The healing properties of blueberry leaves: an effective medicine or just a fragrant addition to tea. Blueberry leaf - medicinal properties and contraindications

Common blueberry is a delicious wild-growing berry that has long been considered natural healer... Berries and green leaves are used for medicinal purposes in official and alternative medicine, cooking, dietetics and cosmetology. The beneficial properties and contraindications of blueberries should be studied even for those who are not fond of folk recipes, because even a handful of fresh berries eaten in the morning will help improve mood and well-being.


Blueberries are a low-growing shrub of the Heather family up to 30 cm high. The leaves of the plant are dark green, the fruits are blue-black or dark purple, medium-sized, covered with a bluish bloom, which is easy to remove. The northern berry tastes sour-sweet, juicy, inside is bright red pulp and juice, there are small soft seeds.

The name of the blueberry is fully consistent with its outward appearance... It came from the color of the fruits of the plant and from the ability to paint the hands, mouth and clothes of berry trees in purple and lilac shades.

You can meet blueberry bushes in the northern regions. They grow mainly in pine coniferous or mixed forests, in swampy dark areas. The natural habitat of blueberries is Northern Europe, the zone of the Asian taiga. In Russia, a natural product grows in the Urals, Karelia and Siberia, in certain European regions of the country. A valuable plant blooms in May, the best time for harvesting fruits - July.

Valuable composition

The benefits of blueberries for the body are due to the impressive list of minerals, vitamins and valuable substances... The berries include:

  • organic acids - lactic, citric, malic, succinic, acetic, oxalic, cinchona;
  • essential oils - they have anti-inflammatory properties, destroy bacteria;
  • - promote the removal of toxins, harmful compounds and decomposition products from the intestines;
  • tannins - endowed with antimicrobial properties, accelerate tissue regeneration;
  • cellulose;
  • ash;
  • water - up to 85%;
  • vitamins - A (carotene), B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, E, K, C, PP;
  • micro- and macroelements - zinc, selenium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, sodium, calcium.

Organic acids make the berry truly unique. The abundance of these compounds normalizes metabolism, slows down the aging process by cellular level, they have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Tannins, carotene, pheno acids, pectin have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is interesting

The calorie content of the fruits of the wild-growing shrub is 44 calories per 100 g of product.

B vitamins are involved in the establishment of activities nervous system, vitamin A - helps to cope with toxic substances, vitamin C is important for immune system organism, vitamin PP is responsible for the state of blood vessels and the work of the brain. Micro and macro elements ensure the normal functioning of the body as a whole.

The benefits of berries

Before eating northern berries, you should carefully study it. beneficial features and contraindications. The value of blueberries is as follows.

  • The berry is an excellent means of prevention cancerous tumors... The antioxidants present in the composition affect malignant formations at the cellular level, stop their development, and strengthen the blood vessels of the heart.
  • It is widely used in the treatment of eye diseases and solves problems such as decreased visual acuity, conjunctivitis, retinal detachment, improves vascular nutrition, relieves fatigue.
  • It removes harmful compounds, slags, toxins and metal salts from the body.
  • Strengthens protective functions organism, is used to increase immunity and in preventive measures from colds.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which allows it to be used to treat rheumatism, liver, kidney, urinary and gall bladder problems.
  • It normalizes the blood sugar level, therefore, the intake of berries is often indicated for diabetes mellitus.

Blueberries, the beneficial properties of which help to fight many ailments, have a choleretic, diuretic effect. Thanks to the content tannins it relieves chronic diarrhea. wild berry prolongs youth, improves memory, increases muscle strength and endurance, normalizes blood pressure.

The benefits of leaves

Along with the healing properties of blueberries, the leaves of the plant have incredible benefits:

  • help with anemia;
  • are used to treat urolithiasis;
  • normalize digestion;
  • lower blood sugar levels;
  • have wound healing and bactericidal properties;
  • as part of decoctions are an effective remedy in the fight against hemorrhoids.

Blueberry tea relieves inflammatory processes v oral cavity and sore throat, cure for cough, headache. Herbal raw materials improve vision, reduce anxiety, fight depression, insomnia. A decoction and infusion of plant leaves are widely used to make compresses, baths in the treatment of problems and damage to the skin (wounds, burns, eczema), colds. Solutions with blueberry components are used for douching for cystitis and other gynecological problems.

Valuable berry leaves have found their application in cosmetology. On their basis, lotions, tonics and others are prepared. natural remedies from seborrhea, acne, oily hair.

The health benefits and harms of eating berries depend on where they were harvested. Blueberries tend to accumulate harmful toxic and radioactive compounds in fruits and leaves. Therefore, for a positive impact natural product on the body, it is necessary to collect it in ecologically clean areas.

Consumption rates

The valuable wild berry is considered to be a fairly strong potential allergen. It is recommended to start eating it with small doses. Children and pregnant women should eat no more than half a teaspoon of blueberries for the first time.

The norm for the use of dark blue berries is no more than half a glass three times a week. Even with good work of the gastrointestinal tract, the absence of other visible problems and allergic reactions, you should not exceed the recommended dose.

Benefits for women

Health benefits and harms forest plant were known to our ancestors. For a long time, blueberry fruits have been called "rejuvenating". Thanks to high content antioxidant product protects female body from aging, combats the first signs of wilting, rejuvenates cells.

The regular inclusion of berries in the diet has a positive effect on health:

  • increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, improves the general condition;
  • establishes the activity of organs reproductive system, regulates the menstrual cycle;
  • improves the condition of the veins, tidies up the circulation in the blood vessels.

During pregnancy, it is desirable to eat fresh blueberries regularly: the berry is able to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. If future mom have a cold or flu, they may come to the rescue folk recipes from blueberry broths and teas. Due to their antiviral, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, such agents will cure sore throat, tonsils, relieve stomatitis.

Benefits for men

The use of blueberries has a positive effect on man's health... She is capable of:

  • increase potency, improve sexual health;
  • help with prostate problems;
  • have a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart.

The flavones and flavanones contained in berries affect men's health and longevity.

Benefits for children

Undoubtedly, the inclusion in the diet of children valuable product will only bring positive points... During the blueberry harvest season, it is recommended to give it to babies and older children to saturate the body with vitamins, increase immunity.

Babies can be offered useful fruits starting from the age of seven months.

Blueberries with sugar

One of the most simple ways harvesting berries - rolling them into jars with sugar. To do this, you need to take in equal proportions fresh berries and sugar. Pour the fruits cold water, leave for 30 minutes, then sprinkle on a towel and let dry. Rub the blueberries through a sieve or beat with a blender, cover the mass with sugar, let it completely dissolve.

Arrange the healing blank in sterile jars, add sugar on top, close with a nylon lid. Keep refrigerated.

The benefit of blueberry jam is that the raw materials are harvested for the winter without heat treatment... All valuable vitamins and minerals are almost completely preserved.


Healing leaves and berries will help with various ailments and for preventive purposes. Greatest benefit- in ripe fresh fruits. Frozen and uncooked, the product remains valuable for health when exposed to high temperatures useful material preserved in blueberries, but in smaller quantities.

  • For sight

Pour fresh blueberries (2 tablespoons) with cold water (200 ml), leave to infuse for 8 hours. Drink at once, repeat for 21 days.

  • From sore throat

Dried berries (100 g) pour clean water(500 ml), cook until the liquid is halved. Gargle a sore throat with a decoction of blueberries up to 6 times a day.

  • Skin diseases

Compresses from a decoction of blueberries will help with lichen, psoriasis, burns, eczema, ulcers. To prepare them, the fruits (100 g) need to be poured hot water(200 ml), heat over low heat for 5 minutes, leave to cool. Chop the berries, moisten the napkins in the mixture, apply to the affected area three times a day for 2 weeks.


The use of blueberries and any blanks from it is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • oxalaturia;
  • individual intolerance;
  • frequent constipation;
  • diseases of the gallbladder in a chronic form;
  • diseases of the pancreas.

If the berry is abused, it is possible to develop an allergic reaction and disrupt the activity of the digestive system. With some chronic diseases before taking the fruit, you should consult with a specialist in order to avoid negative consequences.

Blueberries, the benefits and harms of which were discussed in this article, are a valuable berry. Its regular use will preserve health, beauty and youth, improve well-being, strengthen blood vessels and the heart.

Blueberry is a low-growing shrub of the Heather family with delicious edible berries. Useful substances are found both in the leaves and in the berries of blueberries, therefore the plant is considered medicinal and is used in folk and official medicine to cure many diseases.

General information and chemical composition

The height of blueberries is no more than 50 cm, the berries are dark blue, or bluish black, with a white waxy bloom. The taste of berries is sweet and sour, tart and astringent, due to the rich chemical composition, berries and leaves of blueberries have found application in cooking and medicine.

In addition, blueberry flowers are rich in nectar, this is a good honey plant, and blueberry honey, which has a reddish tint, has pleasant aroma and the same medicinal properties as blueberries.

Blueberries bloom in May, berries ripen in the middle of summer - these periods vary depending on the climate. Berries can be eaten in fresh, as well as to prepare jam, liqueurs, liqueurs, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, wine from them, medicinal decoctions and infusions.

For long-term storage fruits can be dried or frozen - the beneficial properties of berries from this do not completely disappear, although they become less over time.

Blueberry leaves for the preparation of medicines are harvested in May, and dried like all herbs - under a canopy, in a draft, spread thin layer on paper or fabric. The leaves can be stored for up to 1.5 years.

What substances give blueberries healing properties? There are a lot of them in berries, these are organic acids, tannins, alimentary fiber, anthocyanins, flavonoids, pectins, tannins, pantothenic acid, sugar, essential oils.

There are vitamins - retinol, vitamin C, B vitamins; as well as useful minerals - iron, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chromium, zinc, manganese.

Bilberry berries and leaves are used to treat myopia, retinal detachment, conjunctivitis, cataracts, to improve visual acuity, diseases of old age, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The astringent properties of blueberries are indispensable for indigestion, diarrhea, colitis, dysentery, dyspepsia, enterocolitis, and intestinal fermentation.

Blueberries help with flatulence and heartburn, have a tonic and gastroprotective effect, normalize the activity of the digestive system, and eliminate bloating. With pancreatitis and gastroenteritis, blueberries stop diarrhea and vomiting, relieve intestinal spasms, and normalize stool.

Bilberry has a cardiac stimulating, diuretic, choleretic, antipyretic, sugar-reducing, tonic, hacking, cleansing, tonic effect. Decoctions and fresh berries can be used when mild form diabetes and cystitis.

Antioxidants contained in blueberries help the body resist oxidative processes, neutralize free radicals, slowing down the aging process, and are a good prophylactic against diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer, ischemia, heart attack, and stroke.

In addition, antioxidants activate regeneration, activate the activity of the cerebral cortex, increase its efficiency, increase blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, purify blood, and normalize blood circulation.

Blueberries saturate tissues and cells with vitamins and nutritious phytonutrients that are essential for the immune system.

Decoctions from the leaves and fruits of blueberries can be used both internally and externally for rinsing the mouth for gum disease, stomatitis, as well as for rinsing purulent wounds and abscesses, skin ulcers.

Blueberries for children

Young children can start giving blueberries from 7 months, but not whole, but mashed, and only if the child does not suffer from constipation. From blueberries for a child, compotes, jelly, decoctions, or mashed berries are cooked along with fruit, berry, or vegetable purees.

A baby over 1 year old can be given 1 glass of berries per day, gradually increasing the dose. However, you should not get too carried away with blueberries - it increases the acidity of the stomach and can cause gastritis and more. serious problems with the digestive system. In addition, sour food in large quantities is harmful to the liver.

When introducing top dressing, it is necessary to observe how the child will react to blueberries - whether he will develop allergies and related troubles. Therefore, blueberries should be given to a child starting in small portions, like any other new product.

A bioadditive “Bilberry forte” is made from blueberries, which contains the substances found in fresh berries. The supplement is intended for children from three years old, but it is especially useful for schoolchildren with prolonged eye strain. Blueberry improves visual acuity, reduces eye fatigue, helps to quickly adapt vision when the light changes, relieves inflammation, has restorative action... Thus, blueberries are simply irreplaceable for schoolchildren and students.

On sale there are also packaged drinks and teas made on the basis of blueberries, they can be drunk by both children and adults to strengthen their eyesight and as a prophylactic anti-cold remedy in the autumn-winter period.


There are a lot of recipes based on blueberry fruits and leaves; making drinks at home is very simple.

Recipe 1.

A decoction of blueberries. 1 tbsp blueberries and 1 tsp. Pour green tea infusions into a thermos and pour boiling water over. Let it brew a little, drink like tea with sugar or honey. The drink has antioxidant properties, enhances immunity, removes radionuclides, salts from the body heavy metals, toxins.

Recipe 2.

Cold blueberry infusion. 10 grams of dried berries pour 200 ml of pure cold water since the evening. In the morning, start drinking in small sips, drink in 5-6 doses within 1 day. The infusion is useful for colitis and gastritis.

Recipe 3.

A decoction of blueberry leaves for diabetes. 1 tbsp Pour 200 ml of boiling water over dry crushed leaves, cover with a lid, warm in a water bath for 20-30 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, drain. Drink 50 ml three times a day 2 hours after meals. A decoction of the leaves can also be used to strengthen the immune system, treat migraines, rheumatism, and kidney diseases. The broth is drunk at uterine bleeding, leukemia, stomach pains.

Recipe 4.

An infusion of leaves for rinsing the mouth and throat for angina, stomatitis, as well as for washing wounds and skin. 1 tbsp 200 ml of boiling water is poured over dry leaves, wrapped, infused for 30 minutes, filtered and used as directed.

Recipe 5.

A decoction of blueberries for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea. 50 grams of blueberries need to be poured with 300 ml of hot water, cook on low heat for 20-30 minutes, remove from heat. When the broth is infused, it is not necessary to filter it. You can drink 100 ml 3 times a day.

Recipe 6.

A decoction of blueberries. 1 tbsp dry berries pour 400 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath until the liquid evaporates by half. Then cool, divide into 4 parts, drink during the day before meals.

Recipe 7.

A decoction of blueberries for hemorrhoids. The broth should be made from 60 grams of blueberry leaves and 1 liter of water. Raw materials are poured with water, brought to a boil, boiled for 5-10 minutes, allowed to brew and cool, filtered. The liquid is used for enemas for hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Recipe 8.

Blueberry gruel for burns, lichen, eczema. Pour blueberries with boiling water, bring to a boil, remove from heat. When they cool down to a comfortable temperature, knead to a mushy state, make compresses on sore spots.

Recipe 9.

Scurvy, versicolor, sore throat, and urticaria can be treated raw juice from blueberry leaves, mixing it with not large quantity warm water.

Recipe 10.

Infusion of berries under reduced pressure. 3 tbsp put berries in a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist. Drink during the day like regular tea.

Recipe 11.

Vitamin remedy - blueberries with sugar. Blueberries and sugar are taken in equal proportions and ground together. The mixture is put into sterilized jars and stored in a cold place. For overall strengthening it is enough for the body to eat 2 tbsp. mixtures per day.

Recipe 12.

Tincture of blueberries in water. To prepare it, take 1 kg of berries, 1 kg of sugar, 1% liter of water, 1 tsp. ground ginger, 1 tsp. dry yeast, 1 sprig of rosemary. First, pour the blueberries with boiling water and leave for 4 days, then add sugar and yeast, pour into a large bowl and leave to ferment for 3 weeks.

After that, the cake must be separated from the liquid, add rosemary and ginger to the tincture, and put in a cold place for another 4 months.

The resulting tincture can be used both as a medicine and as a delicious and beautiful drink for feasts.

Recipe 13.

Blueberry tincture with alcohol. 350 grams of berries are poured into a two-liter jar and poured with alcohol under the throat, leaving only 2-3 cm to the edge of the jar. The tincture is placed in a dark place with a temperature within 20 degrees and left for 3 weeks. The contents of the jar must be shaken every day.

Then the drink is filtered through a cotton-gauze filter and poured into another dish. The tincture can be used as a medicinal or appetizing remedy.

Recipe 14.

Decoction with blueberry leaves for dysentery. First you need to make a mixture of blueberry leaves and berries, cinquefoil roots and chamomile flowers in approximately equal proportions. Then we take 1 tbsp. mixture, pour 200 ml of cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, it is filtered and drunk in small sips throughout the day.

Recipe 15.

Another recipe for diarrhea and indigestion. Make a mixture of blueberries, chamomile flowers, Icelandic moss, Potentilla roots in equal amounts. 1 tbsp the mixture must be poured with a glass of hot water, insisted, filtered, drunk in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Recipe 16.

Such a remedy will help against worms - take 50 grams of dried blueberries, tansy flowers, elecampane root, make a mixture in a coffee grinder. Eat 1 tsp. powder in the morning on an empty stomach, and then before lunch and dinner.


The benefits and harms of blueberries are not equivalent, however, this berry must be used with caution and in moderation.

Blueberry possesses astringent properties, therefore, for overuse can cause constipation. Blueberries are contraindicated in oxaloturia (excretion of oxalate salts with urine)

At chronic pancreatitis blueberries should be eaten in small portions. Blueberries are contraindicated for urolithiasis, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis with high acidity... In addition, individual intolerance to blueberries and allergies can also become a contraindication.

Blueberries, beneficial properties

Healthy berries

Blueberries are healthful due to the presence of pectin substances that free the intestines of unnecessary processed food.This berry is a natural alternative to iron-containing medicines. The ascorbic acid present in it promotes the absorption of iron better than any chemical drugs.

Blueberry broth and tea are used as a diuretic and astringent... Also, the berry has amazing ability improve visual acuity.

Blueberries stimulate retinal cell renewal and improve blood circulation. Eating berries is useful and desirable for everyone whose profession is associated with prolonged stress on vision under artificial lighting

For burns, eczema and skin ulcers, blueberries are used externally. remedy... To do this, fresh berries are ground and spread in a thick layer on the damaged areas of the body.

Blueberry has therapeutic effect on the digestive system... That is why it is recommended for diarrhea and constipation. In addition, blueberry juice has a bactericidal effect. It helps fight pathogens typhoid fever and dysentery.

Why blueberries are good for your eyes

  • More details

The healing properties of blueberry leaves

In blueberries, not only berries are valuable, but also leaves. They contain vitamin C, essential oil, ursular, cinchona, resin, oleanic acids. Medicinal tea from blueberry leaves removes headache, perfectly fights coughs for colds.

Infusion of blueberry leaves has high bactericidal properties. A decoction of the leaves helps with cystitis, colic in the stomach, kidney stones and gallbladder disease.

Blueberry leaves contain useful substances such as glycoside, myrtillin, neomyrtillin, which can lower blood glucose levels. Therefore, in diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to take a decoction from the leaves of the plant. To prepare it, in one liter of boiling water, brew 60 grams of leaves and take the resulting broth three times a day, two tablespoons.

Blueberries are contraindicated for urolithiasis such as oxalaturia. Also, the berry is not recommended for those suffering from diseases of the pancreas. Of course, blueberries should not be eaten by those who are allergic to them.

Blueberry leaves are actively used in cosmetic purposes for the preparation of refreshing lotions and anti-aging creams. Homemade blueberry leaf masks act on the skin the most the best way: they tighten pores, strengthen blood vessels, moisturize the skin and fight bacteria.

Recipe for a nourishing leaf mask:

Pour 2 tablespoons of blueberry leaves with 1 tablespoon of hot milk, after five minutes add 1 tablespoon of soft cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of honey. Then grind this mass thoroughly. Apply to face for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Black-blue fruits with reddish-purple flesh are covered with a bluish bloom, taste sweet and sour, very tasty, fleshy. Inside are the smallest numerous seeds. Blueberries are 86.5% water, 8.6% are sugar, protein is 1.1%, another 2.2% is dietary fiber (fiber), 1.6% organic acids. Moreover, the latter are represented by a set of citric, malic, oxalic, benzoic, and quinic acids.

Blueberries contain the most vitamin C - about 10 mg per 100 g of product. Vitamin E (tocopherol), a well-known antioxidant, contains about 1.4 mg in berries. It also contains thiamine, riboflavin, carotene, a nicotinic acid and macronutrients: calcium (16 mg), potassium (51 mg), phosphorus (13 mg), magnesium, sodium, iron (6 mg each). There are such biological substances as glycosides, anthocyanins, which reduce permeability blood vessels, make the capillaries less fragile.

Why are blueberries good for you? Its antibacterial, vaso-strengthening, antianemic properties, as well as the ability to heal the intestines. Due to the unique compounds in its composition, it strengthens the immune system, slows down the aging process, normalizes metabolic processes, has a positive effect on vision.

The benefits of blueberries for the body

Do not forget that blueberries are a powerful allergen, so you need to start eating them in small portions.

Primarily, blueberries - dietary low-calorie product ... A 100 gram daily serving contains only 44 Cal. Healing properties berries have long and skillfully been used in folk medicine, recommending to take it fresh, frozen, dried or dried. Regular consumption of blueberries is an excellent prevention of education malignant tumors(cancer): positive impact occurs at the cellular level.

There is an opinion that the berry sharpens vision, but this is not entirely true. It accelerates the renewal and blood supply of the retina, relieves fatigue, irritation, inflammation of the eyes when working in artificial, poor lighting conditions and at a computer. To do this, it is recommended to regularly consume 100 grams of the product no more than three times a day. The beneficial properties of frozen blueberries are fully preserved, so they can be eaten all year round.

Fresh and dried berries increase vitality, improve digestion, improve metabolism, acidity gastric juice lower blood sugar. You can also use blueberry leaves for diabetes, using decoctions and infusions from them.

Leaf decoction recipe:

  • Pour 50 grams of leaves (fresh) with a liter of boiling water;
  • simmer for about 20 minutes;
  • strain, drink 50 ml three times a day for colitis, gastritis, diabetes mellitus, uterine bleeding.

Infusion recipe:

  • Pour 400 ml of boiling water over 15 grams of leaves (dry), leave for 1 hour;
  • strain, drink 100 ml three times a day for diabetes, kidney stones, gastritis You can wash ulcers, wounds, make lotions.

Blueberry kissel is good for stomach, intestinal diseases, as it has a preventive effect on fermentation, putrefactive processes and has a disinfectant effect. Tea made from berries and leaves is drunk for coughs, colds, tonsillitis, headache. In addition, blueberries are excellent cosmetic product with an amazing moisturizing effect.

The positive effect of the decoction, the infusion of berries is observed with diarrhea, enuresis, urolithiasis, including gout, rheumatism.

Berry decoction recipe:

  • dried fruit(20 g) pour boiling water (250 ml), boil for 20 minutes;
  • drink the strained broth before meals at least three times in a day.

Berry infusion recipe number 1:

  • Pour dried fruits (20 g) with cool water (200 ml);
  • insist 8 hours, use during the day.

Berry infusion recipe number 2:

  • dry fruits (st. spoon) pour boiling water (250 ml), 5 min. boil;
  • insist and drink before bedtime for kidney inflammation, enuresis.

With burns, skin diseases, weeping eczema, make compresses, lotions from boiled cooled berries. Fresh blueberries are also very useful during pregnancy. It will help cleanse the body of toxins, raise hemoglobin, save you from colds and keep blood vessels elastic.

Contraindications to use

Blueberries, the useful properties and contraindications of which are far from comparable, still have some restrictions on their use. Its presence in the diet of people suffering from oxylaturia (excretion of oxalic acid in the urine) is highly undesirable in any form. Also, it should be eaten with caution in case of dysfunction of the duodenum.

With constipation, sluggish peristalsis intestines, blueberries can be consumed only after consulting a medical specialist. Pediatricians advise against giving berries to children before three years for the same reason. It is also contraindicated for allergies, individual intolerance, diseases. thyroid gland... People with reduced coagulability blood should limit themselves in taking fresh berries.


What are blueberries?

Questions about what blueberries are, the beneficial properties and contraindications of blueberries, as well as whether they have any medicinal properties, are of great interest to those who care about their health and are interested in folk methods treatment. And this interest is understandable. Maybe this article, to some extent, will answer these questions.

Bilberry, or Common Bilberry, or Myrtle-leaved Bilberry (Vaccínium myrtíllus) is a low-growing shrub, a species of the Vaccinium genus of the Heather family (earlier this genus was sometimes isolated into the Lingonberry family).

The berries are edible. The berries and leaves are used for medicinal purposes. Sometimes blueberries are also grown for decorative purposes on alpine slides.


Bilberry is a deciduous shrub from the heather family with long rhizomes and angular-ribbed green stems 15-40 cm high. Individuals of blueberries with rhizomes up to 7.3 m long and 6 mm in diameter are known. Her flowers are single, with short pedicels, drooping. Blooms in May-June. The fruits ripen in July-August. This berry is widespread throughout Russia with the exception of the steppe regions: in coniferous and mixed forests, in birch forests, in the tundra and forest-tundra, sometimes it is also found in swamps, in the mountains it rises to the alpine belt. A wide variety of soils are suitable for it, both in terms of fertility and acidity, and in terms of texture and moisture.

Blueberry fruit - juicy, black-blue with a bluish bloom polyspermous berry, spherical, less often flattened or somewhat elongated, 6-10 mm in diameter, with a saucer-shaped (flattened) wide open depression at the top - a disc with a small annular rim of the remaining calyx (bordered residue calyx), in the center of which is the remainder of the column or a small depression at the site of its attachment; the pulp is reddish-purple, dark purple, with red blue juice and very small, numerous, up to 30-35, ovoid, light brown, indistinct coarse seeds, up to 1.5 mm long, 0.5-0.8 mm wide , 0.4-0.6 mm thick, compressed from the sides and convex along the back; weight of 1000 seeds 0.248 g. Edible berries, pleasant taste, sour-sweet, slightly astringent, with a peculiar aroma. The juice of the fruit has a coloring ability and stains the mouth in a dark blue color, like bird cherry.

Blooms in May-June, often damaged by late spring frosts.

The fruits of this berry ripen in June and early August - 40-50 days after the beginning of flowering.

The color of the fruit depends on the forest in which the blueberry grows. So, in pine forests its berries are from bright to dark blue with a bluish bloom, and in spruce forests they are of real black color and in appearance very much resemble the fruits of buckthorn laxative.

In medicine, the fruits and leaves of blueberries are used. The fruits are harvested by hand when ripe. Dried in any available way, including in the sun, in ovens and dryers at temperatures up to 65 ° C. Medicines This berry is used for tonsillitis, hemorrhoids, skin diseases, anemia, leukemia, bedwetting, gout, rheumatism, burns.

Berries are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, prescribed in the form of decoctions and infusions for various gastrointestinal diseases... Blueberries regulate digestion, have a beneficial effect on stomach catarrh (especially when low acidity gastric juice) and intestines. It is believed that blueberries sharpen and restore vision, therefore they are recommended to be taken as prophylactic agent persons whose work is associated with eye strain.

The benefits and harms of blueberries:

Dark-colored fruits, vegetables and berries contain the largest number substances with antioxidant properties, the main benefit of which is to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer and abnormalities in the development of tissue cells in the human body. This berry is called among the most effective means, to prevent the appearance of diseases of the excretory and genital organs. This berry is good source anthocyanins and phenols, the features of which, by the way, are not yet fully understood. But there is no doubt that their beneficial effect on the body helps it resist the aging process and protects against cancer.

This berry is very welcome guest in the diet of a resident of European countries. The main beneficial properties of blueberries are due to the fact that blueberries are the most richest source natural antioxidants. In addition, blueberries help maintain normal vision and strengthen memory, improve the condition of blood vessels, and prevent the development of diseases. of cardio-vascular system, is a means of prevention infectious diseases... Has blueberry beneficial properties that can be of significant help to overweight people.

Of the antioxidants it contains, the source of the main health benefits of blueberries, anthocyanins are the most beneficial. This kind of substance is also present in radishes, red cabbage, apples, blackberries, and dark grapes. But this berry is still the leader here - this can be seen even from its rich color. Scientists have not yet fully studied the effect of blueberries on blood clotting and vascular thrombosis, but it has been proven that regular consumption of its fruits reduces the risk of heart disease. This berry has useful properties (like its famous "relative" - ​​blueberry), which have a beneficial effect on vision and improve twilight (night) vision by strengthening the walls of the vessels of the back of the eye.

Blueberries are a very low-calorie food product. Required amount blueberries per day (small plate) has energy value no more than 40 calories, but at the same time carries a lot of biologically active substances, especially ascorbic acid (vitamin C), potassium, iron. One serving of blueberries contains the same amount of fiber as a slice of black bread. When frozen, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. It can be added to other dishes, or you can simply feast on it, having fun.


There are few contraindications to the use of blueberries, but there are still some. Of course, its use by people suffering from individual intolerance to any of its components will be undesirable - in this case, blueberries can provoke serious food allergic reaction... In addition, it should be carefully used by those who have been diagnosed with dysfunction of the pancreas. Before using blueberries or products that include this plant, be sure to consult your doctor.

Since blueberries contain oxalic acid, it is strictly forbidden to eat it for those people who are prone to urolithiasis, with pancreatitis, or with problems with the biliary tract.

It should be noted that this berry has the property of accumulating in itself harmful substances present in environment, and, in particular, radioactive. That is why blueberries should be picked in ecologically safe areas, otherwise instead of therapeutic effect You run the risk of getting only harm from her.

Calorie content of blueberries:

The calorie content of blueberries is low and allows, arranging a fasting day on blueberries once a week, to lose a kilogram excess weight... In addition, a fasting day will allow you to remove accumulated toxins from the body. It is very good both fresh and with yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese. However, blueberry dishes may contain more calories. Pay attention to this table:

Calorie and nutritional value table (BJU) of blueberries, per 100 grams:

Blueberry Proteins, gr. Fats, gr. Carbohydrates, gr. Calories, in kcal
fresh 1,1 0,6 11,0 44
with sugar 0,0 0,0 44,0 180
jam 2,32 0,2 43,8 196,5
jam 0,6 0,1 53,1 208
jelly 0,0 0,0 10,8 43,3

The medicinal properties of blueberries:

Improving vision:

Can blueberries help to improve vision? This berry has the ability to relieve inflammation, has a desensitizing, antimicrobial action... These wonderful berries increase visual acuity, normalize metabolic processes, fight eye fatigue (especially those who work with a computer). They affect the renewal of cells in the retina of the eye. The bioflavonoids included in the blueberry fruit cause its vaso-strengthening and healing effect, prevent the formation of blood clots, having a positive effect on the state of the eye retina in diabetes mellitus.

It contains beta carotene (aka provitamin A), which largely explains the benefits of these berries for the eyes. Provitamin A is essential for normal functioning organ of vision. Moreover, beta carotene helps to protect the eyes from the damaging effects of free radicals, contributing to the prevention of chronic dryness, night blindness and concomitant diseases of the visual organs.

Vitamin B2, which is part of the blueberry fruit, participates in the formation of the so-called visual purpura. In addition, this vitamin protects the retinas of our eyes from overexposure ultraviolet rays... Rutin belongs to a group of substances called vitamin P. It helps to reduce intraocular pressure and strengthens vascular walls... Prevent the development of such a difficult eye disease like a cataract, the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) contained in blueberries will help. All this confirms the benefits for vision from the presence of such berries in our diet.

Diabetes mellitus treatment:

Can blueberries help against diabetes mellitus? ethnoscience has a large number different recipes infusions and decoctions, useful in diabetes mellitus. Blueberries are often found in such recipes. Official medicine rightly objects to self-medication for diabetes mellitus, but admits that in some forms this disease this berry will be quite useful.

Blueberry tea, due to its sugar-lowering properties, is recommended for such complications of diabetes as retinopathy and neuropathy. These diseases are the most common cause of vision loss in people with diabetes. Another characteristic of blueberry tea is that when drunk without added sugar, it negatively affects the amount of insulin in the blood. It can be called an ideal drink, especially for non-insulin dependent forms of diabetes.

Blueberry leaves for diabetes:

Blueberry leaves can be even more beneficial and medicinal product than even its fruits. They can be used to prepare medicinal teas, tinctures, decoctions, compresses. Blueberry leaves are beneficial for diabetes due to the following properties:

- lower the blood sugar level of the patient;

- prevent inflammatory processes;

- normalize and stabilize the functions of the pancreas;

- have a tonic effect;

- help reduce inflammation, making them useful in treating eczema, wounds and others skin lesions(used externally as a compress);

- stimulate blood circulation.

Blueberry diarrhea treatment:

How are blueberries good for the stomach? Blueberry is a plant with unique properties, which are largely determined by the method of its application and the selected part. For example, dried fruits are used against diarrhea, and fresh blueberries have the opposite effect and are effective, thanks to which they are useful for constipation.

Research results have shown that dried blueberries are a rich source of tannins and pectin. And these components - good help with diarrhea. Many parents love this remedy for childhood diarrhea for its safety and effectiveness.

Such a decoction helps with diarrhea quite well: 200 ml is poured into 40 grams of dry blueberries. water and cook (20 minutes) over low heat. Then the resulting broth is filtered. Accepted this remedy½ cup 3 times a day.

Children can chew dried blueberries in small portions, 6 times a day. For this to give a result, the berries must be chewed as long as possible, and before swallowing, hold them in your mouth for a while.

Products based on blueberry fruits do not pose any health risks, so they can be safely used at the first symptoms of the disorder. They are suitable for both adults and children. But, be that as it may, self-medication is not worth it, especially if the patient is a child. It is imperative to consult a doctor!

Why are blueberries good for children?

Can blueberries be given to children and at what age? Children who have not yet reached the age of 1 year can be introduced to blueberries from 7 months by adding several of their fruits to juices and fruit purees. Small children should not be fed whole, not grated berries... Also, this berry is contraindicated in children with stool problems.

Babies over 1 year old can eat about ½ – 1 cup of blueberries per day.

Children over 3 years old in the summer, when blueberries ripen, should consume 1-2 glasses a day, of course, in the absence of individual intolerance and allergy to the product.

How to choose and store blueberries:

The rules for choosing blueberries are simple. First, choose dry, smooth and even berries. Crumpled and wet berries will spoil quickly. If you see berries in pink or pale, then the berries are probably harvested ahead of time and they are not ripe. The waxy bloom on the berries speaks of the freshness of the berries and proper transportation. And, of course, the berry should be odorless and sweet.

How to store in the refrigerator:

We sort out purchased or harvested fresh berries. We discard wrinkled, unripe and cracked skin. I don’t wash the berries, you can wash them before using them. We put it in a container and put it in the refrigerator. In this way, blueberries can be stored for two to three days. If you have collected or bought so many blueberries that there is no way to use them in three days, then the blueberries can be frozen. There will be vitamins for the winter.

How to freeze for the winter:

The process of freezing blueberries is very simple. How do we usually do? We select ripe berries, put them in a container or just a plastic bag and place them in the freezer. The main thing is that the temperature in the chamber is not less than -20 0 С. And how to freeze blueberries correctly?

First, you need to sort out the berries. It is better to wash and dry the berries before freezing. It is better to freeze washed and dry berries in bulk, in one layer, and after freezing, pack it in containers or bags. We freeze in a quick freezing chamber at a temperature of at least -20 0 С. We store the packaged berries in the freezer. Before using frozen blueberries, take them out of the freezer and place them in the main compartment of the refrigerator. After it thaws in the main chamber, it is taken out and "defrosted" at room temperature.

What are the benefits of blueberries in weight loss diets?

However, having learned about the extremely low calorie content of the berry, many are in a hurry to make a rather abrupt transition from habitual diet to use only blueberries, guided by the benefits it brings to the body and figure. This is a delusion that is fraught with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to constipation. Alas, such is the peculiarity of this berry that with its unlimited inclusion in the diet, you can get such bleak consequences. Indeed, in the use of any product, it is important to comply with the norm, and during a diet it is more necessary.

It is also worth warning those who want to lose weight quickly, because a sharp transition from familiar food to exclusively plant-based foods can harm the body. Since besides useful vitamins and minerals in food should be present in sufficient quantities of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. If you follow these simple rules of behavior while losing weight, then the blueberry diet will only benefit. After all, its composition is rich in vitamins A, B, C, PP, as well as, among other things, such minerals as manganese, magnesium, calcium.

As for the duration of the diet, then its period is only three days. For those who want to achieve quick effect, I have already mentioned the unpleasant consequences of the perpetual blueberry diet above. However, there is still a way out, you can approach the issue at regular intervals, namely, after a three-day diet, take a break, then repeat again. Subject to these rules, as well as adhering to correct diet, in three days of such a diet, you can get rid of two kilograms of excess weight. In addition to this, the body is cleansed of toxins, which also contributes to the effectiveness of such a dietary diet.