyzes data, but also offers meditation courses, playlists with calm and melodic music, a library of recommendations for calming down, and exercises for every day. The gadget is made from cork. It is very lightweight and seems very easy to wear all day without noticing.

Of course, technology reached yoga - it was only a matter of time. SmartMat is an exercise mat equipped with 21 thousand sensors. They track how your body moves during exercise.

The data is processed, and based on it, the SmartMat application provides recommendations for correcting posture or performing exercises. The program can read notifications directly during training or send them to you later. There is a headphone jack in case you don't want to disturb anyone in the room.

The developers claim: this gadget is the best at tracking the breathing rhythm and body posture of a person. Prana is designed to encourage your best habits by teaching you the right image life. The device is made in the form of a clip that needs to be attached to your belt. It is proposed to improve your life every day by devoting two minutes a day to an unusual game. The gadget asks you to do different exercises, and at this time it records the necessary indicators.


It’s interesting that such a small clip collects a lot of information about a person’s breathing. And it turns out that we still don’t know how much about our body! The use of Prana is especially indicated for those who suffer from asthma or hypertension.

Meditation is less and less perceived as a mystical sacrament, and is becoming, like yoga in its time, a popular way of maintaining physical health and peace of mind.

It is not surprising that many programs have appeared on the mobile application market that help in mastering and applying this practice.

Research by scientists at leading universities has shown that even a highly simplified form of meditation has a lasting effect. positive influence changes the heart rate, improves metabolism and breathing rate.

The editors of “Natur Product” selected the 10 most popular applications in English and Russian. They can be useful both for experienced practitioners and for those who are just starting to practice meditation.

iPhone Rating: ★★★★★

Android Rating: ★★★★★

Language: English

Number of installations

5 000 000–10 000 000

Headspace is an app with short videos about meditation. The starter package includes 10 10-minute lessons that will help you understand how to meditate.

There is also a statistics page that calculates the time spent in meditation. The presence of statistics helps to visualize progress and motivates you to continue studying.

The application allows you to communicate with other practitioners, and there is a reward system for completing meditation or completing a course.

Additional meditation programs - for relieving stress, improving sleep, increasing alertness, for work, sports and others, are available with a paid subscription.


iPhone Rating: ★★★★★

Android Rating: ★★★★★

Price: Free, Paid content available

Language: English

Number of installations

5 000 000–10 000 000

In the Calm app, you can choose meditations aimed at managing stress, improving sleep, working with emotions, and others. There are 10-minute programs that help you tune in to the new day or get ready for bed.

In addition, the application allows you to set the duration of meditation using a timer and control your breathing - you set the duration of inhalation, breath-holding and exhalation.

There are also various soothing sounds, audio stories, and progress tracking. Reminders sent to your phone will help you exercise regularly.

iPhone Rating: ★★★★★

Android Rating: ★★★★★

Price: Free, Paid content available

Language: English and others (there are materials in Russian).

Number of installations

5 000 000–10 000 000

Insight Timer - the largest free collection meditations of different directions in several languages ​​- more than eight thousand in total.

In addition, the application has 1000 music tracks for meditation, a timer with various calls (Tibetan bowls, sticks), the ability to set up intermediate calls to track the duration of meditation and background sounds.

Insight Timer keeps track of class statistics and allows you to communicate with practitioners around the world. Customizable reminders are also included.

iPhone Rating: ★★★★★

Android Rating: ★★★★✩

Price: Free, Paid content available

Language: English

Number of installations

1 000 000–5 000 000

Stop, Breathe & Think includes more than 30 different meditations, a timer and a breath control function. Meditations are accompanied by instructions that help combat stress, improve attention, sleep, etc.

More guided meditations of different topics and length options are available with a paid subscription.

iPhone Rating: ★★★★✩

Android Rating: ★★★★✩

Price: Free

Language: English

Number of installations

100 000–500 000

In Smiling Mind, meditations are grouped into different age groups(from 7 years old) and topics: sports and meditation in the workplace and others.

You can create joint accounts to then manage them in one account. There is also a section for teachers on leading meditation in the classroom.

Ensō | Meditation Timer & Bell

iPhone Rating: ★★★★✩

Price: Free, Paid content available

Language: English

Number of installations

No data

Ensō is a simple and elegant meditation timer. The sound of the gong reminds you of its beginning, end or passage of a certain interval. The latter can be useful for those who combine several alternating techniques in one session.

This app's minimal feature set and design allows you to focus on what matters most - your attention.

iPhone Rating: ★★★★✩

Android Rating: ★★★★✩

Price: Free, Paid content available

Language: English

Number of installations

500 000–1 000 000

Pacifica for Stress & Anxiety is an application aimed primarily at combating stress and anxiety.

It helps to remember emotions and analyze them. Based on this information, you can give yourself instructions or use meditation to breathe out and calm down.

Zenify - Meditation and Intuition

iPhone Rating: ★★★★✩

Android Rating: ★★★★✩

Price: Free, Paid content available

Language: English, there is Russian

Number of installations

500 000–1 000 000

Zenify helps us switch from “autopilot” mode, where we do everything mindlessly, to a more conscious mode with the help of various exercises. Throughout the day, tasks are sent to the smartphone, which are divided into 10 levels - 7 tasks in each.

The first level is free, but levels two through ten charge a fee. The tasks touch on various aspects of life: thoughts, emotions, sensory perception, relationships with parents and friends, love, sex, childhood memories and much more.

In addition to tasks, you will also receive reminders to help you stay mindful throughout the day.

Android Rating: ★★★★✩

Price: Free, Paid content available

Language: Russian, English

Number of installations

500 000–1 000 000

Intuitive timer. You select a melody from the proposed list, additional sounds if necessary, volume and duration of meditation.

Nothing else will distract you in this application, except for unobtrusive advertising at the bottom of the screen. Clear sounds and nice pictures.

There is no meditation reminder feature.

Samadhi - meditation and relaxation without effort

iPhone Rating: ★★★★✩

Price: Free

Language: English

Number of installations

No data

A very simple application. There is only a timer, an adjustable gong volume that signals the end of the session, a meditation reminder that comes to your phone, and synchronization with Apple's HealhtKit program, which helps monitor your health.

Of course, these are not all the applications that can be found in the App Store and Google Play. We selected those that seemed to us the most convenient and functional.

Of course, there is no “best” application - everyone chooses according to their own needs. We hope you find something in this list that will help your meditation practice.

With all the media activity around mindfulness and meditation, you've probably read a lot about its benefits: stress resistance, improved focus, increased creativity, and the list goes on.

But even with the understanding of all these many benefits of meditation and the intention to practice regularly, there are still obstacles that appear and prevent us from developing a sustainable habit and implementing the practice in our lives. For example, work or family obligations, our internal resistance sitting still or feeling like we just can't find time to meditate.

Especially for you Anastasia Dmitrieva, technical teacher SIMPLY MEDITATION And OM-CHANTING compiled a list of the three best free meditation apps in the hope that you too will find them useful as your practice grows. It's nice to know that you can always turn to them when you need a meditative respite.

  1. HeadSpace

Free app Headspace app "Take 10"- great stuff! The service provides 10-minute guided meditations that, ideally, should be practiced every day for 10 days. HeadSpace Developer Andy Puddicombe guides you through basic techniques, counting each inhalation and exhalation to ground your mind in the now moment. Andy's teachings are straightforward, gentle, and motivational—great for beginners or those looking for more consistency in their practice.

  1. Stop, Breathe & Think

Application Stop, Breathe & Think app created non-profit organization Tools for Peace, and him interesting feature is that you can enter data on how you feel, mentally and physically (on a scale from “excellent” to “not good”) and select several emotions. For example: “Are you peaceful or excited?” “Conflicted, worried or pessimistic?”

The app will offer a selection of several guided meditations suitable for your condition. You can also skip registration and just choose from full list free meditations. Some of my personal favorites “Welcoming the Day”, “Falling Asleep”, “Body Scan”, and “Relax, Ground and Clear”.

  1. The Easier Softer Way

Easier Softer Way offers free daily guided meditations that come to you every morning email. With every new day comes a new meditation or technique. This perfect way try a virtual smorgasbord of meditation techniques, from concentration and mindfulness to exploring the body and feeling the love and kindness within.

Try sticking with one app or technique for a week to try it out for yourself and see what you like best.

I would also like to note that all gadgets and applications serve as inspiration and reminder for us to meditate regularly - this is a good start, as well as help for an experienced meditator. But if you are a real seeker of effective and deep techniques of meditation and yoga, you should go to the Master; only with an off-line teacher can you find what you are looking for. The factor of personal presence, energy and transfer of practices has not yet been canceled.

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Meditation is not just the basis of religious practices, it is also effective way overcoming psychological stress and stress. Even short meditation sessions can significantly ease your perception of life and improve your mood. However, not everyone can completely relax and free their mind. That's why Muse has released an innovative device, The Brain Sensing Headband, with which you can make your meditation sessions as effective as possible and quickly achieve spiritual balance.

Meditation device Muse: The Brain Sensing Headband

Muse: The Brain Sensing Headband is a device that will help you achieve complete relaxation during meditation sessions. Using it for only 3 minutes a day, you will quickly forget about stress, and good mood will become your constant companion. Simply place The Brain Sensing Headband on your head, plug in the headphones, and become immersed in your own mind. The smartphone app will motivate you with various rewards so that you can improve your meditation practice day by day. And detailed session statistics will allow you to understand what needs to be improved in order to quickly achieve the desired result. Make your life easier and more enjoyable with The Brain Sensing Headband!

Effective meditation!

The Brain Sensing Headband is currently the first device that is capable of transmitting information in real time about the processes occurring in the brain during meditation. To read this information, the device is equipped with 7 sensors. As soon as you place The Brain Sensing Headband on your head and insert the headphones, relaxing and immersing yourself, the sensors begin to record your brain activity, transmitting all the information received to the smartphone application. Thanks to this, you can easily understand how and what you should change in your meditation practice in order to reduce your stress levels and always be in a good mood.

A proprietary smartphone application will allow you not only to have complete information about your brain activity during meditation practice. Thanks to it, you will also be able to set new goals for yourself after each meditation session. And as soon as you achieve these goals, the application will please you with some kind of reward. It is worth noting that for the application to work correctly with The Brain Sensing Headband, you need a smartphone running Android 4.0 or iOS 8.0 and a stable Bluetooth connection.

Forget about stress!

The Brain Sensing Headband is made of high quality materials, so it will serve you faithfully for a long time. The device is charged using a regular micro-USB cable from a network adapter or computer. And its battery capacity lasts up to 10 hours battery life. It is also worth noting that the recommended head circumference for using the device is 52 - 60 cm.