Snoring in men - causes and treatment. Possible causative factors for the development of the disease

If in women snoring is most often a marker of diseases resulting from hormonal disorders, then in most men the causes of snoring are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, congenital and acquired craniofacial deformities and ENT diseases.

Among them are:

  • Nasal breathing disorder due to curvature of the nasal septum, polyps and scars in the nose and larynx, hypertrophy of the uvula and tonsils.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases throat and nose: tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • Natural aging of the body. After 45-50 years, the elasticity of the soft tissues of the pharynx begins to decrease. They stick together, narrow the airway and lead to respiratory arrest.
  • Taking sleeping pills and antidepressants. These drugs not only calm the nervous system, but also relax the muscles, including the walls of the larynx, which inevitably leads to snoring.
  • Excess weight, excess fat deposits in the neck, chin, as well as a “beer belly”. Even with the first degree of obesity, the possibility of snoring in men increases by about 8-10 times. In the second and third degrees, snoring almost always turns into chronic stage and is often complicated by apnea. 80% of men with fourth degree obesity have severe obstructive apnea syndrome.
  • Alcohol addiction. In men who abuse strong drinks, muscle tone also decreases, which leads, among other things, to sagging palatal tissues. What is especially bad is that under the influence of alcohol, the brain of a sleeping person is not able to respond to holding his breath, and the sleeping person may suffocate from lack of oxygen.
  • Smoking. This bad habit is one of the main causes of snoring in men today. Inhalation of nicotine vapors contained in tobacco and heavy metals leads to obstruction of the airways, provokes swelling of the laryngeal tissues, impairs air flow and causes breathing problems.

Why is male snoring dangerous?

Male snoring is classified into three degrees of severity:

  • Easy. As a result of overwork, overeating at night or an uncomfortable position during sleep, almost all people snore. This kind of snoring does not torment us, and to get rid of it, it is enough to remove the factor that caused it.
  • Medium-heavy. Ronchopathy occurs in a person as a result of any disease and is regular. Restless sleep accompanied by periodic awakenings. In the morning, a person does not feel well-rested and wakes up with a heaviness in the body and a headache.
  • Severe (chronic). Loud nightly snoring, uncontrollable awakenings, drowsiness and headaches become constant companions of a person. It is very difficult for him to control himself and he may fall asleep while driving, while working, or eating.

Mild snoring in men is due to easily removable causes; moderate snoring requires medical intervention, and severe ones pose a serious threat to health. U strong half In humanity, it occurs twice as often as in women.

Men with chronic ronchopathy have an increased risk of cardiovascular and nervous system diseases: myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, arterial hypertension, they more often suffer from heartburn, shortness of breath, problems with potency, hormonal imbalance and obesity. But the worst thing is that chronic snoring is almost always accompanied by a phenomenon such as OSA (Obstructive Sleep Syndrome). sleep apnea).

Apnea is a breathing disorder in which pulmonary ventilation stops for more than 10 seconds and oxygen starvation occurs. In the most severe cases, it can last up to 2 minutes and occupy up to 60% of the total sleep duration. In addition to the fact that men with sleep apnea suffer from diseases associated with snoring three times more often than those whose snoring is not accompanied by OSA, prolonged lack of oxygen during sleep can result fatal.

Treatment of snoring

Sleep disorders, including identifying the causes of snoring in men and its treatment, are dealt with by a somnologist. First of all, he diagnoses the patient’s sleep, analyzes the symptoms associated with snoring, and determines how dangerous it is to health (is it aggravated by obstructive apnea syndrome or not). In most cases, the first thing that needs to be treated is not the snoring itself, but the disease that caused it; in addition, the methods of treating ronchopathy depend on the degree of its severity. Key activities, effective problem solvers snoring and OSA are:

  • complete or partial withdrawal from sedatives and hypnotics;
  • quitting smoking and taking alcoholic drinks;
  • getting rid of excess weight, beer belly and fat deposits in the neck and chin;
  • use of oral applicators;
  • CPAP therapy - creating a sleeping excess positive pressure in the airways, preventing them from sticking together;
  • surgical intervention at the level of the pharynx.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment for snoring provides positive results, mainly when it manifests itself as a result of all kinds of ENT diseases: sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, nasal polyposis and the like. Contrary to the assurances of some unscrupulous pharmacists, there are no effective tablets and aerosols that can relieve rhonchopathy and apnea caused by other reasons. The vast majority of anti-snoring drugs on the market are dietary supplements, the effectiveness of which has not been confirmed by anything. Herbal Ingredients their composition is only intended to alleviate the symptoms and consequences accompanying sleep-disordered breathing, such as:

  • accumulation of mucus in the nose and throat;
  • dry mouth and nose;
  • hoarseness of voice.

Unfortunately, approximately a third of people suffering from sleep-disordered breathing are prone to allergic rhinitis, and dietary supplements for snoring very often cause allergies, and the rationality of their use is questioned by most doctors.

Treatment of snoring with special applicators

Unlike drug therapy snoring, healing effect oral applicators have been proven and are used all over the world as one of the alternatives to the basic therapy of ronchopathy and OSA. Their positive effect is noted for mild to severe snoring, especially in situations where it is not accompanied by other symptoms, mild and moderate forms of apnea, and in patients with malocclusion.

There are many varieties of this kind of applicator, but they are all divided into two types: devices that support the tongue and repositioning devices that push the tongue forward. lower jaw. Recently, oral applicators made from soft thermoplastic using dental impressions of the patient have become widespread.

Tongue applicators are secured in oral cavity on the tip of the tongue using a special suction cup. This device widens the air passages and at the same time prevents the tongue from falling back when inhaling. Devices for repositioning the lower jaw are placed in the oral cavity and secured to the teeth. With their help, the jaw moves forward and is fixed. Thanks to this, the lumen of the airways increases.

There are also special bandages that support the lower jaw and thereby prevent snoring.

Treatment of snoring using CPAP therapy

CPAP therapy - artificial ventilation of the lungs with constant positive pressure was proposed in 1981 by professor from Australia Collin Sullivan. Today it is considered one of the most effective ways treatment of snoring and obstructive apnea, without any side effects.

A CPAP machine is a small compressor that supplies air to respiratory tract through a nasal mask connected to it by a flexible tube. In this case, air is supplied continuously, with the same intensity and under a certain pressure. This allows you to artificially enlarge the airways during sleep and prevent sagging of the larynx. With its help, the main danger of apnea is eliminated - oxygen starvation, as well as unconscious short-term awakenings associated with it.

In mild to moderate cases, CPAP therapy lasts several months up to five times a week, and in severe (chronic) cases it can be prescribed for life. The CPAP machine is selected individually each time, after a polysomnographic examination of the patient. Thus, it is possible to completely relieve the patient from apnea and snoring at any stage, as well as from their harmful consequences and improve the patient’s quality of life.

Laser surgery

Laser surgical operations, as a way to eliminate snoring, are used as a last resort for those who refuse artificial ventilation lungs using CPAP therapy, and who did not benefit from treatment with an otolaryngologist. In this case, the work of doctors is aimed at abnormal areas of the upper respiratory tract that complicate the breathing process. It could be:

  • complete or partial removal of the hypertrophied uvula;
  • partial removal of sagging palatal tissues;
  • excision of the palatal arches;
  • reduction of tonsils;
  • elimination of deformations of the nasal septum, and the like.

According to the official recommendations of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), laser surgery on the upper respiratory tract does not lead to complete relief from snoring and apnea and should be used only as a last resort. In addition, surgical intervention in the pharynx area sometimes has to be repeated, and after it complications cannot be ruled out:

  • nasal speech;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • getting pieces of food into the respiratory tract;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • relapse of apnea.

People who consider night “trills” to be an ordinary phenomenon that does not in any way affect the health of the stronger half of humanity are greatly mistaken. Male snoring is a medical disease that causes serious trouble not only for the snorer, but also for those around him and requires mandatory treatment.

Snoring is pretty current problem, which brings many unpleasant moments both to the person suffering from snoring and to his household. Anyone who is very tired can snore, but men are still more susceptible to this phenomenon. Experts explain this by the breathing pattern of men, who often exhibit abdominal breathing. The causes and treatment of snoring in men differ, so in each specific case, therapy is determined individually.


The causes of heavy snoring in men are identical to the causes of snoring in women. Every person can occasionally snore after drinking alcoholic beverages, some medicines and at severe fatigue. Snoring can also be triggered by sleeping on your back, nasal congestion or allergies. If snoring occurs occasionally and under the influence of these factors, then there is nothing to worry about. Changing your body position or taking certain anti-snoring medications will help eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon.

But snoring in men can also be caused by pathological reasons, which include:

  • Features of the structure of the nasopharynx - curvature of the nasal septum, narrow nasal passages, abnormalities in the structure of the nasal bones and post-traumatic scars.
  • The cause of snoring during sleep in older people is weakness of the muscles of the tongue and larynx.
  • Various growths in the nose - polyps, cysts and other neoplasms.
  • Overweight.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Chronic pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Enlarged tonsils.
  • Broken bite.

Snoring in boys and men is often accompanied by a short-term cessation of breathing. This occurs because the relaxed soft tissues completely block the larynx, and when you snore, it is only partially closed. Apnea can last about a minute, after which the brain gives the command to the muscles of the larynx to tense and breathing resumes. Such short-term pauses in breathing can occur throughout the night.

Constant awakenings do not allow the brain to fully rest at night, which is why snoring men are absent-minded and drowsy at night. daytime. In addition, snoring and apnea lead to deterioration of attention and memory, a man becomes hot-tempered and irritable.

It is necessary to combat severe snoring in men, since sexual dysfunction is also observed in this condition. At night, during sleep, active production occurs male hormones, and if a person sleeps poorly, then hormonal background appears to be violated.

Snorers often get into accidents and get work injuries. This is explained by their drowsiness and absent-mindedness.

Is it possible to cure snoring?

It is quite possible to cure snoring; both conservative and surgical methods. First, you should eliminate all factors that can cause snoring:

  1. It is necessary to refuse bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco products lead to weakening of the muscles of the larynx and, as a result, to snoring.
  2. If there is overweight, it needs to be normalized, for this they follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle.
  3. Avoid sleeping on your back. Some people sew a pocket on the back of a T-shirt and put a small ball there; when you turn over onto your back, it puts pressure and the person takes a different position.
  4. If there are chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, it is necessary to treat the root cause. Usually, once breathing normalizes, snoring also disappears.
  5. It is necessary to give up antidepressants and sleeping pills.
  6. You need to reconsider your daily routine and be as tired as possible.

Help reduce or eliminate snoring special exercises for the muscles of the tongue and larynx. They need to be done several times a day until snoring is completely eliminated.

If snoring is caused by a deviated nasal septum or other abnormalities in the structure of the nasopharynx, surgical intervention may be necessary. During surgery, part may be removed soft fabric, which blocks the throat in sleep.

In some cases, the cause of snoring lies in inhaling too dry air. To eliminate the problem in the bedroom, it is enough to install a household humidifier.

How to solve the problem

  • It is necessary to choose the optimal sleeping position; doctors recommend that snorers sleep on their sides.
  • Rest should be complete. You should sleep about 8 hours a day.
  • The pillow should be low. The head and vertebrae should be in the same plane.
  • It is necessary to humidify the air in the room. Inhaling dry air leads to dry mucous membranes and snoring.
  • It is necessary to lead healthy image life, move a lot.
  • You should have dinner no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

It has been proven that people with endocrinological diseases snore more often. Therefore, if you experience regular snoring, you should visit an endocrinologist and undergo a full examination.

To get rid of snoring, you need to constantly train the muscles of the tongue and palate.

How to cure snoring in men

It is necessary to begin treating severe snoring in men by normalizing body weight. Sometimes it is excess weight that provokes snoring in your sleep. Fat deposits in the neck can lead not only to snoring, but also to apnea, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for human life.

There are a number traditional methods treatments that allow short time get rid of snoring. These methods include:

  • Surgical intervention.
  • Correction of soft tissues of the palate with laser.
  • Medicines – sprays, nasal drops and tablets.
  • Devices that are placed in the nose or mouth.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

You can recover from advanced snoring, which is accompanied by cessation of breathing, with the help of CPAP therapy. This method is based on the fact that using special device A constant pressure is maintained in the man's nasopharynx. If you regularly use such a device, you can forget about snoring forever.

If snoring does not always occur and it is not too severe, then you can use medications. Sleepex and Asonor sprays help a lot; they increase muscle tone. These medications should be taken shortly before going to bed.

Snorstop tablets are considered an effective remedy. But it is worth considering that the effect of such treatment is observed only while taking the drug; as soon as a person stops taking the pills, he begins to snore again.

Treating snoring at home is often complemented by vasoconstrictor drugs. Such medications are necessary if snoring is caused by a stuffy nose. Before going to bed, you can drip your nose with Nazol, Naphthyzin or Otipax. But it must be remembered that such drugs can be used for no more than 5 days. If treatment is delayed, the runny nose and snoring will only get worse.

Snoring treatment should begin after a complete examination. To make a correct diagnosis, an examination by an otolaryngologist, therapist, cardiologist, somnologist and neurologist is necessary.

Oral applicators

Nowadays you can see advertisements for various oral applicators that help get rid of snoring. Such devices are fixed on the teeth, giving the jaws optimal position, in which the throat clearance will be normal. These applicators are put on immediately before bed and removed immediately after waking up.

For mild snoring, such devices can help reduce it or completely cure it. If snoring is regular and severe, then such a mouth guard will not give any effect; in this case, medical or surgical treatment is necessary.

It is worth considering that oral applicators that are made individually, based on an impression taken from the jaws, are considered effective. The mass-produced applicators that fill the markets rarely help. Their only advantage is their relatively low price.

An effective method of treating snoring is considered to be special gymnastics aimed at strengthening the muscles of the tongue and larynx:

  1. A jaw movement is performed ten times, which imitates biting an apple.
  2. The jaws are clenched and unclenched 20 times.
  3. They pull out their tongue and try to reach their chin.
  4. Strongly straining the tongue, press it onto the palate, while keeping the mouth closed.
  5. They try to move the base of the tongue towards the throat, while keeping the mouth closed.
  6. You should press the pencil tightly with your lips for several minutes.
  7. They hold the lower jaw with their hand and try to move it in this position. When performing the exercise, the jaw must be strongly strained.

Perform such exercises 2-3 times a day. Each is repeated up to 20 times. You can supplement the gymnastics with bends and turns of the head. Such exercises activate blood circulation and increase muscle tone.

If you regularly perform gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the palate and tongue, then within a few days you will notice that snoring has decreased.

Folk recipes

You can treat snoring at home with proven recipes traditional medicine.

  • A small onion is peeled, finely chopped and fried until golden brown in olive oil. At the end, add finely grated carrots. You need to eat this side dish every day, an hour before lunch.
  • Traditional healers recommend that snorers instill 2 drops of vegetable oil into each nasal passage at night. You can use olive oil or sea ​​buckthorn oil. The product softens the mucous membrane and eliminates swelling of the nasopharynx.
  • Oak bark is brewed at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of water. The resulting broth is infused and filtered. Use as a gargle just before bedtime.
  • It is recommended to drink milk with honey two hours before going to bed. Per glass full fat milk take a teaspoon of high-quality honey. If the milk is low-fat, then add a little butter.
  • A collection of herbs from mint, chamomile and linden is brewed and inhaled with steam for 20 minutes. The steam softens the throat, eliminates dry mucous membranes and swelling.
  • It is useful for snorers to take baths with the addition of essential oils of pine trees before bed. After your bath you need to drink hot milk and go to bed.
  • Prepare a decoction of berries black elderberry, burdock roots and cinquefoil grass. Take a teaspoon per glass of water medicinal herbs OK. Drink 2 tablespoons of the prepared broth before each meal.

If you are not allergic to bee products, you can chew a piece of propolis once a day. This procedure is especially useful if there are chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.

Prevent night snoring A composition prepared from a tablespoon of fatty butter and the same amount of honey will help. Before going to bed, you need to slowly dissolve a teaspoon of the mixture.

Snoring causes a lot of inconvenience to both the snorer himself and his household. Sometimes it is not possible to sleep normally even in a separate room, since powerful snoring can be heard throughout the entire house. To treat snoring, medications and traditional medicine recipes are used. The doctor may recommend special exercises, and in particularly severe cases, surgical treatment.

“If the wife went to sleep in the next room, then the man snores moderately; if the neighbors have moved out, the snoring is too strong”! These are jokes from doctors, but statistics are not joking, almost 10% of those surveyed married couples Snoring in men is considered a serious problem. Many people ignore the treatment of snoring, considering it “fun and harmless,” but in vain, it needs to be treated in order to prevent the development of serious problems.

Snoring is a precursor to OSA (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome). According to statistics, almost 5% of adults suffer from apnea, 20% of men over the age of 30 are regular snorers, and every 5 of them are in potential danger.

The cause of male snoring is abdominal breathing, but it is not the only one. The search for truth can take a long time, all this is strictly individual.

As an option, doctors consider the following groups of reasons:

  • Anatomical reasons.
  • Wrong lifestyle.
  • Acquired, chronic diseases.
  • Taking some medicines(hypnotics, substances that promote drying of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx).

All these reasons will be discussed below in more detail in order to understand the nature of snoring in men and how you can effectively combat it.

  • It's all anatomy's fault

Congenital anomalies of the nasopharynx become a serious obstacle to the normal breathing process. These include:

  1. Curvature of the nasal bone and nasal septum.
  2. Big tongue.
  3. Narrowness of the nasal passages.
  4. Scar formations in the upper respiratory tract.
  5. Elongation of the uvula.

In addition, these same pathologies can become acquired due to injuries or after unsuccessful surgery.

  • Concomitant diseases

One of the reasons for snoring may be the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

Often “heroic snoring” occurs after serious complications, for chronic diseases. These include the following:

  1. Tonsillitis, sore throat, asthma.
  2. Allergic rhinitis.
  3. Polyps and adenoids.
  4. Runny nose, pharyngitis.
  5. Obesity and inflamed tonsils.

The treatment is obvious, you need to fight all the signs and consequences of the disease, then breathing will return to normal.

  • Live healthy

Neglect of basic rules healthy life entails pathologies internal organs, decrease physical strength and mental abilities.

Points to adhere to:

  1. Night sleep – from 7 hours without interruptions.
  2. The day is not oversaturated with events or excitement.
  3. Uniformity of physical and mental stress.
  4. Avoid stressful situations whenever possible.

If the cause is smoking, treating snoring should begin with quitting cigarettes. Excessive alcohol consumption also weakens muscles greatly. soft palate, it blocks the airways. The main causes of sudden snoring during sleep are alcohol and drugs, which is especially scary if a man sleeps on his back. Treatment in this case consists of giving up all bad habits.

Main danger

In a dream, a snoring man suffers from a lack of oxygen, as a result of which he feels morning fatigue, irritability and “weakness.” In addition, the following pathological conditions develop:

  • Brain dysfunction due to oxygen starvation(chronic headaches, forgetfulness, stroke).
  • High load on the heart and vascular system.
  • Disturbance in the functioning of organs and tissues.
  • Development of asphyxia (suffocation) during sleep.

Perhaps OSA is one of the most important dangers of snoring; symptoms of apnea can be recognized by the following signs: snoring suddenly stops, breathing stops, the man tries to instinctively breathe, but he can’t do it, since the tissues of the pharynx in a relaxed state completely block the airways.

Apnea is a pathology, the main symptom of which is severe snoring and short-term cessation of breathing during sleep.

A distinctive feature of the difference between apnea and regular snoring is that with the latter, the airways are only partially blocked, for about 15-60 seconds. After this, the brain “turns on” and sends a signal to the muscles of the pharynx to tense, a characteristic snore occurs, and the man begins to breathe again.

Stopping breathing can last up to 4 hours (total indicator), and with the development of OSA, the picture of a man’s life becomes bleak. Headaches, decreased memory and performance are added to poor health. Then the risk of defeat is added cardiovascular system and the worst thing: the syndrome sudden death in a dream. This prospect is incomprehensible and frightening for any person, so OSA should be treated from the first episodes of snoring.

What can be done?

Is it possible to do something to get rid of snoring quickly and cure it forever? Is there radical means to cure him completely? First of all, a man should know: it is necessary to treat snoring not only for the sake of his own health, but also so that the people around him also sleep peacefully.

You can fight snoring at home using simple remedies:

  • Sleep correctly. In the “on his side” position, a man will not snore; in order not to roll over onto his back, you can put a hard cushion under him.
  • Sleep on a low pillow so that your head lies parallel to the floor.
  • Lose weight, give up cigarettes and alcohol in large doses (from 150 g).

In some cases, these measures are enough for a man to completely cure the disease and get rid of snoring.

As aids To improve the tone of the larynx and soft palate, and to reduce dryness and itching, you can use Snorstop tablets, Sleepex spray, and Asonor nasal spray. Treatment with drugs in combination with special exercises to train the muscles of the soft palate will help you get rid of snoring faster.

Snoring is not just a problem for modern men. Mentions of “heroic snoring” can be heard in fairy tales; only when folklore is respected, snoring is perceived as a positive event. It is possible to cure snoring not complicated by OSA using and folk remedies.

The following folk remedies will help cure snoring during sleep:

  • Onion, carrot, olive oil

Finely chop the onion and fry in olive oil, mix with grated carrots. Treatment is daily, eat this salad an hour before lunch.

  • Sea buckthorn oil

Approximately three hours before bedtime, instill 1-2 drops of sea buckthorn oil. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. The treatment will last for two weeks, and the man will feel that his breathing has become smoother and freer.

  • Elderberry, burdock, horsetail and cinquefoil

In order to be treated correctly, you need to know the diagnosis, and only a doctor can make it after an examination.

Take for herbal collection: burdock – 2 tbsp., black elderberries – 1 tbsp. l., cinquefoil root and horsetail - 1 tsp each. Grind everything thoroughly and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour and take 1 tbsp. before eating. The infusion is indicated for long-term use.

  • Oak bark

1 tbsp. throw the bark into half a liter hot water and let stand in a water bath for 20 minutes. Before going to bed, it is recommended to gargle with the infusion, and so on until all the symptoms of snoring completely disappear.

Although folk remedies are considered very effective, it is still a good idea to consult a doctor when using them. The thing is that folk remedies are aimed at relieving unpleasant symptoms, but are not able to remove the real reason the occurrence of snoring.

Elementary gymnastics

Simple daily exercises will help ease night breathing, and a man will stop frightening loved ones with “heroic snores”:

  • Tightening the muscles of the palate, pronounce the vowels “a”, “o”, “e”.
  • Hold the handle with your lips and remain in this position for 5 minutes.
  • Reach the chin with the tip of the tongue; tension should be felt at the root of the tongue (2 times a day, 30 movements).
  • "Biting the Apple" Imitate this movement 10 times.

These are just a few simple exercises, allowing to normalize the snoring condition. IN difficult cases The doctor prescribes homeopathy for better treatment.

For moderate snorers, they came up with “sleep toys” (“Extra-Lor” or “pacifier”). Of course, they don’t cure snoring, but they help keep the airways in good condition. open state. At pathological changes carried out in the nasopharynx surgical treatment what type is determined by the doctor during the examination. The most common are the removal of tonsils, polyps, adenoids, and reduction of the volume of the uvula and palate.

Whatever method of combating snoring in a man is chosen, including folk remedies, consultation with a specialist will be necessary to accurately determine the cause. If short-term pauses in breathing occur during sleep, this fact cannot be hidden. Competent treatment of the cause of snoring is the path to a balanced psyche, calm family relations, good mental and physical well-being.

Snoring, a specific sound made by sleeping people, occurs in 30% of the population. These often include smokers, older members of society, and people who are overweight. The phenomenon is not considered normal and is one of the signs of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Meanwhile, restore normal work nasopharynx really. So, what are the causes and dangers of snoring? How to cure snoring in a man?

The origin of snoring is the curvature and narrowing of the airways, which occurs as a result of organic or functional pathology. At the same time, the air inhaled by a person changes the direction of its movement, creating turbulence. A sound is produced that is amplified by the vibration of the uvula.

In addition to the unpleasant specific sound, during snoring men experience a short-term cessation of breathing. This occurs due to sagging of the atonic tissues of the pharynx and temporary obstruction of the airways. The number of such episodes can reach four hundred per 8 hours of sleep. Sleep is accompanied by periodic awakenings, a feeling of suffocation, the quality of rest and, accordingly, life in general decreases.

What conditions provoke the occurrence of the disease?

Snoring does not occur in completely healthy people.

As a rule, a snoring person has one or another pathology from the list below:

  • organic disorders in the nasopharynx (deviated septum, adenoids, tumors, polyps);
  • birth defects(malocclusion, abnormal jaw development);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • history of trauma accompanied by damage to nerve trunks;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and associated narrowing of the nasal passages (sinusitis, rhinitis);
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome;
  • age-related changes associated with decreased tone upper sky.

Note: the causes of snoring during sleep in men can also be due to alcohol consumption. Ethyl alcohol in quantities that can cause intoxication has a relaxing effect. At the same time, the tissues of the upper palate relax and sag, blocking the airways.

In addition to the immediate causes of the disease, there are also predisposing factors. They do not guarantee the occurrence of snoring, but they significantly increase its likelihood.

Factors that trigger snoring include:

  • long-term smoking;
  • severe obesity;
  • alcoholism;
  • age over 40-50 years;
  • allergic alertness of the body;
  • chronic fatigue and insufficient sleep time.

While awake, people who snore may notice signs such as mouth breathing, ear pain, and changes in voice timbre.

Why is snoring dangerous?

Most people consider snoring, although unpleasant, but not dangerous to life and health. However, in reality, the patient is exposed to some dangers associated with impaired breathing during sleep. First unpleasant phenomenon that a snoring person faces is sleep deprivation and chronic fatigue. Waking up several times during the night, the patient does not go through all the necessary stages of sleep, and accordingly, his body does not receive proper rest.

The second, more formidable danger is hypoxia. Temporary airway obstruction can last from 3-5 to 30 seconds. In the latter case, the body begins to experience an acute lack of oxygen. As a result, neurons die and are destroyed, chronic headaches develop, a person wakes up feeling exhausted, and his mental abilities decrease.

Frequent episodes of hypoxia affect the functioning of the heart muscle. Patients who snore are at risk for myocardial infarction, many of them suffer coronary disease heart, episodes of hypertension. In this case, blood pressure exceeds normal indicators immediately after waking up, but 30-40 minutes after getting up it returns to normal.

Note: people suffering from snoring often experience sudden coronary death syndrome - cardiac arrest during sleep, against the background of complete health of the cardiovascular system. Such patients die in the vast majority of cases.

From the point of view social adaptation snoring also leads to problems. People living in the same room as the patient experience irritation and cannot sleep at night. This leads to conflicts in the family, negative attitudes from relatives, isolation of a person in remote rooms while sleeping, which affects mental state sick.

How to cure snoring in a man?

As has become clear from the above, snoring is a much more serious problem than is commonly believed. Getting rid of it is not easy, but it is possible. How to treat snoring in men? For this they can be used various techniques, related to both traditional and folk medicine.

Diet and exercise

The most in a simple way The fight against snoring is diet and exercise. Dietary restrictions for snoring have the following goals:

  • weight loss for obesity;
  • decreased secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract.

To lose weight, you should follow a diet in which the number of calories consumed per day will be less than their consumption by 100-200 units. It is recommended to reduce food portions and switch to six meals a day, which helps speed up metabolism. To reduce mucus secretion, it is recommended to reduce fat intake and simple carbohydrates with high glycemic index. It is better if the diet is based on vegetables and fruits, cereals, fortified drinks, and light soups.

To reduce snoring, two main exercises are used to increase the tone of the nasopharyngeal muscles and reduce their sagging:

  1. Rolling air– the patient inflates one cheek, after which he rolls the air in his mouth onto the other cheek. The exercise should be repeated up to 45-50 times per cycle. It is recommended to do it before going to bed, as well as when waking up from snoring. To improve the result, it will not be superfluous to use the air rolling method during the day.
  2. Tongue on chin– you should try to reach your chin with your tongue, and then pull it back into your mouth. You need to repeat the exercise 15-20 times before going to bed, as well as when waking up at night. The procedure allows you to somewhat stretch and blur the tissues of the respiratory tract, which reduces the degree of sagging of the palate and the risk of snoring.

Methods associated with diet and exercise aimed at increasing the tone of the palate are effective only if the cause of snoring is functional disorders. Organic pathology is practically not amenable to such types of therapy. Despite following a diet, weight loss and regular exercise, snoring persists. IN similar situations treatment is carried out using medications or surgery.

Anti-snoring medications

Pharmacological treatment of snoring depends on the reasons that caused it. As a rule, drugs are prescribed in accordance with the table below:

It is necessary to consider each of the following drugs separately:

  • Asonor - available in the form of nasal drops. Moisturizes the nasopharynx and improves its tone. The drug should be used immediately before bedtime, instilling 4-6 drops into each nostril.

  • Naphthyzin is a vasoconstrictor local action. Causes a contraction of the capillaries of the mucous membrane, which reduces the secretion of mucus and increases the lumen of the nasal passages. Apply 1-2 drops in each nostril, 3-4 times a day, until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

  • Hormonal sprays (nasonex) – active substance– mometasone furoate. Has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects, reduces fluid proliferation through cell membranes. Instilled using a special dosing device, 200 mg in each nasal passage, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

  • Zyrtec is an antiallergic drug that reduces tissue swelling and mucus secretion. In the form of drops it is used for allergic rhinitis. Prescribed 10 drops in each nasal passage 2 times a day.

  • Antibiotics are a wide group of drugs whose action is aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms. Used for infectious processes VDPs that cause snoring. The dosage and regimen depends on the specific drug, which is chosen by the doctor.
  • Xenical is a weight loss drug that indirectly affects snoring (obesity is the cause of snoring). Prevents the absorption of fats in the intestines and their entry into the bloodstream. The drug is dosed at 120 mg per dose. The capsule must be taken during each visit to the canteen.

Each of the above medications has its own contraindications and side effects. Before using them, you should consult your doctor to assess the feasibility and safety of use.

Anti-snoring devices

To prevent snoring, special devices are sometimes used that do not eliminate the cause of the disease, but allow you to get rid of it during use.

These include:

  • Mouthpiece – provides a change in the position of the lower jaw in relation to the upper, which allows you to increase the clearance of the airways and avoid snoring. Sleep with open mouth leads to drying of the mucous membranes, which makes the mouthpiece an unpopular device.

  • Tongue support device - holds the tongue, preventing it from sinking. The device is effective only in cases where snoring occurs with the patient in the supine position.

  • Jaw strap – supports the lower jaw, reducing the likelihood of snoring. The device cannot be used for people with rhinitis of various origins.

The use of such devices, as well as the use of funds pharmacological therapy, should be done in consultation with a doctor and after establishing the causes of the disease.

Getting rid of snoring with surgery

When talking about how to stop snoring during sleep in men, one cannot fail to mention surgical treatment methods. Intervention is necessary in cases where the cause of snoring is the presence of foci organic pathology in the nasopharynx. Thus, the nasal septum is straightened, adenoids are removed, and congenital defects are subjected to correction and plastic surgery.

Surgical treatment is carried out in a hospital setting, but hospitalization is not always required. So, after removal of the adenoids, the patient is discharged for outpatient treatment within 2 hours after the end of the operation. Large-scale interventions (plasty of the nasal septum) require monitoring of the patient in postoperative period and competent medicinal support. Such patients remain in the hospital for several days.


Septoplasty is an operation to correct the position of the nasal septum. In modern clinics it is carried out endoscopically or laser method. During the procedure, the doctor removes tissue that prevents the septum from taking its normal anatomical position. The partition itself is not affected. There is no need for long-term hospitalization.

Traumatic injuries to the nasal septum require more complex intervention associated with its destruction. In this case, the cartilage tissue is opened, given the required position, and then fixed with gauze turundas and external bandages until complete healing. This operation is traumatic and requires hospitalization of the patient.

Traditional methods

Since people have been facing the problem of snoring for many centuries, traditional medicine also has its own recipes for treating this disease:

  • Baked carrots - one medium-sized carrot is washed, peeled and wrapped in food foil. After this, the vegetable is placed in the oven and baked for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200˚C. You need to consume the dish one hour before each meal.

  • Cabbage juice - add a teaspoon of honey to 1 glass of freshly squeezed cabbage juice, then mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Dosage regimen: shortly before bedtime, 1 time per day.

  • Sea buckthorn oil – 1 drop of oil should be dripped into each nasal passage 4 hours before bedtime. The drug relieves inflammation, disinfects the respiratory tract, and makes breathing easier.

Traditional methods of treating snoring are effective if the disease occurs due to rhinitis, infectious inflammation, dry nasopharynx. Organic diseases can only be treated surgically.

Ways to prevent snoring

The basis for preventing snoring is changing your lifestyle if it does not correspond modern requirements WHO. You should increase your physical activity, play sports, and reduce your weight to normal levels. You can approximately determine the required body weight using the formula “height in centimeters minus 100.”

Second preventive measure is the sanitation of lesions chronic infection nasopharynx. You can make it at home using decoctions medicinal plants. It is necessary to rinse your mouth and throat with chamomile decoction, drip sea buckthorn oil into your nose, and take immune boosters orally.

In most cases, the problem of snoring is easily solved. Medical intervention is required in a minimum number of cases. You can avoid the problem if you take a full course of prevention, lead a healthy lifestyle, and regularly undergo medical examinations for infectious and allergic diseases.

The question of how to cure snoring in men at home occupies everyone who is faced with this unpleasant phenomenon. The booming sounds wake up household members and prevent the person suffering from rhonchopathy from getting enough sleep. A whole range of devices and medications are offered to help sufferers; special exercises and giving up bad habits will help improve the situation.

Getting rid of snoring: what can help

The main cause of snoring is too loose and overgrown tissues of the palate and nasopharynx. During sleep, the windpipe narrows, the tongue sinks, and when inhaling, air passes through with difficulty, creating a characteristic wheezing-growling sound. According to statistics, middle-aged and elderly men are more likely to suffer from rhonchopathy, but the problem can also occur in young people, adolescents, and children.

People with overweight body, congenital or acquired deformities of the pharynx and nose, chronic rhinitis and sore throats. Snoring can be triggered by taking certain medications that cause tissue swelling, smoking, frequent use alcohol.

To get rid of snoring, it is necessary to eliminate all provoking factors. It is advisable to lose excess weight by following low calorie diet and raising motor activity. From excess separation mucus will help antihistamines latest generation. It is important to avoid colds that can worsen breathing and provoke another bout of snoring.

The next stage is giving up bad habits. Ronchopathy is much more common in smoking men. Nicotine, combustion products and tobacco tar cause tissue swelling and irritation of the nasopharynx, provoking night attacks.

To prevent snoring, it is important to exclude not only regular cigarettes, but also their electronic analogues, hookahs, pipes and cigars. You'll have to give up alcohol too. Ethyl alcohol in any dose makes the tissue too loose, significantly worsening the condition of men suffering from rhonchopathy. In severe cases, breathing may stop (apnea), which can be fatal. It will absolutely help to avoid sad consequences sober image life.

A sleep specialist will help you understand how to get rid of snoring for a man. He will advise safe and effective drugs, gymnastics, special orthopedic pillows. To achieve the desired result, it is worth trying several products. Those that seem most suitable can be included in daily use.

Drugs to improve sleep

Special preparations in the form of drops or sprays will help you get rid of snoring at home. The main purpose of medications is to remove internal swelling, make the mucous membrane less loose, and increase the clearance for breathing. Nasal products eliminate all types of rhinitis, including allergic ones. Mouth sprays reduce the likelihood of the palate collapsing and allow you to breathe peacefully while you sleep. The drugs are not able to cure snoring once and for all; they act within 10-12 hours after application and do not have a cumulative effect. Popular products can be purchased at pharmacies and are sold without a prescription. Most often, buyers choose the following options:

Before choosing one of these remedies, it is better to consult a specialist.

Instruments and apparatus

It is better to get rid of snoring in a comprehensive manner, using not only medications, but also special devices for the nose and mouth, namely clips, mouthguards, and various palatal inserts. They are used every night for 1 month, then it is recommended to take a break. You can purchase products in pharmacies or orthopedic salons.

A popular device for freeing the pharynx and preventing the palate from collapsing is Extra Lor. The product is similar to a baby pacifier; it is inserted into the mouth before bed and is held in place thanks to a special retainer. The tongue is placed in a separate groove and extended slightly, freeing the windpipe and without causing any discomfort to the patient. It only takes a few days to get used to it, after which the snorer can forget about the rolling sounds of the night for a long time. Sonite mouth guards have a similar effect. After use, the products are thoroughly washed, dried and placed in a special case that guarantees protection from dust and scratches.

An excellent anti-snoring remedy is a special silicone clip with magnetic balls. It is placed on the bridge of the nose just before bed, widening the air passages. Some men complain that foreign body It’s difficult to get used to, others don’t even notice the clip, enjoying a calm, uninterrupted sleep.

If the tissue of the palate is very loose and conventional inserts do not help, it is possible to implant a special plate. The procedure is performed in the clinic under local anesthesia. A small strip of plastic lifts the palate and clears the windpipe.

If there is a risk of sleep apnea, CPAP therapy is recommended. There are devices on sale that supply purified air to the lungs using the sediment principle. The device has sensors that monitor the frequency and intensity of breathing; depending on this, the speed of air flow changes. Some models are equipped with humidifiers and an automatic control system. This device can completely eliminate snoring of any intensity; it is recommended to use it in courses of 2-3 weeks. The only drawback of CPAP is its high price.

The ideal pillow: how to choose it

To get rid of snoring at home, it is important to choose a comfortable pillow. Lush products made from down are not suitable. Best option- a special orthopedic roller with a recess in the center. Its sides are slightly raised and at different levels. By turning the pillow over, you can achieve comfortable position for the head. There are products of various densities on sale; a professional orthopedist or somnologist will help you choose the right one. The products are filled with synthetic balls, buckwheat husks, polyethylene granules or special polyurethane memory foam.

The main purpose of an orthopedic pillow is to support the head during sleep. She does not allow him to roll over onto his back; the man is forced to lie on his side. In this position, the palate does not fall, the windpipe remains free. In addition, the correct roller relieves stress from cervical spine spine, allowing you to relax and fully rest in your sleep. The effect will be noticeable after a few days, but you need to get used to the hard pillow.

Useful exercises

Treatment for snoring at home includes special breathing exercises. They strengthen the palate and throat, train the muscles of the nasopharynx, cleanse the lungs and prevent colds. Gymnastics will take no more than 15 minutes, but you need to do it daily.

The basic principle is a combination of deep inhalation with a sharp exhalation and subsequent breath-holding. Exercises effectively relieve internal swelling, remove tissue looseness, improve blood flow and normalize blood pressure.

Classes begin with a warm-up. Standing straight, you need to exhale sharply, noisily, while forcefully pressing the palms of your hands together at chest level. Breathing is held for 10-12 seconds, then you can release the air from your lungs and relax. Another exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the palate. After a sharp short inhalation, the breath is held, and the tongue sticks out with maximum effort. You need to stay in this position for 8-10 seconds, after which you can exhale and relax your muscles.

Yoga helps against snoring no less effectively than breathing exercises. Simple asanas for beginners (cat, snake or plow pose) work best. It is recommended to perform them in the evening, tuning in for a restful sleep.

Traditional methods

Reliable ways to get rid of snoring can be found among the recommendations of traditional medicine. To strengthen the mucous membrane and prevent a runny nose, it is useful to rinse your nose with salt water. The procedure is performed morning and evening for 2 weeks. Sea buckthorn oil will help relieve dryness and improve breathing. Before going to bed, it is useful to drop a little of the drug into each nostril; this simple technique will help you breathe freely.

Folk recipes for snoring recommend drinking decoctions of medicinal herbs that reduce swelling and strengthen tissue. 2 tbsp. l. dry sage, chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort or yarrow, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, heat in a water bath, leave covered for 30 minutes and filter. The resulting decoction is drunk in small portions throughout the day, preferably before meals.

A household humidifier installed in the bedroom will help improve your sleep. It cleans the air of dust and relieves excess dryness. Adding to water will help enhance the effect. essential oil eucalyptus, rosemary, mint or sage.

An excellent cure for snoring is hardening:

  1. A contrast shower will increase muscle tone, relieve swelling and restore vigor.
  2. It is better to douche in the morning; before bed, a relaxing bath with anti-stress foam or essential oils is more beneficial.

It is not difficult to understand how to quickly get rid of snoring. To help men, a wide range of drugs and devices are offered that can improve the quality of sleep. They can be used alternately, the course lasts at least 2 weeks.

It was noticed that after 14 days the muscles acquire tone, the positive effect persists for several more days. The patient feels better, has the opportunity to rest peacefully and recuperate during sleep.