Geography of the Far East. Natural conditions and resources of the Russian Far East

This video tutorial will help users get an idea of ​​the topic “Far East. Economy." In this lesson you will get acquainted with the administrative staff, population, geographical location and the main features of the nature of the Far East. You will also look at its economy, discussing the main industries of this region.

Development of the Far East and Eastern Siberia -

Far East and Siberia. State company? What to do? -

Video materials

Near Far East. Film by Sergei Minaev

1. Name the sectors of specialization of the economy of the Far East. Which industry plays a leading role and why?

2. Using the materials of the lesson, a paragraph of the textbook, and an atlas map, characterize and compare the specialization of the economy of the Northern and Amur-Primorsky subdistricts of the Far East. Fill out the table:

3. What are the main problems and prospects for the development of the economy of the Far East? Development of the Far East and Eastern Siberia -

Amur, Kamchatka, Magadan, Sakhalin regions, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka and Koryak Autonomous Okrugs, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Economic-geographical location

The Far East is the extreme eastern part of Russia, facing the shores of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. Here Russia has maritime borders with the USA and Japan. In addition to the mainland territory, the Far Eastern economic region includes the islands: Novosibirsk, Wrangel, Sakhalin, Kuril and Komandorsky. The southern mainland adjacent to the Sea of ​​Japan is called Primorye. Economically, the region is less developed than other parts of Russia due to its distance from the central and most populated areas. Long distances complicate development economic ties with the Center and increase the cost of products upon delivery. The construction of the BAM improved the situation somewhat.

The Far East has favorable opportunities for developing economic ties with the countries of the Pacific Rim. Primorsky Krai and the Sakhalin region have been declared a “free enterprise zone”.

Natural conditions and resources

The central part of Yakutia is occupied by a plain, turning into a vast strip of lowlands along the coast of the seas of the Arctic Ocean. The remaining territory of the Far East is predominantly mountainous, with mountains of medium height predominating (ridges: Stanovoy, Chersky, Verkhoyansky). Together with the depressions of the marginal seas, the relief of the eastern part of the area is included in the system of young folded formations. This is the only area of ​​active volcanism in Russia and is distinguished by high seismicity. On the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands there are more than 20 active volcanoes. Klyuchevskaya Sopka - highest point Far East (4760 m) and one of the greatest active volcanoes.

The largest rivers are the Lena and Amur with their tributaries, the Kolyma, Indigirka, and Yana. The Amur and its tributaries have rich water resources.

The northern parts of the territory of the vast Far Eastern region (7.3 million km 2) are located in the Arctic zone, and in the southern coastal part, in Kamchatka and Sakhalin (where the influence of the Pacific Ocean is noticeable) there is a temperate monsoon climate.

The climate in most of the territory is sharply continental and harsh. Winter is characterized by windless, clear, frosty weather (Siberian anticyclone). Summer is hot and dry, but short. In Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon (Yakutia) the lowest air temperature in the northern hemisphere was observed (-72 degrees).

The Far East is rich in forests. Most of the forest grows in the mountains, so logging is difficult. There are many in the taiga fur-bearing animal- This is one of the riches of the region. Along the middle reaches of the Amur there are forest-steppes with fertile meadow soils.

The Far East is very rich in mineral resources. Deposits of coal (Lena, South Yakutia basins), oil (Sakhalin), gas (Yakutia), iron ore (Aldan basin), non-ferrous and rare metal ores, gold, diamonds (Mirny, Yakutia) have been discovered.


Population - 9.2 million people; average density 1.3 people 1 km 2; minimum - in Koryak and Chukotka autonomous okrugs x - 0.1-0.2. The area was settled slowly, which was explained by its remoteness, lack of roads, and harsh natural conditions. The Far East still experiences a shortage of labor resources. The southern regions of Primorye and the territory along railways. The northern part of the region is especially sparsely populated. The urban population is growing rapidly. The district is one of the most “urban” in Russia—the share of city residents is 76%. Rural residents are dispersed in patches, mostly along river valleys. The population of the Far East is multinational. The majority are Russians.

There are about one and a half dozen indigenous peoples of the North in this area. They belong to the northern branch of the Mongoloid race. Chukchi, Koryaks, Itelmens, Eskimos, Aleuts are peoples who speak languages ​​of the Palaeasian group. In the Amur basin and on Sakhalin Island live the peoples of the Tungus-Manchu language group (Nanai, Ulchi, Nivkh, Udege). In Yakutia - the indigenous population - the Yakuts (belong to the peoples of the Turkic linguistic group); Other peoples also live there - Evenks, Evens, Yukaghirs. From time immemorial, all the indigenous peoples who inhabited the Far East were mainly engaged in hunting, fishing, and in the north, in the tundra, reindeer herding.

Occupies the easternmost part of Russia, including the Novosibirsk, Kuril, and Sakhalin islands - area - 6.2 million km2.

The Far East includes 2 territories (Primorsky and Khabarovsk), 4 regions (Amur, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Magadan), 1 autonomous region (Jewish), 2 autonomous districts (Chukchi and Koryak).

EGP is unique. Distance from main economic regions countries, communication with them is difficult due to poor transport availability. But it has wide access to the seas of the Arctic and Pacific oceans, sea ​​border with the USA and Japan, land - with China and Korea, that is, a favorable foreign trade position, being a connecting link between Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

Natural conditions harsh. The terrain is predominantly mountainous. Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands are an area of ​​earthquakes and volcanism. The climate is harsh, sharply continental. The cold pole of the northern hemisphere is located in Yakutia. Almost the entire territory is located in the permafrost region. In the southern part the climate is milder - monsoon, but with typhoons, floods and tsunamis. Zones - from tundra to subtropical taiga in the south.

The population is multinational, small, with an average density of just over 1 person/km2, concentrated in the favorable southern part along the Trans-Siberian Railway. The urbanization level is 76%, one of the highest in Russia.

Large cities: Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yakutsk.

Resources are varied.

Branches of specialization:

Mining. The region has more than 70 types of minerals, including 90% of Russia's tungsten, 80% of tin, 98% of diamonds, 70% of gold, as well as iron and polymetallic ores. Sakhalin has rich oil and gas deposits. Higher quality coal is mined from the South Yakutsk and Lena basins.
Non-ferrous metallurgy is developed in Primorye and Khabarovsk Territory. Tin, lead, and zinc smelting plants are located in Dalnegorsk and Khrustalninsk.
The timber and pulp and paper industries are concentrated in the south of the region; there are rich forest resources, including valuable broad-leaved species (Blagoveshchensk, Lesozavodsk, Khabarovsk).
Fishing industry. The Far Eastern seas account for more than 60% of the countries' fish and seafood products ( salmon fish, crabs, shrimp, squid, etc.).Centers: Sakhalin, Primorye, Kamchatka.
A large South Yakutsk TPK is being created (ore, apatite, coal, timber, non-ferrous metallurgy, energy). Currently, only the most valuable products - non-ferrous metals and seafood - come to the European part from the Far East, the rest is exported to Japan and other countries.

The Far East includes several administrative units of the Russian Federation. Territory by natural resources They are divided into southern and northern, but there are some differences. Thus, minerals are mined in the south, and in the north there are deposits of the most unique resources not only in the country, but also in the world.


The territory of the Far East is rich in diamonds, tin, boron and gold. These are the main valuable resources of the region, which are mined here and are part of the national wealth. There are also deposits of fluorspar, tungsten, antimony and mercury, and some ores, such as titanium. Coal is mined in the South Yakutsk basin, as well as in some other areas.

Forest resources

A fairly large area of ​​the Far Eastern region is covered with forests, and wood here is a most valuable commodity. Coniferous species grow in the south, and they are considered the most valuable species. Larch forests grow in the north. The Ussuri taiga is rich in Amur velvet, manchurian nut, valuable breeds not only nationally, but also worldwide.

Due to the wealth of forest resources in the Far East, there were at least 30 wood processing enterprises, but now the forest industry in the region has declined significantly. There is a significant problem of unauthorized deforestation here. Quite a lot of valuable wood is sold both within the state and abroad.

Water resources

The Far East is washed by the following seas:

  • Okhotsk;
  • Laptev;
  • Beringov;
  • Japanese;
  • Siberian;
  • Chukotsky.

Also the edge is washed Pacific Ocean. The continental part has waterways such as the Amur and Lena rivers flowing through this territory. There are also many small lakes of various origins.

Biological resources

The Far East is a world of amazing nature. Schisandra and ginseng, weigela and lactifloral peony, lure and aconite grow here. The territory is inhabited by Far Eastern leopards, polar bears, musk deer, Amur goral, mandarin ducks, Siberian cranes, Far Eastern storks and fish eagle owls.

The natural resources of the Far Eastern region are rich in various resources. Everything is valuable here: from mineral resources to trees, animals and the ocean. That is why nature here needs to be protected from anthropogenic activities and rational use of all benefits.

The Far East occupies the extreme position of the northeast of Eurasia and the east of Russia, washed by the waters of two oceans: the Arctic and the Pacific. Due to its vast territory, the natural areas of the Far East are distinguished by the diversity and uniqueness of landscapes, flora and fauna.

Features of the nature of the Far East

The unique nature of the Far East is due to its location and the direct influence of the surrounding oceans and seas. The coastal location of the Far Eastern region is associated with the peculiarities of the marine climate in the north and the monsoon climate in the south, which were the result of the interaction between the land of North Asia and the Pacific Ocean.

As a result of its large extent from north to south, the natural zones of the Russian Far East are distinguished by great diversity. The mountainous terrain alternates with endless meadow plains. This region experiences active seismicity and volcanism. The following zones are presented here:

  • arctic deserts;
  • tundra and forest-tundra;
  • taiga;
  • broad-leaved forests.

Natural complexes of the Far East

In the Far East, the largest area is occupied by coniferous forests, and the smallest area is occupied by Arctic deserts.

  • Arctic deserts

To this harsh natural area includes two islands: Gerald and Wrangel. They are characterized by mountainous terrain, with poor landscapes, in some places covered with patches of mosses and lichens. Even at the height of summer, the air temperature here does not rise above 5-10C. Winters are very harsh, with little snow.

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  • Tundra

The tundra zone extends south from the coast of the Arctic Ocean. Most of it is reserved for mountainous landscape. The climate of the tundra is damp and cold, as a result of which the vegetation of this region is not very diverse: not all plants are able to survive on wet, frozen soils with low content humus. Poor evaporation of moisture caused the formation of swampy areas.

  • Taiga

The taiga or coniferous forest zone is the most extensive in the Far East and features a wide variety of landscapes. Thanks to the climate in the taiga, which is milder than the tundra zone, coniferous trees. Due to the peculiarities of their structure, they are able to withstand cold winters without loss. Pine, larch, fir, spruce are typical representatives of the taiga.

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The fauna of the taiga is very diverse. Moose, bears, foxes, wolves, and squirrels live here.

  • Mixed and broad-leaved forests

This zone is located in the lower altitudinal mountain belt of the southern part of the Far East. It is characterized by a temperate monsoon climate with warm wet summer And cold winter. It is distinguished by a wide variety of flora and fauna.

A characteristic feature of the Far Eastern nature in the zone of mixed and deciduous forests is the phenomenon of gigantism among animals and plants. So, trees about 40 meters high are not uncommon here, grass in human height, water lilies with a diameter of more than a meter. Rich in giants fauna. The Ussuri tiger, the Amur snake, the Ussuri relict longhorned beetle, the Maaka swallowtail butterfly, the Kamchatka crab, and the Far Eastern oyster are real giants among their relatives.

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