Blue zones are the rules of longevity. Blue Zones in Practice - Dan Buettner. Best Mediterranean Diet

Before moving on to the nine rules of longevity, I want to tell you about the blue zones themselves - the habitats of the centenarians of this planet.

Blue Zones, or 9 rules of longevity from people who live the longest

Zone 1 - Okinawa

The birthplace of karate, the island of spirits and the home of the most un-Japanese Japanese. Being a fairly isolated place from the Japanese islands, Okinawa has been able to maintain much of its ancient traditions for hundreds of years, and now actively resists the arrival of modern "deities" - Coca-Cola and McDonalds.

Zone 2 - Sardinia

One of the most fashionable resort areas in the world with numerous villas for millionaires and marinas for yachts is not associated with health and longevity. But high in the mountains, the spirit of the real, patriarchal Sardinia has been preserved, whose inhabitants, engaged in traditional animal husbandry and agriculture, have no contact with the “charms” of the Western world - and, without straining, live up to a hundred years.

Zone 3 - Loma Linda, California

Loma Linda is located just a hundred kilometers from smoky Los Angeles. Its secret is Adventists and their faith, which categorically does not support bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy foods. The amazing conservatism of the residents of Loma Linda and their scrupulousness in matters of health allowed them to turn their city into an oasis in one of the two centers of business and cultural life USA.

Zone 4 - Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica

Nicoya is separated from the rest of the country by rugged mountains and jungle. At first glance, it’s a small Latin American town like those we saw in “Sandpit Generals” or “Desperado” or read from Marquez in “100 Years of Solitude.” But the isolation, local traditions and food principles that exist in Nicoya have allowed this place to become one of the “Blue Zones” of long-livers.

Zone 5 - Greek island of Ikaria

Unfortunately, Ikaria was classified as a “blue zone” not so long ago, and the study of the original book does not affect it.

Zone 6 - ...

...your personal “blue zone”!

In the second part of the book, Buettner summarizes the results of the research and brings all the features, traditions and customs of the “blue zones” into a single list - Nine Rules of Longevity. In the book, for each rule it is given detailed instructions, and here I will give them only briefly.

1.Be active, but don't get too hung up on it. None of the long-livers lead sedentary image life - they are constantly moving. Many do what they have been doing all their lives, they work in the garden, herd cattle, and do crafts. They walk or even bike to the market to buy vegetables or visit family and neighbors. There are no heroics, records or feats, they do low-intensity physical activity, but every day for many years.

2. Cut calories. In Okinawa, centenarians follow the principle of “hara-hachi-bu”, not eating enough and always remaining a little hungry. They grasp the subtle difference between “not being hungry” and “being full” and never overeat, and generally do not elevate food to a cult, as we are used to doing.

3. Plants are our everything. The vast majority of the centenarians in the study had never tried processed foods, sugary drinks or pickled snacks. Their daily food is small portions of simple plant foods that they grow in their garden. This does not mean that they refuse meat (meat is included in the diet of residents of all “blue zones”), but rather that they simply do not have the opportunity or need to eat meat every day.

4. Drink red wine. A glass of red wine a day is more beneficial than harmful to health, and residents of three of the four zones (except teetotal Adventists) do not refuse it. Red wine moderates appetite, has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, relieves stress and reduces the risks of chronic inflammation. This is evidenced by both studies of the diet of residents of the “blue zones” and other scientific studies. In this matter, it is important to be consistent and moderate - red wine has a fine line, after crossing which you will feel all the “delights” of the toxic effects of alcohol on the liver and other organs.

5. Find purpose in life. All centenarians have a purpose that guides and inspires them through life. In Okinawa it is called “ikigai”, in Nikoya it is called plan de vida, and in Russian it is the reason why you want to wake up in the morning. Those people who have a clear understanding of why they exist live much longer and maintain clear thinking longer. This is not necessarily something important; sometimes it plays the role of “ikigai.” strong desire to see your children and grandchildren as adults, or to practice a craft every day. But it is there, and it gives meaning to life.

6. Be sure to relieve stress. There is a lot of stress in cities - remember how long it has been since you were nervous or worried about anything. But even in small settlements there are difficulties. Centenarians radiate calm and serenity in any situation. They are in no hurry, sleep soundly, know how to enjoy small daily joys and do not give in to difficulties. Even their life is too short to allow themselves to run headlong towards supposed success and prosperity.

7. Find faith. All long-livers of the “blue zones” adhere to certain beliefs and belong to local spiritual communities. You can, of course, say that their God helps them for this, but, most likely, their secret is that faith helps them remain optimistic and do a healthier and better job in a given situation. right choice. And, of course, belonging to a particular religion allows you to get rid of stress everyday life and transfer some of your doubts and anxieties to some higher power.

8. Family comes first. Li Jing-yong, who was discussed at the beginning of the article, is rightly considered by many to be a hermit, but they forget that he outlived 23 of his wives and left behind more than 180 descendants. Family connections and support arguably have the greatest impact on the health of centenarians. They are never left alone, they are calm about their old age, and their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren do not let them get bored and bring great joy to their lives.

9. Surround yourself with those who share Blue Zones values. Family and faith bring people together, but cultural traditions and simple human communication also bring them together no less. It is much easier to develop within yourself healthy habits, if everyone around them adheres to them. Social community plays a huge role in the lives of people in the Blue Zones. Not a day goes by that they don’t get together - the Okinawans have “moai”, support groups, the Sardinians gather in cafes in the evenings, and in Loma Linda everything is done together. See who in your circle shares your values ​​and aspirations, and try to spend as much time as possible with these people.

There are “blue zones” on Earth, whose residents are distinguished by enviable longevity - the island of Sardinia in Italy, the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, Okinawa Prefecture in Japan and the community of Loma Linda in California. A group of scientists made several expeditions to these regions to uncover the secrets of health and high life expectancy. Dan Buettner in the book

“Blue Zones. 9 rules for longevity from people who live the longest"

Natural movement

The oldest people on earth don't run marathons or compete in triathlons or pretend to be sports stars on Saturday mornings. On the contrary, they engage in low-intensity physical activity, which is an integral part of their daily routine, writes econet. Long-living men in Sardinia's Blue Zone spent most of their lives working as shepherds, walking many kilometers a day. Okinawans work in their gardens every day. Adventists walk a lot. This is the type of physical activity that longevity experts recommend for a long and healthy life. According to Dr. Robert Kane, “Evidence suggests that moderate physical activity very useful."

© Paul Calver

The ideal regimen, which you should discuss with your doctor, includes a combination of aerobics and balance and muscle strengthening exercises. Dr. Robert Butler recommends training your major muscle groups at least twice a week. Equilibrium also has great importance because the falls are common cause injuries and death among older adults (in the United States, every year one in three people over 65 years of age suffers a fracture due to a fall). Even standing on one leg ( For example when brushing your teeth) - small step to improve balance.

Exercise also helps maintain balance by strengthening all muscle groups, increasing flexibility, benefiting joints and reducing joint pain. lower section backs. In addition, yoga serves as a means of communication and spiritual enrichment, just like religion.

In all cultures of longevity, regular low-intensity physical activity meets all the requirements described above and does not create stress on the knees and hips. Here's what Dr. Kane says about it: “You should act not like a sprinter, but like a multi-mile runner. It’s impossible to say: this year I will train like crazy, but in next year I’ll rest, because I’ve already done my part.” The main task is to get into the habit of doing physical exercise 30 minutes (ideally over an hour) at least five times a week. It is possible, but still undesirable, to split this half hour or hour into several sessions.

Cut calories by 20 percent

If you are ever lucky enough to meet elderly Okinawans at dinner, you are likely to hear them reciting the old Confucian saying before eating: hara hachi bu. This is a reminder that you should not eat your fill, but should stop eating when your stomach is 80 percent full. Even today, their daily calorie intake does not exceed 1900 kcal (the rather meager diet of Sardinians is also about 2000 kcal per day).

Dr. Craig Wilcox argues that this tradition is a kind of painless option for limiting consumption. And this method is really effective: it increases the life expectancy of experimental animals and improves heart function in humans. Some of the benefits of calorie restriction come from less harm caused to cells by free radicals.

But there is another benefit: weight loss.

It is known that reducing body weight by 10 percent helps reduce levels of blood pressure and cholesterol, and this in turn reduces the risk of developing heart disease. But how can this be achieved? We do not live on the Japanese archipelago and are not surrounded by age-old cultural norms.

The traditional way to combat a growing waistline is diet. But none of the centenarians we know of ever went on a diet and none of them suffered from obesity. “There are currently no diets that work for everyone,” says Dr. Bob Jeffrey of the University of Minnesota. “As a rule, you follow a diet for about six months, and then 90 percent of people simply run out of steam.” Even with the most effective programs only a small number of participants experience long-term results.

Secret proper nutrition- following the habits of the longest living people in the world. Dr. Brian Wansink, author of Mindless Eating, has conducted perhaps the most innovative research into the causes of our eating habits. As older Okinawans subconsciously know, the amount of food they eat depends not so much on the feeling of fullness, but on the environment.

We overeat because of circumstances - friends, family, plates, food names, numbers, labels, lights, colors, candles, smells, shapes, distractions, buffets and containers.

In one experiment, Wansink had a group of participants watch a video and gave each of them either a 500-gram or 250-gram bag of M&M's. After watching the video, he asked both groups to return the uneaten candy. Those who received the 500-gram bags ate an average of 171 candies, while those who received the 250-gram bags only ate 71. We tend to eat more if we take a larger bag. Wansink conducted similar experiments using 47 different products, and got similar results every time. He also noted the influence that dishes have on the amount of food eaten. At least three-quarters of the food eaten is served on plates, bowls or glasses. Wansink's experiments showed that people drink 25-30 percent more from short, wide glasses than from tall, narrow glasses, and eat 31 percent more from a liter bowl than from a half-liter bowl.

The amount of food you eat is only one factor. The other is the number of calories. A standard fast food meal consisting of a large hamburger, a large portion of fries and a glass of soda contains approximately 1,500 kcal. Craig and Bradley Wilcox estimate that Okinawan food contains, on average, five times fewer calories. In other words, a hamburger with fried potatoes and a full plate of Okinawan fried tofu with green peas have the same volume, but Okinawan food has five times less calories.

Plants are everything to us

Most people in Nicoya, Sardinia, or Okinawa have never tried processed foods, sodas, or pickled snacks. For most of their lives they ate small portions of unprocessed food. They gave up meat, or rather, they simply did not have the opportunity to eat it, except in in rare cases. Traditionally, the inhabitants of these places eat what they grow in their own garden, supplemented by staples: durum wheat (Sardinia), sweet potato (Okinawa) or maize (Nicoya). Particularly consistent Adventists completely abstain from meat.

Scientists analyzed six different studies involving thousands of vegetarians and found that those who kept their meat consumption to a minimum lived longer. Some people worry that plant food does not provide enough protein and iron. But the thing is, says Dr. Leslie Lytle, that people over 19 only need 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, that is, on average, 50-80 grams of protein daily.

The basis of all food cultures that promote longevity is legumes, grains and vegetables. Sardinian shepherds take bread made from semolina flour with them to the pasture. For the people of Nicoya, no meal is complete without corn tortillas. And whole grain products are essential component Adventist diet.

These foods are a source of fiber, antioxidants, anti-cancer agents ( insoluble fiber), substances that lower cholesterol and prevent blood clots, as well as all essential minerals. Legumes are an integral part of the cuisine of all “blue zones”. A diet rich in legumes helps reduce the incidence of heart attacks and the likelihood of developing bowel cancer. Legumes contain flavonoids and fiber (which reduce the risk of heart attacks); it is an excellent source of proteins.

Tofu (soybean curd), must-have product in the Okinawan diet, often compared to bread in France or potatoes in Eastern Europe. True, you cannot live on bread or potatoes alone, but tofu is practically ideal product: it has few calories, a lot of protein and minerals, no cholesterol, but contains all the amino acids necessary to the human body. In addition, it is environmentally friendly. Excellent source of proteins without harmful ones side effects meat, tofu contains phytoestrogens, which have a beneficial effect on the heart in women. In addition, phytoestrogens significantly reduce cholesterol levels and help strengthen blood vessels.

All of the above does not indicate that long-livers never eat meat at all. A festive meal in Sardinia always includes meat dishes. Okinawans slaughter a pig for the moon New Year. The people of Nicoya also fatten the pig. However, meat is eaten infrequently: only a few times a month. Most of the concerns revolve around red and processed meats such as ham. Doctors Robert Kane and Robert Butler argue that when planning a diet, it is very important to wisely distribute calories between complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins, minimizing trans fats, saturated fats and salt.

Eat more nuts

Nuts are perhaps the most amazing element of all the “longevity foods.” According to a study of Seventh-day Adventists, those who ate nuts at least five times a week were half as likely to suffer from heart disease compared to those who ate nuts less frequently. Office of Sanitary Supervision of Quality food products and the US Drug Administration included nuts in its first health declaration. In 2003, the agency issued a health statement that stated: “Scientific evidence suggests, but does not prove, that a daily intake of 42 g of nuts with low content"saturated fat and cholesterol may prevent the risk of heart disease."

Research shows that nuts protect the heart by lowering blood cholesterol levels. A large population study conducted by the Harvard University School of Medicine found that people who ate nuts were less likely to suffer from coronary disease hearts compared to those who eat them rarely or not at all. The Adventist Health Study (AHS) found that people who ate 56 grams of nuts five times a week lived an average of two years longer than those who did not eat nuts.

One explanation suggests that nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats and soluble fiber, which reduce levels LDL cholesterol, he says. They are also a good source of vitamin E and other heart-healthy substances. The best are almonds, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts and pine nuts. Brazil nut, cashews and Aussie nuts are slightly higher in saturated fat and less desirable. But nevertheless, all nuts are healthy.

A glass of red wine a day won't hurt

Based on the results of epidemiological studies, it can be assumed that a glass of beer, wine or other alcoholic drink per day provides some health benefits. However, the secrets of the Blue Zones indicate that consistency and moderation are key. In Okinawa, it's a daily glass of sake with friends. In Sardinia - a glass of red wine with every meal and every meeting with friends.

A glass or two of wine a day may reduce your risk of heart disease, but drinking too much alcohol increases your risk of breast cancer. Alcohol actually relieves stress and weakens harmful effects chronic inflammation. Moreover, a glass of wine that complements your meal allows you to eat less.

Additional benefits of red wine include its ability to cleanse arteries due to the polyphenols it contains, which fight atherosclerosis. For extra antioxidant benefits, choose Sardinian Cannonau. At the same time, we should not forget about the toxic effects of alcohol on the liver, brain and other internal organs, if you exceed your daily servings. In this case, the risk of abuse will substantially outweigh any useful property. A friend recently asked if it was possible to abstain all week and drink fourteen glasses at once on Saturday evening. The answer is no.

Religion helps you live longer

Healthy centenarians have faith. Sardinians and Nicoyans are predominantly Catholic. Okinawans belong to a mixed religion that honors ancestors. Loma Linda's longest-living residents are Seventh-day Adventists. They are all members of one religious community or another. Faith in God is one of the good habits, increasing the chances of a long life healthy life. Religious affiliation does not matter: you can be Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Jew or Hindu.

Research shows that attending church services - even once a month - has a positive effect on life expectancy. A recent study published in the Journal of Heath and Social Behavior looked at 3,617 people. The study lasted seven years and found that people who attended the service at least once a month had a reduction in their risk of death by about a third. Parishioners had more average duration a life in which faith had the same effect as moderate physical activity.

The Adventist Health Study found similar results. Over 12 years, 34 thousand people took part in it. It turned out that those who frequently attend church have a 20 percent reduced risk of death at any age. People who do not forget about the spiritual aspect are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, depression, stress, are less likely to commit suicide, and their immune system functions much better.

Belonging to a religious community contributes to the establishment of extensive social connections. People who attend church have self-esteem and a higher sense of self-worth because religion encourages positive expectations, which in turn improves health.

When people behave exactly according to their role, their self-esteem increases. To a certain extent, belonging to a particular religion allows you to get rid of the stresses of everyday life, transferring them to higher power. They follow clearly defined rules of behavior and thanks to this they gain peace of mind, knowing that they are living “correctly”. If everything is good today, then you deserve it. If it's bad, it's not up to you.

Family comes first

The longest-living people we met in the Blue Zones always put family first. Their whole life was built around marriage and children, family duty, rituals and spiritual intimacy. This statement especially applies to Sardinia, where residents are still passionately devoted to family and family values. I once asked a vineyard owner whether it would not be easier to send his ailing mother to a nursing home. He pointed his finger at me indignantly: “I can’t even think about this. This is a shame for my family."

Tonino Tola, a Sardinian shepherd, loved to work, but admitted: “Everything I do is for the sake of my family.” On the Nicoya Peninsula, all family members live nearby. Thus, all 99 inhabitants of one village were descendants of one 85-year-old man. They still gathered for meals at the family restaurant, and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren visited their grandfather every day to help with the cleaning or just to play checkers with him.

Okinawans' devotion to family extends beyond earthly life. Okinawans over seventy begin their day by celebrating the memory of their ancestors. There are often tables at graves so that family members can share a Sunday meal with deceased relatives.

How does this contribute to longevity?

By the time centenarians reach 100 years of age, their attachment to family bears fruit: children respond with gratitude for love and care. They regularly visit their parents, and in three of the four “blue zones” the younger generation happily hosts their elders.

Research shows that older people those living with children are less susceptible to illness and stress, eat healthier foods, and are less likely to experience serious accidents. The MacArthur Healthy Aging Study, which followed 1,189 people aged 70 to 79 over seven years, found that people who live near children have clearer minds and better social skills.

“Family is the highest level in the social hierarchy, says Dr. Butler. - Parents give you a sense of reality, teach you to healthy image life, help you find purpose, and in case of illness or problems, family support becomes extremely important.”

We've been making investments of some sort almost our entire lives, he says. So you make an investment when you go to school and get an education in certain area. Then you invest in children when they are young, and then they invest in you when you are old. Recoil? Elderly people living in families maintain longer common sense compared to those living alone or in a nursing home.

In America, the opposite trend is observed. In many families with working parents and busy children, spending time together becomes rare as everyone is busy with their own affairs. Joint meals and rest disappear from our lives and become rare.

How to counteract this trend?

Gail Hartmann, a licensed psychologist, believes that a solution will be found when all generations of the family want to spend time together. “In strong families, it is customary to eat at a common table at least once a day, go on vacation together and spend time together. There is no need to stop your normal life. Children can cook homework, and the parents - lunch, but such a family will be distinguished by strong bonds and a sense of unity.”

November 24, 2015.

For several years, researcher Dan Beutner and his team have been studying the world's "blue zones" - places with the most... high performance longevity. In numerous interviews the most healthy people, who live the longest in the world, share the secrets of their rich lives with researchers. They talk about their diet, family, healthy habits and their attitude to life. In his book Blue Zones, Dan Beutner recounts the results of his extensive research and shares simple principles that will help us live a long and happy life and maintain vigor until at least 100 years old.

Material prepared by: Olya Malysheva

The Barbagia region of Sardinia in Italy, Okinawa in Japan, Loma Linda in California and the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica each have their own cultures that have paved a unique path to longevity. Residents of these zones are much more likely to live to be 100 years old and are much less likely to be susceptible to serious illnesses. Dan Beutner's team interviews long-lived stars, explores their life, history, traditions and culture, explaining scientific point why exactly these people live longer. What do they eat for breakfast? What time do they go to bed? What exercises do you do? Each “blue zone” offers its own recipe for longevity, but, as it turns out, the basic ingredients are the same everywhere.

Sardinia, Italy

Sheep cheese instead of meat

“They usually exchanged animals for grain, which was then used to make pasta and traditional bread made from barley flour or bran and potato flour. Products from sheep's milk served as the main source of proteins. During the day, the richer peasants' lunch consists of bread and cheese, while most limit themselves to onions, fennel and a bunch of radishes. For dinner, where the whole family gathers, it is served vegetable soup minestrone."

“In most areas, meat is served only once a week, on Sundays. In 26 of the 71 municipalities where the study was conducted, meat was considered a luxury and was cooked only on holidays, no more than twice a month. The diet, unusual for Mediterranean cuisine, did not abound in fish.”

Feel loved and needed

“Through a combination of family duty and sincere affection for the older generation, old people live with their family until their death. This provides people over the age of eighty with a huge advantage: they receive immediate help in the event of illness or injury and, perhaps more importantly, feel loved and needed. Grandparents are especially happy because of their participation in the lives of their children and grandchildren.”


“Men in this Blue Zone are known for their caustic humor. Every day they gather on the street to laugh and joke with each other. Laughter relieves stress and, accordingly, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.”

・ Okinawa, Japan ・

Lots of vegetables and little meat

“The older generation of islanders ate food for most of their lives. plant origin. A diet consisting of stir-fried vegetables, sweet potatoes and tofu is rich in... nutrients and at the same time contains few calories. Although Okinawa's centenarians eat pork, it is traditionally cooked only on holidays and eaten in small portions.”

Miso and tofu for lunch

Centenarians in Okinawa regularly consume fermented soy products- tofu and miso soup. It is important that traditional ways fermentation is very different from industrial production methods. Classical fermentation significantly improves the quality of soybeans, making them easier to digest. Therefore, the tofu that Okinawa's centenarians eat is very different from the tofu that we buy in the supermarket.

“The medical literature contains evidence of greater nutritional value fermented soybeans. And Okinawan tofu contains more protein and healthy fats than its Japanese and Chinese counterparts.”

Let there be light!

“Vitamin D, produced by the body through regular sun exposure, strengthens bones and general condition health. Thanks to daily exposure to the sun, Okinawans all year round receive optimal doses of vitamin D.”

Movement is life

“Okinawa's long-lived people move a lot and work in the garden. There is little furniture in the islanders' houses; residents eat and rest sitting on mats on the floor. The fact that older people have to get up and sit on the floor several dozen times a day strengthens the muscles of the lower body and improves balance, which in turn protects against dangerous falls.”

・ Loma Linda, USA ・

Loma Linda is one of the rare places in the United States where a Blue Zone exists. Nine thousand members of the Seventh-day Adventist community live here, 96 km from Los Angeles.

Religion and health

“Adventists are a faith that strongly discourages smoking, drinking alcohol, or drinking foods called unclean in the Bible, such as pork. This religion does not approve of eating meat at all, and fatty foods, caffeinated drinks and even “stimulating” seasonings and spices.”

Saturday Shabbat

"Shabbat serves the ideal remedy for stress relief and peace of mind. They have time to be with family, friends and God, to relax and rejuvenate. There are 52 such days in a year, and they change a lot. Shabbat gives Adventists the opportunity to turn off the TV, not think about work or business, and just communicate with the people you care about.”

Nicoya, Costa Rica

“Costa Rica spends only 15% of America's spending on health care, yet its people live longer and are much more diverse. good health than the population of any country in Europe."

“The Nicoyans believe in God, follow a strong work ethic and are passionately devoted to family. Their diet consisted mainly of corn, beans, vegetables and a wide variety of fruits (papayas, mangoes, oranges), most of which grew in the garden or nearby forest.”

Need to help others

“The active elderly residents of Nicoya, over ninety years of age, have certain characteristics in common. They have a strong need to help others or take care of their family. As soon as this need is lost, the life in them seems to go out.”

And again the sun

“Nikoyans get a lot of sun exposure, which helps produce vitamin D, which helps strengthen bones and general health. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a host of problems, such as osteoporosis and heart disease; regular "reasonable" sunbathing(about 15 minutes on arms and legs) complement the diet and make up for the lack of this important element.”

Faith, activity, vegetables and love

At the end of the book, lessons from the wisdom of long-livers of all four “blue zones” are collected, whose experience and way of life we ​​can adopt and adapt for ourselves.

25% - genes, 75% - our choice

“Scientific research shows that only 25% of the reason for long life is in genes. The remaining 75% is due to conditions and lifestyle. If we improve the quality of life, we can maximize its duration within our biological limits.”

“The oldest inhabitants of the planet live not just longer, but also better. They have close ties with family and friends. They lead an active lifestyle. They wake up in the morning, inspired by the goal they have, and the world around them helps them move forward. The vast majority of centenarians enjoy life. There are no whiners among them."

Don't run marathons

“The oldest people on earth don’t run marathons or compete in triathlons or pretend to be sports stars on Saturday mornings. Instead, they engage in low-impact physical activity as an integral part of their daily routine. Long-lived men in Sardinia's Blue Zone spent most of their lives working as shepherds, and had to walk many kilometers a day. Okinawans work in their gardens every day. Adventists walk a lot. This is the type of physical activity that longevity experts recommend for a long and healthy life.”

Nutrition for centenarians

“Most people in Nicoya, Sardinia or Okinawa have never tried processed foods, sodas or pickled snacks. For most of their lives they ate small portions of unprocessed food. They gave up meat, or rather, they simply did not have the opportunity to eat it, except on rare occasions. Traditionally, the inhabitants of these places eat what they grow in their own garden, supplemented by staples: durum wheat (Sardinia), sweet potato (Okinawa) or maize (Nicoya). Particularly consistent Adventists completely abstain from meat.”

“Scientists analyzed six various studies̆, in which thousands of vegetarians took part, and found that those who kept their meat consumption to a minimum lived longer.”

“The basis of all food crops that promote longevity are legumes, grains and vegetables. Sardinian shepherds take bread made from semolina flour with them to the pasture. For the people of Nicoya, no meal is complete without corn tortillas. And whole grain foods are an essential component of the Adventist diet. These foods are a source of fiber, antioxidants, anti-cancer agents (insoluble fiber), cholesterol-lowering and blood clot-preventing agents, and all essential minerals.”

They know how to relax

“Inflammation is the body’s response to stress, which manifests itself in the form of infection, injury or increased anxiety. A little stress is good - it helps you fight illness, heal, or prepare for certain events. But with chronic inflammation, our body “inflates” itself. Italian endocrinologist Claudio Franceschi saw a relationship between chronic inflammation and the rate of aging. Over time, says Franceschi, negative consequences inflammation accumulates and accelerates the development of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Slowing down the pace of life does not allow chronic inflammation develop and get out of control and theoretically prevents the occurrence of associated diseases.”

Benefits of Faith

“Healthy centenarians have faith. Sardinians and Nicoyans are predominantly Catholic. Okinawans belong to a mixed religion that honors ancestors. The longest-living people of Loma Linda are Seventh-day Adventists. They are all members of one religious community or another. Faith in God is one of the healthy habits that increases the chances of a long, healthy life.”

“Belonging to a religious community facilitates the establishment of extensive social connections. People who attend church have self-esteem and a higher sense of self-worth because religion encourages positive expectations, which in turn improves health. When people behave exactly according to their role, their self-esteem increases. To a certain extent, belonging to a particular religion allows you to get rid of the stresses of everyday life, transferring them to a higher power. They follow clearly defined rules of behavior and thanks to this they gain peace of mind, knowing that they are living “correctly”. If everything is good today, then you deserve it. If it’s bad, it’s not up to you.”

Family comes first

“The longest-living people we met in the Blue Zones always put family first. Their whole life was built around marriage and children, family duty, rituals and spiritual intimacy. This statement especially applies to Sardinia, where residents are still passionately devoted to family and family values. I once asked a vineyard owner whether it would not be easier to send his ailing mother to a nursing home. He pointed his finger at me indignantly: “I can’t even think about this. This is a shame for my family."

“By the time centenarians reach 100 years of age, their attachment to family bears fruit: children respond with gratitude for love and care. They regularly visit their parents, and in three of the four “blue zones” the younger generation happily hosts their elders. Research shows that older people living with children are less likely to get sick and stressed, eat healthier foods, and are less likely to experience serious accidents. The MacArthur Healthy Aging Study, which followed 1,189 people aged 70 to 79 over seven years, found that people who live near children have clearer minds and better social skills.”

Friendship and communication

“People with the most social connections live longer. Social connections determine long life. As it turned out, people with fewer social connections died two to three times more often than those who had many. The nature of the connection does not matter for longevity, provided that it is a real connection. Even the absence of a spouse or significant other can be compensated for by other forms of togetherness.”

“More extensive social contacts are one of the reasons why women live longer than men, says Dr. Robert Butler. “They have more cohesive support groups, they are more involved in each other’s lives, they help each other more often, and they are more willing and open to express feelings, including sadness, anger and other aspects of close relationships.”

“Over time, our bones soften, our arteries harden, our hearing becomes dull, and our vision loses its sharpness. We slow down. Finally, our body is completely destroyed and we die. But what will accompany the aging process depends on us. Old age offers us two options to choose from: we can live short life and suffer for a long time or live a long life, trying to reduce physical suffering to a minimum.”

You can listen to Dan Beutner talk about the main findings of the Blue Zones study

In many countries of the world, scientific research is being conducted, which aims to identify factors and habitats that contribute to increasing the life expectancy of people on our planet. More recently, a famous American traveler discovered the “blue zones” of longevity...

There are only a few “blue zones of longevity” on our planet, where the population continues to active life even at the age of a hundred. All these zones, as scientists have found, are located in mountainous areas. The strongest of these are the zones found in the following places in the world: Sardinia (Italy), Okinawa (Japan), Southern California (USA), the peninsula on the Pacific coast (Costa Rica). In Russia, such zones are located mainly in the Caucasus and Altai

For the first time the concept of “blue zones of longevity” was introduced by Dan Buettner , which examined the places with the highest life expectancy rates for people. He began to call these places “blue zones.” In the process of research, the scientist met and communicated with people who lived longer than others on our planet. It was found that residents of these “blue zones” were much less likely to suffer from serious diseases and lived to be a hundred years old much more often than other people.

Experts have identified seven main factors that contribute to increasing the life expectancy of people in these zones and are actually the secret of eternal youth:

1) Breathing and mountain air . Oxford University professor Federico Formenti considers this factor the main recipe for longevity. In his opinion, the reason is that the mountain air is thin and, in order to compensate for the reduced amount of oxygen that enters the blood, the process of producing red blood cells - red blood cells - that deliver oxygen to the muscles is activated. People living in the mountains gradually adapt to reduced oxygen levels. As a result, the body's endurance increases and, as a result, life expectancy increases. It is especially useful, in his opinion, to alternate being in the mountains with life in the valley. It is no coincidence that famous athletes prefer to train high in the mountains from time to time.

2) Sunshine vitamin . Scientists from the American State University of Colorado, together with researchers from the Harvard School of Global Health, came to the conclusion that the reason for the longevity of mountain people is not only the mountain air, but also increased solar activity in the mountains. Because of this in large quantities Vitamin D is synthesized in the body. This has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and also prevents the appearance of cancer cells.

3) Healing mountain water . Unique composition The purest mountain waters, enriched with special minerals, are a real “elixir of health”, which contributes to a significant increase in people’s life expectancy.

4) Constant activity . It is known that the mountaineers lead active image life and regularly make ascents and descents from mountain plateaus for a long time, which supports them vitality very high level. The “secret” of their longevity lies in high physical activity. It is associated not only with the need to move over uneven terrain, but also with their occupation - most mountaineers are engaged in agriculture or animal husbandry.

5) Highlander diet , the site reports. Important feature Their food is that the mountaineers never cook it for future use. In their diet they have a lot of raw and uncooked vegetables and fruits. Instead of regular bread, they prefer to eat healthy yeast-free flatbreads. The way they prepare food is significantly different from the one we are used to. The mountaineers boil their food, not fry it.

6) Healing herbs . American scientists were amazed when they found out that the effect of mountain phytoncides and various cocktails (tinctures) from herbs increases life expectancy by 24%.

7) Simple truths . The mountaineers always tried to live according to certain rules and avoided unnecessary stress and worries over trifles.

Recently, not far from Krasnodar in the Maykop region of Adygea, a unique health resort "Lago-Naki" , which uses all these seven factors to improve your health. In addition, ancient methods are used for a more effective effect. oriental medicine and other state-of-the-art technologies.