What causes constant belching of air. Frequent or constant belching of air. What diseases may it indicate?

Belching after eating occurs in large quantity people and very often this is the norm rather than a pathology. Sexual and age restrictions there is no such sign to express, which is why it often appears in children and women during pregnancy.

If belching air is not accompanied by other symptoms, then, most likely, it is formed due to consumption junk food or carbonated drinks. At the same time, there is a wide range of disorders that are clinically manifested by a similar symptom.

Often, belching, as part of the disease, manifests itself in combination with other symptoms, including heartburn, nausea and vomiting, as well as an increase in temperature.

Elimination of such an unpleasant manifestation is carried out using conservative treatment methods. These include the prescription of medications, diet therapy and the use of alternative medicine recipes.


Belching after eating can be caused by many factors, both physiological and pathological.

From time to time, belching occurs when normal functioning Gastrointestinal tract, often with the release of air or a mild odor of recently consumed products. The first group of reasons includes:

  • conversations during meals;
  • hasty consumption of food with poor chewing;
  • frequent overeating;
  • states of severe stress;
  • abuse of chewing gum;
  • sports, sleep or drinking cold drinks immediately after eating;
  • a condition called aerophagia.

In addition, there are several foods that certainly cause belching of air after eating, which is often expressed against the background of increased gas formation. These ingredients and drinks include:

  • whole milk;
  • onions and garlic;
  • ice cream;
  • beer;
  • sweet sodas or oxygen cocktails;
  • legumes;
  • white cabbage.

However, gastroenterologists do not advise ignoring belching, especially if it is frequent. This is due to the fact that it can be part clinical symptoms some disorders.

Disorders that are accompanied by belching:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis of any etiology;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • neuroses or congenital pathologies nervous system;
  • diseases of the biliary or pancreatic ducts;
  • esophagitis;
  • GERD;
  • narrowing of the esophagus;
  • gurgle;
  • stomach oncology.

Severe belching after eating can be not only a symptom, but also unpleasant consequence, For example:

  • injuries abdominal cavity;
  • uncontrolled use of certain medications, in particular antispasmodics;
  • surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity.

If an adult has constant belching after eating, this may indicate not only improper functioning of organs digestive system, but also malfunctions in other body systems, for example, from cardiovascular system. It is because of this that if belching occurs frequently, it is worth undergoing a comprehensive examination.

In addition, there are several specific predisposing factors for the occurrence of belching in a child:

  • immature gastrointestinal tract;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • increased salivation;
  • poor nutrition that does not correspond age group child;
  • emotional stress;
  • adenoids;
  • watching TV or playing on the computer while eating.

However, it is worth noting that for babies under one year old, belching after eating is considered normal.

Belching after eating in females during pregnancy is isolated separately. Often the main reason for this is physiological changes in the body that occur during pregnancy. During this period, the fetus is actively growing, which becomes a factor of compression and displacement internal organs.

Only a gastroenterologist can find out why belching occurs after eating, after performing a series of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic examinations.


This symptom may be accompanied by unpleasant odors, namely:

  • sour – often indicates increased secretion of hydrochloric acid;
  • belching with bitterness after eating is a sign of reflux;
  • rotten or acetone - indicates stagnation and the development of fermentation of undigested food particles in the stomach, and may also indicate diabetes;
  • belching of food after eating - with the smell of recently consumed food;
  • odorless. This manifestation is accompanied by aerophagia.


In situations where belching after eating is a sign of some disorder, it will not the only symptom, and is often accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations.

Heaviness and belching are caused by diseases of the digestive system, overeating or poor nutrition. If such symptoms are constant and accompanied by other manifestations, then you should consult a doctor, since only specialists can identify the pathology behind which belching and heaviness appeared.

Belching food and heartburn are the most common manifestations of various gastrointestinal disorders, and are also often expressed after eating fatty foods. Such symptoms almost always indicate disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To get rid of them, in some cases it is enough to give up foods that cause heartburn. But if similar signs complements severe pain, this is a sign that you need to be examined immediately. This is the only way a doctor can determine why belching and heartburn occur.

Nausea and belching appear from time to time in all people, but for some they may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and for others it can be a signal of satiety or overeating. Often, the causes of such symptoms are harmless, and people only need to change their diet and give up some foods. However, if the factor causing nausea and frequent belching cannot be independently determined, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

Belching after eating and hiccups are expressed in almost every person, but in some they can be physiological, while in others they can be pathological. The appearance of such signs can be provoked by diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as organs such as the liver, intestines and gallbladder. If such manifestations are systematic, then you need to undergo an examination at a medical institution.

In addition to the above symptoms, belching after eating, depending on the causes of its occurrence, may also be accompanied by:

  • an increase in body temperature;
  • burning in the chest area;
  • strong pain syndrome and discomfort in the stomach;
  • stool disorders, which in most cases is expressed by diarrhea;
  • vomiting with bile or blood;
  • jaundice skin and mucous membranes.


Execution wide range Laboratory and instrumental examinations are primarily aimed at identifying the reasons why belching occurs in children and adults. To the complex diagnostic measures includes:

  • studying the patient’s life history and medical history;
  • a thorough physical examination and questioning;
  • execution laboratory research blood, urine and stool tests;
  • carrying out instrumental examination: Ultrasound, CT, MRI, radiography, biopsy and endoscopic procedures.


The tactics for eliminating belching after eating directly depend on the reasons that caused it. Often, specialists turn to conservative methods of therapy, namely:

If belching is episodic and not accompanied by other symptoms, then patients can get rid of it by changing their diet. To do this, you should refuse or minimize the consumption of those foods that cause increased gas formation. In addition, you need:

  • chew food thoroughly;
  • eat only fresh foods;
  • do not talk while eating;
  • fulfill hiking after eating;
  • Do not wash down your meals with carbonated drinks or beer.

If the air exits through oral cavity has bad smell and is supplemented by one or more of the above symptoms, then treatment will consist of taking medications. This treatment regimen, as well as the dosage, is prescribed individually for each patient, but in most cases doctors prescribe:

  • antibiotics;
  • enzyme preparations;
  • antiemetics and antispasmodics;
  • antacids;
  • medications to normalize acidity gastric juice.

Besides this, good results can be achieved using traditional medicine recipes. This treatment involves the use of:

  • healing drinks based on rosehip and calamus root;
  • fresh potato or carrot juice, to which it is not prohibited to add honey;
  • goat milk;
  • vegetable oils, including sea buckthorn, olive, linseed and clove oil.

This kind of therapy should not be the only way neutralization of belching after eating, and must be used in combination with other conservative methods treatment.

Many of us have a misconception about the phenomenon of belching, considering it one of the characteristics of our body. But it may indicate the presence of intestinal disease. Therefore, if this phenomenon is permanent, especially after eating, it is recommended to seek advice from a specialist in order to avoid serious illness, since regular belching indicates problems in the body.

Causes of belching and its types.
Belching is a sudden phenomenon, expressed in a one-time release or release in small portions of gas from the stomach through the mouth. Being in a normal state, the stomach has gas, due to which its secretory and motor function, and which comes out unnoticed through a person’s mouth. In case of excessive swallowing of air, there is an increase in intragastric pressure, contraction of the stomach muscle and simultaneous relaxation of the valve (sphincter) located between the esophagus and the stomach, and compression of the valve between the duodenum and the stomach, which leads to belching of air.

Belching air is a concern for many people today. The reasons for its appearance may be excess gas formation in the stomach (due to the intake of certain foods, namely peas, milk, cabbage, fresh bread, carbonated drinks), as well as swallowing air from outside (quick meals, dry food, drinking carbonated drinks, eating in a hurry, talking while eating, treatment with oxygen cocktails, etc.). The belching of air that occurs against the background of these reasons can be easily prevented by normalizing the diet. Namely, there should be at least four to five meals during the day, and this should be done in a calm environment and, if possible, at the same time. In addition, it is not recommended to overeat, since this causes heaviness in the stomach and leads to an increase in pressure inside the stomach, and as a result, to the occurrence of this unpleasant problem. It is also worth removing or significantly limiting the consumption of foods that lead to increased gas formation. You should not drink carbonated drinks during or immediately after meals. Mineral water should be opened in advance to remove carbon dioxide. After eating, active walking is necessary for fifteen minutes; lying down or sitting immediately after this is not recommended.

In addition to air belching, food belching can be observed, during which small portions of stomach contents in liquid form are released into the oral cavity in combination with gas. Such belching can be sour, bitter or putrid in nature. Getting rid of this phenomenon is much more difficult than belching air, since it is usually accompanied by diseases of the stomach and duodenum. Sour belching, which usually occurs when peptic ulcer, causes increased acidity of the stomach contents due to excessive secretion of gastric juice or fermentation in the absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice.

Bitter belching occurs due to the reflux of bile into the stomach from the duodenum. In cases where food long period time lingers in the stomach, putrefactive decomposition of its contents may occur (pyloric stenosis), resulting in putrefactive belching.

Belching rotten eggs observed against the background of stagnation of food in the stomach and its decomposition, resulting in the formation of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, which cause an unpleasant odor. This phenomenon may be a sign of stomach cancer or observed with pyloric stenosis against the background of constant exacerbations of peptic ulcer disease. That is why, when belching rotten eggs occurs, it is very important to consult a doctor to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

Often “rotten” belching is early manifestation exacerbation of chronic atrophic (hyposecretory) gastritis. Later, it is joined by heaviness and a feeling of fullness in the stomach, aching pain in the stomach, nausea, and regurgitation.

If frequent belching occurs, regardless of its nature, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

Typically, to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed, since there is no point in treating belching directly. During the course of treatment, the patient is prescribed a certain diet. In cases of hypersecretion of gastric juice, use antacids(to reduce acidity).

Belching as a sign of disease.
Belching in people with good health- a very rare phenomenon. Too often, the occurrence of this phenomenon may indicate diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, and gall bladder. In addition, it is the main symptom of conditions associated with a violation of the sphincter closure mechanism located between the esophagus and the stomach. Similar conditions can occur after gastric surgery or in the presence of a diaphragmatic hernia. In the presence of duodenal disease, belching of air is observed in most cases.

Belching eggs can be a sign of atrophic gastritis.

Belching air may well indicate aerophagia or gastric neurosis. Similar phenomenon may occur reflexively against the background of diseases of the abdominal organs (gallbladder, liver) and various diseases cardiovascular system.

Belching treatment.
Treatment of belching is aimed at eliminating the main cause that causes it. In particular, restore the eating pattern, rationalize nutrition, restore the neuropsychic state, remove from the diet foods that contribute to increased gas formation. If the above measures do not help, the doctor conducts an examination and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Traditional medicine recipes can be used to treat belching. In particular, freshly squeezed vegetable juices (white cabbage, beets), which accelerate the healing of ulcers and help reduce the acidity of gastric juice. To increase the acidity of gastric juice, it is effective to use plantain and beans. To reduce the manifestation of belching, antacids and adsorbents are prescribed.

For increased secretion of gastric juice, which is one of the causes of frequent belching, medicines alkalizing action (alkaline mineral water, magnesia, etc.).

Folk remedies for eliminating belching.
Apply folk remedies It is possible only when the cause of the belching that occurs is precisely established.

For gastritis in chronic form with increased secretion of gastric juice, it is useful to drink tea from the leaves and branches of blackberries, mint and lemon balm.

A mixture of flax and fennel seeds helps to gently normalize acidity, linden color and mint leaves, taken two tablespoons each. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, then take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Close and wrap the mixture tightly and leave until it cools, then strain through gauze folded in several layers. Take ¼ cup twice a day until the condition normalizes. Treatment course quite long.

For gastritis with increased acidity, which lasts less than ten years, an infusion of a mixture of three tablespoons of rowan fruits and flowers and one tablespoon of calamus root helps well. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting composition into 200 ml cold water and set aside for an hour. Then put the mixture on the fire, keep it until it boils, then cool and strain. Take 100 ml warm two to three times a day immediately before meals.

Mix four tablespoons of trefoil leaves with three tablespoons of yarrow inflorescences, the same amount dill seeds and mint leaves, dill seeds, add six teaspoons of St. John's wort. Take two tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture, brew with two glasses of boiling water and let it brew. After two hours, strain the infusion and take two tablespoons half an hour before meals.

Mix half a glass of cranberry juice with the same amount of aloe juice, add a tablespoon of liquid honey and a glass boiled water. Take the resulting composition three times a day, a tablespoon. The course of treatment is seven days. Similar treatment can be repeated after a month. This recipe can be used as a mild laxative.

Fine calamus root powder on the tip of a knife, washed down with water in case severe heartburn. Drink with water.

Combine 100 ml of potato and carrot juice and take half a glass three times a day immediately before meals.

If you have severe burping, you can eat fresh carrots or an apple.

An effective treatment for belching is to drink goat milk (half a liter) after meals. You need to drink milk three times a day.

In case of nervous belching, before eating, it is recommended to drink an infusion of valerian root or do some physical exercises that will relieve tension.

Belching is often the result of intolerance to certain foods. In this case, it is necessary to define them empirically and exclude it from the diet. Typically these are milk, eggs, wheat, corn and soy products, citrus fruits, chocolate.

With an ulcer on initial stage medicinal properties has a tincture of aloe. Before cutting the leaves, do not water the flower for two weeks. You need to take 500 g of aloe leaves, wipe them well and store them for five days in a dark, cool and ventilated place. After this, pass the leaves through a meat grinder, mix with 0.5 kg of honey, previously melted in a water bath to 50 degrees, and add 0.5 liters of natural red wine. Pour the mixture into a dark glass container and seal tightly. Leave the mixture in a dark and cool place for a week.

To increase the acidity of gastric juice before meals, it is recommended to drink a drink made from sea buckthorn and rosehip berries; it is useful to eat apricots and drink juice from them.

In conclusion, I want to say that belching in itself is not a disease, but it can indicate serious problems in the body. Therefore, to prevent the development of a serious illness, if frequent belching occurs, you should consult a specialist.

Belching is the reflux of the contents of the esophagus or stomach into the oral cavity. It is usually preceded by a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the epigastrium, which is caused by high blood pressure in the stomach. The release of excess stomach contents into the esophagus or pharynx and oral cavity relieves this condition.

Burping can include food, acidic stomach contents, or air. We will consider the features of the latter option and its reasons in this article.

Belching of air in healthy people

Normally, the stomach on an empty stomach contains air in the form of a gas bubble, the volume of which directly depends on the size of the stomach. The average portion of air in the stomach of an adult is 0.5-1 liters. Air enters the stomach when:

  • swallowing while eating (especially hasty)
  • deep breathing mouth
  • frequent swallowing, hasty speech
  • smoking
  • drinking carbonated drinks
  • chewing gum

Absolutely healthy person severe belching air can occur if he eats to the point of amazement and simply fills his stomach with food so much that the sphincter of the inlet of the stomach cannot completely close, and gas under pressure will be pushed back into the esophagus and pharynx. The same thing can happen if, after a heavy meal, a person begins to bend, jump or run, squeezing or displacing the stomach. With tight belts and belts, especially in obese people You can also achieve an increase in intragastric pressure, against the background of which belching of odorless air appears.

Obese people are more susceptible to belching that is not associated with illness. It often affects those who abuse strong coffee or tea, garlic, onions, and fatty foods.

In patients without gastrointestinal problems, but are forced to use inhalers due to other diseases, excess air also enters the stomach.

In pregnant women, the enlarging uterus gradually displaces the internal organs and props up the diaphragm, which can also provoke this unpleasant symptom.

Constant belching of air due to stomach pathologies

The main condition leading to regurgitation of air is the incompetence of the cardiac part of the stomach (cardia insufficiency), which does not completely close. This deviation is diagnosed when x-ray examination stomach or during endoscopy (FGDS).

Cardia insufficiency is divided into degrees.

  • At first degree the muscle of the inlet of the stomach does not contract completely, leaving up to a third of the lumen during deep breathing, which provokes belching.
  • The second causes a gap in the lumen of the cardiac region by half the diameter and also frequent belching of air.
  • In the third case, not only complete non-closure of the cardia during deep inspiration is required, but also the phenomenon of reflux esophagitis due to the constant reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.

The failure of the cardiac sphincter explains frequent belching, the causes of which are as follows:

  • A full stomach in people prone to overeating, as well as in people with slow motor skills and digestive disorders ( atrophic gastritis, hypomotor dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract), including in obese individuals and pregnant women against the background of hormonal changes.
  • Weak lower esophageal sphincter, hernias hiatus diaphragm.
  • Increased intragastric pressure due to inflammation (peptic ulcer) or tumors, as well as pylorospasm or pyloric stenosis.
  • Surgical interventions on the cardiac part of the stomach with removal or damage to the sphincter.
  • Injuries and burns of the esophagus and stomach.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

The most common cause of belching is gastroesophageal reflux disease. In this case, the circular sphincter muscle, which locks the inlet of the stomach, does not completely close, causing the reflux of what is in the stomach or air into the esophagus and pharynx. Belching is provoked by bending forward and prolonged horizontal position.

  • in addition to belching air and acid (heartburn), with GERD there is pain behind the sternum or in the left half of the chest
  • nausea, episodes of vomiting
  • rapid satiety and bloating
  • Extragastric manifestations are also characteristic: cough, shortness of breath, cardiac rhythm disturbances in the form of tachycardia or arrhythmia (Houdin syndrome), atrophic or hypertrophic pharyngitis, manifested by scratching sensations in the throat and difficulty swallowing.

Gradually, the esophageal mucosa erodes or even becomes covered with ulcers. With prolonged untreated esophagitis, Barrett's esophagus or intestinal-type metaplasia of the esophageal mucosa may develop, which increases the risk of cancer of this organ.

The second gastric cause of belching air is gastritis

Gastritis can be infectious, toxic, nutritional, autoimmune, or radiation. In an acute or chronic inflammation nausea and belching of air may be present in the gastric mucosa. Moreover, it is combined with either sharp or blunt aching pain, heaviness in the epigastrium, and with vomiting.

  • In case of damage to the body of the stomach by atrophic processes

A rotten belch may also accompany the belching of air. Characterized by decreased appetite and rapid satiety. Less commonly, a clinical manifestation similar to dumping syndrome occurs (weakness after eating, nausea and belching, sudden urge to defecate, loose stool). Also, belching in combination with weakness, decreased performance, pale skin, brittle nails, dry skin and hair may indicate iron deficiency or B12- deficiency anemia against the background of impaired absorption of iron or vitamin B12 due to atrophic processes in the gastric mucosa against the background of chronic gastritis.

  • For antral forms of gastritis

most often occurring against the background of Helicobacter pylori infection, belching of air can alternate with heartburn and fasting or early pain of a sucking nature in the epigastrium.

Gastric ulcer

How to behave when burping

Since such a condition is a manifestation of a large number of diseases and pathological conditions, if it is present, it is reasonable to seek diagnosis from a doctor - a therapist or gastroenterologist. After establishing the real reason problems, treatment should primarily be aimed at the underlying disease. Treatment of belching sometimes takes quite a long time.

At the everyday level, for temporary relief of an unpleasant phenomenon, it is worth recommending:

  • eat small portions without long gaps between meals (4-5 meals per day are optimal)
  • give up smoking, soda, excess chewing gum, and eating in a hurry.
  • You shouldn’t lie down immediately after eating, and don’t exercise physical work or sports.
  • It makes sense to reduce excess weight for those who have it.

Thus, timely access to qualified medical care regarding air belching gives a chance to get rid of it as quickly and reliably as possible.

Belching with air (aerophagia) accompanies the reflux of the contents of the esophagus or stomach into the oral cavity. It manifests itself against the background of heaviness and distension in the epigastric region, which is provoked by pressure in the gastrointestinal tract. Air belching is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and sounds. In order for the treatment of this problem to be effective, you must first find out its causes.

Etiological factors

When eating, a person swallows a certain amount of air. The latter begins to come back in small volumes. When frequent, constant belching of air occurs in an adult, it is advisable to find out what could be the provocateur. To do this, they undergo a diagnosis, after which the attending physician prescribes a course of therapy.

Aerophagia is often provoked by:

  • hasty speech;
  • use of inhalers;
  • hasty eating;
  • chewing gum;
  • drinking carbonated drinks;
  • Often the belching is airy due to the constant swallowing of saliva.

Some cases cannot be classified as pathology. Basically, this is a strong belching of odorless air that occurs after a heavy meal. IN the stomach gets a lot of food, so the person suffers from similar manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract. Why does empty, constant belching occur? Before eating, you need to remember that if you overeat, the sphincter will stop closing completely, and this provokes the pushing of gases into the throat.

Regurgitation of empty air can occur in overweight people when wearing belts, which contributes to an increase in intragastric pressure. Empty belching appears in those who abuse coffee, garlic, onions, and fatty foods. What else causes aerophagia? Frequent belching of air can be a companion to displacement of internal organs and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What diseases can provoke this unpleasant symptom?

The main assistant in therapy is dietary, balanced diet. Those are removed from the diet food products, which contribute to the slow action of enzymes.

Forbidden food:

  • sour, fatty, spicy, spice-enriched dishes;
  • fast food;
  • fatty meat, fish;
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • lentils, peas, asparagus;
  • eggs;
  • dressings, sauces, marinades.

It is recommended to eat boiled vegetables and steamed dishes. They help to cope with fasting days, physical activity, eating very light foods. This helps improve motor skills and peristalsis gastrointestinal tract. It is also prohibited to take synthetic enzymes for a long time. It is important that the stomach regulates them independently.

If belching is rare, there is no cause for concern. A proper, balanced diet and adherence to dietary ration. When aerophagia manifests itself against the background of additional factors, self-medication will be dangerous. You will need the help of a gastroenterologist.

The video will also be interesting: Gastritis. Belching air

Thus, frequent, constant air burps occur even in healthy people. It manifests itself in a certain way clinical picture, has a number of causes. For staging accurate diagnosis It is advisable to visit a doctor and get examined. In treatment, folk and medicines, a strict diet is prescribed, and moderate physical activity is recommended. If necessary, carried out surgery. Self-medication is prohibited.

IN medical sources belching of air after eating, the causes and treatment of which the gastroenterologist does not consider necessary to find out, is a physiological phenomenon that has explicable grounds. There is always air in the stomach of a healthy person, and this normal condition, due to the need to maintain intragastric pressure. The air filling the stomach is component provided by the nature of motor skills. It enters the digestive organs through the mouth, sometimes along with food, and after a heavy meal, part of it is displaced by the volume of food and pushed out. A certain amount exits through the intestines, where it is absorbed into its walls or excreted through the anus.

Causes of air belching in adults associated with food or exercise, leading to the movement of food components in it, are not considered pathological, because they are associated with natural processes. Expulsion of air from the stomach is a consequence of certain conditions of the body. Constant belching of air, the causes of which relate to pregnancy, is considered normal. On last trimester this is caused by pressure from the uterus, which has increased in size and filled the pancreas.

Excessive swallowing of air during meals, which results in frequent release of air masses, may be a consequence of a disease or incorrect diet, poor nutrition, excess weight or tight clothes. If burping becomes a cause for concern, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist.

Belching air after eating: reasons

Frequent belching of odorless air, the causes of which are unclear, does not cause any concern for many people, because they consider it physiological phenomenon. The appearance of belching not only after eating or intense physical activity, but also without an objective reason is already an alarming factor, indicating a violation. The following factors can lead to an imbalance in the digestive system, which results in permanent expulsion of air:

  • eating unhealthy foods;
  • overeating, excess food;
  • malnutrition and disorders daytime regimen(occasionally, 1-2 times a day, before bedtime);
  • frequent use alcoholic drinks causing increased appetite;
  • tight clothing that puts compression on the epigastric area or nearby organs;
  • excess weight, which puts stress on internal organs;
  • carbonated or tonic drinks, constant chewing of gum;
  • incorrect absorption of food (on the go, during a conversation, chewing poorly);
  • a respiratory disease accompanied by blockage of the nasal passages, in which breathing occurs through the mouth;
  • oral diseases or unprofessionally performed prosthetics.

Belching of odorless air, which constantly occurs in the process of life, is caused by provoking factors that can be eliminated. Normal occurrence only episodic emission of air masses through the mouth is recognized, for which there are objective explanations: intense physical activity, recent meal.

Belching air during long-term pregnancy, when the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the abdominal organs, is also relatively normal: this is a consequence of a physiological state.

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Wrong food intake

This is the most common cause of belching. It is caused by factors affecting the digestion process. Eating on the go disrupts natural motor skills and the swallowing process. The body makes physical efforts not related to food intake. Poorly chewed food, swallowed in large pieces, hinders the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The body spends extra effort both on pushing food through the esophagus and on digesting it.

Remains of undigested foods can decompose in the intestines, which leads to additional gas formation. This is a common cause of excess burping. A common cause of belching air from the stomach is eating at night, after which the stomach finds itself in a position not intended by nature for natural digestion. It is also hampered by the lying position and the body’s switching to sleep mode.

Nervous stress

IN everyday life One of the main reasons why burping air constantly appears not only after eating, but also on an empty stomach, and in a state of digestion of food, there may be problems of a nervous nature, this is:

  • neuroses in the progressing stage;
  • permanent stress experienced at work or an unfavorable family environment;
  • disturbances in emotional activity associated with negative news or events.

In these cases, disruption of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may be associated with constant irritation of the nervous system, or the passage of a certain stage accompanied by malfunctions hormonal levels. For women, this is pregnancy early stage, critical days, menopause or any disorders associated with the influence of hormones.

Sometimes this is a consequence of persistent nervous pathology, congenital or acquired. The digestive system is relatively healthy, but the passage of nerve impulses is obstructed or persistent inflammation nerve tissue causes disturbances in the passage of air or food. A spastic contraction of the smooth muscles of the intestines occurs, which leads to the expulsion of air sharply and in certain portions.

Product preferences

Food preferences can cause a permanent negative phenomenon - belching odorless air all the time. Treatment begins with identifying the main provocateur. With different metabolisms, this could be milk, legumes, or even foods that do not affect other people.

Gastroenterologists believe that the abuse of spices, hot and salty foods leads to excessive secretion of gastric juice, aimed at digesting irritating components. Excess caustic product affects the walls of the stomach, which is why belching occurs. If it is caused by a carbonated drink, the release of air occurs under the influence of carbon dioxide.

Diseases that cause belching

Odorless belching is accompanied by several diseases, mainly of nervous etiology. Are these neurites or congenital anomalies nervous system, persistent mental disorders, the result of an involuntary muscle spasm caused by impaired conduction of nerve impulses. In all other cases, belching air is physiological process, accompanied negative symptoms, which begin with a specific taste in the air released by the stomach, and symptoms of the underlying pathology. Then belching is a sign of illness, and the question of belching air - the cause of which disease is asked incorrectly, because this is not the cause, but a consequence of the development of an inflammatory or other negative process.

Classification of belching, symptoms

In gastroenterology, there are several types of air passage through the mouth and esophagus from the stomach. The main differentiating feature is the presence or absence of a certain taste.

  • sour taste, sometimes just caustic;
  • bitterness that appears when belching;
  • distinct aftertaste of acetone;
  • odorless belching, accompanied by negative symptoms.

Associated symptoms, which allow us to make assumptions about the nature of the disease, are in second place after taste or olfactory sensations, because they carry general character, rarely providing grounds for a reliable diagnosis.

Sour belching after eating: causes

It is often a consequence of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract or digestive disorder associated with excessive secretion of gastric juice and abnormal acidity. These are the characteristic signs:

  • gastritis of various etiologies in acute or chronic form, (often with high acidity);
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage.

However, a sour taste is often the result of consumption certain types food, abuse bad habits or appears as an iatrogenic complication after unprofessional surgical intervention.

Bitterness in the mouth: belching air

Caused by the presence of pathology of the hepatobiliary system, recurrent or acute pathological condition liver, hepatic or bile ducts, gallbladder, pancreas. Bitterness is associated with impaired functionality of the digestive system, the presence of GERD, duodenitis, mechanical compression or trauma to the intestines, and an oncological process. Sometimes it happens during pregnancy, as a result of compression of the abdominal organs by the enlarged fetus in the uterus.

Belching with the smell of acetone

This is a consequence of endocrine or metabolic disorders. Characteristic sign diabetes mellitus, glycemia or acute metabolic failure (metabolism and digestibility of carbohydrates).

Belching odorless air

There are also painful reasons for the appearance of air separation without a characteristic aftertaste. They are accompanied by negative symptoms and may indicate pancreatitis or gastritis at a certain stage, beginning or developing oncological process, uncomplicated diaphragmatic hernia or beginning inflammatory process in any segment of the digestive system.

Negative symptoms in different cases may be:

  • accompanying feeling of nausea;
  • gagging or vomiting;
  • defecation disorders;
  • epigastric or abdominal pain;
  • heartburn and flatulence, bloating;
  • feeling foreign body in the throat;
  • headaches caused by intoxication;
  • temperature, as a consequence of the development of the inflammatory process, etc.

These are symptoms characteristic of many pathologies of the digestive system, so diagnostics are necessary to make a reliable diagnosis.

Diagnostic measures and diagnosis

In order to determine the nature of the pathology, laboratory tests, special tests and instrumental studies, the need for which is indicated by general symptoms.

Treatment of belching after eating

To determine how to get rid of air belching, you need to find out what the nature of the phenomenon is. If it is of physiological origin, it is sufficient to eliminate the provoking factors. Pathology requires treatment.


Medicines for air belching depend on the diagnosis. In different cases, these may be enzymes, antibiotics, antibacterial drugs, sorbents, antacids, choleretic and other drugs.

Folk remedies

They are prescribed after determining the nature of the pathology and include immunostimulating, cleansing, medicinal, animal and plant natural ingredients.

During pregnancy

If this is not caused by a disease, they are prescribed preventive measures, the regime and diet changes, light physical activity, exercise therapy, and fresh air are recommended.

Preventive measures

Belching air after eating, causes and treatment which consists in eliminating provoking factors, needs preventive measures. They may consist of revising the diet, streamlining the diet, increasing motor activity, walks on fresh air and giving up bad habits.

Belching air after eating: causes and treatment, video: