Tympany of the rumen in cattle. Rumen tympania (Tympania ruminis)

Thoughtful diet and high quality food - very important elements care of cattle. In order for cows to gain weight and produce milk regularly, they must eat properly. This is why a disease called rumen tympania is so dangerous. Everyone involved in cattle breeding needs to know what the main causes of this pathology are, what forms it can be found and how to cure the animal.

What is tympany in cows

Tympania is called non-communicable disease large cattle, during which rapid and abundant gas formation is observed, which causes the scar to swell. The most common and frequent is the acute form of the pathology, which can lead to the death of the cow if it is not helped in time.

Causes of gas accumulation in the rumen

There are many reasons why this phenomenon occurs. First of all, the appearance of pathology is associated with feeding easily fermented food:

  • young green grass;
  • clover;
  • alfalfa;
  • legumes;
  • milk corn cobs;
  • cabbage and beet leaves;
  • spoiled spent grain;
  • rotten root vegetables;
  • frozen potatoes;
  • poisonous plants - aconite, colchicum, hemlock, poisonous weed.

Important! Do not allow your cow to eat easily fermented feed that has become warm in a pile or has gotten wet in the rain. This may cause increased gas formation.

Tympany can also be caused by:

  • foreign bodies in the digestive organs;
  • disorder of ruminant processes and belching;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • clogging the book;
  • acute febrile diseases.

Forms and symptoms

There are several forms of tympany: acute, secondary and chronic. They all differ in their symptoms.


Key Features:

  • appears due to the consumption of feed with rot, mold or other pathogenic bacteria;
  • the scar enlarges greatly, gases quickly form, and health deteriorates sharply;
  • often passes with the formation of foam.


The secondary form occurs due to:

  • blockage of the esophagus or pharynx;
  • eating large food or garbage;
  • the appearance of tumors;
  • eating toxic herbs.


Main features of the chronic form:

  • occurs during destructive changes in the digestive system;
  • often occurs with atony, rumen overcrowding, intestinal dysfunction;
  • occurs in calves during the transition period of feeding.

Did you know? Cows can learn from each other and are able to learn from their mistakes.


The first manifestations of the disease are anxiety and refusal to eat. Then the signs become more obvious:

  • the animal constantly wags its tail, moos and hunches over;
  • the cow lies down, then gets up abruptly, hits itself in the stomach with its hoof;
  • breathing is shallow, frequent; cow breathes open mouth, coughs, foam flows from the mouth;
  • heart rate increases.

The most important diagnostic sign- enlarged abdomen. The presence of pathology is indicated by a strong bulging of the left side - this is where the scar is located. In addition, the inspection will reveal the following:

  • during tympany, the hungry fossa is always strongly highlighted - if you knock on it, you hear a sound similar to a drum;
  • the smooth muscles of the rumen do not contract;
  • Abomasum motility and intestinal function are impaired;
  • belching has an unpleasant odor;
  • mucous membranes become bluish.
However, despite all the symptoms, the body temperature never rises. When making a diagnosis, the first step is to exclude blockage of the esophagus, which serves a clear sign secondary tympany, as well as febrile illnesses.

Important! Tympania is one of the most dangerous symptoms anthrax, therefore, at the first symptoms of pathology, you should contact a veterinarian.

Treatment of bloat in cows

Cattle should be treated for tympany urgently, immediately after diagnosis. First of all, the scar is freed from accumulated gases and measures are taken to stop their further excessive formation.

First aid

First, the animal is doused cold water left iliac region or lead him into a cold river. You can try taking the cow for a slow walk on higher ground. When the front of the body rises, the stomachs move away from the diaphragm, reducing pressure. Because of this, gas exchange in the lungs becomes better and food from food opening in the rumen can be released naturally, and belching will appear.


To remove gases from the rumen, a probe or tight hose is inserted into it. To make gases easier to remove, it is better to place the front half of the artiodactyl’s body on a hill. The probe is pulled towards itself so that its tip is at the level of the cardiac part of the esophagus, where excess gases collect. The device performs reciprocating movements.

To resume burping, it is enough to pull out the animal’s tongue. Medications There are many for the treatment of acute tympany, but for each case they need to be selected individually. To adsorb gases, you can give the cow:

  • fresh milk (2–3 liters);
  • coal powder (vegetable or animal);
  • burnt magnesia (20 grams).

To limit fermentation processes give:

  • 1 liter aqueous solution ichthyol (2%);
  • kerosene mixed with water (50–100 ml).
The above remedies will help reduce the formation of gases and increase the reduction of the scar.
Mixed tympany is treated:
  • Sikaden;
  • tympanol;
  • antiformol;
  • FAMS;
  • potassium permanganate solution (0.1%) - 2–3 liters;
  • creolin;
  • benzonaphthol;
  • acetylsalicylic acid.
Vodka diluted with water is also prescribed internally (250–500 ml per 0.5–1 l). Hellebore tincture (10–20 ml), cumin, chamomile, dill or valerian can also help with tympania.
Flushing a cow's stomach using a probe

Can be cooked medicinal mixture, which consists of:

  • kerosene - 0.5 cups;
  • vodka - 1 glass;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Important! Don't give the cow kerosene large quantities, because if she has to be taken to forced slaughter in the near future, the meat will have the smell of kerosene.

Surgical intervention

If the effect of all the above actions is not observed, it is necessary to pierce the scar with a large-calibrated trocar. Only the area of ​​the left hungry fossa is pierced. It is located in the middle of the horizontal line that connects the maklok with the last rib.

  1. The artiodactyl must stand; it is securely fastened so that it cannot cause injury to a person.
  2. First, the field for the operation is prepared. Then, with a sharp and strong push, the device is inserted towards the right elbow.
  3. After inserting the device, you need to remove the stylet from it and gradually release the accumulation of gases, from time to time closing the hole with a cotton pad. If gases are released too quickly, the animal may faint.
  4. If the trocar sleeve is clogged with food, it must be cleaned with a stylet.
  5. After releasing the gases, an antiseptic and an anti-fermentation solution are poured into the hole of the device.
  6. After all these manipulations, the trocar can be removed. To prevent feed masses from getting into the belly and causing inflammatory process, abdominal wall must be pushed back by hand when withdrawing the trocar.
  7. The last stage of the procedure is to lubricate the operation site with iodine and seal it with cotton wool, which has previously been soaked in collodion.

Scheme of puncture with a trocar

When the animal is already relieved of bloating, it is prescribed a starvation diet for a period of up to 24 hours, and then fed in a gentle manner. Thus, the cow should receive sugar beets, silage or hay 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. In order to further suppress putrefactive processes, the cow is given a solution of 500 ml of water and 2 tablespoons. hydrochloric acid. The motor functions of the scar are restored by massage and thermal procedures in the diseased area.

Rumen tympany occurs quite often in cattle. As a rule, the disease develops due to shepherds violating the rules and regime of grazing cows.

This disease is characterized by the formation of large amount of gases and their further accumulation in the anterior part of the stomach. At first glance, it seems that this is a completely harmless illness, but in the absence timely treatment, tympany can lead to the death of the animal. Therefore, every farmer who breeds cows must know about the symptoms and methods of treating this pathology.

What is bovine tympany and how does it occur?

Bloat is excessive gas formation in a cow's stomach caused by eating large quantity fast-fermenting feed. In this case, there is a reduction or complete cessation of regurgitation of gases, which provokes rapid swelling of the rumen.

Most often, the development of this pathology is associated with overeating alfalfa, vetch, beets or cabbage, raw or rotten grass. Besides, acute tympany rumen develops as a result of animals eating spoiled and rotten feed.

Development of pathology

In general, the fermentation process of eaten feed is normal physiological phenomenon . Some of the gases formed in the animal’s stomach enter the intestines, while the other part is excreted. However, excess liquid increases feed fermentation, which leads to foaming of the feed mass. As a result of this, the process of natural removal of gases through belching is suspended, and the rumen is transformed into a closed container.

The danger of tympany also lies in the fact that, in addition to swelling of the scar and its mechanical stretching, there is a decrease in blood sugar levels and changes in carbohydrate-fat metabolism. Organs abdominal cavity are compressed, blood flow in the chest area is reduced. The result of all this is oxygen starvation, deterioration of gas exchange, decrease systolic volume heart and lung capacity.

Reasons for the development of the disease

So, why doesn't burping work?

Today, veterinary medicine distinguishes between primary and secondary forms of tympany, as well as subacute, spicy and chronic course illnesses.

Acute form of tympany requires immediate treatment. In chronic cases, it’s enough to simply get rid of the causes. If this is ignored, the animal will begin to lose weight, gradually lose the ability to produce milk, and eventually the owner will be forced to send the animal to slaughter.


The first signs of the development of the disease can be easily detected by observing the behavior of the animal. First of all, the cow begins to show anxiety and refuses to eat. In this case, the animal experiences unpleasant, and sometimes quite painful sensations in the front of the abdomen and chest area. The cow constantly examines its belly, gets up and lies down, kicks, moos, fans itself with its tail and hunches its back. In addition, there is a change the following physiological processes:

If in the first 2-3 hours there is no provide first aid, the cow will die. At acute bloating The animal's anxiety is more pronounced than with foamy tympany. All of the above symptoms are present.

The chronic form is characterized by weaker symptoms, which appear after eating. In this case, it is observed gradual reduction in animal weight. The acute form of the disease in the absence of timely treatment leads to fatal outcome.

The period of chronic tympany is from one week to two months. If treatment is not done at this time, the animal will also die.

Treatment and emergency assistance when filling a hungry hole

Before starting treatment for tympany, the reasons for its development should be accurately established. To do this, it is necessary to palpate the esophagus and examine the animal’s pharynx. In this case, it is advisable to use a probe, which can also be used to separate gases from the proventriculus.

If during diagnostics it is detected foreign object, proceed as follows:

  • Vegetable oil is poured into the cow's throat;
  • reach with a probe or by hand foreign body;
  • in case of blockage with boiled potatoes, it is necessary to crush it through the walls of the esophagus;
  • Call a veterinarian immediately.

If the blockage is caused by a tumor or it is not possible to remove a foreign body, and also at in serious condition animal the specialist decides to perform the operation.

When the first symptoms of tympany are detected, it is necessary to urgently begin rescuing the cow. The animal is placed in such a way that rear end the torso was located below the front. This position will make it easier for gases to escape through the mouth. The left side of the cow is doused with cold water and then massaged with straw. To prevent the cow from closing its mouth during the procedure, it is necessary to put on the mouth.

You can induce a burp using a rope that irritates the palate. Another way to help the gases escape is to rhythmically stick out the animal’s tongue.

If the steps taken did not work positive results, then into the esophagus through oral cavity a metal probe is inserted into the cow. To do this, a special stopper with a small hole is placed in the animal’s mouth and secured with a cord. After that, an oil-lubricated tube is slowly inserted into the hole. If when inserting a probe an obstacle arises, the tube should be pulled back a little and tried to be inserted into the animal’s throat again.

After correct insertion of the probe gases should pass easily from the rumen. The probe cap must be cleaned periodically, as food particles can get into it and cause the tube to clog. When the main part of the gases comes out, you need to pour a solution of water (1 liter) and vinegar (1 tablespoon) or a liter of a mixture of water and vodka in equal proportions into the tube. In addition, the sick animal is prescribed formalin (10-15 ml) or Lysol (5-10 ml) in an aqueous solution (1-2 liters of water), as well as ichthyol (10-20 g, depending on the body weight of the cow).

If the use of the above methods does not bring the desired effect, the specialist performs a puncture of the scar. To do this, the hair on the protruding part of the animal’s left side is cut off and the site of the future puncture is thoroughly disinfected. Gases are removed using a tube. After complete removal gases, the tube remains in the cow’s stomach for several hours and only then is removed. Then the wound must be washed thoroughly boiled water and disinfect with vodka or alcohol. Treatment of the damaged area should be carried out until complete healing.

During the rehabilitation period, the cow is prescribed a special diet. In order to restore motor function, ruminators are used. During the period of healing of the wound hole, it is better to separate the animal from the herd and closely monitor the cow's behavior.

Tympany in calves: what to do?

Pathologies associated with malfunction gastrointestinal tract in calves, are very often accompanied by bloating. Typically, this problem arises when basic conditions for keeping young animals are not met, especially during the period of artificial feeding.

Violation of nutrition rules can lead to colibacillosis and white diarrhea. This phenomenon is associated with unsanitary conditions for keeping newborn calves.

To stimulate the development of passive immunity in animals, experts recommend taking preventive measures. So, already 2-3 hours after birth, the calf needs to be injected with anti-colibacillosis serum.

Most often, the disease occurs in calves during the first 3-7 days of life. A baby can become infected with E. coli through contact with the untreated udder of a cow, as well as when drinking from dirty dishes. As a result, the calf produces grayish-white feces of a liquid consistency and the body temperature rises. Characteristic symptoms diseases are a cloudy look, a weakened state and bloated belly. Ignoring these signs can lead to the death of the animal.

If symptoms of tympania are detected in calves, a thorough diagnosis of the sick individuals should be carried out. To avoid mortality of livestock, it is necessary to take appropriate preventive measures even before the birth of calves. First of all, you should create favorable conditions maintenance and feeding of pregnant cows. If found white diarrhea, sick animals should be isolated and the machine thoroughly disinfected with a special solution.

It is also necessary to carefully examine newborn calves. Experts recommend introducing immune serum not only sick, but also absolutely healthy animals. The dosage is determined depending on the condition of the baby.

Dirty bedding and grooming items are an excellent environment for the spread of infection. Therefore, farmers who care about the safety of young animals must take appropriate measures to combat infectious diseases.

Other diseases (dysentery, paratyphoid, etc.) can also cause bloating in a calf. In such cases, treatment is similar to that for white diarrhea.

The main preventive measures are the following:

  • Maintaining cleanliness of the premises;
  • use of high-quality feed;
  • mandatory vaccination of newborn calves.

The correct choice of pasture and careful monitoring of cattle nutrition will help prevent the development of many diseases, including tympany. Even the most mild symptoms because it's dangerous disease develops rapidly and often leads to the death of livestock. Acute form of bloating should only be treated by a specialist. Compliance with the rules of care and maintenance of animals, as well as the quality of feed, helps maintain the health of the herd.

Attention, TODAY only!

Tympania of the rumen (Tympania ruminis) is swelling of the rumen due to accelerated gas formation and excessive overfilling and stretching of the walls of the organ. It is often observed in cattle and sheep, less often in goats and camels.


The main reason for rumen tympania is eating a large amount of easily fermented (bulging) feed. These include fresh green grass, clover, vetch, alfalfa, corn cobs in milky-waxy ripeness, regrowth of winter cereals, cabbage and beet leaves. Green matter that has warmed up in heaps is especially dangerous. Grazing in dew or after rain and giving animals water immediately after giving such feed contribute to accelerated gas formation. Eating poor-quality feed by animals, for example, spoiled root tubers, frozen potatoes, silage, can also lead to rumen tympany, although it will develop slowly and last longer.

Secondary rumen tympania is observed in case of poisoning with certain poisonous plants (poisonous plants, aconite, colchicum), causing paralysis of the rumen wall, blockage of the esophagus with foreign bodies, as well as in acute febrile processes and various diseases.

In this case, the cause of the disease was the animal's grazing on raw rapeseed, which is also a fatty food.


At normal functioning proventriculus, the gases constantly formed in them partially enter the abomasum and intestines with the feed masses and are absorbed, and most of them are expelled out by belching. In those cases when fermentation processes in the rumen proceed at an accelerated rate, and the evacuation of gases becomes difficult, the latter accumulate in excess in the rumen and cause its stretching. This is facilitated by the spasm of the cardiac sphincter and bridge of the book that occurs from irritation of the receptors. The rumen turns into a closed container in which gases continue to accumulate and pressure increases. Having no way out of the rumen, gases accumulate in its upper sac (simple tympania) or mix with feed masses, foaming the contents (foamy tympania).

The increased volume of the scar causes a significant increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which is transmitted to all organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities, which entails disruption of their functions.

High blood pressure abdominal organs the diaphragm reduces blood flow to organs chest cavity, complicates cardiac diastole and breathing during inspiration. All this leads to a rapid increase in oxygen starvation and asphyxia. The function of the intestines and liver is also impaired.


At the beginning of the disease, signs of fear and anxiety of the animal are noticeable. It stops eating, looks back at its stomach, hunches its back, fans itself with its tail, moos frequently, lies down repeatedly and quickly gets up, and hits its stomach with its gaseous limbs. Breathing is rapid, reaches 60-80 per minute, shallow, chest type.

Animals often breathe through an open mouth, with the tongue falling out to the side and saliva flowing profusely from the mouth. The pulse is frequent, sometimes arrhythmic. The abdomen is swollen, the wall of the left iliac is strongly protruded, and asymmetry of the left half of the abdomen is noticeable. Chewing gum and belching are absent. The contractions of the rumen are initially strengthened; then weaken and disappear, which is an indicator of paresis.

Palpation reveals a dense elastic consistency, and percussion reveals a tympanic sound in the left side of the abdomen. Noises of contraction of the book, peristalsis of the abomasum and intestines are not audible. The patient often repeats postures for defecation and urination with a small discharge of liquid feces and urine.

The supervised animal exhibited classic clinical signs that cannot be confused with the disease: the abdomen is swollen, the wall of the left iliac is strongly protruded, asymmetry of the left half of the abdomen. There are no rumen contractions. the work of the mesh, book, abomasum cannot be heard during auscultation. On palpation, the contents of the scar have a dense elastic consistency, and on percussion there is a tympanic sound. Postures for defecation are often repeated. The amount of feces is small; they have a liquid consistency in the form of cakes with a specific odor.

The characteristic symptoms of rumen swelling and anamnestic data indicating the consumption of bulging feed by animals provide sufficient grounds for recognizing the disease. The possibility of secondary tympany associated with blockage of the esophagus or the presence of febrile diseases (anthrax, emphysematous carbuncle, etc.) should be taken into account.

The diagnosis of the supervised animal was made based on the medical history (grazing raw rapeseed) and the characteristic clinic. Differentiated from secondary tympania and from atony and hypotension of the rumen.

Urgent measures are taken to remove gases from the rumen and suppress gas formation. They lead the animal up the mountain and pour cold water over the left iliac cavity. They probe the scar, at the same time do a deep massage of the abdomen on the left with the chest limbs placed high, and try to induce belching by rhythmically stretching the tongue or bridling it with a straw tourniquet, a thick rope or a rag moistened with birch tar. In case of rumen flatulence, the sheep are placed on their pelvic limbs, the stomach is pinched with their knees, and the rumen is squeezed several times.

In cases where these techniques, including probing, were not given positive result, if there are increasing signs of asphyxia, the scar is pierced with a trocar or a thick injection needle. Gases are released gradually through the sleeve or needle, leaving them for 2-5 hours or more.

As adsorbents, cattle are given 2-3 liters of fresh fresh milk, 20 g of burnt magnesia in 500 ml of water or 10-20 ml of an aqueous solution of ammonia in 500 ml of water. To limit fermentation in the forestomach, 1000 ml of a 2% solution of ichthyol or 160-200 ml of a solution of tympanol in 2 liters of water is injected inside.

In case of foamy rumen tympany, it is important to promptly administer drugs that have the property of destroying gas bubbles - defoamers: 50 ml of Sikaden in 2-5 liters of water, 160-200 ml of tympanol or antiformol in 2-4 liters of water.

After overcoming the tympany, measures are taken to eliminate residual effects: a starvation diet is prescribed for 12-24 h C subsequent transfer to a gentle diet using only good-quality and easily digestible feed with frequent feeding (5-6 times a day) in small portions. To suppress putrefactive processes, 2 tablespoons of hydrochloric acid in 500 ml of water are prescribed orally. Massage is used to restore the motility of the scar; thermal procedures on the scar area produce bitterness inside.

In prolonged cases of persistent foamy tympany, they resort to ruminotomy with extraction of the contents through surgical access and subsequent washing of the cavity of the scar and book.

From medicines In the initial stage of the disease, I used tympanol in a dose of 200 ml, after the clinical symptoms of tympany were relieved, rumenatory lactic acid was used in a dose of 10 ml in 0.5 liters of water. Among the manipulations with the animal, he used driving the animal uphill, rhythmically stretching the animal’s tongue until a burp appeared. Dietary feeding was prescribed.


Shepherds, cattlemen, calves and shepherds are promptly informed about the rules for feeding loose feed and switching from one diet to another, especially from dry feed to juicy feed. Farm specialists give instructions on the rules of grazing animals on rich pastures, especially when there is dew or after rain, and watering animals after abundant feeding of succulent grass. Livestock breeders are trained in first aid techniques for animals suffering from tympany.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


If a cow’s sides have unnaturally increased in volume after returning from pasture, this does not mean that the animal has eaten well and will now produce good milk yield. He develops tympania. The disease is serious and acute. There are acute primary, acute secondary and chronic forms of tympania. Treatment begins immediately. Otherwise, tympany will lead to the death of the animal. What is tympany? How to treat the disease?

Digestive system of a cow

Cattle are ruminant animals. They have a special stomach structure. The stomach of cattle consists of 4 chambers. From the mouth, food passes through the pharynx and esophagus and enters the rumen. This is the most voluminous chamber of the stomach. It grinds food under the influence of microorganisms. The area of ​​the scar is increased by muscle folds and folds of the mucous membrane. The walls contract, which promotes mechanical grinding of food. On the walls there are papillae of varying lengths. Absorption occurs through them nutrients into the blood.

From the rumen, partially digested food enters the mesh. The mesh filters food slurry. The rough parts of the feed go back into the rumen. At this moment the cow begins to burp. Insufficiently crushed food enters the oral cavity, where the food is chewed again. This process is called chewing. Chewing gum lasts 40 minutes and is repeated every hour.

The crushed food reenters the rumen and passes through the mesh into the book. Here additional grinding of the food gruel takes place. Already in a liquid state, food passes into the abomasum, where it is affected by gastric juice. Here further fermentation of the food bolus occurs.

If all the chambers of the stomach function normally, the animal regurgitates food and does not stop chewing cud, then no abnormalities are observed in the functioning of the stomach. When one of the stages of digestion changes, we speak of pathology.

Reasons for the development of tympany

One of the reasons for the development of the disease is an incorrect transition from stall feeding to a summer diet. Animals can eat a lot of juicy grass, which will lead to gas formation and increased content foam in the rumen. The body needs to be satiated minerals and vitamins, but in the first 2 weeks you should choose poor pastures where small plant shoots are visible. It’s better to start with fields of rye. At the same time, the animals continue to be fed the winter ration. Among the most common reasons The following rumen swellings in cows are noted:

  • treatment will be required if the animal has eaten a lot of root vegetables and their leaves, mowed juicy grass that has been too warm in the sun;
  • the diet should not include rotten vegetables;
  • a cow will become bloated if she has eaten a lot of fresh alfalfa, clover, or corn;
  • lack of roughage in the diet; roughage stimulates belching;
  • grass wet from dew or rain, cold or frostbitten will lead to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract: bloating is observed;
  • the development of tumors in the esophagus or in the scar leads to the absence of belching;
  • papillomatosis in the rumen disrupts correct work muscles;
  • non-compliance drinking regime after abundant feeding of succulent feed;
  • Young animals often develop tympany when switching to artificial feeding.

Animals should absolutely not be given a lot of water after walking them in a field with alfalfa or corn. You need to wait 1-2 hours, then take the animals to water. Young animals are not given skim milk after feeding them vegetables or succulent grass. After an hour, warm water is given.

Signs of the disease

The first thing that catches your eye when typing is big belly at the cow. A lot of feed, gases and foam accumulate in the rumen: the stomach cannot cope. Other symptoms of the disease are noted:

  1. the abdominal cavity on the left increases;
  2. the peritoneum is hard;
  3. when palpating the abdomen the animal feels pain; groans in pain;
  4. the animal becomes restless: swings its tail, beats hind limbs on the stomach;
  5. one of the main symptoms of tympania is the absence of chewing gum;
  6. difficulty breathing is noted; shallow breathing.

In acute forms of tympany, the cow's condition deteriorates sharply, and the stomach swells. The production of gases and foam can occur already during walking. IN in rare cases symptoms are visible only after a few hours. Gradual development tympany occurs when chronic form when papillomatosis or other disease progresses in the body infectious disease. What to do if a cow becomes bloated after walking? What treatment is prescribed for cattle?

Treatment of tympany

If a cow is found to have bloating, help is provided immediately.

Useful information
1 The first thing to do is not to remove gases, but to reduce the amount of foam in the rumen. For this, the animal is given 300 ml vegetable oil. It is infused into the esophagus using a tube. In addition to oil, Vaseline is used. Products act as defoamers
2 First aid includes puncturing the scar, but this must be done by a veterinarian. The puncture is made in the hungry fossa on the left side. The hole is necessary to release gases from the stomach. This is unacceptable for dry cows; medications are used
3 Timpanol is administered through a puncture in the rumen or through the mouth. The drug contains hellebore extract, which stimulates the emetic effect; organosilicon defoamer; lactic acid; wormwood extract. The product has good therapeutic properties. Created specifically to treat tympany in cattle. The drug is diluted 1:15, the animal is given depending on body weight: 0.5 ml per 1 kg of weight. After 20 minutes, symptoms of the disease with acute form pass. Otherwise, the administration of Timpanol is repeated. Concentration is reduced 1:10
4 If Timpanol is not in the first aid kit, then it is taken out through a probe. excess liquid from the tripe
5 To clear the stomach of liquid and contents, call gag reflex. To do this, grab the cow's tongue and pull it out. Use a clean napkin

Once foam and gases are removed from the rumen, the cow's abdominal bloating decreases. The animal is placed in a separate stall and is kept on a daily starvation diet. The next day they give him some hay. The cow is already belching and chewing cud. Gradually she is transferred to a diet winter nutrition, despite summer season. Juicy grass is given in minimal quantities.

To save a cow from typpania at home, the animal is brought into the water of the lake, if, of course, the temperature is environment allows you to do this. Cool water will compress the cow’s body, which will facilitate the release of gases from the animal. Instead of swimming in the lake, dousing with cold water is used.

  • A solution of potassium permanganate or vodka will reduce foaming. Vodka is diluted half and half with water. 1 liter is administered to the cow through a tube.
  • A solution of formaldehyde and Lysol is used. Substances are taken in 10 ml quantities and dissolved in 2 liters of water. The animal is given a solution through a tube.
  • The animal is given 3 liters cow's milk. It reduces foam.
  • Hellebore extract is administered through a puncture in the rumen or through the mouth.
  • Do a deep enema with a steep salt solution. Do saturated solution. Enema helps remove gases soap solution. It is better to take laundry soap.

After sharp decline gases and foam in the rumen, the animal may faint. It falls to the ground and closes its eyes. Breathes shallowly. Fainting occurs due to a sharp outflow of blood from the brain to the gastrointestinal tract. The condition lasts no more than 30 minutes. Then it gradually returns to normal. Fainting often occurs with scar punctures. Livestock farmers and keepers should be aware that fainting is not a reaction to pain.