Skin rashes accompanied by itching. When should you urgently call a doctor? There are two types of chronic urticaria

It is a symptom of many diseases of various origins. The condition of a person's skin is considered one of the important indicators of health. Rashes can be caused by infectious diseases and indicate the need to immediately consult a doctor.

It is worth noting that very often, examination alone is not enough to determine the cause, and additional examination may be required.

Fever and rash on the body are considered a particularly alarming symptom, as they may be a sign of an acute infectious disease that requires emergency care.

If the skin rash is itchy and not associated with an allergic reaction, then this may be a sign of a skin disease that poses a danger to others.

Types of rashes on the body

Types of rashes on the body differ in external signs and the nature of the skin rashes. Red, white, pink, watery rash on the body can be in the form of nodules, plaques, spots, blisters, pustules, roseolas.

When diagnosing, not only the appearance and location of the rashes are taken into account, but mainly the presence of additional symptoms or signs of the disease. In the absence of other symptoms of the disease, and especially if the rash on the body itches, you should first consult a dermatologist.

Causes of rash on the body

In many cases, a rash on the body and itching are a manifestation of allergic reactions. Allergies can also be accompanied by a runny nose and increased lacrimation. For example, a common red rash on the body in children appears after interacting with certain foods or substances. To prevent the development of allergic complications, it is necessary to identify the allergen and avoid contact with this substance.

If a large red rash appears on the body, it is worth excluding it, which is also characterized by signs of intoxication and enlarged lymph nodes. The appearance of a red rash on the body, which itches and gradually changes, turning into blisters filled with liquid, may be a sign.

It is also accompanied by the appearance of a small red rash on the body. In this case, there are signs of sore throat, fever, and itching may be present.

The appearance of a rash similar to small hemorrhages may be a sign of thrombocytopenia, which is also accompanied by the appearance of bruises on the extremities and bleeding from the mucous membranes. Before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to limit mobility as much as possible, as there is a danger of internal hemorrhages.

When a rash of irregular shape in the form of hemorrhages is observed. This type of rash is accompanied by high fever. Typical places for the rash to spread are the thighs, buttocks and lower legs. An immediate call to a doctor is required.

It is characterized by a large rash, the elements of which have uneven edges and can merge. Accompanied by high fever and signs of intoxication.

When the rash on the body itches, the elements of the rash are located in pairs, the affected areas are the stomach and hands.

Many other diseases may begin or be accompanied by the appearance of a rash.

What to do if you have a rash on your body

If a rash appears on the body for no obvious reason, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment. Delay or attempts to get rid of skin rashes on your own can lead to worsening of the disease and the development of complications.

It should be remembered that in most cases, treatment of a rash on the body must begin with eliminating the cause that caused such a reaction. To eliminate itching, you can use special ointments or folk remedies, but only after examination and consultation with a doctor.

Which doctors should I contact if I have a rash all over my body?

Questions and answers on the topic "Rash on the body"

Question:Hello, please help me with something! I’ve been to dermatologists and they shrug! On vein infections I asked everything clearly! There is not even the notorious thrush! It started with a rash in the mouth, small pimples as if under the skin, the same on the upper lip but as if under the skin, it became painful to smile, they began to merge into leaf-shaped patterns on the cheeks and the side walls of the tongue, spread to all mucous membranes including the genitals, throughout the body There is also a barely noticeable rash all over, if you don’t look closely it’s almost invisible, but it’s exactly the same as in the mouth in shape, only sometimes large in size! But the pattern is repeated exactly! Looks like birch leaves! There was never a fever, the lymph nodes were not swollen! When I rash, I feel a burning sensation like a slight burn! Doesn't itch, leaves scars! They prescribed Valovir and it didn’t help at all! I have no strength already! Please help!

Answer: In addition to a dermatologist, you need an in-person consultation with an allergist and an infectious disease specialist.

Question:Hello, a red rash has appeared, without blisters, similar to a mosquito bite (pimples). At first it appeared a lot on the buttocks (on two at once) and began to go down to the legs. A few hours later a small rash appeared on 1 arm. What to do?

Answer: Hello. Rash is a symptom of various diseases. You need an in-person consultation with an allergist and dermatologist.

Question:Hello! A few days ago I started having some kind of strange rash on the top of both legs in the same place! Yesterday the itching started, I started applying fenistil, it subsided a little in the evening, but this morning it itches again and is even redder! What could it be? And what do you recommend to smear?

Answer: Good afternoon These skin rashes in their clinical picture resemble manifestations of allergic dermatitis. It is difficult to say what was the provoking factor for this allergic dermatitis (contact factor or food), but in any case it is necessary to follow a hypoallergenic diet. Of the medications, it is necessary to take any antihistamine orally (Claritin, Tavegil, Telfast, Zodak), as well as take enterosorbets. The use of external therapy alone is not always sufficient in the treatment of allergic skin diseases. It is advisable to carry out complex treatment. For external preparations, it is possible to use naftaderm ointment - apply once a day (in the evening), and apply acriderm cream in the morning.

Question:An itchy rash appeared in patches on two forearms at once; the skin in these places became keratinized and rough. It itches really bad. Could this be a manifestation of an allergy and should I be concerned?

Answer: Good afternoon, some people experience so-called hyperkeratosis on the forearms (back side), buttocks, and knees. The skin becomes slightly hyperemic (reddened), rough, the follicles look slightly swollen (like goose bumps), and itches. In winter it gets worse, in summer it gets better. In such a situation, it is possible to use a cream with vitamin A, and in rare cases, external retinoids. Vitamin A - orally for 1 month.

Question:Hello! I am 21 years old. I am worried about a rash on the body that occurs when interacting with any metal. (For example, I wore a belt with a metal plaque; by the evening, small spots and itching would form in place of this plaque). Please tell me why this is happening and what to do about it. Thanks a lot.

Answer: Hello! This condition is called metal allergic contact dermatitis or nickel dermatitis. The only way out is not to come into contact with such metals.

Question:A rash on the body, similar to mosquito bites, appears on the arms, legs and pelvis. Appeared about a month ago, they thought it was an allergy. We tried anti-allergic ointments (Import: Advantan and Belosalik), but they only relieved the itching for a while, and then the process was repeated. The people who interacted with me testily had no complaints. I also took Suprastin, but again the itching was relieved for a while. Since I can't go to the hospital (due to work). Please advise what I should do.

Answer: I'm afraid that you will still have to find time to go to a dermatologist.

Question:Hello! A rash appeared on the arms, back, a little on the stomach and buttocks. The day before I drank water with lemon and ate 1 tangerine. I thought it was an allergy to citrus fruits, but usually it goes away after 2-3 days. I walk normally during the day, but in the evening a real nightmare begins. I didn't take any medicine. Yesterday and today I treated the rash with alcohol. I usually did this back in my teens, when I overate sweets, allergies started and alcohol helped, but now it doesn’t help. There is nothing on the face, head, palms. I haven’t seen a doctor yet, because... I still hope that this will pass. But somehow this is already starting to get on my nerves and I really don’t like it. Please advise something.

Answer: Hello! It is better to make an appointment with a dermatologist to rule out scabies. If it is not yet possible to go to the doctor, then take antihistamines 1 ton per day, try to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, and you can use Elokom cream externally at night.

Question:Hello! Question about a rash on the body. The rash appeared about 3 years ago, I didn’t contact a specialist because... it didn’t bother me at all, but now its area has increased a little, so I decided to ask. Very small pinpoint rash on wrists and ankles. It is practically invisible, only if you look closely. Located under the skin, the skin feels quite bumpy to the touch. In general, it doesn’t itch or hurt, but if you still scratch, these dots under the skin seem to burst and fill with blood, and as a result, the rash becomes like red dots and becomes a little more noticeable. This is already noticeable and does not look very nice. In terms of area, the entire rash on the right wrist occupies an area of ​​about 3x3 cm. There is less rash on the other wrist and on the ankle. Thank you very much in advance!

Answer: Hello. Such skin rashes are typical for many diseases; for accurate diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary to be examined. Treatment is prescribed only taking into account the identified factors.

Question:I am writing to you with the following question: my daughter is 4 years old, within a month a small rash began to appear on her body in the form of small non-merging spots, similar to moles, but red and pink, located in groups or single, as I understand it - petechiae, through For several days they turn pale and disappear, new ones appear all the time, bruises on the body begin to take a long time to heal, there are many of them, they occur with minor bruises. There is no bleeding, she feels well, her temperature is normal.

Answer: Hello, first consult an experienced dermatologist. They have seen a lot of different rashes, so they can guess the cause during the examination.

Question:The child developed a rash, the dermatologist prescribed an emulsion before and after bathing, Zodak, Advantan and Lactofiltrum. Diagnosis: atopic dermatitis. After 10 days there is no result. We can’t identify the allergen (doctors say it’s food). The child eats only porridge and formula. The porridge and mixture were also changed, all purees and curds were canceled. We don't take medications. Green poop appeared, Linex was prescribed, after 4 days the stool became even darker. The rash does not go away. During the day it is practically absent, but appears in the evening. We tried keeping the child in a diaper and without a diaper (only worse). There is no itching, the skin is rough. She herself began to bathe the child in string, chamomile and bay leaf infusion. There is no result yet either.

Answer: Hello! Indeed, most likely the child has Atopic dermatitis, and this problem at this age, as a rule, is directly related to the baby’s nutrition. You should conduct a stool examination - copralogy, clinical blood test, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, upper floor. From nutrition, atopic dermatitis most often manifests itself in the mixture, so I recommend switching to prosobi. As for everything else, only after the examination.

Question:My daughter is 9 months old, she developed a rash - first on her neck, then it spread all over her body and only scratches her neck. At first I thought it was heat rash, because she was sweating. Is this true and what could it be?

Answer: Good morning, prickly heat is usually in the folds, most likely it is an allergy or a combination of allergies and prickly heat. We need to look and clarify the nutrition. Contact your pediatrician.

Urticaria (or urticaria) is a symptom that appears as a result of the influence of allergens on the body. Because of this, blisters and reddish spots appear on the skin, disturbing the patient with constant and severe itching. This type of fever affects mostly females.

Causes and symptoms

An allergic rash can easily be confused with its opposite, that is, a non-allergic one. It is worth considering how they differ from each other.

The main causes of allergic fever are:

Idiopathic urticaria is determined only if the cause is not found after tests. In this case, possible reasons include:

Rashes due to urticaria can only be confused with a rash that appears as a result of human exposure to the plant of the same name - nettle. So, if the patient has not touched this herb, the conclusion is that this is a consequence of an allergic fever.

The papules rise above the skin by about 3-6 millimeters, have a distinct, clear oval shape, bordered by a red or soft pink hoop. These blisters contain clear liquid inside.

Important! To finally make sure that you have urticaria, perform the following experiment: lightly press on the blister that has formed and carefully observe its color scheme. When pressed, its shade will merge with the skin tone, and you will no longer notice it. If you stop pressing on the blister, it will return to its characteristic tone.

Often, when multiple rashes form, individual inflammations create one large area, which is distinguished by its large area.

During the acute form, symptoms develop extremely rapidly. Although the itching may seem more severe than with other forms, it goes away as quickly as it appeared.

Don't scratch the rash! You can accidentally pull off the resulting bubble and cause an infection, which will only worsen the general condition.

Chronic urticaria is caused by gradual development. Old rashes are replaced by new ones, and this form can last up to several weeks.

Chronic urticaria most often affects middle-aged women.

Pseudoallergic urticaria has exactly the same symptoms as ordinary urticaria.. But only a qualified specialist can understand the real difference between them.

Photo of the disease

See photos of the disease here.

Localization and nature of the rash

The allergic reaction is most often localized in the neck, arms and chest.

The number of rashes greatly exceeds the possible level, so at the first symptoms and manifestations you should consult a doctor.

The doctor will pay attention specifically to the localization of the exanthema. For example, itching and rashes on exposed parts of the body may indicate that the appearance of a pseudo-allergic rash was influenced by some external factors (cold, sun rays, etc.).

The location and character of both species are quite similar. Without understanding this issue, you may not even notice much of a difference. So the best option for determining the disease would be to go to the doctor.

Features of rashes in chronic pathology.

Recurrent urticaria can last five weeks or more. So, it can develop up to several years.

Attention! The rashes form again after remission, which can take a long period of time.

There are two types of chronic urticaria:

Accompanied by fever, pain in the joints and head, as well as nausea.

How to distinguish an allergy rash from an infectious type?

Urticaria is not a separate disease. It is a consequence of the main cause, so the main factor that distinguishes it from other diseases is its non-contagiousness.

How to treat?

The best treatment option has always been and will be going to a qualified specialist who can provide professional help without harming the body.

Therefore, to determine the cause, you will have to undergo some tests:

You should also go on a specific diet that will exclude from your diet such foods as:

The doctor may prescribe antihistamines, for example:

  • Suprastin;
  • Zodak;
  • Zyrtec.

Important! These medications should be taken under the supervision of a physician. In the wrong dose, they can cause drowsiness and inattention.

Treatment cannot do without the local use of ointments that will help relieve itching and swelling. Zinc ointment and Fenistil-gel will cope with this task perfectly.

How to relieve itching?

Topical ointments are ideal for this problem.. They act directly on the area of ​​discomfort, stinging the source of discomfort. Drinking plenty of fluids and a cool bath also help.

Elena Malysheva will tell you in great detail and clearly what urticaria is, what symptoms it has and how to treat it:

A rash is usually called any elements that appear on the skin, as well as mucous membranes. They have different appearance, color (), size, texture.

Skin rashes are considered common; they periodically appear in people of different age groups, and are often accompanied by itching and fever.

Origin of the problem

Conventionally, pathological elements are divided into:

  • primary, appearing on healthy, unchanged skin;
  • secondary, arising in places damaged by primary elements.

If the rash is caused by allergic diseases, then it is necessary to identify and eliminate the negative factors that provoke their appearance. This primarily concerns:

  • diet and regime;
  • quality of consumed products;
  • work of the digestive tract;
  • state of the nervous system.

If a rash appears, you should undergo a full examination and consult a neurologist, gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist, or allergist. If necessary, be examined for the presence of helminths, and if they are found, carry out deworming. It is also necessary to do allergy tests to identify allergens that provoke skin rashes.

Every year, the number of people in the world who develop certain forms of allergies, accompanied by skin rashes, increases. Allergists have been able to identify today more than 160 substances that provoke allergic reactions.

The most common among them are:

  • dairy products, eggs;
  • seafood, canned fish;
  • spicy and smoked products;
  • exotic fruits, citrus fruits;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, peppers, eggplants, pumpkin;
  • berries: strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, cherries, grapes, melon, sea buckthorn;
  • fruits: persimmons, pineapples, figs, dates;
  • alcoholic drinks.
Treatment at home

To eliminate the rash, you need to get rid of the underlying cause. But to get rid of any type of irritation and itching, you can use traditional medicine recipes.

To prepare herbal mixture No. 1, you will need:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • mint.

The procedure for preparing a decoction.

  1. Mix 50 g of each herb.
  2. Place a full spoon of the mixture into a bowl.
  3. Pour a glass of hot water.
  4. Bring to a boil and remove.
  5. Cover with a lid and leave.
  6. Apply lotions to the affected areas.

Components for herbal collection No. 2:

  • series;
  • nettle;
  • burdock root;
  • immortelle flowers.

The procedure for preparing a decoction. Suitable for .

  1. Mix equal amounts of chopped herbs.
  2. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon.
  3. Boil for a couple of minutes over low heat.
  4. Cool the broth to 30°.
  5. Use as a lotion on the affected areas.

Skin rashes are especially concerning when they are itchy or very noticeable. Many people, without understanding the reasons, stop at treatment with traditional methods, which can sometimes worsen the situation.

When wondering what causes a rash, most people end up resorting to traditional treatments, which can sometimes make the situation worse.


Common causes of body rashes include:

Digestive system disorders

The main ones include cealkia, liver disease, anemia caused by iron deficiency and kidney problems. This type of rash is thought to be caused by a buildup of substances in the body that trigger an immune system response.

Acne (acne) is often associated with disorders of the digestive system, especially the liver. Petechiae (spots due to damaged capillaries) on pale skin may indicate anemia. Urticaria can appear with hepatitis, although more often it has other causes (reaction to the sun, allergies, stress)

Allergic reaction to medications

Allergic reactions to medications are common. Among them there are both oral and external medications - antifungal agents, such as Fluconazole, Ketoconazole; antibiotics such as Penicillin; and some pain relievers, such as any oxycodone or duloxetine. Chemotherapy drugs can also cause a rash.

In the photo there is an allergy to penicillin - a rash on the forearm


It affects the immune system, especially leukemia and lymphoma, and can cause a characteristic rash. People with leukemia often have small red spots on the skin caused by blood leaking from the capillaries that lie just under the skin.


Pimples like these can occur with lymphoma

Red bumpy rash due to skin lymphoma


Small red rash due to leukemia

Thyroid disorders

If the thyroid gland produces too much hormone, it can cause bumpy rashes that spread throughout the body. Fortunately, the body in such cases triggers specific immune system processes to restore the balance of hormones.

Severe dry skin may be associated with hypothyroidism

2% of patients with Graves' disease develop pretibial myxedema

Vitiligo (light discolored spots) can occur against the background of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, especially if it is accompanied by alopecia areata - hair loss in places. But in most cases, vitiligo has nothing to do with the thyroid gland.

Household skin irritants

For more information about these and other types of rashes on the body, see the section where you will find more photos and descriptions.

In a child

A rash around a child's mouth can occur when teething, sometimes it spreads to the whole body

The sensitive skin of babies reacts sharply to various irritants, so rashes in children are not uncommon. Some of the reasons for such situations include:

  • Infantile acne (neonatal cephalic pustulosis)
  • Prickly heat
  • Eczema
  • Erythema toxicum
  • Impetigo
  • Miles in newborns
  • Intertrigo
  • Ringworm
  • Scabies
  • Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease)

Itchy rash on the body at night

There is a wide range of dermatological conditions that can cause itching at night. Most often this is due to xerosis - abnormal dryness of the skin.

Note: If the itching becomes chronic or is accompanied by a rash, inflammation or scaling, the cause may be an underlying condition that can only be detected and treated by a qualified dermatologist.

Some causes of itching at night:

  • Allergic dermatitis
  • Bed bugs
  • Systemic diseases

During menopause

Menopause is a period of natural decline in reproductive and menstrual function. This leads to changes in hormone levels in the body. The amount of progesterone and estrogen gradually decreases, which leads to the appearance of a rash on the body.

Estrogen levels affect all organs, including the skin. The presence of a large number of estrogen receptors on the face, genitals and lower extremities is the main reason why these areas are most prone to breakouts.

During menopause, collagen levels decrease, causing the skin to become thin, loose and saggy. In addition, the function of the sebaceous glands weakens, resulting in dry skin prone to itching and rashes.

Itchy, red rash on the buttocks

Sometimes redness and irritation appear on the buttocks or anus. In this case, you should not postpone going to the doctor. Here are some reasons for this condition:

Herpes or STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)

Herpes rashes look like small blisters filled with fluid that then burst.

“Quite often, herpes affects the anus area. In this case, the symptoms will be the same as with oral or genital herpes, says Sarika M. Ramachandran, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at NYU Langone Medical Center.

Fungal infection

Mushrooms live and reproduce in moist, dark places, so the area between the buttocks is an ideal environment for them.


When the hair follicle becomes clogged with dead skin cells and bacteria, inflammation occurs, called folliculitis. Despite its unsightly appearance, the disease itself is not dangerous. In order to prevent the development of folliculitis, it is recommended to take a shower after each exercise.


This is a chronic, non-contagious skin condition caused by overproduction of skin cells. Psoriasis must be treated with steroid creams, so if you suspect psoriasis, you should visit your dermatologist.

During pregnancy

A large number of different types of rashes can appear on a woman's body during pregnancy due to natural hormonal changes. The rashes may differ in their symptoms, but, in general, they are not dangerous and do not harm the health of the unborn child.

Such rashes include:

  • Itchy folliculitis in pregnancy
  • Impetigo herpetiformis
  • Gestational pemphigoid
  • Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP)


  • Use mild, gentle cleansers that do not contain fragrance.

The rash usually accompanies some disease. Therefore, symptomatic treatment is unlikely to help. You need to look for the cause of the rash, and not eliminate the external manifestations of the disease.

The body is covered in a rash and itches

There are many reasons for a rash: an allergic reaction, an infectious disease, autoimmune diseases, and so on. The rash may change throughout the illness. The primary rash appears on unchanged skin; it looks like a red spot, vesicle, papule, nodule or bump. When the rash changes in some way, such as flaking, darkening, cracking, or scarring, it becomes secondary.

Most often, the rash itches. A person cannot overcome himself; he scratches and injures his skin. A new infection enters the wounds, and ulcers form.

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease caused by group A streptococcus. If the body is covered in a rash and itches, the person may have scarlet fever. With this disease, the rash is localized in the groin, buttocks, lower abdomen and cheeks. The rash lasts for several days, then it begins to peel off.

The RNA virus causes an infectious disease such as measles. This disease is extremely rare and occurs only in those who were not vaccinated in childhood. The incubation period lasts from one to two weeks. Then the body temperature rises sharply to forty degrees, the eyelids swell, a runny nose and headache appear.

After some time, rashes appear. Small red and pink spots of irregular shape cover the entire body and rise above the skin level. Four days after the first rash appears, the rash turns brown and begins to peel. With proper treatment, everything goes away on its own in a couple of weeks.

Rash on the body itches reasons

Itching is an irresistible desire to scratch the skin. It appears due to allergies, skin diseases, insect bites or contact with chemicals.

Itching indicates that a certain area of ​​the skin is damaged or that an inflammatory process has begun in the body. If the rash on the body itches, you need to look for the reasons together with your doctor, especially if it does not go away for a long time.

Itching occurs due to stress, allergies, neuroses and other problems. Sometimes simple damage to the skin by clothing made of rough fabric causes itching.

If a scabies mite gets on the skin, a person’s entire body begins to itch; this disease is called scabies. Thin grayish stripes on the surface of the skin are tick passages. The disease is not fatal and is easily curable. In order to get rid of it, you need to go to a dermatologist and undergo a course of treatment with special ointments and medications.

With hives, the body itches in places. The areas of most concern are the palms, earlobes and feet. In especially severe cases, nausea, headache and swelling of the airways occur.

Pregnancy, allergies, diabetes, jaundice, renal dysfunction, lymphogranulomatosis and many other conditions are accompanied by itching and discomfort.

First of all, you need to eliminate the pathology. Perhaps it will be enough that a person stops eating spices, salty and spicy foods, drinking tea, alcoholic drinks and coffee.

If a person experiences itching due to stress, you can start taking sedatives, such as valerian or motherwort. Soothing baths with sea salt or herbal decoctions have a positive effect on the psyche. They need to be done before bed. Vitamin complexes containing iodine or calcium will also help.

The rash on the body itches, treatment should begin with not touching it. Scratching leads to infection of the wound and even greater irritation.

Small rash on the body itches

Itching can be generalized and localized. The first usually occurs with some internal pathologies. Localized itching most often accompanies skin diseases. It manifests itself in the form of spots, rashes and pimples.

A small rash on the body itches due to allergies, scabies mites or sweat. Only a dermatologist can find out the cause of its occurrence.

Red rash on the body itches

Clean, beautiful skin is a sign of health. If some kind of pimples, bumps and eczema appear on the body, this becomes a problem not only for the sick person, but also for those who are nearby. Few people would want to observe every day a person who itches all the time and does not look very healthy. Those around you immediately think: “Isn’t this contagious?”

If the red rash on the body itches for a long time, you need to visit a dermatologist. After all, it will not allow you to lead an active lifestyle: work, meet friends, go shopping, and so on.

Watery rash on the body itches

There are many types of rashes. It can be white, red, pink, watery, in the form of roseolas, pustules, spots, and so on. If a watery rash on the body itches, you should try not to touch it and go to a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Itching and rash most often indicate that a person has an allergy. Although there are other reasons for the appearance of this unpleasant phenomenon in all respects.