What is more effective: tablets or injections? What is better to take tablets or injections: when are injections effective in treating diseases?

Chronic course osteochondrosis involves alternating periods of exacerbation with periods of remission.

The acute phase of the disease is characterized by such intense painful sensations that patients are often unable to get out of bed. Any minor movements (bending, turning) provoke increased pain. The primary task in this case is immediate relief pain syndrome any accessible ways. and turn out to be too weak remedy, moreover, their action begins after a certain period of time.

In the best way quick relief suffering of the patient with osteochondrosis are pain-relieving injections, allowing instant delivery of the medicine as directed and for the shortest possible time achieve relief.

Arguments in favor of injections

The method of treatment and treatment with injections has a number of advantages over taking medications orally and local application of ointments, gels and other agents:

Injections - quick way against pain

  • High speed actions. Active compounds enter the blood and quickly reach their target - nerve endings. When using tablets, you must certain time so that the drug reaches the stomach, dissolves in it, passes through digestive tract and absorbed into the blood. After this, it takes at least another half hour for it to start working.
  • Opportunity precise definition doses. When choosing an injection as a method of alleviating osteochondrosis, the entire administered dose of the drug has a therapeutic effect. When taking tablets, a certain portion active substance is destroyed under the influence digestive enzymes.
  • Direct impact on the lesion to avoid adverse reactions from the body. Blockade (needling) of the affected area with an analgesic injection is carried out through injections directly under the skin. For example, with osteochondrosis localized in cervical spine The injection is made at the exit site of the nerve roots, due to which the drug has a targeted effect on its intended purpose, without reaching other organs.
  • Uniform long-term administration medicines through intravenous drips in most cases allows you to achieve best result than with other forms of medication.

Types of injections

At severe attack osteochondrosis the best remedy Relief from pain is intravenous administration of the drug through a dropper.

The set of procedures also includes intramuscular and subcutaneous injections of medications that have an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.

An excellent result can be obtained through blockades, the essence of which is local administration medicines.

Intramuscular injections

To treat osteochondrosis, regardless of the location of the affected area (in the lumbar or cervical region), injections of the following groups of drugs are used:

  • analgesics;
  • myotropic antispasmodics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • glucocorticosteroids.

The most popular analgesic is Analgin


Another commonly used method of treating osteochondrosis is blockades, in which injections are made directly into the affected area. A direct indication for prescribing blockades is the presence of pain. The procedure is easily tolerated and leads to an immediate effect:

Blockades - injections directly into the affected area
  • prevents the spread of pain impulses from the lesion;
  • eliminates muscle spasm;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promotes local improvement of blood circulation;
  • eliminates swelling.

It is possible to carry out blockades using one drug from the group of anesthetics (lidocaine, novocaine) or several: painkillers can be used with non-steroidal medications, hormonal agents(Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone) or antispasmodics.

To achieve optimal results for cervical osteochondrosis, immobilization is also used this department spine with a special orthopedic device to exclude the possibility of neck movement - a Shants collar.

There are two types of blockades:

  • Paravertebral with the introduction of the drug to different depths - carried out at special points located near the spine. In most cases, a funicular type of blockade is prescribed, in which the medicine is injected directly into the exit site of the spinal root.
  • Epidural - the drug is injected into the epidural space.

There are certain contraindications for which treatment with blockades is not advisable:

  • pustular diseases;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to local anesthetics;
  • significant deformation of the spine, making the blockade technically impossible.

The debate about the effectiveness of injectable forms and tablet drugs has not subsided for many years. This is especially true for antibacterial medications. The issue has become overgrown with myths due to a lack of understanding of the effects of medications, patients’ own preferences, and aversion to injections associated with their pain.

Which form of medication is best?

It is not for nothing that the drugs are produced in different dosage forms (DF). This allows you to choose the maximum effective option for a specific patient, minimizing the side effects of use. Therefore, the question: “Which is preferable: injections or tablets?” - not entirely correct. The doctor chooses one or another option for the drug to enter the patient’s body depending on:

  • Patient's condition.
  • His age.
  • The severity of the process.
  • Its heaviness.

Injection (not just antibiotics) is preferable if:

  • The patient is unconscious and in a coma.
  • Very weak or paralyzed.
  • He is in a post-operative condition.
  • For any reason, he is unable to take tablets (for example, a condition after tracheotomy/removal of a tumor in the esophagus or larynx).
  • Suffering from vomiting and/or severe nausea.
  • The drug is not available in tablet form, but is considered the drug of choice for this pathology.
  • It is not absorbed or poorly absorbed in the digestive system due to its damage. Examples include vitamin B12 deficiency or malabsorption of collagen-containing products.
  • The patient’s young age does not allow him to be given a pill (in the absence of other oral dosage forms intended for children).
  • Acute and serious condition of the patient requiring immediate medical intervention.

As for antibiotics, many of them are prescribed as intramuscular injections to newborns.

Patients with severe septic diseases, acute inflammations Intravenous antibiotics are recommended.

Advantages and disadvantages of injections

Injections have a number of advantages:

  1. They almost never contain ballast substances or dyes that can cause allergies.
  2. The effect of administration occurs faster (if administered into a vein). With intramuscular active substance The drug is detected in the patient’s blood within a time frame comparable to that of tablets and suspensions.
  3. Can be administered to everyone, regardless of condition or age.
  4. If the injection is given by a health care worker, the patient cannot avoid taking the medicine. For example, children often spit out oral medications in solid form.

Negative qualities of such funds:

  • With intravenous administration, the allergic reaction occurs faster, more severely, and more often ends in serious consequences.
  • At intramuscular injections Almost all antibiotics are very painful.
  • Not every patient can administer the injection form themselves.
  • If the drug is administered incorrectly into the muscle or the rules of asepsis are violated, the formation of an infiltrate and the development of an abscess may occur.
  • They negatively affect intestinal microbiocionosis and the functioning of the digestive system as a whole.

A common myth about actibiotics is that they are harmful to beneficial bacteria pills and the harmlessness of injections. This is not true; the side effects of these drugs in any form are largely identical. Injections of antibacterial medications into the buttock will not save the intestinal microflora from death. Regardless of its form, the drug is excreted most often by the kidneys, partly with bile, and passes into breast milk.

Advantages and disadvantages of antibiotic tablets

This dosage form is well absorbed in the digestive system and quickly enters the systemic blood flow. The advantages of antibiotic tablets include:

  • Easy to use - you can take a tablet anywhere, anytime.
  • After taking them, an abscess does not develop.
  • The allergy develops more slowly, which means there is a greater chance of completing the course of treatment.

Food intake does not affect the absorption and effectiveness of many modern antibacterial drugs. But as emergency measure This treatment is not suitable.

Negative aspects of drugs in tablets:

  • With accelerated evacuation of food from the intestines, the antibiotic does not have time to be absorbed.
  • When the patient is in a horizontal position, the tablets are retained in upper sections digestive system, enter the intestines later and, accordingly, begin to act more slowly.
  • In case of paralysis of the esophagus, laryngeal spasms, fainting and other cases that make swallowing difficult, this form cannot be used.
  • The tablet is easy to spit out if a person wants to feign treatment.
  • Contain dyes and other components that can act as an allergen. But more often it is still the active substance.

Many leading foreign specialists prefer to prescribe tablet forms of medications, leaving the injection option until an emergency or extremely severe case.

To begin with, we note that there are more than ten ways of introducing drugs into the body. But all of them can be divided into 2 large groups: drugs for the so-called enteral route of administration, that is, through the digestive tract; and - parenteral, that is, bypassing the gastrointestinal system.

Ate and order!
The easiest and most convenient way of administering drugs, and therefore the most common, is through the mouth. This does not require any special conditions sterility. The drug supplied in this way is partially absorbed in the stomach, but mainly in small intestine. Penetrating into the blood, the medicine first of all enters the liver, where part of it, and sometimes a significant one, changes. Alone medicines in the liver they are partially destroyed, while others, on the contrary, only after some transformations in the liver become pharmacologically active. It is clear that how the liver works will determine how the medicine will act on a person.
For example, in people suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, liver function is sharply reduced, while drugs are destroyed in the liver much less than in healthy person, so the dose for such patients is reduced.
The function of other organs also affects the effect of drugs. For example, with increased intestinal motility and diarrhea (diarrhea), the absorption of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract is greatly reduced and less of it enters the blood. Count on good and quick effect In this case, you can’t stop taking the pill.

When to take the pills?
The effectiveness of the medications we swallow depends greatly on the timing of our meals. Medicines that we take before meals are absorbed better and faster and begin to act sooner. But at the same time, some of them can severely irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
In general, it is preferable to take antibiotics before meals to reduce the possibility of food influencing their absorption. Hypoglycemic drugs (which normalize blood sugar levels, such as Maninil) work best if taken immediately before or during meals. And medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, analgin and many others should be taken after meals, as they have a pronounced irritating effect.
Some drugs cannot be taken orally at all, as they are completely destroyed in the intestines. These are, for example, insulin, oxytocin and others, which exist only in injections.

How to take pills correctly?
Few of us think that the effectiveness and speed of the medicine is influenced by the position of our body. If the person taking the pills lies down, the medicine, like food, is retained in the esophagus, its absorption slows down, and the effect occurs later. In addition, spending more time in the stomach and esophagus, it begins to injure the mucous membrane of these organs and provoke the development of gastritis and esophagitis.
Therefore, tablets, pills, dragees must be taken standing and washed down with 150 ml of water, since even in sitting position due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, the passage of the drug through the digestive tract and its absorption slow down. If for some reason you take the tablets while sitting, you need to take 3 to 4 large sips (about 35 ml each) of liquid or drink a whole cup of water.
Tea, coffee, milk can affect the absorption of the drug. Therefore, if the instructions do not special instructions, then take the tablets only with water.

Other, no less convenient way taking medications, is to hold it behind the cheek or under the tongue until it is completely absorbed. The advantage of this method is that the medicine, thanks to good blood supply oral cavity begins to act very quickly. However, it is not affected gastric juice and digestive enzymes and is not destroyed in the liver.
Therefore, this method is often used to provide urgent help at home. People suffering from heart disease or hypertension using validol, nitroglycerin, nifedipine. In addition, once the effect is achieved, you can simply spit out the tablet, and its effect will stop.
But this method also has disadvantages: irritation of the oral mucosa with regular use and excessive saliva production.
Do not forget about the possibility of administering medications through the rectum in the form of rectal suppositories or enemas. With this method of drug administration, all drugs are absorbed very quickly and are not destroyed in the liver. This method is very convenient for treating young children. For example, to reduce body temperature they are released rectal suppositories with paracetamol.
This method is also useful for vomiting, seasickness, diseases accompanied by swallowing disorders. It was used back in the 2nd century BC.

If necessary, I’ll inject myself!
Parenteral route of drug administration, that is, bypassing gastrointestinal tract, is the most common treatment method in a hospital setting. Most often, medications are administered intravenously (drip or stream) or intramuscularly using injections.
Intravenous administration of drugs ensures rapid, almost immediate delivery of the active substance to the organs and tissues of the body, and therefore the effect occurs within a few seconds, which is called “at the tip of the needle.” When side effects administration of the drug can be stopped immediately.
The disadvantages of this method are clear: it is necessary to comply with sterile conditions, the help of a qualified medical personnel, vascular trauma.

Intramuscular administration
When administered intramuscularly, the drug forms a depot and is absorbed within 10 to 30 minutes. At the same time, from different places drugs are absorbed from at different speeds. For example, blood flow in the arm muscles is more intense than in the gluteal muscles. Unfortunately, few patients can give themselves injections themselves. There is also a risk of developing abscesses with this method.
In a similar way, enter large number antibiotics, analgesics, antispasmodics.

Other ways
There are many other, less common ways to administer drugs. For example, subcutaneous administration. This is how insulin is administered, and patients often easily cope with this procedure on their own.
To people suffering bronchial asthma, the inhalation route of administering various aerosol drugs is well known. At the same time medicinal substance quickly enters the respiratory tract, exerting its effect there.
But this method is not applicable if there are a large number of mucus plugs in the respiratory tract and in the absence of consciousness in the patient, when he cannot take a breath.
Many medications are used topically. This various drops in the eyes, nose. In this case, the medicine has an effect only at the injection site, without affecting the general condition of the body.
IN recent years The transdermal route of drug administration is also becoming increasingly widespread, that is, through the skin using special patches (for example, Deponit, Nitroderm). They are glued to the skin, and a substance that acts for a long time is gradually absorbed from them.

The effectiveness of the medications we swallow depends greatly on the timing of our meals. Medicines that we take before meals are absorbed better and faster and begin to act sooner.

If the person taking the pills lies down, the medicine, like food, lingers in the esophagus, its absorption slows down, and the effect occurs later.

For pneumonia it is prescribed complex treatment. Usually it is possible to limit oneself to taking medications and using therapeutic procedures. If pneumonia occurs in a severe stage, the doctor will definitely prescribe injections to the patient.

Basic injectable drugs

Some types pharmaceutical drugs for an inflammatory process in the lungs, it is prescribed in the injection version. They should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. This is because injections for pneumonia in adults are given with a strong antibiotic.

Such solutions can cause negative reactions in the human body, for example, anaphylactic shock or suffocation. Before prescribing the drug, the specialist takes into account the likelihood of such an outcome, so he prescribes the safest possible injections.

When lung tissue is damaged by inflammation, doctors usually prescribe the following solutions, which are injected into the patient’s body during an injection:


The antibacterial agent is available in the form of a powder from which a solution is prepared. It is administered intramuscularly. Thanks to this, it is well absorbed and quickly begins to act. In some situations, intravenous administration of Ceftriaxone is allowed.

Since the drug is well tolerated by patients, it rarely causes side effects. Patients may experience attacks of nausea, vomiting and allergies. The antibiotic is prohibited for pregnant women and people with liver failure.


Another effective antibiotic, which will help stop the inflammatory process in the respiratory system. It has a wide spectrum of action, so doctors prescribe it for lung damage caused by various bacterial agents.

The drug is in the form of a powder, which is intended for diluting a solution. Treatment with this antibiotic is not recommended for pregnant women. This option is allowed only if the patient has a severe form of inflammation.

If used incorrectly, Benzylpenicillin causes side effects . They are limited allergic reactions, vomiting and migraines.


Bactericidal antibiotic wide range actions. It destroys the protein of pathogenic microorganisms, causing them to die. Such injections are given intramuscularly. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor after evaluation general condition patient.

During pregnancy, Amoxicillin is prescribed in rare cases. Patients with problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver failure should avoid taking it.


The drug is available in various forms, including in the form of powder for solutions. It quickly slows down the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the lungs and gradually destroys it. The effect of the medicine depends on the dosage in which it is taken intravenously.

The drug should not be used in the treatment of pneumonia in people with impaired kidney and liver function.

  • Antibiotics, the names of which were indicated above, are quite severe. Due to this, they ensure a positive result.
  • However, they should be treated with caution in patients who have been diagnosed with other diseases. internal organs. After all, when misuse a potent drug can significantly worsen your health.

Injections to treat pneumonia at different stages

On medical forums, the question is often asked about what they inject when identifying inflammatory process in the lungs. Experts offer their list of inexpensive and effective medicines, which are introduced into the patient’s body during an injection.

For each degree of pneumonia, a different antibiotic is selected, which can help in an individual case.

Pneumonia that has reached an advanced stage is treated with the following medications:


The drug is taken when inflammatory diseases, which are caused by bacteria susceptible to its components. With caution remedy should be administered to patients with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Its use in the treatment of pneumonia is not recommended if there is sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The injection solution is administered into the body intravenously. As a rule, it does not cause serious adverse reactions. But in rare cases, patients notice swelling and rash on their skin after the injection.


A medicine with a bactericidal effect. It is prescribed for severe conditions until the doctor determines the causative agent of the inflammatory process in the lungs. After receiving the test results, he may change the prescribed drug. Although Ceftazidime usually gives a positive effect and helps to completely suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the respiratory system.

Intravenous injections with Ceftazidime solution are prescribed to both adults and young patients. Patients who have contraindications to the drug in the form of hypersensitivity.

An incorrect dosage of the medicine can lead to rash, headache and nausea. Other side effects cannot be excluded, in which it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.


For mild to moderate pneumonia, experts prescribe Amoxicillin and Augmentin. Both drugs have a high effect on pathogenic microflora. They alleviate the patient's condition by quickly destroying the causative agent of inflammation.

For typical forms of the disease, injections for inflammation such as Cefotaxime and Cefriaxon are suitable. First powder for preparation injection solution provides negative impact for microorganisms of the gram-negative group. The second powdered medication helps to cope with both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Therefore, it is considered more universal.

Usually, for pneumonia, drugs of the penicillin group are prescribed. If the patient’s body does not accept this substance, they are changed to a more suitable means. Alternatives to penicillins are:

  1. "Hemomycin."
  2. "Azithral."

The listed medications are taken intravenously. They are prescribed for many infectious diseases. Substitutes for penicillin drugs differ from each other in their composition. However, they have the same effect on pathogenic microflora.

Injection solution based on aloe extract

No matter how many useful qualities did not have an antibacterial drug that is administered into the body intravenously or intramuscularly; if it has not been prescribed by a doctor, it should not be taken under any circumstances. Such medications have serious contraindications and a considerable list of side effects. If they are not used according to the rules, the patient will not avoid new health problems.

Rules for using injections for pneumonia

Choosing the right antibacterial agent for injection should be entrusted to an experienced doctor. He will also calculate the individual daily and single dosage of the drug for the patient.

The treatment course with injection solutions to suppress the inflammatory process in the lungs can last up to 10 days. If 72 hours after administration of the medicine the desired effect is obtained, the doctor cancels antibacterial therapy. The reason for refusing this treatment option is a steady decrease in body temperature and the achievement of normal physiological parameters that were disrupted due to pneumonia.

For injection therapy to be successful, during its implementation it is necessary to adhere to a number of standard rules:

  • All powdered medications must be diluted only before injection. It is undesirable to do this long before the procedure, since the effectiveness of the medication is greatly reduced and the powder itself settles.
  • It is highly not recommended to give the first injection without first performing a special skin test. It will help determine whether the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

This test is easy to do. You just need to inside slightly scratch the skin of the forearm with a sterile needle, which is intended for injecting the medicine. Drop a little of the prepared solution into the wound. Now we need to wait for the reaction. If no changes appear on the skin within 15 minutes, then you can safely be treated with this antibiotic. If redness, itching and swelling are observed, then he will have to refuse such an injection.

  • You cannot independently replace a drug that, for one reason or another, was not suitable for the patient, with a similar one. This is done only by the attending physician.
  • For each injection you will need a disposable syringe. Before and during the procedure, you should follow the rules of antiseptic treatment.
  • After administration of the drug, the patient may experience severe pain at the injection site. Eliminate this symptom The iodine network helps, which accelerates the resorption of infiltrates.

Doctors suggest divorcing antibacterial agents For intravenous administration V:

  • physiological solution,
  • novocaine,
  • lidocaine and water for injections.

According to the standard, 1 g of powder requires only 1 ml of liquid.

Injection therapy for pneumonia gives good results, if it was selected the right medicine to eliminate pathogenic microflora. After the first two injections of the antibiotic solution, the patient feels significant relief.

Help maintain this effect medications who also struggle with pathogenic bacteria and relieve signs of inflammation in the lungs.

Attention, TODAY only!

Pharmacology is an actively developing science. Over the past decades, the range of drugs has been replenished with many drugs that have significant, important differences from their “ancestors”. Today it is even difficult to imagine that some 50 years ago there were only a few antibiotics in the arsenal of doctors.

At the same time, drugs in tablet form, such as ampicillin and phenoxymethylpenicillin, had a lot of disadvantages. They had to be taken several times a day in strict accordance with meals, moreover, they all had extremely low bioavailability, i.e., most of the active substance was excreted without producing a pharmacological effect.

But injectable antibiotics, such as benzylpenicillin or ampicillin, did not have these disadvantages: if for your health, bypass the gastrointestinal tract and do not worry about bioavailability or food. Since then, the opinion about the great and unconditional effectiveness of injections has been entrenched in the minds of both doctors and patients.

And although today, in the 21st century, both the range and bioavailability of oral (i.e., taken per os, through the mouth) drugs have changed significantly, the myth firmly entrenched in the minds of consumers and - what can we hide - some doctors is alive, unlike rock and roll. Meanwhile, the “survivability” of this legend may not in the best possible way affect the condition of patients.

Prick me gently

First of all, the injection is painful. Plus, bluish-gray bumps after the procedure may still remind you of the traumatic treatment for several weeks. Moreover, unlike taking pills, intramuscular injection medications may be accompanied by a number of other unpleasant consequences, including:

  • Formation of a hematoma due to damage to the capillaries by a needle.
  • Vessel embolism. This may happen if, when administered oil solutions the needle enters the lumen blood vessel, which leads to its obstruction - blockage.
  • Damage to nerve trunks that occurs when the wrong site for drug administration is chosen. Accompanied severe pain along the nerve and can lead to the development of neuritis.
  • Abscess development - purulent inflammation soft tissues, which is accompanied by the formation of a pus-filled cavity. Appears when the infiltrate becomes infected - a lump that forms as a result of multiple injections into the same place or a violation of the injection technique.

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the fear of medical manipulation, which settles in the minds of many adults and almost all children who have experienced all the “delights” of injection treatment. Injections, which all over the world have almost given way to equally effective oral medications.

The tablet is modern, affordable

In order for consumers to be able to believe and get used to the infringing idea that tablets are no less effective than injections, of course, evidence is needed. And they exist, just not everyone knows about their existence.

So, in a number of large-scale clinical trials carried out in accordance with all requirements evidence-based medicine, it has been demonstrated that modern oral antibiotics are as effective as injectable forms. The bioavailability of the vast majority of tableted antibacterial drugs is no lower than injections.

It has been clinically proven that intramuscular administration of ceftriaxone, “favorite” by many doctors, for infection urinary tract in children is as effective as taking a combination of trimethoprim and sulfomethoxazole (Biseptol) orally. The rate of recovery and the risk of relapse for otitis media in children are absolutely the same, regardless of whether the child is injected with the same ceftriaxone or given sweet children's forms of amoxicillin.

Presenters international organizations Health officials say: there is no point in treating pneumonia on an outpatient basis with injections. Tablets will do the job just as well! It is also not necessary to prescribe injectable antibiotics for sinusitis and most community-acquired infections.

Give preference antibacterial drugs injections make sense only in exceptional cases, including:

  • intramuscular administration of benzathine benzylpenicillin for syphilis;
  • administration of ceftriaxone for gonococcal infections and pelvic diseases (4) and other, even rarer situations.

Comparisons of the effectiveness of tablets and injections were carried out not only in relation to antibacterial drugs.

The research results convincingly indicate that the treatment result hormonal drugs, B vitamins, in particular vitamin B 12, some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including the popular analgesic ketorolac, and many other drugs in tablets and injections are identical. But it should be noted that sometimes you really can’t do without injections.

Exceptions to the rules

There are not many cases when prescribing traumatic treatment is justified. Let's list them:

  • For some reason, a person cannot swallow a pill.
  • The patient categorically refuses to take syrup or tablets.
  • The person has severe, uncontrollable vomiting.
  • The patient is unconscious.
  • The right medicine exists only in the form of an injection solution (the same ceftriaxone).
  • The doctor needs to be confident that the patient is receiving treatment.

In all other situations, injectable medications should give way to less in a painful way administration - oral tablets or syrups. And if your doctor prescribes you injections in the old fashioned way, it makes sense to ask if it is possible to replace them with tablets, syrups or suspensions, which are preferred in all civilized countries.

Maria Pozdeeva

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