Why do they fart? How to deal with increased gas formation? Elimination of some drinks

Our topic today is somewhat delicate and not entirely pleasant, but what can we do - someone has to cover it! To be honest, each of us has farted at least once in our lives! Yes, yes! This is also called “letting in the winds.” But that's not the point. We do not live in Germany, where frequent farting does not cause any inconvenience or misunderstanding, since there are no moral barriers imposed on it. You and I, friends, live in Russia! Here in public places I have to hold back. In order to protect people around us from the unpleasant (and sometimes fetid) smell of our own gases, we have to experience some physical discomfort, which is often accompanied by embarrassment. Sometimes things get out of control and a sudden (and sometimes loud) fart is heard! This must be terrible, friends...

Frequent farting. Reasons

When our intestines digest food, during this process gases accumulate in it, leaving in small portions through the anus. Where do they come from?

  1. Along with food, we swallow a certain amount of air. Chewing gum and smoking also cause excessive air swallowing.
  2. When digestive juices interact with each other (and with water), anal farts are formed.
  3. In our large intestine live various beneficial microorganisms(bacteria). Gases are the result of their vital activity.
  4. If a person suffers, then frequent farting can be caused by dairy products.

In addition, in many cases, constant gases that torment a person throughout the day can be caused by a disease such as flatulence. We'll talk about this further.

Insidious flatulence

What is this?

Excessive and frequent farting is called flatulence. In human terms, this is an excess of intestinal gases, accompanied by belching and bursting pain with fairly strong flatulence (the release of these gases).

What is the norm?

There are certain standards by which we, excuse me, fart. Since the formation of intestinal gases is a completely natural process, they intermittent release from the anus - this is quite normal. In general, doctors say that healthy person must fart 6 to 20 times a day! The famous therapist and professor of medical sciences Elena Malysheva stated in one of her television programs that she “blows out 2 liters of air a day” (quote)!

I'm tired of endless farting!

Often you “let the winds go” and feel quite painful sensations? Gentlemen, see a doctor! There is some problem in your body. The fact is that frequent farting (flatulence) is the first “bell” indicating disorders and malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • pancreatitis,
  • constipation,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • helminthiasis,
  • colitis.

But flatulence is not always a symptom. Sometimes this is an independent phenomenon caused by some external reasons. Which ones? Read on!

Causes of flatulence

  1. Often the food you eat is to blame. After all, there are foods that brazenly provoke flatulence: legumes, cabbage, sparkling water, radish, various flour products.
  2. In addition, overeating is the most common. That is why doctors recommend eating often, but in small portions.

In life a person has various problems, some of them are quite delicate, such as frequent (farting) farts. Probably every person has encountered this phenomenon in their life. Many names have been invented for it, one of them is “letting in the winds.” In many European countries, the phenomenon of frequent farting is taken calmly. It does not evoke any strong emotions in people, because there are no such moral barriers as in our country. Here it is customary to restrain the body’s natural impulses in public places. Often you have to do this while experiencing discomfort in the abdominal area, discomfort, pain, and it happens that an attempt to restrain yourself ends in embarrassment. In such situations, the body's impulse can get out of control, and the air leaves the body with a sharp, and sometimes very loud, sound.

What reasons can cause farting?

During the digestion of food, gases are formed and accumulated in the stomach. They usually come out through the anus or mouth in small portions. Where does air come from in the body?

  1. It can enter the digestive system along with food. Quite a lot of gases can be swallowed when smoking and chewing gum.
  2. During the digestion process, various reactions occur between the substances contained in the incoming food and digestive juices. In this case, gases are formed, in particular carbon dioxide.
  3. The human intestine naturally contains many various bacteria. During their life processes, gases are also formed.
  4. Increased release of gases can lead to various diseases, For example, individual intolerance lactose. With this pathology, you should not consume dairy products, otherwise a lot of gases will form in the digestive system. This in turn leads to bloating, flatulence and belching.

Other diseases of the digestive system, in which a person suffers from various manifestations of flatulence, in particular from frequent farting, can lead to similar results.

What is flatulence?

If we talk in simple language, then too frequent farting is flatulence. In other words, this is a condition where the body constantly produces excess gases. As a result of flatulence, not only gases can escape through the anus, but also severe bursting pain in the abdomen, belching, bloating and other unpleasant phenomena.

It is worth remembering that the formation of gases in the intestines, and, therefore, their release, is completely normal condition. According to some doctors, a person normally releases gases approximately 5-20 times a day. Host of a popular TV show, professor of medicine and famous doctor Elena Malysheva states that a person farts about two liters of air per day.

What to do when standards are exceeded

If a person is tormented by endless farting (farting), especially when it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Most likely, these phenomena indicate the presence of some problems in the body. So, various manifestations flatulence occurs when there is a violation normal operation digestive tract:





Irritable bowel syndrome.

However, flatulence is not always only a symptom of another disease; in some cases it is an independent problem. The consumption of certain foods can cause such a reaction in the body. These include all types of soda, black bread, cabbage, legumes, baked goods, radishes and others. Flatulence can also appear as a result of ordinary overeating. You can prevent such a problem by reviewing your diet and diet.

People often experience increased gas formation in the stomach and farting, but few people know what to do in this case. But it is very unpleasant when this situation is repeated often and does not allow you to be in society normally. Besides the fact that it is simply indecent, the release of gas also smells bad. Besides, this situation indicates problems in the body. It's important to know why does a person may produce gases that smell like rotten eggs.

Before you get rid of farting, you need to consider why an adult or child has this problem. First you need to understand that in human body gases are always present. They are formed internally and enter the intestines from the outside (during eating). But if they accumulate too quickly and there are a lot of them, then the person farts, and constantly.

Important! Before you start dealing with the problem, it is important to undergo a gastrointestinal examination and pass all tests to find out why a person suffers from frequent farting. Without finding out the cause, treatment will be unsuccessful.

For everyone pathological condition there is a reason. If a person constantly releases gases that have bad smell, then this may indicate:

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • presence of worms;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • impaired intestinal motility;
  • flatulence;
  • poor diet (consumption of carbonated drinks, legumes, fried or very spicy foods, eggs, baked goods with sugar substitutes);
  • acute infection in the intestines;
  • neurosis.

Drug treatment

You can often hear from women or men: I fart a lot, I can’t stop, even when I’m close to people, what to do. Naturally, get rid of this problem. After passing the examination, the doctor may prescribe drug therapy, including the following drugs:

  • Painkillers: No-shpa, Spazmalgon. Such tablets are not always prescribed. They are used when there is a strong pain syndrome or spasm.

  • Sorbents: Enterosgel, Enterol, Phosphalugel.

  • Enzymes. These are tablets that help activate digestion: Mezim, Creon. They are taken with meals, which improves the person’s condition.

  • Affecting intestinal motility: Simethicone.

  • Probiotics (if there is an imbalance of harmful and beneficial bacteria in the body).
  • Remedy for eliminating excess gas: Cerucal.

  • If the problem concerns younger children preschool age or a newborn baby is suffering, then Espumisan, Babinos will help. But these drugs must be given only with the permission of a doctor and in the prescribed dosage. This medicine Pregnant girls and elderly people can also take it.

Important! The problem can be dealt with medically quite quickly. And this is done at home. But do not forget about periodic checks with a doctor.

Methods of disposal

With constant farting, the reasons are found out first. This determines whether medications will be used.

It is especially important to conduct an examination if a child is sick. If you are constantly haunted by farting, you can do the following:

  • adjust your diet (exclude foods that increase gas formation; make a salad with the addition of parsley, coriander, dill; you can’t always eat egg yolk);
  • even if you really want to eat, you should periodically arrange fasting days(if the digestive organs are completely healthy);

  • Frequent farting can be stopped with special exercises: massage the abdomen clockwise, tensing and relaxing the abdominal muscles, retracting and relaxing the spicter muscles;
  • After eating, you are allowed to chew anise seeds and drink half a glass of mint, dill or fennel tea.

If a person has to fart more than once in public, and the gases appear with an odor that irritates not only the sense of smell, but also the nerves, this puts him in a very awkward position. Naturally, the problem needs to be solved. At strong gas formation in the stomach and farting, what to do is already clear, you shouldn’t let everything take its course.

With increased flatulence - overeducation intestinal gases, begin to think about how to get rid of farting, since similar problem begins to cause serious inconvenience.

Some women refuse cohabitation with your partner, not knowing how to stop farting at night. Men almost never have complexes over such an “insignificant” reason.

What is associated with increased gas production, and is it possible to get rid of farting at home, without resorting to official medicine?

Causes of flatulence

It is possible to get rid of constant farting if you find the reason why it is caused.

Gases accumulate in the intestines when consuming foods that promote increased gas formation or slow down the metabolic process.

The first group includes: legumes, cabbage of all types, fruits and vegetables, carbonated drinks, kvass. Stimulate fermentation processes in the body - black bread, kvass and kombucha. When adults consume dairy products, gases often accumulate in the intestines - there are not enough enzymes to digest lactose.

Diseases digestive system also cause gas formation, in which gases escape too often.

Flatulence is provoked by:

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • enterocolitis and colitis of various etiologies;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • impaired intestinal motility, including after surgery.

When infected intestinal infections Fermentation and increased gas formation constantly occur.

The individual reaction of many people to stressful conditions is increased intestinal motility. How to get rid of frequent farting emergency situations It is possible only with the help of auto-training.

There is also a completely “harmless” reason for the increased accumulation of air in the stomach, and then in the intestines: it is swallowed during meals, if they are in a hurry to swallow food without carefully worrying, or if they are talking. No wonder the old saying teaches: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb!”. Talking while eating is rude and unhealthy.

Symptoms of flatulence

Signs of flatulence may be as follows:

  1. Abdominal pain caused by intestinal cramps.
  2. Characteristic bloating in the abdomen, causing an increase in diameter - which is very upsetting for the fair sex.
  3. Belching occurs within 1-2 hours after eating.
  4. Unpleasant sounds in the stomach - gurgling, rumbling - the liquid contents of the intestines, bursting with gases, practically “boils”.
  5. Frequent digestive disorders accompanied by nausea.
  6. Periodic flatulence - or farting. The release of gases from the rectum, accompanied by a sharp sound and an unpleasant odor.

Bloating causes more dangerous symptoms– pain in the heart and difficulty breathing. Gases increase the internal volume of organs in abdominal cavity, it begins to prop up the diaphragm. Arrhythmia begins, shortness of breath appears.

When pinching vagus nerve intestinal loops may cause unbearable pain.

Diagnosis of diseases

To find out the reasons causing increased flatulence and flatulence, the following are carried out: diagnostic measures. A colonoscopy, FGS is performed, a stool test is taken to check for the presence of dysbacteriosis, to exclude helminthic infestation, find out which enzymes are missing to digest food. Before research, the patient’s diet is carefully studied and foods that cause increased gas formation are excluded from it - otherwise the indicators will be unreliable.

It is necessary to exclude intestinal cancer - its main symptom is rapid flatulence.

Special lactose tolerance tests help determine whether there is lactose deficiency - the patient can confirm or exclude pathology without analyzing stool for coprogram.

But gas production cannot completely stop - natural sounds and movements in the intestines indicate that it is working. “Silence” in the peritoneum indicates that there is paresis in the intestines. This condition requires medical care– if gases do not leave, but remain in the stomach, it means that the digestion process is disrupted. The accumulation of toxins in the stomach causes intoxication of the body.

Drug treatment of flatulence

After finding out the causes of flatulence, it begins complex treatment diseases and their elimination unpleasant symptoms: belching, flatulence, increased rumbling.

How to get rid of frequent farting using medications?

With the help of antispasmodics, pain symptoms are relieved - “No-shpa”, “Papaverine”, “Spazmalgon”... To reduce the portions of air swallowed during meals, reduce the amount of food swallowed at one time, and try to eat with concentration.

Prescribed sorbents that relieve intonation - "Phosphalugel", "Enterogel" and others.

Take with meals enzyme preparations"Mezim", "Pankreotin" "Creon" etc.

Effectively combats excessive gas formation modern drugs, affecting intestinal motility. These means are called "defoamers", – "Simethicone", "Dimethicone".

Sometimes excess gases need to be removed - then Cerucal is prescribed, and probiotics are used to eliminate dysbiosis.

One of the safest and effective medicines, which eliminates increased gas formation and helps to cope with the problem - how to get rid of farting at night - is Espumisan. It is enough to take a pill an hour before going to bed, and extraneous sounds will not bother your roommates.

This drug can be taken by elderly people, women during lactation, pregnant women, and - what is very important - sick diabetes mellitus and thyrotoxicosis.

Self-removal of flatulence

The problem of how to get rid of farting at home begins with dietary correction.

Must be completely eliminated from the diet fatty foods, carbonated drinks, grapes, sweets, legumes, cabbage, reduce the amount of baking.

Spices that help avoid flatulence: dill, parsley, anise, coriander. To flavor the dish, you can add flax seed - it has a calming effect on irritated intestines.

In order not to leave the body without fiber, you should eat more cereals and include bran in your daily menu. This food speeds up metabolism and helps cleanse the intestines.

It is recommended to arrange fasting days: first once a week, then 1-2 times a month. Since it is rare that frequent flatulence occurs when healthy organs digestion, you cannot keep the body on "starvation ration". On fasting days you need to “sit” on boiled unsalted rice and kefir.

In order not to release gases in public, periodically - in privacy - you should perform exercises that will remove excess gases.

The exercises are so simple that no conditions are required to perform them.

  • You need to massage your stomach clockwise.
  • Then tighten and release the abdominal muscles 15-20 times.
  • You need to pat yourself on the buttocks, and do 35-60 exercises to retract and weaken the anal sphincter muscles.

These simple exercises will help tone the intestinal muscles and expel excess gas.

Decoctions and other folk remedies

To prevent public embarrassment traditional medicine offers herbal medicines.

  1. After eating, chew anise or cumin seeds and drink half a glass of mint tea.
  2. Fennel or dill are brewed like tea - the effect of the infusions is so mild that they are even given to infants.
  3. Recipe for carminative tea - mix in equal quantities:
  • immortelle;
  • dill seed;
  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • peppermint.

Brew a teaspoon per glass of boiling water.

When I was a teenager, and this was in the late 80s of the last century - during a shortage of quality food - almost all schoolchildren had 100% gastritis. And I, as one of those same schoolgirls, also had quite a few problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Their consequence was regular bloating and increased gas production.

I was constantly tormented by pain in the navel area, which is a sure sign of gas, and an unbearable desire to get rid of it. That is, fart. In my school adolescence, this process of getting rid of bursting gases in the intestines was considered extremely, terribly, simply terribly indecent.

Mothers and grandmothers warned us: we must restrain ourselves with all our might, God forbid, this will happen in public, you will be embarrassed, you will be disgraced, these are animal manifestations, be human, and if you are a girl, then you should generally be a Princess who doesn’t fart!

And so, in the 11th grade, during a lesson in basic military training, I, as usual, was bursting. I pulled myself together, gathered my will into a fist, even asked to go to the toilet - everything was useless! During recess, we gathered in a girls’ circle and chatted about something. I continued to endure.

At some point, our teacher, a reserve senior lieutenant, also a physical education teacher, came up and tried to joke with us somehow. And then I couldn’t restrain myself. It happened silently, but it was very, very smelly. The smell crawled over us, all the girls involuntarily began to wince, I pretended that I didn’t feel anything at all, and tried to behave as if nothing had happened.

Our lieutenant blushed. No, he didn’t just blush, he slowly blushed from his neck to the hairline on his forehead, muttered something inaudibly and retreated. I was ashamed: I thought it was my unrecognized stench that made him suffer so much.

But everything turned out in my favor! When he walked away, the girls quietly but persistently began to giggle and reproach the only man in our company, condemning him for indecent incontinence: “Well, Vatrukha gives! (This was the nickname of our physical education teacher). He walked up to the girls and farted! Phew! As if on purpose!”

Poor physical teacher. I'm cunning and evil. No, and not evil, and not cunning, just unhealthy, like almost all 100% of Soviet schoolchildren. In general, as you can see, this story has stuck with me for the rest of my life, and I am no longer a teenager. My eldest daughter is already a teenager, the same age as I was then, only a head taller.

Well, I propose to jointly study the causes and facts of this farting phenomenon, and find out why people fart.

Where do these smelly gases come from?

Swallowing air

For some reason, the first and most important cause of gas formation in the intestines is considered to be the swallowing of air in the process of eating food. Well, they say, you bite off pieces, or put spoons and forks of food into your mouth, and at the same time air enters the same mouth: nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Actually, this air is the root cause of gas formation. My friends, our personal life experience shows that swallowing air is a negligible contribution to the process of gas formation! And in general, if a person farts 4-15 times a day, this is nonsense and the norm!

Chemical reactions during digestion

The second most important reason is chemical reactions during the digestion process. Digested food goes through several stages - from alkaline through acidic, then back to alkaline. During the current chemical reactions Carbon dioxide is regularly produced in the intestines.

Accordingly, it presses, bursts and demands a way out. It is not very possible for gas to return to the mouth due to the closure of the lower sphincter. When this sphincter relaxes due to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the person experiences belching and heartburn. If the sphincter works as expected, gases escape through the anus.

Bacteria that live in humans

The next common source of gases is bacteria living in the colon and small intestine. Food that enters through the mouth is digested for some time in the intestines, which means that a nutrient medium for bacteria is created in it.

It is assumed that about 300 species of bacteria work in the formation of gases in the intestines. Their vital processes contribute to the production of quite flammable gases: ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane, hydrogen and others - these are the gases that people fart.

There have even been studies that have proven that if a person farts continuously for 6 years and 9 months, the gas energy generated will be approximately equal to the energy of an atomic bomb!

Why is passing gas often smelly?

By the way, the gases produced by bacteria not only burn, but also smell. I would say they stink. Actually, it is because of them that farts sometimes become so smelly that those around you have to hold their noses.

The formation of the most foul-smelling hydrogen sulfide occurs as a result of natural fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract, but can be enhanced by the consumption of foods such as:

  • eggs,
  • fresh and sour cabbage,
  • buns and pancakes,
  • sugar-sweetened drinks and sweets.

Is it possible to fart quietly in public?

Despite all the possible unpleasant accompaniments of the process of natural evacuation of gases from the body, this direct evacuation must absolutely not be interfered with.

Good manners will force you to go to the restroom as soon as you feel the persistent need to fart. It's better to do it than not to do it. Situations of extreme measures may force you to secretly release gas right in society, but if you are in the air, then there is no need to be shy at all.

What am I talking about? As Shrek said: “Don’t keep it to yourself!” On the other hand, you shouldn’t fall into indecency either. Find an opportunity to go to the toilet or at least move some distance away from people.

What makes you want to fart the most?

Fiber-rich foods

As sad as it may be, these are exactly the foods that nutritionists recommend for balanced nutrition and, ultimately, losing weight actually contributes to increased gas formation.

These are all kinds:

  • cabbage,
  • legumes,
  • bakery products and grains,
  • pasta (pasta),
  • raw vegetables and fruits - in general, everything that is rich in fiber.

On the one hand, this food is necessary for proper digestion and peristalsis, on the other hand, eat this and go without any brakes!

Coffee, tea and soda

Coffee and strong black tea are here again. Especially on an empty stomach. IN best case scenario, these drinks will make you quickly run to the toilet to defecate, at worst - they will give you stable flatulence.

And, of course, soda. Here, anyway, air is swallowed with food, and also filled with soda! You understand that the very name of such drinks - soda - indicates a significant content of gas, namely carbon dioxide.

And this solid content safely enters and settles in the stomach, and the person suffers.


There is also such a thing - lactose intolerance. Adult mammals, normally, should refuse whole milk, since it is needed exclusively in infancy and infancy.

However, a huge number of people continue to drink it, despite enzymatic deficiency: that’s why we are mammals, to successfully consume and process whole milk in the infant period, and, having matured, to lose this ability, because there is no point.

An adult should consume the required amount of calcium and others like it from fermented milk products, and not from whole milk.

Eggs and “non-dietary” products

As sad as it may be for lovers of eggs in all kinds of forms - poached, omelettes, scrambled eggs, Benedict, products made from them also often force you to fart a lot and often. Therefore, if you are a farting egg lover, you will have to significantly reduce the amount of egg consumption. Otherwise, they can make you seriously suffer from gas.

Well, in conclusion, the enemies of all diets and balanced types of nutrition: pickled, fried, smoked, spicy and fatty foods. If you love all this, be prepared to fart all the time!

Can increased gas production indicate illness?

In general, almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be accompanied by increased gas formation.

How to distinguish normal gas formation from increased flatulence?

With a normal fart, you may not even notice it much - well, you let off the gas, hit it once, twice, a third time, in general, nothing very unpleasant. But with flatulence, the matter will not be limited to a few farts, as such.

Before you fart, you will fully feel how your stomach is bursting, you will notice that it is really bursting - it is inflated like a ball and cannot be retracted, you will feel a pain around your navel.

And, quite likely, even with all your desire not to hold back, but to fart from the heart, you will not succeed. More precisely, it won't work. It’s as if the gases not only expand the stomach from the inside, but also block the process of its own evacuation.

If you regularly feel pain near the navel and abdominal distension, this is a reason to consult a gastroenetrologist.

Are there people who don't fart?

Doctors and scientists say that there are no such things. And those people who believe that they do not fart at all simply do not notice this process, since it happens to them rarely and in small quantities, that is, almost imperceptibly.

In fact, all people pass gas, that is, we fart absolutely everything. However, it is in your hands to make this process less noticeable to yourself and others. How? We'll tell you below.

How to treat farts? Is it possible to get rid of gas formation?

Nutrition correction

You can reduce gas formation, and therefore the number of farts, by eliminating foods that provoke them.

If you know that you have gastritis and similar weaknesses, do not eat or significantly limit in your diet:

  • legumes (peas, lentils, beans, chickpeas),
  • cabbage (raw, pickled, pickled),
  • pastries and bread,
  • pasta and pancakes,
  • sweets and confectionery.

Elimination of some drinks

Let’s just keep silent about sodas, since by consuming them, you fill out your gastrointestinal tract additional gases. In addition to soda, you should also exclude other drinks that contribute to flatulence:

  • strong coffee and black tea,
  • beer and sparkling wine (champagne).

Limiting milk and dairy products

Avoid whole milk products, they contribute to flatulence, and if you have difficulty digesting lactose, switch to lactose-free milk.

From the point of view of getting rid of flatulence, it is worth looking more critically at fermented milk products: kefir, yoghurt and curdled milk, which are very beneficial for the body, can provoke gas formation, because they are all fermentation products.

Table manners

When you sit down to eat, please try not to rush through your food, chew your food calmly and slowly, and do not throw large pieces into your mouth. This will, firstly, help your digestion, and secondly, it will allow you to absorb less air.

In general, see for yourself, it’s up to you to choose: momentary taste and short-lived pleasure from food, or a long painful state of gases in the intestines after.

Video: why does a person fart and how does it happen?