How to choose your own glasses for vision. Checking visual acuity and selecting glasses. How to choose the right glasses for vision

Ultra-fashionable " cat eye“doesn’t suit everyone, round quiet shades ─ even more so. We tell you how to avoid getting into trouble and choose the frames of sunglasses or corrective glasses that are ideal for your face type.

There are seven types of face shapes. We explain how they differ from each other, and what “framework” suits them best. Just approach this issue responsibly (and closely to the mirror) and forever forget about the problem of choosing the perfect frame. Our recommendations are suitable for both sunglasses and corrective glasses.

Round face

Jackie Chan

Jacqueline Kennedy

This type of face is distinguished by a wide forehead, a “non-protruding” chin and plump cheeks. The length and width of the oval are proportional, as if the circle was drawn using a compass. Usually, owners of this type of face dream of reducing their roundness a little and adding more geometry to their face. Glasses without curved elements will help you achieve an “angular” effect: rectangular frames or the legendary wayfarers will do. At the same time, it is important that the glasses are not square - they should be much narrower in width than in length (otherwise you will achieve the same effect as if you were wearing round Lenons - you will emphasize your cheeks and chin even more). Oversized glasses are also not exactly your option: they will cover most of your face and create an incorrect geometry.

Suitable: rectangular and trapezoidal, cat's eye, aviators, wayfarers.

Not suitable: round and oversized frames.

Square face

Johnny Depp

Olivia Wilde

Owners of angular facial features need to pay attention to models that will visually soften sharp cheekbones, a strongly prominent jawline and a wide forehead. These options include round and oval frames, as well as “cat’s eyes” - they will visually round out the lines. In this case, oversized models are also shown. Feel free to choose the most unusual of them, like a pentagon or with applications that go beyond the outline of the frame ─ all the geometry will only work to your advantage.

Suitable:"cat's eye", round, oval.

Not suitable: square and rectangular.

Oval face

Justin Timberlake

Princess Diana

You are very lucky: this type is distinguished by balanced shapes and proportions ─ a not very wide forehead, a high noble line of cheekbones, a narrow chin and, thanks to all of the above, an open look. Almost any shape option will suit such a face, but when choosing, you will need to pay attention to the width of the frame: it must fit like a glove, otherwise the glasses will constantly fall off. Round glasses will add femininity and softness, angular options will add brutality and toughness. In any case, complementary oval face there will be everyone. The only note: glasses that are too massive “for half the face” can kill all the charm ─ be careful with them.

Suitable: cat eye, round, square, aviators and wayfarers.

Not suitable: oversized frames are too large.

Heart shaped face

Brad Pitt

Rachel Harris

The main features of such a face are a wide, prominent forehead, high cheekbones and a sharp chin. Your task is to balance out the slight disproportion by making the “bottom” of the face heavier and removing accents from the “top”. The most perfect shape glasses for such a face - aviators (thin metal frames and lens angles directed away from the face will look extremely advantageous). Wayfarers are also suitable, which will similarly emphasize angularity, but at the same time slightly soften and balance the shape of the face (try it if you are in love with your cheekbones).

Suitable: round and oval glasses, cat eyes, aviators and wayfarers.

Not suitable: square and rectangular.

Triangular face

Ryan Reynolds

Lady Gaga

This face shape (also called pear-shaped) is characterized by a sharp, prominent jawline and a slightly widened forehead. In general, she is very attractive, it’s just that few people know how to love, appreciate and highlight her. The main rule when choosing glasses for triangular face– give preference to models with a lighter “bottom”, that is, those that will be more “active” on top (this can apply to both shape and color accents or patterns). Glasses with upturned corners, like a cat eye, are definitely suitable. Try experimenting with oversized models, but only round shapes─ too geometric and with sharp corners will grow old.

Suitable:"cat's eye", aviators, oversized.

Not suitable: square.

Oblong face

Katy Perry

The oblong shape differs from the oval shape by being more elongated vertically. Such faces are shown all “horizontal” models ─ those that focus on the width of the face, and not on its length (for example, the same tishades). The glasses will look interesting unusual shapes: traditionally they shorten their faces, but in this case, on the contrary, it will be beneficial. You can try glasses in the shape of hearts or flowers, which are beloved by music festival fans. But if you dare to bet on something even more original, it’s an honor and honor.

Suitable:"cat's eye", round.

Not suitable: narrow and rectangular.

Diamond face

Domenico Dolce

Cate Blanchett

This face shape is often compared to a diamond. What distinguishes it is that it is the most wide part located along the cheekbones, the forehead is quite massive, and the chin is sharp and narrow. In this case, the main task with the help of glasses is to achieve proportionality between the bottom and top of the face. Choose glasses that soften your cheekbones and add weight to your lower face, such as aviators or wayfarers. Oversized glasses will also be appropriate if you choose them wisely: such models should protrude no more than a couple of centimeters beyond the oval line, and be more elongated in shape than round.

Suitable: aviators, wayfarers, oversized.

Not suitable: round.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives

Hello friends!

Modern technologies make life much easier, make our lives much more interesting, provide new opportunities, but also bring some negative consequences.

So, the abundance of gadgets and for a long time The time we spend in front of screens and monitors reduces the acuity of perception.

A visit to an ophthalmologist ends with receiving a prescription for glasses. How to choose them correctly so as not to aggravate the situation, how can this accessory change and improve your image?

From this article you will learn

Diagnostics and examination

The reason that caused a decrease in the acuity of perception may also be a genetic predisposition.

A child, at least one of whose parents has problems in this area, will most likely have to correct his vision with optical devices.

Bad environment wrong diet, injuries and some diseases contribute to the deterioration of visual acuity. But, regardless of the reasons, before you buy, you should undergo an examination and get recommendations from a highly specialized specialist.

An ophthalmologist will determine the state of your vision and write a prescription for correction using eyepieces. This is necessary both for those who have encountered this problem for the first time, and for those who have been wearing them for a long time, since after some time the parameters may change.

Incorrectly selected eyepieces can aggravate the situation, the ability to see will decrease, various uncomfortable sensations may arise, such as dizziness, loss of orientation, your eyes and head will hurt, eye ailments will occur, and you will get tired quickly.

Therefore, you should not buy such an important accessory yourself. It's better to leave it to a specialist.

Modern equipment allows the ophthalmologist to accurately determine everything required parameters.

A more specialized specialist (easy to find in major cities) optometrist, measures all the necessary parameters, the main one of which is the distance between the centers of the pupils.

This is very important nuance, since those made without taking this value into account focus incorrectly, which will lead to various negative consequences: from discomfort to decreased vision.

Depending on whether you are farsighted or, conversely, for myopia, different lenses are prescribed. Don't forget to check what exactly you need the eyepieces for, as this is also important.

The most difficult is the selection of eyepieces when correction is required for both near and long-distance viewing; such combinations of needs require high class and experience.

It is also not easy to choose optical instruments for astigmatism. Here the glasses have their own characteristics that make it possible to correct this pathology.

How to choose lenses?

Modern optics offers two types of lenses: glass and plastic. Which one should you prefer?

Glass ones have a higher degree of refraction, which is better for health, but unlike plastic ones, they are heavier.

This is an important quality if you should wear them regularly. Glass ones are less susceptible to scratches, but plastic ones won't break into many small pieces.

At the same time, the strength of glass ones is much higher, and when framed they look more sophisticated.

You should choose taking into account how long you will use the glasses, and try to first evaluate how you feel certain lenses, there are individual preferences that you need to feel for yourself.

In summer, it is better to give preference to glasses with sun protection coating: they correct vision and protect from negative impact ultraviolet.

Selecting a frame

In order for glasses to be corrected effectively, it is necessary to choose the right frame.

Because not only the quality of glass affects the quality and comfort of wearing, but also other factors:

  • the material from which it is made,
  • the overview it gives
  • form,
  • ease,
  • strength and other parameters.

They are mainly made of plastic, metal or a combination. Plastic ones are the lightest and cheapest. At the same time, Kevlar and nylon are quite durable, but at the same time lightweight. They have the widest range of colors.

Metal ones are made from alloys such that they do not cause irritation or allergies to the skin. They are very thin, but nevertheless durable. The color range is also varied.

Today there is a demand for frames made of precious metals, so even such models are made individually.

Combined ones are in high demand. Parts that are subject to the greatest load during operation are made of metal. Thus, we achieved that they are durable, but at the same time light and comfortable to wear.

Accessory for image and beauty

Today, in order to improve their image, many people who have 100% vision buy “zeros” - the lenses of which do not have diopters.

This is an accessory that successfully emphasizes a person’s individuality, changes appearance, emphasizes a particular style, and gives a feeling of confidence and attractiveness.

Before you make your choice, try on several to understand how this one changes your face and overall image. optical instrument. It is necessary to take into account not only the quality of the product, but also the color and shape.

For fair-haired people, blue, gray, steel, and greenish shades are most suitable. For brunettes - dark, gray, blue colors. And those who have fiery hair will suit pale shades, golden, brown, olive.

Today there is a huge choice fashionable frames that will emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings of any person. Depending on the shape of the head and face, the model is selected.

Try them on in the way you will wear them. If this is an office option, then try on the options you like in the makeup and hairstyle that you wear most often during working hours.

Next - the choice can be for special occasions, for a certain style of clothing and others. “Bespectacled people” usually don’t stop at one pair, but have several in stock. Another important nuance: you need to learn how to “wear” them.

D Even rough and massive frames can become a spectacular detail of your image, which will make you stylish and attractive. There is no need to be ashamed or feel awkward - this will spoil your mood and you will feel constant discomfort.

Remember that now some people wear glasses not to restore their vision, but for their image. So take advantage of the situation: use this accessory for both health and pleasure.

How to prevent aggravation?

But do not forget that eyepieces are not a panacea. After putting them on, do not think that healing will happen in the shortest possible time.

To achieve positive result, it takes some effort on your part to change some habits.

You must perform regularly special exercises for your eyes at home and at work as soon as you feel tired or stressed.

There are a lot of different complexes, different authors. This exercises according to Zhdanov which are based on Dr. Bates' technique, only improved and supplemented. Thousands of patients have tried them on themselves and received lasting positive results.

Don't be overzealous in doing them. It is important to gradually increase the load so that overvoltage does not occur. The main thing is regularity, even when you get the desired result.

In addition, it is necessary to use other means that will help the body restore health. These may be special drops.

Drops " Oko-plus» regulate the functioning of organs and systems, blood circulation, increase immunity, and enable the body to heal from the inside.

Modern technologies do not stand still, and today you can purchase a unique device for vision correction, American massage glasses.

Firm "Healthy Sight" designed them so that you can relax your eyes wherever you need it - at home or at work.

They calm you down nervous system and are indispensable when working on a PC. And the main advantage of this device is that they restore the ability to see.

You can improve your eye function by folk remedies: a decoction of chamomile, cornflower or sage is good to take not only internally, but also to make compresses: soak cotton pads in a warm decoction and place on the eye sockets for 15-20 minutes.

Try to have more red and orange fruits and vegetables in your diet: carrots, rosehips, oranges, persimmons. Blueberries, all types of cabbage, and fresh herbs are also very useful.

That's how, with the help of stylish glasses and a little effort on your part, blurred perception can be corrected. You have to find the good in everything, so don't forget that the eyepiece prescription you've been given can improve your appearance and give more confidence.

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I wish you all well-being and be healthy!

I suggest you watch this interesting video:

Glasses occupy an important place in our lives. And it doesn’t matter whether you are nearsighted or farsighted, without glasses we are like without hands.

Glasses consist of lenses and frames. It is difficult to say which of these elements is more important. Lenses must be chosen correctly so that the eyes do not get tired and vision does not deteriorate. It is important that the lenses do not break when dropped or get scratched.

The frame is the same significant part. It can squeeze the bridge of the nose or slide down onto the nose all the time. Heads pressed too hard against your head can lead to headaches. Some frames can break quickly and even cause allergies.

Of course, the frame is a significant part of the look. Properly chosen glasses give your face a unique charm. So, how to choose the right frames and lenses for glasses?

How to choose the right glasses?

Many people, knowing their diopters, buy ready-made glasses; they are not expensive and you can choose any frame.

But it’s better not to buy ready-made glasses. Why?

1) In lenses, not only diopters are important, but also the distance between the pupils. And it’s different for everyone.

A mismatch between your distance and lenses can result in:

  • Headache;
  • Fatigue;
  • Stinging, feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • Progression of myopia and farsightedness.

2) B ready-made glasses As a rule, the lens diopters are the same. It is rare for both eyes to see the same. As a rule, the ophthalmologist prescribes a special correction for the left and right eyes.

3) The frame material, plastic or metal, may not meet sanitary standards. Such frames can lead to allergies and skin irritation.

4) Glasses made in a semi-handicraft way will not last long. They will quickly break, peel, and lenses without a protective coating will quickly become damaged.

To choose the right glasses, it is better to go to an optical salon. A qualified specialist will determine visual acuity, the necessary correction for the left and right eyes and measure the gap between the pupils.

After diagnosis, you need to move on to choosing a frame for glasses. Of course, color and style are needed, but it is more important that the glasses fit comfortably, pay attention to sensitive areas - the bridge of the nose, temples, behind the ears.

Of the metal frames, titanium is the most durable, although they are expensive.

Steel frames are heavy, but cheaper.

Alloy frames typically contain nickel and are coated with a protective coating that protects the skin from contact with the metal. This coating wears off quickly and can cause irritation.

If you take plastic frames, then carbon ones are the best.

Semi-rimless or rimless frames are invisible on the face, but the lenses do not hold well.

When choosing glasses, you should consider the following factors.

  1. The frame should not squeeze the bridge of the nose, temples, or behind the ears.
  2. The frame should be level and sit strictly parallel to the eyebrow line.
  3. Even if you bend down, your glasses should not come off.
  4. The best nose pads are made of silicone and are adjustable.

How to choose lenses for glasses?

After choosing a frame, you need to choose the right lenses. Which lenses for glasses should I choose?

Glass lenses last a long time, do not scratch, protect against ultraviolet rays, but they can easily break and are heavy on the bridge of the nose. If you are diagnosed with astigmatism, then glass lenses will cost you a lot.

Plastic lenses are ideal for astigmatism, lightweight and will not break. True, their optical properties are worse than those of glass and they are easy to damage.

Now let's move on to choosing lens coatings. If you choose plastic lenses, then you will benefit from a hardening coating that protects them from scratches and damage.

To avoid frequently wiping your glasses, you can apply a water- or dirt-repellent coating.

There is also an anti-reflective coating that eliminates glare that appears on the front and back surfaces of the lenses. This coating prevents distracting objects from being reflected in the lenses.

You can apply a multifunctional coating that combines all of the listed properties.

How to choose glasses frames depending on your face shape?

Depending on your face shape, choose your frames.

Oval face. You can choose glasses with any frame. Just make sure that its width is greater than the widest part of the face.

Circle shaped face. Elongated narrow or rectangular frames are suitable.

Long face. Look for wide rectangular frames with chunky cushions and butterfly frames with raised outer corners.

Square shaped face. Oval-shaped glasses or cat-eye frames.

For a prominent face, a rounded frame, slightly widened towards the bottom, is suitable.

To prevent myopia from developing, prepare a drink.

Pour boiling water over five tablespoons of nettle, add one glass and cook for five minutes. Drink one third of a glass three times a day. Try to drink useful decoction half an hour before meals.

Take two teaspoons of barley flour after meals.

Conclusion: choosing the right glasses is very important, as you will not only correct your vision, but also give your face a special charm.

In theory, glasses should not only improve vision, but also match your appearance, and ideally, even serve as decoration. Therefore, the question of how to choose glasses for vision is very relevant.

In practice, if you choose the wrong glasses, in which you can see everything perfectly, after a while they become the cause of headaches and even fatigue. The easiest advice for a buyer is to see a doctor for a prescription. But the doctor cannot know all the nuances, and the buyer experiences the choice over several years. How to choose glasses for vision?

How to choose the right glasses for vision?

That's just short list what to focus on when choosing:

  • The material from which the lenses are made is (plastic or glass). This item affects the overall weight of the glasses and the load on the bridge of the nose, as well as the cleanliness of the lens surface throughout the entire service life (the glass is less scratched). It is advisable to take into account the safety of plastic and its resistance to impacts when dropped.
  • Frame material: metal, plastic (reinforced). Metal frames are elegant and often extremely thin, which can be decisive for the service life if the material is of poor quality.
  • Nose pads are preferably made of silicone with sufficient softness and comfortable mobility. The temples should not put undue pressure on the temples.
  • The index of the spectacle lens also plays a role. The higher it is, the smaller the thickness and curvature of the lens and the easier the selection of frames. A higher refractive index gives glass lenses. They are preferable for glasses with an optical power of more than 4 diopters. Low refractive index lenses are used in children's glasses and rimless frames.
  • Coating spectacle lenses also important. Photochromic changes the ability to transmit light depending on the intensity of light. Anti-reflex clearing is useful for those who drive a car or work at a computer, as it reduces discomfort from reflected radiation. Hydrophobic prevents dust and dirt from accumulating on the lenses.

How does a doctor choose glasses?

An ophthalmologist is well aware of how to choose glasses for vision, and you should visit them before ordering them.

First, the center-to-center distance between the pupils is measured. To do this, use a millimeter ruler to measure the distance between the outer edge of the iris of the right eye and the inner edge of the iris of the left eye.

To select lenses, use a set of glasses and a visual acuity table. Lenses are selected separately for each eye. The patient is put on a special frame. The left eye is covered with a screen. A biconvex lens of 0.5 diopters is installed opposite the right one. Next, the lenses are changed step by step until the best vision is achieved. They prescribe the strongest glass with the best vision.

If vision does not clear up with convex lenses, use concave lenses, starting with 0.5 diopters with a gradual increase in glass power. The weakest concave glass with which there was clear vision is prescribed.

If glasses don’t suit you at all, and you want to forget about glasses and contacts forever, we recommend the M.S. Center. Norbekova.

As a rule, the question of how to choose glasses for vision arises among middle-aged people and is associated with the development age-related farsightedness(presbyopia). But there is also such a need for young people and children who suffer from myopia (myopia), farsightedness (hypermetropia) and astigmatism. If in the first case we decide on the right choice An ophthalmologist or optometrist (a specialist in the selection of glasses and contact lenses) in an optics salon, then in the second situation, spectacle vision correction is the task of an experienced ophthalmologist at the clinic.

Consultation and examination with an ophthalmologist

As already mentioned, it is impossible to choose the right glasses for vision without an ophthalmological examination and consultation. Independent attempts may not only fail, but also bring great harm.

Doctor medical institution, where you decided to test your vision, in mandatory will carry out the following diagnostic procedures.

The examination always begins with a survey, identification and clarification of complaints, collection of anamnesis of the disease and life. Then the specialist conducts external inspection visual apparatus for the subject visible damage and others pathological symptoms.

The further examination plan depends on the expected diagnosis. As a rule, the following are sufficient for optical correction of visual impairments: diagnostic techniques.

Visual acuity test using special Snellen or Sivtsev tables.

Snellen and Sivtsev tables are the most popular and available method visual acuity tests

Determination of refraction objective and subjective way. Refraction is the process of bending light rays into optical system eyes. The main structures that provide the eye with refraction and focusing light onto the retina are the cornea and the lens. Normal refraction, when all light rays converge at one point on the retina, is called emmetropia. Such an eye is able to clearly see surrounding objects.

Unfortunately, not everything is perfect in nature, and some people have a different type of refraction (due to congenital or acquired reasons), which differs from emmetropia.

A nearsighted (myopic) eye has a strong refractive power, which causes light rays to focus in front of the retina. The farsighted eye (hypermetropic) has a weak ability to refract light, causing it to focus behind the retina. Both of these refraction options do not allow a person to obtain clarity and good visual acuity and are indications for optical vision correction.

If the eye focuses light in front of the retina, the patient is nearsighted.

If the eye focuses light behind the retina, the patient is farsighted.

The higher the degree of myopia and hyperopia, the worse a person sees. These types of refractive error have three degrees:

  • weak - no more than 3 diopters;
  • moderate severity– in the range of 4-6 diopters;
  • severe - more than 6 diopters.

Reference! Diopter is a unit of determination of the optical power of a lens.

Another type of ametropia (impaired normal refraction) is astigmatism. In this case, not only the refractive ability of the cornea and lens is impaired, but there is also a violation of the uniform curvature of the cornea and/or lens, as a result not only visual acuity suffers, but also there are distortions in the images of surrounding objects. Astigmatism can be nearsighted, farsighted or mixed. This is the most difficult form of ametropia to correct optically.

Refractometry is the definition refractive power eyes. IN at the moment this examination is carried out using modern computer equipment, and the procedure itself is called computer refractometry. The procedure itself is very easy to perform, painless and very fast. As a result, you receive a printout with important numbers and indicators for the correct selection of glasses:

  • SPH (spherical component) is an indicator that measures the patient’s refraction in diopters, if the indicator is with a “-” sign, then the patient is nearsighted, if with a “+” sign - farsightedness;
  • CYL (cylindrical component) – displays the size of the cylindrical lens to correct astigmatism, if the patient has one;
  • AXIS – angle for installing a cylindrical lens for astigmatism;
  • DP is the interpupillary distance, which differs different people, this is necessary in order to correctly place the spectacle lenses in the frame.

The photo shows the computer refractometry procedure

Refractometry is performed separately for each eye, because in most cases their refractive ability is different. This method The examination is objective, that is, the patient’s feelings are not taken into account. Unfortunately, not always computer diagnostics is able to select the most comfortable parameters for spectacle correction. The computer corrects vision to an acuity of 1.0, but all people are able to tolerate such correction well; they develop side effectsheadache, pain in the eyeballs, dizziness, nausea.

That is why, after automatic refractometry, the ophthalmologist conducts a subjective selection of lenses for correction, based on the data obtained during the examination, but taking into account the feelings and wishes of the patient, who tries on lenses of different optical powers, choosing the most comfortable option for himself. Thus, refractive errors are corrected with glasses not to 100% vision, but to the maximum tolerated, most often visual acuity of 0.7-0.8. Such parameters are quite sufficient for trouble-free everyday life and at the same time the person will quickly and easily get used to the glasses.

Using this set of trial lenses, the patient is selected the optimal parameters for future glasses

Keratometry is the measurement of the curvature of the corneal surface. The study is done (but not necessarily) when selecting glasses for astigmatists, diagnosing certain diseases, before laser correction vision and others surgical interventions.

Tonometry - research intraocular pressure. Included in the list of recommended diagnostic procedures at every visit to the ophthalmologist, helps to identify glaucoma on early stages.

Biomicroscopy is the examination of eye structures using a slit lamp. Allows detailed examination of almost all structures under magnification eyeball.

Ophthalmoscopy – examination of the fundus of the eye. A mandatory examination when visiting an ophthalmologist for any reason.

Based on the basic research methods described, the ophthalmologist will diagnose correct diagnosis and write it out individual recipe on good glasses, if they are necessary.

Reading a prescription for glasses

First, it is important to know the meaning of the abbreviations in the recipe:

  • OD – right eye.
  • OS – left eye.
  • OU – both eyes.
  • SPH – optical power spherical lens for the correction of myopia and/or hyperopia, measured in diopters (D), the value may be preceded by a “-” sign, which indicates myopia, or “+” - farsightedness.
  • CYL is the optical power of a cylindrical lens for the correction of astigmatism, measured in diopters (D), can be followed by a “-” or “+” sign for myopic or hypermetropic astigmatism.
  • AX is the astigmatism meridian (the angle at which the cylindrical lens component should be set), measured in degrees (º), the value can be from 0º to 180º.
  • DP – distance between pupils in mm. Measured manually with a ruler or using computer refractometry. This value can be indicated in full, for example, 60 mm, or in parts (separately for each eye from the bridge of the nose to the pupil, since most men and women have natural facial asymmetry), for example, 30/32 mm.
  • Add – addition. This is a special parameter that is indicated when selecting glasses to correct presbyopia, when the patient needs different optical power when looking far and near. Addition means addition, that is, it indicates how many diopters need to be added to the spherical component of the lens in its lower field for comfortable use of glasses.

An example of a prescription for glasses for a patient with hypermetropic (far-sighted) astigmatism

The prescription must include the patient's full name, age, diagnosis, purpose of the glasses (for example, for distance reading, for reading), the date the prescription was issued and the doctor's full name. The shelf life of this recipe is 6-12 months.

Choosing spectacle lenses

Choosing the right lenses for future glasses is the most important thing. Naturally, the main parameters are indicated by the ophthalmologist in the prescription, but then it is the task of the user of future glasses. In the salon, opticians will help you make a choice and tell you about the pros and cons of certain glasses. Let's consider the main parameters by which you need to choose the best spectacle lenses.


The first thing to do is choose a lens manufacturer. It is better to buy products from trusted companies with many years of experience in this sector.

World leaders in the production of eyeglass lenses


Mineral lenses are glass. Once upon a time, lenses were made only from glass; they had significant disadvantages - heavy weight, low strength and high risk of injury. Over time, plastic lenses (polymer) began to appear, which were improved over the years and practically replaced mineral lenses from the market. Glass today is used for patients with high degrees of refractive error for aesthetic purposes - their lens edge will be thinner than plastic, since the refractive power of glass is higher.


Spherical - their surface is formed by a sphere (like a cut from a sphere). The most common option and suitable for any recipe.

Aspherical - their surface is formed by an ellipse (cut from an ellipse). This lens is thinner and produces less image distortion, especially at the edges of the lens.

Aspherical lenses provide less image distortion, which is undoubtedly a big plus

Refractive index (RI)

The CP of polymer lenses can vary from 1.5 to 1.74, depending on the type of plastic chosen. The higher the CP, the thinner and more aesthetically pleasing the lens in the frame will look. It will also be stronger, but also more expensive.


Today, lenses for glasses without special types of coating practically do not exist. The coating can be hardening, scratch-resistant, anti-reflective, water-, grease- and dirt-repellent. The more such coatings a lens has, the more advantages it has, but the price is corresponding.

UV filter

Many people know about the dangers ultraviolet radiation, therefore, when choosing spectacle lenses, it is better to give preference to specimens with a built-in UV filter, and it is important to ask your optical consultant in detail about this, since the lens may have protection from sun rays, and not specifically ultraviolet.

Choosing the right frame

Naturally, the basis good points– these are lenses, but the frame must also be beautiful, comfortable and durable, and suitable for the type of face.

A visual illustration of the shape of glasses that suits people with various types faces

When choosing the shape of glasses (frames), you need to pay attention to following criteria:

  • The frame can emphasize the zest in a person’s appearance, for example, Blue eyes.
  • The frame should be the opposite of your face shape.
  • The size must correspond to the size of the face.
  • The frame material is metal or plastic; rimless glasses are also available.
  • Color – it is advisable to select the color of the frame in accordance with your color type.

When choosing the color of your glasses frame, it is important to consider your color type.

Thus, choosing glasses for vision, especially for a child, is a difficult but completely solvable task, which can be solved by a qualified ophthalmologist, a good consultant at an optical salon, and relatives or friends who will recommend a beautiful frame that suits you.