Sportsman's Day in Russia. Hours of human physical activity. Preparing homework

Determine a regimen that is the same for everyone involved physical culture and sports is impossible, but there are general physiological and hygienic provisions on the basis of which sports

During the shift, you should establish a personal regime in accordance with your characteristics and capabilities and strictly adhere to it.

If an athlete adheres to a rational regimen, he develops and retains useful conditioned reflexes. For example, if an athlete eats every day at the same hours, he develops a corresponding strong conditioned reflex at the time of eating. The functioning of the digestive system is normalized and becomes more efficient. When meal time approaches, the body begins to act digestive glands, secreting juices necessary for digesting food. An athlete eats food with appetite, which is digested well and quickly and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

The time factor as a conditioned stimulus has great importance not only in the outwardly expressed general behavior of a person, but also in the course of the most complex internal biochemical processes.

Violations of the regime often lead to decreased ability to work, poor health, reduced athletic performance, and shortened “sports longevity.”

The athlete should determine for himself a strict daily routine, which should indicate the time of getting up and exercising, breakfast, lunch break, returning from school, eating, rest, sports activities, homework, evening walk, going to bed, etc.

Maintaining a rhythmic mode of vital activity is one of the most important conditions for the economical and highly productive functioning of the body. This regime contributes to the advance adjustment of the body and its systems to the upcoming activity, which is carried out according to the mechanism of a conditioned reflex for time.

Basic rules for organizing the daily routine:

Getting up at the same time;

Performing morning hygienic exercises and water exercises


Eating at the same hours at least 3 times a day (preferably 4 times a day);

Independent (home) classes academic disciplines every day at the same hours;

Stay in the air for at least 2 hours a day;

At least 3 times a week for 2 hours of physical exercise or sports with optimal physical activity;

Sleep at least 8 hours a day, go to bed at the same time.

The proposed scheme does not claim to be universal, but it can be taken as a basis when drawing up a daily routine.

The regime fosters organization, purposefulness of action, will, and teaches conscious discipline. Conversely, the lack of a system in educational work or professional activities, disruption of daily routine negatively affects mental and physical performance and can have a detrimental effect on health.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is mandatory for everyone involved in physical education and sports. He must develop conditioned reflexes to all hygienic measures. Daily thorough washing, oral care, regular washing of the whole body, taking care of the cleanliness of clothes, home, rational nutrition, hardening the body, systematic training are mandatory for everyone who plays sports.

The rules of personal hygiene must be observed always and everywhere: at home and at work, during competitions, while traveling and hiking.


Establishing a certain regime for a schoolchild, i.e. a rational distribution of responsibilities throughout the day, proper alternation of activities and rest, ensures health and normal development child. The correct alternation of work and rest has great value, especially in childhood. On the first parent meeting The teacher explains to parents that children's daily routine is just as important at home as at school.

A routine for a schoolchild is important because it creates strong reflexes and develops healthy, sustainable habits. The child learns to get up and go to bed at the same time every day. This helps the child fall asleep faster and more soundly.
sleep and get up refreshed in the morning. The same applies to eating. If a student eats regularly, getting breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner at the same time, then he will eat with appetite, and this helps better absorption food. A rational daily routine creates a healthy dynamic behavior pattern, strengthens nervous system student.

Daily implementation of a rational daily routine, in addition to its great hygienic significance - maintaining and strengthening health, is of no small importance for successful learning. The child is accustomed to neatness, order, neatness,
learns to value and save time, spend it economically, gets used to working consistently, diligently, carefully. A child accustomed to a routine will always have time to study at school and at home, to relax, walk and play, to
helping parents with housework (this should be included in the daily routine). Habits developed in childhood make work easier and often last a lifetime.

It is especially important to teach children that everything teaching aids were prepared in the evening. Under no circumstances should this be done in the morning, as hasty preparations irritate the student and teach them to be sloppy.

In the daily routine, it is necessary to provide time for walks (the total stay in the air should be at least 3 hours), for independent pursuits of your favorite activities (1-IV 2 hours) - reading, drawing, sculpting, sawing, etc. Stay outside -
spirit will be more useful in combination with outdoor games and feasible physical labor. A walk in the evening before bed (30-40 minutes) is of great benefit.

Teaching physical education in small school is directly related to the schoolchild’s daily routine, to many issues of school hygiene, and therefore considerable attention is paid to the consideration of these issues in this manual

What elements should make up a schoolchild’s daily routine?

Morning hygienic exercises.The day should start With morning hygienic exercises. It helps the child get involved in work faster and create a cheerful mood. It is best if children do exercises while listening to the radio. Successfully

the compiled sets of exercises go well with emotional cheerfulness musical accompaniment, useful hygiene tips. If for some reason it is impossible to use the radio, then schoolchildren can study independently, performing sets of exercises that they learned at school.

Exercises should be done in sportswear (pants, T-shirt And slippers) with the window open or in the air (in the yard) and finish it with a water procedure.

Children should be taught to do morning hygienic exercises from the age of 4. By the age of 6-7 years, this will become a habit, and the child will perform the exercises independently.

Physical education minute at home.Physical education is a form of short-term active rest while doing homework. The “signal” to it is the weakening of the child’s attention. This usually happens after 30-35 minutes of mental work.
It is better to spend a physical education minute during a break between doing homework.

Physical education helps better blood circulation, especially in muscle tissue, activates the work of the heart and lungs, which in turn helps saturate the blood with oxygen, so necessary for the brain, accelerates and increases the release of metabolic products from the body.

If a child has been writing for a long time, then he needs to do exercises for bending and straightening his arms, squeezing and spreading his fingers, and shaking his hands. When sitting for a long time, blood circulation is disrupted, blood stagnation occurs in
lower extremities, so it is necessary to include exercises for the legs: squats, leg swings, jumps and etc.

Before performing the exercises, you need to ventilate the room, loosen your belt, and unfasten your collar. During physical education, the child, standing at table and in the middle of the room, performs 3-4 exercises, repeating them 4-8 times.

Individual tasks in physical education.Morning exercises, physical education at home, and even more so homework in physical education are not completed by all primary school students. Most teachers, as shown
practice, give to students primary classes individual assignments in physical education, but parents do not always control the implementation, and students, having started studying, often stop doing the exercises assigned at home. At the same time they
are extremely desirable for all students, but it is especially necessary for children with health problems to systematically conduct special physical exercise.

Homework should be strictly individual, with a differentiated approach To children. For healthy children Homework should include jumping rope, exercises with balls, throwing And etc. At home, exercises are performed that require long, repeated repetition. May be included in homework daily performance under the supervision of parents of those sets of exercises that were learned at school.

Nutrition. Rational balanced diet, when the body's expenses are fully replenished by the energy received from food, it has a great influence on the growing body of the child. A hungry child not only listens poorly, but also poorly understands the teacher’s explanation, gets distracted unnecessarily, loses interest in learning, and is more likely to get tired.

The diet and its regularity are of great importance. It is best to eat 4 times a day at one time And at the same time, every 3-4 hours. Under no circumstances should children be sent to school in the morning without breakfast. This reduces the student’s working tone and the body’s resistance to diseases. At school (during recess), the child must receive a second small (hot) breakfast.

The main meal during the day is lunch, which makes up 40-45% of the total daily ration. The student needs lunch during the day, after coming from school. Children studying in the second shift should have lunch before leaving for school,
and not in the evening, upon returning home. It is best to have dinner at 7-8 pm, at least 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Breakfast should be hearty (30% of the daily diet), and dinner should be light. A large dinner overloads the stomach and interferes with normal sleep. For dinner should be avoided large quantity easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets), as they excite the nervous system and the child has trouble falling asleep. Milk, curdled milk, kefir, cottage cheese, a small amount of bread, unsweetened crackers (school, pioneer) or crispy bread - best diet for children before bedtime.

You should teach your child to eat at a clean table, slowly, and chew food well. It is imperative to eat with clean hands, and a child with early years The habit of washing hands before eating should be cultivated. Children should not be allowed to read
while eating, talk loudly and laugh. If you teach children to eat every day certain time, then they will not complain about lack of appetite.

Dream. Deep and good sleep- an absolutely necessary function of the human body. During sleep nerve cells restore all those components that they consume during wakefulness. When awake, the process of cell and tissue breakdown predominates in the cells; during sleep, on the contrary, restoration processes take place. During sleep, the body receives the most complete rest (I. I. Pavlov called sleep “protective inhibition”). A sufficient duration of sleep ensures normal activity during the day not only of the brain, but also of the entire body as a whole. A sleep-deprived child is inattentive, does not listen well to the teacher, is distracted, irritable.
cal. Prolonged lack of sleep can lead to nervous diseases(neurosis), anemia, etc. Duration normal sleep younger children school age fluctuates between 9-11 hours.

The child should have a separate, comfortable and clean bed that is not too soft. The room where the child sleeps should be ventilated more often. Children should sleep with the window open. In winter, it is better to cover the child warmly, but open the window slightly (in forest schools and sanatoriums, even in winter, children sleep outside, in sleeping bags). In addition to healthy sleep, it strengthens respiratory tract child. Completely unnecessary
We need to create a calm, quiet environment in the room, curtain the windows, turn off bright lights, radio, etc.

After dinner (before bedtime) children should not be allowed fun entertainment, noisy games, it is necessary to limit the viewing of television programs, reducing them to 0.5-1 hour (it is enough to limit oneself to the program “ Good night, kids"). Should be
teach children basic hygiene skills before bed: washing, brushing teeth, washing feet, etc.

Approximate daily routine

All physiological processes in the body are characterized by a certain rhythm, the violation of which interferes with proper functioning body. In this regard, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a scientifically based daily routine that reflects
daily rhythm of human life. Here exemplary mode for younger students:

Awakening. . ……………………. . 7.00

Morning exercises, washing, making the bed 7.00-7.30

Breakfast ……………………. 7.30-7.50

The way to school…………………….. 7.50-8.30

Classes at school……………………. 8.30-13.00

The way from school……………………. 13.00-13.30

Dinner ……………………. 13.30-14.00

Afternoon nap, rest, outdoor games…………… 14.00-10.00

Preparing lessons, cleaning the workplace……………. 16.00-17.50

Afternoon snack……………………. 17.50-18.00

Staying in the air……………………. 18.00-19.00

Dinner and free activities…………………….. 19.00-20.00

Getting ready for bed, evening dressing. . ……………. 20.00-20.20

Dream ……………………. 20.20-7.00

Compliance with the regime, proper nutrition, proper sleep, hygienic gymnastics, well-organized alternation of training sessions with physical education minutes, rest and walks, as well as feasible household work - all this will help proper development child and his successful education at school.

Sometimes, after getting their child ready for school, parents may forget about such a component of their lifestyle as a routine. The child must have a daily routine to ensure the safety of his health. The daily routine of modern schoolchildren may differ depending on their age, the shift in which they study, and their state of health.


Where should a schoolchild's day begin? From charging. Yes, many parents think that their child does not need exercise at all, since he already attends one of the sports sections after school. But. Pay your attention to the very name of the procedure - exercise, that is, an action that will charge your child with energy for the whole day and help prepare the body for the stress of the coming day, for school. So, exercise must be included in the correct daily routine of a schoolchild, especially in the morning. For morning exercise When charging, try to choose exercises that would involve all muscle groups, but remember that the abdominal muscles, body muscles, arms and legs definitely need load. Flexibility exercises are also required. Make sure your child does the exercises in strict sequence: first simple stretches, then exercises for the arm muscles and shoulder girdle, after this exercise for the torso and legs. It is advisable to finish the exercise by running and jumping. Also remember that for of different ages, charging must be of different durations– from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. Also, with age, it is necessary to gradually increase the complexity of the exercises and the speed of their implementation. It is also very important that during physical activities there was an influx of fresh air into the room (ideally, charging is performed at fresh air, on the street).

Take a shower, wash your face, brush your teeth

The next item in a student’s daily routine should be water hygiene procedures. It is very important for school-aged children to shower after exercise. Also, a shower in the morning is good because it will quickly relieve the student from drowsiness and prepare him for the difficulties of the coming day. Gradually, the temperature of the water when taking a shower must be reduced from 30 to 20 degrees. So, a shower in schoolchildren’s daily routine is important not only as a hygienic procedure and quick release for a school-age child from drowsiness, but also as a good tempering agent. Also, over time you can move to contrasting soul. If a morning shower doesn’t fit into a student’s daily routine, then at least washing is necessary cold water, which is also very good at driving away drowsiness. Since we have already started talking about water procedures, we will say here that a schoolchild must visit the pool two or three times a week. We won’t even talk about the fact that a schoolchild, like any other person, should brush his teeth and perform other hygiene procedures.


Despite the fact that many school-aged children are very reluctant to eat in the morning, or even refuse breakfast altogether, it should not be excluded from the daily routine under any circumstances. Moreover, breakfast should be hot and quite filling. Remember that breakfast should provide a quarter of the student’s nutritional needs for the day. It is also important that breakfast takes place in a calm (without: come on faster, why are you eating so slowly, etc.), quiet (no TV) and friendly environment. Also, you should not allow school-aged children to read books or talk while eating; this is as important as observing the schoolchild’s diet throughout the day. Total for a student child daily calorie content should be 2300 kcal. In order to instill in a child the habit of proper nutrition, it is necessary that meals at home be a family affair. It is also worth diversifying the diet of a school-age child with a sufficient number of dishes (but without fanaticism). Also, the correct eating regimen for a school-age child during the day will help ensure the absence of various kinds of snacks.

Let's go to school

The journey to school should be combined with a short morning walk. If the school is nearby, then you can walk all the way to it. If the child is taken to school by car, then you can stop not far from it, about 1015 minutes walking distance, and then walk all the way to the school. In any case, even if it’s very short, a morning walk is simply a must in a schoolchild’s daily routine. Naturally, whether to take a planned morning walk today or not must be decided, taking into account the weather conditions. Walking in the rain has never improved the health of any schoolchild, so in this case this point of the daily routine should be broken.


There is nothing special to write here, since the child will spend the entire first half of the day at school. It is only worth noting that a schoolchild’s daily diet must include a second breakfast, which the student must receive at school. We also draw your attention to the fact that even if you don’t really trust the school canteen and it seems to you that the sandwiches that you prepared for your child for second breakfast in accordance with the schoolchild’s daily diet are much tastier and healthier than the school’s cooking dining room, the child really needs hot food for second breakfast. Therefore, we understand that you always cook better, but in this case you should give preference to hot food in the school canteen and not teach your child to snack on sandwiches and dry fruit. We have already said that in the daily diet for a schoolchild there is no place for snacks at all. The second breakfast should provide 10-15% of the kcal needs of a school-age child.

The way home

It, like the morning journey to school, must be combined with easy walk. An afternoon walk should be included in the daily routine of every schoolchild. Therefore, if your child remains at school in an extended day group, then make sure that the group plan includes an afternoon walk.


Lunch should be scheduled around 13:00 and end at 13:30. Remember that lunch in the diet of a school-age child and in general in his daily routine occupies almost a central place. At lunch, the child should receive 40% of his daily norm kcal As with any child’s meal, lunch should take place in a calm, quiet and supportive environment. Children should also not be allowed to read or chat while eating. It is best if the whole family gathers at lunch, as well as at dinner. By turning meals into a family activity, it will be much easier to teach a child to adhere to a diet and force the student to adhere to a daily routine in general.

Afternoon nap

Whoever says that modern children do not need an afternoon rest, that it is almost impossible to put them to bed, that modern schoolchildren are much more active than their parents at this age, that the daily routine of a modern school student should not include an afternoon rest at all, and so on - DO NOT LISTEN. An afternoon rest should be a must in a student’s daily routine. Yes, modern child Putting a school-aged child to bed during the day after lunch is problematic, and sometimes truly impossible, but even if an afternoon nap in the daily routine of a young schoolchild seems unrealistic, then simply rest should be a must. Let the child not sleep, but simply rest - this is quite enough. But no TV or computer, otherwise it won’t be a vacation at all. You can sometimes, we repeat, only sometimes close your eyes to the fact that a child spends time with a book after lunch. But, it’s better if he does without all this at all. In the daily routine, a student must allocate one hour for afternoon rest.

Time for active outdoor games

After the child has returned from school, had lunch and rested a little after lunch, it is time for outdoor games. It is desirable that such games be really active and take place in the fresh air. If it happens in winter, then playing outside is still necessary, although time outside should be reduced compared to the summer months. Here the student’s daily routine will have to be adjusted independently depending on the time of year.

Afternoon snack

Nowadays, many parents forget not only to include an afternoon snack in their diet, but even forget about it altogether. Meanwhile, it is completely in vain, since an afternoon snack is simply necessary for the child not only younger age, but also for a schoolchild. Therefore, a place in the student’s daily routine for afternoon tea must be found, and this place is from 16.00 to 16.15. An afternoon snack is necessary before the child sits down to prepare homework.

Preparing homework

From 16.00 to 18.00 the body’s biological regime begins the second optimal period time to prepare a homemade state. The first period, more intense, occurs in the first half of the day, and the second in the second half is less intense, but still a period of increased performance. Therefore, from 16.30 to 17.30 a small student should do his homework, as this is a very favorable time for this. When creating a schoolchild’s daily routine, be sure to take into account the biological cycles of the human body.

Evening relaxation

After the child has done all his homework, a short walk in the fresh air will be very useful for him before dinner. Such a walk will not only help to work up an appetite, but the child will also get a little tired, which means he will sleep more soundly and fall asleep faster. You can replace the walk with quiet games or activities at the child’s discretion at home. Held from 17.30 to 19.00.


At dinner, even if circumstances do not allow this at breakfast or lunch, the whole family must gather together. This is very desirable so that the child perceives meals as a kind of family event. In this case, it is much easier for the student to get used to proper nutrition throughout the day. Dinner should be a little lighter than breakfast, and after it, a school-age child should receive about 20 - 25% of the school-age child's kcal needs per day. Dinner should be no later than 19.00.

Time before bed

After dinner has passed in accordance with the daily routine, it should be time for quiet activities at home at the child’s choice. This could be reading a book, or anything else. Allow 30 minutes for this, which is plenty.

Getting ready for bed

From 20.00 to 20.30 the child should get ready for bed. What this includes: hygiene procedures, preparation of clothing and school supplies the next day, etc. Only half an hour is allotted for this during the day, but this is quite enough.

This is one of the most important factors, which affects the performance of a school-age child. Everyone's activity level decreases during sleep physiological processes, only the brain continues to work, digesting and organizing all the information received during the day. This is why sleep is so important for a school-age child - it is the logical conclusion of a sufficiently have a hard day. Sleep should be of sufficient depth and duration. A modern schoolchild who gets enough during the day heavy loads, should sleep at least 9-10 hours, which explains why a school-age child goes to bed so early by adult standards. In order for a student to wake up easily in the mornings and fall asleep easily in the evenings, it is necessary that he gets used to getting up and going to bed at the same time. This is why a schoolchild needs a daily routine, which is why it is so important not to break the routine either during the day or in the evening. Make sure that even in winter time, the child’s room was well ventilated before bedtime (in winter, this simply needs to be done in advance). Normal temperature rooms that will provide deep and healthy sleep schoolchild after a hard day - are 18°C. Make sure that your child does not stay up late, as many school-age children experience chronic lack of sleep which can lead to fatigue and neurotic disorders. It is very desirable that before bedtime the child develops positive emotions- Praise him for the successes of the past day, read him a book.

Summing up the daily routine for a schoolchild

Many will think that what they read is simply impossible to implement. Indeed, the student’s daily routine given here is very strict and eventful. It may seem that the child will have no time left to do what he likes, hobbies, etc. This is wrong. Time in the student’s daily routine is allocated for relaxation, outdoor games, and other things. Yes, sometimes it seems that there is too little of it, but... the daily routine and adherence to the schedule of topics is characteristic that for each child’s action, the optimal time and optimal duration are selected for this. Many people think that this schoolchildren’s daily routine is too busy and does not leave a single minute free. We will simply remind you that the axiom “idleness is the enemy of order” is true not only for the army, but for everyone in general. Teaching a schoolchild to strictly adhere to the regime and strictly adhere to the daily routine will not be easy, no one argues about this. Regime and routine are concepts from adult life, are often poorly understood by the child. However, what earlier child If he starts to get used to order, the better. In order for the child to get used to it faster and easier, it is necessary not only to strictly adhere to all the rules, practically without making exceptions (You are unlikely to be able to get a school-age child up for exercise in the morning if the night before he went to bed at 12 at night after watching a horror movie, which even I didn’t really sleep the rest of the night), but it’s also necessary to lead by example. A child will most quickly get used to doing homework at the same time if he sits next to him, also busy with his own affairs; a schoolchild will quickly get used to doing homework at the same time if his mother is nearby doing her own business. Adults should set an example for the child, including in observing the regime and daily routine.

Any professional athlete lives according to a certain daily routine in order to always be in good company and optimally prepare for competitions. The regime depends on the characteristics of the athlete himself and the type of sport he is involved in. For clarity, let’s look at the football player’s routine, and then figure out what hours human body most ready for serious stress.

Training camps

Any professional football player is familiar with the concept of training camps. This means that after returning from vacation you will have to gain physical condition, lay the foundation for physical and functional training for the entire next season.

To do this, they usually travel to another country where a warm climate prevails, there are good grass fields, excellent cuisine and service. top level. Such trips last two weeks and are held 2-3 times.

During training camps, football players may be offered two or three training sessions a day, which last one and a half to two hours. Here's a typical day at training camp for a football player:

7:00 – wake up, breakfast;
8:00–9:30 - light jogging, exercise in the gym;
9:30-11:00 – tactical training;
11:00-12:30 – work on the field with the ball, practicing technique;
12:30-13:00 – lunch;
13:00 -16:00 – personal time, sleep;
16:00-17:00 – team meeting, tea party;
17:00-18:30 – two-sided – playing football with teammates on the count.
18:30-19:30 – sauna, steam bath, massage;
19:30-20:00 – dinner;
20:00-23:00 – free time;
23:00 – lights out.

This is a sample daily routine. Each coach has his own view of the training process. The main thing is that during these days the players are able to lay a foundation that would be enough for all upcoming games.

Games and everyday life

Once the season starts, players' daily routines change. On the day before the game, the teams often gather at the team base to analyze the opponent’s game and conduct tactical training directly on the field. Some teams practice spending the night for the entire team at the base for team bonding.

On the day of the game, light training is carried out in the morning - running and working with the ball, gymnastic exercises so that the body remains in good shape. Lunch is served no later than two to three hours before the start of the game. Immediately after the game - sauna, steam bath, massage for quick recovery muscles.

The day after the game, the team conducts running training for recovery.

On normal days, when there are no games, football players must adhere to the regime. It consists of refusing bad habits, excessive overeating. Sleep should also be complete. Trainings are held daily, with the exception of the days following difficult and important matches, when all strength and emotions are left on the field.

Hours of human physical activity

The human body is designed in a very interesting way. It directly depends on the lunar cycle and the movement of the Sun. Therefore, we all have almost the same actions biological clock. Based on this, the daily routine of every professional athlete is built.

So, from 6:00 to 12:00 a person shows high mental activity. At this time, it is good for chess players to train, light jogging, tactical training for hockey players, football players, and so on.

From 12:00 to 18:00 a person shows increased physical activity. At this time, it is advisable to conduct shock training.

18:00 – 21:00 appear creativity. I want to read, chat, have a little fun. That is why some coaches offer athletes easy training in the form of entertaining games that are different from the usual ones.

It turns out that from 12:00 to 18:00 you can even conduct two workouts, with a break for lunch and a short rest. This is exactly what track and field athletes do. The first training session is held around noon, and the second closer to 18:00. Thus, they constantly increase the load, which allows them to prepare well for competitions and not lose their shape.

All people come to sports various reasons: for some it is the desire to gain and maintain an attractive physical shape, for others it is the only way maintain health, for others – lifestyle. Entry into sports life also varies greatly.

You will need

  • comfortable shoes;
  • clothing suitable for training;
  • a bag that does not interfere with movements;
  • suitable space for exercise (park, gym, large room).


First of all, you should be prepared for the fact that you will most likely have to look for “your” sport. From the outside, most species physical activity they look interesting and beautiful, but when they start studying, people often realize that for some reason this type activities are not suitable for them. The chosen sport should be interesting and compatible with the body’s capabilities.

Among the unifying points common to all athletes, one should start with the inner attitude. You can start classes while in different physical fitness, but the desire to practice should always be in your head. Attempts to train “under pressure” because “that’s the way it should” will quickly fade away and leave only a feeling of irritation and unfulfilled plans.

But it is impossible to derive a general motivation for everyone: everyone must determine for themselves why they want to study. In addition, you should try to feel the pleasure that training brings. Many people find it helpful to feel pleasantly tired in the body when it becomes clear that the muscles have worked well. For others, activities in nature, for example, in beautiful parks. The third is a feeling of superiority over those who do not engage in sports.

One more key point long-term sports (start and not quit) are convenient accessories. It's hard to become good athlete who enjoy exercise, if the sneakers rub, the clothes restrict movement, and the process is watched by a disgruntled neighbor. It is important to choose comfortable shoes, a suitable suit, a small body bag that does not interfere with movement, where you can put necessary items, if you can’t leave them, for example, in the gym locker room.

It is important to choose a comfortable training area, where you will not be distracted, and perhaps supported in difficult times. This could be a gym or a quiet embankment for running in the evenings. The main criterion to focus on is internal comfort. Someone is being helped sports training in a group, others prefer to study alone, and universal rules not here.

Lesson topic: Daily routine

Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we have a lot to do and a lot to learn. How can you do everything: prepare your homework, help your parents around the house, take a walk outside, do what you love? The secret is simple - you need to learn how to properly allocate time, that is, observe daily routine.

The daily routine is a rational (reasonable and convenient) distribution of time for all types of activities and rest during the day. The main goal of the daily routine is to ensure high performance throughout the entire waking period.

A daily routine is a predetermined, measured way of life.

Correct mode day is the key to your productive work, good mood and well-being. Following a daily routine greatly facilitates any activity and allows you to make the most of all the capabilities of the human body.

The main elements of a schoolchild’s daily routine are: educational activities at school and at home, active recreation with maximum stay in the fresh air, regular and adequate nutrition, physiologically adequate sleep, free activity of individual choice. With a clear daily routine, the child develops a habit where a specific time is a signal for appropriate actions.

(1 shift)

    The road to school, preparing for the lesson.

    Classes at school (hot breakfast), the way home from school.

    Lunch (13:00-14:00), afternoon rest and sleep (1-1.5 hours).

    Afternoon snack.


An approximate daily routine for a schoolchild:(2nd shift)

    Getting up, morning exercises, water procedures, making bed.

    Compulsory morning breakfast (quite hearty).

    Preparing homework (every 30-40 minutes, warm-up).

    Walk or play outdoor games.

    Lunch (13:00-14:00), road to school, preparation for the lesson.

    Classes at school (afternoon snack at 16:00), the way home from school.

    Dinner (no later than 19:30) and free activities (reading, drawing, playing, etc.)

    Getting ready for bed (hygiene measures, etc.)


Basic rules of the daily routine:

1. First of all, train yourself to wake up and get up at the same time every day, then you will be ensured falling asleep quickly, and easy awakening. Don't lie in bed, otherwise you won't have enough time to do everything!

2. Be sure to do morning exercises. It will not only improve your health, but also help your body get back to work faster.

3. Don't spend a lot of time watching TV shows or playing games. computer games. Anyone who sits in front of the TV and computer for hours not only takes away time for useful things, but also worsens their health (primarily vision, posture, etc.)

4. Be sure to alternate classes with rest (preparing lessons with physical education).

5. Remember that only calm deep sleep(at least 9 hours) in a well-ventilated area will help you regain your strength.

6. Follow a clear daily routine, and you will not only have time to complete all your planned tasks for the day, but you will also become more strong-willed, organized, persistent and smart.

7. Be sure to take a walk in the fresh air every day.

Active hours – from 5 to 6 o’clock, from 11 to 12 o’clock, from 16 to 17 o’clock, from 20 to 21 o’clock, from 24 to 1 am.Passive watches – from 2 to 3 o’clock, from 9 to 10 o’clock, from 14 to 15 o’clock, from 18 to 19 o’clock, from 22 to 23 o’clock. It has been noticed that at 5–6 o’clock in the morning there is the most significant physiological rise and the highest human performance, but, unfortunately, modern man This is the time to wake up.

The level of performance fluctuates not only during the day, but also during the week. On Monday physical and mental performance minimal. Then it gradually increases, reaching maximum values on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, productivity drops sharply again.