Why are your eyes red when you wake up? Why do people have red eyes after sleep? Remains of cosmetics and low-quality makeup products

Contents of the article

Red eye color after sleep is due to dilation or fragility of blood vessels. IN in good condition capillaries are invisible. The appearance of spots and redness on the whites not only spoils the appearance, but can also be a sign of the development of a dangerous disease.

Common Causes of Red Eyes in the Morning

Red eyes happen after sleep due to a number of reasons. One of the main ones is visual fatigue. It happens after watching TV or reading for a long time the night before. Overvoltage optic nerve occurs in insufficient or, conversely, bright lighting. What else causes morning red eyes?

Alcohol and smoking

Abuse of strong alcoholic drinks is a common reason why the whites of the eyes are red and the eyelids are swollen after sleep. Alcohol relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow. A few hours after drinking alcohol, the lumen of the veins narrows. The capillaries are overflowing with blood, but its outflow is slowing down. That's why hangover syndrome often accompanied by the appearance of small foci of hemorrhage. With age, blood vessels lose elasticity, and such troubles happen more often.

They risk waking up with pronounced scarlet capillaries in the background white body sclera and smokers in bed. Tobacco smoke constricts blood vessels, reduces blood flow, and causes surface dryness eyeball. Over time, smoking in an unventilated area leads to tissue degeneration and vision impairment.

Dry eye symptom

A common cause of red eyes in the morning is dryness of the outer layer of the eyes. It is accompanied by inflammation and irritation. If this symptom does not bother a person, 7-8 hours of sleep is enough to maintain the necessary moisture on the surface of the sclera and relax the eye muscles.

After 50 years, the surface of the eyeball becomes dry due to age-related changes in the body. Also at risk are people who:

  • take antihistamines, antidepressants;
  • underwent eye surgery;
  • sleep in rooms with dry air (with air conditioning, heavily heated);
  • suffer from lack of sleep and insomnia.

This disorder also occurs among those who work behind monitor screens. In the process, a person blinks less often, the surface of the eyes is less moisturized.

Artificial tear lubricating drops help solve the problem. The composition of high-quality drugs includes hyaluronic acid. It is natural for the human body.

Remains of cosmetics and low-quality makeup products

It’s worth examining your makeup bag and washing off your makeup more thoroughly if you wake up with red eyes in the morning. Irritation of the mucous membrane in girls prone to allergies is provoked by certain preservatives, rosin, lanolin. Substances hazardous to health:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • zinc oxide;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate.

Sensitivity to these components leads to itching, burning, and redness of the sclera. It is worth changing your usual products to hypoallergenic ones, observing shelf life, and avoiding contact of eyeliner, pencil and mascara with the eyeball. Issues of choosing cosmetics and who it will suit are decided individually. If using the products causes discomfort, it is better to refuse them.

Washing with tap water and bathing

Chlorinated water often irritates the surface of the eyeball. People sensitive to this element, you should wash your face with special products. An alternative is settled or boiled water. Chlorine not only kills pathogenic microorganisms. He violates normal microflora conjunctival sac and lacrimal ducts.

Even going to the bathhouse the day before can cause red eyes

A contrast shower in the evening can cause your eyes to become red in the morning. As a result of temperature changes, weak and fragile blood vessels burst. A trip to a bathhouse or sauna often leads to a similar result.

Lenses: improper wearing and care

Due to the habit of sleeping without removing lenses, the cornea is less well supplied with oxygen. The next morning, after sleep, the eyes are red and swollen. If there is even a microscopic scratch on the front surface of the sclera, bacteria from the lens can cause an infection. To avoid this, you must:

  • observe the expiration date of correction care products;
  • disinfect the container daily;
  • use a special cleaning solution.

Crying before bed

Crying for a long time the night before is a possible answer to the question of why your eyes are red and swollen in the morning. Despite the salt content in tears, it does not irritate the sclera. Redness occurs due to the habit of rubbing the eyes when crying. To quickly get rid of the consequences, it is enough to make a compress and provide an influx of fresh air.

Contact with a foreign object or laser beam

Maybe the laser got into the eye at the club?

Another reason for red eyes in the morning is foreign body: eyelash, insect, grain of sand. It may cause mild discomfort or virtually no discomfort. But if after sleep the vascular pattern intensifies, suspicions arise that the object remains in place - you should seek medical help. Even a microscopic body scratches the cornea and causes complications - erosions, ulcers, scars.

Incorrect posture while sleeping

Due to gravity, maximum pressure is exerted on areas of the body that are in contact with a hard surface. Dangerous for a long time sleep face down on the pillow. This position blocks the outflow of fluid, increases intraocular pressure. Blood vessels may burst.

What diseases cause red eyes?

The above reasons are easy to identify and eliminate. If the problem does not disappear, you should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist urgently. What diseases does this symptom indicate?

Inflammation of the conjunctiva, mucous membrane on outside sclera and the inside of the eyelid, causing redness. Vasodilation and blood flow are the main reasons why the eyes turn red after sleep with this disease. Its symptoms: pain, intense lacrimation.

Conjunctivitis is divided into allergic, bacterial and viral. For bacterial form characteristic redness of both eyes. After waking up, the eyelids stick together from the discharged pus, and a burning sensation is felt. The disease is treated with drops or ointment with antibiotics.

Almost every person at least once in his entire life has encountered such a problem as red eyes after sleep. There are many reasons for this, but they can all be divided into several groups.

One of the main causes of red eyes is normal fatigue. With frequent lack of sleep, the eyes simply do not have time to rest. And that is why they are most often inflamed and prone to redness.

In addition, there are a number of other factors that cause red eyes. For example, these could be:

  • external stimuli - these include cigarette smoke, sharp wind, dust, bright light, it can also be small debris, insects or eyelashes that accidentally get into the eyes;
  • tense and long work in front of a computer, reading books or studying documents in poor lighting;
  • allergies to eye care cosmetics;
  • stress, as well as crying before bed;.
  • use alcoholic drinks especially in the evening before bed.

In addition to these reasons, redness of the eyes can be caused by the appearance of stye in the eyes. As a rule, you can see him in your home just in the morning.

Also, red eyes can indicate that a person has some kind of disease. These may be eye diseases such as:

  • glaucoma - with this disease, a person’s level of vision clarity decreases and pain in the eyes is felt;
  • astigmatism or asthenopia - they appear in a person due to prolonged strain on the eyes;
  • acute conjunctivitis is infectious disease, the main causes of the disease are allergies, various viruses and bacteria;
  • chronic conjunctivitis - develops, as a rule, due to acute conjunctivitis that has not been fully treated;
  • ulcers on the cornea of ​​the eyes - appear due to a virus or infection in the eyes;
  • blepharitis - with this disease, bacterial inflammation of the eyelash follicle occurs, a clear sign this disease is redness of the eyelids, the appearance of crusts and incessant itching;
  • uveitis - the eye membranes begin to become inflamed due to contact with them toxic substances or infections.

If you discover any signs that indicate that a person has one of these diseases, you should definitely seek medical help from a specialist.

Treatment of red blood vessels in the eyes

When the eyes are red due to prolonged strain on them of some kind special treatment no need to carry out. All you need to do is give your eyes complete rest.

If in eyes chemicals you just need to rinse them with water as thoroughly as possible.

If the eyes are red due to a person being at the computer for a long time or working with papers, you should do special exercises for the eyes.

First aid can be provided by dropping drops into the eyes:

  • Likontin;
  • Innox;
  • Oksial.

They quickly remove redness and restore the eyes to their previous appearance. For this you can use any eye drops from the “Artificial Tear” series. Due to their quick moisturizing, these drops effectively remove all redness and eliminate dry eyes. Also, while using the drops, you need to take vitamin A or the drug Ascorutin.

But all these remedies are not medications, so if the redness of the eyes does not go away, acidification occurs in the corners of the eyes, which causes itching, and the eyes have lost their shine and become cloudy, then correct treatment Only a doctor can prescribe it.

For example, if you have conjunctivitis, you should not touch your eyes with your hands, so as not to transfer the infection to a healthy eye or to avoid infecting other people. This disease spreads quite quickly, so it is worth following some hygiene rules:

  • wash your hands as often as possible;
  • change towels and bed linen.

For conjunctivitis, the doctor prescribes eye drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. You can also use cold ice packs on your eyes.

If a person has blepharitis, then the opposite is done on the eyes warm compresses on herbs several times a day. With this disease, the eyelids should be treated with a cotton swab previously soaked in baby shampoo.

Treat your eyes yourself, especially without even knowing accurate diagnosis absolutely not possible. Any person is unlikely to be able to figure out the medications that will really help him without the help of an ophthalmologist. Doctors usually prescribe the following medications for eye treatment:

  • eye drops that help bring the blood vessels of the eyes to a normal state;
  • various eye ointments;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • "Artificial tears."

You can also use folk remedies, for example, warm or cold compresses from herbal infusions of green or black tea, ice. But their use is also possible only after consultation with a doctor.

Preventing eye redness

It is best, of course, not to let your eyes get into this state. It’s not difficult at all, it’s enough just to maintain hygiene and monitor their condition. The main preventive measures to prevent eye diseases include:

  • Carefully select cosmetics eye care.
  • Try to avoid spending long periods of time in rooms with poor air conditioning, and also stay away from all possible eye irritants, including strong odors.
  • At constantly wearing When wearing contact lenses, be sure to periodically give your eyes a rest.
  • Before going to bed, you should always remove all makeup from your eyes.
  • Protect eyes from UV radiation, cold wind and dust.
  • After recovery, you should also not forget about preventive measures. Our eyes, as well as the entire body as a whole, need daily rest. It must be at least 8 hours a day.
  • If you spend a long time in front of a computer monitor, you need to blink more often to moisten your eyes, and take short breaks from work for an hour.
  • It is also worth watching your diet. It must be correct and balanced. Everything should be present in the diet essential vitamins and minerals for the eyes. They are found mainly in vegetables and fruits.

Just a little care and attention should be given to your eyes, and they will delight any person with their brilliance, beauty and health.

Redness of the eyes in the morning immediately causes concern. If after sleep, instead of rested, shining eyes in the mirror, we see red squirrels or spider veins on the sclera, this is always alarming.

Common Causes of Red Eyes

The following factors lead to the appearance of such a symptom:

  • Lack of regular and long sleep . When a person's eyelids are closed, the eye is moistened, which is necessary for the good functioning of the visual organs. If you don't get enough sleep, the effect of dry eyes occurs, which leads to redness of the whites, which appears even after sleep in the morning.
  • Diseases of the eyelids. If redness appears only in the morning, while you sleep a sufficient amount of time and there is no overwork, then such an ailment may be a consequence of eyelid disease - blepharitis. The ongoing inflammatory process in the edges of the eye leads to itching and pain. This is a sign to go to the doctor.
  • There are several common diseases that cause redness in the morning. This stye and conjunctivitis.
Photo 1: Conjunctivitis affects the mucous membrane. This inflammatory process occurs with purulent discharge, painful sensations to the light and the redness of the whites. Source: flickr (Roadsidepictures).
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. It is common among the fairer sex, who go to bed without completely washing off their makeup. It causes irritation of the mucous membrane and leads to redness.
  • Spirits and tobacco smoke . If in the evening you were at any event where you smoked too much or received passive nicotine, or also abused alcohol, then the next morning your eyes will be red. Alcohol-containing drinks increase blood pressure, and tobacco smoke is a natural irritant to the mucous membranes.

Important! If you wake up in the morning not only with red eyes, but also with severe pain in them, then you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

In addition to this list of causes of illness in the morning, there are a number of factors that influence irritation of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision and the appearance of redness.

Possible causes of redness

There are several factors that lead to redness in the whites of the eyes in the morning:

  • external influence: contact with eyelashes or insects;
  • before going to bed, dust got into the eyes or the mucous membrane was exposed to strong wind;
  • working at a computer or reading for a long time in poor lighting (handicrafts with small elements can also be included here);
  • improper use of night cream or other cosmetics that end up in the eye;
  • contact lenses: non-compliance with wearing rules leads to redness;
  • prolonged crying before bedtime, especially common in children.

This list can be supplemented by other factors, for example, babies love to rub their eyes with their hands.

Possible consequences

If the situation with red eyes repeats regularly after sleep, you should consult a doctor. If you will long time ignore the symptoms, you can get serious problems with the organs of vision, up to partial or total loss image clarity.

Photo 2: If red eyes in the morning are accompanied by pain or recur for several days in a row, consult a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment. Source: flickr (George Weir).

Do not forget that any redness of the eyes that recurs regularly, especially if they are accompanied by pain, definitely requires a professional medical examination.

Treatment options for the disease

If irritation of the mucous membrane occurs due to chemical or mechanical effects, you should thoroughly rinse the eye with water, and then make a lotion from brewing regular black tea.

Important! When rinsing your eyes with tea, use separate swabs for each eye.

If morning redness is caused by fatigue from working with small parts or in front of a computer monitor, or due to lack of sleep, give your eyes a rest.

Any drug from the “artificial tears” series will also help relieve redness and return the eyes to their previous appearance. The same method applies to people wearing contact lenses.

If morning redness is an allergic reaction to food or cosmetics, then you can take allergy medications.

However, do not forget that any inflammatory processes with the formation of pus or severe pain should be treated only by a specialist, and not self-medicate.

Preventing morning redness

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat and eliminate its consequences. The following actions can help prevent red eyes in the morning:

  • careful selection of cosmetics;
  • exception long stay in a poorly ventilated area;
  • rest for the eyes while constantly wearing contact lenses;
  • cleansing the skin and eyes before bed;
  • normalization of operating mode;
  • elimination bad habits.

All this can prevent the whites from turning red in the morning.

Homeopathic treatment

An alternative eye drops And medical drugs When the eyes are red in the morning, they may become homeopathic remedies. They are made only from natural ingredients, and the action is aimed at activating the body’s natural defenses.

Hi all! Last week, a friend called me and, wildly hysterical, began to tell me that for the past week she has been waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror, and seeing that her eyes are red.

Naturally, in her eyes, I am a walking encyclopedia that knows everything in this world, but here I was forced to admit that I am a complete ignoramus in this topic, but promised that I would definitely take it up and study all the details. Immediately after the conversation, I began to type information about red eyes after sleep and the causes of this phenomenon.

It turned out that there is a huge amount of information on this topic, almost every forum is replete with questions and answers on this topic, but it is very difficult to choose something really worthwhile from it, but I did not spare any time or effort, and, of course, all my work resulted in another article. Let's find out what causes this phenomenon and how this disease can be cured.

This phenomenon can occur not only in adults; my friend says that sometimes it happens in both her eldest child and her youngest, an infant.

First, let's look at the reasons why eyes may turn red after sleep. There can be many of them, ranging from the most harmless to serious diseases. I'll tell you about everything in more detail.

Common reasons:

  • Regular lack of sleep. Many of us are probably familiar with it, and it’s not scary at all. This is due to the fact that by closing our eyelids, we moisturize our eyes, and if our eyes remain open for a long time, it turns out that they dry out
  • Carrying out large quantity time on the computer or reading books
  • Incorrect or careless application of cosmetics or creams that subsequently get into the eyes
  • Contact lenses are also a common cause of red eyes after sleep.
  • Not good common occurrence- eye contact with insects, dust, eyelashes
  • Bright daylight, strong wind, dry indoor air, sharp changes atmospheric pressure
  • If you drank alcohol the night before, red eyes the next morning are common.
  • Impacts or injuries to the eyes, redness will go away when the wound heals
  • Prolonged crying
  • And finally, typical women's problem— many girls go to bed without washing off their makeup. It causes irritation, and, as a result, red eyes in the morning

Serious reasons

  • If this disease bothers you in the morning, and you have good sleep, then it may be a disease of the eyelids, which is called blepharitis. It causes inflammation in the eyes, and is usually accompanied by itching or pain.
  • Another common disease is conjunctivitis. This disease is especially common among children. It is not difficult to cure, but for this you need to contact specialists in time. Only doctors can determine what type of conjunctivitis it is and prescribe appropriate treatment.
  • Uveitis is an inflammatory disease accompanied by severe pain and itching in the eyes, the clarity of vision also deteriorates, and photophobia appears. This disease must be diagnosed urgently; otherwise, it develops into more serious eye diseases.
  • Chronic dry eye syndrome. When there are not enough tears, this syndrome appears, the blood vessels dilate and inflammation appears.
  • Abuse of eye drops. Some people, at the slightest discomfort or fatigue, begin to drop all kinds of drops into their eyes. medicines. This is a mistake, you can do a lot of damage to your eyes, and it may take a lot of effort and time to cure them.
  • Vascular tuberculosis of the eyes, a disease that provokes rupture of blood vessels, and hemorrhage occurs in the conjunctiva. This disease causes sneezing, coughing, vomiting, or high blood pressure
  • Acute angle-closure glaucoma is a serious disease that requires emergency medical care. Causes painful redness, usually occurs in one eye
  • Sjögren's syndrome. This disease occurs when the immune system begins to destroy its own cells in order to protect the body. This disease mainly affects women over 35 years of age.

How to fight diseases

There are many ways to combat these diseases. Among them as effective drug treatment, as well as traditional medicine methods. First, let's see what folk remedies eye diseases can be cured:

  • Compresses made from tea bags are a very effective and simple remedy for red eyes. They do not require large expenses in material terms, but, of course, they will not help with serious illnesses eye
  • Applying ice based on decoctions of medicinal herbs. Remember, I wrote an article about such cubes for beauty, it turns out they also help against red eyes
  • Compresses with oak bark and chamomile. These plants help stop inflammatory processes very well and can cure simple diseases
  • Cucumbers and raw potatoes. Cut them crosswise and apply them to your eyes for a few minutes, and you will immediately feel that your eyes are refreshed and look better
  • Green apple. Peel the apple, grate it, make a compress and place it on your eyes.
  • "Contrast shower." Soak a cotton pad in hot and cold water, apply to the eyes one by one

Now let's move on to a more serious topic - drug treatment.

The most effective medications:

  • Vasoconstrictors. They contain active ingredients, which eliminate conjunctivitis, eliminate swelling and pain. This includes such products as “Vizin”, “Naphthyzin”, “Visomitin”
  • Drops against visual overload - help relieve fatigue, but do not have any special medicinal properties. These are drugs such as Systane, Licontin, Inoxa, Oftagel
  • Antiviral drugs are used in the treatment inflammatory diseases. Here you can name such drugs as “Ophthalmoferon”, “Aktipol”
  • Antibacterial agents - prescribed only by a doctor, intended to combat infectious pathologies. The most popular: “Levomycetin”, “Tobrex”, “Floxal”, “Albucid”
  • Vitamins for the eyes, moisturize and fortify, are perfect for preventing diseases. These are products such as “Taufon”, “Natural tear”

These drugs act quickly, by instilling them, after 15-20 minutes, if the situation is uncomplicated, the redness will go away.

Situations when you must consult a doctor

  • If along with redness there is headache, nausea and vomiting
  • Vision noticeably deteriorates
  • Double vision, light halos are seen around objects
  • If you are unable to remove a foreign body in your eye yourself
  • If your eye is filled with pus in the morning
  • If your eyes hurt a lot
  • Redness does not go away over time

Prevention of morning redness

I won’t open America to you if I say that best method Fighting a disease is prevention, not treatment in all possible and impossible ways. In the case of red eyes, if you carry out prevention, you can easily avoid this problem.

Let's see how to carry out prevention:

  • Choose your cosmetics responsibly; before applying makeup to your eyes, test the cosmetics on your wrist to check whether they cause allergic reactions or skin irritations
  • Try not to stay in poorly ventilated areas for long periods of time
  • If you wear contact lenses, remember to give your eyes a chance to rest.
  • Be sure to wash off your makeup before going to bed to prevent it from irritating your eyes at night.
  • Normalize your work schedule, extra work has never benefited anyone, learn to take breaks
  • And finally, the very last recommendation: try to give up bad habits, and not only your eyes, but your entire body as a whole will thank you very much.

Don't self-medicate

If you notice that your eyes are red after sleep, and it even happens that the whites of the eyes are a little yellow, and this does not go away with the passage of a certain time, immediately consult a doctor and undergo the necessary diagnostics.

A good specialist will immediately tell you what to do and what medications to use for treatment. In no case should you engage in self-medication; this can lead to disastrous consequences, because the eyes are our invaluable wealth.

Let's sum it up

Here you go, dear friends, we figured out why red eyes happen after sleep, and determined what methods can be used to cure this phenomenon.

The most important thing is not to miss the situation and take timely measures for treatment.

Now, tell me, have you ever had such situations, how and with what did you treat this phenomenon? I will be waiting for interesting comments and reviews from you, and I will be very pleased if you tell your friends and acquaintances in social networks about my blog, and your loved ones and acquaintances will join us and help with their advice. All the best to you!

The human visual organs are subject to heavy load. Especially if you work at a computer, and in free time prefer to read or watch your favorite movies. Naturally, this affects appearance pupils, whites, etc., which may indicate the manifestation certain diseases.

However, it is worth noting that many adults have encountered such an effect as red eyes after sleep. In this case, there is no need to panic. After all, the reason for the change in the color of proteins can be different factors:

- banal lack of sleep;

- work late;

- sitting at the computer before bed.

To prevent your eyes from being red after sleep, you just need to get the necessary sleep. good rest time, leave the computer at least half an hour before you go to bed and do not forget to ventilate the room.

But if you have red eyes all the time, and not just after sleep, then in this situation it’s time to sound the alarm, because this may indicate the presence of certain diseases, some of which lead not only to a decrease in visual acuity, but can also cause complete blindness .

When things aren't so scary

Of course, this does not always indicate the presence of diseases of the organs of vision. In most cases, the reasons are more banal and even to some extent “everyday”:

  • bright sunlight, leading to vasodilation;
  • fatigue;
  • work at the computer;
  • dust that gets on the mucous membrane;
  • cold;
  • allergy to pollen, paint, etc.;

Don't forget about rest

To get rid of an unpleasant color, you should adhere to certain rules work on the same computer. In frequency, do not forget to take breaks every forty-five minutes, leaving completely workplace and allowing the visual organs to fully relax. This will avoid stagnation of blood in the vessels.

How to determine an allergic reaction

If galas are constantly red, then this may be, as mentioned above, a manifestation of an allergic reaction. Allergens can be identified through special tests. Most often, the visual organs react to the following stimuli:

- flower pollen;

- some cosmetics;

- stress, moral overload;

- cigarette smoke;

- large portion of alcoholic drinks;

- wool, including pet wool;

- mold.

It is quite common for people to have an allergic reaction to regular contact lenses. Getting rid of it is quite simple - you need to change the lenses you are using to products from another manufacturer. Or finally decide to wear glasses. Choosing a stylish model that can make you look impressive is not a problem today.

Getting rid of permanent red eye color in any of the above cases is quite simple - traditional medicine gives a lot of advice on this matter. Let's look at the most popular and in demand.

  1. Compresses - cotton swabs are moistened in chamomile decoction and applied to closed eyelids.
  2. Raw potatoes or cucumbers are cut into slices and applied to closed eyelids for a few minutes.
  3. Ice cubes or bags of already brewed tea are also great.

However, remember that these remedies should only be used if you know for sure that the reason why your eyes are constantly red is not due to infections or any other diseases.

Don't be too independent

You can also get rid of redness of the organs of vision with the help of special medications and products presented on pharmacy shelves. In particular, the following can be highlighted:

- vasoconstricting drops;

- complexes of vitamins and minerals containing lutein;

- tetracycline (namely ointment).

But in any case, if you decide to trust the achievements modern pharmacology, it is not recommended to show excessive independence. Still, it is better to first consult with an ophthalmologist, who, after conducting examinations and identifying the real reason changes in eye color, will select the most effective and adequate drug for you.

Various diseases of the organs of vision

The eyes are susceptible to a variety of diseases caused by inflammation or infection. In particular, the following ailments are more common:

- conjunctivitis;

- blepharitis;

- glaucoma;

- corneal ulcer and others.

All eye diseases require as much fast treatment, the effectiveness of which depends on correct diagnosis and selected medications. And only one can do this experienced ophthalmologists, but not to the pharmacists at the pharmacy, and certainly not to your friends and colleagues.

They may indicate that you have one or another eye disease. following symptoms, which exclude banal fatigue or allergic reactions to a variety of stimuli:

- photophobia;

- burning or stinging.

How is treatment carried out?

An experienced doctor will quickly diagnose the true cause of red eyes and will be able to select adequate drug treatment. Although, it should be noted that in some cases surgical intervention may be necessary, but there will be no drastic and sad methods. In any case, first an urgent visit to the doctor, and only then treatment.