When to go for an ultrasound after childbirth. After natural childbirth. When to sound the alarm

So yesterday we started talking about what happens to a woman in postpartum period and how can an ultrasound examination be used to identify early stages health problems and the formation of serious postpartum complications. This helps on initial stage carry out active treatment, which will allow a woman to maintain reproductive functions and not earn chronic pathologies for life. So, what can maternity hospital specialists or antenatal clinic in the postpartum period?

Formation postpartum endometritis

Postpartum endometritis is called inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus (its inner mucous membrane). When conducting an ultrasound examination, the main signs of endometritis may be a decrease in the tone of the uterus and a fairly pronounced expansion of its cavity, the accumulation of gases in the uterine cavity, the presence of remnants of placental tissue or fragments in it membranes. It is important for yourself to understand that you need to start treatment as early as possible so that you can spend as little time in the hospital as possible and be able to be discharged home with your child faster. Women with endometritis are prescribed strict bed rest To reduce the spread of inflammation, an active course of antibiotics (usually injected intramuscularly) and drugs to speed up uterine contractions are required. If treatment is not started immediately after diagnosis, endometritis can progress to a very severe stage, which may even require surgery to remove the uterus and can really threaten the life and health of a woman who has recently given birth. However, in fairness it is worth noting that today this pathology is thanks to timely diagnosis and prevention occurs infrequently, in approximately 2% of cases of women who give birth naturally.

Formation of postpartum hemorrhage

Postpartum hemorrhage can be a serious complication of natural or operative childbirth. Carrying out an ultrasound examination on the second or third day from the moment of birth will help prevent such dangerous complications in the postpartum period. Bleeding may start suddenly and can be very heavy at times. Often, the causes of incipient bleeding can be remnants of placental tissue remaining in the uterine cavity, remnants of fetal membranes inside the uterine cavity, and this can be easily diagnosed during ultrasound monitoring after childbirth. In such cases, in order to stop the bleeding, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic curettage inside the uterine cavity and promptly remove the remnants of placental tissue. If any pathologies were detected during the initial ultrasound examination in the postpartum period, then the study is carried out with the regularity necessary to monitor the dynamics of the process and evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken. In case of positive dynamics and good results of control ultrasounds, the young mother and baby are discharged from the maternity hospital under the supervision of doctors at the antenatal clinic. But in case of the slightest doubt, the doctor will immediately refer the woman to a gynecological hospital.

After the operation caesarean section

A cesarean section is a special type of genital surgery that allows a baby to be born. And like any operation, this one is also not performed just like that, without indications; to carry it out, you must have certain indications– relative or absolute. And after a cesarean section, the uterus will return to its previous size much more slowly than the same process during natural childbirth. The reasons for this include a violation of the structure muscle fiber in the area of ​​the uterine wall due to an incision and subsequent suturing, which results in the formation of a scar on the uterus. The size and shape of the uterus as it was before pregnancy, the uterus during a cesarean section acquires only on the 10th day postpartum period.

In addition, the mere performance of a cesarean section on a woman in labor significantly increases the risks various kinds complications. Endometritis occurs more often after childbirth, the frequency of bleeding increases, and they can be external, blood pouring out of the vagina, or internal bleeding with accumulation of blood in the vagina. abdominal cavity. That's why ultrasonic methods research, as the simplest and most non-traumatic, plays a leading role in monitoring young mothers who have given birth surgically.

Usually an ultrasound examination of the uterus and reproductive organs for a woman who has given birth to a child by cesarean section, it is prescribed within a period of three to four days from the date of the operation. But sometimes, in some cases, as prescribed by the doctor, ultrasound examinations may be prescribed during the first few hours after the operation to exclude bleeding in the abdominal cavity or disruption of the integrity of the suture on the uterus, its ruptures or other problems. The study should be carried out in the presence of typical complaints from women, especially indicating abdominal pain, if there is bad tests blood, especially when sharp decline hemoglobin and hematocrit after surgery. An ultrasound examination can be carried out either through the anterior abdominal wall(transabdominal) and through the vagina with a vaginal sensor.

An ultrasound evaluates approximately the same parameters as during a normal natural birth, but in addition, a mandatory examination of the scar in the uterine area is carried out. Often, it is the condition of the scar that will be evidence of certain pathologies, for example, an ultrasound sign of postpartum endometritis during cesarean section is swelling of the sutures of the uterus. The healing of sutures during a cesarean section does not always occur smoothly, in such cases ultrasound examination helps in diagnosing hematomas (collections of blood) in the area surgical scar, and also helps in monitoring the size and size, location of hematomas, and determines the choice of treatment method.

Ultrasound for monitoring of detected pathology is carried out repeatedly, as prescribed by a doctor, to assess the dynamics of the process and the effectiveness of treatment. If the dynamics are positive and there is no danger to the woman’s health, she is discharged home from the maternity hospital under the supervision of a doctor at the antenatal clinic. When performing an ultrasound, women after childbirth, be it a natural birth or a cesarean section, are required to assess the condition of the ovaries and also check for the presence of fluid or blood clots in the abdominal cavity, in the pelvic area - in normal conditions they should be missing. In addition, it is important to assess the condition of the uterine veins and surrounding tissue

After leaving the hospital

If you did not have an ultrasound for some reason while still in the maternity hospital, it is necessary in mandatory spend in the antenatal clinic along with a visit to the gynecologist during the first week after discharge from the hospital to home. It is also important to determine the need for an ultrasound scan if this study was carried out in the maternity hospital and there were any manipulations or therapeutic effects. Thus, all women who are at risk for postpartum complications, as well as those who had complications during childbirth, must undergo an ultrasound of the uterus five to eight days after discharge from the hospital. Conducting an ultrasound within these periods will help prevent late complications or recurrence of endometritis. The risk group is multiple pregnancy and polyhydramnios, prolonged labor and blood loss during childbirth, a long anhydrous interval, manual control of the separation of the placenta.

If, according to the results of the ultrasound in the maternity hospital, everything was fine, this does not exclude the formation of late ear complications at home; a mandatory visit to the doctor and an ultrasound examination are necessary for monitoring after discharge from the maternity hospital. You definitely need to go to the gynecologist in the first month after giving birth, and the doctor will, after examining you, determine the need for an ultrasound; if no abnormalities are found, your next visit to the doctor awaits you six months after giving birth.

To whom and when is ultrasound indicated?

Indications for immediate ultrasound after childbirth may include:

Increased bleeding from the genital tract, which may indicate the presence of placental remains in the uterine cavity, placental polyp, which is clearly visible on ultrasound and is an indication for curettage of the uterine cavity;
- an increase in temperature, a change in discharge, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, an increase in the volume of lochia, the appearance of blood after it has already stopped, which may indicate bleeding or an infection. This requires immediate treatment;
- painful and discomfort in the lower abdomen, in the area of ​​the cesarean section scar, which may indicate failure of the suture or its divergence.


Ultrasound examination is a mandatory, and often the main, type of diagnosis in gynecology. It should be carried out not only according to indications, but also prophylactically. For this reason, such a study is prescribed to almost all gynecological patients. Why an ultrasound of the uterus is performed after childbirth, what information content it has, and what questions it gives answers to, will be discussed below.


There is an opinion that ultrasound is a mandatory (or very desirable) type of examination at the gestation stage, which is why it is prescribed to expectant mothers regularly. At this stage, it helps not only to determine the sex of the fetus, but also to notice possible pathologies in its development and/or gestation in general. However, this procedure is no less necessary at the postpartum stage. In what cases is it recommended to carry it out unscheduled and according to indications in the postpartum period?

  • One control ultrasound examination is always carried out, its exact date is prescribed by the doctor. Usually, it is recommended to do it a few days after birth;
  • The presence of severe or prolonged pain after childbirth, which can be suspected of having pathological causes;
  • The presence of bleeding that is too heavy or longer than during the normal course of the recovery period;
  • Insufficient, too scanty bleeding, which can cause the formation of blood clots in the uterus;
  • There is any discharge from the suture after a cesarean section;
  • Uncharacteristic discharge from the genitals is observed, having a yellowish or greenish color, admixtures of pus, etc.;
  • Body temperature rises to 38 degrees, there are signs of intoxication, inflammation, etc.

If this or any other symptom that confuses the patient and the doctor is present, an urgent unscheduled ultrasound examination, which allows you to determine the presence possible deviations and anomalies.


Although ultrasound is generally safe and simple procedure, it is not always possible and not for all patients. In some cases, there may be contraindications to its implementation, especially after childbirth. These include restrictions such as:

  • Conducting a transvaginal examination due to significant damage to the cervix and sometimes the vagina. This contraindication especially applies to early dates after childbirth - in this case, the study is normally carried out using the transabdominal method. Transvaginal can be prescribed only sometimes, in cases where it is necessary to carefully examine the cervix in order to diagnose any condition;
  • After a cesarean section, the transabdominal method can be difficult due to the fact that there is a scar whose density is changed. As a result, it is not possible to build an objective picture;
  • If there are any other large scars in the area where the sensor is applied, the peritoneum, can also become an obstacle to building an objective picture;
  • If the patient is obese fat layer interferes with informative diagnosis.

Ultrasound of the uterus after cesarean section can only be performed transvaginally, since there is no possibility of informative research using the transabdominal method. In this case, the cervix is ​​almost undamaged, therefore there are no contraindications to transvaginal examination.


How to prepare for such a study? This largely depends on the method by which it will be carried out. If we're talking about about the transvaginal method, no preparation is required at all. All the patient needs to do is take a condom with her to the procedure, which is placed on the sensor for hygiene purposes. Also, in some cases it is necessary to take a disposable sheet and/or towel with you.

For transabdominal examination, the preparation is somewhat different. Such a study is carried out strictly under the condition of complete bladder, since only in this case the uterus occupies a position in which its examination will be as informative as possible. Before the test, it is better not to urinate for at least four hours. Also, sometimes you need to take a disposable diaper or sheet and/or towel with you.

When to do it?

After childbirth, such a study is prescribed in different terms, depending on how exactly they took place. If they pass naturally and without complications, then a planned examination is scheduled 2-3 days after them. If any complications occurred during the process, for example, there is a suspicion of uterine rupture, then an ultrasound scan is performed in the first two hours after completion of the process, in order to timely detect bleeding, etc.

If a caesarean section was performed, the examination is carried out in the first hours after it. This is due to the fact that any complications could arise during such an operation. A timely ultrasound allows one to examine the nature of the sutures, the level of damage to the organ, its condition, and exclude bleeding and endometritis.

If there are any symptoms during the birth process or during the recovery period after childbirth that have pathological character, and a concern for the patient and the doctor, the study is carried out immediately, regardless of how much time has passed after birth.


The procedure is as simple as possible and does not differ significantly from how ultrasound was done before pregnancy. During the abdominal examination, the patient is placed on a couch and a conductive gel is applied to her skin. The ultrasound specialist moves the sensor over the abdomen, resulting in a corresponding image on the display.

With the transvaginal method, the patient is in a gynecological chair. The sensor, which is covered with a condom and lubricated with conductive gel, is placed in the vagina. Both the chair and the couch should be covered with disposable sheets.

Features after cesarean section

How is an ultrasound of the uterus done after childbirth if there was a cesarean section? The main feature of ultrasound examination after cesarean section is that it can be performed exclusively transvaginally.

Transabdominal method for a long time after such an operation remains uninformative. In addition, the peculiarity is that such a study is planned to be carried out in the shortest possible time, that is, as soon as possible after childbirth. This helps prevent the development pathological process. Indications for an urgent ultrasound after a cesarean section are swelling and redness of the suture, discharge from the suture of an unclear nature, bleeding from the suture, and its pain.

What does an ultrasound show?

On ultrasound, you can notice a change in the shape and size of the uterus, the presence mechanical damage and neoplasms in it, the presence of any liquid discharge in its cavity. Processes associated with the endometrium are also visible, and indirect manifestations of the inflammatory process can be detected.


IN in good condition When the recovery process goes as it should, during routine examination, significant reductions in the volume and dimensions of the uterus should be observed. A change in the shape of the uterus should also be noted - if on the third day it is round, then on the fifth it is oval, and on the seventh it is normal pear-shaped, the same as it was before childbirth.

In this case, the endometrium, although it changes its thickness (relatively normal), is more or less homogeneous. There are no fluids or bloody discharge in the organ cavity. No perforations or significant injuries to the walls were found. The cervix gradually shortens, narrows and closes.


Deviations are varied. These include a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the period elapsed after pregnancy, changes in its shape, and any changes in the endometrium. The most unpleasant deviations are damage and perforation. It is also quite difficult to treat the presence of blood or any other discharge in the uterus. Signs of the inflammatory process may also appear on ultrasound.

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Many women who have given birth get scared when blood clots come out after childbirth, and the discharge is very reminiscent of menstruation. This lasts for more than one day, and new mothers ask doctors if this is normal or if they should sound the alarm.

Blood clots after childbirth: why they appear

The long-awaited moment of a meeting between mother and baby has arrived. It would seem that the period of gestation is difficult - toxicosis, fatigue, constipation, overweight, left behind. But even after childbirth, a woman may encounter certain complications in the functioning of her body.

The uterus of a pregnant woman experiences enormous stress: at first it is greatly stretched under the influence of the growth of the fetus, then during childbirth it squeezes out the baby and the placenta.

Blood clots after childbirth - quite common occurrence, which lasts the first few. The discharge is very similar to menstruation in both color and volume. This means that the uterus is cleansed of all unnecessary remnants of pregnancy and gradually restores its original state. The discharge may occasionally be accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations during uterine contractions. If the woman had no pathologies and the birth went without complications, the discharge lasts for 5-7 days.

After this discharge, which gynecologists call lochia, becomes brown and become episodic. The discharge becomes more intense after feeding the baby or after lying down for a long time. As a rule, lochia completely stops 5-6 weeks after birth.

In order for the uterus to contract faster and blood clots to come out, doctors recommend doing a simple bicycle exercise - in a lying position, raise your legs, bent at the knees, and imitate riding a bicycle.

Why do you need an ultrasound after childbirth?

Regardless of the course of pregnancy, the complexity of childbirth and its type, a woman should undergo an ultrasound examination of the organs of the female reproductive system.

After a normal birth, an ultrasound is prescribed no later than 5 days after the birth of the baby. Intravaginal ultrasound is performed according to indications - if the gynecologist needs to examine the cervix.

Using an ultrasound, a specialist determines the condition of the uterus after the birth process. At this stage, the uterus is still slightly dilated, a small amount of blood is observed inside, and there may be remnants of the placenta. After an uncomplicated birth, the contents of the uterus should come out after 5-7 days.

The most active contraction of the uterus occurs one day after birth. If the baby was born through a cesarean operation, the contraction process occurs more slowly. To speed it up, doctors can prescribe an IV with the drug Oxytocin.

Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics complications that may have occurred during childbirth can be identified. In case of problematic labor and suspected uterine rupture, the leading obstetrician should refer the woman in labor for examination a couple of hours after the birth of the child. Examination of a woman will reveal problems - cracks and tears in the uterine cavity.

Ultrasound of the uterus after childbirth by cesarean section

If a woman is unable to give birth on her own or there are indications for surgery, the birth takes place through a caesarean section. This operation may cause complications, so an ultrasound is prescribed a couple of hours after birth. During diagnosis, the specialist must completely examine the uterus for the absence of bleeding and examine the sutures. If certain pathologies are detected, the observing doctor must prescribe treatment - injections or a dropper may be needed.

Indications for repeat ultrasound:

  • Continuous bleeding;
  • Came out big clot blood a week (or later) after birth;
  • Fever accompanied by high temperature;
  • Pain in the uterus;
  • Inflammation postoperative suture;
  • Unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • The appearance of blood or fluid from a stitch on the abdomen.

Ultrasound of the uterine cavity after cesarean section can prevent many infectious and inflammatory processes and detect the threat of divergence of the uterine sutures and incipient endometritis. If on ultrasonic testing the doctor noticed pieces of the placenta, and the discharge was profuse; mechanical cleaning may be required.

Dropper for contraction of the uterus after childbirth: the drug Oxytocin

Oxytocin is not just a drug given to women after childbirth. In fact, this is female hormone, which is produced by the hypothalamus and accumulates in the pituitary gland.

What is its important role:

  1. Contraction of the uterus. Oxytocin directly affects the contraction of the uterus and its return to its previous state. If the uterus does not contract, inflammation or subsequent prolapse may occur, which in the future can lead to prolapse.
  2. Beginning of lactation. Although colostrum appears in the first hours after birth, but for normal functioning mammary glands need oxytocin.
  3. Antidepressant. An integral part of normal feeding and the absence of interruptions in lactation is psychological calm. According to reviews, the drug increases the mother’s resistance to irritants, increases the feeling of confidence, trust and security.

If the mother’s natural production of this hormone is not enough, then doctors introduce its analogue. This helps a woman avoid future problems with reproductive function, and also helps to improve the process of breastfeeding.

The drug is administered as prescribed by a doctor and under the supervision of medical staff intramuscularly as an injection or intravenously as a dropper.

Oxytocin is also used to induce labor if the woman is pregnant or if labor activity suddenly stopped. Oxytocin is not prescribed if the drug is intolerant, if the baby is lying incorrectly or the mother has an immature cervix.

What causes clots in the uterus after childbirth (video)

Childbirth – complex process which may lead to complications. To prevent inflammation and other diseases, doctors strongly recommend doing an ultrasound after childbirth. During the examination, you can see how the uterus contracts and whether blood clots remain inside it.

After any surgical intervention there is a risk of infection, inflammation and other complications, so an ultrasound of the uterus after a cesarean section is always done.

Ultrasound of the uterus after cesarean section

The specialist diagnoses a few clots in the examined area, which remain in the uterine cavity after a cesarean section and are clearly visible on ultrasound. Over time, the clots move down to the bottom of the organ. The examination is carried out in the first few days after birth and throughout the entire recovery period.

Why do you need to do an ultrasound after childbirth?

Ultrasound of the uterus after childbirth, especially if there was a cesarean section, helps specialists monitor the condition internal organs women. Having identified deviations from the normal course of recovery in time, the doctor can prescribe a course of treatment.

In addition, during surgery, a scar from the suture may remain on the inner surface of the uterus, which will affect subsequent births. Therefore, experts recommend that an ultrasound scan of the uterine scar after a cesarean section be performed.

How does the uterus change after cesarean section?

The uterus has large sizes and injured inner surface. Over time, the process of healing and reduction occurs. Ultrasound records a decrease in the size and weight of the uterus, but after a cesarean section the process occurs more slowly and is accompanied by postpartum discharge.

It is important for a specialist to monitor the condition of internal organs after surgery and stimulate the speed of their recovery with the help of medical supplies if necessary. Therefore, regular ultrasound examinations of the uterus are especially important after a cesarean section.

Preparing for an ultrasound

Ultrasound of the uterus, even after a cesarean section, does not require special preparation. All the patient needs to do is take a horizontal position, and the specialist does the rest. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes and does not cause any discomfort.

How is an ultrasound of the uterus performed after a cesarean section?

Most often, the examination is carried out on the first day after birth, that is, through the abdominal wall. carried out after a caesarean section, when a specialist needs to determine the condition of the cervix. Then the sensor is inserted into the vagina. The question of when to perform an ultrasound of the uterus after a cesarean section and how to do the examination is decided by the specialist based on an analysis of the patient’s condition.

What will an ultrasound of the uterus show after a cesarean section?

The recovery period can last up to 6 weeks after birth. Within a month and a half, the organs of the reproductive system undergo involution - their return to their pre-birth state. The process may have complications, so the size of the uterus, shape, etc. important changes after cesarean section should be monitored by a specialist using ultrasound data.

By the end of 3 days, the shape of the uterus should become round. In the future, changes in the contours of the uterus on ultrasound will be more and more noticeable; by the 5th day after cesarean section it should become oval. With normal postpartum recovery, the uterus will be pear-shaped within a week.

Another important indicator of normal involution is the position of the uterus. On the 4th day, it takes a position between the navel and pubis. On an ultrasound of the uterus, done on the 9th day after a cesarean section, it will be higher than the womb.

Uterus dimensions

Normally, the reduction on ultrasound of the uterus is more and more noticeable every day after a cesarean section. On the 2nd day, its normal length and width will be 13.6-14.4 cm and 13.3-13.9 cm, respectively. On an ultrasound of the uterus on the 4th day after a cesarean section, it should normally be 11.5-12.5 cm in length and 11.1-11.9 cm in width. On the 8th day it should not exceed 10.6 cm in length and 10.5 cm in width.

An ultrasound can determine the weight of the uterus; every day after a cesarean section it should decrease. On the 7th day the organ should weigh 500-600 g, two weeks later - 350 g. On the 3rd week normal weight for the uterus - 200 g, and after six weeks - 60 g.

Clots in the uterus after cesarean on ultrasound

Clots on ultrasound of the uterus immediately after cesarean section are concentrated in upper sections. With normal recovery, after seven days there should be fewer clots and they should move downwards.

If clots continue to appear on an ultrasound of the uterus long time after a cesarean section, most likely began inflammatory process. Then the uterus will contract more slowly than it should, and its internal cavity will be deformed and expanded.

What kind of discharge is normal after cesarean section?

Immediately after surgical intervention constant monitoring is required. Specialists watch the patient’s standing and carefully monitor the amount and nature of discharge from the uterus. In the first 5-7 days, they resemble discharge during menstruation, but are more abundant (up to 500 ml). The discharge is usually red and contains clots.

Over time, the number of lochia decreases and their color becomes darker. By 4-5 weeks there are very few of them. The color of the discharge is dark. The process of restoration of the uterine mucosa ends by 6-8 weeks. By this time, the discharge should not differ from the discharge before pregnancy.

Involution after childbirth is the time spent by the body to restore all systems and organs that have changed during pregnancy and childbirth. Involution occurs differently for each woman, but on average no more than eight weeks.

To make sure that the recovery is going well, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound procedure after childbirth. Ultrasound is an ultrasound examination of the body that allows you to study in detail the condition of internal organs.

After the birth of a child, the placenta is born within a few minutes, and the uterus immediately reduces its size. The next day after birth, the uterine fundus descends and ten days later the uterus returns to its previous size and position in the pelvic area. Uterus shape - important indicator involution. On the fourth day after birth, it has the shape of a ball, later becoming oval, and after 8 days it again becomes pear-shaped, as before pregnancy.

Extracts from birth canal(lochia) also change, moving from bright red to paler and slimier. By the end of the second month after birth, they should stop completely.

Ultrasound after childbirth makes it possible to find out the condition reproductive organs and if a problem is identified, promptly prescribe treatment.

When to do an ultrasound if there was a natural birth

If the birth was natural, in the first few hours the woman in labor undergoes an ultrasound scan heavy bleeding to exclude uterine rupture and diagnose the causes.

If the birth proceeded normally, an ultrasound is performed on the third day, performed transabdominally. If a more detailed examination is necessary, the examination is carried out with a transvaginal sensor.

First of all, the doctor assesses the condition of the uterus. The ultrasound specialist may notice the presence of placental remnants, membranes, or excessive fluid accumulation, which can cause inflammation of the uterus. He also evaluates the size of the uterus and compares them with the norm corresponding to the postpartum period.

During examination, the doctor may note an increased size of the uterus; this is a deviation. If this is not explained by a large fetus or polyhydramnios, for example, then this phenomenon should be considered pathological, and is called uterine subinvolution. An ultrasound will help find out the cause of such a deviation and enable the obstetrician-gynecologist to prescribe adequate treatment.

In the first days, the uterus may not contract enough, which is also revealed by ultrasound after childbirth. In this case, drugs are prescribed that cause contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus and antispasmodics to ensure good outflow of lochia.

Detection of residual particles of child's place in the uterine cavity on ultrasound may serve as a reason for curettage or vacuum aspiration. Delay in procedures is dangerous for the development of inflammation of the uterus - endometritis. Timely ultrasound will help prevent it.

Endometritis after childbirth is diagnosed by ultrasound with the following symptoms: poor contractility of the uterus, remaining particles of the placenta and fetal membranes. Lost time can cause complex disease- endometritis, therefore antibiotics and antispasmodics should be prescribed as soon as possible to avoid removal of the uterus and eliminate the threat to the life of the woman in labor.

Common cause heavy bleeding There may be remaining placental parts and membranes of the fetus, they will be noticed by the doctor performing the ultrasound procedure. Curettage of the uterus will help stop the bleeding.

If a woman in labor is found to have any abnormalities during the first ultrasound, ultrasound is re-prescribed during treatment, assessing its effectiveness. Only after receiving good results, the woman is discharged from the maternity hospital for further medical observation.

When is an ultrasound performed if there was a caesarean section?

Caesarean section slows down the return of the uterus to its original state, since during the operation there were violations of the integrity of muscle tissue. The uterus becomes close to its original shape only by the 10th day after birth.

Caesarean section increases the risk of various complications: endometritis, bleeding - external and internal. In this regard, ultrasound is of great importance in monitoring the recovery process.

It is common practice for all women in labor to have an ultrasound scan before discharge. However, an ultrasound after childbirth is also prescribed a little time after the operation in order to exclude internal bleeding and check the condition of the uterine sutures. Complaints from a woman in labor about pain in the lower abdomen or test results may be a reason for an extraordinary ultrasound. The doctor also examines the postoperative scar.

After repeated ultrasounds, the doctor assesses the condition, and if the dynamics are positive, the woman is discharged under medical supervision.

Ultrasound examination also evaluates, in addition to the uterus, the ovaries and blood vessels pelvic organs.

Ultrasound after maternity hospital

If an ultrasound was not performed in the maternity hospital, you should not postpone this procedure; you should visit a doctor as soon as possible, especially for women in labor who are at risk, in order to prevent recurrence of complications.

Even if the postpartum period was without pathologies, all women who have given birth should undergo an ultrasound scan at the end of involution for preventive purposes.

Indications for ultrasound

The following signs require an urgent ultrasound:
  • Increased bleeding;
  • Increased temperature and discharge having bad smell;
  • Pain in the area of ​​the postoperative suture, fluid oozing from it, as well as redness and swelling of the suture.