Why is there a smell that doesn't exist? It seems to smell like cigarettes. Olfactory hallucinations - causes and treatment. Digestive tract diseases

Every day, when using deodorants and perfumes, we do not think about our natural aroma - the smell of the body itself, but the attractiveness and smell of our body is an extremely important component of spiritual harmony. Since our own smell accompanies us everywhere, we simply do not notice it.

But you just have to be in a closed room of some public place for a minute, and our sense of smell is instantly activated, immediately recording a whole range of odors. It can be either a pronounced pleasant aroma or a sharp unpleasant odor. But in the vast majority of cases, it is human nature to pick up foreign odors.

Compared to animals, particularly mammals, the human sense of smell is not as thoroughly developed. There is a theory that we cannot smell own body, because for us it has practically no meaning, but for others it can be extremely pleasant or, on the contrary, unpleasant.

According to Dr. Pat Barelli, it is clear that our smell-related nerve endings, represented by the olfactory nerves, are quite easily overloaded and “tired.” Ultimately, the nervous system “ignores” the flow of much of the information that the nerves receive. That is why they do not react in any way to the smell of their own body, but only in case of drastic changes. In turn, Dr. Morley Ker adds that pleasant odors can be “ignored” as well.

An example confirms this: residents of Hershey (Pennsylvania) do not pay any attention to the smell of a chocolate factory spread throughout the city. However, tourists coming to the town are overwhelmed by this smell in abundance.

Overall a natural scent human body depends on the foods consumed. The quote “You are what you eat” is proof of this. When smoking or drinking alcohol, your body odor can change, and often not for the better. Definitely, being a follower healthy image life, in particular a balanced diet, a person will exude pleasant odors. Consequently, the people around such a person will remain satisfied.

Surprisingly, when close contact With people, the aromas of our body, along with the body of our interlocutor, affect us unconsciously. Thus, we are practically not aware of why we are drawn by some magnetic force to one person and repelled from another. The fact whether you like your partner’s smell can largely be decisive in the further development of the relationship. In the world of both people and animals, smells have a special place, even if we don’t realize it.

It has long been known that a newborn baby can accurately identify his mother by smell, and vice versa - young mothers, using their sense of smell, recognize their children.

The causes of this problem must be found out immediately in order to begin a course of treatment.

In 95% of cases, a symptom indicates the presence of a disease, so it is very important to undergo a diagnostic examination by a specialist. Research will help determine the reasons causing the appearance foreign odors. Therapy started in the early stages will help get rid of the problem in a short time.

Smells in the nose: types and causes

An unpleasant odor occurs in the nose infrequently. According to patient complaints, this phenomenon usually accompanies the underlying disease in the anamnesis. There are many reasons for the occurrence of the symptom, so a comprehensive examination cannot be avoided. At the reception, people complain about a specific unpleasant aroma. Most often it is felt clearly. Similar manifestations indicate pathological processes or changes occurring in the nasal cavity.

The manifestation of the symptom became possible due to the anatomical ability possessed by the mucous membrane. She has large number special formations - olfactory receptors, which transmit signals from the affected area directly to the brain as quickly as possible. There they are processed and, depending on the underlying problem, the person experiences one of the following foreign odors in the nose:

The burning smell in most cases is a side effect or reaction of the body to long-term use. medicines. Classes of medications vary, so the symptom occurs in people with different medical conditions.

A putrid aroma manifests itself in the nasal cavity under the influence of the corresponding microflora. It is a symptom of suppuration of the paranasal sinuses, which can lead to sinusitis or sinusitis. The cause of the ammonia odor is a pathology that occurs in the liver or kidneys. In order for the smell to disappear, you will need to undergo therapy that will eliminate the problem in these organs.

A metallic smell can occur in the event of bleeding in the nasal cavity, injuries that cause damage to blood vessels or tissues.

It may also indicate poisoning or a side effect of certain medications. Particles from the environment enter the nasal cavity when inhaled, resulting in an iron smell.

The sensation of acetone in the nasal cavity occurs due to complications caused by diabetes mellitus. In this case, complex and lengthy therapy will be required. The smell of sulfur occurs when there are problems with the liver, allergic reactions of the body, or disorders of the nervous system.

Important: odors in the nose acquire the greatest intensity during fetid atrophic rhinitis.

Odors arising in the nasal cavity can be felt not only by people who encounter them, but also by those around them.

This is why it is necessary to go special examination from a specialist.

All scents cause discomfort to a person, so getting rid of them is a top priority.

Extraneous odors that cause obvious discomfort in 99% of cases occur when there is a certain progressive disease in the body - a certain cause that requires immediate elimination.

In 5-6% of cases, the presence of aroma in the nasal cavity becomes idiopathic, that is, permanent, the cause of which could not be determined after examination.

The main diseases that affect the possibility of the appearance of all types of odors are:

  • ozena or offensive rhinitis;
  • acute form of sinusitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the sinuses;
  • sinusitis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney pathology;
  • liver disorders;
  • allergic reactions occurring in acute form;
  • bacterial form of infection;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus

Feeling unpleasant odor in the nose also occurs with parosmia. In this case, disturbances in the function of smell are observed.

No additional stimulation is required to perceive the aroma.

To get rid of this disorder, additional therapy prescribed by a neurologist will be required.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor can also be caused by the presence of a foreign object/body of any diameter in the nasal cavity. As a result, the accumulation of fluid, under the influence of bacteria in which a purulent substance is formed. Pathological disorders are often caused by hormonal imbalance or the presence of olfactory hallucinations.

Symptoms: what you need to know

Symptoms that actively develop and increase in number in proportion to the time that a person does not eliminate the problem, as a result of the presence of odor in the nasal cavity, need to be known in order to seek medical help as soon as possible. Main manifestations:

  • severe discomfort in the nose
  • headache (especially pronounced in the parietal area);
  • difficulty smelling and recognizing other odors;
  • dizziness (including without reason);
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • depressed state.

In especially advanced cases, pre-depressive states, general weakness and lethargy, apathy, and indifference to what is happening are observed. Sometimes characteristic purulent crusts can form in the nose, which also negatively affect a person upon visual contact.

Basic solutions to the problem

Treatment is necessary when such symptoms appear. You cannot start the process, as well as self-medicate - this can cause deterioration general condition. Medical impact the problem must be etiological in nature - aimed at eliminating the underlying cause, and not just the symptom itself. That is why there are several types of treatment, which are selected by a specialist based on the results of research:

  1. Conservative action - fighting the infection in the body that caused the formation of odor. The process also removes purulent or mucous crusts. It includes taking medications and sanitizing (rinsing) the nasal cavity. As a result, the unpleasant odor in the nose disappears when inhaling or exhaling.
  2. Use of medications - the use of antibacterial drugs in combination with other drugs (oils, drops, sprays).
  3. Treatment with herbal remedies - solutions and infusions based on chamomile or calendula, as well as aloe. They are most often used for washing and relieving inflammation.

Sometimes, in advanced or chronic cases, a person can only be helped through surgery. The technique is used in case of blockage of the nasal mucosa or purulent plug, as well as a foreign body. After this exposure, it is recommended to include conservative, medicinal treatments in therapy, as well as the use of herbal remedies for subsequent prevention.


The problem of unpleasant odor is very common. Experts have developed many systems for influencing lesions, so questions such as the smell of dust in the nose and what it is will no longer be scary for a person. As well as the sensation of other unpleasant side odors.

Timely seeking help, well-designed therapy and implementation of all recommendations are the key quick recovery. To consolidate the achieved positive result, you can use traditional methods treatment, but only after obtaining permission to use similar drugs from your attending physician.

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim absolute accuracy. medical point vision. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

Why does my nose smell like dust, burning or smoke?

One of the main functions of the nose is olfactory, it is provided a large number receptors that transmit information about inhaled air to the higher structures of the brain. Sometimes the sense of smell is impaired for various reasons, the main ones being inflammatory processes, polypous growths, tumors and atrophy of the nasal mucosa. Such violations can be temporary or permanent in nature and lead to partial or complete loss, or to a perversion of smell. Except local reasons Some severe conditions also play a role in the development of such pathology. systemic diseases. A person may feel discomfort from unpleasant odors that arise subjectively regardless of the quality of the air inhaled, for example, the smell of burning or dust in the nose. Where does this come from and what should be done?


The feeling of an obsessive odor in the nose may be associated with local or general problems. If the smell is felt only by the patient himself, then we are talking about a violation of the sense of smell; if others also notice this phenomenon and avoid such a person, then, most likely, we are talking about a serious disease, including a systemic one.

An unpleasant odor in the nose cannot be ignored, because it indicates a serious problem of local or general significance in the body.

  1. Parosmia is an anomaly of the olfactory system of the nose, which manifests itself in a perverted perception of smells in the form of illusions or hallucinations. Can be observed in neuroses, schizophrenia, hysterical reactions, hormonal imbalance in women (during pregnancy). This diagnosis is made after excluding pathology of the peripheral part olfactory analyzer located in the nasopharynx.
  2. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis) in the acute or chronic stage - more often in the atrophic form, when there is dryness of the mucous membrane and damage to the sensitive olfactory cells. In this case, the patient may almost constantly be haunted by the smell of dust in his nose, which he wants to wash off with water.
  3. Chronic pathology of the nasopharynx - laryngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis. Constant inflammation of the mucous membrane leads to stagnation of secretions, proliferation of bacteria and the appearance of a bad odor.
  4. A foreign body - when left in the nasal cavity for a long time, can support the inflammatory process and the accumulation of bacteria in the muconasal secretion.
  5. Allergic reactions - year-round irritation of the nasal mucosa by household allergens contributes to constant inflammation and the addition of a bacterial infection.
  6. Long-term uncontrolled use of nasal drops and sprays leads to thinning and atrophy of the mucous membrane, including in the olfactory area.
  7. Internal diseases - brain tumor, consequences of skull injuries, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, pathology of the thyroid gland, diseases of the digestive system and others.

What to do

The presence of an unpleasant odor in the nose and its persistence for several days is a reason to visit an otolaryngologist and find out the cause of this condition. At the same time, it should smell like something only to the patient himself (smoke, fumes, dust), but not to others who have a healthy sense of smell. Diagnostic examination includes conducting different methods studies depending on the diagnosis suggested by the doctor. If a patient is diagnosed with chronic inflammation of the ENT organs, then treatment will be carried out according to an individual scheme in the scope of prescriptions of the attending physician:

  • antibiotics – selected according to the sensitivity of the isolated microflora;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - local hormonal or systemic antiallergic drugs are used;
  • washing with saline solutions, herbal decoctions, antiseptics.
  • carrying out surgical interventions– removal of a foreign body, tumors, adenoids, polyps, straightening the nasal septum, etc.

When excluding organ pathology respiratory system and (or) the patient has parosmia and olfactory hallucinations, doctors of other specialties, for example, neurologists, psychiatrists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, are involved in the examination and treatment.

Elimination of odor in this case will depend on a correct diagnosis and proper treatment of the disease. It should be understood that getting rid of obsessive feelings will not happen spontaneously; if there is a serious reason, then it requires a qualified approach to its elimination.

After watching the video, you will learn about 3 symptoms in the nose that will make you see a doctor:

Do you have a runny nose and have you already bought all kinds of pharmaceutical drops?

1 Comment

The body's response is to secrete pus, which serves as a source of odors. True, sometimes only the patient himself feels a strange spirit; the unpleasant smell from the nose is illusory - then we are talking about a violation of the sense of smell.

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All articles posted on the site are for informational purposes only. We strongly recommend that you consult a qualified doctor regarding the use of medications and medical examination! Don't self-medicate!

Why is there a smell that doesn't exist?

Smell is one of the senses necessary for a person for a full life. And its violations impose significant restrictions on emotional state and become real problem. Among the disorders of smell, there are also those when the patient is haunted by a smell that actually does not exist. Everyone is interested in the question of origin unpleasant symptoms, but only a doctor can help determine the source of disturbances in the body.

Causes and mechanisms

Smell is perceived through the reaction of olfactory receptors located in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity to certain aromatic molecules. But this is only the initial section of the corresponding analyzer. Next, the nerve impulse is transmitted to the areas of the brain responsible for the analysis of sensations (temporal lobes). And when a person smells odors that are not there, this clearly indicates some kind of pathology.

First of all, you should divide all the reasons into two groups. The smell may be very real, but is not felt by others until the patient speaks to them at close range. This is likely in the following situations, covering the practice of ENT doctors and dentists:

  • Fetid runny nose (ozena).
  • Sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis).
  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.

These diseases are accompanied by the formation of pus, which gives an unpleasant odor. A similar situation may occur in those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis and pancreatitis). Food that enters the digestive tract is processed worse, and during belching or reflux molecules unpleasant aroma go outside. A similar problem may not be noticeable to others if they do not get close.

Some people have more low threshold olfactory perception. They smell better than others, so sometimes they encounter misunderstandings from others. Some aroma may be too weak to be detected by anyone else. And this feature should also be taken into account by the doctor.

A separate group of causes are those that are associated with damage to any of the sections of the olfactory analyzer. The emerging odors do not reach others, since their formation, transmission and analysis in a particular person are disrupted. And although the basis for an unpleasant aroma may be some other (quite real) one, the final result is present only in the patient’s mind and poses a problem specifically for him.

There are quite a lot of conditions manifested by impaired sense of smell (dysosmia or parosmia). They include both respiratory pathology with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, for example, rhinitis or ARVI, and other disorders in the body:

  • Hormonal changes (during pregnancy, during menstruation or menopause).
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, drugs).
  • Taking certain medications and chemical poisoning.
  • Endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus).
  • Systemic diseases (scleroderma).
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Neuroses or depression.
  • Psychosis (schizophrenia).
  • Epilepsy.

It is also necessary to remember about the so-called phantom odors, which are associated with some kind of stress in the past and left a strong impression. In similar situations they can come to the surface. As you can see, the source of an unpleasant odor can be hidden among a large number of diseases. And some can be quite serious. But don’t immediately get scared and look for yourself dangerous pathology– the reasons for the violations will become clear only after a thorough examination.

Why people imagine certain smells is a rather serious question and requires further research.


Any pathology has certain signs. To identify them, the doctor evaluates the patient's complaints, analyzes the factors that precede the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and conducts a physical examination. You should understand when an extraneous odor is felt, whether it is constantly present or occurs periodically, how intense it is, what contributes to its disappearance, and what additional symptoms are present in the clinical picture. Sometimes this alone makes it possible to establish the cause of dysosmia, but not always.

The aroma that haunts the patient may have different colors. Those who drink citrus tea often feel a foreign burning smell, and hot spices can cause a feeling of the presence of sulfur in them. Simultaneously with the distortion of smell, taste also changes, since they are closely related. A bad runny nose, for example, can create the illusion that onions have become sweet and smell like apples.

ENT pathology

The first thing you should think about when complaining of an unpleasant odor is diseases of the ENT organs. When the nasal mucosa is damaged, the sense of smell is invariably impaired, but the patient may not always feel the smell of pus or rot. Most often, a similar symptom occurs with sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis or ozena. In the latter case, the smell is so pronounced that others notice it. But besides this, you need to pay attention to other symptoms:

  • Impaired nasal breathing.
  • Nasal discharge (mucopurulent or purulent).
  • Heaviness in the projection of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Dry mucous membranes and crusting.
  • Sore throat when swallowing.
  • Tonsil plugs.

If we are talking about acute sinusitis, then the purulent process in the sinuses invariably entails an increase in temperature and intoxication with headaches, but chronic sinusitis gives less pronounced symptoms. With tonsillitis, disorders of the kidneys, heart, and joints are often detected (the result of sensitization to streptococcal antigens). If the sense of smell is impaired due to ARVI, then in the clinical picture, in addition to a runny nose, against the background of intoxication there will be other catarrhal symptoms, such as redness of the throat and watery eyes.

Pathology of the nose, paranasal sinuses and pharynxes are the main reason for the appearance foreign odor, which can be imagined by others only when in close contact with the patient.

Digestive tract diseases

An unpleasant odor can also haunt those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Impaired digestion of food is the main mechanism of this symptom. Smell rotten eggs worries with hypoacid gastritis (low acidity) or peptic ulcer duodenum, he does not appear constantly, but after eating. The clinical picture also contains other signs of dyspeptic syndrome:

Many people feel discomfort in the stomach or pain in the epigastrium. And concomitant gastroesophageal reflux causes heartburn and further esophagitis. If the gallbladder is affected, then an additional symptom will be a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

Psychoneurological problems

Many patients with neuropsychiatric status disorders perceive an odor that is not really there. It can have either a real prototype (illusion) or be based on non-existent connections (hallucination). The first situation can also arise in a healthy person who has suffered a severe emotional stress, but often becomes a constant companion for those who suffer from neurosis or depression. Additional symptoms pathologies become:

  • Decreased mood.
  • Emotional lability.
  • Irritability and anxiety.
  • Feeling of a “lump” in the throat.
  • Sleep disorders.

Characteristic signs will also be somatic functional disorders that arise due to an imbalance of nervous regulation (increased heart rate, increased sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, etc.). Unlike neurotic reactions, psychoses are accompanied by profound changes in the personal sphere. Then there are various hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory), overvalued and crazy ideas when the perception of the surrounding world and behavior are disrupted, there is no critical understanding of what is happening.

The feeling that you suddenly began to smell like rotten meat can occur with epilepsy. Olfactory and gustatory hallucinations are a kind of “aura” that precedes seizure. This indicates the location of the source pathological activity in the temporal lobe cortex. After a few seconds or minutes, the patient develops a typical attack with clonic-tonic convulsions, short-term loss of consciousness, and tongue biting. A similar picture also occurs with a brain tumor of the corresponding localization or skull injuries.

Neuropsychic disorders, as a cause of foreign odor, are perhaps the most serious situation that cannot be ignored.

Additional diagnostics

Smells that others cannot smell are a reason for a detailed examination. It is possible to find out the cause of what is happening only on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis using a laboratory and instrumental complex. Based on the doctor’s assumption based on the clinical picture, the patient is recommended to undergo additional procedures:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood biochemistry (inflammatory markers, liver tests, electrolytes, glucose, hormonal spectrum).
  • Nasal and throat swab (cytology, culture, PCR).
  • Rhinoscopy.
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Computed tomography of the head.
  • Echoencephalography.
  • Fibrogastroscopy.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

To obtain maximum diagnostic value, the examination program is developed on an individual basis. If necessary, the patient consults not only an ENT doctor, but also other specialists: gastroenterologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist. And the results obtained make it possible to establish the final cause of the violations and eliminate the unpleasant odor that seemed to patients.

Unpleasant smell from the nose: main causes. How to treat?

Bad smell from the nose is a very common problem. Unfortunately, not all people pay enough attention to it, but bad smell from the nose can be a sign of the development of serious diseases.

First of all, you need to know that the mouth and nasal cavity communicate with each other, so we can feel unpleasant odors in the air exhaled from the nose, the cause of which lies in diseases of the oral cavity.

Smokers especially understand this. They inhale cigarette smoke through their mouths and expel it through their nostrils, smelling the smell of tobacco. Therefore, the stench we feel may be due to oral problems. However, there are other factors.


The causes of this pathology can be varied. For example, the smell of garlic may appear due to the entry of its particles into the nasal cavity.

Pieces of food can get stuck in the nose when vomiting. They interfere with the normal passage of air through the nasal passages. Over time, food begins to decompose, resulting in a foul smell when inhaled.

In adults

Most often, the complaint that I smell an unpleasant odor from an adult patient can be heard in connection with the development of certain diseases. These include:

Unpleasant odor from the nose in a child: causes

The causes of nasal stench in children can be the same as in adults. Most often they are caused by factors such as polyps, adenoiditis and tooth decay.

Polyps are noncancerous, soft, and painless growths that grow in the nasal cavity. Polyps form as a result of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane due to recurrent infections, allergies, and certain types of immune disorders.

The course of the disease depends on the size of the polyps. Small polyps, as a rule, do not manifest themselves in any way, while large neoplasms can block the nasal passages and lead to difficulty breathing.

Bad odor in the nose with polyps is caused by the development of pathogenic microflora in accumulated mucus.

Adenoiditis is an inflammation of the adenoids caused by a bacterial or viral infection, as well as allergic reaction. Inflamed adenoids The nasal cavities swell and block, causing mucus to accumulate in them, in which bacteria develop.

This leads to purulent discharge from the nostrils and a stench. Treatment of adenoiditis can be medicinal with the use of antibiotics or surgical.

Ammonia smell

Ammonia may be caused by for various reasons. Some of them are not serious and do not require any treatment, while others may indicate the development of complex diseases.

Reasons why you may be experiencing this issue include:

Sweating Excessive sweating is one of the most common reasons. Sweat itself does not smell, but when it is exposed to bacteria living on the skin, it produces an unpleasant ammonia odor. Phantosmia This condition is better known as olfactory hallucinations. People suffering from this disorder perceive smells incorrectly.

Why the smell of pus in the nose: reasons

This phenomenon may be due to several circumstances. The terrible sweet smell of pus can occur due to inflammatory processes occurring in the nasal and oral mucosa.

It mainly occurs due to waste products from pathogenic bacteria involved in the inflammatory process. Diseases that contribute to the development of this pathology include:

In addition, it can appear with olfactory hallucinations (phantosmia) and distorted olfactory perception (parosmia).

Sometimes, when examining the oral cavity, it turns out that there is a smell of pus due to the destruction of tooth tissue.

The smell of rot

Sometimes patients complain that their nose smells bad of rotten meat. Putrid smell may indicate the development of an inflammatory process caused by bacterial infection for rhinitis, sinusitis and rhinoscleroma.

It can smell rotten with ozen - the so-called fetid runny nose, and in children due to a foreign body trapped in the nasal passages.

It can be a bead, a pea, a seed or other small objects that can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, accompanied not only by a stench, but also by swelling and pain.

Smell of acetone

Like other nasal hallucinations, the smell of acetone can be a consequence of cacosmia. This is a disturbance of the sense of smell, which can be objective or subjective.

With subjective cacosmia, olfactory hallucinations appear due to dysfunction of the cortical analyzer. This can be caused by traumatic brain injury, inflammation of the cerebral cortex, pituitary tumor, schizophrenia, temporal lobe epilepsy, neurasthenia or hysteria.

Objective cacosmia can develop with diabetes, diseases of the liver and pancreas, stones in the kidneys and bile ducts, arthritis and renal failure.

Smell of blood in the nose: causes

Obsessive unpleasant odors in the nose are a common problem that worries a large number of people. The constant smell of blood can especially alarm a person.

In fact, if he does not experience bleeding from the mouth or nose, the causes of this phenomenon are no different from other causes of impaired nasal perception.

These may be inflammatory processes, olfactory hallucinations, systemic diseases such as diabetes. Often the nose smells of blood with pharyngitis.

Burning smell

Very often people complain that they constantly feel signs of tobacco smoke or burning in the air. The reason for the widespread occurrence of this olfactory hallucination is unknown to doctors.

Presumably, neurological signals of damage sent to the brain first reach the area that analyzes the smells of smoke and burning.

The causes of impaired sense of smell in this case are the same as in other cases of phantosmia - bacterial or viral infection, traumatic brain injury, brain tumor, injury olfactory nerve and others. In some cases, you may constantly smell burnt after prolonged use of antiallergic drops and sprays.

The smell of iron

The environment may contain substances that have a metallic odor. You can test this by moving away from the area where the smell is particularly strong, or by asking people if they feel the same way. If not, then this may be an internal problem.

Very often, people suffering from migraines complain of impaired sense of smell. In addition to metal, they may think they smell of onions, rotten eggs, or burnt meat.

Another cause of this pathology may be diseases of the palatine, tonsils and gums. Pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, in the course of their life activity, they can produce certain volatile components, which our brain interprets as a metallic odor.

This phenomenon may also be a symptom of such neurological diseases, like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, especially at their onset.

How to treat an unpleasant odor in the nose?

What to do if you are haunted by an unpleasant smell in your nose? First of all, it is worth understanding the cause of this pathology. To do this, you need to undergo a diagnostic test.

It may include various research methods, depending on what disease your doctor suspects you have.

If the problem was caused by a bacterial infection, the patient may be prescribed drug therapy. In some cases, surgical treatment is also used, for example, for polyps or adenoiditis.

Some patients are interested in the question of how to get rid of olfactory hallucinations. Since conditions such as phantosmia and parosmia are consequences of other diseases or injuries, in this case it is extremely important to find the root cause.

In any case, treatment begins with contacting a qualified otolaryngologist and quality diagnosis.

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Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 33 years

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 8 years

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 11 years

Each person has a unique smell, which is formed by sweat and sebaceous glands, vital activity of bacteria. A healthy person smells pleasant, but as soon as something is disrupted in the human body, subtle unpleasant odors begin to emanate from him. Depending on the disease, they may vary.

The ability to recognize illness by smell is genetic, although today people often use various aromatic products that drown out the natural odors of the body.

Some diseases have specific, clearly noticeable odors, while others have odors that are too complex or weakly expressed. Patients with tuberculosis may smell like stale beer. Diabetes causes the smell of acetone, and diabetics' mouths can smell like rotten fruit. People with cystic fibrosis have a specific sour breath. With problems with digestion and metabolism, unusual “aromas” also appear, due to the fact that substances accumulate in the body that should not be present in a healthy person. For example, when the absorption of choline is impaired, trimethylamine accumulates in the body, which causes a fishy odor. Sometimes, with diseases of the abdominal cavity, the smell of freshly baked bread appears. And children with metabolic problems sometimes smell like maple syrup.

American doctors even call this condition “maple syrup disease.”

People with a good sense of smell can distinguish diphtheria - it smells sweet. An equally pleasant aroma of fresh apples comes from a person who has fallen into a diabetic coma. A pronounced yeasty odor indicates the presence of a fungal infection in the body. Even schizophrenia can smell, since in such patients there is a change in metabolism; schizophrenics sometimes emit the stench of overripe, rotting fruit.

Science experiment

All these smells are not subjective in nature; a person is really able to recognize the presence of a disease or some disorders in the body using the sense of smell. Not all diseases have a pronounced odor that can be compared with anything, but, as a rule, patients smell more unpleasant than healthy people. To prove this, an experiment was conducted at Karolinska University. Several healthy people were given injections of the substance entodoxin, which causes an immune response, while others were given a placebo - saline solution. After some time, sweat samples were taken from them and provided to other participants in the experiment, who were asked to evaluate them. It turned out that most of the unpleasant samples belonged to those who received an injection of entodoxin, and the placebo smell was regarded as healthy.

Body odor can be natural or acquired. Some women with naturally intense body odor suffer from serious problems in their personal lives and social relations. Feelings of shame, embarrassment, low self-esteem, isolation, frustration, anxiety and depressive states extremely common among women who have bad body odor. Naturally, antiperspirants and aerosol deodorants can mask the odor, but this is not a complete solution to the problem. Often the cause of an unpleasant odor is not poor hygiene, but health problems.

Body odor - causes and solutions

Unpleasant body odor can be due to several reasons:

If there is an unpleasant body odor, the morning should begin with a shower and fermented milk product, containing beneficial bacteria (lacto- and bifidobacteria).

To detoxify the body, it is useful to carry out fasting days(all day only fruits or vegetables or juices) – once a day. This method is not suitable for people who need to take medications, suffer from diabetes or have problems with gastrointestinal tract. A balanced diet ideally includes 20% protein (fish, poultry, vegetable protein), 20% oils and fats (avoid animal fats), 60% vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, at least 12 glasses of clean water per day.

Daily baths prevent the appearance of unpleasant body odor. If you suffer from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), shower more than once a day. Use natural remedies for bad odor (see Body Odor – Natural Remedies). Control the food you consume. Large amounts of red meat in the diet can contribute to body odor. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits. Onions and garlic should be avoided, as well as caffeinated drinks. The use of certain fabrics can prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors (cotton, silk, wool). Natural fabrics naturally retain heat while allowing the skin to breathe.

Knowledge of relaxation techniques is also important to prevent excessive sweating (special breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, swimming, etc.)

Chemistry teaches people that iron, like other metals, has no odor, but often such an unpleasant aroma is still felt, sometimes from human skin. What kind of smell does iron have, and why does this aroma begin to haunt a person?

What does the smell of iron on skin indicate?

Many people associate the smell of iron with the foul aroma of rust. An unpleasant, sour aroma is difficult not to recognize, but often a person does not even notice that his skin smells new. At first a light, barely noticeable metallic aroma appears from the skin, but gradually it gets stronger and stronger. Moreover, the patient’s breath also becomes fetid with a certain iron taste.

Typically, these symptoms mean that there is too much iron in a person’s blood, which is why the unpleasant aroma spreads throughout the body. This problem may occur due to poor nutrition or disorders of the bone marrow. Usually the amount of iron in the blood normalizes with a change in diet, but if this does not happen, and the unpleasant odor continues to haunt the person, the alarm should be sounded.

Another rather innocent interpretation of the appearance of an unpleasant odor is the interaction of certain parts of the body with metal objects. In the process of interaction with metal objects, acids released from sweat enter into a peculiar chemical reaction with inclusions of phosphorus and carbon contained in the metal. As a result, that same iron smell appears, and quite strong. A person’s hands smell the most, especially if before that he held coins or keys in his palms for a long time. Sometimes you can’t get rid of it even after washing your hands.

The smell of iron from the skin can also occur if a person has mild bruises or hematomas. In this case, a light metallic aroma appears on a specific area of ​​the skin and disappears along with the painful damage.

What else does the smell of iron indicate? Human skin can tell a lot about development serious illnesses, therefore, you should not ignore this symptom. Sometimes a sharp metallic aroma from the skin appears with anemia or anemia. At the same time, a person’s breath is accompanied by such an unpleasant aroma. As anemia develops, a person may feel headache, constant fatigue and drowsiness. This disease is considered very dangerous, and even such a strange symptom as the smell of iron should not be ignored.

A few more diseases that cause the smell of iron

The specific smell of iron from the skin or from the mouth may also indicate the development of stomach diseases. Sometimes, with gastritis and ulcers, a person feels a taste of iron in the mouth and a metallic aroma emanating from his own skin. As the disease develops, the person’s condition will worsen, he will experience constant heartburn and pain in the lower abdomen.

If a person notices that not all of his skin smells of iron, but only his fingertips, we may be talking about serious intestinal diseases. Typically, intestinal diseases are accompanied by a metallic smell from the mouth and the formation of a strong coating on the tip of the tongue. As the disease develops, it causes nausea, vomiting, dysfunction of the rectum, and constant dizziness.

Sometimes a characteristic iron odor emanating from the skin and mouth occurs in women who are in the early stages of pregnancy. their body is being rebuilt for the normal development of the fetus; for some reason, jumps in the amount of iron in the blood occur (it becomes either more or less). This sign along with increased appetite and a slight feeling of nausea is the first manifestation of the girl's honorable status.

You can get rid of this symptom only after consultation with a specialist. Many doctors do not consider the smell of iron as a serious sign of the development of the disease, but if the odor does not disappear within a few weeks, they should insist on a blood test.

If the analysis shows any disturbances in the functioning of the body, the doctor must prescribe individual algorithm treatment. For example, for iron deficiency anemia, treatment is limited special diet and prescribed vitamins with a high content of this metal in their composition. With proper treatment, the unpleasant odor disappears after 6-7 days.

If a metallic smell occurs, associated with pain in the abdominal area, a person should consult a gastroenterologist. Perhaps he develops gastritis or serious intestinal dysbiosis. Treatment in such cases is carried out with medicinal drugs. Iron has a specific smell, and even a child can experience symptoms. In preschool and school age, the smell of metal from the skin almost always means the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sweating is a natural function of the body. Moisture droplets provide thermoregulation of the body and remove toxic substances. If there is a strong unpleasant odor of sweat in the armpits, it is considered to be untidiness.

The development of bacterial flora in areas of sweating provokes the appearance of unpleasant body odor.

Why does it stink afterwards?

Increased sweating, manifestation strong odor appears in everyone, even with constant showering. The causes of odor are different, but they are united by one problem. Provokes the process of sweating:

  • completeness;
  • spices;
  • excitement.

Each person's scent is different

A person's scent is as individual as their fingerprints.

The smell is individual, just like fingerprints. For example, a baby and milk are two inseparable concepts; there is not even a hint of a foreign smell. In adults, the apocrine glands actively work, and the individuality of the aroma is determined by the specific characteristics of metabolism. The microflora of a man and a woman is significantly different, and accordingly, the released aroma will be different. The aroma of women is distinguished by a sour smell (smells of dampness), while in men it is heavier, sharper and more unpleasant. Representatives of the stronger sex sweat more, the chemical composition of the perspiration varies, which means the body odor will be bitter and distinct.

Possible causes of unpleasant odor

The appearance of armpit odor is a delicate problem. It brings not only inconvenience, but also indicates ongoing changes in the body. An unpleasant reaction can be after taking medications (for example, the body saturated with penicillin gives a “horse” aroma), a symptom of an illness, or the result of experienced stress.

The pungent odor of sweat is a companion to disease

Different smells of sweat indicate different diseases.

If your armpits are sweating or you feel a bitter, smelly sweat, this may be a consequence of an illness. Disruption of the metabolic process as a result of illness leads to deviations in the chemical composition of the fluid secreted by the body. With the advent of new microflora, the body aroma changes. It is important to determine what diseases are indicated by increased sweating with a changed aroma:

  • The skin smells of chlorine, a strange sour aroma has appeared, reeking of acetone - the situation indicates problems with the liver.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (kidneys) are accompanied by a pungent odor of sweat, similar to cat spirit, and sometimes the body smells of bleach.
  • Tuberculosis is accompanied by a strange vinegar smell.
  • Diabetes adds a sweet tang to the flavor. A sweet smell is also present in diphtheria.
  • If there is a metabolic disorder, the body smells bad: sulfur or mice. A mouse scent (phenylketonuria) also indicates a congenital metabolic disease.
  • The development of a fungal infection gives a mouse stench. The fungus often settles on the feet. If you do not pay attention in time to the fact that they smell strongly of mice or sulfur, the problem can drag on for a long time.
  • Stomach diseases are accompanied by a specific smell of sulfur.
  • It smells like rot and earwax - this could indicate oncology.
  • The body carries urine - a symptom of kidney disease. A disease with an unpleasant odor is called uridrosis. Uridrosis is accompanied by thick sweat. Due to the excessive release of urea through perspiration, it not only smells, but also becomes the cause of various dermatological complications. You can get rid of the smell from uridrosis only by eliminating the main problem.

This is not the entire list of unpleasant odors. The patient's sweat smells like old age, mice, rubber, yeast. It's hard to believe that such odors come from the body.

Microflora disorders and disruption of the hormonal system

Hormonal system may provoke a change in the smell of sweat.

Do you feel increased sweating- It’s worth checking your hormonal levels. Most often, an adult is exposed to such deviations, but a child, especially in adolescence, is not spared by hormonal changes. Menopause, sexual development, disturbance in endocrine system- situations that adversely affect the chemical composition of evaporation. People with this problem begin to sweat not only their armpits, but their entire body.

Everyone knows that the human body contains a large number of microorganisms. Each organ (intestines, vagina, skin) has its own microflora. Any deviations from the norm in the microflora lead not only to disturbances in the functioning of the body, but also create a heavy, pungent odor from sweat. For example, a vaginal disease provokes the sensation of a yeasty aroma in the groin area, and during menstruation it may smell like fish.

The development of pathogenic microflora leads to an imbalance of fungi and bacteria. When the balance is disturbed, you feel the aroma of fish, sour milk or a room washed with bleach under your arms. Sweating has increased, the number of bacteria on the skin is greatly increasing, it can smell like chlorine, mice, and sometimes rubber.

Stress sweating

A person sweats not only under the influence of temperature, physical stress, and also in stressful situations. Stress occurs at every step and takes over suddenly. The body instantly reacts to excitement, joy, fear - perspiration is released. The process of stress sweating involves the eccrine and apocrine glands together.

An instant burst of cold sweat is fertile ground for an increase in the number of bacteria; as a result, the aroma has changed and an unpleasant odor of sweat appears. This reaction is not affected by air temperature and is extremely difficult to control. Fluid appears throughout the body, but the main concentration of moisture is on the palms, soles and armpits.

What to do to treat unpleasant odor of sweat?

Elimination of unpleasant odor is possible only with complex treatment.

Eliminating a strong aroma or making it less noticeable is only possible with comprehensive solution problems. It is important to determine the cause, and based on the result, connect to treatment special drugs, review the food consumed and control hygiene procedures.

Diet adjustments

The sweat stinks, but you are confident in your health - you must radically change your diet. The main products that affect the smell are spices, hot foods, and sometimes excessive coffee consumption. Excluding dishes from the menu that include the ingredients described above will improve the situation.

Sometimes not enough carbohydrates in the menu changes the aroma of perspiration. Through the oxidation of carbohydrates, the body receives the necessary energy. With them insufficient quantities Fat is burned, but the smell has changed. He became strange, heavy and very strong. Fat oxidation causes perspiration to stink. ammonia, rot, sometimes burnt rubber.

Adjusting food without consequences will eliminate symptoms unpleasant problem. Only with uridrosis, it will not be possible to correct the situation with products.

Personal hygiene

Complex treatment will not help without simple hygiene procedures.

None of the remedies complex treatment hyperhidrosis is ineffective without normal hygiene procedures. In many cases, a simple bath in the shower can solve the problem of an unpleasant odor when you sweat (even with uridrosis). Regular use of the shower twice a day (morning and evening) using aromatic products is a mandatory procedure for all people.

During the hot period of the year, the body should be carefully cared for. It is necessary to change clothes after physical activity. If your feet stink, use special creams and aerosols. If you are far from home (train, bus) and do not have access to water, use wet wipes.

Modern youth have begun to carefully monitor the hair areas of the body. Sweat is retained in the hairs, which acts as a basis for the proliferation of microbes, as a result of which the bad aroma increases. The surest solution, approved by dermatologists, is to shave them.


Deodorants and antiperspirants help eliminate odor and reduce sweating.

The use of deodorants, antiperspirants, and other disinfectants occupies a leading second position in the fight against unpleasant odors. Deodorants contain substances that have disinfectant and bactericidal properties. Blocking the growth of bacteria and eliminating the smelly aroma is the task of the product, which it does an excellent job of. Effective time ranges from several hours to days. It all depends on the composition and form of release: spray, pencil, ointment.

Deodorant does not affect the process of sweat secretion, which cannot be said about antiperspirant. The zinc, aluminum, and triclosan included in the composition directly affect the apocrine glands and reduce the secretion of perspiration. The disadvantage of such means is oppression beneficial microflora, clogged pores and aggressive effects on the skin. Abuse can lead to the onset of various endocrine complications.

A useful alternative to antiperspirants are natural substances, chitosan, allaton, which are part of products that temporarily block the proliferation of microbes. They create a protective film, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and do an excellent job of eliminating stinky aroma.

Everyone has body odor individual. One smell is pleasant to us, but not another. These are individual feelings. But it happens that body odor is really unpleasant. A girl especially needs to smell good. It doesn't matter whether it's summer or winter, a date or sports. If you notice that your body odor is not always pleasant, or you have doubts about this, you need to take action.

Body hygiene

The very first rule for warning and struggle with unpleasant body odor - wash regularly and thoroughly. - the largest excretory organ in humans. And it is necessary to keep this organ clean. Excretory processes occur around the clock, so the best option is to wash twice a day - morning and evening. And if in the evening, after the day’s exploits and contact with the outside world, we feel the “dirt” of the body, and we have a desire to wash ourselves, then in the morning we seem to be clean. But in vain we think so. During sleep, our skin continues to secrete sweat and sebum, which serve as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that determine body odor. If you wash it all off your body in the morning, then during the day you will feel fresh and invigorated.

Hygiene of linen and clothing

Our clothes are very fast absorbs body odor. Especially if you were playing sports, or just sweating. The very next day, a specific stale smell will emanate from these clothes. Therefore, clothes should be washed frequently, even if they are not visually dirty. This is especially true for sports T-shirts and underwear. They are in very close contact with the body, absorbing large amounts of sweat. Don't rely on your sense of smell, because your own smell is familiar to you, and you may not notice how strong and unpleasant your clothes smell, soaked in week-old sweat. Make it a rule to change your sportswear every workout and your underwear every day. I'm leading active image In my life, I play sports, and often in the gym I have to endure the smell of clothes that haven’t been washed for a long time. This is unpleasant for the people around you and has a bad effect on your image.

Perfumes and deodorants

Great help in removing odor body- These are perfumes and deodorants. Deodorants or antiperspirants are used for the armpits, where sweat production is especially active. To ensure that the deodorant smell refreshes and keeps your skin as dry as possible, do not forget to remove hair from your armpits. Otherwise, you risk getting a mixed smell of sweat and deodorant. The result is an unpleasant mixture that is not refreshing, but on the contrary, has a bad smell.

Perfume, like deodorant, should impart a pleasant aroma to a freshly washed body. Don't mask a bad smell with too much eau de toilette, this will only make the situation worse. But a girl can’t live without perfume at all. The pleasant, subtle aroma of perfume emanating from a girl makes us feminine and gentle. Consider your age and style when choosing eau de toilette or perfume. There are such “hard” aromas that the smell of a stale body will seem like heaven in comparison with such perfumes. And don't pour too much toilet water on yourself. An overly perfumed girl makes you want to move away from her to get some fresh air.

Excessive sweating and illness

Excessive sweating Maybe be caused by a variety of reasons: from stressful situations to diseases. If you're sweaty, nervous, or embarrassed, it's okay. This is a manifestation normal reaction body to everyday stress. No worries. Just apply the above hygiene rules to take care of yourself. If profuse sweating bothers you even in normal situations, it makes sense to consult a doctor and find the internal cause.

Maybe, it's overweight, or hormonal abnormalities. Typically, excessive sweating caused by internal reasons in the body, accompanied by an unpleasant odor of sweat. This is indeed a serious problem, therefore, do not delay, and quickly determine the cause and begin treatment. Many medical approaches to this problem can help. Among the folk recipes, I can recommend a chamomile decoction, which disinfects and dries the skin, and an oak bark decoction, which tightens pores, while reducing sweating. Wipe the skin of your face, hands, and armpits with such decoctions.

Well, no forget it Of course, the skin is the human excretory organ, and it secretes what we eat. Therefore, switch to healthy eating. Eat less fried meat and potatoes, more vegetables and fruits.
Health to everyone, beauty and pleasant body aroma!

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If a person says “I smell a smell that is not there,” we are talking about the appearance of olfactory hallucinations. This term is understood as a condition when a person experiences an odor that does not correspond to any stimulus. In fact, this aroma is objectively absent in reality, and therefore people around do not feel it. What does this mean?

Causes of unpleasant odor

The perception of smell depends on special olfactory receptors, which are localized in the structure of the nasal mucosa.

They are the ones who respond to specific aromatic stimuli. However, this is only the first section of the analyzer.

The impulse then travels to the part of the brain that is responsible for evaluating sensations, namely the temporal lobes.

If a person has a feeling of smell in the absence of it, this indicates a certain pathology.

All reasons are divided into two categories. The smell can be real, but people around do not feel it until the patient gets quite close.

In this case, otolaryngological and dental problems can be suspected. These include the following:

The listed pathologies are characterized by the appearance of purulent masses that cause an unpleasant odor.

A similar situation when a person says “I smell a bad smell” can occur with lesions of the digestive system. In this case, the cause may be gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis or cholecystitis.

When food gets into the digestive organs, problems with its digestion are observed.

During reflux or belching, unpleasant odor molecules are released.

Others may not even notice that a person has such problems.

Some people have a low threshold for olfactory perception. They sense smells much better, so in some cases they may encounter misunderstandings from others. If the aroma is too weak, other people will not notice it.

The second group of factors is associated with disruption of the olfactory analyzer. People around them do not smell, since problems with their perception are observed only in a specific person.

The cause of such problems may be a respiratory infection, which is accompanied by inflammatory damage to the nasal mucosa, or other disorders in the body. These include the following:

It is important to consider that there is such a thing as phantom odors.

They were associated with serious stressful situations in the past and left a significant mark. In similar situations, such aromas may appear.

Symptoms by which pathology is determined

Each pathology, during the development of which a person is haunted by a smell, may have certain symptoms.

To determine the causes of the disorder, a specialist must evaluate the person's complaints, analyze the factors that preceded the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and conduct a physical examination.

It is important to determine when a foreign odor is felt, whether it is present all the time or occurs periodically, which helps to eliminate it.

The intensity of the aroma is important. In addition to the distortion of smell, a person’s taste may also change. However, in any case, the symptoms depend on the cause of the pathology.

Diseases of the ENT organs

The most common cause of symptoms of the problem is considered to be pathologies of the ENT organs.

When the mucous membranes of the nose are affected, a disturbance in the sense of smell is observed.

However, the appearance of a putrid odor does not always occur. Usually this symptom accompanies sinusitis, ozena and chronic tonsillitis.

In addition, many additional symptoms occur:

  • problems with nasal breathing;
  • the appearance of plugs on the tonsils;
  • feeling of heaviness in the sinuses;
  • the appearance of purulent secretion from the nose;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • a feeling of dryness of the mucous membranes and the appearance of crusts.

When acute sinusitis the purulent process necessarily provokes an increase in temperature, the appearance of symptoms of poisoning and headaches.

The chronic process is accompanied by less noticeable manifestations.

With angina, damage to the kidneys, joints, and heart often occurs. These manifestations are a consequence of sensitization to streptococcal antigens.

If the problem occurs due to viral infections In addition to rhinitis, catarrhal manifestations are sure to occur - in particular, lacrimation and sore throat.

Digestive system diseases

An unpleasant aroma often appears due to pathologies of the digestive system.

The occurrence of this symptom is based on a violation of the digestion process of food.

During development ulcerative lesion digestive organs or hypoacid gastritis, a person has the smell of rotten eggs. It is not present all the time, but occurs after eating.

In addition, the following manifestations occur:

  • belching;
  • stool disorders;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence.

Many people experience discomfort in the stomach area.

Pain in the epigastric region may also be present.

If the pathology is accompanied by gastroesophageal reflux, there is a risk of heartburn.

Subsequently, a disorder such as esophagitis develops. When the gallbladder is damaged, bitterness occurs in the mouth.

Psychoneurological disorders

Many people with such pathologies perceive odors that are not really there. They may have a real prototype.

In this case we are talking about an illusion. Also, the emergence of a problem may be based on non-existent connections.

In this situation, hallucinations are diagnosed.

Illusions can appear in healthy people who have experienced a serious emotional shock. Also this problem typical for patients who suffer from depression or neuroses.

Additional manifestations include the following:

Typical manifestations include somatic abnormalities that are caused by an imbalance in nervous regulation - increased heart rate, severe sweating, shortness of breath, nausea.

Unlike neurotic reactions, psychoses are characterized by serious changes in the personal sphere. In this situation, a person experiences all kinds of hallucinations. They can be not only olfactory, but also visual or auditory. There are also delusional ideas, the perception of the world and behavior changes, and a critical attitude to what is happening is lost.

Feeling rotten smell often accompanies epilepsy. Such hallucinations are considered an aura that precedes a seizure.

This suggests that the focus of abnormal activity is localized in the temporal lobe.

After a few minutes, a person develops symptoms of a normal attack, which is accompanied by convulsions, fainting, and tongue biting.

Similar signs accompany tumor lesions of the brain, which have the appropriate localization, and traumatic injuries skulls

Diagnosis and treatment methods

To identify the causes of such problems, you need to consult a doctor.

Any self-medication options in this situation are strictly prohibited.

Most often, people turn to an otolaryngologist, since diseases of the ENT organs are the most common cause of such problems.

The physician must rule out the presence of objective cacosmia. It accompanies chronic tonsillitis. Also, this symptom may indicate the development of acute or chronic sinusitis.

Sometimes the cause of problems is diseases of the teeth and digestive organs. Therefore, they should also be excluded during diagnostic studies.

If such violations are not identified, you should consult a psychiatrist or neurologist.

Doctors may order a neurological examination. Its purpose is to identify symptoms of damage to the nervous system.

Olfactometry is also mandatory, which helps to detect concomitant olfactory manifestations.

With the help of a psychiatric examination, it is possible to exclude schizophrenia, depression, and dementia. Doctors may also prescribe additional diagnostic procedures:

  • electroencephalography – allows to exclude the presence of epilepsy;
  • magnetic resonance imaging - helps to identify formations in the brain, circulatory disorders, inflammation, hematomas and degenerative changes in the brain;
  • computed tomography - with its help it is possible to detect some tumors and skull fractures.

What to do when a pathology is detected?

Treatment depends on the cause of the symptom:

Various odor perception disorders are quite common. To cope with this problem, you need to consult a doctor who will conduct a comprehensive examination and select treatment.

Attention, TODAY only!

It’s a familiar situation when on a crowded bus or other crowded place you have to smell an unpleasant odor from a person’s body. What are the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon? Let's leave the reasons caused poor hygiene: For adult business people, hygiene procedures are an integral part of life. A person takes care of himself, takes a shower on time, wears expensive perfume, but the stench continues to haunt him.

Attention! To get rid of discomfort, you need to understand that its cause lies not outside the body, but inside the body.

Causes of sweating

Before you radically decide how to remove unpleasant body odor, identify its true root cause. A person sweats with the help of special sweat glands, of which there are about three million in the body. Sweat glands are divided into eccrine glands, which are found throughout the body, and apocrine glands, located in the groin, armpits, and a small part near the ear.

The main task of the eccrine glands is to ensure normal regulation of body temperature. Apocrine glands have nothing to do with thermoregulation - they secrete a special odorous substance that determines human aroma. Most people have lost the ability to distinguish their relatives by smell, but in animals, especially wild ones, this function has been preserved. Human skin is home to a huge number of all kinds of harmful and beneficial microorganisms, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. Some of these bacteria absorb organic matter released together with sweat, resulting in a kind of amber inherent in every creature (dogs recognize their owners by it).

Know! Depending on gender, age, and many other factors, people smell completely differently.

Men produce a lot more sweat, which is why they have a stronger odor. A pubescent woman smells sour because she has a large number of saprophytic bacteria. A woman's scent changes with her stages menstrual cycle: A woman smells especially attractive to men during ovulation (but they are not aware of this - everything happens at the level of consciousness).

In many patients, stench is the result of excessive sweating. Hyperhidrosis is a real disease when the glands function too actively, producing increased volumes of sweat. A malfunction in the body is felt by others as a nasty stench.

Important! Besides hyperhidrosis, there are other diseases that cause this kind of problem.

What does the smell say?

It is not at all necessary to conclude that a citizen does not wash when he smells. Often a stench indicates the development of a pathological process. Some diseases change chemical formula sweat, so a specific, unusual aroma appears.

Attention! If a person is told or he himself has felt that his sweating has changed significantly, he should consult an experienced doctor.

Based on the nature of sweating, one can often guess which organs have malfunctioned and what possible diseases the patient has:

  • smells like acetone - get tests characterizing the quality of liver function (it also doesn’t hurt to make sure that the patient does not have cancer);
  • a rotten aroma indicates cancer of the genitourinary organs;
  • the aroma of vinegar from the patient makes one think he has diabetes mellitus or tuberculosis;
  • the breasts begin to smell stronger, especially sour - consult a mammologist because of possible mastopathy, which occurs not only in women, but in 1% of cases in men;
  • the sensation of hydrogen sulfide indicates a metabolic disorder, which causes a number of diseases;
  • a sweet, cloying amber indicates possible diphtheria.

If a patient smells strongly of ammonia, then he has kidney disease. Sweat glands and kidneys belong to the excretory system. When the kidneys fail, the glands begin to function in emergency mode, releasing more toxins. There are also more exotic cases. The aroma of turpentine indicates that the stomach cannot digest fatty foods, and the aroma of musk indicates acute peritonitis. Aroma fresh bread from humans appears during scarlet fever.

With scrofula it smells like sour beer, and with measles it smells like rotten straw. With scabies, the aroma of mold fungi appears. Stomach ulcers smell like hydrogen sulfide. With sarcoma, the smell of rotten fish is clearly felt. Smells like alcohol when acute alcohol poisoning. Disturbances in peristalsis lead to the appearance of wool aroma. This sometimes goes away without treatment if you exclude smoked and spicy foods from your diet.

Smell clues indirectly indicate diseases of the heart, blood vessels, stomach, and intestines. In adolescents at the puberty stage and women during premenopause, hormonal changes occur, which also causes a change in the nature of the discharge. Except in cases where it is dangerous, body stench may not mean anything - it can be a genetically determined feature of the body that is passed on from ancestors. It is unreasonable to find out for yourself what disease or malfunction in the body caused the body stench.

Know! It is better to contact in a timely manner medical specialist, who will professionally diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment if necessary.

How to get rid of the smell?

Everyone has an individual body odor, but sometimes it is so unpleasant that a person is tormented by the question - how to get rid of the stench? In addition to the obvious answers about personal hygiene and the selection of deodorants, take care of proper nutrition and treatment of certain diseases.

Tips for frequent washing banal, but that doesn’t make them any less relevant. The skin is an important part of the excretory system; dirt not only smells bad, but it prevents waste and toxins from leaving the body. Some people wash rarely, but this remains unnoticed by others. The Guinness Book of Records includes a woman who has never washed, but no one smells any special smell from her.

Important! For some people, it is not enough to shower only once a day, as is generally accepted: for many, it is advisable to do this twice a day, and for some, even more often with special antibacterial soap.

Please pay special attention on clothes. Many fabrics easily absorb sweat, which only increases the nasty smell. Particular attention is paid to underwear that adheres to the body. Even if the underwear seems clean, you still don’t need to wear it for several days in a row - it is advisable to change it daily. A person rarely finds his own smell unpleasant, unlike those around him. Antiperspirant deodorants, which are effective if you shave your armpit hair, help reduce sweating.

Attention! If hairs are present, deodorant (or perfume) enhances the specific aroma.

Medical and home remedies

Excessive sweating is caused by internal causes that should be identified and eliminated. Modern methods treatments successfully treat hyperhidrosis with medications or surgery, aimed at excision of nerves approaching the sweat glands. After sweating has been normalized, the nasty smell disappears.

If hyperhidrosis is not severe, then cheap home remedies will help. We offer several simple recipes.

Tincture of horsetail or walnut

Wipe your armpits when heavy sweat You can use horsetail tincture. The plant is infused in strong alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 10. In addition to horsetail, walnut leaves are used. Before wiping, the tincture is diluted with water in equal proportions.


Excessive sweating of the palms is perfectly treated with compresses made from nettle and sage. To make a compress, take a tablespoon of herbs and pour a liter of boiling water over it. You need to infuse the mixture for about an hour; after cooling, you can make a compress or bath.

Willow bark baths

Before going to bed, take baths with infusion of willow bark. A lot of infusion is prepared in advance and stored in a cool place. To prepare, take a teaspoon of willow bark and pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion is aged for eight hours, after which it is used for a bath.

Tea or milk

The usual brew of black tea or unboiled milk can be used to wash your face if your face sweats heavily. Regularly drinking tea made from sage will reduce your sweating levels.

Mint infusion

When sweat appears over the entire surface of the body, wipe yourself with mint infusion. You will need a tablespoon of dry mint, a glass of boiling water, infused for thirty minutes. The solution is filtered, after which the sweaty areas are wiped with it.


There are many reasons for the appearance of unpleasant odor from the human body. It is premature to draw conclusions without a full diagnosis. If a medical examination does not reveal diseases, then hygiene rules, modern deodorants and folk recipes will help get rid of most of this problem. At serious illnesses complete cure They will help normalize body odor.