Deterioration of vision: causes of vision loss in children, age-related vision loss, treatment. Reasons why sharpness decreases vision

Deterioration of vision is a problem that occurs with age or after heavy loads many people come across. However, you should not be afraid of it, because in the vast majority of cases this phenomenon can be corrected and very well. In order for you to know what steps you can take if you discover such an unpleasant fact, let's look at the reasons, as well as methods of dealing with the main symptom.

Causes of eye diseases

There are at least a dozen reasons why people experience certain vision problems, and in each case they are individual. The most significant Among them are:

  1. Genetic characteristics (predisposition to certain diseases).
  2. Increased load on the visual organs.
  3. Rough.
  4. Past infectious diseases.
  5. Endocrine diseases, including diabetes.
  6. Circulatory disorders.
  7. Pathologies of spinal development.
  8. , chemical and radiation exposure.
  9. Age-related diseases.

Also, in addition to the main causes of vision loss, there are additional accompanying factors that stimulate this process. Among them, doctors name a decrease in human immunity, lack of vitamins in the body, lack of sleep, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption.

A wide range of factors influencing the acuity of our vision suggests that, to one degree or another, every person is at risk of partial or complete loss of vision.

In order to avoid such an outcome, it is very important to carry out comprehensive prevention of eye diseases.


Knowing the reasons for vision deterioration, it is not difficult to determine those preventive measures which are necessary for its restoration. These include:

  1. Quitting bad habits, including smoking and alcohol.
  2. Regular visits to the ophthalmologist for timely detection and treatment of any ailments (you must remember that on early stages Almost all of them can be completely cured with medication, which is late stages practically inaccessible).
  3. Protects eyes from chemical exposure and UV radiation.
  4. Compliance with recommendations for visual hygiene, including ensuring the proper level of lighting at home and in the office, as well as working at the computer.
  5. Active sports that improve blood circulation and metabolism.
  6. Regular exposure to fresh air.
  7. Homemade herbal baths and lotions.

All these methods are quite effective in each specific case, therefore they should in no case be ignored or considered primitive and outdated.

By using them regularly, you will be able to avoid serious illnesses and even improve your current level of visual acuity.

What to do if your vision has decreased

If you notice even minor symptoms of decreased vision, you should consult a doctor immediately. At your request, the ophthalmologist is obliged to conduct a comprehensive eye examination, study the conditions of your work and life, establish the reason for the loss of vision, and also prescribe a correction adequate to your case. If you take such measures in a timely manner, it is quite possible that you will be able to identify certain complex illnesses and treat them in time, thus avoiding loss of vision. If the specialist does not find any serious illnesses in you, he will be able to select for you individual vision prevention method, using which you will be able to remove this symptom and return to normal life.

Many people, with a slight deterioration in their vision, do not see the point of seeing a doctor and try to solve the problem using traditional methods, or completely ignore it.

Both the first and second options are not correct. The fact is that without a full diagnosis it is very difficult to establish the true cause of vision loss, and therefore it is impossible to adequately treat it. This approach, as well as ignoring the problem, can lead to complications and other unpleasant consequences.

What diseases can this factor be a symptom of?

In addition to the main vision pathologies, including myopia, (all of them are accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity), this symptom is also characteristic of a number of other ailments, including:

  • Violations intracranial pressure caused by problems with blood circulation.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Infectious diseases.

With such ailments, damage to the centers may occur nervous system, which is why patients’ vision decreases.

Normal and diseased eye

Precisely because, if you have never complained about the health of your eyes before, needs to be addressed special attention for this symptom and consult a doctor immediately. You may need diagnosis from other specialists: a neurologist, cardiologist, therapist, but it will give you the opportunity to get the most complete picture of the disease and overcome it faster.

Modern restoration methods

Nowadays, ophthalmology has dozens of effective methods that allow you to cope with eye diseases, regardless of their causes and general symptoms. Full recovery visual acuity carried out using:

  • surgical treatment (especially for cataracts);
  • drug therapy;
  • correction using night lenses (for mild myopia and farsightedness).

Also important are contact lenses of different optical powers, which can be soft, hard, gas-permeable. Selected for each patient individually.

Prescribing any of the above correction methods is possible only after a full diagnosis by a specialist.

It is highly not recommended to make your own decision on the selection of one or another remedy to eliminate visual impairments, since they may not only not give good result, but also aggravate the problem if selected incorrectly.

Regardless of whether you currently have diagnosed vision diseases or not, you must make every effort to avoid their occurrence in the future and help the body recover normal condition eye now. For this it is vital to do general recommendations for vision care. They are common to all patients. About these measures we'll talk below.

Traditional medicine (diet, diet, vitamins)

Almost everything traditional methods combating vision pathologies are aimed primarily at restoration of natural metabolic processes by saturating the body additional vitamins and minerals.

They may include:

  • Diet correction with the addition of carrots (contains vitamin A), blueberries, citrus fruits, dried fruits, beets. Also in mandatory Dairy products are added to it to saturate it with essential minerals.
  • The use of various infusions. For example, mistletoe (glaucoma treatment), as well as eyebright (for various types pathologies).
  • Using various oils for eye massage, including geranium oils, burdock oil and other similar ones to which a person is not allergic. Such products also contain wide range vitamins, therefore they can have an extremely positive effect on the condition of your eyes.
  • As local funds these methods also include medicinal compresses based on a decoction of chamomile and other herbs. In preventive measures, it is enough to carry them out twice a week.

It is extremely important to use traditional medicine methods to restore visual acuity as preventative measures. However, for serious diseases, including glaucoma and cataracts, it is not recommended to base treatment on them alone. This may have unpleasant consequences for your health.

Exercise for the eyes

Exists when various diseases eye exercises, the daily implementation of which can give good healing effect and even improve your visual acuity. They are aimed at solution various problems vision and allow:

  • Improve eye blood circulation(exercise “curtains”);
  • Train accommodation(all exercises aimed at consistently focusing vision on close and distant objects);
  • Relax eye muscles (exercise “butterfly”).

Set of exercises

Harmonious exercise for your eyes should consist of several different types of exercises.

To get the maximum effect from it, it is recommended to perform the exercises 2 times a day at the same time.

Already a month later correct execution exercises you can get the first result.


Video about how to restore vision.


As we see, both in medical and folk practice there are a lot effective recipes that can save a person from vision problems. And, unfortunately, no one is safe from them, but there are effective methods although not preventing, but slowing down the process of vision loss. This is also an eye exercise, about which it is written in more detail, and, and traditional medicine. All that is needed to cure such ailments is to pay attention to the problem in a timely manner and begin to address it. effective treatment. In this case, you will definitely achieve positive results in this matter.

Decreased vision can occur due to age, due to infectious diseases or hereditary factors. When visual acuity decreases, wearing corrective lenses (glasses or contact lenses) is indicated, as well as treatment using various conservative and surgical methods. If you suspect that your vision is deteriorating, it is important to see a doctor promptly.


How to identify symptoms of decreased visual acuity

    Notice if you squint. You may be squinting your eyes to get a better look at something. In people with poor eyesight often present various pathologies the shape of the eyeballs, the structure of the lens or cornea is disrupted. These abnormalities block the light from reaching the retina correctly, causing the image to become blurry. When a person squints, he narrows the beam of light, which increases the clarity of vision.

    Pay attention to headaches. Headaches can be caused by eye strain, which, in turn, is caused by stress and heavy visual load. Increased eye strain often occurs while driving a car, working at a computer, watching TV for a long time, reading and other activities.

    Pay attention to double vision (diplopia). Diplopia is two images of the same object. Double vision can occur in one eye or in both. Diplopia can be caused by an irregularly shaped cornea or diseases such as cataracts and astigmatism.

    Note the appearance of halos. Halo is a bright circle, ambient source light (most often, car headlights). Typically, such halos appear in the dark (for example, at night or in a dark room). The cause of halos can be myopia, farsightedness, cataracts, astigmatism and presbyopia.

    Notice the different highlights. Glare occurs due to a light source directed into the eyes, which spoils the perception of the image. Glare usually occurs in daytime and may occur due to nearsightedness, farsightedness, cataracts, astigmatism or presbyopia.

    Note blurriness and unclear vision. Blurred vision and loss of visual acuity affect clarity of vision. Blurred vision can occur in one eye or both. This main symptom myopia.

    Look out for night blindness (gameralopia). Gameralopia is a disorder of vision at night or in a dark room. This condition is usually worsened when a person moves from bright street light into a dark room. Reason night blindness may cause cataracts, myopia, exposure to various medicines, vitamin A deficiency, retinal abnormalities and congenital anomalies.

    Find out if you are farsighted. Farsightedness is blurred vision of objects at close range. Farsightedness is caused by shortening eyeball or insufficient curvature of the cornea.

    Identify the symptoms of astigmatism. Astigmatism in the eye occurs when light does not hit the retina properly. Astigmatism causes objects to appear blurry and elongated. The reason is irregular shape cornea.

    Look for signs of presbyopia (senile vision). Usually this disease develops at an older age (after 35 years). With this disease, it is difficult to focus on any object and see it clearly and clearly. Presbyopia is caused by loss of flexibility of the lens and thickening of the lens.

Consult a doctor

    Get tested. Visual impairment can be diagnosed using several tests and full examination vision. This study includes several aspects:

    • Ophthalmic tests are designed to determine visual acuity. One of them passes as follows: the patient is placed at a distance of several meters in front of a special sign in which letters are written in lines. The letters in each line are different in size. The largest letters are located on the top line, and the smallest ones are on the last line. With this test, your doctor checks your distance vision (depending on the line you see and can read correctly)
    • Another part of the examination is determining the color spectrum that you see.
    • Take the cover test for your assessment binocular vision. This test can determine how well you can see in both eyes. The doctor will ask you to focus on a small object with one eye while covering the other eye. With this test, the doctor can tell if the eye has to reorient its gaze to see an object. If you actually have to change your focus to see an object, you may have lazy eye syndrome, which means your eye is very tired.
    • Test to check the condition of the eyeball. To determine the condition of your eyes, your doctor will perform a special light test. You will be asked to place your chin on a special stand and look into a small hole in the machine through which light will shine. This test is necessary to examine the outer part of the eye (conjunctiva, cornea, iris), as well as internal structure eyes (retina and optic nerve).
  1. Get tested for glaucoma. Glaucoma is ophthalmic disease, which is characterized by increased intraocular pressure and can lead to complete loss vision. A test for glaucoma is performed by introducing a small stream of air into the eye and measuring the intraocular pressure.

    To conduct the examination, you need to dilate your pupils. This is required for many tests. To dilate the pupils, you need to put special drops into your eyes. This is done when screening for diabetes, high blood pressure, presence of degeneration macular spot, glaucoma.

    Wait for the test results. A comprehensive vision test takes about 1-2 hours. The results of most tests are reported immediately after the examination, but your doctor may prescribe additional research. If you have been assigned additional examination, ask your doctor about the timing.

    Find out if you need glasses. Testing is carried out by determining refraction. The doctor will offer several options for lenses, and you will need to choose those in which you see objects most clearly. This test determines the severity of nearsightedness, farsightedness, presbyopia and astigmatism.


    Wear glasses. Vision problems are primarily caused by the eye's inability to focus light onto the retina. Lenses are capable of redirecting a beam of light so that it properly hits the retina of the eye.

  1. Wear contact lenses. Contact lenses are small lenses that are placed directly in your eyes. They "float" on the surface of the cornea.

    • There are many options available today. For example, for many the best option are daily lenses (that is, disposable), others prefer to wear reusable lenses.
    • Many manufacturers produce contact lenses of different shades designed for different types eye. To select the appropriate lenses, consult your eye doctor.
  2. Vision can be corrected using surgical treatments. Glasses and contact lenses are a conservative method of vision correction, but today they have become extremely popular and widespread surgical methods. There are several types of operations, but the most common are laser correction LASIK and PRK.

  3. If surgery is the best option, ask your doctor about the duration and recovery period.
  4. If your doctor recommends conservative treatments, ask about side effects medications.
  5. Get your eyes checked regularly. It is recommended to have your eyes tested every 2-3 years if you are under 50 years old. If you are over 50 years old, you should have your eyes checked every year.
  6. It's important to know about your genetic predisposition. The sooner you can detect signs of vision loss, the better.
  7. Stick to it healthy eating. Include foods in your diet that contain nutrients essential for eye health. For example, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E. In addition, foods such as cabbage and spinach have a positive effect on eye health.
  8. Take care of your eyes. Always carry with you sunglasses. Umbrellas will also help protect your eyes from harmful effects ultraviolet rays sun.
  9. Warnings

    • Take into account any health problems you have. In some cases, decreased vision is associated with other medical problems.
    • Find out if you have more serious illnesses that affect vision: neurological disorders, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases (myasthenia gravis and so on).
    • Do not drive or operate any mechanical devices if you suspect you have vision problems.
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Oksana Averyanova, Ph.D., doctor highest category,

Medical center of the highest category AILAZ

To paraphrase famous expression, alas, all organs are submissive to old age - this is true, and the eyes are no exception. Over the years, the eyes can be affected by age-related cataracts or retinal dystrophy... To avoid loss of vision or other possible threats, you need to be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist - this is the only way to protect your eyes.

There are such vision diseases as, for example, acute attack glaucoma - when the clock is counting: the sooner you see a doctor, the greater the chance of maintaining your vision. So, what are the most dangerous signs of visual impairment?

1. Sharp deterioration vision in one eye

If you have already passed the 60th birthday and if you have at least one of the listed diseases: myopia, hypertension, diabetes, there is a high risk that vision loss is caused by vascular disorders. In this case, emergency medical care- consult a doctor as soon as possible!

2. The feeling of a black curtain in front of the eyes that covers some part of the field of vision

This is a serious symptom that is often observed with retinal detachment. Here, as in the previous case, the sooner you start treatment, the greater the chance of keeping your eyes healthy.

3. Sharp pain in the eye, redness, blurred vision, may cause nausea, vomiting

This is how an attack of angle-closure glaucoma can occur. Rise sharply intraocular pressure, and this can damage the optic nerve. There is an urgent need to reduce intraocular pressure - up to surgical treatment. This will not go away on its own - you need to see a doctor.

4. Gradual or sharp narrowing field of view

If your field of vision gradually narrows, over time you will only be able to see what is directly in front of you. This is called “tubular” vision and may indicate glaucoma: a narrowing of the visual field due to damage to the optic nerve is one of its main signs. Treatment is also necessary here, otherwise vision will deteriorate.

Glaucoma - insidious disease and often patients are not aware of its existence. On the medical center website AILAZ You will find glaucoma self-diagnosis questionnaire .

5. Gradual deterioration central vision, blurred, unclear image (straight lines look wavy, curved)

This may indicate a disease of the central region of the retina - the macula, which, in fact, is responsible for normal vision. This disease is age-related - older people are often susceptible to it. Glasses do not help; without treatment, vision steadily declines. Today, there are many treatment options depending on the form of macular degeneration.

Another reason for a sudden decrease in vision is a retinal tear in the central zone. If you do not immediately contact an ophthalmologist and begin treatment, your vision is unlikely to be restored.

6. When everything in front of your eyes is as if in a fog, the brightness and contrast of vision decreases

Thus, cataracts can develop, causing clouding of the lens. In this case, vision decreases gradually, down to the ability to only distinguish light. We are talking about planning here. surgical intervention- removal of cataracts followed by implantation of an artificial lens. At the same time, it is worth seeing an ophthalmologist, since sometimes cataracts cause intraocular pressure, and this is an indication for urgent surgical treatment. In addition, cataracts cause the lens to enlarge and harden, which can complicate its removal - this is another reason for regular visits to the ophthalmologist: so as not to miss time.

Modern technologies make it possible to remove a cataract and replace it with a transparent artificial lens painlessly and in a matter of minutes. You don't have to endure the discomfort of blurry vision. Decide to undergo examination and surgery.

7. Dark spots, partial blurred vision, feeling of fog or haze before the eyes

If a patient suffers from diabetes, the likelihood of eye damage is quite high, and the longer the diabetes period, the more likely changes in the eye are. Regular visits to an ophthalmologist are mandatory. If necessary, the ophthalmologist will prescribe complex treatment: not only appropriate medications, but often also laser treatment. Timely treatment will allow you to preserve your vision.

8. Burning sensation, sand in the eyes, sensation foreign body, lacrimation or, conversely, a feeling of dryness

This is a typical description of dry eye syndrome, the symptoms of which can worsen with age. As a rule, this disease does not cause any particular danger to vision, but severe dry eye syndrome can cause some pathological conditions. Experienced ophthalmologist will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe moisturizing drops.

On the medical center website AILAZ you will find self-diagnosis questionnaire for dry eye syndrome .

9. When the image appears double

When you see double, there can be several reasons, and it is not necessarily a “visual” problem. The reason for this may be intoxication, vascular disorders, diseases of the nervous system, pathology of the endocrine system. If double vision appears, it is better to immediately be examined by several doctors: a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist and an endocrinologist.

10. Floaters before the eyes

As a rule, floating spots, threads, “spiders” before the eyes are caused by destruction vitreous. This is due to age-related changes its structure and does not cause danger. With age, the vitreous body loses its density, liquefies and does not fit as tightly to the retina as before. When its fibers stick together and lose transparency, they cast a shadow on the retina and are perceived as defects in the visual field. This is clearly visible on a white background: snow, a sheet of paper. Destruction of the vitreous body can be caused by arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, head, eye and nose injuries.

At the same time, a spot that suddenly appears before the eyes, a “curtain,” may be the result of a serious pathology that requires surgical treatment, for example, hemorrhage in the retina or vitreous body. If symptoms appear suddenly, within one day, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

In any case, it is important to remember: if unknown visual symptoms occur, it is better to immediately consult an ophthalmologist. If your vision has deteriorated sharply - over a few days or even hours, or pain bothers you, do not waste time. Even if you cannot consult your doctor, you can go to an emergency eye care office, which is located in every city. As a last resort, many optician stores have competent ophthalmologists who will conduct an initial diagnosis and advise further actions.

A sharp deterioration in vision greatly changes the quality of life. The reasons for this may be different. When vision gradually declines, a person manages to adapt to the impairment. But the rapid loss of visual ability of the eye causes panic and can plunge severe depression. After all, more than 90% of information received from outside is provided by the eyes. To preserve vision, you need to pay attention to your eyes not sporadically (from time to time), but constantly. The visual function of the eyes also depends on the condition of the body as a whole. Why does a person begin to see poorly?

The first symptoms of visual impairment are considered to be the inability to qualitatively distinguish the contours of more or less distant objects, blurry pictures, a “veil” before the eyes, inability to read, etc. Loss good quality vision may be associated not only with defects themselves visual organs. A drop in visual acuity or its loss may be a symptom of serious systemic diseases body. The pathological condition of the eyes can be temporary (passing) or permanent, persistent.

Loss or deterioration of visual ability may be:

  • bilateral - the lesion is most often the cause of a neurogenic disorder;
  • unilateral - usually associated with a local problem (defect of eye tissue, local vascular pathology).

Why does vision drop rapidly, suddenly? The causes of a sharp, spontaneous loss of visual viability of the eyes (one or two) are usually classified as ophthalmological (directly related to the physiology and anatomy of the eyes) and general - those reasons that are associated with various general diseases body.

The loss of the main function of the eye is not always associated with organic disorders of the body.

Visual acuity may temporarily but sharply decrease due to overwork, constant lack of sleep, prolonged stay in front of a computer monitor, especially if everyday life is associated with it. work activity person.

Ophthalmic factors

A spontaneous decrease in the ability of one or both eyes to see well, its complete or partial loss is a consequence of many ophthalmological pathologies:

  1. Injuries (mechanical, chemical) of the visual organs. It's about about eyeball bruises, thermal burns, exposure to aggressive chemicals in the eye, foreign objects, about orbital fractures. Particularly severe wounds are caused by piercing and cutting agents; loss of the ability to see in the eye is often a consequence of their exposure. Chemical agents often affect more than just one surface layer, but also the deeper structures of the eyeball.
  2. Retinal hemorrhage. The reasons for this may be different - excessive physical activity, fragility vascular walls, long labor activity, venous congestion, intraocular hypertension.
  3. Acute infections eye (usually not one, but both eyes are affected) – fungal, viral, bacterial. This includes blenorrhea, conjunctivitis of various etiologies, keratitis, ulcers of the eye membranes. Loss of quality of vision is usually temporary.
  4. Detachment of the retina and eyeball, their ruptures.
  5. Optic neuropathy. The nature of the lesion is ischemic. There is a sudden loss of vision, usually one-sided, pain syndrome however, it is missing. The examination reveals false swelling of the optic nerve, pallor of the retina.
  6. Retinal migraine is characterized by a monocular scotoma (a blind spot in the visual field). Its appearance is associated with dyscirculation in the central artery of the retina. It can alternate with another type of migraine - ophthalmological, in which attacks of severe headache are associated with visual dysfunction (sparks before the eyes, flickering, scotomas).

All these pathological conditions are sharp. If your vision suddenly deteriorates, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely assistance in most cases helps restore vision, stop its decline, and save the eyes.

Intracranial hypertension - benign

An increase in intracranial pressure of a benign nature is usually characteristic of girls who are prone to obesity and suffer from cycle disorders. The disease is predisposed to various pathologies of the endocrine system, pregnancy, iron deficiency anemia.

Accompanied by severe pain in the back of the head, which can also be asymmetrical and generalized. Another characteristic symptom– severe visual dysfunction (reduced visibility). A special study indicates swelling of the optic nerve, congestion, and hemorrhages.

Temporal arteritis

Inflammatory lesion arterial vessels: vessels of the head, eyes. This is accompanied by deterioration of vision. The causes of this pathology have not been definitively established. The disease quite often provokes complete one-sided blindness. The disease mainly affects older female representatives of the population.

In addition to eye symptoms, there is headache, tension and pain in the temporal artery. Indicators are changing laboratory tests, which indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

Amavrosis fugax

Amavrosis fugax – sudden blindness. Internal stenosis carotid artery observed in older patients. As a result of this pathology, a person’s vision suddenly and abruptly disappears. The reason is a transient fluctuation in the level of blood flow in the retina area. Other characteristic features: noise in the projection of the artery (determined during auscultation), contralateral hemisymptoms, weakness in the limbs, etc. Vision in one (usually) eye deteriorates completely unexpectedly, over a period of minutes or hours. The disturbance continues—loss of visual ability of the eye—for several hours.

Amavrosis fugax may be a consequence of retinal vascular embolism. The cause of the pathology is damage to the carotid artery (internal). With the blood flow, the embolic formation penetrates the vessels of the retina, causing ischemia. The body has a special function provided by nature - the dissolution of blood clots, therefore blindness is often transient. In the acute phase, the retinal artery is fused, in it, with the help additional methods examination (angiography) reveals a blood clot.

Other causative factors

Among the other reasons that cause vision loss are the following:

A person’s vision gradually decreases due to vascular damage due to diabetes mellitus(diabetic retinopathy), formation of cataracts, cataracts. Vision is impaired by pathologies of the visual organs such as farsightedness and myopia. The progression of these diseases leads to loss of the ability to see well. Natural wear and tear of eye tissue and the presence of many concomitant diseases are the causes of decreased vision in old age.

Based on acute stress Visual dysfunction – “psychogenic blindness” – may occur. She often threatens representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Why? Women are distinguished by their emotionality and psychological sensitivity. The patient complains that her vision has sharply decreased. Reactions of the pupils of the eye are preserved, no pathological changes fundus.

Inattention to eye symptoms may result in absolute loss visual perception. Treatment depends on the cause of the disorder and the severity of the pathological disorder. In any case, contacting a specialist is an urgent need. Take care of your eyes, monitor their health!

In most cases, the answer to the question of why vision declines and what are the reasons is the natural aging of the body. However, this is far from the only explanation for this phenomenon.

Young people are increasingly turning to specialists for help.

The reasons why vision has sharply decreased may be disturbances in lifestyle, which is not the worst thing, but the presence of a serious illness already implies acceptance emergency measures to avoid the development of a number of complications.

Causes of deterioration associated with eye diseases

You should devote time to your health when certain “signals” appear, symbolizing the need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. This may be the inability to clearly see the outlines of objects, even at close range. It is also possible to feel like everything around you is in a fog: loss of clarity, sometimes the appearance of a veil that does not fall away.

If people’s faces are difficult to distinguish, and you have to peer for a long time, that is, make an effort with your eyes, then this is the first sign that there are serious violations leading to unpleasant consequences.

There are many reasons directly related to eye diseases that cause vision deterioration. The following diseases are usually diagnosed:

  1. Lens. First of all, cataract is the occurrence of turbidity, which appears as a result of failures in the exchange of vital important substances as a consequence of injury or changes in age.
  2. Farsightedness. Blurry vision of objects at close range. It is a consequence of many complications, but, first of all, as a result of the inability of the lens to change its shape.
  3. Cornea. Inflammation due to various kinds infections, toxic substances as a reaction to allergens. Plus, ulcers or thorns may appear.
  4. Myopia. Visual impairment pathological nature, if objects are viewed in the distance. Its occurrence is the result of a genetic factor, muscle weakening, and irregular shape due to lens injury.

All of the above points may not fully explain why vision has sharply decreased; there are other reasons, developing dangerous phenomenon.

Loss of vision as a symptom of dangerous diseases

Such diseases include:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system - deviations associated with thyroid gland, tumors compressing nerves;
  • retinopathy in diabetes mellitus causes damage to the capillaries - atherosclerosis or stagnation of blood, which leads to a lack of stable supply of the latter.
  • a sharp increase in pressure inside the eye;
  • hemorrhage as a result of excessive sports exercises or stress, pushing during childbirth, or poor blood clotting;
  • disorders in the brain - blood circulation, high blood pressure.

These deviations can fully answer the question of why vision declines. However, this is such a widespread phenomenon that only a specialist can establish the exact connection.


In most cases, eye injuries can be the main driving factor why vision deteriorates. The most common phenomenon is the contact of foreign small objects such as sawdust and grains of dust on the membrane of the conjunctiva or apple.

If the object is close, then you can get rid of it simply by blinking many times, but if all attempts are in vain, only a doctor can help.

If a person works in an industrial environment, there is a possibility of eye injury from hot objects or liquids. The same thing can happen in everyday life. The speed and extent of the fall depend on the size of the lesion. Man feels sharp pain and a strong burning sensation.

In most cases, the cornea is vulnerable, due to violations in which it occurs sharp drop vision.

When the eyes are exposed to sharp or similar instruments, injury occurs. This is very dangerous, as vision may not be fully restored.

Direct connection between the spine and eyes

The clarity of vision can also be affected by the condition of the spine, no matter how unusual this connection may seem. When it is injured, the vertebrae are displaced, compressing the blood vessels. Depending on the degree of deviation, vision can decline at different rates.

Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, you should regularly carry out basic exercises to stretch the muscles of the neck, head, and also the spine itself.

The same goes for women who have had a difficult birth that caused spinal injuries. If you sit in an incorrect sitting position for a long time, for example, at a computer or in the office, the load increases several times, which first leads to redness of the eyes, dryness, and then a gradual weakening of visual functions.

Chronic fatigue and poor nutrition

Constant fatigue, devoting little time to sleep, and physical activity lead to a person becoming very overtired - this causes vision deterioration. The same applies to the occurrence of frequent stressful situations, as well as inadequate treatment viral diseases and ignoring bed rest.

From food products that are large quantities included in the diet, depends on how positive side, and negative. There are foods that can improve visual functions, but there is also the opposite. Bad habits harmful to the entire body, including the eyes. If you lead correct image life, then unpleasant phenomena can be avoided.

Retinal pathologies

Very often, retinal disorders are a contributing factor to weakened vision.

Cases of detachment from the lining of blood vessels, the vitreous body, and the rupture itself are common. At first, vision may deteriorate in only one eye, then a veil may appear that cannot be removed by proven home methods (tea, chamomile, etc.).

If unexpected outbreaks appear, this is the main sign that the fabric has peeled off.

There is no way to wait for such an extreme stage; at the first deviation, you should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.