Why do smells appear that are not there? Parosmia, arosmia and hyperosmia. Digestive system diseases

The occurrence of hallucinations is a very alarming symptom, because it can signal a variety of health problems. And in fact, hallucinations mean not only images of non-existent green men, but also other phenomena, smells and sounds that do not exist in reality. Yes, that's enough alarming disorder an obsessive feeling is considered foreign odors. And the topic of our conversation today will be the causes of olfactory hallucinations and their treatment, which we will consider in a little more detail.

Doctors warn that the occurrence of olfactory hallucinations is not always a pathology. Of course, it is difficult to call such a phenomenon normal, but sometimes it appears even in completely healthy people, but only under the influence of certain factors.

Doctors also call olfactory hallucinations phantosmia. Patients may complain of the appearance of an obsessive stench, for example, feces, various types smoke, tar or rotten meat. In principle, there are cases when a person begins to smell a pleasant smell, but this is a rare exception.

Even if a person feels that the obsessive stench is a ghostly phenomenon, he still tries to overcome it by ventilating, using a fan, using air fresheners or aromatic oils. The patient may smell something even in the food he eats.

Impaired sense of smell - causes, treatment

Causes of impaired sense of smell?

Some patients note that olfactory hallucinations they appeared shortly after some severe stress and other memorable events. Thus, the patient may be haunted by the aroma of cut grass or the smell of smoke left over from a fire. The feeling may even be pleasant, but over time it becomes terribly intrusive and unbearable.

Among possible factors, capable of provoking hallucinations of an olfactory nature are distinguished:

Traumatic head injuries;

Tumor formations in the temporal lobe of the brain;

Encephalitis ( inflammatory lesion brain);

All kinds of mental illnesses (mainly schizophrenia, less often depression, senile dementia, alcoholic delirium);

Migraines (in this case, phantosmia appears against the background of an approaching migraine attack);

Consumption of certain medications and narcotic substances.

Quite often, olfactory hallucinations are not the only symptom which worries the patient. They may be accompanied by other disturbances in the ability to smell. Even with tumor lesions, the patient often experiences disruptions in the activity of the vegetative-vascular system, represented by palpitations, sweating and excessive salivation. In addition, he may experience vestibular disorders, in particular, nausea with dizziness.

Treatment of olfactory hallucinations

We strongly recommend that readers of Popular About Health, if they suspect olfactory hallucinations in themselves or someone close to them, consult a doctor for advice. However, it is worth noting that such a symptom rarely becomes a reason for a visit to the clinic, since the patient himself is not always able to assess his condition critically.

Some people with phantosmia seek help from an ENT specialist, believing that the unpleasant odors that haunt them are a consequence of pathologies in the nasal cavity. At the same time, the doctor carries out a full diagnosis, because in fact the stench can be felt in the background chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis and other lesions of the mucous membranes localized in the area of ​​the nose that is responsible for the sense of smell. Unpleasant symptoms of this kind can also occur against the background of illnesses oral cavity, teeth and digestive tract.

When phantosmia is confirmed as a lesion of brain structures, a neurologist or psychiatrist gets down to business. Treatment is selected individually and directly depends on the cause of hallucinations.

Thus, if operable tumor formations or hematomas are detected in the brain, the patient is indicated for surgical intervention.

Diagnosed schizophrenia requires taking antipsychotic medications and constant medical supervision.

Patients with depressive disorders prescribe antidepressants, anxiolytics or tranquilizers, as well as psychotherapy sessions.

Anticonvulsant medications are used to neutralize epilepsy attacks.

If suddenly olfactory hallucinations are a symptom of poisoning, infectious diseases, consumption of narcotic substances and medications, as well as alcoholic delirium, then the patient requires hospitalization and targeted detoxification therapy.

If violations are detected cerebral circulation and all kinds of degenerative disorders, doctors select complex treatment, which helps improve brain activity. Patients need means to improve metabolic processes And nootropic drugs. Vitamin therapy is indicated.

Treatment methods for impaired sense of smell are selected on a purely individual basis by a qualified doctor.

It is very important to distinguish hallucinations from olfactory illusions, when smells are distorted, become imaginary and disrupted under the influence of natural factors, ranging from stress to pregnancy.

Olfactory hallucinations are very unusual phenomenon, in which a person perceives tastes and smells that are not actually there.

This problem can be caused by the most for various reasons. More often pathological condition arises against the background of any mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, and other deviations of varying severity.

However, olfactory hallucinations can also occur in mentally healthy people, for example, during pregnancy. In this case, the pathology goes away on its own. Thus, when olfactory hallucinations occur, it is necessary to understand why they arise, how they manifest themselves, what therapeutic methods to eliminate them are known today.

When an illness occurs, a person may perceive aromas that do not actually exist. Sometimes there are disturbances in the perception of taste. For example, a patient may complain that the food he eats has a very specific, and not always pleasant, aroma or taste.

Or a person may be haunted by smells that he felt in the distant past. And even if these aromas are very pleasant, their constant presence causes a person to experience significant discomfort.

Unlike hallucinations of other types (visual, auditory), olfactory hallucinations are characterized by long duration, stability, and intrusiveness. At the same time, imaginary smells and tastes can be very realistic. Unfortunately, the aromas that are felt are not always pleasant. Most often felt putrid odors, arising, for example, during the decomposition of organic products.

In terms of perception, in most cases there is an awareness that the aromas that are smelled do not actually exist. However, it is not always this state is perceived as a pathology, and remains without consulting a doctor.

Olfactory hallucinations: causes and treatment of manifestations

Most often, the cause of the development of phantosmia (olfactory hallucinations) is considered to be brain damage provoked by one reason or another.

These include:

  1. Traumatic brain injuries;
  2. Oncological diseases affecting one or another part of the brain;
  3. Strokes;
  4. Infectious diseases of the brain.

Among unfavorable factors, contributing to the development of the disease, are also noted:

  1. Mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, personality disorder;
  2. Epilepsy;
  3. Intoxication of the body;
  4. Use of potent medicines, psychotropic or narcotic drugs;
  5. Damage to the mucous membrane of the sinuses;
  6. Dental problems;
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sometimes olfactory hallucinations can occur during pregnancy. In this case, after childbirth, the pathology disappears on its own, without any specific treatment not required.

Most common cause The development of olfactory hallucinations is considered to be brain damage. At the same time, the location of these lesions has a significant influence on the course of the disease. Thus, olfactory hallucinations are observed when the temporal lobe of the brain is damaged; quite strong and vivid hallucinations occur, which can be considered the first sign of tumor formation in this area.

Damage to areas of the brain adjacent to the olfactory center is accompanied not only by the appearance of hallucinations, but also by other mental disorders.

Manifestations of olfactory hallucinations

The pathology has a very clear and pronounced clinical picture.

The most common sign of the disease is the appearance unpleasant odors(smell of rot, feces, decomposition, acrid smoke, etc.). This causes significant discomfort.

Less often, a person complains about the presence of more pleasant, but no less intrusive aromas, for example, the smell of freshly cut grass, the aroma of flowers. In this case, of course, the feeling of discomfort is not so pronounced, but it still exists. It often happens that it is not possible to accurately determine the imaginary aroma and cannot differentiate it. At the same time, there is an awareness that the imaginary aromas do not exist in reality, and this causes some anxiety.

Along with these signs, symptoms such as:

  1. Increased salivation;
  2. Deterioration of appetite up to complete refusal to eat;
  3. Increased anxiety.

Availability additional symptoms indicates an unfavorable course of the disease.

Therapeutic measures

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to accurate diagnosis.

This will require consultations with several specialists (ENT doctor, neurologist, psychiatrist).

This is necessary in order to establish not only the presence of pathology, but also the reason that provoked its development. You will also need a number instrumental studies, such as EEG, CT, MRI.

After identifying the pathology and cause, treatment begins. It is immediately necessary to understand that the treatment of olfactory hallucinations is a process that requires large quantity energy and time. The choice of one method or another directly depends on what factor provoked the development of the disease.

Reasons Therapy methods
Oncological diseases, tumors that can be removedSurgical removal of the tumor, as well as affected areas of the brain. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, is considered very complex, traumatic, and requires a long recovery period.
SchizophreniaDrugs antipsychotic action. The choice of one drug or another is made depending on the stage of development of the pathology.
Depressive disordersPsychotherapeutic sessions (individual or group), taking antidepressants.
EpilepsyTaking anticonvulsants
Alcohol or food poisoning, infectious diseases causing intoxication of the bodyTaking medications - sorbents, intensive detoxification therapy in a hospital setting (this depends on the degree of intoxication).
Impaired blood circulation in brain tissue, leading to their deathTaking nootropics, vitamin preparations, means that normalize metabolic processes.

Olfactory hallucinations may indicate the presence of serious illnesses, pathologies affecting the brain area. In particular, pathology often occurs in the presence of tumor formations in one or another part of the organ. That is why this obvious and very dangerous symptom cannot be ignored. And, if a pathology is detected, you must urgently consult a doctor, as this will allow you to identify the cause as soon as possible and begin its treatment.

People who suffer from olfactory hallucinations complain that the food they eat smells like ammonia or sulfur and smells like decay. Or, they may be haunted by the smell of a tea rose, which they felt once upon a time, while visiting a flower exhibition. Undoubtedly, a floral smell can be classified as pleasant, but if it accompanies a person throughout his life, then a completely opposite effect occurs. Olfactory ones are otherwise called phantosmia. Their peculiarity is that in their obsession and associated with them unpleasant sensations they are in no way inferior to auditory or visual ones, when the patient can perceive them as if they exist in reality.

In addition, with olfactory hallucinations, pleasant odors are much less common; patients are mainly bothered by the rather pungent odors of smoke, petroleum products, tar, feces, bird droppings, rotten eggs, patients often call the cadaverous smell, and much more. Patients treat olfactory hallucinations critically and realize that these are phenomena of a painful nature. At the same time, it is known that many patients try to constantly ventilate the apartment in order to get rid of the non-existent irritating smell, turn on fans for this purpose, and so on.

It has also been established that patients rarely focus their attention on them, and doctors sometimes reveal this violation only during a survey related to a certain disease. As shown clinical practice, statistical data are incomplete due to the fact that patients in in serious condition do not provide accurate information, and it is difficult to collect the necessary information. Therefore, experts suggest that there are many unreported cases. In addition, among patients suffering from olfactory hallucinations, there are also those who cannot give precise definition smells. Usually they just say there is a foreign smell.

Olfactory hallucinations, as well as other forms this violation, are caused by a number of reasons, both the simplest and quite serious, requiring

long-term treatment. The list of the most common reasons includes mental disorders, traumatic brain injuries, various tumors. But sometimes olfactory hallucinations are caused by damage to the nasal mucosa. In this case, solving the problem is much easier. There are people who put up with olfactory hallucinations all their lives, not even suspecting that this condition can be extremely dangerous, since it is alarming symptom that the body requires immediate help.

It is known that you cannot get rid of phantosmia by smelling something else, for example, spices, perfumes, etc. The patient’s futile attempts to spray air fresheners in the air of the room also lead to nothing. For example, one patient told the doctor that for several years she had been smelling freshly dug soil after landscape designers tidied up the area around her house and prepared the soil for sowing lawn grasses. Another Man Was Injured in a Car Accident and Was Haunted by the Odor cigarette smoke and burnt rubber.

Olfactory hallucinations occur when the secondary center is stimulated olfactory analyzer, and often accompany epilepsy, manifesting itself in the form of simple sensory seizures with secondary generalization. In addition, short-term olfactory hallucinations are combined with other types of disorders; they are accompanied by vegetative-vascular and other disorders, and are complemented by taste hallucinations. Reason olfactory disorders are pathological processes, the location of which is the area of ​​the hook of the brain. Disturbed communication between the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex also has an impact. Basically, among the causes of olfactory hallucinations, it is most often called. These patients are more likely to experience unpleasant cadaveric odors than others.

Treatmentolfactory hallucinations

The treatment process for any hallucinations is quite lengthy, and doctors are suitable

to this issue, taking into account the main diagnosis and concomitant diseases. The patient’s age, lifestyle, habits, and many other factors also matter. It has been established that olfactory hallucinations are often harbingers, so a person who goes to the doctor with complaints about similar phenomena, a full medical examination is prescribed, which is not at all a whim of the attending physician, but is an extreme necessity. Only after receiving an accurate diagnosis can a specialist prescribe effective treatment.

When establishing the correct etiological diagnosis great importance given a history of smell disorders. Sometimes patients complain not only of olfactory hallucinations, but also of taste ones. The doctor begins by carefully examining the nasal passages, upper respiratory tract, head, evaluates function cranial nerves. Can be assigned computed tomography with contrast enhancement. Thanks to this study, neoplasms are identified in the anterior cranial fossa, hidden fractures of the cranial fossa are detected, and various inflammations can be identified.

Have you ever smelled smells that other people around you couldn't smell? If this happens regularly, then you may have phantosmia is a condition associated with constant olfactory sensations. Never heard of it? Not scary. Right now we will tell you what it is, why it occurs and who is at risk.

What is phantosmia

People who experience phantosmia may smell smoke, chemicals, or (worst case) where there is no scent at all. Sometimes it interferes with life so much and normal functioning that a person has to resort to surgery.

But if you thought that smelling the aroma of blooming peonies while passing by a landfill is not so bad, it will be useful for you to know that the odors of “phantosmics” are most often unpleasant. Wastewater? Toilet cleaner? Each of the options is quite possible.

Experts say that with phantosmia, the smell is felt, although regularly, but not permanently. Episodes can be caused by stress, noise, or changes in the flow of air entering the nostrils. Oddly enough, writes Lorenzo Stafford of the University of Portsmouth in his column for The Conversation, some of the “phantosmics” are anticipating them.

“Because our sense of smell is dominant, any food a person consumes during a phantom episode will be imbued with flavor properties for them. This example shows how much the symptoms of phantosmia can affect a person's quality of life. In extreme cases, they can lead to suicidal thoughts,” adds Stafford.

Parosmia, arosmia and hyperosmia

People with phantosmia, doctors note, often report parosmia - a condition in which the actual smell is replaced by another . So, for this person, a rose may smell like cinnamon, cinnamon can smell like lemon, lemon can smell like cucumber, and so on. But more often, alas and ah, even pleasant smells are perceived here as something unpleasant. That is, roses do not smell like cinnamon (and certainly not roses), but, for example, like glue or car tires.

“Both phantosmia and parosmia are known as qualitative olfactory disorders, that is, conditions in which the quality of smell is altered. Against, quantitative disorders change the strength of the aroma. For example, arosmia - loss of smell. Or hyperospia - increased sense of smell to an abnormal level ", writes Lorenzo Stafford. And he notes that rarely does anyone encounter phantosmia separately, since more often it is associated with some kind of quantitative or qualitative olfactory disorder.

Who is at risk

As a rule, the first experience of phantosmia occurs between 15 and 30 years, and more often in women than in men. Phantosmia is also often found in patients with depression, migraine, epilepsy, etc. But this is not to say that the condition is common. Yes, phantosmia is indeed more common than other olfactory disorders, but overall it affects 0.8-10% of the world's population.

Scientists admit that they do not yet know what exactly causes phantosmia. But it is believed that this has something to do with the central regions of the brain, including those that control emotions, or with its peripheral regions that are involved in detecting odors.

How to deal with phantosmia

Some patients find that putting saline drops into their nose can provide relief. Doctors treat such statements condescendingly, although they remind that there is no scientific data on the issue at the moment not enough. They also say that if phantosmia is a symptom, then a drug that can correct the underlying problem will most likely help.

IN extreme situations and only after careful medical examination the patient may be offered surgically remove the olfactory bulb, a part of the olfactory brain located on the lower surface of the frontal lobe. However, experts warn that this is a very risky operation, which, moreover, will lead to complete loss olfactory ability of one nostril, so it is decided to do so extremely rarely.