An enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the body. Enzymes that break down alcohol in the body - features and interesting facts

Everyone has healthy person an enzyme is produced that actively breaks down alcohol. But alcohol abuse can disrupt the fermentation process. As a result, the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and brain suffer. To understand why this happens, you need to monitor the process of decomposition and removal of ethanol, and understand which enzymes are responsible for this.

Alcohol breakdown

Ethyl alcohol is a powerful poison for the body, which strives to process and eliminate it as quickly as possible. The following enzymes are responsible for this process:

  • ADH – alcohol dehydrogenase;
  • ACDH – acetaldehyde dehydrogenase;

When alcohol appears in the human body, ADH is produced first. Its purpose is to break down ethanol into parts that are practically harmless to health, except for acetaldehyde. This substance has strong toxic properties. To neutralize them, ACDH comes to the rescue. This enzyme breaks down acetaldehyde. The speed of this process determines how much less harm will be caused to health.

As you know, each person is individual and the processes occurring in the body may deviate from generally accepted norms.

What happens with alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease disruptive work of organs and systems. Fermentation is no exception. If a person regularly drinks in large quantities, then increased production of ADH occurs. To cope with alcohol, other fermentation systems are also included in the work. This rapid breakdown of ethyl alcohol leads to the accumulation of huge amounts of acetaldehyde. But, unfortunately, ACDH cannot be produced faster. As a result of this, a person receives severe intoxication, from which they suffer:

And these are not all the deviations that occur under the influence of toxic acetaldehyde. This is worth remembering before you start drinking.

Features of the human body

Each person reacts differently to alcohol. In Russia there is an opinion that the ability to drink large quantities alcoholic drinks, and at the same time not getting drunk is a manifestation of good health. But the fact is that this happens due to the good functioning of the enzyme system in the body, when the production of alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase occurs in a balanced manner. But regular alcohol abuse leads to impaired fermentation, which can lead to negative consequences for health.

Enzymes produced by the liver are responsible for the process of breaking down alcohol.

Some people have complete intolerance to alcoholic beverages. This happens due to higher level splitting of ethyl alcohol and slow processing of acetaldehyde. As a result, even a minimal amount of light alcohol can cause feeling unwell. Signs of a hangover may become apparent before the hangover occurs. It is for this reason that some people may experience a severe headache or nausea after a small glass of wine. And if more is taken, very severe poisoning will occur.

In any case, you should drink alcohol in moderation. This will reduce the risk of developing alcoholism and maintain good health.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor you cannot use certain means and methods. Be healthy!

When alcohol gets inside a person, the body tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Special enzymes that break down alcohol in the human body are responsible for processing and elimination.

Enzymes responsible for the breakdown of alcoholic beverages

The body recognizes alcohol-containing drinks as a strong poison that needs to be gotten rid of. When alcohol gets inside, an enzyme is activated that breaks down alcohol in the human body.

Alcohol dehydrogenase is an enzyme that processes alcohol in the body.

The list of such enzymes includes the following organic matter regulating metabolism:

  • alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH);
  • acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ACDH).

The action of a certain enzyme depends on the strength of the alcohol consumed. The initial entry of alcohol into the body is regulated by the work of ADH. The action of alcohol dehydrogenase is aimed at breaking down ethanol with a strength of 57%.

The liver produces this enzyme in sufficient quantities, and stomach tissues participate in the synthesis process to a lesser extent. ADH is also produced in many animals, since a microdose of ethyl alcohol is formed in gastric tract mammals.

Alcohol dehydrogenase is responsible for breaking down ethanol into harmless components, which are later eliminated from the organs. When alcohol is digested, highly toxic acetaldehyde is formed, which only ACDH can deal with. The work of this enzyme is focused on converting alcohol into something safe for humans. acetic acid. The resulting acid is eventually broken down into carbon dioxide and water.

Ethanol metabolism

The liver enzyme that breaks down alcohol is responsible for the processing of ethanol in the body - ADH and ACDH, which eliminates toxic acetaldehyde.

The breakdown of ethanol in the human body occurs in 3 stages:

  1. formation of safe components and acetaldehyde;
  2. formation of acetic acid;
  3. decomposition of vinegar into carbon dioxide and water.

The process of processing ethanol in the body of men and women differs markedly. In men, alcoholic drinks are already digested in the stomach, as a result of which a smaller part of the alcohol is absorbed through the small intestine into the blood. A woman's body is less adapted to eliminate alcohol-containing substances: the female liver produces less alcohol dehydrogenase. This physical feature explains the fact that .

More than 80% of ethanol is processed by the enzyme ACDH, which breaks down alcohol. ACDH does a tremendous job of processing alcohol: toxic acetaldehyde is converted into acetic acid, which later breaks down into carbon dioxide and water. The body gets rid of the rest of the alcohol through the urinary and respiratory system: The remaining volume is excreted through urine and during breathing.

U normal people Those who do not abuse alcoholic beverages break down alcohol quite quickly. This process is taking a long time. The liver enzyme that breaks down alcohol is produced in very large quantities, and toxic acetaldehyde accumulates in the body.

In each person, the production of enzymes that break down alcohol in the body is characterized by individual characteristics. In every organism this process occurs with at different speeds.

Ethanol metabolism can be accelerated by taking certain foods:

  1. mineral water;
  2. pickles;
  3. whole wheat bread;
  4. oranges, tangerines (citrus fruits);
  5. high-calorie fruits (grapes, bananas);
  6. potato;
  7. walnuts;
  8. watermelon;
  9. eggs;

Any foods rich in vitamins can speed up the metabolism of ethanol and restore vital reserves lost during the processing of alcohol. Protein food helps get rid of toxic alcohol breakdown products. Light motor activity also helps with sobering up: physical activity has a positive effect on metabolism. In addition, alcohol is eliminated from the body through sweat.


Some people belonging to the northern peoples have a special diet and individual character of alcohol processing. Representatives of these nationalities get drunk and sober up faster; they need much more high dose alcoholic drinks, causing severe intoxication.

Some people also develop allergic reaction alcohol, which is accompanied by physical symptoms - redness skin.

Video: Beloglazov Anatoly Ivanovich. С2H5OH How it works.

The enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the body exists, and not even just one, but in the form the whole system, which concentrates in the liver. They work in pairs and begin to be released immediately after ethanol enters the blood. Depending on the speed of their work, a person experiences different stages intoxication and passes in different ways hangover syndrome. As a result of their activity, alcohol is ultimately broken down into acetic acid, and then into water and carbon dioxide. Energy is required to enable enzymes to function.

How does ethanol break down?

The process of neutralizing alcohol occurs in several stages. Initially, alcohol enters oral cavity where suction begins. The ethanol then enters the stomach, where absorption is finally completed. The process occurs faster if the strength of the drink is lower. Therefore, champagne can make you drunk faster. The splitting process itself lasts from 5 to 36 hours, taking into account the fact that up to 90% of alcohol is converted enzyme systems liver. The remainder of 10% is excreted through the kidneys with urine, lungs and sweat glands.

The speed required to eliminate alcohol depends on the person’s genetic material and the amount and ratio of enzymes. If we talk about the amount of time required to reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood, then this parameter ranges from 0.1 to 0.16 ppm per hour. Not all alcohol human body capable of processing in one go. If the amount of drinking creates a blood level above 5 ppm, then acute intoxication and death.

Liver enzymes reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood by processing alcohol. The intermediate product is acetaldehyde, which is converted to acetic acid. Acetic acid is then converted to carbon dioxide and water by acetate-CoA ligase. During breakdown, heat and energy are released, which are spent on further processing or stored in the body as fat reserves. The process involves zinc, vitamin C, and the coenzyme NAD.

What enzymes break down alcohol?

There are two main enzymes - alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ACDH). Enzymes work in pairs, but are not included in the process at the same time. ADH is the first to start working after alcohol enters the body. In order for the breakdown to occur in stages, without a hangover, an equal number of enzyme systems is necessary.

Features of ADH

Alcohol dehydrogenase is the name of a specific enzyme that is not found in the blood. It is found only in intact liver cells and a little in the kidneys. Four chemical conformations are distinguished, but only the first two of them break down alcohol by 80%. The amount of enzyme depends on the genotype (genetic makeup) of a person.

In women, the amount of ADH is reduced, they get drunk faster than men. Also, Asians, Chukchi, and Nenets have problems with the breakdown of alcohol by this enzyme due to its low amount. If a person does not have ADH, it is said that complete intolerance alcohol. The main task of the enzyme is to break down ethanol into acetaldehyde, a toxic intermediate product.

Features of ACDH

The enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, responsible for the breakdown of alcohol, is found exclusively in liver cells, hepatocytes. His main feature– the ability to convert acetaldehyde into acetic acid. That is, it performs the function of detoxifying the body, does not give toxic substance cause damage to the brain, kidneys and liver. The amount of enzyme varies depending on the frequency of alcohol consumption and genetic predisposition. If a person often spends time at feasts, then he produces less enzyme.

In the morning for a reason large quantity Unneutralized acetaldehyde causes hangover and intoxication. It is on the basis of the suppression of this enzyme that anti-alcohol therapy and coding are based. The processing process stops and harmful substance when accumulated in the body, it causes severe poisoning and even death.

What foods can increase enzyme production?

There is no specific list of products that help increase the level of ADH and ACDH. Only a minimal intake of alcohol does not help to reduce the amount of ACDH. Taking care of liver cells helps preserve enzymes. Therefore, it is worth taking hepatoprotectors or herbal substitutes to ensure that the system is normal:

  • extract pumpkin seeds(Tykveol);
  • silymarin (Carsil);
  • fruits of spotted milk thistle;
  • medicinal fume;
  • club moss;

You can take essential phospholipids. This does not mean that the number of ADH and ACDH will increase. They will simply remain at the same level and in the pre-programmed quantity. Other ways or medical supplies does not exist, these are fictitious myths from patients suffering from alcoholism.

How to quickly help your body process alcohol

People take caffeine and vitamin C to speed up the activity of enzymes and quickly sober up. But these methods are ineffective. Activity does not depend on outside interference, only on liver cells and genetic code. Therefore, in order to maintain the levels of ADH and ACDH, it is necessary to prevent the development of liver pathologies.

Alcohol is a foreign element in human metabolism, and when it gets inside, the body begins to intensively fight and produce enzymes aimed at breaking it down and removing it out. The action of these substances also causes a feeling of intoxication. So what enzymes break down alcohol?

What enzymes break down alcoholic drinks?

When alcohol enters the body, the production of special enzymes begins that facilitate its elimination. These enzymes that break down alcohol include alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ACDH). First of all, the synthesis of ADH begins, which is responsible for the breakdown of ethanol. The result is elements that do not cause harm. And with the formation of acetaldehyde, which is highly toxic, the synthesis of ACDH starts. The severity of the harm caused internal organs, depends on how quickly the enzyme that breaks down acetaldehyde is synthesized.

Alcohol dehydrogenase has the ability to destroy ethanol with a strength level of 57% and a volume of 28.9 grams in 1 hour. This enzyme is produced by the cells of the liver and stomach. However, the liver produces many times more of it.

Stages of ethanol breakdown

When ethanol enters the body, the liver immediately begins to produce enzymes that break down alcohol and starts the absorption process. It occurs in three stages:

  1. The breakdown of ethanol into acetaldehyde and substances that do not harm internal organs.
  2. Conversion of acetaldehyde to acetic acid.
  3. The decomposition of the resulting acid into carbon dioxide and water.

How does ethanol break down?

In men, the processing of alcohol begins already in the stomach area, so before small intestine A much smaller amount of ethanol reaches, where it is absorbed. This may explain the fact that, in general, men require more alcohol to reach a state of intoxication. In the female body, the stomach produces less enzyme that breaks down alcohol, so before small intestine more alcohol reaches.

Under the condition of normal metabolism, in humans the process of splitting ethanol ends with the breakdown of acetaldehyde into water and carbon dioxide, releasing seven calories per gram of alcohol, which are accumulated or spent on the needs of the body. About 5% of the alcohol consumed is excreted in sweat and urine, as well as through breathing.

How long does it take for complete decomposition to occur?

The speed of sobering up depends on the amount of liver enzyme produced that breaks down alcohol - alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. Acceleration this process impossible even with the help of stimulants such as coffee. In addition, medications intended for sobering up only help to get rid of symptoms. alcohol intoxication, but do not solve the main problem.

The rate of alcohol absorption also depends on the frequency of drinking alcohol - the less often a person drinks them, the faster the breakdown occurs. With frequent abuse, increased production of ADH is observed, which accelerates the processing of ethanol, which contributes to the accumulation of acetaldehyde. But the amount of ACDH produced will not change, as a result of which the body does not have time to process all the acetaldehyde, which is why the latter breaks down slowly. This situation promotes severe intoxication, which harms all internal organs.

Damage caused by acetaldehyde accumulation

First of all, the accumulation affects the liver, then acetaldehyde has negative impact on brain activity and the state of the nervous system, which may result in mental disorders. Also action toxic substance does not bypass the gastrointestinal tract, which causes nausea and digestive disorders. The impact on the cardiovascular system is expressed in the appearance of arrhythmia, heart attacks and high blood pressure.

What foods can speed up the process of enzyme production?

The synthesis of enzymes that break down alcohol occurs in each organism at different rates, taking into account individual characteristics functioning. However, it can be stimulated by taking certain products, which include:

  • citrus;
  • mineral water;
  • cucumber pickle;
  • fruits (apples, grapes, bananas);
  • potato;
  • watermelon;
  • walnuts;
  • milk;
  • cucumbers

Products from this list have a rich supply of vitamins that can compensate for what was wasted due to alcohol.

In addition, you can resort to physical activity to help the sobering process. To do this, you can jog a couple of kilometers, do push-ups, and pull-ups. Abdominal pumping will not help in this case, since it does not affect metabolic processes in the body.

Alcohol excretion during training loads will be carried out along with the release of sweat.

  • Despite the fact that alcohol dehydrogenase (the name of the enzyme that breaks down alcohol) performs only the function of breaking down ethanol, it is also produced in other mammals. This fact can be explained by the fact that the bacteria contained in gastrointestinal tract, release small amounts of ethyl alcohol.
  • A person may have due to genetic mutations, as a result of which it is observed insufficient quantity or complete absence an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the body. It manifests itself as redness of the skin and elevated temperature body due to the accumulation of acetaldehyde.
  • Representatives of northern peoples, due to their dietary habits and the synthesis of enzymes that break down alcohol, get drunk faster than other peoples, but the process of sobering up for them goes very quickly, so they will need more alcohol to reach the stage of intoxication.

Drinking alcohol has a different effect on each person, it depends on general condition the body, its individual characteristics and the rate of production of the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. Therefore, we should not forget that the abuse of alcohol-containing drinks can harm a person, and it is better to observe the measure.

Alcohol metabolism

When a person drinks alcohol, it is absorbed and enters the bloodstream. The body perceives alcohol as a poison and tries to inactivate it - that is, break it down into harmless components. For this purpose, two enzymes are produced - alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ACDH). ADH is the first to react with alcohol. It splits the alcohol molecule into several parts. All parts are relatively harmless, except for one - acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a very strong poison, hundreds of times more toxic than alcohol. When acetaldehyde appears in the body, a second enzyme, ACDH, enters the reaction. Its task is to break down toxic acetaldehyde as quickly as possible. The faster this happens, the less the body will suffer. This should be normal. What happens to the enzymatic system of an alcoholic? Alcoholism is a disease in which the synchronous action of ADH and ACDH is disrupted. What happens is this: As a result of frequent alcohol consumption, the body “gets used” to producing large quantities ADH. To help ADH, other enzymatic systems, such as the catalase system, are also connected to the process of primary breakdown of alcohol. Because of this, drunk alcohol is exposed to the powerful effects of several enzymatic systems, which leads to its excessively rapid breakdown and the appearance of a huge amount of toxic acetaldehyde in the body. At the same time, ACDH, which is designed to inactivate acetaldehyde, is produced in the same quantities. ACDH does not have time to break down acetaldehyde, it accumulates and poisons the body. The cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys suffer, but most importantly, it suffers nervous system and the brain. Thus, alcoholism is a disease when the body produces too many enzymes that break down alcohol, and not vice versa, as is commonly believed by people far from medicine.

Why do alcoholics crave alcohol?

Microscopic doses of ethyl alcohol are involved in the vital activity of cells of any healthy body. Each cell contains several ethanol molecules. This is fine. When a normal person (not an alcoholic) drinks alcohol, his enzymatic system only affects the alcohol that was drunk. Intracellular ethanol remains outside the attention of the enzymatic system. The enzymatic system of an alcoholic begins to break down not only the alcohol consumed, but also intracellular ethanol. Without intracellular ethanol it is vital important processes in the cells are disrupted, the cells literally “suffocate”. An alcoholic has an irresistible desire to drink alcohol to compensate for the deficiency of intracellular ethanol.

Signs of alcoholism

Anyone can get alcoholism! It’s just that one needs more time for this, the other less. When a non-drinker drinks too much alcohol, he feels uneasy the next day headache, nausea, dry mouth. These are the consequences of poisoning the body with alcohol, not acetaldehyde. A healthy person has no need to have a hangover. If the next day after drinking you experience an aversion to alcohol, and not a craving, then everything is fine with you, your enzymatic system has not yet been damaged. A chronic alcoholic, i.e. a person whose balance of alcohol-metabolizing enzymes is disturbed, experiences much more difficult experiences after drinking. They are associated not only with alcohol poisoning, but primarily with acetaldehyde poisoning. For alcoholics, withdrawal symptoms come first. It is manifested by trembling hands, pallor or cyanosis of the skin, tachycardia, blood pressure sharply increased. There is a complete absence of appetite, there may be a urge to vomit (vomiting itself is rare), and diarrhea. It is very common to have signs of a mental disorder. They manifest themselves as a feeling of discomfort, anxiety, depressed mood, unreasonable fear. An alcoholic's sleep is superficial. Often dreams represent the same repeating episode (like a broken record) - an alcoholic sees a short - a few seconds, dream, wakes up, falls asleep a moment later and sees the same dream episode again. All these are the consequences of acetaldehyde poisoning. An alcoholic is ready to do anything for the sake of a dose of alcohol - he can take the last money from family budget, sell things, may beg for change from passers-by. The person becomes antisocial. He's not bothered by his appearance, the opinion of others, the threat of being fired from work, the well-being of the family. If an alcoholic manages to have a hangover, he can be dangerous and unpredictable. His behavior changes dramatically from tears of repentance to assault. The first sign of alcoholism The first sign that a person has crossed the threshold of the disease is an increase in the body's resistance to alcohol. Some proudly note: “I can drink a whole bottle of vodka and feel fine.” There is nothing to be proud of here. Increased tolerance to alcohol marks initial stage diseases. It is at this moment that treatment should begin.

Drink to die

In some cases, alcoholics never give up unsuccessful attempts to prove to themselves and society that they can drink like everyone else. This leads to an increase in the frequency and duration of their binges. Personality degradation occurs, severe mental changes, liver, heart, and kidney diseases occur. The alcoholic finally loses his job. A liver affected by cirrhosis is no longer able to produce enzymes that break down alcohol. At this stage, one hundred grams of vodka is enough for an alcoholic to be drunk all day. The face of an alcoholic becomes puffy and blue. Bruise, they say about this. Unfortunately, the described processes are not reversible. The patient at this stage can be “forced” not to drink, but returning to the previous social level is not possible. You yourself must decide whether you need to fight for such a person. In the vast majority of cases, the fight against alcoholism at this stage will be doomed to failure. But there is still a chance to save a person from further moral decay and imminent death from numerous diseases that arise from alcoholism.