Yam BK ointment. Is it possible to treat acne with it? Ointment "Yam": use of a veterinary drug for people Yam ointment bk for cats

- that's pretty insidious disease, which can suddenly appear in a cat, and then in its owner. An advanced disease can lead to disability pet or even death.

Pet owners who are confident in the proper care of their pet should also be on guard. After all, excessive care cannot guarantee complete protection of cats from contact with lichen spores.
To save your furry friend from possible complications, you should consult a specialist at the first suspicion of dangerous disease. In veterinary medicine, Yam BK ointment is used quite successfully, which provides quick results in the treatment of lichen, as well as a number of others. skin diseases.


The composition of the substance for external use includes:
zinc derivative;
cresol soap;
lanolin (wool wax)
and other useful components.
Release form remedy– a homogeneous composition of a thick consistency of dark gray and even brownish color. The smell of the dense structure is quite pungent - due to the content of creolin special way processing.
Useful microelements - sulfur and zinc - are present in the preparation in a ratio of 10% of the total mass. The ointment is contained in polymer jars with a volume of 15 to 500 g. Small containers of 20 g and 50 g are very popular among the population. Veterinary clinics give preference to large-volume packaging.

Pharmacological action

Due to the main components in combination with additional substances, it is possible to disinfect the skin and reduce inflammation. Pharmacological action is exerted against many bacteria, causing itching and skin irritation, eczema and dermatitis.
Yam BK ointment helps to avoid peeling of dermis particles, as well as irritation in the upper tissues. Turpentine, which is part of the composition of the remedy, has a calming effect, it also eliminates pain and narrows pores in the area of ​​tissue damage.
Sulfur suppresses the activity of fungi and prevents their spread. Thanks to the oxide, wounds heal quickly and hair on the cat’s body grows back. It is believed that some of the components of the ointment have a restorative property that accelerates the healing process of the epidermis.
The astringent effect of Yam BK ointment for cats against lichen helps to destroy dangerous microorganisms:
subcutaneous and superficial mites;
fungi that infect the upper layers skin.
The composition does not cause irritation to the animal’s body, which is why it is recognized as a non-hazardous product.
By the way, the ointment is successfully used not only for treating animals. The structure is quite effective against skin diseases caused by mycospores and other pathogenic microorganisms in humans.

Instructions for use

From long-term storage the composition may separate. Therefore, before starting treatment, the ointment must be mixed well with a wooden stick.
Following the instructions specified in the instructions for use, medicinal composition"Yam BK" is prescribed to animals with clinical pictures accompanied by:
ulcers on the body from scratching;
severe itching and skin rashes;
receding hairlines.
The drug "Yam BK" is applied precisely to those places where the integrity of the skin is compromised. The viscous agent should also be applied to healthy areas - 2-3 cm around the source of infection.
The instructions for using Yam BK ointment assure that after the treatment regimen is completed and the procedures are completed, the crusts will fly off on their own. In place of the bald spots that have formed, hair will begin to grow again. After a couple of weeks, the length of the animal’s hair will be equal, and no trace of the disease will remain.
A week after the therapy you should visit veterinary clinic, and submit a scraping. If upon repeated laboratory research patient's skin particles pathogenic organisms are detected again, then the course of treatment with ointment is repeated again.
When using the composition "Yam BK" there is no need to use additional medications - healing ointment able to cope with microbes on its own. However, in advanced stages, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic, which will provide additional assistance in combating the problem.


There is no dosage as such. The consistency is applied to the wound in a volume that would be enough to cover the entire affected surface. It is recommended to apply the ointment to areas affected by bacteria without pre-treating them in any way.
The animal's body absorbs the composition, so it must be applied every 10-12 hours. The course of treatment depends on the extent of the lesion, and can be completed when the spread of the disease stops. The processing time takes, on average, 1-1.5 weeks.

Contraindications and precautions

Yam BK ointment is very well tolerated furry pets. Therefore, contraindications are not presented in the form of a long list. The only time when it is not recommended to treat a cat astringent“Yam BK” is a feature of the body that can cause allergic reactions.
Ringworm is very dangerous for people, so when treating a sick animal you must take the following precautions:
Wear rubber gloves before the procedure;
after medical manipulation, wash your hands with soap;
the place where the infectious cat was was disinfected with special means.
You also need to make sure that the animal does not lick the applied ointment - if the substance enters the body, it can cause poisoning. For 0.5-1 hour after applying the ointment, the cat’s head movements are limited using an Elizabethan collar.

Storage conditions

According to storage conditions, the drug should be kept dry, protected from ultraviolet rays, indoors. The optimal air temperature for the composition is from 0 to 30⁰ Celsius. The place where the ointment will be stored should be away from children. The shelf life of the binder structure is 5 years.


Despite high efficiency and the lack of analogues, Yam BK ointment is not expensive. In Russia, the price for a 50-gram jar will be 90-120 rubles. 200 grams of ointment will cost the buyer 200-220 rubles.

Ringworm in cats

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Latin name: Unguentum Yam BK

Active ingredient: Sulfur + Zinc Oxide

ATX code: No data

Manufacturer: JSC plant Veterinary drugs(Russia)

Shelf life of the drug ointment yam bk: 2 years

Storage conditions of the drug: The storage temperature of the drug must be maintained within the range from 0°C to 30°C. The ointment must be stored in a tightly sealed original container.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Over the counter

Composition, release form, Pharmacological action of yam bk ointment

Composition of the drug ointment yam bk

This ointment contains as active ingredients sulfur And zinc oxide .

Additionally: petrolatum , salicylic acid, coal tar non-phenolic creolin or lysol, tar, turpentine, lanolin, distilled water.

Release form of the drug ointment yam bk

This medicinal product is produced in the form external ointment, packaged in polymer jars with a capacity of 20 grams to 1 kilogram.

Pharmacological action of the drug ointment yam bk

Bactericidal, drying, astringent, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, acaricidal, keratolytic.

Indications for use of the drug Yam BK ointment

Indications for use of the drug Yam BK ointment are:

For animals

Indications for the use of this medicinal product in domestic and farm animals are skin diseases caused by the activation of psoroptoid and sarcoptoid mites (dermatitis, eczema), as well as microsporia, scabies, trichophytosis, etc. Yam Bk ointment is also prescribed for lichen for dogs and other domestic animals (except cats).

For people

Contraindications to the use of yam bk ointment

Contraindications to the use of the drug Yam BK ointment are:

For animals

The use of the drug is prohibited if the animal is observed to be hypersensitive to the ingredients of the drug.

Due to the species high sensitivity In case of tar, I do not recommend using Yam Bk ointment for cats (for lichen, eczema, scabies, dermatitis, etc.).

For people

The drug should not be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with personal hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the medicinal product, hypertrichosis, mechanically damaged skin (scratches, cracks, hematomas, etc.).

ointment yam bk - Instructions for use

For animals

This remedy is intended exclusively for local (external) use.

Without first cutting the fur and removing the crusts, a thin layer of thoroughly mixed ointment should be applied to the affected skin areas of the animal, touching 2-4 centimeters of the skin around them, while lightly rubbing the product into the treated surface. Depending on the observed severity of the lesion, problem areas of the skin are treated for 7-10 days, 1-2 times every 24 hours.

Microscopic control studies of scrapings taken are carried out 10 days after the last application of the drug. In case of repeated detection of pathological pathogens, treatment is resumed.

In order to prevent the medicinal product from being licked off, it can be used for small animals. bandage or a special neck collar.

For people

The instructions for humans also suggest only external use of the drug.

Before using the drug, you must treat your facial skin with an antiseptic or wash your face. tar soap, the use of which increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

After thoroughly mixing the ointment, the patient should apply a thin layer (or use a spot application) to problem skin areas and healthy areas of skin around them, while lightly rubbing the drug into the skin.

Treatment procedures are carried out once or twice a day. In the first three days of therapy, the time the drug remains on the skin should not exceed 5 minutes. On the fourth day of treatment, this time period should be increased to 10 minutes, and a little later to 15 minutes. It is not recommended to keep the ointment on the skin of the face for more than 15 minutes, as this can cause skin irritation and even burns.

After each application procedure, it is necessary to carefully remove any remaining medicinal product using a solution soaked in vegetable oil cotton swab and wash warm water.

Such a therapeutic course, as a rule, takes from 1 to 2 months, although a visible improvement in the condition of the skin (reduced inflammation and peeling of crusts) can be observed after 7-10 days.

Side effects

For animals

Any complications or side effects When using the drug to treat animals, no such effects were detected.

If the animal is hypersensitive to the ingredients of the drug and skin irritation is detected, stop using it, remove any remaining ointment with a swab and rinse the skin with water.

For people

With personal hypersensitivity, the formation of allergic phenomena is possible.

With prolonged and frequent use Skin irritation or even burns may occur.

ointment yam bk - Analogs of the drug

Analogues of the drug Yam BK ointment are:

  • No analogues of drugs were found in the database

Yam bk ointment with alcohol

No data

Yam bk ointment during pregnancy and lactation

No data

Yam bk ointment for children

There is no reliable and verified information on the use of the drug for the treatment of children.

Special instructions

Due to the species' high sensitivity to tar, I do not recommend using this medicine for treating cats.

It should be remembered that specific pungent odor, due to the inclusion of turpentine and tar in the preparation, remains on the treated skin for a long time, and the ointment itself is poorly absorbed and, due to its greasy consistency, can contaminate clothes and/or bed linen, which are subsequently difficult to wash.

When using the drug, you must comply with all existing safety and personal hygiene rules prescribed for working with external medicinal products. After completing the application procedure, hands must be thoroughly washed with soapy warm water.

In case of accidental contact of the medicinal product with healthy skin or eye mucous membranes, they must be rinsed with a large volume warm water(for the skin you can use a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil).

People with personal hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug should avoid direct contact with this drug. When found allergic manifestations or if the ointment is inadvertently swallowed, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.

Empty containers for medicinal products cannot be further used for household (especially those related to food storage) purposes; they must be disposed of together with household waste.

YAM BK ointment is effective means, intended for cats and other animals. The action of the drug is aimed at ridding animals of dermatological diseases And ringworm. The ointment has wide range action, however, it belongs to the class of low-hazard drugs. In addition, the product not only destroys fungi and harmful microorganisms, but also affects the condition of the coat.

Release form, composition

YAM BK ointment is thick in consistency, has a brown or dark gray color and is available in a plastic container. The smell of this medicine is very specific; it has a pronounced herbal aroma. The drug must be used externally and it is important to prevent the product from entering the animal’s body.

The composition of the drug is very diverse, it includes the following substances:

The effect of Yam BK ointment is manifested in the following:

  • the product is aimed at destroying pathogens, mites and fungi that cause various diseases;
  • restores the skin, cleanses it of dead cells;
  • is an antibacterial and antiseptic agent;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • helps moisturize the skin, heals wounds;
  • delivers to skin cells nutrients necessary for their normal functioning;
  • Helps reduce excessive sebum production;
  • eliminates waste products of harmful microorganisms from the skin epidermis.


According to the instructions, Yam BK ointment should be used in the following cases:

  1. 1. If the cat has dermatitis, which appears as a result of infection with psoroptoid and sarcoptoid mites.
  2. 2. If the animal has eczema.
  3. 3. If the cat is infected with scabies and trichophytosis.
  4. 4. If you have ringworm.

Before you start using the ointment, you must consult a veterinarian, having previously undergone tests.

If your cat experiences hair loss, bald patches appear, or the animal often itches, then in this case you should immediately contact a veterinarian, as these signs may indicate the presence of ringworm.

Directions for use

If a cat exhibits the above symptoms, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. Before using Yam BK ointment, you must thoroughly mix the contents of the plastic jar, since during storage the mass Maybe exfoliate.

Need to medicinal product apply to affected areas of skin thin layer. In this case, it is contraindicated to cut the hair on such areas of the skin and remove the crusts. The next step is to treat the skin around the affected areas, while you need to retreat 3 cm from the edge. These actions can help prevent the development of diseases. It is necessary to rub the ointment into the skin with gentle circular movements and wash off after 5 hours.

The ointment should be used 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10 days. After the course of treatment is completed, it is necessary to do repeat tests. If it happens that during the analysis fungal and pathogenic microorganisms in the cat’s body, the course of treatment must be repeated.

Special instructions

In order for there to be effective treatment, you must follow some important recommendations:

  1. 1. The animal’s fur should not be combed until the cat is free of the disease, since in this case the disease can spread to healthy areas of the skin.
  2. 2. The animal should not be allowed to lick the drug, as this will lead to negative consequences. During the treatment period, you need to use a special collar or collar.
  3. 3. To prevent infection of other animals in the apartment or house where the sick cat is located, it must be isolated.
  4. 4. It is important to treat the surface of the animal’s skin in a timely manner, since if the interval between treatments is too long, the effectiveness of the drug will decrease.
  5. 5. After the expiration date, the drug should not be used under any circumstances. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

Description Ointment YAM BK, pack. 20 g:

Yam BK ointment for cats and dogs is used to treat:



Eczema of various etiologies;

The drug contains acaricidal and fungicidal components that provide maximum therapeutic effect. How to use Yam BK ointment? The instructions state that you must first clean the affected surface of mechanical impurities, scabs and crusts. Then, using rubber gloves, spread the medicine in a thin layer over the surface of the lesion. You should also capture about 1cm healthy skin to eliminate the risk of spread pathological process on healthy tissues.

The course of treatment is determined depending on the severity of the disease and the size of the skin lesion. The condition of the patient is also important. On average, manipulation is required 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.

ATTENTION! The given description of the drug is not an instruction.


on the use of Yam BK ointment (Unguentum Yam BK)

YAM BK ointment is a fungicidal-bactericidal preparation, which contains: salicylic acid, zinc oxide 10%, sulfur 10%, tar, phenolic-free coal-tar creolin, lanolin, turpentine and petroleum jelly. The drug is a homogeneous mass of thick, dense consistency, with a sharp, unpleasant creolin odor, from gray to brown in different shades of color, and may separate during storage. The ointment is produced packaged in plastic jars of 90 g and 200 g.

YAM BC ointment is active against pathogens of trichophytosis and scabies, and is effective against eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases. The components included in the ointment have acaricidal and fungicidal activity; antacid, antiseptic, keratolytic, astringent properties, which promotes faster recovery. The drug has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals and does not have irritating or sensitizing effects.

Used in animals to treat eczema, dermatitis, trichophytosis and other skin diseases.

Before use, the ointment is thoroughly mixed and applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin and 2-4 cm around it without first removing the crusts and cutting the hair; at the same time, it is lightly rubbed into the surface to be treated. The affected areas are treated 1-2 times a day until the crusts separate. If the latter have not separated after 4 - 5 days, continue rubbing the ointment. Usually after 7 - 10 days, the affected areas are freed from crusts, and hair growth is observed on them. 10 days after treatment, control tests are carried out microscopic studies scrapings from affected areas of the skin. If pathogens are detected, treatment is repeated.

Some medications for treating skin conditions in animals are suitable for humans. These include the drug “Yam” for lichen in humans. The ointment contains drying and antifungal components, works as an antiseptic, softens the skin and helps tissues damaged by the disease to recover faster. All components of the ointment are safe for health and have virtually no contraindications when used on human skin.

Composition and release form

The basis of Yam ointment is sulfur, zinc oxide and salicylic acid. As additional components turpentine, petroleum jelly, paraffin, tar and Lysol are used. The ointment itself is thick in consistency, color - from light to dark gray, and has a specific odor due to the turpentine in the composition. The drug is produced in small tubes of 20 g for use in the treatment of humans and in a large white container (up to a kilogram) for the treatment of animals. You can only buy an anti-lichen remedy at a pet pharmacy. The ointment should be stored in a cool, dark place. Note that in addition to its usual name, “Yam” ointment can be found under the name “Yam bk” or “Fungibak Yam”; they are no different in composition.

Action of the product

The drug has a fungicidal effect on microorganisms. Does not have local irritant or sensitizing properties. Thanks to the components in its composition, Yam bk ointment against lichen helps quick recovery and restoration of human skin. It has the following properties:

Ringworm is the general name for a number of diseases, some of which are transmitted to humans from contact with an infected animal. Therefore, for those forms of lichen that a person gets while playing with a sick four-legged animal, “Yam” ointment for lichen will be especially effective for humans. The main part of its composition is contained in medicinal drugs from different types lichen, therefore it will also be useful for diseases that arise for another reason, and not after contact with an animal. Thanks to antiseptic, antimicrobial and drying components, Yam ointment can also be used for such ailments as:

  • demodex;
  • rosacea;
  • scabies;
  • eczema.


Yam ointment is usually well tolerated, provided that patients do not have special sensitivity to one of the components of the product. It should be used with caution by people prone to allergies and people with thin and delicate skin, since tar and turpentine can cause burns on the dermis. Do not use the product if there are scratches, abrasions or wounds on the tissue damaged by ringworm. If the recommendations for the use of the drug are not followed in humans, such adverse reactions, How:

  • cracks in the skin;
  • redness;

Instructions for use of Yam ointment against lichen in humans

Before applying Yam ointment, the affected area must be thoroughly washed with soap or treated antiseptics, such as: “Chlorhexidine”, “Miramistin”, “Furacilin”. After opening, the ointment may separate - this is normal and does not mean that the medicine has deteriorated. In this case, before each application you just need to mix it thoroughly with a wooden spatula. When the skin is prepared and dried, the product should be applied to areas with lichen in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin with patting movements. It is necessary to smear not only the diseased epidermis, but also a small area of ​​the neighboring, healthy one, in order to prevent the infection from spreading further.

The instructions for the drug prohibit rubbing the ointment. bare hands. You need to treat the skin with a cotton pad or a piece of gauze. For the ointment to help, you need to carry out the procedure 2 times a day at the same time.

The ointment has specific uses; you should carefully study the instructions.

For the first 7 days, the ointment is left on the skin for 5 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water or using a cotton pad soaked in sunflower oil. Over the next 7 days, leave the ointment on the skin for 10 minutes. After 2 weeks of use, it is permissible to leave “Yam” on the body for 15 minutes. With a correct diagnosis, the use of "Yam" gives positive result in just 10 days.