Carminative medicine. Natural carminatives will help eliminate gas. Indications for use of the tablet

List of drugs

For adults

“Espumizan” – This is a drug with an active ingredient - simethicone. This chemical compound is capable of destroying the gas bubbles that form in the intestinal suspension and mucus, and evacuating them along with the feces. Preparations based on simethicone are not absorbed by the body and are excreted physiologically unchanged. “Espumizan” eliminates the symptoms of bloating and...

The drug is recommended in capsule form (25 and 50 pieces in one box), or in the form of drops (30 ml bottle). Espumisan should be taken with meals and before going to bed. Can be taken after main meals. Prescribe 2 capsules or 50 drops every 4-5 hours. The drug is washed down with boiled water at room temperature, at least 100 ml. Treatment is continued until the symptoms of abdominal discomfort cease.

When preparing for diagnostic procedures (radiography, sonography, CT and MRI, endoscopic examinations of the digestive tract) or after abdominal operations, Espumisan is used for prophylactic purposes. Intestinal gases should not interfere with visual examination during examinations. After operations on the abdominal area, flatulence may also develop. This is due to electrolyte disturbances as a result of the administration of anesthesia and mechanical effects on the sensitive intestines, or with carbon dioxide pumped into the abdominal cavity (during laparoscopy). The drug is prescribed in advance - 24 hours before the start of the study or immediately after surgery. We recommend 2 capsules or 50 drops 3 times a day. On the morning of the examination, take additionally in the same dosage.

In case of poisoning with detergents with the formation of foam, Espumisan is used as an antifoam. Take 10-20 capsules of the drug at a time. The dose is determined by the severity of the patient's intoxication.

“Meteospasmil” – a combination drug based on simethicone and alverine. It has a pronounced antispasmodic and carminative effect. The drug reduces the intensity of gas formation in the intestines and forms an enveloping film on the surface of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. “Meteospasmil” helps to relax the intestinal muscles and the extinction of overly active peristalsis. Consequently, colicky abdominal pain, rumbling and a feeling of fullness due to flatulence disappear. The drug also helps with certain dyspeptic disorders (nausea, diarrhea or acute stool retention).

"Meteospasmil" is used in capsules (30 pieces per box). For the drug to work effectively, it is prescribed before meals, 1 capsule 3 times a day. Before diagnostic examinations of the digestive organs, Meteospasmil is used the day before and in the morning on the day of the medical procedure. The conditions for taking the drug are the same.

“Disflatil” – non-toxic drug with simethicone. Helps cope with flatulence and belching due to excessive swallowing of air () when chewing food quickly. The drug is available in drops packaged in 30 ml glass bottles. “Disflatil” is used after meals and shortly before bedtime. The effective dose is 50 drops 3 times a day. Wash down with a small volume of boiled water (100 ml) at room temperature.

Before diagnostic studies of the abdominal organs, the drug is prescribed for 2 days before the examination, as well as in the morning before the start of the procedure.

“Sub Simplex” – carminative based on simethicone. Available in glass bottles with a viscous emulsion. Volume – 30 ml. The drug is taken with food and at night. You can do it right after eating. “Sub Simplex” is recommended for adults, 30-45 drops 4-5 times a day.

To prepare for abdominal radiography, the drug is taken the night before bedtime in a volume of 15-30 ml. Before an ultrasound scan of the digestive tract or pelvis, Sub Simplex is prescribed in the evening. In the morning, take the drug again. The required dose of emulsion is 15 ml. Before (FGDS, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy), the drug is used shortly before the start of the study. Recommended volume: 5 ml. The doctor additionally administers a small dose of the drug through an endoscope.

In case of intoxication with detergents, take 5 ml of emulsion at a time. In severe conditions, the dose can be increased.

“Kuplaton” – drug based on dimethicone. Has a surface-active effect. Reduces the tension of gas bubbles in the intestines, promotes their fusion and removal from the body. “Kuplaton” is produced in capsules (30, 100 pieces per box) and in drops (30 ml glass bottle). The drug reduces the manifestations of flatulence that occur due to fermentation processes in the intestines and aerophagia. “Kuplaton” also fights the feeling of fullness in the stomach, rumbling and spastic pain. Facilitates the passage of gases.

The drug is recommended to be used before eating. Effective dosage – 1 capsule or 5 drops 4 times a day. Before diagnostic studies of the digestive organs, the drug is recommended to be taken for 2-3 days. Additional appointment - in the morning, shortly before the start of the procedure. The required dose is 1 capsule or 12 drops 3 times a day.

“Pepphys” – It is a digestive medicine with simethicone. It contains plant enzymes - papain and fungal diastase. “Pepfiz” normalizes the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients, reduces excess gas production by the intestines, and improves motility. The drug also stimulates appetite and the production of gastric juice.

“Pepfiz” is produced in effervescent tablets (2, 4 or 14 pieces in a cardboard box). The dosage form is dissolved in 100-120 ml of drinking water at room temperature. This chemical reaction releases compounds (Na and K citrates) with an antacid effect. They reduce the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach and relieve heartburn.

The drug is prescribed after meals. The effective dose is 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. At the preparatory stage before radiography or “Pepfiz” is used in a standard dose in the morning and evening for 2 days.

“Almagel NEO” – antacid drug with simethicone. It has a carminative and enveloping effect. Reduces the hyperproduction of hydrochloric acid by the stomach due to chemical compounds - Mg and Al hydroxide. The drug is effective against putrefactive fermentation processes in the intestines (eliminates excess gas formation, bloating and abdominal cramps). “Almagel NEO” copes with heartburn and pain in the epigastric region due to reflux and exacerbation of gastritis.

The drug is produced in the form of a suspension in glass bottles of 170 ml and in bags (10 or 20 pieces per box). The medicine is used an hour after meals and before bedtime, 4 times a day. The effective dose is 2 scoops or 1 sachet. The drug should not be taken with water for 30 minutes.

For children and newborns

“Espumizan” used to relieve colic and bloating in infants. The drug also eliminates symptoms of flatulence after a year. In newborns and babies up to 12 months, Espumisan is used only in liquid form. The emulsion in a volume of 5-10 drops is mixed with drinking water in a bottle or added to food. Prescribed 3-5 times a day until the symptoms of anxiety in the child disappear (a shrill cry with “knotting” of the legs, rumbling in the stomach and tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall). For children under 7 years of age, the drug is recommended 10 drops every 4-5 hours. Schoolchildren are given 10-20 drops of Espumisan per dose. The multiplicity does not change. In adolescents, it is allowed to use the drug in capsule form (1-2 capsules 4-5 times a day). Treatment is continued until intestinal spasms are eliminated and pain in the abdominal area passes.

“Disflatil” – a drug that eliminates the symptoms of increased gas formation in children from birth. Used in liquid form. For newborns and children under 5 years of age, the drug is recommended 10-15 drops three times a day. “Disflatil” is diluted in a tablespoon of boiled water at room temperature or in breast milk (formula). Use while feeding the baby or immediately after eating. Children from 5 to 16 years old are given the drug in the same volume as adults - 25-50 drops 3 times a day. Use after meals and before bedtime. Take 100 ml of drinking water.

“Sub Simplex” – A carminative drug used in the form of a suspension from the neonatal period. Effective for infant colic that occurs as a result of impaired breastfeeding technique (excessive swallowing of air when the baby is not properly applied to the nipple areola). The drug also helps with flatulence as a result of dysfunction of the digestive tract (formation of intestinal microflora in babies of the first 3 months, enzymatic deficiency and malnutrition in children older than one year - overeating, eating “dry food”, eating in a hurry, frequent use of chewing gum). From birth until 12 months, the drug is given in diluted form: mixed with breast milk or formula in a bottle. We recommend 15 drops every 4-5 hours, more often if necessary (every 2-3 hours). For children from one to 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed in the same volume 4-5 times a day, but in its pure form. At an older age (from 6 to 15 years), the dose approaches that of an adult - 20-30 drops per dose.

“Infacol” – carminative suspension with simethicone. Has an enveloping effect. Available in glass bottles of various sizes - 50, 75 or 100 ml. Used in newborns and children up to one year, 0.5-1 ml of suspension before feeding. The drug is given for several days until the symptoms of bloating and intestinal cramps, accompanied by restlessness in the infant, are completely eliminated.

“Kuplaton” – a drug to combat symptoms of flatulence from birth. Prescribed from the neonatal period to 10 years, 4 drops 4 times a day. The drug is mixed with a small volume of liquid (boiled water at room temperature, breast milk or formula). Recommended for bloating before feeding or eating. Children over 10 years old are given Kuplaton in an adult dosage - 5 drops or 1 capsule 4 times a day.

“Bobotik” – emulsion based on simethicone. Produced in glass bottles of 30 ml. Dosed in drops. The drug relieves bloating and colic in infants. Eliminates excess gas bubbles in the intestinal contents and prevents new ones from appearing. The drug is also used before diagnostic studies of the abdominal and pelvic organs.


Natural carminatives

  • Tea drink “Hipp” with fennel and chamomile.
  • “Bebinos” – Carminative drops, which include extracts of fennel and coriander fruits, as well as chamomile flowers.
  • “Plantex” – preparation in the form of granules for the preparation of a medicinal solution. Contains fennel fruit extract and essential oil.
  • “Baby Calm” – carminative based on natural ingredients. Includes essential oils of anise, mint and dill.
  • “Fitogastrol” – mixture of plant materials. The composition contains chamomile flowers, mint leaves, dill fruits, calamus and licorice roots.
  • product based on fennel fruit. Contains dill oil and purified water.

Establish proper nutrition. Temporarily exclude from the diet foods that cause a “storm in the stomach”:

It is advisable to adhere to a protein diet (meat, cottage cheese, fish). Vegetables must be boiled or baked, grains must be soaked for 12 hours.

  1. Chew food slowly and do not talk at the table. You should also not eat while watching a computer or TV.
  2. Before the onset of menstruation and on menstrual periods, women develop flatulence, which can be prevented by taking prophylactic carminative herbal infusions.
  3. If the intestinal muscles are weak (atony), especially in older people, it is necessary to move more: walking, doing exercises and special exercises (squats, bends, presses, etc.). Physical education helps to cope with increased gas formation.
  4. In case of pathological conditions of the digestive system and intestinal dysbiosis, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of dyspeptic disorders and treat the underlying disease.
  5. Increase fluid intake (water, fruit drinks, compotes, kefir, plum juice, etc.) during the day to 1.5-2 liters.
  6. Stress and depression are undesirable.
  7. For infants, regular clockwise abdominal massages and leg flexions with abduction to the sides (“frog”) help relieve colic and bloating. Hand movements should be light. To strengthen the abdominal muscles and prevent flatulence, it is necessary to place the child on his stomach more often.

They also monitor whether the baby is latching onto the breast correctly. When artificial feeding, monitor the flow of the mixture from the bottle - it should not be too strong or weak.

Thus, to avoid flatulence, you need to exercise, eat right and avoid stress. If necessary, you can use carminatives or herbal remedies.

BabyCalm is a drug intended to eliminate colic in newborns. These drops are based on a natural composition, and therefore are absolutely safe for the health of babies. It is important to understand that almost all children suffer from gastrointestinal problems; this is due to the body’s adaptation to new living conditions.

It is not necessary to deal with colic in newborns, however, many mothers try in every way to alleviate the baby’s condition. Essentially, BabyCalm is dill water with some oils, which removes gases from the intestines and also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The medicine begins to act within 15 minutes after a person takes it, which is what earned the love of many mothers. How should it be given to babies?

Baby Doc is a dietary supplement with a therapeutic effect. The drug is designed specifically for infants and to eliminate problems with the digestive system that are typical for this category of children. The effect of the additive appears within a short period of time.

The drug effectively eliminates colic and prevents its occurrence. This remedy can be used for a short course or as part of therapy in combination with other medications.

Digestive disturbances of varying severity are observed in almost all people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The main direction in the treatment of patients with indigestion syndrome (especially if the causes of its development cannot be eliminated) is enzyme replacement therapy.

Digestive enzyme preparations are medicines that improve the digestion process due to the digestive enzymes they contain. Modern pharmacies offer a variety of enzyme products, which differ from each other in the combination of components, production method, enzyme activity, release form, etc. These drugs include a medicine called Pepphys.

With the arrival of a long-awaited baby, parents face a lot of difficulties. A fairly common problem that causes a baby to cry is colic. They torment almost every child.

This is due to the fact that babies are born with sterile intestines. Only a little later, the child’s digestive tract begins to be populated with beneficial microflora. This happens for about 3-6 months. At this time, children have very bad tummy pain.

When a child appears in a family, it is real happiness for both the mother and the father. However, newborn babies require special care and treatment. During the first few months, babies experience terrible colic, against which parents are absolutely powerless.

In this situation, a universal remedy can come to the rescue - Espumisan Baby. What kind of remedy is this, and how should it be given to small children?

Avioplant can be classified as a herbal medicine. It has an antiemetic effect on the body, and also helps stimulate the production of salivation, generally stabilizes the activity of the digestive tract, and enhances the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

When can this drug be prescribed, and when should it be discontinued?

Often, for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, a carminative is prescribed. What kind of drug this is and how it works - this will be discussed in the article.

Mechanism of action

Drugs in this category help eliminate excess gas formation. This therapeutic effect is based on a change in and subsequent destruction of gas bubbles that form in the intestinal mucus and gastric contents. The released gases are eliminated by peristalsis or absorbed into the intestinal walls. The mechanism of activity may also be determined by a number of other factors. In particular, the effect develops as a result of increased intestinal motility and an antispasmodic effect on the sphincter muscles. As a result, pain and discomfort are reduced, eliminated, and the processes of absorption and digestion of food are optimized.

Carminatives for newborns

Flatulence occurs quite often in infants. It is possible to eliminate the symptoms of a pathological condition in children who are breastfed without the use of drugs. However, if the child is transferred to artificial nutrition, the pediatrician prescribes a carminative to eliminate the tummy. Today, quite a lot of drugs in this group are produced. But not all of them are approved for use in infancy.

Popular drugs for gastrointestinal disorders that have no age restrictions

The drug "Bebinos" is available in the form of drops for oral administration. The medication is of plant origin and has an antispasmodic and carminative effect. The drug is effective in both eliminating and preventing discomfort and bloating. The medicine is indicated for intestinal colic. This carminative is not prescribed if the components are intolerant. The medication can be used both diluted and pure. Schoolchildren are prescribed 10-15 drops, children over one year old - 6-10 drops, infants - 3-6 drops. The frequency of administration is three times a day. Side effects may include allergies associated with intolerance to the components.

Another very popular carminative is a medicine whose active ingredient is simethicone. The drug is available in various forms: capsules, tablets, emulsion, suspension, drops. The medication is intended for oral administration. This medicine is prescribed not only to eliminate or prevent flatulence. The drug is recommended before carrying out various diagnostic measures on the peritoneal and pelvic organs. Before gastroscopy, taking the product prevents the formation of foam. However, the range of contraindications is somewhat wider. In particular, the drug is not prescribed for obstructive gastrointestinal pathologies, intestinal obstruction and hypersensitivity. The dosage regimen in each case is prescribed by the doctor personally. When taking the drug, an allergy may be noted as an undesirable consequence.

Everyone is familiar with the unpleasant feeling of bloating and, of course, increased gas production. Many people face such annoying problems systematically, while others only partly, periodically. In this case, several possible causes are possible: careless chewing, overeating, or consumption of those foods that create optimal conditions for increased gas formation. But what to do? How to quickly get rid of such a problem? In fact, there are several options. In this publication we will present a list of the best tablets for flatulence and gas, created based on real reviews. We hope that among this list you will find exactly the drug that in your case will be the most effective and useful.

Price: from 70 rubles

This is a combined drug for bloating, which normalizes digestion processes due to the enzymes it contains. This remedy can be used for the following symptoms: liver disease, chronic pancreatitis, overeating, flatulence, increased formation of gases after surgery, dyspepsia, preparation for x-rays or ultrasound. Pepfiz contains digestive plant enzymes that facilitate the absorption and digestion of carbohydrates.

The drug should not be used during lactation and pregnancy. It is contraindicated in people hypersensitive to the components of this product. In addition, Pepfiz should be taken with extreme caution by those who have any kidney or liver diseases, as well as arterial hypertension. Contraindications to the use of this product are for children under twelve years of age.

No. 9 – Antareit

Price: from 179 rubles

Antareit is a combined modern drug, the pharmacological action of which is determined by the characteristics of the components that make up its composition. The product has an adsorbent, increased antacid, carminative and enveloping effect. Indications for use are a number of symptoms that are directly related to an increase in the level of acidity of gastric juice, as well as heartburn, stomach pain, a feeling of constant heaviness and fullness, flatulence, and dyspepsia.

Antaret can be taken by adults and children over twelve years of age. When taking it, it is extremely important to take into account the likelihood of allergic reactions caused by individual hypersensitivity to the active substances that are part of the antagate.

No. 8 – Meteospasmil

Price: from 430 rubles

Meteospasmil is a combined innovative drug that has an enhanced antispasmodic effect. It can significantly reduce gas formation in the intestines. This remedy is often used in preparation for ultrasound, X-ray, and instrumental examination of various systems and organs, as well as due to the presence of functional disorders of the housing and communal services, abdominal pain, permanent nausea, increased gas formation, unpleasant belching and diarrhea.

When taking it, all kinds of allergic reactions are quite likely. These include laryngeal edema, urticaria and shock. Meteospasmil should not be used by children under fourteen years of age, or in case of individual intolerance to the active components that make up its composition. In addition, the medicine should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

No. 7 – Simethicone

Price: from 199 rubles

The complex action drug is presented in several dosage forms - drops for oral administration, suspension, capsules, tablets, and emulsion. It can be used as a carminative, in case of accumulation of gases and increased gas formation, during preparation for the diagnosis of the pelvic and abdominal organs (primarily, we are talking about sonography and radiography), as well as in case of surfactant poisoning. But there are also contraindications. Among these are intestinal obstruction, increased personal sensitivity, and all kinds of obstructive diseases. When taking the product in adults, allergic reactions are quite likely.

No. 6 – Disflatil

Price from 290 rubles

Disflatil is presented in the form of drops intended for internal use. In appearance, the drug is a milky-white emulsion of uniform consistency with a characteristic pineapple smell. The active substance here is simethicone, and the auxiliary ones are various preservatives. The principle of operation of the product is as follows: it physically destroys the accumulated gas bubbles, which are subsequently eliminated naturally.

This remedy is used in the case of symptomatic treatment of various types of accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract of excessive gas formation. We are talking mainly about flatulence, bloating, and aerophagia. There are a number of contraindications: you should not take the drug if you have intestinal obstruction or are highly sensitive to its components. When taking the product, do not forget about the need for dosing, taking into account your age. Disflatil is considered absolutely safe. It does not lead to any side effects, since it does not lead to the absorption of active substances. Of course, with individual hypersensitivity, an allergic reaction is likely to develop.

No. 5 – Sub Simplex

Price: from 321 rubles

Sab Simplex is a suspension intended for internal use. It is tear-viscous and has a fruity smell. This remedy reduces flatulence. The principle of action is concentrated in the following: the drug reduces the tension of gas bubbles that have formed in the intestinal mucus and directly in the contents of the stomach. The gases that are released are removed or absorbed by the intestinal walls. The drug is taken when all kinds of detergents enter the stomach (they cause acute poisoning), during the preparatory stage for diagnosis (ultrasound, radiography), and also as symptomatic therapy for manifestations of flatulence and increased formation of gases.

No. 4 – Kuplaton

Price: from 273 rubles

Kuplaton is produced in two versions: in the form of oral drops and capsules in a plastic bottle. The product belongs to a special group of polysiloxanes. Such substances have an enhanced surface-active effect. The principle of operation of cuplaton is as follows: it reduces surface tension. As a result, gas bubbles merge into large formations. This, as a result, allows intestinal gases to be eliminated. Accordingly, the drug reduces flatulence, regardless of the reasons that caused it. We are talking about swallowing air and the fermentation process. In addition, the product reduces the feeling of constant bloating and unpleasant rumbling, severe pain, and increases the efficiency of gas removal.

No. 3 – Simikol

Price: from 179 rubles

Simicol is a homogeneous translucent liquid that contains silicon dioxide. The product has a characteristic gray color and is insoluble in water and alcohol. Simikol is produced in several versions - emulsions, capsules, drops, as well as in the form of chewable tablets and suspensions. Important properties of Simicol are inertness and complete absence of toxicity.

The principle of operation of Simicol is as follows: it eliminates gas bubbles and prevents the formation of new ones that form during flatulence in the intestines. In the future, such bubbles are quickly removed from the human body naturally. This modernized drug is not prescribed in cases of hypersensitivity to the active substances that are included in its composition, as well as in situations of individual intestinal obstruction. Please note: only a doctor can dose the drug and determine the duration of the treatment period. In addition, it is important to take this drug at night.

No. 2 – Imodium Plus

Price: from 280 rubles

Imodium Plus is an antidiarrheal agent with an additional antifoaming effect. It significantly eliminates the symptoms directly associated with diarrhea, in particular, such as severe pain with cramps, permanent flatulence, and abdominal discomfort. Imodium Plus is well absorbed and is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

The main indications for taking the drug are diarrhea and the symptoms that accompany it - various types of pain, a feeling of discomfort and flatulence. This medicine is prescribed to children over twelve years of age and adults. Imodium Plus should not be used by patients who have certain impaired renal function. When taken, a number of side effects are possible. Among these are allergic reactions such as constant itching, the appearance of hives, and skin rashes. Sometimes from the digestive system - increased pain, taste distortions, constipation, nausea, dyspepsia and vomiting. In addition, drowsiness, dizziness and urinary retention are possible.

No. 1 – Espumisan

Price: from 253 rubles

Espumisan capsules are the best remedy for flatulence. They are classified as carminative drugs. Such medications are used to reduce the severity of bloating in various pathologies. The product reduces surface tension, preventing the formation of gas bubbles. In addition, Espumisan helps remove gases or promotes their absorption. Indications for example of these medications are increased gas formation, dyspepsia, accumulation of gases in the intestines in case of atony, poisoning (acute intoxication). You should not take the drug if you have intestinal obstruction and various types of pathologies, as well as individual intolerance to the active substances that it contains.

Which remedy is better? To answer this question, it is important to clarify whether there are any contraindications, whether there is individual intolerance and, of course, you should definitely seek advice from your doctor. He will help you choose a drug that matches your age and current state of the body.


(carminativa) are prescribed to remove gases accumulated in it from the intestines. With improper digestion, with the development of abnormal fermentation and decomposition processes in the digestive tract, with a disorder of the nervous system, a change in the innervation (contraction) of the intestines (for example, with hysteria), a very large amount of gases (carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and etc.). The accumulated gases, stretching the intestines, raise the abdominal barrier high and cause significant disruption of blood circulation and respiration, and, being absorbed by the blood vessels of the intestines and entering the blood, cause painful symptoms of poisoning. In order to reduce or completely stop the formation of gases in the intestines, a variety of anti-fermentation and nervous agents are used, depending on the reason for the development of gases; in order to enhance their removal from the body through the natural route, substances that absorb gases are prescribed, for example. coal, with which they are removed, or special ones - “V. means”. In the broad sense of the word, the latter should include all means and medicinal substances that make intestinal contractions more correct and accelerate the removal of its contents from the intestines, such as laxatives, massage, electrification (faradization) of the abdominal walls, compresses, etc. As a matter of fact carminatives, a very large number of medicinal substances are used, mainly from the plant kingdom, acting through the essential oils contained in them. The way in which they act is not yet completely clear for many of these remedies. The main and most commonly used “carminatives” in Russia are the seeds of anise (anisum), dill (foeniculus), parsley (petroselium), fragrant cumin (carvus), cloves (caryophylus), mint leaves (mentha), lemon balm (melissa), laurel (laurus), etc. Some nerve agents, mainly anticonvulsants, are also used as carminatives: strychnine, valerian, camphor, belladonna, chloroform, ether. In the old days, the arsenal of carminatives was very rich, but in our time it is rapidly declining; very many means that were previously considered powerful are now recognized as invalid.

A. Lipsky.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb.: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

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