Transporting medications on an airplane. Prohibited medications. What to take in hand luggage on a plane: personal items, medicines, food. What to take a child on a plane Carrying pills in hand luggage

New travelers often ask: is it possible to carry medications in airplane luggage? It turns out that in order to answer reliably, you need to take into account many subtleties. Some medications, freely available in our country without a prescription, may be considered drugs in a foreign country with all the attendant dangers. Therefore, this issue should be approached with full responsibility.

If your flight “does not go beyond” the borders of Russia, that is, you are flying exclusively over the territory of our country, then you can take medicines with you freely in any volume.

However, transportation of medicines to hand luggage on an airplane is subject to transportation regulations large quantity liquids. The law provides for a maximum of 1 liter of liquid per passenger, Moreover, one container cannot contain more than 100 ml.

In some cases, exceptions may be made. But in order to be able to transport a container with a liquid drug in a volume exceeding the permitted one, you will need good reasons and evidence of such urgent need: a medical prescription or even a certified extract from the medical history.

In many countries, medications are given out in a standard bottle with a sticker on which the name of the drug and the patient’s name are written. In this case, a prescription is not required.

Flights abroad and back

If you are flying out of the Russian Federation or, conversely, returning home from abroad, then read the following documents in advance:

  • list of drugs prohibited for transportation across the border;
  • customs regulations of the country of destination.

This will help you figure out which medications you can take on the plane and which you shouldn’t. It is very important to draw attention to the fact that the list of things not permitted for transportation contains not only the names of specific medications, but also substances. This means that if your medicine contains a prohibited component, then in order to fly with it, you will need the already mentioned evidence of such a need.

Seemingly harmless cough mixtures and some painkillers are under special supervision. The point is their composition: some components in other countries are equated to drugs and psychotropics.

Remember that more than 5 packages of the drug of the same name are equivalent to small wholesale. This applies to both prohibited and permitted medications.

Regarding customs regulations different countries, then most of them cannot import narcotic and psychotropic substances, that is, even such simple medicines as Corvalol or Valocordin due to the content of the prohibited substance phenobarbital. These drugs are prohibited from being imported into the United States, for example.

Any medications must have original packaging

How to transport prohibited drugs?

If you need the usual Corvalol and are flying, say, to the USA, you will have to take a real prescription for it. The same applies to any other medicines that contain prohibited components.

Can I take pills on a plane? Yes, but be sure to keep the original packaging of the medicine! This important rule: it facilitates the identification of the drug.

During inspection, prohibited medications are placed separately for scanning, in a regular plastic bag. Show the prescription, extract. It is quite possible that before your trip you will have to spend money on a translator who is certified for his activities: the prescription and extract are valid only in the language of the country to which you are traveling.

The case of returning to Russia is worth considering separately. In some countries, an extract or prescription will not be required as the medicines are packaged in a convenient plastic container with information on it, including the patient's personal details. If medications, for example for injections, need sub-zero temperature, then a doctor’s certificate with information regarding the need for such storage must be attached to the cooler bag.

How to transport liquid medications

Almost everything has already been said about how to carry medications on an airplane, but airlines treat any liquids especially. If your medicine takes up a volume of more than 100 ml allowed for transportation, then you must inform the security service about this before scanning your items. Also, pack it in a transparent bag in advance and keep it in your hands.

Will need to present necessary documents(about the importance of translation into foreign language you already know). Do not forget about the original packaging: pouring liquid medicine into your bottle is prohibited!

Possible incidents

Now you are fully aware of whether you can carry medications in hand luggage on an airplane, and how to do it correctly. If you do not have a prescription or an extract from your medical history with all the necessary signatures, stamps, translations, etc., and the drug contains narcotic or psychotropic substances, you may accidentally “run into” criminal liability.

Therefore, before taking medications with you on a trip, carefully study the above-mentioned documents, as well as the composition of your drug for the presence of prohibited substances. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • painkillers;
  • sedative;
  • sleeping pills;
  • diuretic;
  • heart;
  • and cough suppressants.

Any traveler, packing his bags for a trip, thinks about how to take with him everything he needs and comply with all transportation rules. One of the first things you need on the road is medicine and first aid supplies. Chronic diseases or diseases that do not cause harm to others are not a reason to refuse travel. Some people need potent drugs, some are afraid of not getting an injection on time, and others just need to take a pill at a specific time.

Therefore, questions arise about whether it is possible to transport medicines on an airplane, how to avoid problems with customs, what is allowed or prohibited by transportation rules, etc.

Rules for transporting medicines on an airplane

Airlines have certain requirements for carrying medications on board. U different organizations they may change, but these changes are minor.

Features of transporting medicines on board the aircraft:

  1. Drugs cannot be transported on board, regardless of the form of release.
  2. If the drug is potent, then a prescription from your doctor is required. A signature and seal are required. IN special cases A customs declaration is issued for this category of medicines.
  3. If an airline client has chronic disease which requires constant use medicinal substances, then this must be confirmed by a certificate from medical institution. The certificate must contain: the name of the drug, its dosage form.
  4. Liquid medications, ointments, creams, drops and the like can be transported in the cabin if their volume is not more than 100 ml.
  5. It is better to keep all products exclusively in the packaging in which they were purchased. It is unacceptable to pour or pour them into containers, jars, bags and various self-prepared containers. The name of the medicine and its labeling must be visible on the factory packaging.
  6. Volume medicines must correspond to the amount of travel time.

Typically, all necessary items are packed in transparent bags and provided to the employees who carry out the pre-flight inspection.

Attention! More detailed information For the transportation of medicines and the individual requirements of the employees of each company, it is best to clarify in advance before traveling by calling.

Compliance with these rules will help you avoid unnecessary waste nerves and will make the trip more enjoyable.

What medications can be carried in hand luggage?

Among travelers there are many who have enough serious problems with health, and who need to constantly take any medications. There are situations when the medicine needs to be taken immediately. The question of what medications can be taken on a plane in hand luggage is very relevant.

Medicines have their own division: for transportation in hand luggage and for other drugs that are checked into the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

Most tablets can be carried on the plane and carried in their bag, which the passenger takes with them into the cabin. Only their number is taken into account. Minor difficulties arise with the use of aerosols, injection cans, tubes of ointments or containers with any liquid solutions. These types dosage forms are carried in hand luggage only as a last resort and have their own transportation rules, which were discussed above.

Situations are different, and each requires its own individual approach and the attention of airline employees. Most often, the treatment prescribed by the doctor must be followed, regardless of the conditions and situation. People with bronchial asthma it is necessary to relieve the attack using inhalation. Diabetics cannot do without insulin injections and syringes. Passengers with visual impairments sometimes need to be treated contact lenses liquid medicines. An epileptic may not survive the flight without constant medication.

Some airlines allow passengers to carry one mercury or electronic thermometer. You can also have a blood pressure monitor with you. You can find out what you are allowed to take into the cabin and under what conditions on the website of a specific air carrier.

What medications can be carried in luggage?

If the drug is allowed to be exported, it is better to check it in your luggage. Most often, such medications are various liquids, antiseptics and gels. Also, medications with a volume exceeding 100 ml are checked into the luggage compartment.

Every plane has its own first aid kit for both passengers and crew. There is always an opportunity to notify flight attendants about an emergency situation. Airline employees are well trained in emergency first aid.

Features of transporting medicines abroad

The Russian Customs Service has compiled lists of medications that can be taken on the plane. The government of our country has approved a list of psychotropic, potent and narcotic substances that are under control. Drugs that are not included in these three categories, as well as if the quantity of any medicine is no more than 5 packages, will easily pass through customs inspection.

Important! If there is a need for a medicine from the prohibited list, then you need to fill out a special declaration. With such items you will have to go through special control, called the red corridor, where you will need to fulfill all the requirements of the customs officer and present him with a declaration and medical report doctor If the passenger also takes with him the receipts for which the medicine and prescription were purchased, then this will only be a plus.

The doctor's certificate must contain:

  • name of the medicine;
  • dosage and frequency of administration;
  • date when treatment began;
  • the date on which it ended or is expected to end.

When transporting medicines within the country, obstacles are not specified in the legislation. To be on the safe side, you can take an extract from your medical history, but this is usually not required. International customs has stricter requirements for such items, and when transporting them across the border, it is necessary to have confirmation that the drugs were purchased legally.

Important! The export ban applies not only to the list of drugs listed above, but also to all other drugs containing substances from the list of the Federal Customs Service.

When making purchases in foreign countries, carefully study the composition of goods and products. There may be potent substances, which the traveler may not even be aware of. In countries European Union a guest with a common cough medicine that includes codeine will not be understood. In Germany, we will have to answer for our popular antipyretic and painkillers that contain nimesulide. And Russian Corvalol and Valocordin are included in the lists of prohibited substances in almost all territories of the countries. Metamizole sodium, contained in analgin, will also entail appropriate punishment.

It’s good if such cases end with just a fine or administrative responsibility. Each country has its own rules. What can be sold in Russia without a prescription may be prohibited for free use in other countries. Australia is the most cautious country in terms of medicines and it is worth knowing that if you are going there, you must have a doctor's prescription for any drug, even if it is ascorbic acid or activated carbon.

The lists of prohibited substances are constantly updated, so it is difficult to keep abreast of all the innovations. Therefore, it is better to prepare for the trip in advance.

If the medicine is vital for a person going abroad, you should have all the recipes, receipts and recommendations of the medical institution with signatures, seals and English translation. It would be a good idea to have the necessary documents certified by a notary. For example, if a traveler has medical status diabetic, he has the opportunity to obtain a special passport for a person who constantly needs insulin.

What is better to take on a trip?

Essential medicines, on which not only the health but also the life of the passenger depends, must be in the first aid kit - capsules, pills or syringes. Yes, you will have to run around a lot and collect a lot of supporting evidence, but you will have peace of mind. Also worth considering emergency situations and have first aid supplies with you. When you fly to a foreign country, you can buy a lot of things on the spot, which means you shouldn’t stock up on such things for future use.

It will be useful to have with you on flights:

  1. A remedy for ear congestion during a flight – Nazivin. A few minutes before the flight you just need to drop it into your nose.
  2. Medicines that prevent motion sickness - Avia-sea or Dramamine.
  3. Iodine for children in case of abrasions and wounds.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide, cotton wool and bandages.
  5. Sterile patch.
  6. Wet wipes.
  7. Diarrhea remedy and activated charcoal - in case the local cuisine is not suitable.
  8. Painkiller Pentalgin.
  9. As allergic remedy– Cetrin or Laratadine.
  10. When visiting a hot country, it is better not to forget sunscreen.
  11. For exotic countries It’s good to take insect bite repellent.

Often prices for such things are unreasonably inflated, especially in resort areas. That is why you need to take care of the planned transportation of medications at home.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to carry medications on board an airplane is positive, but it is better to study all the rules and requirements at the stage of planning the trip. It is advisable to consult the airline office and a doctor to avoid unnecessary problems, wasting your personal time and energy.

Question and answer

Question: Is it possible to carry syringes in hand luggage on an airplane?

Answer: Syringes are prohibited on most airlines. Some organizations allow syringes to be transported in original packaging and with needle caps. Diabetic patients can take syringes to the salon with documentation indicating the doses, dates, and hourly schedule for administering the drug.

Question: Can tweezers be taken in hand luggage on a plane?

Answer: This item does not appear in the air transportation rules. But since eyebrow tweezers have sharp edges, employees have the right to act at their own discretion for safety reasons. Tweezers can be checked in as luggage or purchased at the place of arrival.

Question: Can I take an inhaler on a plane?

Answer: in case of special severe forms asthma, flights are most often prohibited, as they can cause complications of the condition. In other cases, having a doctor’s certificate and an extract from your card, it’s easy to bring an inhaler into the salon. A supply of medicine for the inhaler can be checked into the luggage compartment. It must be remembered that medications for asthmatics are not sold abroad without a prescription.

Question: is it possible to carry potassium permanganate on an airplane?

Answer: It is strictly prohibited to carry manganese in luggage or hand luggage. This substance is explosive in contact with flammable substances. In addition, it is used for the manufacture of some narcotic drugs.

Every traveler, when preparing to travel, makes a list of medications that may be needed during the trip. These include first aid products, medicines for emergencies, and drugs to relieve the manifestations of chronic diseases. Some tourists vitally need to take potent medical supplies. That's why an important condition To ensure that there are no problems with customs services during control at the airport of departure and arrival, it is necessary to check in advance the lists of drugs prohibited for export and import into the Russian Federation and the country of destination, as well as airline rules for transporting medicines; they may differ. And if necessary medications is on such lists, you need to know under what conditions and according to what documents medications are transported on an airplane, in what form they can be taken with you both in your luggage and in your hand luggage.

What medications should you take on a trip?

When going even on a short trip of a couple of days, a prudent person will always take with him a small first aid kit containing medications to eliminate sudden and unforeseen ailments. It’s rare that anyone is guided by the principle: “I don’t take it, if I need it, I’ll buy it.” And a patient suffering from chronic or serious incurable diseases has with him necessary medications always and everywhere, because he needs to take them several times a day, often strictly on time.

  • cold and antipyretic drugs;
  • painkillers, including headache medications;
  • medications for sudden stomach upset and digestion (enterosorbents are a must);
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • antiseptics.

Hypertensive patients should not forget about a tonometer and blood pressure medications, diabetics should not forget about insulin tablets or injections, etc.

For those who fly by plane on vacation or a business trip, collecting medicines in travel first aid kit, you need to first find out which medications and in what quantities can be transported on an airplane.

Many airlines, in addition to existing standards and rules, introduce their own restrictions on the transportation of medicines. Before your trip, you need to go to the official website of the carrier airline and look at the baggage rules to see which medications can be taken on the plane and which are prohibited for transportation.

Important! When planning a trip, you need to carefully study the list of medications that are prohibited for transportation by plane or require special permitting documents.

When checking your first aid kit for the presence of drugs that contain substances prohibited for import/export, special attention need to be given the following types medicines:

  • heart;
  • painkillers;
  • antibiotics;
  • diuretic;
  • sedative;
  • antitussive;
  • sleeping pills

Requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and restrictions on the import/export of medicines

The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation has compiled, and the Government of the Russian Federation has approved, lists of potent, psychotropic and narcotic substances subject to control in the territory Russian Federation.

The following requirements apply to drugs exported outside the Russian Federation: if the number of packages does not exceed 5 pieces, and the drugs are not included in the list of potent, psychotropic or narcotic drugs subject to mandatory declaration, Russian customs will not make any claims.

If, when leaving the country, a passenger needs to carry a potent drug with a doctor’s prescription, this drug is subject to mandatory declaration and the traveler is required to undergo customs control along the red corridor.

The passenger must have a medical certificate from the attending physician containing the following information:

  • names of all potent drugs;
  • exact dosage and frequency of administration;
  • start and end dates of treatment.

It would also be a good idea to have with you cash receipts, as well as the prescription for which the medicine was purchased (if it did not have to be given to the pharmacist upon purchase for the pharmacy to report on the sale of potent drugs).

The same requirements apply to potent medicines purchased outside the Russian Federation and imported into Russia for personal use. In this case, the presentation of documents confirming the legal purchase of medicines is mandatory. Customs control also goes through the red corridor and a customs declaration is filled out.

There are no restrictions in the legislation of the Russian Federation on the transportation of medicines necessary for personal use within the country on an airplane in Russia. Experts advise, just in case, when taking prescription medications, to take with you an extract from your medical history signed by your attending physician, but, as a rule, you are not required to present it at airport control.

Important! It should be remembered that the ban applies not only to medications from the list of prohibited substances of the Federal Customs Service, but also to medications that are not included in it, but contain substances specified in the FCS lists.

A classic example, which also appears on the FCS website, was the case of a tourist from Russia who tried to bring into the country ordinary weight loss tea purchased at a Chinese pharmacy. During the customs inspection, it turned out that the tea contained a potent substance from the list of prohibited substances - sibutramine. Fortunately, the case ended with administrative liability and a fine for the woman.

Additional information. Complete lists(No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4) substances that cannot be transported to the Russian Federation can be found on the website of the Central Customs Administration

Features of customs rules in other countries

Each country has its own customs rules for the transport of drugs, potent medications and substances. Therefore, before you put medications in your travel first aid kit, you need to check whether you can take a particular drug with you on board the plane.

Important! It should be remembered that not all medicines freely sold in Russian pharmacies without a prescription can be imported into the territory of another state.

Only one rule remains the same - the ban applies everywhere to narcotic and psychotropic drugs and substances, such as:

  • codeine and codeine-containing drugs;
  • phenobarbital and medications that contain it;
  • chlorphenamine and its derivative – chlorphenamine maleate;
  • ephedrine and pseudoephedrine;
  • diazepam;
  • metamizole sodium;
  • melatonin and medications containing it;
  • nimesulide, etc.

Pay attention! Codeine and cough medicines containing it are prohibited from being imported into the countries of the European Union, the United States United Arab Emirates, as well as Canada and Australia.

Even in the countries of the European Union, in addition to general rules, internal ones also apply. Thus, medications containing nimesulide cannot be imported into Germany. Thus, the antipyretic and analgesic drug “Nise”, popular in Russia, cannot be taken with you to Germany.

Important! Included domestic drugs Corvalol and Valocardine contain phenobarbital, which is prohibited in almost all countries, so you should not take it with you on a trip.

Additional information. Harmless domestic analgin is prohibited for import into the European Union, the USA and some Asian countries, because main active substance It contains metamizole sodium.

Separately, it is worth mentioning customs checks when crossing the Australian border. Before the trip, you will need to not only remove from your first aid kit all medications that appear on the list of prohibited imports into the country, but also obtain prescriptions from your doctor for absolutely all medications, including activated carbon.

Important! It must be remembered that the lists of prohibited substances are constantly updated, more and more new substances are added there.

Before traveling to a particular country, you should carefully check your entire first aid kit and, if possible, replace drugs that could cause trouble at customs with analogues.

If a medicine containing potent substances is vital for a passenger, then you must have the following documents with you and have them translated into English: English language:

  • current prescription;
  • recommendations of the attending physician, certified by his signature and personal seal, indicating the name of the drug, daily dosage and duration of treatment;
  • documents confirming the purchase of the drug legally (a cash receipt is sufficient).

Important! Experts recommend that translations of all of the above documents into English be certified by a notary. This requirement was mandatory until recent years in many countries. Now it does not apply everywhere, but in this case it is better to be safe.

Pay attention! For the sick diabetes mellitus If you need insulin injections, you can obtain a special document - a medical passport for a diabetic patient.

Also important requirements of customs services for medicines that can be taken on an airplane are:

  • Expired medications are prohibited from being transported;
  • medications can only be transported in the manufacturer’s original packaging (do not overfill tablets, do not overfill liquids);
  • You are allowed to take with you the amount of medicine that is necessary for the duration of your stay in the country.

Carrying medicines on an airplane

All possible restrictions on the transportation of medicines must be clarified in advance so as not to get into an unpleasant situation at the airport.

Hand luggage

Medicines and devices in hand luggage on an airplane are also carried in accordance with the rules and regulations. You need to find out in advance on the website of the airports of departure and arrival whether certain medications can be carried in hand luggage and in what quantity. It is usually recommended to take with you into the cabin only the amount and those medications that you will need during your trip.

Important! You should know that medications are liquid form can be transported in volumes exceeding 100 ml, if this is the manufacturer’s packaging of the drug, and such a volume of the drug is needed for medical reasons.

Medicines can be carried into the cabin if they are pre-packed in a transparent zip-lock bag, like other liquids in hand luggage.

Additional information. As for medical devices, such as blood pressure monitors and thermometers, you are allowed to bring them into the cabin, but the thermometer must be electronic and not mercury.

Also transportation is vital necessary medications provides for separation: some of them are checked in as luggage, and the minimum required amount can be taken in hand luggage.


All medications and medical devices permitted by customs regulations can be checked into luggage. But some airlines have a rule according to which all medications must be taken into the cabin. Therefore, you need to check in advance with the airline representative which medications can be taken into the cabin and which ones can be carried in luggage. Most often, liquid and gel-like medicines in packages exceeding 100 ml are checked into baggage; these are ointments, antiseptic gels, etc.

There is always a first aid kit on board any airliner. If you feel sick during a flight, you can always contact flight attendants who are specially trained to provide emergency medical care.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that you need to take a responsible approach to packing a travel first aid kit before a flight and find out whether a particular medicine can be transported, as well as how to transport medicines on the plane.


Every tourist, going on any trip, must have a very necessary thing– a travel first aid kit. She should always be with you, even if you plan to relax in an expensive hotel, where medical care for free. There are often situations when medications become necessary while going on vacation, and it becomes very annoying when they are not available. right moment at hand. Carrying medicines on an airplane must comply with certain rules.

Medicines may be prohibited. You can keep a simple first aid kit with common medications and not even suspect that any of the medications may be prohibited for import when flying to another country. You also need to know some nuances when flying to other countries so that no problems arise at the stage of customs control in your home country when transporting medicines in hand luggage.

Customs restrictions on the export and import of medicines. Each country has its own restrictions on the import and export of medicines. There are many freely available medicines that are prohibited in other countries. If, in addition to the usual antipyretic and painkillers, you have specific medications in your first aid kit, then it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules for transporting them to a particular country when planning your trip.

Read the rules for transporting potent drugs. There are many drugs that are subject to increased customs control measures. These include: medical opium, morphine, sedatives, anticonvulsants, hypnotics and other specific drugs. For such medications when flying, you should have confirmation from your attending physician (prescription, and sometimes you should provide an extract from your medical history). You shouldn’t just add these medications to your travel first aid kit.

Medicines only in production packaging. All medications, whether checked in or left in hand luggage, must be in packaging from the manufacturer along with instructions.

Attention to liquid medications. Liquid medicinal products fall under general rules transportation of liquids in hand luggage - you are allowed to carry no more than 100 ml of non-hazardous medications (liquids, aerosols, gels) in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper. In the event that an aircraft passenger must carry more than 100 ml during a flight liquid medicines, you must present when passing control:

  • prescription from a doctor;
  • an extract from your medical history;
  • receipt from the pharmacy where the product was purchased;
  • a document from your doctor, which contains the diagnosis according to which this drug is prescribed to you, its dosage and duration of administration. The certificate is endorsed by your doctor and the head physician and certified by the seal of the medical institution.

Narcotic and psychotropic drugs are prohibited. The carriage of narcotic and psychotropic drugs on the plane is prohibited. If it is vitally necessary to have them with you during a flight, the passenger must present a prescription from a doctor, a certified extract from the medical history, and in some cases, a receipt confirming its legal purchase must be presented. Sometimes you need to provide a certified translation of these documents in English.

What is allowed in hand luggage when flying?. During the flight, you can have a thermometer in your hand luggage, electronic blood pressure monitor, 100 ml 3% hydrogen peroxide, needles for subcutaneous injections(if medical confirmation is available).

Collect a travel first aid kit from full responsibility . The choice of medications in the first aid kit should be done carefully and responsibly. Don't take anything extra. If you need to carry a certain medicine with you, make sure you have medical confirmation for it.

List of medications that you can and should take with you when traveling:

  • Soft dressing: cotton wool, bandage, gauze;
  • The adhesive plaster is waterproof;
  • Remedies for motion sickness;
  • If you have diabetes, asthma or another chronic disease, be sure to take the medicine prescribed by your doctor, a prescription and a receipt for the drug;
  • For diarrhea, choleretic;
  • Drops for eyes and ears;
  • Medicines for the cardiovascular system;
  • Analgesics;
  • Contraceptives (condoms);
  • Disposable syringes;
  • Insect repellents;
  • Products that protect from the sun.

All listed drugs must be in the original packaging, and a receipt for all goods is required. But, no more than five packages of one drug.

Each country has its own extended list of prohibited drugs. When planning a vacation, read this list in advance. Below we post general list medicines that can neither be imported nor exported from the country.

List of medications prohibited for transportation across borders.

These medications must not be transported under any circumstances:

  • Allylprodine.
  • Alfameprodine propionoxypiperidine.
  • Alphamethadol.
  • Alfaprodine.
  • Alphacetylmethadol.
  • Alfentanil (alfentanil).
  • p-Aminopropyrphenone (PAPP) and its optical isomers.
  • Anileridine (anileridine).
  • Acetylhydrocodeine.
  • Acetylmethadol.
  • Alpha methylthiofentanyl.
  • Alpha-methylfentanyl.
  • Acetyl-alphamethylfentanyl.
  • Acetorphine.
  • Acetylated opium.
  • Acetylcodeine.
  • Bezitramide.
  • Benzetidine.
  • Benzylmorphine.
  • Betameprodine propionoxypiperidine.
  • Betamethadol.
  • Betaprodine.
  • Betacetylmethadol.
  • Buprenorphine (norphine, bupranal).
  • Beta-hydroxy-3-methylfentanyl.
  • Beta-hydroxyfentanyl.
  • Hashish (anasha, cannabis resin).
  • Heroin.
  • Hydrocodone dihydrocodeinone.
  • Hydroxypetidine.
  • Hydromorphinol.
  • Hydromorphone dihydromorphinone.
  • Desomorphine dihydrodeoxymorphine.
  • Dihydroetorphine.
  • Dextromoramide.
  • Dextropropoxyphene (ibuproxiron, proxivon, spasmoproxivon).
  • Diampromide.
  • Diacetylmorphine.
  • Dihydrocodeine.
  • Dihydromorphine.
  • Dimenoxadol.
  • Dimepheptanol.
  • Dimethylthiambutene.
  • Dioxafetyl butyrate.
  • Dipipanon.
  • Diphenoxylate.
  • Difenoxin.
  • Diethylthiambutene.
  • Drotebanol.
  • Isomethadone.
  • Capsules containing 30 mg codeine and 10 mg phenyltoloxamine.
  • Ketobemidon.
  • Clonitazene.
  • Codeine.
  • Codeine-N-oxide.
  • Kodoxim.
  • Cocaine.
  • Coca leaf.
  • 3-Monoacetylmorphine.
  • 6-Monoacetylmorphine.
  • Cocaine bush.
  • Poppy straw extract.
  • Levomoramide.
  • Levorphanol (Lemoran).
  • Levophenacylmorphan.
  • Poppy straw any parts.
  • Cannabis (marijuana).
  • Cannabis oil (hashish oil, cannabis extract).
  • Methadone (d-Methadone, L-Methadone, fenadone, dolophine).
  • Methadone, intermediate product.
  • Metazocin.
  • Methyldesorphin.
  • Methyldihydromorphine.
  • Metopon.
  • Mirofin.
  • Milky juice of various types.
  • Moramide, intermediate.
  • Morpheridine.
  • Morphilong.
  • Morphine.
  • Morphine-N-oxide.
  • Morphine methyl bromide (morphine methobromide and other morphine methylates).
  • MPPP (MFPP).
  • 3-methylthiofentanyl.
  • 3-methylfentanyl.
  • Nikodikodin.
  • Nicocodin.
  • Nicomorphine.
  • Noracimethadol.
  • Norcodeine.
  • Norlevorphanol.
  • Normethadone.
  • Normorphine dimethylmorphine or N-dimethylated morphine.
  • Norpipanon.
  • Oxycodone (tecodin).
  • Oxymorphone.
  • Omnopon.
  • Opium (including medical).
  • Opium poppy.
  • Oripavin.
  • Para-fluorofentanyl (para-fluorofentanyl).
  • Pentazocine.
  • PEPAP.
  • Pethidine.
  • Pethidine, intermediate A.
  • Pethidine, intermediate B.
  • Pethidine, intermediate C.
  • Piminodine.
  • Piritramide (dipidolor).
  • Proheptazine.
  • Propanidid.
  • Properidine isopropyl ether.
  • Propiram.
  • Prosidol.
  • Plant of the genus Cannabis (hemp).
  • Racemethorphan.
  • Racemoramide.
  • Racemorphan.
  • Reazek.
  • Remifentanil.
  • Sufentanil.
  • Tilidine suppositories in different dosages.
  • Thiofentanil.
  • Alnagon tablets.
  • Tablets of codeine camphosulfonate 025 g, potassium sulfaguaiacol 0.100 g, thick grindelia extract 0.017 g.
  • Codeine tablets 0.03 g + paracetamol 0.500 g.
  • Codeine phosphate tablets 015 g + sugar 0.25 g.
  • Codeine tablets 01 g, 0.015 g + sugar 0.25 g.
  • Codeine tablets 0.015 g + sodium bicarbonate.
  • “Codterpin” tablets (codeine 0.015 g + sodium bicarbonate 0.25 g + terlin hydrate 0.25 g).
  • Cough tablets: thermopsis herbs powder - 0.01 g (0.02 g), codeine - 0.02 g (0.01 g), sodium bicarbonate - 0.2 g, licorice root powder - 0.2 g .
  • Thebaine.
  • Tilidin.
  • Trimeperidine (Promedol).
  • Phenadoxone.
  • Phenazocine.
  • Fenampromide.
  • Phenomorphan.
  • Phenoperidine.
  • Fentanyl.
  • Folkodin.
  • Furetidine.
  • Ecgonine.
  • Ethylmethylthiambutene.
  • Ethylmorphine.
  • Ethoxyridine.
  • Etonitazene.
  • Etorphine.
  • Allobarbital.
  • Alprazolam.
  • Aminorex.
  • Aprofen (Taren).
  • Amineptine.
  • Amobarbital (barbamyl).
  • Amfepramone (diethylpropion).
  • Amphetamine (phenamine) and combination drugs containing phenamine (amphetamine).
  • Barbital.
  • Benzphetamine.
  • Bromazepam.
  • Brotizolam.
  • Butalbital 164.
  • Butobarbital.
  • Vinylbital.
  • Galazepam.
  • Haloxazolam.
  • Glutethimide (Noxiron).
  • Sodium hydroxybutyrate and other salts of hydroxybutyric acid.
  • Dexamphetamine.
  • Dextromethorphan.
  • Delorazepam.
  • Diazepam.
  • DET (Diethyltryptamine).
  • DMA (Dimethoxyamphetamine).
  • DMHP (Dimethylheptylpyran).
  • DMT (Dimethyltryptamine).
  • DOET.
  • Cacti containing mescaline.
  • Khat (plant and its parts).
  • Zolpidem.
  • Kamazepam.
  • Katin.
  • Ketazolam.
  • Ketamine.
  • Cathinone.
  • Clobazam.
  • Cloxazolam.
  • Clorazepate.
  • Clotiazepam.
  • Clonidine (clonidine).
  • Homemade preparations from khat.
  • Homemade preparations from peyote.
  • Homemade preparations from psilocybe.
  • Homemade preparations from the herb ephedra.
  • Homemade preparations from pseudoephedrine or from preparations containing pseudoephedrine.
  • Homemade preparations from phenylpropanolamine or from preparations containing phenylpropanolamine (norephedrine).
  • Homemade preparations from ephedrine or from preparations containing ephedrine.
  • Levamphetamine.
  • Levomethamphetamine.
  • Lefetamine.
  • Levomethorphan.
  • d-Lysergide (LSD, LSD-25).
  • Loprazolam.
  • Lorazepam 2.
  • Lormetazepam.
  • Mazindol.
  • MBDB.
  • Medazepam.
  • Mesocarb (Sidnocarb).
  • Meclocqualone.
  • Meprobamate.
  • Methamphetamine (methamphetamine racemate, pervitin).
  • Methylphenidate (Ritalin).
  • Methylphenobarbital.
  • Methylprilo methyl.
  • MDMA.
  • Mescaline.
  • Methaqualone.
  • Ephedron.
  • Mefenorex.
  • Midazolam.
  • 4-methylaminorex.
  • MMDA.
  • 2С-В.
  • 4-MTA.
  • Nimetazepam.
  • Nitrazepam.
  • Nordazepam.
  • Oxazepam.
  • Oxazolam.
  • Parahexyl.
  • Pemoline.
  • Sodium etaminal (sombrevin, pentobarbital).
  • Peyote.
  • Pinazepam.
  • Pipradrol.
  • Pyrovalerone.
  • Prazepam.
  • Pseudoephedrine.
  • Psilocin.
  • Psilocybin.
  • Rolicyclidine.
  • STP (HOUSE).
  • Secbutabarbital.
  • Secobarbital.
  • Barbamil tablets 0.15 + brominated 15 g.
  • MDA (tenamphetamine).
  • Tenocyclidine (TCP).
  • Temazepam.
  • Tetrazepam.
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol.
  • Ephedra herb.
  • Halcion (triazolam).
  • Phenazepam.
  • Phenatine.
  • Fenfluramine.
  • Phendimetrazine.
  • Phenethylline.
  • Phenylpropanolamine (norephedrine).
  • Phencamfamin.
  • Phenmetrazine.
  • Phenobarbital.
  • Fenproporex.
  • Phentermine alpha.
  • Phencyclidine (PCP).
  • Fludiazepam.
  • Flunitrazepam.
  • Flurazepam.
  • Chlordiazepoxide.
  • Cyclobarbital.
  • Zipeprol alpha.
  • Estazolam.
  • Escodol.
  • Ethyl loflazepate.
  • Ethycyclidine.
  • Etryptamine.
  • Ethylamphetamine.
  • Etinamat.
  • Ethchlorovinol.
  • Ephedrine.
  • 2S-T-7.
  • N-methylephedrone.
  • N-hydroxy-tenamphetamine.
  • N – ethyltenamphetamine.
  • N-dimethylamphetamine.
  • Acetic anhydride.
  • Anthranilic acid.
  • Acetone.
  • N-acetylanthranilic acid.
  • Isosafrole.
  • Red phosphorus.
  • Lysergic acid.
  • 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone.
  • Methyl ethyl ketone.
  • N-Methylephedrine.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Piperonal.
  • Piperidine.
  • Safrole.
  • Sulfuric acid, excluding its salts.
  • Hydrochloric acid, excluding its salts.
  • Toluene.
  • Phenylacetic acid.
  • BMK, phenylacetone, propiophenone.
  • Ergometrine (ergonovine).
  • Ergotamine.
  • Ethyl ether.

Quite a lot of people are interested in the question: how to transport medicines on an airplane? To make your search easier, it should first be noted that each passenger has the opportunity to carry a standardly equipped travel first aid kit without any problems. If you need to take prescription medications on a regular basis, some difficulties may arise. It should be noted that the requirements for transporting medicines by air differ, depending on whether you will cross the border of the country or not.

Features of transporting medicine by plane

Passengers have the right to take solid or liquid medications required quantity. That is, if a vacation is planned for 10 days, and a person takes two tablets of a certain medicine per day, then he can only take 20 tablets with him. To transport more than 5 identical packages of medicines by air, mandatory declaration is required. In this case, the passenger passes through control not along the green, but through the red corridor. Such a batch is considered commercial, and accordingly, duty payment is required.

Drugs that have sleeping pills, narcotic, psychotropic or analgesic components can only be transported with a prescription, the personal signature of the attending physician and the stamp of the health authority. An extract from your personal medical history, certified by a medical institution, can serve as confirmation of the need to take medication. The extract or prescription must accurately indicate the amount of the drug transported, which is controlled by airport staff. When flying outside the Russian Federation, the certificate must be translated into English and certified by a notary.

All, without exception, medicines that are transported must be in the original packaging with the original labeling. If there is no box, attention is paid to the integrity of the plates themselves with capsules or tablets. All drugs that have expired are prohibited from being transported by air.

Talking about Western countries, it is worth noting that patients often receive personalized jars of medicine. In this case, sparks or statements are not needed when flying. Unfortunately, stickers are not yet used in our country, which complicates the transportation procedure.

How to transport medicines on an airplane across Russia?

On at the moment There are currently no restrictions on the transportation of drugs in luggage. That is, every passenger has the right to transport any amount of medicine by air. It is worth noting that the transportation of medicines in hand luggage in the cabin of an airliner exists, especially if we're talking about O liquid preparations. Each passenger has the opportunity to carry no more than one liter of liquid, including medicines, in hand luggage. Containers must have a volume of no more than 100 ml each. If it is absolutely necessary to carry medication in a volume of more than 0.1 liter, you will need a prescription from a doctor or an extract from your medical history with the appropriate notes.

For passengers planning to fly or fly into the territory of the Russian Federation, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list of prohibited medications and substances. Most often, the import and export of painkillers, psychotropic or narcotic drugs is prohibited.

Peculiarities of transportation of medicines by air transport abroad of the Russian Federation

When preparing for a flight, a passenger who plans to take medications with him should familiarize himself with the customs regulations of the country where he is flying. Almost all countries in the world prohibit the import of drugs that have psychotropic or narcotic components. This list may differ significantly from the Russian one. For example, it can be noted that in most countries the import of Valocordin and Corvalol is prohibited, since active substance These medications are phenobarbital. This substance belongs to the category of narcotic substances. In particular, these drugs are prohibited from being imported into the USA, Lithuania, Estonia and the UAE.

Rules for the transportation of liquid medicines

    In hand luggage you are allowed to carry medicines in containers no larger than 100 ml. At the same time, they must be pre-packed in transparent bags, which will facilitate inspection at the airport control.

    Before your belongings are scanned, security must be informed about the transportation of liquid medications.

    In this case, the airport employee must provide an extract from your medical history or a prescription.

What punishment can follow for carrying special medications on an airplane without a prescription?

If you try to smuggle medicinal product containing psychotropic or narcotic ingredients on board an aircraft without a doctor's prescription, you will be asked to:

    throw away the medicine when going through security;

    You may be asked to disembark from your flight;

    The last resort is imprisonment.

It must be emphasized that a standard tourist first aid kit with a set of antipyretics, adsorbents and eye drops is transported by air without any permits. The main thing is that the number of packages of each type of medicine does not exceed 1-2 packages. With such medications, you can safely walk along the green corridor. Prescription drugs must be supported by appropriate documents, and the passenger undergoes a red corridor check. The same verification procedure is also necessary when transporting more than 5 packages of the same drug on board an aircraft.

To avoid any problems with transporting medicines by air, you should take only what you need. It is also worth checking the customs regulations of the country to which you are flying. If necessary, obtain a prescription or an extract from your treatment history from your doctor.