Is it possible to store an electronic cigarette horizontally? Instructions for the electronic cigarette. How to handle e-liquid

Having bought an electronic cigarette, inexperienced vapers just starting to vape do not think about the question: how to store it. But the fact is that this device, like other electronics, must not only be carried in a pocket or bag, but also be sure to buy a special protective case for it.

Key Points

  • Do not carry batteries in your pocket with keys, coins, or other metal objects.
  • Use covers to minimize risk.
  • Battery contacts may cause a short circuit hazard if they come into contact with metal.

Often many people do not pay attention to these facts and put the vaping device in their pocket with coins or keys. This cannot be done, otherwise a short circuit will occur. I recommend either turning off the cigarette, which is not at all difficult to do (with five quick presses of the button), or, if you don’t want to buy a case, still buy at least a container for storing batteries.

About short circuits

Unfortunately, the battery contacts on your e-cigarette can become shorted. This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for Ohm's law and the property of resistance. Ohm's law describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in an electrical circuit. If, at a constant voltage, the resistance decreases, the current will increase.

Well, who cares? The reason is that when the resistance is significantly reduced as a result of a short circuit, the current increases and is converted into heat so much that it can damage the battery, cause serious breakdown or complete destruction of the battery.


Short circuit protection is not difficult. You must understand that an electronic cigarette, just like a smartphone, tablet, player and other electronics, must be carefully stored and transported. Only by following these simple tips can you extend the life of your electronic cigarette and protect yourself and others from problems. Spend a little money on a protective case and you will be sure that everything will be fine with you and your e-cigarette!

Typically contains nicotine in a propylene glycol (PG) liquid base. Sometimes vegetable glycerin (VG) or polyethylene glycol (PEG, with a molecular weight of 200+) is used instead. Flavorings are often added to give a special taste.

How to handle e-liquid

There are approximately 20-25 droplets in one milliliter of liquid. Two drops – about ten puffs. It is two drops that usually drip during dripping.

Users of popular small e-cigarette models can expect approximately 12 drips * 6 puffs/drip = 72 puffs. Theoretically, this is the equivalent of 7 regular cigarettes (in practice, 4-5 maximum). So, to replace one pack of cigarettes, we need 4-5 cartridges. The average e-cigarette user smokes about 2 ml of liquid per day. 20ml bottle – 10 days.


The inscription “16mg juice” on the bottle/package means that this liquid contains 16 mg of nicotine / 1 ml. One regular (with tobacco) cigarette = approximately 1 mg of nicotine that enters the blood. 1 ml with a strength of 16 mg = 16 mg of nicotine (theoretically, this is the equivalent of 16 regular cigarettes)

Only theoretically. In practice, some of the nicotine is not converted into vapor, and some is exhaled without entering the bloodstream, or is otherwise eliminated from the body. The average smoker who switches to e-cigarettes finds that 24 mg of liquid is enough to completely replace regular cigarettes. Many even decide to switch to a weaker one over time.

People who smoke liquid with 0% nicotine content may decide to make it themselves - it is much cheaper. Nicotine is the most expensive component of e-liquid.

Cartridge filler

The cotton wool/filler is needed to hold the liquid in the cartridge and prevent it from leaving the cartridge through the pores and as a result of you shaking/dropping your cigarette. In this case, the fleece should allow the liquid to easily leave the cartridge and fall onto the metal bridge, which supplies it to the heating element (spiral).

The standard polyester filling is folded into a “Z” shape, in thirds. According to the standard, it is flush with the edge of the cartridge; in the picture above, we specifically took it out to photograph it. If we had not taken it out, we would have photographed the cartridge, not the filler.

When the cotton wool loses its original color and begins to look worn out, and the cartridge begins to work worse, you can take it out, rinse it under water, squeeze it out, and insert it back. This can be repeated several times, after which the old cotton wool will have to be thrown out.

As soon as it’s time to change the filler, you can simply. Empty cartridges are available for sale. In models of electronic cigarettes from 2011-2014, cartridges and cartomizers of a new generation are used instead of cotton wool.


The natural enemies of e-liquid are air and light. Make sure you store it in a place where it is not exposed to direct sunlight, preferably in some kind of light-proof container.

We divide the contents of a large liquid bottle into small parts, place them in small containers (for example, 100-200 ml), be sure to fill them completely and close them tightly. Store in a cool place. You open such a container and start using it - again, pour it into smaller containers. The spoiling liquid (oxidizing) will become darker. Even “spoiled” it does not pose a health hazard - but the taste will be worse, and the hit to the throat will be weak.

By using the split/re-split method, we can keep the e-liquid fresh for a year or even two. It is best to use ceramic/glass containers for storing large volumes. Small containers can also be plastic (those that we use constantly).

The same can be said about freezing liquids. Even very complex molecules, such as DNA molecules, can survive a thousand years or more at the temperatures you have in your freezer.

Storage Caution

The liquid deteriorates due to the action of microorganisms and oxidation. To stop oxidation, you need to store the liquid in containers that are free of air. Be sure to close this container tightly. Glass and ceramic containers are better for long-term storage than plastic because they do not allow air to pass through (plastic does, although very little).

Microorganisms. They are the ones who spoil the liquid, even if there is no air access to it. As far as we know, e-liquid (at least PG-based) is inherently a good disinfectant. There is no certainty that the same can be said about the VG base. There is, however, a potential threat of the proliferation of microorganisms - this happens if the air above the liquid contains water vapor (either evaporated from it or already there); water can condense on the inner surface of the container, and microbes will multiply there abundantly. Water has a lower boiling point than VG or PG, so it evaporates in larger quantities. Therefore, you need to make sure that you remove all the air from the liquid container. This will help deal with both problems.


Dripping is when we drop a few drops of liquid directly onto the metal bridge inside the atomizer. It doesn't matter if a drop or two flies by. It is best to carry out dripping using special devices such as a pipette. It's better not to use a syringe - you might accidentally spill too much.

If you have an automatic battery, then you usually only need to drop 2-3 drops onto the bridge. 3-4 – if the battery is manual (and sealed!). Be careful not to flood the atomizer. There is a danger of e-liquid getting inside the automatic battery, which can, in turn, cause the switch that turns the cigarette on/off to stick. If you have a manual and sealed battery, the atomizer can be filled (although this is not recommended). If too much liquid enters the coil, it will take a little longer to warm it up to temperatures sufficient for evaporation. You can use a filled or even completely empty (without filler/wadding) cartridge. It’s best if it’s empty, or even without a mouthpiece.

Many people have learned to refill the cartomizer with liquid. This can be done only a few times - after which the cartomizer begins to produce steam that is not very pleasant to the taste. Some say it's better to fill it from the side where the cap is located (rather than the battery contact) - this cap is quite difficult to remove, especially the first time. You need to fill the cartomizer with liquid slowly to allow it to go deep, and you need to be careful not to overfill. After refilling, the cartomizer should be allowed to “settle” for about an hour, or better yet, an hour and a half. Some argue that cartomizers work better on modified e-cigarette models with a higher voltage.

It has served for many years, care for the electronic cigarette must be careful and regular. Many vapers don’t even think about how to properly store an electronic cigarette, which ultimately leads to unexpected failure. Caring for your electronic cigarette makes it possible to maintain its service life, and even significantly extend it.

Caring for an electronic cigarette involves not just careful operation and maintenance of the external appearance, but also care for the internal filling. After all, any electronics must be maintained with care, the same applies to electronic cigarettes. Let's take a closer look at what proper storage of electronic cigarettes means.

So, if you are thinking about purchasing an electronic cigarette, the most important point for the owner of an electronic cigarette is to know how to maintain an electronic cigarette. Electronic cigarettes are similar to each other, because the main components of the filling are: a battery,

A few words about the battery. You probably know that after purchasing a phone, the battery should be completely discharged and recharged; it is recommended to carry out exactly the same manipulation with an electronic cigarette (keep it on charge for at least 7 hours). It is advisable to keep the battery charged at all times and remove it only if the cigarette is stored for a long time without use.

Clearomizer and atomizer functionally similar to each other: they are a reservoir for storing liquid and its evaporation. Depending on the type of cigarette, one of these tanks is used to choose from. The clearomizer holds more liquid and allows you to control the amount of filler, as it has the shape of a transparent flask. Rinsing the clearomizer is mandatory, otherwise the flavors of the fillers will mix with each other. Cleaning the clearomizer does not require any special skills, so you can wash the clearomizer yourself. It is necessary to clean the clearomizer at least once a month so as not to clog it with residual congealed liquid.

The atomizer serves as an evaporator that distributes the amount of spent liquid, converting it into smoke. You regulate the serviced atomizer yourself, depending on the desired amount of steam, and monitor its condition in the same way. It is important to understand how to flush the atomizer correctly for long-term operation. The battery contact must be blown out and then rinsed with warm water. Next, you should leave the atomizer until the parts are completely dry. Unlike a clearomizer, the atomizer does not need to be washed frequently, but only when there is a burning smell. To effectively remove bitterness, it is recommended to use alcohol wipes or simply wipe the insides with an alcohol solution.

Methods for storing electronic cigarettes.

Caring for your electronic cigarette involves not just regular cleaning, but also storing the device in a safe place. Store your e-cigarette, like any electronic device, preferably in a protective case. The key is contact between the electronics and metal objects, such as keys or coins. There is a risk of a short circuit when carrying a cigarette with similar metal items. We are not intimidating you, but it definitely won’t hurt to pay attention to storing your e-cigarette in a case. In addition to operating the entire device, it is important to know how to store your e-liquid. The filler can be called almost the most important element of a cigarette. To preserve the taste, it is recommended to freeze the liquid. Avoid heating the liquid and keep it away from light and heat. Such simple recommendations will preserve the aroma and other qualities of the filler as much as possible.

Remember that any electronic equipment needs regular and proper care. The service life of your electronic cigarette completely depends on you and your attitude to technology, therefore everything is only in your hands.


Electronic cigarette: how to store it correctly?

No matter what brand your electronic cigarette is, there are common conditions for proper storage.
The main ones:

    • Electronic cigarettes should not be stored in direct sunlight, at temperatures exceeding 60 degrees, or in places where liquids and moisture may enter.
    • Before storing a cigarette, be sure to check whether it is turned off. Otherwise, the battery may be discharged prematurely.
    • E-cigarettes should be stored away from sources that emit electromagnetic fields. Their impact can render the e-cigarette microchip unusable.
    • Never store or carry a cigarette together with metal objects. If they come into contact, a short circuit may occur. In this case, either the battery or the product itself fails.
    • Before servicing the electronic cigarette, make sure the power is turned off (required).
    • Store e-cigarettes and their accessories only in a place safe from use by children.

How to store nicotine for electronic cigarettes? and got the best answer

Reply from
in the lungs

Reply from Michael Faraday[guru]
Do not expose it to light, store at room temperature in an airtight container. Light and air provoke oxidation. I advise you to immediately make a self-mix and remove the nicotine until the next use.

Reply from Maxim Vygnansky[guru]
How to handle e-liquid Due to the nicotine contained in e-liquid, it is poisonous even in small quantities. Try not to let it get on your skin. If this happens, wash it off immediately with soap and water. Keep away from children. There are approximately 20-25 droplets in one milliliter of liquid. Two drops – about ten puffs. These are the two drops that typically drip during drip. Users of popular small e-cigarette models can expect approximately 12 drops * 6 puffs/drop = 72 puffs. Theoretically, this is the equivalent of 7 regular cigarettes (in practice, 4-5 maximum). So, to replace one pack of cigarettes, we need 4-5 cartridges. The average e-cigarette user smokes about 2 ml of liquid per day. 20 ml bottle – 10 days.Strength The inscription “16mg juice” on the bottle/package means that this liquid contains 16 mg of nicotine / 1 ml. One regular (with tobacco) cigarette = approximately 1 mg of nicotine that enters the blood. 1 ml with a strength of 16 mg = 16 mg of nicotine (theoretically, this is the same as 16 regular cigarettes) Only theoretically. In practice, some of the nicotine is not converted into vapor, and some is exhaled without entering the bloodstream, or is otherwise eliminated from the body. The average smoker who switches to e-cigarettes finds that 24 mg of liquid is enough to completely replace regular cigarettes. Many even decide to switch to a weaker one over time. People who smoke e-liquid with 0% nicotine content may decide to make it themselves - it is much cheaper. Nicotine is the most expensive component of e-liquid. Cartridge Filler The cotton wool/filler is needed to hold the liquid in the cartridge and prevent it from leaving the cartridge through the pores and as a result of you shaking/dropping your cigarette. In this case, the fleece should allow the liquid to easily leave the cartridge and fall onto the metal bridge, which supplies it to the heating element (spiral). Cartridge filler (fleece) The standard polyester filler is folded in the shape of the letter “Z”, in three. According to the standard, it is flush with the edge of the cartridge; in the picture above, we specifically took it out to photograph it. If we had not taken it out, we would have photographed the cartridge, not the filler. When the cotton wool loses its original color and begins to look worn out, and the cartridge begins to work worse, then you can take it out, rinse it under water, squeeze it out, and insert it back. This can be repeated several times, after which you will still have to throw out the old cotton wool. Once it’s time to change the filler, you can simply buy a new cartridge. Empty cartridges are available for sale. In models of electronic cigarettes from 2011-2014, cartridges and cartomizers of a new generation are used instead of cotton wool. Storage The natural enemies of liquid for electronic cigarettes are air and light. Make sure you store it in a place where it is not exposed to direct sunlight, preferably in some kind of light-proof container. Divide the contents of a large liquid bottle into small parts, place them in small containers (for example, 100- 200 ml), be sure to fill them completely and close them tightly. Store in a cool place. You open such a container and start using it - again, pour it into smaller containers. The spoiling liquid (oxidizing) will become darker. Even if it's "spoiled" it doesn't pose a health hazard - but it will taste worse and have a weaker throat hit. Using the split/re-split method, we can keep e-liquid fresh for a year or even two. It is best to use ceramic/glass containers for storing large volumes.