Cigarettes in hand luggage. Is it possible to carry e-liquids on an airplane? Restrictions on the transportation of tobacco products

Is it possible to take a vape on a plane?

The popularity of electronic smoking is increasing every day. Therefore, it is not surprising that sooner or later a wide variety of questions arise. The most important of them: How to transport a vape on a plane? After all, many steam starters travel, and, of course, want to take their favorite device with them.

To the question “Can I take a vape on a plane?” Air carriers answer “Yes.” This device belongs to the electronics category. Therefore, it is allowed to be taken on board the aircraft. Just keep in mind that the electronic gadget can be transported in the aircraft cabin, and not in the luggage compartment. At the same time, restrictions are set on the number of transported devices. Transporting more than five electronic devices may raise questions from customs.

Liquid for refilling the device is allowed for transportation in the amount of 100 ml. To do this, you need to pack the bottle with the dressing in a plastic bag. If you do not plan to carry another liquid substance, then the filling volume can increase to 1 liter. However, before departure, it is better to further clarify the rules governing transportation with the air carrier. electronic cigarettes and liquids for them.

Smoking an electronic cigarette on board an airliner is prohibited. This is due to the fact that smokers of traditional cigarettes may have a strong desire to do the same thing - smoke a regular cigarette. And this is strictly prohibited in the aircraft cabin.

So, having understood whether it is possible to carry a vape on board an airplane, feel free to pack your gadget when going to long trip or travel.

A person vaping an electronic cigarette (vape) no longer surprises anyone. Many of the adherents of these devices have to fly. Accordingly, they will have a question: is it possible to transport and use a vape on an airplane?

This device consists of several parts:

  1. The battery, that is, the electronic cigarette (EC) itself.
  2. Liquids.
  3. Heating element - atomizer.
  4. Charger.

Can all this be put in hand luggage? Or maybe it’s better to check it in as luggage?

What is prohibited to take in hand luggage

Requirements of regulations and legal framework

Smoking on board aircraft has been prohibited for more than 10 years. This was done in order to ensure safety and also to protect non-smoking passengers from harmful smoke. Since electronic cigarettes, unlike regular ones, do not harm others, they are allowed to be used everywhere.

But this is not legally confirmed. Whether or not to allow smoking an electronic cigarette on an airplane is up to each airline to decide for itself. Most often, smoking, or rather vaping, is prohibited.

What is the penalty for violating the ban?

In 2018, the fine for violating the smoking ban can range from 0.5 to 1.5 thousand rubles. If a lover of soaring is caught on a plane crossing state border, the size of the fine depends on the standards established by a particular country. For example, if this fact was recorded over the territory of Ukraine, you will have to pay 100 US dollars, if over Belarus - more than 18,000 rubles.

But these are not the most serious punishments. Passengers traveling to other countries around the world should be aware that violating the ban can even lead to a prison sentence. It is prohibited to use electronic cigarettes in the following countries:

  1. Bhutan;
  2. Singapore;
  3. Finland.

Almost all the world's airlines have banned smoking electronic cigarettes on board aircraft; this will definitely be mentioned during the briefing, so you should always listen carefully to the flight attendants.

Transportation Features

Devices of this type are electronic devices, the transportation features of which are specified in the rules. Among them there are some very important points:

  1. When checking cigarettes in your luggage, you don’t need to take too many. It is best if the number of electronic cigarettes and liquids is no more than four to six pieces. Otherwise, this may lead to suspicions of commercial activity, which is fraught various problems. One of them is paying a fee.
  2. According to the rules, carrying electronic cigarettes on an airplane is not allowed in the baggage compartment. This is exactly the point that was included in the security rules of Domodedovo Airport in 2019. Refers to this rule and to chargers.
  3. It is prohibited to be checked in as checked baggage; it can only be placed in hand luggage. Aeroflot's transportation rules state that all electronic devices must be turned off for the entire duration of the flight.
  4. It is prohibited to charge electronic devices during flight. This also applies to ES.

Advice. Each carrier or airport can add its own clauses to the general rules. It is best to find out in advance on their websites whether there are certain rules transportation electronic devices.

Accordingly, in order to avoid any difficulties when landing in another country, you need to check with the airline information desk of a specific country whether it is possible to carry an electronic cigarette on an airplane?

In some countries, vaping devices may also be confiscated during customs upon arrival. Among them is the UAE. Therefore, before boarding a plane, you need to make sure that the device is fully charged.

Often during inspection, customs officers require that you turn it on, so it must be ready for use. Most ES are equipped with lithium batteries. Almost all airlines have banned the transportation of such products in the luggage compartments of aircraft.

Accordingly, electronic cigarettes will not be allowed into luggage. Therefore, they must immediately be placed in those things that will be transported in the cabin in hand luggage.

How to transport vape liquid

There are no exact rules for transporting this substance. Therefore, e-liquid (e-liquid) can be placed in your carry-on bag. According to generally accepted airline regulations, each passenger can take one liter of liquids on the plane.

This could be medicine, water, shampoo, liquid soap, etc. All this needs to be poured into 100 ml containers. If they are larger, they will definitely be confiscated.

For example, if you pour only 40 ml of liquid into a 250 gram bottle, it will definitely not be missed. Then the containers need to be packed in transparent bags.

The container should be placed so that it is positioned with the cap facing up. Then during takeoff/landing, when significant pressure changes occur, liquids will not be able to leak out. If you comply accepted standards transportation, there are usually no problems with transportation.

  1. It is not recommended to take a fully charged device into the salon. During takeoff/landing, pressure differences occur. This is what causes liquid leakage when transporting electronic cigarettes.
  2. To protect your belongings from liquid leakage, containers should be placed in plastic bags with a vacuum seal.
  3. During the inspection, containers with liquids must be checked, so it is best to place them, including the bag with the liquid, so that everything can be easily reached for inspection.

Note: the listed rules regarding what is prohibited from being carried in hand luggage on an airplane apply in the European Union countries, South Africa and other states. Therefore, when traveling abroad, the specifics of transporting electronic cigarettes on an airplane should be checked with your carrier.

All baggage rules can be found on the airline’s website.

Among the newfangled devices, the electronic cigarette occupies a special place. For many smokers, it has become a real salvation and an opportunity to say goodbye to smoking relatively painlessly. bad habit. However, vaping in its own way appearance Doesn’t look so harmless to law-abiding citizens who have chosen this form of smoking, a completely logical question arises: is it possible to smoke an electronic cigarette on an airplane? Before we look into this issue in detail, let's also understand in detail what an electronic cigarette is.

Is smoking electronic cigarettes allowed on board an airplane?

No, it's prohibited.

A modern vape can be compared to an inhaler - essentially, it is a device that allows you to inhale and exhale steam produced by an aerosol generator. The device consists of a battery, an evaporator and a container for liquid. What is the advantage of using an electronic cigarette? The fact is that the liquid composition used to generate steam does not contain as much harmful tar and nicotine as traditional tobacco products; it is possible to use it without the steam having any effect negative impact on others - it does not irritate either the smell or the smoke.

Interesting fact: The alkaloid nicotine is found in a number of products. First of all, these are plants of the nightshade family, which, in fact, includes tobacco. Therefore, this substance enters our body when eating eggplants, potatoes, tomatoes, etc. But in this case, the secret of safety lies in the amount of substance contained in these products. Thus, scientists calculated that to obtain the same dose of nicotine as when smoking one cigarette, a person would need to consume 5 kg of eggplants or 12 kg of new potatoes or 9.5 liters of tomato juice.

However, you can hear the opinion that such an electronic hookah, when using nicotine-containing liquids, still does not prevent nicotine from entering the human body. In response to this, it is quite reasonable to recommend excluding from the diet a number of familiar foods that also contain a certain amount of this substance.

Does the anti-tobacco law apply to vape?

The law on smoking ban adopted by the State Duma public places contributed to questions about the classification of vaping. Is it possible for “vapers” to use their device freely or are they also covered by the law?

To dot the i's, vapers sent an official request to the Ministry of Health to clarify the nuances of anti-tobacco rules. The response to this request was published on the State Duma website. It clearly states that this device is not a tobacco product. Tobacco products mean products containing the whole tobacco leaf or part thereof. When “smoking” a vape, liquids are used, which removes this form from the purview of anti-tobacco legislation.

Restrictions Applying to Electronic Cigarettes

So, we have decided that anti-tobacco legislation does not apply to electronic cigarettes. But are there other restrictions?

At the official legislative level, the Russian Federation has not yet adopted any norms or acts restricting the use of vape. But to the question of whether it is possible to smoke an electronic cigarette on an airplane, the answer is not so clear-cut. This device is an electronic device, and in some situations you may encounter standard limitations. In particular, we're talking about about the policies of airlines, which often introduce their own rules regarding vaping on board aircraft, as well as transportation. Therefore, despite the fact that there are no direct prohibitions on the use, storage and transportation of electronic cigarettes in Russian legislation, if you are planning a flight, be sure to read internal rules, established by the airline whose services you have chosen. Especially if this applies to foreign air carriers.

Is electronic vapor harmful to others?

Smoking an electronic cigarette has a number of undoubted advantages related to the principle of its operation. In fact, the smoker inhales not smoke, but vapor, which contains several times less harmful tars and nicotine. In addition, today manufacturers now offer nicotine-free liquid mixtures, which turns the entire vaping process into more of a psychological technique for those who quit a bad habit.

For others, accordingly, the harm from an electronic cigarette is also minimized:

  • there is no irritating harmful smoke;
  • no smell.

Restrictions on the use of electronic cigarettes on airplanes

Most airlines have introduced a ban on smoking on board not only regular cigarettes, but also electronic cigarettes. To avoid misunderstandings and conflict situations, it is recommended to clarify this issue in advance when purchasing a ticket.

But what in practice?

Experienced passengers know that flight attendants often turn a blind eye to smoking electronic cigarettes if this is not done clearly and demonstratively. That is, you can call the flight attendant and find out if you can use the device by going out, for example, into the passage to the toilet. Why is it important to clarify? - Because not all airlines use a loyal approach. So, some carriers of Arab and Chinese companies have a very strict policy and the fine for smoking an electronic cigarette can reach up to the cost of the ticket.

Alternatively, you can, at your own peril and risk, lock yourself in the toilet and secretly smoke there. The sensors do not respond to the emitted steam, so this can be called a way out of the situation.

Which carriers prohibit the use of e-cigarettes on board?

We have already mentioned that Arab and Chinese carriers are particularly strict regarding smoking on board electronic cigarettes. But no less strict rules are also present on other popular airlines, namely:

  • Thai Airlines;
  • Virgin Atlantic;
  • Korean Air;
  • American;
  • United;
  • Alaska/Horizon Air;
  • EasyJet;
  • Malaysia Airlines;
  • Aeroflot;
  • Japan;
  • Air China;
  • China Southern;
  • American West Airlines;
  • Lufthansa;
  • Iberia;
  • Saudi Airlines.

Interesting fact: But the Irish company Ryanair decided to use the popularity of the new device to its advantage - it does not prohibit smoking an electronic cigarette in flight if the passenger purchased it from the flight attendant of this plane.

Checking in devices as luggage is prohibited

Speaking of bans, it is impossible not to mention that today all airlines have introduced a ban on checking electronic devices in luggage. This also applies to electronic cigarettes. That is, you can carry it only by keeping the vape with you or in your carry-on luggage in the cabin. Such measures are caused by increased requirements fire safety. There have been cases when various devices in luggage turned on on their own, which led to their overheating and the creation of a fire hazard.

In addition, many e-cigarette models use lithium batteries, which are prohibited by most airlines.

Another important limitation concerns the amount of e-liquid carried. Since this is a liquid, the general rules apply to it:

  • the permissible total volume of liquid carried in hand luggage is 100 ml;
  • the liquid must be in transparent plastic packaging with a Zip Lock system;
  • mandatory presentation of liquid during registration.


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Russian legislation has long prohibited smoking in public places and has imposed a number of bans on actions related to tobacco products. This allowed electronic cigarettes to occupy the vacated niche, since the vapor generated by the device does not harm others.

Vaping gained popularity several years ago, and while previously it was something out of the ordinary to see a person releasing clouds of vapor, today it is a common sight. The more smokers switch to steam, the more questions arise. One of which is: how to transport a vape on an airplane?

You can vape an e-device at home or on the street, but during air travel there are a number of restrictions and rules that help ensure the safety of others. Inside vehicle The smoking law prohibits the use of tobacco products, but this rule does not apply to vaping, as well as to the possibility of transporting it on an airplane. On at the moment There are no clear acts that regulate the transportation of vaping products, but this does not prevent carriers from offering their own conditions.

Electronic cigarette and e-liquid in the cabin

Airlines allow you to take electronic cigarettes, e-liquids and other vaping-related accessories on board. Among general rules typical for many companies: transportation of no more than five units of equipment. If there is a need to transport more devices, you must pay a state tax.

Restrictions on transporting liquids include:

  • The volume of liquid is no more than 100 ml per bottle;
  • Packaging – tight, sealed bag;
  • The total volume of transported liquid is no more than 1000 ml.

Electronic cigarettes in luggage

  • There have been cases where gadgets overheated and exploded;
  • Since most gadget models operate on lithium batteries, it is prohibited to check them in as luggage.

To protect yourself from accidental pressing, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with e-cigarette models that have a mechanical fire button lock in their design:

– a competent combination of a stylish mod and a tasty drip with a diameter of 24.5 mm. The product has many features, including a button lock, a bottle made of soft-touch silicone, and a large landing pad. A stylish device will become your reliable companion for every day!

– stylish and productive set with the possibility of customization – optimal solution, if you are looking for a durable and productive device. The mod is light in weight and has a tactilely pleasant coating, and can work with 18650 and 20700 batteries. You can buy a squonk mod and a drip tip in the Smoking store at the best price.

Charging a device on board an aircraft

Much depends on the cost of the ticket. So, if you prefer business class, charging, for example, a smartphone will not be difficult, since there are a sufficient number of sockets for this category of passengers. In economy class there are few stationary power sources, and they are located next to utility rooms. However, it will not be possible to charge the vape in any of the cases - this is strictly prohibited.

Ground rules are somewhat different from air rules. Despite the moderate safety of steam and the absence of combustion products in it, vaping the device is not allowed. This is due to the small space where there are many people. Vaping, at a minimum, will cause inconvenience to passengers and frighten especially suspicious people. The use of vaping is prohibited on such airlines as: Delta, Saudi Airlines, UTair, S7, Pobeda, Korean Air, Aeroflot, US Airways, Malaysia Airlines, American West Airlines, British Airways, Airberlin, Thai Airways and other major carriers!

However, on some airlines this is an acceptable process. For example, the Irish carrier Ryanair allows a device to hover if it was purchased from its staff.

When transporting a device, you should remove the batteries from it and pack them each separately, or use special silicone cases that ensure the integrity of the battery during shaking and vibration.

Electronic cigarettes have become widespread in modern world: The number of people using them is constantly growing. Such cigarettes have a number of advantages over classic ones: they do not disturb others with their smell and smoke, contain a lower percentage of tar, and are often somewhat cheaper than regular ones. tobacco products. In addition, they are allowed to “smoke” in public places. But Is it possible to smoke e-cigarettes on an airplane? ? We will try to give a detailed answer to the question.

What restrictions apply to electronic cigarettes?

These cigarettes are considered electronics, so the standard restrictions on tobacco products do not apply to them.At the same time, you must carry a reasonable amount of cigarettes or cigarette liquids with you in your luggage. Otherwise, customs and security officials will assume that you are transporting a commercial shipment and you will have to pay tax.

Most airlines prohibit visibly vaping

Cigarettes can move freely in luggage and hand luggage, as well as among personal belongings. The amount of smoking liquid carried in hand luggage is limited by standard rules: containers no more than 100 milliliters, total volume up to one liter. Containers must be packed in a transparent plastic bag with a Zip Lock and presented at check-in.

Please note:Very often, electric cigarettes are equipped with lithium batteries. Most airlines prohibit them from being carried in checked luggage. Therefore, either study the carrier’s policy in advance, or take them with you in your hand luggage.

Is it possible to smoke on a plane?

Almost all airlines prohibit smoking on board. This applies to both regular cigarettes, and electronic devices. But in reality, carriers’ policies regarding electric cigarettes are not so strict. Just quietly ask the flight attendant if you can use your device. Usually she allows you to do this, but first “hiding” behind a curtain. Why you can't smoke openly on an airplane ? Because many passengers are starting to get nervous: some simply don’t like smoking people, the second will begin to be indignant why one smokes, but they are not allowed, the third will get real cigarettes. Therefore, if you want to smoke, do it carefully so as not to irritate others. Even if the flight attendant does not allow you to “smoke,” then just go to the toilet and smoke there. Airplane smoke detectors don't trigger steam, and you won't be left smelling of tobacco.

Please note:Only one case of an alarm being triggered by an electronic cigarette has been officially recorded. The passenger admitted that he deliberately brought the device to the sensor to check its reaction. Be reasonable and you won't be in any danger.

Don't break the company's rules regarding smoking on planes - you may be fined

Please note that smoking is strictly prohibited on Chinese and Arab airlines. Therefore, try not to get caught - the size of the fine can be comparable to the cost of the ticket. The official ban applies to the following carriers:

  1. Thai Airlines.
  2. Malaysia Airlines.
  3. Saudi Airlines.
  4. Japan Airlines.
  5. American West Airlines.
  6. Air Canada.
  7. Korean Air.
  8. Alaska/Horizon Air.
  9. Air China.
  10. British Airways.
  11. US Airways.
  12. Airtran.
  13. Aeroflot.
  14. KLM.
  15. Continental.
  16. Lufthansa.
  17. American.
  18. SAS.
  19. Emirates.
  20. Japan.
  21. Delta.
  22. Virgin Atlantic.
  23. Southwest.
  24. Northwest.
  25. United.
  26. China Southern.
  27. Quantas.
  28. Iberia
  29. EasyJet.

Low-cost airlines also generally prohibit smoking of any kind on board. But not all. The Irish carrier Ryanair has introduced an interesting practice - absolutely any passenger can smoke electronic cigarettes on board, and to do this they do not need to hide or even get up from their seat. However, cigarettes must be purchased directly on board your aircraft from the flight attendant.

Is it possible to smoke at the airport?

No country in the world has officially banned smoking e-cigarettes in waiting rooms and airports. Therefore, you can safely smoke while waiting for your flight. But don’t forget about prudence and culture - it’s unlikely that others will like it if someone lies back on an armchair and starts “smoking.” Moreover, many do not even know what an electric cigarette is. Therefore, to avoid problems, try to step aside or smoke while visiting the toilet or special areas for smokers. IN Arab countries Airport staff may also have questions regarding tourists who smoke e-cigarettes, so in order not to miss your flight, it is better to play it safe.