How to quickly get rid of a hangover. What to drink for a hangover at home? Signs of a hangover

A hangover is popularly called intoxication. human body alcoholic drinks. It just so happens that not all people have a categorical attitude towards alcohol. There is no need to despise people who drink alcohol. After all, there are holidays, birthdays, New Year, get-togethers with friends, etc.

And alcohol plays an “entertainment role” in the event. Therefore, the next day after entertainment, many citizens of our country have a headache, their health worsens, etc. The article will tell you how to effectively and quickly get rid of a severe hangover at home.


Intoxication of the body is provoked by acetaldehyde. This component appears due to alcohol entering the body. It negatively affects the performance of the liver, heart, kidneys, and brain.

Causes vasodilation and spasm, fluid retention and swelling. Therefore, after drinking alcohol, a person gets a headache and becomes thirsty.

Often, after a successful time spent with friends and drinking alcohol, many people need to go to work. But how to work when the symptoms of a hangover don’t even allow you to sit quietly. In order to learn how to get rid of a hangover, you should first learn about its symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Headache.
  • Sharp pain in the gastric tract.
  • Trembling in hands.
  • My head is spinning.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Extreme thirst.

You can get rid of symptoms using folk remedies or pharmaceutical products. But medications are not always present in the medicine cabinet at home. Therefore, in the absence pharmacological agents It is worth resorting to traditional medicine.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine can offer many ways to combat the consequences of heavy drinking.

To eliminate hangover syndromes you should:

  • Take a cool shower. Don't do this year hot temperature. The water in the shower should be cool. Otherwise, there will be no point in taking a shower.
  • Cleanse the intestines with castor oil.
  • Get some sleep. Sleep is the best medicine.
  • Drink cucumber pickle. It replenishes the water-salt balance in the human body.
  • Apply a compress to your head. The compress must be done cold. But do not overexpose it on your head, otherwise inflammation will occur.
  • Take a bath with essential oils. For bath use: - Orange oil.
    - Cedar oil.
    — Eucalyptus oil.
    - Lavender oil.

The following recipes will help get rid of nausea:

  1. Lemon water. To prepare, squeeze the juice of one lemon into 200 milliliters of water. Add one teaspoon of honey.
  2. Tomato juice.
  3. Kumis.
  4. Marigold decoction. To prepare it, you need to pour a pinch of the plant’s flowers into a liter of water and boil for five minutes. Then leave for two hours. Take one glass three times a day.
  5. Sugar water. Add one tablespoon of sugar to a glass of water. Stir and drink.
  6. Rose hip decoction.
  7. Mint decoction. One tablespoon of mint is poured into 500 milliliters of water and infused for 30 minutes. A decoction of 200 milliliters is taken every 30 minutes.
  8. Egg drink. Mix raw egg, vinegar, salt and black pepper. The drink is drunk in one gulp.
  9. St. John's wort decoction. To prepare it, take four tablespoons of herb and add 500 milliliters of water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. After the water boils, move the broth to water bath for thirty minutes. Drink 200 milliliters of decoction every hour.
  10. Freshly squeezed orange juice.
  11. Oatmeal broth. One tablespoon of oats is poured into 1.5-2 liters hot water and cook for one hour. 30 minutes before cooking, add one teaspoon of salt. The decoction is drunk in small quantities throughout the day.

A banana or orange copes well with intoxication. By making fresh fruit from these fruits, you will significantly improve your well-being and saturate your body with vitamins.

To improve your well-being, you should:

  • Drink more water. Water reduces the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Do not drink more than three liters. If this rate increases, take diuretics. Medicines will reduce the load on the kidneys.
  • Induce vomiting. With vomit, the body gets rid of harmful components that provoke intoxication. To induce vomiting, use a manganese solution or saline solution.
  • Go outside. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on well-being. If you can't go outside, open the window. This way you will provide yourself with a rush of fresh air and get rid of the smell of fumes in the room.
  • Eat light food: broths, kefir, kvass, yogurt, oatmeal, etc. But it is not advisable to drink milk!

Pharmacological agents

In the fight against the consequences severe intoxication The body will be helped by such drugs from the pharmacological industry, called enterosorbents:

  • Activated carbon. The required dose is calculated based on the person’s weight: one tablet per ten kilograms of weight. Drink every 2-3 hours.
  • Alco-Seltzer. Take two tablets every two hours.
  • Enterosgel. Take two tablespoons every 2 hours.
  • Antipohmelin.
  • AlcoBuffer.
  • Buffalo. Dilute one packet of contents with 200 milliliters of water and drink.
  • Polyphepen.
  • DrinkOFF.
  • Succinic acid. Take one tablet every hour. Do not take more than six tablets per day.
  • Lignosorb.
  • Zorex.
  • Zelnak.
  • Proprothene 100.

Medicines help relieve symptoms of intoxication. This is the most quick way. After all, the medications contain components that help accelerate the removal of alcohol from the blood. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase one of the drugs just in case.

It is also worth saturating the body with vitamin C during this period. It is found in:

  • Asparkame.
  • Aspirin.
  • Celascone.
  • Supradina.
  • Glycine.
  • Berocca Pluse.
  • Pentogame.
  • Pentalgine.

What not to do

To properly get rid of hangover syndromes, you cannot:

  1. Drink alcohol on an empty stomach. There's no point in getting a hangover. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into an alcohol-poisoned body. Therefore, a person gets drunk faster, and fumes appear.
  2. Eat spicy, fried, smoked foods. If you want to snack, give preference to fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
  3. Visit the bathhouse, sauna. High temperature will provoke greater poisoning of the body. If a person has problems with the cardiovascular system, then a trip to the bathhouse after a “successful” celebration will end in cardiac arrest.
  4. Drink tea, coffee. These drinks do not relieve severe hangover. The caffeine contained in these drinks increases blood flow to the vessels, causing headaches.

Many people prefer to combat intoxication syndromes by taking energy drinks. But we should immediately warn you that this drink will help, but is incredibly harmful to the human body due to the taurine it contains.

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A hangover is a condition familiar to almost every adult. Headache, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium, heartburn, dry mouth - symptoms that interfere with work the day after the feast. What works best for a hangover: folk remedies or medications? We tried to answer this question in this article.

Folk remedies for hangovers

Treatment of a hangover at home is most often carried out using traditional medicine. Many people have their own “family” recipes for combating feeling unwell after the stormy holidays.

Below we have looked at home remedies for a hangover that will quickly help improve your well-being and return a person to work.

Brine helps with a hangover in the morning. It could be cucumber, tomato or cabbage drink. Thanks to its composition, the brine restores the electrolyte balance in the blood, fights dehydration, and tones.

The composition of the brine is very simple: salt, water, spices. These substances are necessary for the body after drinking alcohol. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this drink. One glass is enough. The salt concentration in the brine is very high, and consuming too much of it will worsen the condition.

Please note that for a hangover, a brine that does not contain vinegar is suitable. When you have a hangover, your stomach produces large amounts of hydrochloric acid, and a vinegar-based brine will cause heartburn and abdominal pain.

Alkaline mineral water

Thirst and dry mouth are symptoms of dehydration and intoxication. You can remove them using mineral water with an alkaline pH, for example Borjomi. Before consuming it, it is better to release gases, as they can irritate the gastric mucosa.

You can drink 2-3 liters of water per day.

Chicken broth

Chicken broth helps improve intestinal motility, electrolyte and water balance. Due to its nutritional value, this dish provides the body with energy. Chicken broth should not be eaten if morning sickness and stomach pain.

While preparing the dish, you can add salt, pepper, grated carrots and one whole onion. It is better to eat it not hot.


This fermented milk drink is an effective hangover cure. It starts the digestive system, improves the flow of bile, regulates stool and helps restore the microflora of the large intestine.

Rosehip decoction is an excellent drink for restoring the body after a hangover. It is good to drink cooled and sweetened. Rosehip decoction has a mild diuretic effect and will help remove toxins and alcohol breakdown products from the body, improve kidney function and relieve swelling.

Green tea

Natural green tea contains a lot of antioxidants - substances that regulate oxidative processes in the body. It helps remove toxins, cleanses the liver and kidneys.

Remember that during a hangover it is strictly forbidden to drink coffee. This drink increases blood pressure, which is already elevated in a person after a feast, and loads the cardiovascular system. Coffee can cause increased heart rate, nausea and severe pain in the temples, heartburn.

With the help of a contrast shower you can finally sober up and get rid of headaches.

But accept hot bath If you have a hangover, it is not advisable; it can cause nausea and loss of consciousness.

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61 years old


If you don't have to drive and go to work, you might end up with a hangover. The dose of alcohol should be minimal: half a glass of vodka or a glass of beer. This method will quickly help get rid of nausea and headaches.

Please note that combining alcohol and medicines forbidden!


A glass of milk will help relieve the feeling of heartburn in the stomach. Thanks to alkaline environment it extinguishes hydrochloric acid and improves well-being.

Nutritious food

In the morning, after yesterday's feast, you should have a hearty breakfast. Food will help launch digestive system, activates the liver and pancreas. You can eat boiled meat, porridge, eggs, cottage cheese.

It is better to refrain from fried and spicy foods, as a weakened body may not be able to cope with it.

Getting rid of a hangover with medications

Anti-hangover medications can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription. They should be used with caution. Pay attention to the recommendations for self-administration of medications that we have listed below.

  • Before taking any drug, read the instructions for it. Pay attention to dosage and contraindications.
  • Check the date of manufacture of the medicine. Expired medications can cause poisoning.
  • Do not take medications to which you were previously allergic.
  • Do not combine medications with alcohol. If you decide to get hungover, you should not take pills.
  • Check the integrity of the drug packaging. If it is damaged, some medications may deteriorate and become dangerous and ineffective.

The best hangover remedies are listed below.


These medications remove the remaining alcohol and toxins formed from it from the intestines. They also help with diarrhea and increased gas formation. They should be taken separately from other drugs. You can use any sorbents that you have in your home medicine cabinet. The most common ones are:

  • activated carbon;
  • white coal;
  • sorbex;
  • atoxyl;
  • smecta;
  • enterosgel.


Nausea and vomiting - frequent symptoms hangover. Because of them, the patient cannot drink water to combat dehydration. Anti-nausea medications are available in tablets and injection solutions. For home use It is best to use the tablet form. They are drunk once a day in the morning. The action begins in half an hour.

Names of drugs:

  • sturgeon;
  • cerucal;
  • metoclopramide.


Antacids are a group of drugs that reduce acidity gastric juice. They are used for the development of heartburn, belching with sour taste and stomach pain. Such symptoms often accompany a hangover.

Antacids are not suitable for systemic treatment heartburn. They are indicated for the symptomatic elimination of its rare episodes.


  • almagel;
  • Maalox;
  • phosphalugel.


Regidron is the most the best remedy for treating dehydration at home. This drug in its composition resembles solutions that are used to rehydrate the body and are injected intravenously.

Rehydron is produced in portions, in bags. One such sachet should be dissolved in a liter of plain water. You can drink 2-3 liters of this solution per day.


Enzyme preparations are indicated for indigestion. Due to alcohol consumption in large doses ah, the pancreas suffers first. Enzymes help relieve this organ and provide it with time to recover. They are taken with food.


  • Creon;
  • mezim;
  • Pancreatin.


For severe headaches, you can take painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. You can drink them only after meals, as they irritate the gastric mucosa.


  • analgin;
  • ibuprofen;
  • ketanov;
  • ketorolac;
  • paracetamol;
  • aspirin;
  • acetylsalicylic acid.

Remember that if you have a hangover, you should not take popular drug citramon due to the caffeine in its composition.

Complex drugs for treating hangovers

You can find it on pharmacy shelves complex preparations to eliminate the consequences of the feast. They designed specifically to provide first aid for hangovers and eliminate most of the symptoms of this condition, reduce the toxic effect of alcohol on the organs and systems of the body.

The table below shows the main anti-hangover complex remedies that you can drink in the morning (after drinking alcohol yesterday):

Drug name Main Components Effect on the body
  • Mate tea extract
  • Licorice
  • Ginger
  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Antioxidants
  • Reduces the effect of alcohol on the liver and nervous system
  • Cleanses the liver
  • Relieves head pain
  • Gives energy
  • Unithiol
  • Removes remaining alcohol from the body.
  • Protects the liver and helps it recover
  • Acetylsalicylic acid
  • Citric acid
  • Reduces heartburn, stomach pain
  • Removes headache
  • Restores blood pH
  • Arginine
  • Glutargin
  • Improves brain function
  • Cleanses the liver of alcohol residues
  • Eliminates headaches
  • Acetylsalicylic acid
  • Glycine
  • Citric acid
  • Eliminates heartburn
  • Fights the feeling of thirst
  • Improves the functioning of the central nervous system
  • Relieves pain and brain fog
  • Glucose
  • Vitamin C
  • Amino acids
  • Cleanses the liver and kidneys
  • Improves brain activity
  • Helps you finally sober up
  • Glycine
  • Glucose
  • Restores brain function
  • Removes alcohol from the body

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Taking large doses of alcohol – stressful situation for any organism. It negatively affects all organs and systems. His toxic effect has a greater impact on people suffering chronic diseases digestive system, kidneys and liver.

Below we have collected alarming symptoms, which indicate the need immediate appeal for medical care.

  • Impaired consciousness, convulsions, hallucinations, and profuse diarrhea indicate alcohol poisoning. This condition is very dangerous and can cause failure internal organs, death.
  • Decreased visual acuity, feeling of a veil before the eyes. This is a sign of methyl poisoning. Methyl alcohol is a technical substance that is widely used in various industries and in industry. In terms of its smell, color and taste, it is identical to vodka, but costs much less. When counterfeiting vodka, it can be used to reduce costs. Use methyl alcohol in small doses leads to severe poisoning and complete blindness.
  • Yellowing of the sclera, mucous membranes and skin is a sign of a serious pathology in the body. This may indicate hemolysis - the breakdown of red blood cells, which occurs during poisoning with alcohol surrogates. This symptom is also characteristic of acute liver failure.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea are dark, black in color. Such symptoms mean that the gastrointestinal bleeding. This complication occurs in people with ulcers or chronic gastritis. Bleeding may be profuse and lead to fatal outcome due to large blood loss.

There are a huge number of remedies that help with hangover syndrome. Which one to choose is up to you. Before starting to take medications, carefully read the instructions and check the release date of the medication. Folk remedies to combat a hangover can be used by anyone. Drink plenty of fluids, hearty breakfast and contrast shower help improve well-being after a feast. If your health worsens, seek medical attention to receive qualified treatment.

You can get rid of these symptoms by using time-tested natural home remedies.

In this state, many people promise themselves that they will never drink alcohol again. But this feeling, as a rule, does not last more than 24 hours. But during this period, a person may experience unbearable suffering.

Causes of hangover

Alcohol is the main culprit when we're talking about about the causes of a hangover. Drinking alcohol leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels. As a result, a person begins to be capricious, feel tired, weak, and unsteady. Also expanding blood vessels which causes headaches.

Alcohol disrupts stomach function, causing more acid to be secreted and impairing digestion. This leads to vomiting and abdominal pain.

The quality of sleep also deteriorates, so a person feels tired and sleepy in the morning.

Hangover symptoms

They depend on the type and quality of the hangover, as well as individual characteristics person. However, the most common symptoms can be identified:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Sweating.
  • Dehydration.
  • Pain in the head and muscles.
  • Decreased concentration.
  • Restlessness and irritability.
  • Impaired sleep quality.
  • Depression.
  • Mood swings.
  • Pain in the stomach.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Dizziness.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Low blood sugar.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Increased sensitivity to sounds and light.
  • Weakness and fatigue.

How to prevent a hangover

Prevention is better than cure. Nobody likes waking up in the morning with a terrible feeling and guilt about what they did the day before. So it's better to try to prevent a hangover, rather than try to get rid of it later.

The best way to prevent a hangover is to drink alcohol in moderation. You also need to choose your drinks carefully, as the body reacts differently to different types of alcohol. Some drinks can cause severe hangovers, even if consumed in small quantities.

You should never drink on an empty stomach. It is recommended to consume foods rich in carbohydrates before discharge. This will slow down the absorption of alcohol into the body.

It is not recommended to drink carbonated drinks with alcohol, as this will speed up the absorption process.

You can drink between alcoholic drinks plain water or non-carbonated drinks. Drinking water also helps maintain fluid balance in the body.

You should also avoid taking medicines, otherwise, the liver will experience severe stress.

Natural home remedies for hangover

The best cure for a hangover is time. However, it can be reduced using certain means.


One of effective means One that reduces hangover symptoms is a banana. It is rich in potassium, which replenishes the deficiency in the body.


After the party you need to drink a lot of water. It replenishes fluid loss and dissolves harmful substances that have accumulated in the body. You need to drink at least 6-8 glasses a day.


This fruit helps detoxify and reduces the effects of alcohol. It is also refreshing and reduces stomach upset. It is recommended to stir 2 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp honey warm water and drink 2-3 times after waking up.

Ginger tea

This drink helps relieve nausea and speed up the digestion process, as well as calm the stomach. Ginger tea relieves headaches. To prepare it, you need to prepare 12 slices of fresh ginger and boil for 10 minutes in 4 glasses of water. Add orange juice.

Liquid dishes

To get rid of a hangover you need to eat liquid porridge or soup. Avoid heavy foods that your digestive system cannot handle. This allows you to get enough energy to relieve fatigue.

Sports drinks

They help replenish lost ions, balance electrolytes and blood sugar levels. Sports drinks give you energy and relieve fatigue.


Crush some ice, put it in a towel and apply it to your head to relieve pain.

Tomato juice

This drink is an effective home remedy in the fight against hangover. In addition, the juice speeds up metabolism and removes alcohol from the body. Make tomato soup if possible.

To prepare the drink, you need to put a few tomatoes, lemon juice and honey in a blender. Mix the mixture, drain and drink throughout the day to relieve hangover syndrome.



After a wild party, you need a good night's sleep to regain your strength.


In the morning after waking up, you need to eat a tablespoon of honey. The fructose content helps remove alcohol from the body faster. You need to take one tablespoon 2-3 times a day.


Eating eggs for breakfast is also good option to quickly get rid of a hangover. You can eat it boiled or make an omelet. High content Protein helps reduce feelings of nausea. In addition, eggs contain cysteine, which is an amino acid that reduces harmful effects alcohol.


Spread on a piece of bread butter, add honey or a little sugar, then lightly fry. This product helps replenish carbohydrates, which in turn increase blood sugar.

Black tea

To enhance the effect, add a few drops of lemon and honey to regular tea. The tannic acids contained in the drink help remove toxins that accumulate after drinking alcohol.


To get rid of nausea, you need to make tea. To do this, add a few crushed thyme leaves to boiling water. Thyme soothes the stomach and muscles, and also relieves pain.

Water treatments

A hangover needs to be taken hot shower to refresh and remove toxins from the body.

When to see a doctor

TO medical specialist You should contact us if you have the following symptoms:

  • The person cannot consume food or liquid.
  • Constant vomiting.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Cramps.
  • Decrease in temperature.
  • The skin becomes pale with a blue tint.
  • Irregular breathing rhythm.

These symptoms indicate alcohol poisoning, so you should consult a doctor promptly.

The morning after a noisy party with alcohol can be very difficult. A hangover is accompanied by headaches, nausea, fatigue, muscle pain and intestinal upset. I don’t even want to remember the fun evening. What helps with a bad hangover?

Can it be prevented?

Hangover prevention

There are many foods that can be used to alleviate the condition after drinking alcohol. For example, they protect themselves from intoxication with the help of almonds. It is believed that just six unprocessed nuts are enough. Prevent serious condition Two teaspoons of prickly pear extract or a spoonful of the drug "Bifidumbacterin", diluted in a glass of water and drunk before bed, also help. During the feast you should eat light snacks. Exposure to fatty foods increases the effects of alcohol on the body. Before heading to the party, you can eat some peanut butter. What helps with a hangover after a feast? For example, before you go to bed, you can drink a sports drink or electrolyte. It will help replenish important elements that the body will lose due to alcohol. You can just drink a couple of glasses of plain water, as alcohol is very dehydrating. By preventing this process, you will greatly ease your fate the next day.

Anti-hangover medications

If taking precautions fails and the condition after drinking alcohol leaves much to be desired, special medications will come to the rescue. What pills help with

hangover? You can use the popular Alko-Seltzer or Anti-Hangmelin. You can limit yourself dissolvable tablet"Aspirin" or the drug "Citramon". Two tablets after meals - and you can forget about the headache. You can help the body regain strength with the help of vitamin C, it removes alcohol. If you suffer from nausea, vomiting, or indigestion, you should take six tablets activated carbon. You can also take the drug "No-shpa" or "Loperamide hydrochloride". liver. Vitamin B6 helps with bad breath. A couple of ampoules should be poured into water and the drink should be drunk in one gulp. Folk recipes It is recommended to pay attention to pregnant women or combine a glass of hot strong tea With a large number sugar and a tablet "Baralgin" with the drug "Furosemide". Medicines "Askofen" or "Coficil Plus" will help if you take them before bed.

Effective hangover products

You can improve your condition with regular food. What helps with a hangover? An apple eaten on an empty stomach will work well. A cocktail made from milk and banana with a spoonful of natural honey is extremely effective. The fruit soothes the stomach. It is rich in magnesium and potassium, a deficiency of which occurs due to the effects of alcohol. acidity in the stomach and fights dehydration.

Honey combined with banana reduces blood sugar levels. Meals the day after the feast should be light. Suitable, for example, chicken broth, which not only fights colds, but is also quite effective for hangovers. Helps cope with stomach discomfort ginger tea. It can also be combined with honey. A few teaspoons after waking up will soften the effect of alcohol on the body. The thing is that honey contains substances that neutralize alcohol. If you do not consider yourself to have a sweet tooth, turn to lemon for help. Add lemon juice to tea or coffee and drink without milk or sugar. Lime, the juice of which is added to a glass of water with a spoonful of sugar, can cope with illness just as well. By drinking this drink slowly, you will stabilize your sugar levels. Persimmon will help cope with headaches, and mint will help remove gases accumulated in the intestines. You can have a drink herbal tea or chew fresh leaves. The ideal product After the feast, cabbage appears. IN fresh it copes with headaches, and sauerkraut will help restore the deficiency nutrients, which the body has lost due to drinking alcohol. Cabbage brine can be mixed with tomato juice to make its taste more pleasant. In addition, tomatoes themselves cope well with hangover syndrome. Finally, when listing what helps with a hangover, it is worth mentioning thyme. Fragrant tea from fresh or dried leaves will help return wellness on a heavy morning after drinking alcohol.

Hangover Recipes

If you have the energy to prepare something more or less complex, try using effective products in effective combinations. For example, beat 250 milliliters in a mixer orange juice, half a lemon along with the peel, the white of a raw egg and

two tablespoons of honey. Connoisseurs tomato juice They can drink a glass of their favorite drink with a whole yolk added to it. It is important not to whisk the liquid, but simply drink it in one gulp. From oat or wheat flakes it will work out too effective remedy. Fill them with kefir or fermented baked milk, leave to soak and eat. Finally, the most unusual recipe. Mix raw egg, half a tablespoon natural vinegar, pepper and salt, drink the resulting cocktail in one gulp.

Physical activity for a hangover

In the list of all the things that help with a hangover, it is worth considering light exercise. For example, a brisk walk fresh air will improve blood circulation and saturate the brain with oxygen, which will immediately make the condition somewhat easier. But you shouldn’t overexert yourself during strength training or go to the pool or sauna. This is especially dangerous for men after 35 years of age. In combination with hangover syndrome, weakened by age cardiovascular system It may simply not be able to withstand the load. So walking along the street, and ideally in a park or forest, will be quite enough to restore the body after drinking alcohol.

Myths about hangover


remedies are effective only in words. In fact, you shouldn't resort to them. For example, doctors categorically do not recommend getting drunk. It is necessary to distinguish hangover from withdrawal symptoms. In a person who does not suffer from alcohol addiction, alcohol in the morning after a feast should cause quite understandable disgust. The body itself tells you that it is not worth treating with another portion of booze. This way, poisoning by alcohol breakdown products will be further intensified. Beer is also a controversial drink for overcoming a hangover. On the one hand, it contains many vitamins. This drink is a diuretic and also contains hop tranquilizers that will improve psychological state. But, on the other hand, the benefit will only come from a live drink - pasteurized ones do not provide any benefit. It is highly not recommended to drink fortified varieties, they will make things even worse. Among all the things that help with a hangover, kefir is also often mentioned. But you should be careful with him. It really cleanses the body of waste products, supplies energy and helps restore the liver. But acid-base balance and so is shifted towards acidity after alcohol, and kefir can only worsen this imbalance. A small amount of baking soda will help maintain harmony in the stomach.

A hangover occurs after drinking heavily. This normal reaction healthy body on drinking alcohol. Absence painful symptoms after large quantity drinking alcohol indicates the formation of alcoholism. How to get rid of a hangover, and how to alleviate the condition afterwards big drinking party?

To choose a cure for a hangover, you need to decide which symptoms of poisoning predominate - headache, indigestion or thirst.

Depending on this, choose:

  • folk remedies for hangovers (brine, kefir, bath or watermelon, green tea);
  • pharmaceutical tablets (activated carbon, enterosgel, aspirin, succinic acid);
  • or special drugs for hangovers (Antipohmelin, DrinkOf, Korda).

In a hangover, a person feels:

  • headache;
  • indigestion (nausea, vomiting);
  • dryness and thirst;
  • swelling and soreness throughout the body;
  • tremor (trembling in the limbs);
  • photophobia.

The listed symptoms are signs of a hangover. They say that the body removes ethanol and its normal operation disturbed by a large amount of poison. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to remove the causes of painful manifestations - to cleanse the blood of toxic breakdown products of ethanol.

Alcohol in the blood causes a series of chain reactions in the body. In the liver, blood, intestines, and brain, during and after intoxication, the fight against poison and its elimination occurs.

What happens in the liver during alcohol poisoning

The liver is the main filter of the human body. It breaks down poisons that enter the bloodstream into simple substances that can be safely eliminated through the kidneys or digestive system (intestines).

Ethanol undergoes 3 stages of breakdown:

  1. Conversion to acetaldehyde.
  2. The breakdown of acetaldehyde into acetic acid.
  3. Decomposition acetic acid for carbon dioxide and water.

For stepwise neutralization of ethanol, the liver consumes enzymes and coenzymes. The amount of enzymes in the body determines how long a hangover lasts. If there are enough specific enzymes and coenzymes, the liver quickly neutralizes ethanol, the person does not experience painful sensations(drinking without a hangover).

If there is a lack of enzymes, acetaldehyde circulates in the human blood for a long time. It is this intermediate breakdown product (acetaldehyde) that forms the symptoms severe poisoning(nausea, vomiting, headache).

Important: An alcoholic becomes addicted to poison. The body ceases to regard ethanol as harmful substance, which is subject to splitting and excretion. Therefore, a hangover does not occur, but the destruction of internal organs and personality degradation occurs at an accelerated pace.

How to treat liver poisoning with alcohol

In order to quickly get rid of a hangover, it is necessary to completely break down and remove the breakdown product of ethanol - acetaldehyde. Most work on this principle effective tablets from a hangover. They provide the body increased amount specific enzymes, and this relieves hangover.

Another way to reduce the amount of acetaldehyde is to slow down its production. This is how the drugs Korda and Antipohmelin work.

Interesting to know: The easiest way to stimulate the production of additional enzymes is active movement (running). When the breathing rhythm increases, the work of the heart and the movement of blood through the vessels accelerate. This rather cleanses the blood of toxins and also improves the oxygen supply to the liver. Which stimulates the production of enzymes.

What happens in the stomach and intestines

When drinking, the digestive tract is the site of absorption toxic substances. By the time a hangover occurs, the poison leaves the stomach and ends up inside the intestines and blood of a person. Therefore, fighting a hangover is traditional treatment poisoning

To get rid of a hangover at home, you need well-known measures to remove toxins - an enema, gastric lavage, sorbents (Activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, as well as drinking water or saline solutions).

How to cleanse the stomach and intestines

The following activities are called physiological detoxification of the body:

  • Enema- the simplest hangover cure. It removes poisons and deposits from the intestines. An enema is necessary if drinking was accompanied by a lavish feast.
  • Gastric lavage– necessary if the food was eaten recently, less than 4 hours ago (in this case, the remaining food in the stomach retains part of the ethanol).
  • Sorbents– adsorb (absorb) toxic substances and take them out with feces. They do not act as quickly as gastric and intestinal lavage. But they guarantee deeper cleaning and complete removal toxins from everything digestive tract. What pharmaceutical sorbents are used for detoxification? Coal, Linosorb or Enterosgel for hangover - available inexpensive means treatment. They are taken once or twice with a break of 2 hours. In addition to activated carbon, modern pharmaceuticals offers new sorbents - Lignin (a natural substance from algae - not only removes toxins, but also restores intestinal microflora).

Important: After taking sorbents, you must empty your intestines within 2 hours.

If there is no spontaneous bowel movement, you need to do an enema. Otherwise, the adsorbed substances will begin to be reabsorbed into the blood. You should not take other medications together with sorbents. The sorbent absorbs all foreign substances. Therefore, the medicine will not be able to exert its effect (it will be absorbed by the sorbent).

You can also neutralize incoming poisons using accelerated exchange substances. In medical terminology, this is called biochemical detoxification. It consists of ingesting drugs that accelerate the process of breakdown (processing) of toxins and poisons. These agents are acids (succinic, citric, lactic, aminoacetic).

  • Succinic acid for hangover– accelerates the neutralization of ethanol, breaks down acetaldehyde. It is an adaptogen (increases the resistance of cells to the action of any poisons). It can be bought (sold as tablets) and consumed before drinking, or swallowed after drinking, with the onset of a hangover. Take 1 tablet every hour.

Interesting to know: except for pills, succinic acid is part of several anti-hangover drugs (for example, a popular hangover remedy in the pharmacy - Antipohmelin, or the drugs Limontar, DrinkOf).

  • Lemon– contained in lemon juice or fresh lemon.
  • Dairy– found in dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, sour milk).
  • Aminoacetic acid (glycine)– neutralizes toxic products and reduces nervous tension, normalizes sleep. When neutralized, glycine combines with acetaldehyde and forms a non-toxic substance. Glycine also reduces cravings for alcohol and is used to treat alcoholism. Glycine tablets are dissolved under the tongue every 2 hours until hangover symptoms persist.

Good to know: glycine is found in cartilage tissues. Therefore, you can alleviate a hangover if you eat gelatinous products - jellied meat, jellied fish, jellied fish.

What happens in the blood and brain cells

Alcohol is a known degreaser. Once in the blood, it dissolves the fatty membrane of red blood cells and thereby destroys red blood cells. They form ugly clusters of red blood cells, making the blood viscous and thick. The result of these changes is thrombosis small vessels– capillaries. They are unable to let through thick blood.

In case of hangover, to improve the condition of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation, take heart medications (Panangin, Asparkam), medications to restore cerebral circulation (Pantogam, Mexidol).

The concentration of ethanol in brain cells exceeds its concentration in the blood. Plasma thickening and blockage small capillaries violates cerebral circulation. Foci of tissue necrosis (death) form.

As a result, I get a headache after drinking. When the state of euphoria passes, the headache comes to the fore and becomes one of the most strong sensations. What to do if you have a headache from a hangover?

To get rid of headaches, you need to speed up blood flow. In addition, the blood itself must be made less thick. Therefore, in case of a severe hangover, they take blood thinning drugs (the most famous of them is aspirin).

Aspirin for a hangover relieves or reduces headaches within 1-1.5 hours. In addition to aspirin, they take nootropic drugs. They improve cerebral circulation and stimulate the elimination of toxins and dead cells (Mexidol, Pantogam).

What happens in the cells of the human body

Alcohol poisoning disrupts the distribution of fluids within the body. Alcohol weakens cell membranes and this makes it easier for poison to penetrate into cells. By-product weakening of the membranes are edema (swelling, which also causes pain throughout the body) and a feeling of thirst (dry mouth).

In order to alleviate a hangover, they take substances that normalize the condition of cell membranes. This tannins and quinine. They are contained in rowan infusion, as well as in cognac. It is thanks to their presence that a small amount of cognac or tonic improves general condition after a hangover.

Strengthening cell membranes stops the outflow of fluid from cells into the intercellular space. The liquid that has already left the cells earlier (and formed edema) is removed with urinary aids or a bath or steam room.

To prevent dehydration, drink water. A sufficient amount of water washes away toxic substances and removes them.

Want something interesting?

Thus, with a hangover, they use drugs that have the opposite effect - to remove excess liquid and for supplying water to cells.

They have a diuretic effect:

  • watermelon, strawberries, grapes;
  • oat broth;
  • green tea;
  • coffee;
  • non-alcoholic beer.

To maintain water balance, drink salted water or brine. In addition to disrupting fluid distribution, ethanol poisoning disrupts the acid-base balance.

Alcohol shifts the balance to the acidic side. In order to return it to normal, it is necessary to either take alkalizing drugs (soda) and speed up the metabolism (enzymes and probiotics).

What happens in nerve fibers

Trembling hands, insomnia, fears are manifestations neurological disorders. Nerve fibers are also affected by ethanol and require restoration. To relieve neurological hangover syndromes, sedatives, nootropics, stimulants, as well as medications and mineral complexes with magnesium.

  • Soothing hangover remedy at the pharmacy– Novo-passit, Persen, from folk remedies – St. John’s wort decoction, milk.
  • Tonic– caffeine and cocoa (can be from chocolate), ginseng, guarana.
  • Nootropic(improving cerebral circulation) - Pantogam, Mexidol, Picamilon.
  • Preparations with magnesium– Panangin, Asparkam, Magnesia, Magnesol.

What to drink for a hangover? The best remedy is water

Water is a great detoxifier. It dissolves toxic substances and accelerates their elimination from the body. This universal remedy for a hangover, but you need to know the specifics of its use. What to drink with a hangover - plain water or mineral solutions?

You need to drink salt water. It is not excreted by the kidneys, but enters the intestines, where it flushes out toxic substances. From the intestines, the salty liquid enters the blood, where it also dissolves toxins.

Thick blood becomes liquid, flows faster through arteries and veins, and removes toxic components more quickly.

Alternatively, you can drink water after the brine. Salty brine– the best hangover remedy, the effectiveness of which has been tested over the years and generations. It helps to quickly relieve a hangover at home, get rid of headaches and shaking.

Does sex with a hangover help improve your condition?

Any procedure or action that stimulates the elimination of substances from the body helps to get rid of a hangover. For a man, this action would be sex. Sweating and sperm release are accompanied by the removal of toxins, which means relief of the condition.

In addition, sex with a hangover increases the concentration of sex hormones. They also remove toxic substances.

When does a hangover need to be treated in hospital?

Except common symptoms hangover, other dangerous symptoms may occur that need to be treated in hospital.

TO dangerous symptoms include:

  • Difficulty breathing, exhalation, attacks of suffocation.
  • Severe lower back pain frequent urge to urination.
  • Yellowness of the skin, eye sclera, dark brown color urine.
  • The appearance of blood in secretions (urine, feces).
  • Hallucinations.

With such symptoms, a hangover must be treated in a hospital. Such conditions threaten human life. What are they doing in the hospital?

Traditionally, in hospitals for the treatment of poisoning, deep cleaning of the digestive tract (enema and gastric lavage) is performed. To prevent complications, glucose is administered intravenously. A hangover IV can also administer vitamins and saline.