Is it possible to cure schizophrenia forever with folk remedies? Treatment of schizophrenia at home. Carrots - a cheap natural treatment for schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complex, incurable disease that causes severe mental disorder, accompanied by hallucinations, delusions, and the development of irreversible personality changes. Treatment of the disorder, or more precisely, accompaniment of the carrier of mental pathology, is carried out only by a psychiatrist. The essence of therapy for this type of disease is to stop the complete disintegration of personality and prolong the period of remission. If qualified assistance is provided and all recommendations are followed, the patient can lead a full life with the exception of some restrictions that would be useful for mentally healthy people.

The main treatment for the disorder is medication. The choice of a specific drug, its dosage and course are determined by the attending physician. Therapy is supplemented with methods of psychotherapy, physical therapy and other non-medicinal means. In some cases, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, treatment is supplemented with folk remedies. Feedback from patients using the additional capabilities of alternative medicine instills confidence in people who have lost hope of a normal life.

Treatment of schizophrenia at home should in no case cancel the prescriptions of the attending physician. It should organically complement therapy. Therefore, any attempts to use traditional methods must be approved by a doctor. Traditional medicine over its centuries-old history has “accumulated” a significant arsenal of methods for treating mental disorders, including schizophrenia. The disease has been known since the time when there was no mention of scientific medicine. In those distant times, schizophrenia was fought with the help of herbs, aromatherapy, and massage. Each folk remedy was aimed at eliminating symptoms.

Herbal treatment

The most popular folk remedies were the use of tinctures, teas and herbal decoctions. Infusions for schizophrenia:

  • Rye tea. It softens the symptoms of the disorder, saturates it with B vitamins. To prepare the decoction, take 250 ml of boiling water, in which 1 tbsp is brewed. grains of rye. You should take this tea in the morning before breakfast.
  • Coriander decoction. Softens the manifestations of hysteria. To prepare it, take 250 ml of boiling water, in which 2 tbsp are brewed. vegetable raw materials. The drug is infused for 15 minutes and drunk. It is recommended to take either in the morning or at the time of symptom manifestation. Coriander can replace woodruff.
  • Infusion of zyuznik. Relieves panic fear. The infusion is prepared from 1 cup of boiling water and 1 tbsp. herbs. Infuse the medicine for half an hour. You need to drink the folk medicine for 30 days, ½ glass in the morning and evening.
  • Valerian root infusion. Relieves causeless anxiety. To prepare it, take 100 g of vodka, 1 tbsp. l. valerian root (crushed). The root is poured with vodka and infused for a week. You need to take 5 drops before bed, every day for 3 months.

Herbal treatment varies in duration. Reviews from relatives of patients indicate the benefits of using decoctions and tinctures, but the effect does not occur earlier than after a month of herbal treatment. In addition to the herbs listed, it is possible to use infusions prepared from thyme, mint, and lemon balm for medicinal purposes. The use of oregano, thyme, and hops as a filler for an aromatic pillow will provide a good, restful sleep and help reduce aggressiveness.


The Tibetan method is considered an ancient method of treating schizophrenia. The main secret is to prepare massage oil. It will require:

  • Clay vessel.
  • Vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn).

Oil is poured into the vessel and sealed tightly. The container is buried in the soil for one year. A year later, the vessel is removed and the oil is used to treat a patient with schizophrenia. To do this, apply oil to the head, shoulders, neck, upper back and rub in slowly for 30 minutes. Be sure to remain completely calm at this moment. The procedure is carried out every other day for 1 month. The massage course is repeated after a 30-day break.

The oil cannot be washed off immediately after the procedure or in the next 24 hours. Reviews about this method are contradictory. There are cases when the expected effect did not occur. At the same time, there is not a single case in which an exacerbation of symptoms occurred.


Regular sports activities improve general condition, strengthen physical health, reduce anxiety attacks, and eliminate spasms. Running, swimming, special exercises (breathing exercises, stretching) help reduce muscle spasms. Relaxation exercises, which after several sessions with a trainer can be performed independently, are considered no less effective. In this case, patient reviews are supplemented by the opinion of specialists who prescribe visits to exercise therapy rooms as therapy for the disorder.

Water treatments

Dousing with water and contrast showers in the morning are considered an effective method of reducing the symptoms of schizophrenia. A cold shower is used to douse with water. The procedure is not pleasant, so you should start with water at room temperature, gradually lowering its temperature.

You can prepare for these procedures with the help of rubdowns; they are not so unpleasant. At the end of the procedure, you need to rub the body well. Pouring cold water can help relieve muscle spasms, anxiety, and other motor symptoms of the disorder. The effect will be noticeable after two weeks of daily procedures.

Hello, in this article you will learn about the treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies. Treatment does not greatly affect the course of schizophrenia, since it is a hereditary, genetic disease, but the patient’s condition may improve slightly.

For depression, herbs that act as psychostimulants that improve brain function are indicated. These include Eleutherococcus. Take pharmacy tincture of eleutherococcus 2 times a day, 15-20 drops in the morning and afternoon (before 17:00). As an addition and assistance to the main treatment of schizophrenia, Eleutherococcus tincture can be taken without interruption, for a long time. In addition to it, you can similarly use tinctures of ginseng and lemongrass. It will be very good to alternate them. Chinese medicine has long recommended these plants to improve mental health.

In addition, henbane, datura, and belladonna affect a person’s psycho-emotional state. They are also used in homeopathy. Their tinctures are used in herbal medicine. But since they are poisonous, a herbalist must prepare medicinal products from them.

For schizophrenia, in parallel with herbs that have a calming effect and improve brain function, it is recommended to use plants that improve liver function. The bottom line is that they help eliminate intoxication (it is necessarily present in schizophrenia), cleanse the body and enhance the effect of other medications. The functioning of the liver is improved by bitter herbs that have a bitter taste: gentian, wormwood, cocklebur, calamus, yarrow, trefoil, barberry, centaury. Buy wormwood tincture at the pharmacy and take 10 drops 2 times a day before meals.

To get a daily dose of medicine from yarrow and immortelle, pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon. raw materials, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Centaury is very bitter, so 1 tsp. will be enough. In addition to bitter plants, milk thistle, which is a hepatoprotector, has a beneficial effect on the liver.

In the West, in the treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies, the following plants are recommended that improve nerve conduction: Baikal skullcap (for people of average build), sage (for overweight people), and chamomile (for thin people). It is better to use them in the form of tinctures, since a small amount of alcohol contained in this case has a beneficial effect on the brain.
Indicated for depression, schizophrenia: valerian, blue cyanosis, hop cones.

  • Pour a glass of boiling water over tsp. finely chopped blue cyanosis, leave for 30 minutes, strain. You need to drink the infusion throughout the day in sips.
  • Valerian is used as a tincture, infusion or decoction. You can also snort the root powder wrapped in a cloth.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water over tbsp. hop cones, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink the entire infusion at night for a more restful sleep. Soothing herbal remedies are best taken at night. Especially if the patient complains of poor sleep.
  • Sedative plants are useful: oregano, lemon balm, mint. They are brewed like this: per glass of water - 1 tbsp. raw materials. Drink a glass in the morning and evening.

You have read the information

Schizophrenia is a complex, incurable disease that causes severe mental disorder, accompanied by hallucinations, delusions, and the development of irreversible personality changes. Treatment of the disorder, or more precisely, accompaniment of the carrier of mental pathology, is carried out only by a psychiatrist. The essence of therapy for this type of disease is to stop the complete disintegration of personality and prolong the period of remission. If qualified assistance is provided and all recommendations are followed, the patient can lead a full life with the exception of some restrictions that would be useful for mentally healthy people.

The main treatment for the disorder is medication. The choice of a specific drug, its dosage and course are determined by the attending physician. Therapy is supplemented with methods of psychotherapy, physical therapy and other non-medicinal means. In some cases, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, treatment is supplemented with folk remedies. Feedback from patients using the additional capabilities of alternative medicine instills confidence in people who have lost hope of a normal life.

Treatment of schizophrenia at home should in no case cancel the prescriptions of the attending physician. It should organically complement therapy. Therefore, any attempts to use traditional methods must be approved by a doctor. Traditional medicine over its centuries-old history has “accumulated” a significant arsenal of methods for treating mental disorders, including schizophrenia. The disease has been known since the time when there was no mention of scientific medicine. In those distant times, schizophrenia was fought with the help of herbs, aromatherapy, and massage. Each folk remedy was aimed at eliminating symptoms.

Herbal treatment

The most popular folk remedies were the use of tinctures, teas and herbal decoctions. Infusions for schizophrenia:

  • Rye tea. It softens the symptoms of the disorder, saturates it with B vitamins. To prepare the decoction, take 250 ml of boiling water, in which 1 tbsp is brewed. grains of rye. You should take this tea in the morning before breakfast.
  • Coriander decoction. Softens the manifestations of hysteria. To prepare it, take 250 ml of boiling water, in which 2 tbsp are brewed. vegetable raw materials. The drug is infused for 15 minutes and drunk. It is recommended to take either in the morning or at the time of symptom manifestation. Coriander can replace woodruff.
  • Infusion of zyuznik. Relieves panic fear. The infusion is prepared from 1 cup of boiling water and 1 tbsp. herbs. Infuse the medicine for half an hour. You need to drink the folk medicine for 30 days, ½ glass in the morning and evening.
  • Valerian root infusion. Relieves causeless anxiety. To prepare it, take 100 g of vodka, 1 tbsp. l. valerian root (crushed). The root is poured with vodka and infused for a week. You need to take 5 drops before bed, every day for 3 months.

Herbal treatment varies in duration. Reviews from relatives of patients indicate the benefits of using decoctions and tinctures, but the effect does not occur earlier than after a month of herbal treatment. In addition to the herbs listed, it is possible to use infusions prepared from thyme, mint, and lemon balm for medicinal purposes. The use of oregano, thyme, and hops as a filler for an aromatic pillow will provide a good, restful sleep and help reduce aggressiveness.


The Tibetan method is considered an ancient method of treating schizophrenia. The main secret is to prepare massage oil. It will require:

  • Clay vessel.
  • Vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn).

Oil is poured into the vessel and sealed tightly. The container is buried in the soil for one year. A year later, the vessel is removed and the oil is used to treat a patient with schizophrenia. To do this, apply oil to the head, shoulders, neck, upper back and rub in slowly for 30 minutes. Be sure to remain completely calm at this moment. The procedure is carried out every other day for 1 month. The massage course is repeated after a 30-day break.

The oil cannot be washed off immediately after the procedure or in the next 24 hours. Reviews about this method are contradictory. There are cases when the expected effect did not occur. At the same time, there is not a single case in which an exacerbation of symptoms occurred.


Regular sports activities improve general condition, strengthen physical health, reduce anxiety attacks, and eliminate spasms. Running, swimming, special exercises (breathing exercises, stretching) help reduce muscle spasms. Relaxation exercises, which after several sessions with a trainer can be performed independently, are considered no less effective. In this case, patient reviews are supplemented by the opinion of specialists who prescribe visits to exercise therapy rooms as therapy for the disorder.

Water treatments

Dousing with water and contrast showers in the morning are considered an effective method of reducing the symptoms of schizophrenia. A cold shower is used to douse with water. The procedure is not pleasant, so you should start with water at room temperature, gradually lowering its temperature.

You can prepare for these procedures with the help of rubdowns; they are not so unpleasant. At the end of the procedure, you need to rub the body well. Pouring cold water can help relieve muscle spasms, anxiety, and other motor symptoms of the disorder. The effect will be noticeable after two weeks of daily procedures.

Any mental disorder is an extremely serious disease that is difficult to treat. Be prepared for the fact that schizophrenia is incurable. But especially severe symptoms of the disease can be brought under control with the help of medications and certain herbal substances.

Characteristic signs are hallucinations, speech disorders, social isolation and a number of others.

Obvious symptoms of the disease begin to appear at age 19 in both men and women. Among the common causes, doctors name genetic predisposition, drug overdose, alcoholism, and severe stress during embryonic development.

Please note that one doctor does not have the right to make such a serious diagnosis to a patient. An affirmative opinion from several specialists is required.

Patients with schizophrenia need medical supervision and prescribed medications. Don't think that you can get by with herbal remedies alone. The herbs and seasonings listed below can be considered solely as an additional method of combating the disease.

I never cease to be amazed at the wide range of beneficial properties of turmeric. Treats inflammation in appendicitis, prevents the occurrence of cataracts and protects the liver. Now it turns out that it can also provide support for schizophrenia.

The spice is designed to protect the nerve cells of the brain from the destructive effects of chemicals and free radicals. When consumed regularly (add a pinch of turmeric to various meat and fish dishes, as well as soups and sauces), it improves the mental health of patients.


The leaves of this plant improve blood circulation in the brain (help in the treatment of cluster headaches), and also promote the rapid absorption of medications prescribed for patients with schizophrenia.

However, uncontrolled use of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract can lead to loose stools and increased headaches. Therefore, it is better to take this herb under the supervision of a doctor.

Milk thistle

This plant has a good healing effect not so much on the psyche as on the liver.

Most strong antidepressants and other chemical medications that doctors traditionally prescribe to schizophrenics have a whole bunch of side effects. One of them is premature wear and destruction of the liver. Milk thistle protects this important organ from damage due to its high concentration of antioxidants.

Flax seeds

Research in recent years has shown the effectiveness of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of schizophrenia. To saturate the patient’s body with polyunsaturated acids, you can put him on a fish diet, introduce fish oil (in capsules) or flax seeds into the diet.

Flaxseeds, as well as products made from them, contain concentrated nutrients that reduce symptoms.


Unfortunately, there are no valid medical indications for the use of this plant to treat schizophrenia. Although in the practice of Ayurveda, ashwagandha root (alternative names: Indian ginseng, winter cherry, physalis solarifolia) is traditionally used to combat various mental disorders.

The root extract can be taken for insomnia, increased anxiety, during psycho-emotional overload and trauma, as well as loss of strength and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Indian ginseng is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, as it can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

Alternative and mostly harmless herbal treatments for schizophrenia provide good results in some cases. But while the relevant scientific research is under development, it is better to use these herbs in small doses, albeit daily.

Schizophrenia can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • activity, both physical and mental, is weakened, a fall into apathy and depression is possible;
  • thinking is impaired, inconsistent reasoning, confused speech;
  • strange beliefs and ideas appear, a feeling of influence on thoughts;
  • the person becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative;
  • there is a clouding of the personality - aggressive behavior towards close people;
  • various hallucinations appear, attention and perception are impaired;
  • a person becomes inadequate in emotions, feels emotional devastation;
  • movement disturbances appear - gait, facial expressions, etc.

Treatment of schizophrenia with traditional medicine methods should be carried out along with traditional medicine, which should never be forgotten. There are some recommendations for people with schizophrenia.

For example, it is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air, in nature, in warm weather, if possible, walk barefoot. You shouldn’t spend a lot of time under the hot sun, and don’t forget about your hat. In winter, it is advisable to use a contrast shower - alternating cold and hot water. It is better to choose a towel made of linen and dry it in the fresh air. You should also try to exclude synthetic fabrics from clothing, and give preference to fabrics made from cotton and linen.

There are also recommendations regarding nutrition. It is necessary to eliminate alcoholic drinks, and if possible, avoid drinking coffee and strong tea. You can replace them with herbal tea. For example, mix thyme, oregano and currant leaves in equal proportions, then 1 tsp. Brew this mixture with hot boiled water (1 tbsp.) and leave for 5-7 minutes. These herbs are drunk in courses of one and a half to two years, both together and alternating them separately.

Try to wear a blessed cross on your body. It is necessary to ventilate the room in which you sleep, and it is better to sleep with an open window or vent at any time of the year. It is necessary to reduce the time spent in front of the TV and computer. You should not listen to “heavy” music and read literature on esotericism and magic.

Try to create a schedule for each day and stick to it. For example, getting up at 8 am, then doing morning exercise, and possibly doing housework. Before going to bed, be sure to take a shower and go to bed no later than 10 p.m. As a rule, the regime becomes a habit within 1.5 - 3 months. Then you can add to your usual routine visits to shops, sports clubs, etc. Gradually you need to expand the types of activities. During this time, sort out stressful and offensive situations and try to do what you love.

Treatment with folk remedies

Taking into account your parameters, such as height, weight, blood pressure, stomach acidity, tolerance, etc., try to choose herbal preparations.

If you have a feeling of tremors in your hands, then this recipe may help. Take 3 tbsp. l. finely chopped oregano herb and pour boiling water (3 tbsp.), pour into a thermos and leave to brew overnight. Divide the infusion throughout the day and drink in 4 doses. The course consists of drinking the infusion for a month, then taking a break for the next month until your condition improves.

If you periodically suffer from a feeling of fear, then an infusion of zyuznik herb is recommended. To make it, you need 1 tbsp. l. Brew finely chopped herbs with boiled water (1 tbsp.) and let it brew for half an hour, then strain. You need to drink ½ glass in the morning and evening. Drink for a month, then take a break for about two to three months. In winter, it is advisable to add St. John's wort in the proportion of 1 part St. John's wort to 3 parts sage grass.

For insomnia, try the following infusions.

  • 100 g of dry powder of the herb marshweed and 50 g of valerian root.
  • In equal proportions dry, finely chopped herbs of lemon balm, thyme and sage.
  • A mixture of 100 g of dried finely chopped hop cones, 100 g of valerian root and 50 g of sweet clover herb.

1 tbsp. l. Brew any of the above mixtures with hot boiled water (1 tbsp.). Leave to infuse for 30 minutes and strain. Drink in the evening, an hour before bedtime.

It is advisable to drink the collections alternately, since collections 1 and 2 are slightly weaker than 3. The course should be carried out throughout the year. You drink for two weeks, then take a week off.

To strengthen the nervous system? There are several methods. For example, a mixture of 100 g of dry finely chopped blackberry leaves and 100 g of hop cones; finely chopped dried centaury grass or meadowsweet grass. For infusion you need 2 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water (2 tbsp) into a thermos of any of these mixtures. Leave overnight, the next day separate the liquid and drink ½ cup of the infusion. It is better to consume on an empty stomach, that is, 30 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after, 4 times a day. The course is quite long; it must be followed for six months to 2 years. If possible, herbs should be alternated.

Treatment of schizophrenia with traditional medicine may include wearing a special amulet. It is made from a piece of peony root. The plant has a pleasant strong odor with a calming property, so it greatly improves the condition of schizophrenia. Wormwood also has a calming effect, and strawberries give strength.

Schizophrenia is often accompanied by attacks of aggression; nature can also help get rid of them. An infusion of blooming mignonette has a good effect. To do this, pour 100 g of mignonette into ½ liter of unrefined vegetable oil. Infuse for two weeks in a dark place, maintaining heat, shaking occasionally. Next, you need to strain and rub morning and evening into the temple area.

During strawberry season, it is recommended to eat more fresh berries. You can also include juniper in your diet; if you do not suffer from acute kidney inflammation, then 5 berries 3 times a day. Try to take baths from branches, leaves and willow bark. The use of herbs will greatly improve the patient's health.

Sometimes patients with schizophrenia experience attacks of hysteria and suffocation. An infusion of viburnum bark can help with this: 1 tbsp. l. Finely chopped bark should be poured with boiling water (1 tbsp.) and let sit for half an hour. Then separate the liquid and drink the infusion 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach before breakfast, lunch and dinner, until your health improves.