Causes and remedies for bloating in dogs. Acute bloating in dogs

doctor intensive care

Owners often pay attention to the gradual increase in abdominal volume, but do not always give this great value, thinking that his animal had simply gotten better.
However, a gradual increase in abdominal volume can be a sign of various diseases.
Let's talk about the most common ones.

  • Enlargement of the abdomen due to accumulation in abdominal cavity free liquid(ascites).
    Typically, ascites is a sign cardiovascular diseases or liver diseases, less often kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. The belly of such animals looks saggy. If you lift a dog by its front paws, the fluid moves down and the belly becomes pear-shaped.
  • At oncological diseases abdominal organs, an increase in abdominal volume is associated with tumor growth. When examining such an animal, you can sometimes feel a dense formation, and if you look at the animal from above, you can often notice the asymmetry of the abdomen.
  • Female dogs often have a disease called pyometra.
    With this pathology, the uterine cavity is filled with purulent contents, and the amount can be so significant that it leads to an increase in the shape of the abdomen. This disease usually occurs shortly after estrus, and it characteristic feature is increased thirst. Treatment in this case is only surgical, and the sooner this disease is diagnosed and the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance for the animal to recover faster after surgery.

All these conditions can, for the time being, occur against the background of the relative well-being of the animal. The dog owner should clearly know that a gradual increase in the abdomen can be a normal option only in case of pregnancy (obesity is not considered as a normal option).
Therefore, if you notice that your abdominal volume is lately your pet has increased, it is better to visit a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

In order to understand why your dog’s abdominal volume has increased, in addition to the usual examination, the doctor’s arsenal includes visual diagnostic methods (ultrasound of the abdomen and heart, x-rays) and a well-equipped laboratory.
In addition, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor uses additional methods diagnostics
For example, with ascites, the doctor must perform a puncture abdominal wall(laparocentesis) to take a sample of ascites fluid for laboratory research.
If the dog’s condition leaves much to be desired, it is lethargic, and has shortness of breath, the doctor will remove some of the fluid from the abdominal cavity by puncturing the abdominal wall. This is necessary to alleviate the patient’s condition and normalize the functioning of the heart, lungs and other vital organs until the cause of ascites is determined. A final diagnosis may require consultation with a highly specialized specialist: a cardiologist, oncologist, or surgeon.
In controversial cases, when it is not possible to supply accurate diagnosis(usually this happens with cancer of the abdominal organs), an exploratory operation may be required. This happens most often when tumor diseases abdominal cavity. The operation is used to surgically cure the patient (if possible), clarify the diagnosis or take a biopsy.

Remember! The cause of your dog's enlarged belly can be simple or difficult to figure out. But she cannot be frivolous. If a dog has an enlarged belly, there is a serious disorder in its body. Don't wait for a miracle, seek help as quickly as possible. Your dog will thank you, because everything is higher listed diseases It is better and more effective to treat in the early stages.

Belyakov Denis Alexandrovich
intensive care doctor

Bloating is most often seen in deep-chested dogs, particularly Dobermanns, German Shepherds, St. Bernards, Weimaraners, Great Danes, Standard Poodles, Bobtails, Newfoundlands, and older dogs. Males are more likely to suffer from bloat than females.

Bloating in dogs can be a health hazard. It occurs due to the accumulation of gases in the stomach. A bloated stomach puts pressure on others internal organs, falls blood pressure. Blood flow to the stomach and heart stops, and the stomach walls may rupture. The main danger is that bloating can occur with gastric volvulus. Therefore, observing the first symptoms, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Symptoms of bloating in dogs

Typical symptoms may not necessarily occur at the same time. But even with the appearance of the first symptoms, you need to act quickly.

Characteristic symptoms are expressed in an unsuccessful urge to vomit, every 5-30 minutes, with possible separation foam. The urge to vomit may be perceived as a frequent cough.

The animal shows anxiety, whines and cannot accept comfortable position, walks crouched, with an arched back.

The animal's belly increases in size and becomes taut like a drum.

The dog has weakness, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat. The animal may attempt to defecate, which ends unsuccessfully, and may also try to eat pebbles or other hard objects.


There are many reasons for stomach bloating in dogs. Common reason is that the pet could have eaten food that contains products that contribute to the formation and accumulation of gases in the stomach. These products include brewer's yeast, soy, as well as citric acid, which often acts as a preservative.

Bloating can occur as a result of air entering the stomach if the animal absorbs food and water too quickly.

Stress, which can be caused by childbirth, exhibitions, changes in the dog’s lifestyle, as well as physical activity before and immediately after meals can also cause bloating in dogs.

One of the reasons may be a hereditary predisposition or diseases of the pancreas.

Treatment of bloating in dogs

Treatment methods depend on the severity of the animal's condition. The veterinarian will insert a tube (probe) into the dog's stomach through the throat to relieve pressure and release accumulated gases. In severe cases, the veterinarian can make a puncture in the stomach with a hollow needle for the same purpose.

A dog in shock is given special drugs, and the pain is relieved with antibiotics. IN veterinary clinic They may take an x-ray to check the condition of other organs and the absence of gastric volvulus.


In a dog's first aid kit, especially knowing about the pet's predisposition to bloating, there should always be drugs against the formation of gases.

You can avoid bloating if you do not eat quickly. To do this, you can use labyrinth bowls and feed the daily portion not in one, but in 2-3 doses per day.

The correct feeding regimen will avoid many problems. The dog should not be given a drink an hour before or after meals, so as not to dilute it gastric juice, necessary for proper digestion of food, otherwise gases are formed. Physical activity is allowed only at least an hour before and after meals.

You need to transfer from one food to another gradually. Choose high-quality dry food, in which fat should not be among the first ingredients four ingredients. It is better to give preference to feed with low content carbohydrates, the source of which is cereals. It is known that grains ferment in the stomach, resulting in the formation of gases.

At natural feeding the diet must include at least 30% raw meat and sufficient fiber. Herbs for pets help reduce the formation of gases.

It is important to avoid stressful situations or minimize stress.

The formation of gases in the intestines is a natural process for any organism. If any food is not digested in the pet's stomach, or there is a lack of enzymes, flatulence occurs.

The reasons for its development include:

  • the presence in the diet of foods that are poorly digestible (any legumes, fresh white cabbage, potatoes, etc.);
  • lack of enzymes in gastrointestinal tract;
  • obstruction (blockage) caused by a tumor or foreign body;
  • swallowing large amounts of air while eating food;
  • lack of movement;
  • fermentation of food due to impaired absorption;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • helminth infection ( a type of helminthiasis in dogs, dipilidia);
  • gastrointestinal motility disorder.

Bloating in a dog: causes

The formation of gases always accompanies the digestion process. But in a healthy animal, the intestines push them out imperceptibly. If the dog’s stomach is very swollen, it means that there are problems with the work. digestive system. You can cope with the problem yourself when the causes of these violations are as follows:

  • rapid swallowing of food with air intake;
  • allergic reactions to the proposed products;
  • stale food;
  • dysbacteriosis after taking medications;
  • fur accumulated in the intestines.

Consultation with a specialist will be useful, but there is no danger to life.

It will not be possible to solve these problems on our own; urgent veterinary care. Unfortunately, in especially severe cases, it is impossible to save the dog.

The formation of gases in the intestines always occurs due to a violation of the digestive process, since a normally functioning stomach ensures their expulsion from the animal’s body

Often these disorders occur due to too rapid absorption of food, since such a rush leads to the dog swallowing too much air during the feeding process.

As mentioned earlier, such stomach problems can arise due to disturbances in the intestines, for example, due to intolerance or severity of certain foods.

In addition, bloating may be secondary symptoms the presence of allergies or intestinal diseases.

There is also a possibility that a bloated stomach did not appear due to excess gases, but due to the presence of a large number of helminths in the body. In this case, animal owners should immediately consult a doctor.

If there is any enlargement of the abdomen or a change in its shape, the dog should be taken to a veterinary clinic for examination.

Consumption of foods that carry “quick energy,” including vegetables, provokes the fermentation process. The bacteria that cause this process feed on sugar and at the same time release gas, which, collecting in bubbles, accumulates in the intestinal cavity and stomach. If the pet is strong, then gases are released through the anus naturally.

How can you help an animal that is constantly swelling?

  • To reduce gas pressure, Espumisan and other analogues of children's medications can be given;
  • To activate the intestinal microflora, we give Hilak Forte at the rate of 1 drop per 1 kg of weight;
  • To relieve irritation and swelling, we use Enterosgel and Smecta;
  • Duphalac will gently cleanse the intestines.

These “human” drugs can be used when there is no alternative. It's better to use special veterinary products or show the animal to a doctor who, using special veterinary equipment, can accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

If the problem is solved, congratulations! Analyze your pet’s diet and draw conclusions by elimination.

What to do if the symptoms only worsen:

  • the dog whines, hind legs tense, the stomach is even more inflated;
  • saliva flows profusely;
  • vomiting appeared.

If vomiting begins, give your dog Rehydron, which will protect against dehydration. It may happen that after vomiting 1-2 times, the pet will feel relief. This suggests that the body coped with the problem on its own. If vomiting was repeated more than 4 times during the day, the mass yellow, with foam and pungent odor– go to the vet immediately!

Leaving an animal with a bloated belly for more than a day without qualified medical care dangerous. The fact is that the swelling displaces the ligaments that secure the internal organs. An awkward movement or jumping off the sofa can trigger bloat, and that will be a completely different story.

There are many reasons for stomach bloating in dogs. A common reason is that the pet may have eaten food that contains foods that contribute to the formation and accumulation of gases in the stomach. These products include brewer's yeast, soy, and citric acid, which often acts as a preservative.

Bloating can occur as a result of air entering the stomach if the animal absorbs food and water too quickly.

Stress, which can be caused by childbirth, exhibitions, changes in the dog’s lifestyle, as well as physical activity before and immediately after meals can also cause bloating in dogs.

One of the reasons may be a hereditary predisposition or diseases of the pancreas.

Bloating in a dog - dangerous condition, in which, if measures are not taken in time, the dog can die in just a couple of hours.

Most often, bloating occurs in older animals, also in large and gigantic dogs with deep chests (Doberman, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Bobtail), but they are prone to similar problems dogs of all sizes.

A properly functioning stomach ensures the timely release of gases from the animal’s body, and if the digestion process is disrupted, this leads to their excessive formation and stagnation.

Causes of bloating

  1. Excessively abundant feeding, especially with foods prone to fermentation;
  2. Lack or insufficient physical activity after feeding;
  3. Feeding several animals at the same time, when the dog, trying to eat more, swallows it along with the food large number air, which will stop causing flatulence.
  4. Stress caused by childbirth, changes in place of residence, changes in the dog’s lifestyle.
  5. Diseases of the pancreas or hereditary predisposition.

Bloating can be of two forms - acute and chronic.

Acute form

At acute course Symptoms of the disease develop rapidly and most often in the evening after feeding. The animal becomes restless, whines, and walks with an arched back.

Shortness of breath and unproductive vomiting appear every half hour. Sometimes, with such urges, foam may be released. The abdomen becomes enlarged, tense and painful. The dog may try to go to the toilet, but to no avail.

But sometimes loose stools may occur.

As a result, due to increased gas formation and, as a consequence, obstruction of the esophagus, such conditions end in closure and even displacement of the stomach.

Therefore, as soon as an animal develops symptoms of acute bloating, it must be urgently taken to a veterinary clinic, where the doctor will conduct an examination, take blood and feces tests, and X-ray examination to rule out other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Chronic form

At chronic course gas disease digestive tract dogs is permanent. This condition, although it manifests itself without painful and dangerous symptoms, still requires treatment.

The causes of chronic bloating can be disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, such as diseases of the liver and pancreas.

In addition, the cause may be unsuitable food or lack of enzymes in it for proper operation stomach.


To provide qualified assistance For a sick animal, veterinarians first of all carry out manipulations to relieve stomach tension.

To remove painful sensations and reduce stress, the dog is given special medications and antibiotics.

This procedure is done using sorbents, or vent pipe, which must be inserted into the dog's esophagus through the throat.

In acute and critical conditions can be used emergency methods, such as puncturing the stomach with a hollow needle, under general anesthesia, to remove gases or restore and fix its correct position (gastropexy) if a torsion has occurred.

In order to prevent re-bloating, the stomach must be attached to the right wall of the abdominal cavity. A tube is then inserted into the stomach to empty it. Sometimes, for successful surgery, it may be necessary to install a drainage or remove the spleen.

During and after treatment, the dog is prescribed liquid food. Veterinarians often advise giving up dry food for a while or pre-soaking it in water, because... it absorbs a lot of moisture in the stomach, which can lead to sudden bloating.


Prevention of bloating includes:

  1. If the dog is prone to bloating, then the owner should always have medications available to prevent gas formation.
  2. Proper nutrition, eliminating the possibility of flatulence. In order not to provoke the formation of gases by improper digestion of food, the dog should not be given water an hour before meals. The diet should include food that is easily digestible. It is recommended to feed the animal three times a day after a walk. After active physical activity, you should not give your dog water to drink immediately to prevent swallowing air.
  3. The transition to a new diet should be made gradually. It is preferable to feed your dog food with a low grain content.
  4. If the food is natural, then the diet should include at least 30% raw meat and fiber. It will also be useful to give your dog special herbs for pets, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies.
  5. Provide adequate exercise for the dog
  6. Avoid stressful situations when feeding animals.

Symptoms of the disease

The course of the disease and the features of treatment depend on the causes that cause it. Sometimes you can understand that a dog has a stomach ache by its behavior: the pet becomes less agile, remains motionless for a long time and seems to be listening to something. Changes in the shape and size of the abdomen become noticeable on the 2nd or 3rd day.

In another case, intestinal bloating occurs quickly, and the animal’s condition deteriorates sharply. This option is more dangerous for the dog’s life and requires immediate assistance.

General symptoms pathological condition are:

  1. Severe enlargement and pain in the abdomen.
  2. Aversion to food, refusal of water.
  3. Rapid breathing.
  4. Belching, nausea, profuse salivation, vomiting with foam.

The dog moves with difficulty, mostly lying on its side.

Abdominal bloating can be acute or delayed or chronic form. If this disease is chronic, it may not manifest itself in any way. However, gradually the pet will begin to experience problems with the liver and pancreas. The evil irony is that disruptions in the functioning of the above organs will only aggravate digestive problems.

As with other diseases, acute form is the most dangerous. At the same time, the animal behaves extremely restlessly, often whining. The pet's belly is swollen and extremely tense. Side effects of bloating can also include stomach upset and frequent vomiting, complete or partial refusal to eat, blue gums, difficulty breathing, as well as severe pain in the abdominal area.

Typical symptoms may not necessarily occur at the same time. But even with the appearance of the first symptoms, you need to act quickly.

Characteristic symptoms are expressed in an unsuccessful urge to vomit, every 5-30 minutes, with the possible release of foam. The urge to vomit may be perceived as a frequent cough.

The animal shows anxiety, whines and cannot take a comfortable position, walks crouched, with an arched back.

The animal's belly increases in size and becomes taut like a drum.

The dog experiences weakness, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. The animal may attempt to defecate, which ends unsuccessfully, and may also try to eat pebbles or other hard objects.

Bloating can be acute or chronic. If it is chronic, it can occur hidden. But over time, the animal will begin to develop difficulties with the pancreas and liver. It is important to remember that together with the disruption of the functioning of the described organs, the condition of the digestive system and all processes occurring in it significantly worsens.

As with other diseases, the acute form brings greatest threat. With such a violation, the pet begins to get very nervous and whine. The dog's stomach swells and his muscles tense. TO side effects bloating can include indigestion, nausea, complete or partial refusal to eat, blue gums, difficulty breathing, increased pain in the abdominal area.

Diagnosis of bloating

If the dog suffers from pain and bloating after eating, the abdominal cavity can be measured with a measuring tape. This should be done in the widest part of the belly. This simple procedure will allow you to track the dynamics of the occurrence of the symptom and determine whether there is a danger to the dog’s health.

If the symptoms are serious, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. There, doctors will conduct special studies, including stool analysis and general analysis blood, x-ray. One of the tasks of specialists is to exclude diseases with similar symptoms, for example, various diseases intestines, as well as enzyme deficiency.

Among the symptoms that accompany painful abdominal enlargement are:

  • restless state of the dog;
  • vomiting with mucous secretions;
  • rapid heavy breathing;
  • swelling of the dog's sides in a short period of time.

Treatment of flatulence in dogs

Basically, all recommendations for relieving bloating in a dog relate to nutritional rules. First of all, the pet should eat in a calm environment. You should not disturb your dog while eating, especially if you do not allow children to do this. This behavior can be fraught with injury, as dogs become extremely sensitive when eating.

If you notice your pet has bloating, switch to a liquid diet. Experts often advise giving animals prone to bloating liquid or almost liquid food. Dry food should be completely excluded from the diet, as it tends to absorb large amounts of water directly into the dog's stomach, causing bloating.

But still cooking homemade food is the most preferred option to prevent any stomach problems in your pet. Researchers have proven that dogs fed domestic and healthy food recover much faster than pets who continue to eat store-bought food.

You can also normalize stomach function with chamomile decoction. This flower is an indispensable ally in the fight against various diseases gastrointestinal tract. Chamomile helps not only in treating but also in preventing bloating in dogs. Small dogs, whose weight does not exceed fifteen kilograms, you can give half a small spoon of decoction per day.

To normalize the functioning of the stomach, you will need to carefully monitor your pet’s physical activity, since in some cases the cause of bloating is physical inactivity. You should give your animal an active walk at least once a day. In this case, such a load should occur exclusively before meals.

There is also medicinal methods treating bloating in dogs. For example, taking certain homeopathic remedies will help immediately eliminate the accumulation of gases in the pet’s stomach.

If you suspect that bloating is not caused by gases, but, for example, by helminths, you should immediately consult a doctor. Bloating, accompanied by vomiting and the formation of white foam, is also treated exclusively in a specialized clinic.

If the results of the so-called home therapy did not bring results, the veterinarian usually rinses the dog’s stomach using a special type of probe and introduces sorbents into the stomach. In some severe cases of bloating, a specialist pierces the abdomen with a special needle to quickly remove gases. It is also possible to carry out intensive therapy, the purpose of which will be to support cardiovascular system body.

To prevent acute bloating, the dog should be fed in a calm environment, after a walk, with high-quality, familiar food.

Peritonitis, pyometra, ascites - these serious illnesses Dogs can only be identified by a veterinarian. In an advanced state, the owner is usually offered the option of euthanasia.

Treatment methods depend on the severity of the animal's condition. The veterinarian will insert a tube (probe) into the dog's stomach through the throat to relieve pressure and release accumulated gases. In severe cases, the veterinarian can make a puncture in the stomach with a hollow needle for the same purpose.

A dog in a state of shock is given special medications, and the pain is relieved with antibiotics. The veterinary clinic may do an x-ray to check the condition of other organs and the absence of gastric volvulus.

Stomach bloating is not uncommon for dogs. However, this is a rather dangerous condition due to the fact that stretching by gases leads to obstruction of the esophagus, or even torsion of the stomach and its further displacement.

As a result, the functioning of the lungs and venous outflow are disrupted, and cardiovascular failure, the animal experiences rapid shock and dies literally within one to two hours. Bloating in a dog is called flatulence.

Causes of bloating in dogs

  • Gases are always formed in the intestines as a result of digestion. But in a normal situation, they move through the intestines and are pushed out.
  • Often, excessive gas formation in the intestines occurs when air is swallowed while eating, when the dog eats too quickly, swallowing food whole.
  • The most common cause of flatulence is profound disorders of the digestive system. They cause the accumulation of large amounts of gas in the stomach, which occurs due to rotting food debris. This occurs when the intestines have difficulty digesting certain foods.
  • Flatulence may also accompany food allergies and intestinal diseases that disrupt its normal functioning.


Flatulence can be acute, delayed and chronic. In the chronic course of the disease, it does not particularly manifest itself, but over time, the animal experiences disturbances in the functioning of the liver and pancreas, which increasingly lead to improper digestion of food.

Veterinarians often blame dry food containing soybeans for the development of this condition.

The acute form of the disease is much more dangerous. At the same time, the dog whines and worries, its stomach is swollen and tense, diarrhea and vomiting may develop, its appetite decreases, and its gums become bluish or gray.

As a rule, stool and blood tests are taken, and the dog is x-rayed.

The main task in the treatment of flatulence is to relieve bloating. To do this, it is necessary to rinse the stomach using an oroesophageal tube and introduce sorbents into it. Sometimes veterinarians pierce the abdominal wall with a special needle - a trocar, to remove gases.

In severe cases, intensive therapy with peristalsis stimulants is carried out with support for the cardiovascular system.

Preventive measures for flatulence

  • In order to avoid intensive care, it is best to feed the animal properly so that it does not have flatulence. This is especially true large breeds dogs that are most likely to experience bloating.
  • The diet of a dog prone to flatulence should consist of easily digestible food, divided into small pieces to avoid swallowing air. It is better to feed three times a day after a walk. You should not give your dog water to drink immediately after active play.
  • It is also better not to experiment with food, but to make any transition to a new diet gradually.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. If excess gas occurs due to any product, it is necessary to review the pet’s diet, and then the problem will be solved without treatment.

In other cases, you can adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Adsorbents and carminatives will help get rid of gases and remove them from the body: Enterosgel, Activated Carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Espumisan (Simethicone).
  2. If there is a lack of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, medications are prescribed: Creon, Mezim, Pancreatin, Pepsin.
  3. To treat dysbiosis, probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics are used: Prokolin, Bifidum-SHZh, Bifitrilak, Embprobio, Lactoferon, etc.
  4. To improve gastrointestinal motility, drugs are prescribed: Motilium, Motilak, Cerucal.
  5. If increased gas formation caused by a large number helminths, it is necessary to rid the dog of them with the help anthelmintics: Kanikvantel, Drontal, Milbemax, etc.

If the flatulence is caused by a blockage, surgery may be required to remove the foreign object from the intestines.

What should you do if your dog has a bloated stomach? For the most part therapeutic measures will be related to the pet's nutrition. To begin with, it is important to provide the animal with proper nutrition in a calm environment. There is no need to distract the dog while feeding, and it is also prohibited to allow children to do this. This behavior can end badly, as dogs become especially sensitive when eating food.

The feeding area should also be separate, since dogs are accustomed to swallowing food in whole pieces without chewing (this especially applies to houses where there are other animals). Eating too quickly can cause a lot of gas to accumulate, which will only make the situation worse.

If your dog has a bloated stomach, it is important to buy liquid food for him. Veterinarians recommend giving your pet, who often gets bloated from plain food, liquid or almost liquid food. Dry food is prohibited in this case, as it absorbs a large volume of liquid in the stomach itself, leading to bloating.

First aid

Regardless of the severity of the disease, the owner should try to alleviate the animal’s condition.

Having noticed the changed figure and dejected appearance of your pet, first determine why the dog’s stomach is swollen. There may be two reasons:

  1. The dog swallowed something while playing (for example, a rubber ball);
  2. It is difficult to pass gases for physiological reasons.

A strong accumulation of gases is easily determined by the characteristic sound that occurs when you tap the dog’s swollen belly with your fingers.

Try to restore the natural release of gases and reduce their pressure on the internal organs. Try this:

  1. Stroke the dog's belly with light pressure with your palm in a clockwise direction for 3 to 5 minutes. Usually this action is enough to deflate the intestines. Next, if you suspect toxins, put several tablets of activated carbon in her mouth, clasp her muzzle with both hands and hold until she swallows. To restore the intestinal microflora, after a while, start giving probiotics.
  2. If the first method did not work, carefully enter anus gas outlet tube to a depth of 2 - 3 cm (depending on the size of the animal). This procedure will relieve some of the stress until the doctor arrives.

Consequences of digestive problems

Because of possible violations With digestion, the animal’s intestines begin to fill with a large amount of gases and increase significantly in size. As a result, the dog's stomach swells and pain occurs. Gases begin to be slowly absorbed and lead to intoxication. The negative load on the liver increases significantly.

Dilatation of the intestine leads to hard work, which speeds up the movement of digested food. The dog begins to have diarrhea. At the same time, a large amount of gases continues to remain in the intestines, moving closer to the sphincter of the rectum and accumulating in this place. After the accumulation of a certain amount of gases, emissions with an unpleasant odor begin.

The mere release of excess gases through the anus is not enough to empty the intestines. Its walls continue to expand, and the pain only increases. In this case, there is a danger of the dog developing stomach diseases, increased flatulence and impaired liver function.


It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it and get rid of its complications. Therefore, if you want to see your four-legged friend healthy and cheerful, do not forget about these preventive measures Oh:

  1. Follow the rules of feeding (the quality of food should be high, the dishes should be clean, the quantity should be sufficient to satiate, but do not allow overeating).
  2. Carry out helminthiasis prevention in a timely manner (at least 2 times a year).
  3. Teach your dog not to take food from someone else's hands or pick up anything from the ground.
  4. For walks, try to choose places where the dog can be driven well over uneven terrain. This will improve intestinal motility and protect against constipation and gas accumulation.
  5. Select for pet good doctor and if problems arise, seek help immediately.

Veterinarians advise not to accustom dogs to the food that we eat. In practice, unfortunately, this does not always work out. That's why:

  • make sure that no spoiled food appears in the bowl, do not feed the dog expired foods that would be a pity to throw away;
  • do not forget that of all breeds, only german shepherds can partially digest bones. Be careful not to get it into your food tubular bones, because they are poorly excreted, injure the mucous membrane, clog the intestines, causing obstruction.

And then your dog will not be in danger of bloating.

As you might have already guessed, based on the information about the treatment of bloating, you can prevent the occurrence of problems with the help proper nutrition dogs. All of the above rules can be applied not only for home therapy, but also for disease prevention. They are especially relevant for big dogs, since bloating occurs much more often in them than in small breeds.

In a dog's first aid kit, especially knowing about the pet's predisposition to bloating, there should always be drugs against the formation of gases.

You can avoid bloating if you do not eat quickly. To do this, you can use labyrinth bowls and feed the daily portion not in one, but in 2-3 doses per day.

The correct feeding regimen will avoid many problems. The dog should not be allowed to drink an hour before or after meals, so as not to dilute the gastric juice necessary for proper digestion of food, otherwise gases will form. Physical activity is allowed only at least an hour before and after meals.

You need to transfer from one food to another gradually. Choose high-quality dry food that does not contain fat as one of the first four ingredients. It is better to give preference to foods low in carbohydrates, the source of which is cereals. It is known that grains ferment in the stomach, resulting in the formation of gases.

When feeding naturally, the diet must include at least 30% raw meat and a sufficient amount of fiber. Herbs for pets help reduce the formation of gases.

It is important to avoid stressful situations or minimize stress.

Prevention of flatulence is as follows:

  • exclude from the diet legumes, cabbage and other foods that your pet does not digest well;
  • place the dog's bowl higher;
  • dry food can be soaked in water 15-20 minutes before meals;
  • make sure that the animal moves enough (this promotes better release of gases from the intestines);
  • Deworm your pet regularly.

Flatulence is not a health hazard, but does indicate a problem in the dog’s gastrointestinal tract. If your pet passes gas frequently, contact your veterinarian. It will help identify the root cause and eliminate it.

Dogs, like all predatory animals, are alien to foods containing “fast” carbohydrates. The pet will be grateful for a piece of bun, but it can play a cruel joke on the animal’s body.

Bloating in a dog: causes

Consumption of foods that carry “quick energy,” including vegetables, provokes the fermentation process. The bacteria that cause this process feed on sugar and at the same time release gas, which, collecting in bubbles, accumulates in the intestinal cavity and stomach. If the pet is strong, then gases are released through the anus naturally.

How can you help an animal that is constantly swelling?

  • To reduce gas pressure, Espumisan and other analogues of children's medications can be given;
  • To activate the intestinal microflora, we give Hilak Forte at the rate of 1 drop per 1 kg of weight;
  • To relieve irritation and swelling, we use Enterosgel and Smecta;
  • Duphalac will gently cleanse the intestines.

These “human” drugs can be used when there is no alternative. It is better to use special veterinary means or show the animal to a doctor who, using special veterinary equipment, can accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

If the problem is solved, congratulations! Analyze your pet’s diet and draw conclusions by elimination.

What to do if the symptoms only worsen:

  • the dog whines, the hind legs are tense, the stomach is even more inflated;
  • saliva flows profusely;
  • vomiting appeared.

If vomiting begins, give your dog Rehydron, which will protect against dehydration. It may happen that after vomiting 1-2 times, the pet will feel relief. This suggests that the body coped with the problem on its own. If vomiting is repeated more than 4 times during the day, the masses are yellow, with foam and a pungent odor - immediately consult a veterinarian!

Leaving an animal with a bloated belly for more than a day without qualified medical care is dangerous. The fact is that the swelling displaces the ligaments that secure the internal organs. An awkward movement or jumping off the sofa can trigger bloat, and that will be a completely different story.

Treatment for bloating in dogs

Peritonitis, pyometra, ascites - these serious diseases of a dog can only be determined by a veterinarian. In an advanced state, the owner is usually offered the option of euthanasia.

If after taking carbohydrate or sweet food More than a day has passed, and the abdomen is still enlarged, the dog has severe salivation, vomiting, the animal is clearly suffering - you need to urgently contact a veterinarian. Such signs may indicate the presence of intestinal volvulus.

Bloating is not an independent illness.

Flatulence accompanies:

  1. Excessively abundant feeding, especially with foods prone to fermentation;
  2. Lack or insufficient physical activity after feeding;
  3. Feeding several animals at the same time, when the dog, trying to eat more, swallows a large amount of air along with the food, which will cause flatulence.
  4. Stress caused by childbirth, changes in place of residence, changes in the dog’s lifestyle.
  5. Diseases of the pancreas or hereditary predisposition.

Bloating can be of two forms - acute and chronic.

Signs of illness

Acute bloating in a dog poses a direct threat to its life if accompanied by following symptoms:

    Complete refusal to eat. It is especially dangerous if the dog does not drink water at all - this threatens rapid dehydration.

    Severe enlargement of the abdomen - it is swollen and reacts painfully to touch.

    The dog can barely walk, her hind legs are swollen, and she prefers to lie on her side.

    The animal is salivating.

    Nausea and frequent vomiting with foamy and foul-smelling contents.

If a dog exhibits these symptoms, it should be immediately examined and treated.


Acute bloating in a dog always requires emergency care. Therefore, it is extremely important for owners to recognize the early signs of this condition. These include:

  • The dog's belly is swollen and continues to increase in size.
  • Unsuccessful attempts to vomit.
  • Frequent belching.
  • Excited general condition.
  • Severe pain in the abdominal area - the dog tries to reach it, whines, and does not allow it to be touched.
  • The dog is breathing heavily.
  • Profuse salivation, often in the form of foam.
  • Pallor and blue discoloration of the mucous membranes of the gums and conjunctiva.
  • Weak pulse.
  • Fast heart rate (tachycardia).
  • Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia).
  • Collapse. Loss of consciousness is usually the final sign, followed by death.


Treatment at home is only possible in cases where it is known for sure that the stomach is swollen due to food that is unnatural for the dog. Apply veterinary drugs– anti-flatulence products and sorbents.

In other situations, treating bloating at home is dangerous, since the slightest delay can cost the animal its life. Only after accurate diagnosis the veterinarian will know whether it is possible to expel worms, whether urgent surgery is needed, or whether drug therapy can be limited.

Any self-treatment can aggravate the course of the disease so much that it will lead to a severe deterioration in health and death of the pet.

To prevent acute bloating, the dog should be fed in a calm environment, after a walk, with high-quality, familiar food.

Complicated acute bloating in dogs is rare. In this case, even a puncture of the abdominal wall may be required. In other cases, the underlying disease is treated with sorbents, carminatives(Espumizan), enveloping agents(Smecta).

For flatulence, a diet excluding all cereals except rice and buckwheat is indicated. The veterinarian may suggest for animals digestive enzymes or special foods, probiotics and dietary supplements.

Feed the pet three times a day after a walk. Feeding a dog before physical activity is prohibited; giving your pet water immediately after it has exercised is also strictly not recommended.

If you feed an animal natural food grind it. The pieces must be comparable in size to the dimensions chewing tooth dog (no more). Utensils for eating should be on a stand.

Dog breeders consider periodic feeding them with chopped beef stomach a good way to prevent flatulence in dogs.

  1. First of all, the dog must be switched to a meat diet. Or rather, not on a diet, but on feeding with those products that are necessary for the full restoration of the microflora. Meat and bones fermented milk products, and eggs, this is the diet that does not lead to flatulence.
  2. The frequency of feeding the dog should be at least 2 times a day, but during the period of exacerbation, in order to normalize processes in the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to feed 3 times in small portions.
  3. The food must be high in calories. You can't limit yourself to bare bones and skim milk. Fats are also necessary for the body, especially for those dogs that lead an active, mobile lifestyle.
  4. As first aid until the cause is determined and the animal is examined veterinarian, can be applied activated carbon¼ tablet 3 times a day or enterosgel ½ teaspoon an hour before or an hour after feeding the dog. Taking medications should not be limited to 1–2 days; the course is prescribed for 5–6 days.

To provide qualified assistance to a sick animal, veterinarians first of all carry out manipulations to relieve stomach tension. To relieve pain and reduce stress, the dog is given special medications and antibiotics. This procedure is done using sorbents, or a gas outlet tube, which must be inserted into the dog’s esophagus through the throat.

In acute and critical conditions, emergency methods can be used, such as puncturing the stomach with a hollow needle, under general anesthesia, to remove gases or restoring and fixing its correct position (gastropexy) if a volvulus has occurred.

In order to prevent re-bloating, the stomach must be attached to the right wall of the abdominal cavity. A tube is then inserted into the stomach to empty it.

Sometimes, for successful surgery, it may be necessary to install a drainage or remove the spleen. After completion of treatment there occurs postoperative period, during which the animal is given IVs for 10 days and the sutures are treated.

During and after treatment, the dog is prescribed liquid food. Veterinarians often advise giving up dry food for a while or pre-soaking it in water, because... it absorbs a lot of moisture in the stomach, which can lead to sudden bloating.

You can completely refuse food by replacing dry food with homemade food. healthy eating. It is useful to brew chamomile and give it chilled, half a teaspoon per day. Can be mixed chamomile tea with food or injected with a syringe.


The most important preventive measures are next steps:

    Careful adherence to the rules of feeding the dog, in which any “human” food that is unusual for dogs is strictly prohibited.

    Timely and regular expulsion of worms.

    Use only high-quality feed and fresh food in full compliance with hygiene rules.

    Making sure that the dog does not pick up anything from the ground on the street. For this he is with early childhood They are taught not to eat anything outside the home.

    Do not feed your dog before a walk. Stomach fullness with significant physical activity may cause intestinal volvulus.

    If dangerous symptoms appear, such as vomiting with foam, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Monitoring your dog's health is much easier and more effective than trying to cure it of serious consequences.