Find out how experienced ophthalmologists answer the question of whether a pregnant woman can wear lenses. Contact lenses during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers notice that their vision changes during pregnancy. That is why all pregnant women are sent for consultation to an ophthalmologist at the very beginning of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, fluid is retained in a woman's body. Because of this, the form eyeball changes a little, and walking in lenses becomes uncomfortable. If during your treatment you notice that wearing contact lenses has become unpleasant, but you want to continue doing so, be sure to visit your doctor. He will perform an examination, determine the degree of changes in the cornea and, possibly, select lenses that are more suitable for the given case. After giving birth, you can return to your usual lenses if you want.

Vision can change during pregnancy, so it is important to choose lenses correctly. It is better to switch to lenses that can be changed frequently. In this case, it will be possible to quickly adapt to changes and not waste additional funds.
If your eyes begin to dry out very much, then it is advisable to abandon the lenses and switch to glasses, at least for a short time.

Pregnancy and lenses are quite compatible. Soft contact lenses can be worn until any time. However, you should be especially careful about the rules for wearing and caring for these products., because during pregnancy the lenses quickly become covered with deposits, and in conditions of reduced immunity, complications can easily develop in a pregnant woman infectious nature. You can give birth in lenses if you tolerate them well, but do not forget to notify your obstetric service in advance. But just in case, it’s better to prepare new lenses and glasses. If there is a chance caesarean section, then there is no way to be wearing lenses. But glasses will help you see your baby immediately after birth.

Sometimes a young mother may feel uncomfortable wearing lenses even after giving birth. For many, while feeding a child breast milk The eyes water, and this causes a lot of inconvenience. It is in such cases that it is better to use glasses.

Eat various cases changes in vision during pregnancy and possible ways their solutions:
- sometimes sensations deceive a pregnant woman. She believes that her vision has deteriorated, although this has not actually happened. A woman should be understood; when expecting a child, she is very sensitive to her health, wanting to give birth healthy child. In this case, you just need to see a doctor, after an examination you can make sure that everything is fine , otherwise it will be possible to immediately receive recommendations for treatment;
- During pregnancy, deterioration of the retina of the eye very often occurs. When examined by an ophthalmologist, not only your vision will be checked, but also your retina. Its deterioration can lead to rupture of blood vessels. A weakened retina can cause a retinal detachment or tear, which can lead to partial or complete loss vision. But don't be alarmed, modern medicine exists several ways to maintain the retina. During pregnancy you need to use them, as you cannot use drug treatment. This way is laser coagulation, which will strengthen your retina and allow you not to worry about your vision during the birth of your child. You should not neglect your health, because with a weakened retina, a caesarean section is most often performed so as not to damage the mother’s vision. If you foresee this point in advance, a caesarean section can be avoided. Laser coagulation is carried out on the direction of a doctor without any difficulties, the only condition is that it is carried out no later than the thirtieth week of pregnancy.

Pregnancy has a huge impact on all organs of a woman. For example, deterioration of vision can be observed already from the first weeks, the cause becomes increased level progesterone, which increases the hydration of all body tissues. If you have previously had myopia, interesting position it may well get worse.

Already in the first weeks, even women with healthy vision should visit an ophthalmologist; a fundus examination is necessary. In the future, before giving birth, another examination will be needed.

Is it possible to wear lenses during pregnancy?

Nowadays, most people suffering from certain visual impairments can use for correction different options. These can be either glasses or contact lenses. It is worth noting that the second option is very popular among patients, especially under the age of 35.

This method of vision correction is also popular because their use does not distort the image, especially if we're talking about about a high degree of myopia. With glasses, a person sees the objects around him in a reduced form, while with contact lenses, it is possible to “keep the dimensions” real.

Of course, besides the mentioned advantages, there are others:

- opportunity to achieve high visual acuity,

Expanding the breadth of view,

Reduced visual fatigue compared to by spectacle method corrections,

The ability to use devices, even if the difference in refraction of the left and right eyes is more than 2.5 diopters.

Fortunately, pregnancy and lenses are quite compatible. You may need to increase the power of the device towards the end of pregnancy, and you should be especially careful about the rules of wearing and caring for these products, because in conditions of reduced immunity you can easily develop complications of an infectious nature. You can even give birth in lenses if you tolerate them well.

Nowadays, patients suffering from myopia, astigmatism, and farsightedness can buy such a device. It doesn’t matter what kind of visual impairment you have, it is important that you buy it according to a prescription received from a professional ophthalmologist. The doctor will not only help you choose the right product depending on the results of the examination, but will also recommend an option that will not harm you during pregnancy. Of course, lenses with high oxygen permeability, more than 100 units, are easier to tolerate.

What to do if you notice that your eyes begin to get tired and red?

Perhaps you just need to buy lenses with a different wearing mode, for example, daily ones, or maybe your visual acuity has changed due to your situation, and now you need something else, in any case, this issue needs to be resolved with your doctor. Only in in rare cases If you can’t solve this problem, then you have to temporarily change your lenses to glasses.

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Changes in vision during pregnancy are not uncommon, and they often force pregnant women to change contact lenses. There is an opinion that up to 90% of such women - the changes affect them to a greater or very small extent. This is due to changes in hormones, metabolism, fluid retention, and increased blood circulation during pregnancy.

Two main causes of discomfort

Fluid retention, for example, can cause thickening and curvature of the cornea of ​​the eye. This is a small change, but it can affect the comfort of your glasses or contact lenses and reduce your visual acuity. In addition, the cornea may swell, causing swelling. Swelling of the cornea can lead to irritation.

Because of hormonal changes During pregnancy, you may experience dry eyes. The quality or quantity of tears can change significantly during pregnancy. Dry eyes can feel as if sand has been poured into your eyes. They may burn, itch, or even become suddenly overly wet. There is nothing wrong with this; all these symptoms disappear, as a rule, after childbirth.

Contact lenses during pregnancy can sometimes create some discomfort as the eyes change shape. The main symptoms for contacting an ophthalmologist in pregnant women wearing contact lenses, as a rule, are discomfort while wearing the latter.

How to ensure maximum comfort when wearing contact lenses during pregnancy

Usage eye drops several times a day will help relieve the discomfort caused by dry eyes. Be sure to check the compatibility of contact lenses with lens care products and eye drops.

You may also need minor adjustments to your contact lenses during pregnancy. To do this, you must visit an ophthalmologist - he will write you a prescription. But remember that after the birth of a child, vision, as a rule, changes again, so do not be lazy and go to the ophthalmologist again after the birth of the child. Most likely, your vision will change for a couple of months after giving birth, so the lenses will still be useful to you, but this will take a short amount of time - soon the cornea will take its permanent shape.

But don’t get upset ahead of time - the change in vision may not affect you so much that you will have to correct it with glasses or lenses. Most women note that they did not notice an increase in myopia during pregnancy.

If you experience severe vision loss, burning and itching in the eyes, consult a doctor immediately - the lenses may have nothing to do with it, and these may be signs of preeclampsia.

Pfft, why not? :) Another thing is that it can dry out the eyes: (I stopped wearing it for my eyesight because of this:(

Can. 😎

Well, in general, the first time I came as usual to get my colored lenses, the doctor attacked me: they said, no way! No way! The eye supposedly produces more something there during pregnancy, and colored lens This Something is still increasing, delaying. I don’t remember exactly, to be honest, I missed it. But my husband never let me buy colored ones :) this time (thank God he has a short memory), I calmly wear colored ones. Yes, my eyes are dry in the evening. Well, everything is ok :)

I wore it.

- @mrsprekina, @bushmanova @annt @elenamams2015 I’m worried about the drops and the solution, what will get into the eyes? Isn’t it harmful?

No, I always wear contact lenses. The baby is healthy ttt.

- @miss_yano4ka, no, it’s definitely not harmful :)

You absolutely cannot wear lenses during pregnancy, I have a significant disadvantage, I always wear glasses... but when I really feel the urge, I don’t wear them for long! I have a personal ophthalmologist, he said if you don’t want your vision to deteriorate further, then don’t wear it, during pregnancy our body behaves the way it wants, thereby you can get any infection, God forbid, and with colored lenses this most often happens !

- @miss_yano4ka I always wear contacts, I only wear glasses at home. The drops are artificial tears, you don’t drink them😊

- @toriminni, 😄😄😄 why did you decide that it is categorically impossible?! This is individual for everyone. If myopia does not progress, then you can wear lenses daily, while observing basic rules of hygiene and care! I wear it throughout many years Only lenses, I wore lenses throughout my pregnancy. The other day I visited the ophthalmologist, everything is fine, my vision has not dropped by 0.25...

- @tan4ik88, do you wear colored ones?

- @miss_yano4ka, during pregnancy I changed it to regular ones. I just felt uncomfortable wearing colored ones; they let in less moisture and oxygen. Therefore, I changed it to regular ones with diopters, soft French ones. See how it feels. In general, you should not wear colored lenses for a long time; they are alternated with regular ones so that the cornea can rest.

- @tan4ik88, I just want to go to the wedding😀

- @miss_yano4ka, just one day nothing will happen to your eyes. Have you worn contact lenses before - did you feel good and comfortable? If so, what should change with pregnancy? Pregnancy is not fatal dangerous disease, this is a happy state of your soul! 😉

The main thing is to be as breathable and short term wearing

- @tan4ik88, from what the ophthalmologist said! If nothing happened to you during pregnancy, then that’s very good, but why put yourself and your health in danger once again, especially since I’ll emphasize once again that anything can progress during pregnancy! @tan4ik88 but if you want to wear them for just one day, then nothing terrible will happen, the main thing is the basic rules and that’s all)

- @toriminni, just the opinion of one ophthalmologist is not the ultimate truth. During my pregnancy and before, three ophthalmologists told me that I could wear it. For me, it’s like this with doctors - you need to get at least 2 opinions from different and independent specialists and draw your own conclusion. Doctors, unfortunately, are not always right...

- @tan4ik88, I understand you, and I’m listening too different opinions our "doctors". I'm on early stages passed these necessary doctors where the ophthalmologist was, she also told me that it was impossible, but my ophthalmologist and relative))) whom I trust more than everyone else, he worked in microsurgery for more than 15 years, together in Vivea, and now he works for the owner, he wrote a certificate! I even read on the Internet about the relationship between lenses during pregnancy, there are generally different opinions))) I’m in the early terms worn, and according to my feelings it began to seem to me that the beginning vision falls, and After reading all this, I’m walking around in my eyes)))

- @toriminni, during pregnancy the most important thing is your inner peace! If you feel more comfortable wearing glasses, then this is the most right choice! To each his own

During pregnancy, many things change in a woman’s body, including the visual organs that experience significant stress. Already from the early stages of pregnancy, vision may deteriorate, and the reason for this may be an increased level of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman. It increases fluid retention in tissues, including the eyes and its appendage organs. If you were nearsighted before pregnancy, your vision may deteriorate further during pregnancy.

That is why, from the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman with any vision, 100% or unimportant, should be examined by an ophthalmologist. The doctor will check your visual acuity and examine the fundus for signs of possible problems and obstacles to natural childbirth. Subsequent examinations are coordinated with gynecologists, based on the degree of visual impairment and the need for correction. Before giving birth, another examination will be necessary to decide the final question about the method of delivery - is it possible for her to give birth on her own with such a vision problem as the woman has.

Can pregnant women wear contact lenses?

The issue of wearing contact lenses instead of glasses during pregnancy remains a subject frequently asked questions. Many women doubt whether it is possible to wear contact lenses, for how long this can be done, is it better to switch to glasses?
Today lenses have become firmly established modern people, they are worn by women and men and are more comfortable than glasses, more practical and aesthetically pleasing. To correct vision during pregnancy, ophthalmologists allow the use of both glasses and lenses, especially if the woman did not wear glasses before pregnancy, preferring lens correction.
Lenses are still popular among young women because they are more comfortable and there is no distortion of images, especially with high degrees of myopia. Objects retain their real size and it is difficult to change from lenses to glasses.
It will also be useful for a pregnant woman that wearing lenses helps achieve high visual acuity, almost up to 100%, expands the breadth of vision and reduces visual fatigue that occurs from glasses. Lenses can even achieve correction different degrees myopia on different eyes.

Choice of lenses.

During pregnancy, you can continue to wear lenses as usual, but you may notice a deterioration in your vision towards the end of pregnancy and may need to replace them with stronger ones. good choice contact lenses. You should pay more attention to the rules for wearing your lenses and the rules for caring for them, as your eyes become more sensitive. Immunity decreases, including in the area of ​​the cornea and conjunctiva, so it is more likely infectious complications in case of violation of hygiene methods.
Doctors may even allow you to give birth wearing lenses if you tolerate wearing them well, but during a cesarean section the lenses will need to be removed.
It is important only to buy lenses with a doctor’s prescription, in good ophthalmology clinics. Your doctor will choose the right lenses for you to wear during pregnancy, especially if they are “breathable” oxygen-permeable models.

What if your eyes get tired?

If you notice that your eyes have begun to get tired, you have begun to tolerate lenses poorly and there is irritation, talk to your ophthalmologist about changing them to another model, for example from multi-day to one-day. Only in very rare cases is it not possible to find the right lenses and you have to temporarily switch to glasses.