The benefits of walking with a dog. Walking the dog - how to spend time usefully. Dog walking routine. Priorities. Owner or dog

The rules by which it is necessary to feed and walk a dog are directly related to raising a dog, since it is in the process of feeding and walking a dog that contact between the dog and the owner most often occurs, during which errors in raising the dog can occur. Every puppy owner dreams of the time when his pet grows up and stops getting dirty in the apartment. Sometimes, if no measures are taken, you have to wait for years. Meanwhile, all problems with cleanliness can be solved already at the age of six months.

At six months, the dog is physiologically almost an adult, although mentally it is still a puppy. It is known that a dog at this age begins to ask to go outside (if, of course, it is raised correctly) 3-4 hours after feeding. In addition, it is known that, contrary to the widespread desire to feed a dog 2-3 times a day, like a human, for a predator, from the point of view of its physiology, it is more correct to eat food once a day and rest for 3-4 hours after that.

The desire of dog owners to feed their pets as well as themselves, namely three to four times a day, and at each feeding with food varying in the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, is due to the fact that people humanize dogs not only on the mental, but also on the mental level. but also on a physiological level.

Such owners consider their dogs to be full members of their family. This attitude towards the animal subsequently leads to conflicts, since the dog does not understand that, by the willful decision of its owner, it must behave like a human being; the dog believes that the human family is its pack. And the behavior of a dog is ultimately determined not by human laws, but by the laws by which packs exist in wildlife. But this, I repeat again, is only psychological aspect humanization.

From a physiological point of view, dogs are adapted to consuming food that is uniform in composition. In addition, their stomach is designed for rare but plentiful meals. Think about the wolfhounds living in villages on a chain. These huge dogs They grow up eating bread and the remains of soup from the master's table, whitened with milk. Their bodies synthesize the missing substances from the food that dogs receive daily. This becomes possible because their stomachs seem to know in advance how much and what enzymes the dog needs to produce before eating. As a result, it turns out that the dog not only completely provides itself with the missing substances by synthesizing them, but also almost completely assimilates the food it is fed. Now think about those thin and rickety dogs that eat a variety of foods three times a day. Listen to the lamentations of their owners that they no longer know what to feed their dog to make it gain weight. It’s simple: a dog’s body, which eats a varied and frequent diet, is not able to produce in advance the necessary enzymes to digest food. As a result, food is only partially absorbed, sometimes no more than 20% of the ingested volume. So it turns out that the dog eats a lot, but is not able to gain weight. And yet, a dog, unlike a person, does not have a special muscle that keeps the stomach full. Therefore, the dog needs to lie down for a couple of hours after eating. This condition is practically impossible to fulfill if the dog eats frequently during the day.

And yet, imagine that instead of a dog, a person would also humanize, for example, a cow and provide her with three meals a day instead of continuous feeding throughout the day. I don't think he would have waited for the milk. Every animal is adapted to own scheme feeding determined by nature itself. The human task is to bring the animal’s feeding pattern as close as possible to its natural one.

If we follow the hint given to us by the nature of the dog itself, then the feeding and walking regimen for developing cleanliness in the dog may look like this:

  • 18:00 feeding (daily norm)
  • 21:30 walk (evening)
  • 7:00 walk (morning)
  • 14:00 walking (daytime)

So, if you feed a hungry dog ​​at 6 o’clock in the evening (and give it daily norm proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, as well as water), then she will want to go outside in 3-4 hours, and this is right at 21:30 (evening walk).

At night, sleepy inhibition will prevent the dog from getting excited, and the remaining urine accumulated during the night will be tolerated until the morning walk (7:00). During the day, at 14:00, you should walk your dog only if it drank water in the morning. Let me remind you that we are talking about the fact that the dog had the opportunity to take the daily amount of food at one time. It's about not about the volume of food in liters, but about the amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates consumed (in grams), per kilogram of the dog’s weight. (A bucket of porridge actually contains only a glass of cereal).

There are dogs that tolerate in the presence of the owner, and in his absence, make puddles, even if the feeding and walking regime corresponds to the above schedule.

As a rule, they become very excited when the owner leaves the apartment. And in this case, you can also teach the dog to be clean, if you exclude the cause of the excitement. And the reason is that the owner’s preparations before going outside are associated for the dog with a possible walk of his own. And the walk, in turn, is associated with strong positive emotions. An excited dog left at home can, in addition to making puddles, damage the furniture. Thus, the animal gives vent to its emotions. In order to avoid such antics on the part of the dog, it is necessary to associate the dog’s going out for a walk not with excitement, but, on the contrary, with inhibition.

This can be done by forcing the dog before the walk while the owner is getting ready to lie in place away from front door. In addition, the process of going outside must be associated with braking. This is achieved by requiring the unconditional execution of the command “near”, provided that the leash is always loosened. If you create a dog’s habit of going out in this way, a moment will come when it will calmly go to the place without a command while the owner is getting ready and will remain there after he leaves and even fall asleep there until the owner comes home from work.

This article is intended primarily for lovers of service and utility breed dogs who want to maintain active contact with their dog and achieve good results in training, but will be useful to a wide range of readers.

Very often future owner, just about to acquire a four-legged companion, he vividly imagines daily long walks together and exciting activities, during which his dog will show intelligence and a desire to learn, and other joyful pictures of spending time with an intelligent and devoted animal. IN real life However, such an idyll becomes a rare exception, and quite often one has to observe a sad picture of a walk “together”, when a person and a dog stay more or less close only thanks to the leash with which either the owner holds his companion, or vice versa. The dog is usually exclusively occupied own affairs and remembers the owner only when he pulls the leash. But a daily walk, even a short one, provides enormous opportunities for developing active contact, for learning and consolidating various skills.

If we talk about general training (for example, about obedience), then work only on the training ground will never provide reliable results and controllability in places with a complex environment and an active situation, and a dog, even if it has honestly passed the OKD or BH tests, may remain unreliable and poorly a controlled companion who is capable of unpredictable behavior and is therefore best left on a leash.

In my opinion, a long walking leash, and even more so a tape measure, are often an obstacle to the development of the necessary contact between the dog and its owner, and while creating the illusion of controllability, in fact, over time they develop unwanted and poorly controlled independence.

Unfasten this leash and... wait for trouble.

What is the problem, why don’t the owner and the dog “walk together”?

The main mistake is that the owner perceives and uses most walks as walks, that is, to satisfy the dog’s needs. physiological needs. During such a walk, any alternative in the form of games, training exercises, etc., as a rule, is not offered. Over time, the dog gets used to not expecting anything interesting from its owner on the street and directs its activity to exploring the territory, other people’s marks, and best of all, communicating with other dogs. The interval between going outside and the moment when the dog has done all its business and, finally, you can return home, is increasingly stretched. It is clear that we are no longer talking about any joy of spending time together.

How to make a walk interesting for both and useful from a learning point of view?

My opinion is that any walk with the dog, even a walk for the purpose of “peeing”, is a small exercise in strengthening contact, and sometimes an opportunity to learn something new. The owner should always have something with him to encourage the dog, and not miss suitable situations. When I take my dog ​​out for a walk, regardless of the length of the walk, I always have a ball in one pocket and some dry food in the other.

Since puppyhood, whenever possible, I unfasten (or throw on the ground) the leash and allow the dog to freely follow me. Of course, this is permissible in areas that are safe for the dog and subject to local regulations. Most puppies under three months of age exhibit following behavior, that is, the desire to follow other members of the pack. By rewarding this behavior, you can establish good foundation into subsequent controlled free movement next to the owner.

During a walk there are various situations, which can and should be used to develop desired behavior in a dog, including control commands - not in the artificial environment of a training area - but in real situation. The puppy hesitated, becoming interested in something in the nearby bushes - I walked away from him a dozen steps, attracted his attention by loudly calling his name, and then defiantly ran away a few steps further. As soon as the puppy came running to me, he immediately gave me a treat or played a little with a ball or grip. We met another dog on the way - he took it on a leash, took out a good portion of a treat from his pocket, demonstrated it and, holding it in his fist, brought it to the puppy’s muzzle. If he kept his attention to my hand, and did not switch to his brother, he fed everything that was in his palm. Of course, all this is quite applicable to adult dog, you just need to take into account her interests and passions, and select the appropriate reward. A regular walk in the park, or just in a residential area in a residential area, can offer us a lot of different exercises; you just need to know how to find them. And such a walk will be much more interesting for both the dog and the person.

Of course, it is not always possible to take a full walk, for example, in the morning before going to work; and there is no need to turn every walk into a full-fledged activity. Walks can be short or long, and for different purposes. My dogs have three types of walks:

1) walking when needed - it takes no more than 5 minutes, and this is enough even for an adult male, since he learns that he must first quickly rid the body of excess, get his ball, and then whatever happens;

2) free walk with elements of obedience - the dog is given the opportunity to move freely over a large area, but in the process we from time to time learn and consolidate obedience skills using natural situations;

3) walk with working training. Here, after going to the place of training, in accordance with the established ritual, the dog is introduced (turned on) to work and, upon completion, is switched off from it. Between switching on and off, the dog is not allowed any free movement and loss of attention, its behavior is strictly controlled.

As a rule, these types of walks alternate in different combinations, but each of them occurs multiple times during the week.

Owners often have questions about the benefits or harms of playing with other dogs while walking. Without claiming to be the truth, I will express my personal opinion - I am against playing with an indefinite circle of other people's dogs. Without even raising the issue of possible fights and the risk of contagious diseases here (unfortunately, not everyone takes proper care of the health of their pets), I must note that an owner who regularly allows and supports such communication creates competition for himself in the form of his dog’s friends . And if he is not a professional dog handler who devotes a lot of time to work and contact, then it will be very difficult for him to compete with another dog. If his dog creates a bright positive image of playing together with his brothers, it will be extremely difficult to switch attention to himself in any distracting situation. Of course, if the owner is ready to satisfy all the whims of his “pet,” everything is permissible, but it is unlikely that most owners dream of this. Of course, a dog may have a brother - a regular communication partner, or a couple of friends, but their communication should be allowed and regulated by the owner, and not vice versa, and the dog needs to be explained that you are issuing a ticket for such a pastime, and you are limiting its duration. Even for adults service dogs with a good training school, it can sometimes be difficult not to react to each other while working at the same time if they are used to playing with each other. What can we say about teenagers who have not yet fully developed contact with their owners.

And finally, about the duration of the walk. There is an opinion that you need to walk your dog for a long time, otherwise it does not receive the proper physical and emotional stress. And if this is a temperamental breed (for example, a Malinois), then when left alone at home, it will demonstrate destructive behavior, splashing out its unspent energy on home interior.

This is not entirely true. The point is not in the duration of the walk, but in its quality and intensity of the load. An athlete spends significantly more energy in a five-minute workout than a pedestrian spends an hour of leisurely walking. The same applies to walking/exercising your dog. If the owner takes care of the proper equipment - toys and equipment for active exercises - then, literally without leaving his seat, he can “wind up” his dog in 15 minutes much more than in 2 hours of a dull walk. And, by the way, once again strengthen contact and interest in spending time together. For each breed and individual dog, of course, there may be something different, but for most dogs with pronounced prey behavior good option are rubber balls with a cord or pullers.

This kind of toys can be thrown far, they “jump” well, activating hunting instincts, and many dogs really like them. You just need to make it a habit to take them with you on every walk. Another good thing about a rubber ball with a rope is that it takes up little space and can always be kept in the pocket of a walking jacket. 10-15 minutes of active play - and the dog “ran out”, perhaps having mastered something new. But you need to learn how to play with a dog; not every owner is able to offer the dog active and interesting game.

But more on that another time.

So, the right walk:

Promotes the development of active contact between dog and owner;

Allows you to master and consolidate the skills of general obedience and other types of training;

Provides the necessary physical and emotional stress for the dog;

Not tiring and interesting to the owner.

All healthy dogs love walks, they learn the world around us, realize their instincts and just have fun. Before going out for the first time, it is worth carrying out all the activities (vaccination, socialization); it is very important to follow the age regime, prescribing psychological and physical stress. Until the puppy is 3 months old, it is better to choose places for walks without active traffic, away from large enterprises and large crowds of people. Increase the loads in doses, systematically, stop periodically to let the dog rest and look around.

Increase your walking time and gradually expand your circle of acquaintances with other people and their pets. Lead your dog on a leash or harness; let him off the leash only in a quiet place, preferably fenced. While walking, start training - the baby should not shy away from traffic, jump out onto the road, or fight with other dogs. Teach prohibition commands: “Ugh!”, “Come to me!”, “You can’t!” At the same time, constant training becomes tiring for the puppy, you suppress its natural development and active behavior, so dose the load.

Long hikes are useful, but if you reasonably assess your dog’s physical capabilities, you still need to take breaks from time to time. Before you go on such a trip, you must train your dog to unquestioningly follow commands, because many unexpected things happen on hikes. It is useful to combine walks with jogging, gradually increasing the load.

At the same time, you will be surprised how many injuries owners receive due to the fact that they do not follow basic safety rules when walking with their pet. Let's look at the TOP 10 reasons.

1. Leash around the wrist. Many owners naively believe that they can restrain their dog by wrapping a leash around their wrist. In fact, this is a huge risk of getting injured yourself, especially if the dog has significant dimensions. You never know, maybe your pet might decide to chase a cat or a passing car.

2. Walking without a leash. Ideally, the leash is unfastened in the yard or in quiet places (at dog walking areas, for example). It is worth remembering that the street for a pet is thousands of smells and sounds; young dogs can get distracted or become so interested in something that they forget about everything in the world. As a result, the pet may be injured or even lost. Watch the dog, if it is excited, try to take it away from the source of the alarm (cat, dog, car), and so on.

3. Several leashes. If you have several dogs and you are going for a walk, you should not use multiple leashes. It's much easier to use a hitch because leashes that are too long will get in your way, and leashes that are too long will wrap around your legs, causing you to trip and fall.

4. A walk should remain a walk. Even very busy people can go an hour without making calls and text messages. Just like driving a car, texting while walking your dog can pose a health hazard. There are cases when owners twist or break their leg by tripping over a dog or not looking at the road. So perhaps you should consider leaving your phone at home?

5. Busy hands. We love to go for a walk and at the same time do a bunch of things: go to the store for shopping, buy a large glass of coffee and drink it on the way home. But it’s unlikely that you’ll pay enough attention to your pet during such a walk. And you can easily burn yourself with coffee or lose your purchases. That’s why, when going outside with your dog, leave your books and tablet at home – there are more relaxing forms of recreation for this, but jogging will not harm either you or your four-legged friend.

6. Keep an eye on your dog. Train your dog to walk side by side, near your leg, and do not let him forward. You may think or not notice how your pet will suddenly stop, and it will be easier to control its movement.

7. Choosing a side. We have already said that the dog should walk alongside, but do not let it run from side to side. This can be dangerous: even adult dogs, frightened by something, shy away or hide behind the owner; as a result, the owner may end up getting tangled in the leash. Train your pet, teach it to stick to one side, teach the command “To your feet!”

8. Leash. Do not encourage your pet to get off the leash; you may fall and get injured. If the dog is torn, you should not pet it, trying to calm it down - it will take this as encouragement. On the contrary, slow down, pull the leash toward you, and give the command. You take your pet for a walk, not he takes you. Moreover, if a dog that weighs a good 50 kg drags you, this is fraught with injury.

9. Cars, dogs, birds. No one has canceled hunting instincts, so if you notice such a tendency in your pet, do not let him off the leash. Stop attempts to rush or leave the road without your permission. All commands must be carried out immediately; it is better not to provoke the dog again and not to walk near the roadway or in busy places.

10. Pet health. Some owners believe that since dogs have fur, they do not freeze. In fact, many breeds have very sensitive paws, so these pets get cold quickly. If it is very hot or the frost is below 10 degrees, you should not take long walks. In good weather, on the contrary, you shouldn’t sit in one place: you can study teams, train, jog, play, and so on.

What else can you recommend? Write in the comments!

Dear friends, it is no secret that a dog is one of the pets that cannot do without regular morning and evening walks in the fresh air. Every owner, when making a four-legged friend, must be prepared for the fact that a walk is important and necessary for the dog. How to organize this process so that it is pleasant, safe and useful? To do this, it is enough to follow the basic rules of walking with a dog.

Why does a dog need a walk?

One of the first reasons that is obvious and understandable to everyone is that dogs, unlike other domestic animals, do not go to the toilet at home. Even if the owner is delayed, the pet will endure and wait outside.

But this is far from the only reason. For every dog general development And healthy life physical activity required. It is necessary for absolutely all pets, regardless of age.

Thanks to moderate activity, puppies develop harmoniously musculoskeletal system. It is worth remembering that if there is insufficient physical activity growth lag may occur muscle mass from growth skeletal system. As a result, deformations appear in the skeleton, which can make themselves felt in adulthood.

Older dogs stay fit with daily walks. As a result, all physiological systems in the body work harmoniously and the overall aging of the body slows down.

There is a third reason for walking your dog regularly. A change of environment has a beneficial effect on mental development animal. A dog by its nature is a “bloodhound” - this is inherent in its instincts. Therefore, the more natural scenery in life, the better the pet’s intelligence and character develops.

The fourth reason is the socialization of your four-legged friend. Living in a confined space at home and being in contact with only a few people limits your dog's socializing and can trigger it. inappropriate behavior in society. The pet must be able to communicate with its own kind. This develops a good character and the ability to behave “in society.”

Rules for walking a dog

For a walk to be beneficial, you need to know and, most importantly, follow the basic rules. They indirectly follow from the reasons mentioned above.

Number of walks

There should be at least two of them - morning and evening. If there is a need for an additional walk for health reasons, then sometimes another one is added outside of the “plan”.

Duration of walking

This indicator is determined based on several factors: age, breed, health, weather. For puppies, this time is reduced due to their still fragile body. The first walks for a very young creature should last no more than 15 minutes. As you get older, the duration can be gradually increased. For an adult healthy dog it can range from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Load level

It is also determined according to the age, breed and health of the dog at a given period of life. In this regard, you need to remember that for very young pets they are harmful increased loads. For example, you should not allow a puppy to run after a bicycle - this is dangerous for its heart. Young animals benefit from playing with their peers and taking a leisurely stroll.

Similar restrictions apply to older dogs. A leisurely pace is more suitable for them. If an elderly gentleman makes it known that he is tired, it is imperative to give him the opportunity to rest.

But a young dog in its prime should not be limited in physical activity. And it is even recommended to deliberately provoke her to move. This can be done using a game. For this purpose, it is advisable to purchase a suitable toy that will arouse interest in your four-legged friend.

Every owner knows the characteristics of his dog's breed. It is also necessary to focus on this indicator when determining the degree of load. There are breeds in which nature and selection have increased activity. These include, for example, the Golden Retriever, Yorkshire Terrier, beagle and other hunting breeds.


Dog walks should not be carried out on full stomach, which means that a hearty meal should be after, and not before, walking. During physical activity, this can cause unnecessary problems.

In hot summer weather, it is necessary to think about drinking for the dog, since during a long walk the animal will definitely want to drink. Bottle with clean water and will completely solve this problem.

In some cases, you may also need a muzzle. Most often, dog owners use this attribute to avoid collecting edible scraps on the street. If this thing is necessary, choose a muzzle.


It is better not to walk along the same trajectory. Dogs are inquisitive creatures and a change of route is only good for them. intellectual development. If it is possible to make a detour to a pond, then that would be great. Most dogs love to get their paws wet.

Communication with other dogs

Contact and friendly games with your own kind can only be welcomed. “Catch-up” and harmless dog flirting turn the dog into a friendly creature, devoid of aggressiveness towards its fellows. Such games require a lot of strength and energy from the dog, but this is a guarantee that your pet will come home healthy and tired. However, at the same time, it is better to avoid contact with dogs that are unfriendly and are clearly showing signs.

Walking with your beloved pet should not be considered a duty or obligation. After all, this is a great opportunity not only to communicate with true friend, but also to spend time usefully for yourself - to breathe fresh air, meet like-minded people. Walking your dog always brings mutual benefits.

Have a nice mood for you and your pets!

Have you decided to adopt a dog? Think first. Think very carefully.
Having a dog in the house is a very responsible responsibility. The dog is not soft toy. She is alive and requires daily attention and care.

At good care She can live next to her owner for many years. With the purchase of a dog, additional expenses arise: food costs, mandatory vaccinations, treatment, treats, toys. The dog needs to comb its fur, clean its ears, teeth, and wash its eyes. The dog needs to be bathed periodically. Your calm and measured life can change significantly. Sometimes you have to change your habits and routine of life. Buying a dog is an important decision. You cannot first take an animal, care for it, and then, when you get tired of it, just throw it away. But the most important and responsible thing for a dog owner is walking the dog.

Walking outside is the responsibility of any owner. Walking must be done every day. There is a toilet in the apartment for you, which you visit whenever you want. For a dog, the toilet is the street. You are not too lazy to go to the toilet. Also, laziness should not be present in order to go outside and walk the dog. Don't be lazy. Start teaching your dog to go for walks as soon as you get him. Try to walk your dog at the same time every day. Do not change the walking time from case to case. Gradually, both you and your pet will get used to the walking mode. A dog is a smart animal. You will already get excellent results through short time. Your diligence will pay off. The dog will perfectly understand the purpose for which it is taken for a walk. She will never allow herself to crap in the apartment; the pet will wait for the time of the approaching walk.

A dog is an active animal. To prevent muscle atrophy, the dog needs to move. Your pet will never lie on the bedding endlessly. In our small-sized apartments there is sometimes so little space that even the owners have nowhere to move, let alone large dogs. Therefore, walks outside are ideal and mandatory. On the street, a dog can run around, jump, and frolic to its heart's content. The pet is interested in new smells, he sniffs out various plants with interest, and is interested in birds and insects. Cats and other dogs you meet attract your dog's attention. Friendly dogs love to communicate with other relatives. Be sure to walk your dog, do not deprive him of the joy of communication. While walking on the street, the dog will get to know other people and recognize their smells. No walks four-legged friend may become fearful and angry.

Bad weather should not be an obstacle to your walk. In the rain, the dog walks with interest and desire, as in good weather. You can only limit yourself to walking time. If your dog walks in the rain, then reduce the allotted walking time so that the pet does not catch a cold or get sick. When you come back from a walk, be sure to dry your dog with a dry towel or dry its fur with a hairdryer. After all, your pet is a pet. It is accustomed to warmth and comfort. In winter, also take a walk and walk your dog. Observe your pet carefully. And you will see that dogs love to run in clean snow. They frolic and rejoice like little children. You can also actively participate in games and forget about laziness forever. Winter walks limit the time, they should be short, 10 - 15 minutes. Sometimes dogs like to eat snow. Do not allow this to happen - the animal may get sick. Do not allow your dog to become hypothermic.

The dog must move a lot and be active. Energy should not accumulate in it. The dog should spend all its energy outside, moving and frolicking. It has been noticed that active pets are much kinder than inactive ones.

Don’t be lazy, walk regularly, every day and without fail. Give your dog exercise. So that it doesn't happen excess weight, be sure to make the dog run, jump over an obstacle, do it with him. Feel free to run. Running will benefit everyone. Running and jumping with your dog will also keep you active and cheerful. The heart muscle will work perfectly for both you and the animal. Entertain your four-legged friend and play with him. Dogs love a variety of games. Teach your animal to perform various commands while walking. Try to make walking for your dog a necessity that brings joy.

Walking around fresh air will only benefit both you and your pet. Gradually, the walking routine will become part of the rhythm of life. Daily walks in the fresh air lift your spirits and improve your health. By communicating with the owners of other dogs, you will definitely make new friends and share with them your knowledge and observations about dogs.