Jared padalecki jensen ackles slash. Jensen Ackles explained the reason for living together with Jared Padalecki. More on the "Supernatural" fandom

The idea to create the Supernatural series came from American producer Eric Kripke. He brought his plan to life thanks to film actors D. Eccles and D. Padalecki. In 2005, the premiere of the film took place, which was about two brothers struggling with all sorts of devilry. Viewers from many countries liked the script so much that the series is still popular, and the film crew is already actively working on the ninth season.

The Supernatural series influenced not only the worldview of its loyal fans, but also the cast itself. Over the eight years of filming, many actors developed good relationships. Love broke out between some of them, and real strong friendship between others.

Everyone who watches the series regularly could not help but pay attention to the 15th episode of season 6. In it, Dean and Sam Winchester found themselves in an alternate reality where they were actors Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. They were surprised that in that world there were no angels, no demons, no ghosts, no vampires, or other evil spirits. But the most surprising thing was that Jared and Jensen did not communicate with each other, or rather the opposite - they did not like each other and clashed exclusively in the professional sphere.

Apparently, the plot of this episode was quite realistic and many aspects were true. That’s when the viewer started thinking about the relationship between the main characters. Are they really working together while gritting their teeth?

But no! Fans should not be disappointed in their idols. They are actually very friendly and spend quite a lot of time together. Jensen and Jared call themselves best friends and claim that their relationship is much better than that of their "supernatural" characters. Unlike Sam and Dean, they never quarreled and could always find a common language. Ackles and Padalecki often tease each other, but they never take offense at friendly jokes. The guys became so close that sometimes during filming they call each other not by their stage names, but by their real names. It is known that both actors got married in 2010. At such an important event, they were each other's best men.

Such is the relationship between the “supernatural” boys! Their friendship also had a fruitful influence on the acting in the Supernatural series itself. Most of the time the actors spend together is devoted to work: they discuss the script and rehearse scenes.

S - Z

Welcome back -
Author: Herat
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Genre: AU, the first two chapters are pure fluff, the second two are pure NC
Rating: NC-17
Size: midi

Male and female- www.diary.ru/~fanfictionarchive/p100216043.htm
AUTHOR: vera_est
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Genre: stylized romance novel (not banter)
Summary: Vallia is a world without women. T-Rexes are strong and dangerous, Valii are beautiful and seductive. T-Rexes can capture any Valium. But only one. And for life. Jared chooses Jensen.
Warnings: AU, graphic descriptions of sex, mpreg.
Size: midi

Shoemaker without boots- pay.diary.ru/~cuttysarkk/p106759733.htm
Author: cato
Pairings: Jensen/Jared, Hilarie Burton/Geoffrey Morgan, Danneel Harris/Riley Smith, Chris Kane/Steve Carlson, Sophia Bush/Chad Michael Murray ("slash" as a pairing, not as a definition of topness)
Rating: PG-13
Genres: snotty romance
Warnings: AU, OOS
Size: midi
Summary: Jared conducts certification of a computer company where employees find love thanks to a matchmaker

Witness- erminar.diary.ru/p86757992.htm
Author: Erminar
Characters and Pairings: J2, Tom Welling, Gary Sinise, Alan Dale, Elizabeth Mitchell, Naveen Andrews
Rating: NC-17
Genre: action, detective, AU, OOC
Warnings: based on the plot, I want to warn you that in the fic there may be one or more deaths of minor characters, checkmate, Jensen - top!
Contents: Jared becomes an important witness in the murder of the vice mayor of Chicago. He saw the killers. He remembered them. Now he must survive at any cost...

One among strangers, a stranger among one's own- www.supernatural.ru/modules.php?name=Forums&fil...
Author: Flashflutter
Translation: Marta
Genre: Alternative universe, RPS, hurt\comfort, romance, angst
Rating: Adult (over 18)
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and others from The CW.
Author's A\N: Jared is a secret agent, Jensen is his supervisor and provides technical support.
Side story:
Losing control- www.crossroad-blues.net/fics/fictext.php?target...
Pairing: Chris, Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Genre: angst, romance, AU
Summary: The promised outtake for those who read and fell in love with “Spies” (One among strangers, a stranger among one’s own). At the end of the story, events echo those of Chapter 4, only this time the events are seen from Jensen's point of view.
Secret information- www.crossroad-blues.net/fics/fictext.php?target...
Pairing: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and others from The CW.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst, romance, AU
Note: Read only after the fic Your Own Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Your Own (Spies), but a must read!

Saint- pay.diary.ru/~NecRomaniya/p102200504.htm
Author: Nekromantika
Genres: romance (author's)
Pairing: J2
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, OOC, RPS, swearing, mentions of violence, Jensen-top

Deals oh it hurts me, Jaaareed!!!- naerin.diary.ru/p98542892.htm
Authors: Naerin (POV-Jared), Lonely Heart Killer (POV-Jensen), Necromantica (POV-Chris Kane)
Genre: PWP (porn interspersed with humor, angst and fluff) role-playing
Pairing: Jared/Jensen (in the first part, and then... who knows)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: OOC (justify is dead, canon is dying), harsh top Jared, victimized bitch Jensen (Jenny, so Jenny), swearing, words like "Princess Jenny", BDSM (bondage, spanking), fetishism ("Jerry"), rimming , dirty talk, finger-fucking, fisting, crossdressing. Characters' thoughts in quotation marks, dreams/memories in italics.
Size: maxiporn

Symphony with two unknowns- osen444.diary.ru/p98979368.htm
Author: Autumn in the city
Pairing: J2
Genres: slash, romance, AU, OOC
Rating: PG-13.
Size: midi
Summary: the plot is hackneyed, the author is not original. I just wanted to write this. Inspired by one photograph and the wishes of the customer. The Jays in this text are the same age.

Fairy tale- pay.diary.ru/~vowel/p91160987.htm
Author: Hazel.
Fandom: SPN/Slumdog Saints crossover.
Genre: fantasy, AU, het, slash, romance.
Rating: yes, small but insightful.
Pairings and characters: Norman/Sand, Jensen/Sand, J2, Jim Beaver, Sean, DDM.
Summary: about what you can gain by losing your memory.
Size: max.

A fairy tale without beginning and end- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...
Author: auden
Pairing: J2
Genre: fairy tale with rating
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: crack and MPREG, AU
Summary: knight and dragon. And not a single royal daughter in the area!

Sculptor- www.crossroad-blues.net/fics/fictext.php?target...
Author: Master_Igri
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance, AU
Note: Michael Cunningham (openly gay) is one of the most talented prose writers in modern America. The novel “The House at the End of the World” was filmed by Michael Mayer in 2004. Colin Farrell played the main role in this low-budget film. For “The Hours,” the best American novel of 1998, the author was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, and the film based on this book by British film director Stephen Daldry, starring Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore and Meryl Streep, received an Oscar and went around movie screens around the world. In 2005, a Russian translation of another Cunningham novel, “Chosen Days,” was published. The entire structure of this work is based on another literary text - Walt Whitman's poem "Leaves of Grass" and can also be considered pastiche.
In addition, the fic indirectly refers to the films “The Blind Musician” and “City Lights”. There are quotes and descriptions from other authors. They are not particularly highlighted in the text.

Sweet dreams forever -
Author: dark_reaction
Translator: Wayward
Pairing: J2
Rating: NC-17
Size: midi
Summary: Jensen is a bartender who foolishly fell in love with a married man.
Warning: AU

Blindness- www.diary.ru/~roreanwin/p97456508.htm
Author: Lady Roxton and Rorean
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Drama with HE, AU
Character/Pairing: Jay 2: Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Jared, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Sera Gamble and others.
Summary: Successful writer Jensen Ackles is forced to become a companion to a blind guy from a wealthy family, Jared Padalecki, in order to finish his new novel.
From the authors: Meanwhile, here we are again! - new project. The retailing, albeit not step by step, of the film “Blindness”. Jared is twenty, Jens is thirty.

Death of Jensen Ackles- www.crossroad-blues.net/fics/fictext.php?target...
Author: James (Gila)
Translator: Red Cat
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance
Summary: Jensen and Jared star in the series, are friends and sometimes sleep with each other. But a random event forever changes the usual course of their lives. PS: No one dies in this story.

Property of Jensen Ackles- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...
Author: Morgana
Pairing: Jensen/Jared, Jensen/Tom
Rating: R
Size: midi
Warning: Incest, or not quite incest. AU
Samarry: When his mother remarried, Jensen also received a younger brother to add to his new father's burden. Or rather two brothers and a sister. There were no problems with Jeff and Megan, but little Jared made his life a living hell. The guy fled to college on the other side of the country and hoped that whatever he had done to offend young Padalecki would be forgotten over the years. But Jensen didn't know that there was one little thing that would make Jared never forget about him.

Perfection in almost every way- www.diary.ru/~doppel-ganger/p90606476.htm
Author: atimi
Translation: Mr. Hyde
Genre: romance, humor, fluff (written for a festival based on Disney fairy tales, a challenge to “Mary Poppins”), AU
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: author's PG-13, translator added obscenities

Coincidences- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...
Author: Naisica
Perring: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NTs-17 (within a stretch)
Genre: fluff angst, AU
A sequel to it - Notes in the margins- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...

Agree! (And no doubt)- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4...
Author: hkath
Translation: Red Cat
Rating: R
Pairing/Characters: Jared/Jensen, plus a little Vin Diesel.
Summary: The road to parenthood is fraught with challenges for Jared and Jensen, who are forced to enroll in a trendy new parenting course to improve their chances of adoption. Can they survive their encounters with intrusive tabloid reporters and annoying talk show hosts, cope with the whims of one special robot and resist the gravitational pull of a small planet named Vin Diesel? Will they be able to reach the end of this story unharmed? Will there be fluff?

Rescued- www.diary.ru/~olgaackles/p103464512.htm
Author: Olga_Ackles
Genre: AU
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: J2, Chris/Jared, Steve/Chris.
Size: midi
Summary: Jensen is a lifeguard, Jared is drowning. I think the rest is clear.

Coincidence of circumstances- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...

Stockholm syndrome- ifolder.ru/18539185
AUTHOR: ~Nemi Montoya~
GENRES: action, romance
PAIRING: J2, implied Jared Padalecki/Tom Welling
RATING: PG-13 to R
WARNINGS: AU, swearing, OOC, graphic descriptions of M/M sex
SAMMARI: Stockholm syndrome is a psychological condition that occurs during hostage taking, when the hostages begin to sympathize with the takers or even identify themselves with them. This is what happens to popular young actor Jared Padalecki when the airport where he was walking his ex-girlfriend home falls into the hands of an IRA militant group led by Jensen Ackles.
SIZE: midi

Country of men- www.diary.ru/~mpregfest/p107285654.htm
Author Alix
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Genre: fantasy, dystopia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: mpreg, AU
Summary: Distant future. The Earth is destroyed, and the last stronghold of humanity is an orbital station in deep space. A world from which, as a result of a deadly virus, women have completely disappeared, and with them tenderness, compassion and family. A world in which there is only profit and calculation, sex and indifference, masters and slaves. A world that will begin to change and will never be the same from the day Jensen meets Jared.

Happy together- bedtime-stories.fantasy-fan.info/wayward/ww-hap...
Author: Emilia
Translator: Wayward
Rating: R
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jared is a house cat, and Jensen... Jensen... In short, just read and find out for yourself.
Warnings: Well, there are two animals and they lick each other. It's crack, right? Just crack. Even more like zoological crack.

Same as him- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...
Author: trinipedia
Translator: mara333
Pairing: J2
Rating: R for language and innuendo
Size: maxi
Status: translation completed!
Summary: When Clay Miller, the President of the United States, falls into a coma, Jared Padalecki, a handsome and caring operator of the Temporary Hiring Agency, who just happens to look exactly like the President, finds himself in the role of a double. Corrupt and manipulative HR manager Jeffrey Dean Morgan sets out to use Jared to help him ascend to the White House, but doesn't expect him to use his luck and friends to make the country a better place and falls in love with the President's personal assistant, Jensen Ackles. Retailing of the film "Dave the President's Double"

Your name is Jared- www.crossroad-blues.net/fics/fictext.php?target...
Author: Vaniya
Pairing: J2
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst
Size: Midi
Summary: Jared lost his memory. AU.
Warning: No one will die, get beaten or raped in this fic, and the Jays will end up together. And yet, I warn you

Denial theory- skukasmertnaya.diary.ru/p85795243.htm
Author: BoredomMortal
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Genre: romance, just
Rating: nca
Warning: AU, Jensen is 29. Jared is 21

Terra Sky- www.diary.ru/~fentastic/p120254714.htm
Author: Mally
Genres: Hurt/comfort, fantasy
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Warnings: Total AU, OC, OOC, MPREG.
Summary: Terra Sky is a planet, 2/3 of which is covered by ocean, and on the land itself there are very few natural sources with drinkable water. Only men live on the only continent, and only a few of them can become pregnant. Jensen is capable of procreation, but his own father practically gives him into slavery for debts. However, Jensen manages to escape and hides in the forest. Jared, a military doctor, goes with his team on an expedition to find a mineral spring. He finds Jensen, saves him and decides to get him out so that he can ensure the birth of at least one more child.
Size: midi

Groom's Corpse(yes, yes - this is an analogy from Burton’s “Corpse Bride”) - www.diary.ru/~doppel-ganger/p90089993.htm
Author: Dr. Jekyll
Genre: Christmas crack tale with elements of fluff and romance (well, it’s a fairy tale!), AU
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: PG-15

Prison misadventures, or Life on the other side of bars- www.diary.ru/~padackles/p102990302.htm
Author: Mistyc aka Mist_Vamp aka Damn emotions
Rating: R
Pairing: J2
Genre: romance, drama, hurt/comfort
Size: mini/midi
Summary: Jensen is sent to prison on murder charges. His cellmate is a guy named Jay, who, according to Jensen and others, is clearly not himself.
Warning: slash; description of same-sex sexual relations; death of minor characters; profanity + prison slang; AU; forced sex (not BDSM).

Prison romance- naturka.diary.ru/p53605271.htm
Author: Natura
Author of the original idea: Vaniya
Pairing: J2
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Your house is a prison (c)
Warning: AU

You are my happiness- www.diary.ru/~EllaTUJ2/p125719145.htm
Author: EllaJ2 Padackles
Pairing: J2, Jared/Genevieve
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst, romance
Warning: AU, OOC, MPREG
Summary: “Sometimes you start to think about who you really are. Who you were meant to be. Think about your fate. And when you understand, for some reason it seems that you are cursed. Although, rather, he was awarded for something. But it doesn’t come right away - why? Because you have not broken God’s commandments, or because your heart loves so desperately that it is ready to let go of your loved one for the sake of his happiness. What will happen to you is not important yet...”
Size: midi
Status: finished

You made the place where I live a home- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...
Authors: Sasskitten & Jeyhawk
Translator: panda hel
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance, AU
Summary: Jared Padalecki is the author of a popular series of books about two brothers traveling across America and fighting evil. Jensen Ackles works for a construction company that, among other things, renovates houses. So Jensen and his team are hired to renovate the old house where Padalecki lives. But in the end, Jensen has to fix not only the house, but also the broken heart of a lonely writer.

Trouble has green eyes- www.diary.ru/~fanfictionarchive/p78595942.htm
AUTHOR: vera_est
Pairing: J2
Rating: R
Genre: erotic melodrama, AU
Summary: 2,179g. Well-known in the solar system and beyond, Captain Padalecki decides to acquire a slave who can brighten up his loneliness during a long intergalactic journey. But a meeting with an old enemy, Collins, who has abandoned piracy and legalized his income, messes up all his cards.
Size: midi

At your feet- pay.diary.ru/~seguirilla/p103354148.htm
Author: Seguirilla
Genre: angst, romance.
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: J2, Jensen/Steve, Jared/Brock
Warning: AU, OOC, swearing, drugs, underage sex.
Size: max.
Summary: It’s hard to say what’s worse - at seventeen years old, to understand the truth about yourself, having fallen in love with a gay man, to lose your love, barely having time to find it, or to meet a few years later in a completely unexpected capacity and learn a lot of new things, and not only about him. Let Padalecki figure this out himself... In the end, in order to live without betraying yourself, you first need to clearly understand who you are...
The boys are the same age; in the first part they are seventeen years old.

Lucky shot- www.diary.ru/~top-jared/p109444037.htm
Author: Esache
Pairing/Characters: JP/JA; Chad Michael Murray, Misha Collins, mentions Jared/Sandy, Jensen/Danneel
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Genre: Romance
Warnings: AU, Jensen is 21, Jared is 25, Jared's POV.
Size: midi
Summary: Jared is a photographer, Jensen is a guy without any special complexes, but with paddocks (not a model)

Taming the WIND- www.diary.ru/~Vavulon-J3/p84312271.htm#more1
AUTHOR: Vavulon
GENRE: AU, Romance,
SAMMARI: Jensen is a successful businessman. He came to relax on the Hawaiian Islands, where he meets the sexy handsome Jared, a lifeguard from the coast guard of Hookipa Beach...

Stubborn- www.crossroad-blues.net/fics/fictext.php?target...
Author: Vaniya
Pairing: J2
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance, AU
Summary: Jensen Ackles, a young journalist, is making a program about talented children. At the school where he comes to film his program, Jared Padalecki studies. There is no doubt that he is very talented.
Warnings: AU. Sex with a minor, questionable consent. Obscene language. The age difference between the Jays is 8 years!!! (Jared is 17, Jensen is 25).
Sequel - Sprinter- www.diary.ru/~skalistiyzmey/p82653208.htm
Author: Vaniya
Pairing: J2
Rating: PG
Dedication: For Memphis, who wanted to know that "everything is fine with them."

Photo studio- naturka.diary.ru/p69311503.htm
Author: Natura
Genre: AU
Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Rating: NC-17
Summary: You need to be responsible for your actions

Rumor has it that you are top class- crossroad.forum24.ru/?1-6-0-00000019-000-0-0-12...
Author: Impertinence
Translation: bypath
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jared/Jensen.
Genre: porn novel.
Briefly: Jensen didn't know everything, but he was absolutely sure of one thing: there was no way in his life he would sleep with Jared.

Crystal roses- www.diary.ru/~Dexter-V/p52666078.htm
AUTHOR: Dexter
WARNINGS: Total AU, OC, OOC, POV, angst, and, of course, MPREG

Colors of truth- www.diary.ru/~hopkins3/p94574396.htm#354932051
Authors: munibunny
Translator: SteveChris
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Padalecki family, Sofia, Mike, DDM
Rating: R
Genre: romance, AU
Summary: Jared has an unusual gift. Jensen is a workaholic with almost no personal life. Their meeting was accidental and the connection that arose between them rejected all explanations.

Sorcerers -
AUTHORS: Felisha and Ateh
GENRE: romance, humor, AU
SAMMARI: A Christmas tale about how true love can work miracles

Fair Exchange- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...
Author: Annie46
Translator: Lilu
Pairing: Jensen/Jared/Sandy/Chris
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jared Padalecki is a successful model, he is forced to participate in TV shows like Wife Swap. He will be very surprised when he finds out who his new partner is.
Warning: AU

Something like a habit, only stronger- www.crossroad-blues.net/fics/fictext.php?target...
Author: Naisica
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst, romance
Warnings: Church theme is indirectly touched upon. Abuse!Jared.
Note: The fic can be supported by the film Latter Days (2003), in which one of the main characters underwent similar treatment, as well as articles: Reparative Therapy, National Association for the Study and Therapy of Homosexuality,
Anti-homosexual movement. Naturally, in today's society such establishments cannot exist openly, especially in America, but this does not mean that they do not exist and the events described in the fic could not happen to ordinary people.

Something like an office romance- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2...
Author: Naisica
Pering: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: based on Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Office Romance”
Warning: AU

Miracle at Christmas- pay.diary.ru/~Rubin-Red/p140203061.htm
Author: Rubin.
Genre: romance, sometimes humor.
Rating: NC-17.
Pairing: Jensen/Jared.
Size: midi.
Status: finished.
Summary: A miracle can happen, but not necessarily exactly as planned. There are always options.

Step into the sky- babidibum.diary.ru/?tag=2192855
Author: ~Tanu~
Genre: RPS, AU, OOC, romance and angst.
Pairing: Jensen\Jared, Jared\Tom Welling
Rating: R
From the author: Written in response to Vaniya's request, which said: “Jensen is a playboy. Doing some kind of extreme sports. For example, a parachuting instructor. Jared falls in love with him, accidentally crossing paths with him somewhere (even though Jensen doesn’t see him or know him at all). And then Jared decides to come to Jensen’s class... A story of seduction.”

Shakespeare- erminar.diary.ru/p102771653.htm
Author: Erminar
Characters and pairings: Jensen/Jared, Chris Kane, Chad Murray, Edward Speleers, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Misha Collins, Samantha Ferris, Yun-jin Kim, etc.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance
Samarri: Abingdon is a very ordinary school, except for the fact that it is exclusively boys.
Warnings: AU, sex with minors (Jensen is 17, Jared is 16)
Status: finished

Sixth day of autumn- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...
Author: Ateh
Pairing: J2
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, death-fic.
Spoiler: Events in the fanfic take place during the third season.
Warning: Hero Death (please take this warning seriously).

Eyes wide open- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...
Author: Alix
Genre: fantasy, romance, AU
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jensen/Jared, others/Jared
Summary: The future, the era of stellar colonization. Jensen Ackles, a journalist and fighter for the rights of the oppressed, flies to Arcadia - a pastoral planet where sexual exploitation, ritual prostitution and other Sodom and Gomorrah flourish. Having met Jared, who has lived in this world his entire life, Jensen is determined to save him. But up close, everything turns out to be completely different from what it is from a distance, and Jared may not need to be saved at all.

Whore- www.crossroad-blues.net/fics/fictext.php?target...
Author: Alix
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Genre: angst, romance
Note: written for the second kink fest as requested: “Jared the Slut” (the fic was written before the end of the third season).

Jokes of fate- www.diary.ru/~doppel-ganger/p70269820.htm
Author: Dr. Jekyll aka Lola
Genre: AU, romance, mystic, fluff, angst (I think there will be a little)
Rating: maximum R
Pairing: this one is difficult, because it turns out something like Sam (Jared) / Jensen (Dean)
Summary: yes, in general, everything is according to the classics - the formation of a hero...

This pink autumn- www.diary.ru/~padackles/p91825625.htm
Author: CherryBill
Genre: Romance, AU
Rating: R looms somewhere
Pairing: J2
Summary: Jared, a law student, learns for the first time what real knee-bending love is. Her subject is Jensen Ackles, a new history teacher who wears a wedding ring and without any intention of winning the hearts of students left and right. In general, no action, school melodrama. =)

Echoes in the mirrors- son.diary.ru/p109937873.htm
Author: Dream.
Fandom: SPN/RPS/Friday the 13th/My Bloody Valentine shaken, not mixed
Genre: detective, thriller, action, a little romance
Size: about 72.5 thousand words
Pairing: J2, Wincest, Clay Miller/Tom Hanninger
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, dub-con (actually non-con), scenes of violence and violence, strong language
Summary: In theoretical physics there is a concept *ideal mirror*. The reflection from this surface is without distortion and exactly repeats the original. But in real life everything is somewhat different. It is enough to place two mirrors opposite each other - in the distant reflections you can already see a lot of interesting things.
What if it is a corridor of mirrors? What if someone can no longer remain silent and screams?

South China Sea- www.crossroad-blues.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1...
Author: tabaqui
Translator: 80 miles per hour
Pairing: J2
Rating: approximately R
Summary: I don't know what I'm doing in Vietnam, mom
Warning: AU

I'M FOLLOWING YOU- pay.diary.ru/~pernatoe/p105432578.htm
Author: Feathered Gabi
Characters: J2, Justin Hartley, Sandra McCoy, Christian Kane, Michael Rosenbaum, Danneel Harris, Elizabeth Harnois, Mark Pelegrino, Keanu Reeves, Misha Collins, Jared Leto, Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus and others...
Genre: angst, romance
Rating: NC-17
Size: midi
Warning: AU, OOC, initially hostility between the main characters, swearing.
Summary: Jensen is 30, Jared is 25. The future. This world is dominated by corporations and poverty, inhumane science and disease. Modern RobinHood hackers fight as hard as they can, but they are illegal. And Department of Info Security investigator Jensen Ackles is tasked with breaking up one of the hackers, because it is known for certain that this Padalecki works with the legend of cyber terrorism, a hacker with the nickname “Winchester”.

Millions of people know these charming Texans thanks to the TV series Supernatural as brothers Dean and Sam Winchester. Before Jared and Jensen began starring in the popular series, they did not know each other, but during the time spent together on the set, they became even closer to each other than the Winchester brothers: the actors are not just colleagues, but also the best Friends. Before each of them got a wife (and they did it almost simultaneously), they lived together!

Jensen: Nine out of twelve months of the year we were constantly together, 24 hours, seven days a week, almost every minute! And even when we weren't busy with work, it turned out that we were constantly hanging out together.

Jared: We even lived together!

Jensen: Yes, we lived.

Jared: And we were at each other's weddings!

Jensen: Were.

Jared: And when we left Canada during the holidays, we would join our families to celebrate Christmas in Texas together!

Jensen: That's true. But I always say that if you compare our relationship in life to the relationship between Dean and Sam on screen, the difference is huge. Jared never makes me angry.

Jared: I wouldn't say never.

Jensen: No, well, of course, you make me mad. We can say and do whatever we want to each other, but I think that's very common for guys our age, and we never take each other's antics seriously.

Jared: Yes. And if we fight, then it’s the initiative of both of us!

Ackles and Padalecki seem like the perfect friends, with some even ranking them as the most amazing celebrity friends ever. They are not shy about hugging in public... In fact, they really hug a lot!

And in some photos they are wearing the same T-shirt - and who can guess whether they are just two identical T-shirts or whether they really have one for both of them?

“When I met Jared, we became friends almost immediately. He's five years younger than me, but that's cool. I know what it's like to be an older brother, and he knows what it's like to be a younger brother—our rhythms matched, so to speak. He’s like a brother to me and I love him,” Jensen admitted in an interview.

The actors are united by an incredible sense of humor - it’s not for nothing that they became heroes of popular Internet memes. In one of the interviews they were asked the question: what are the most positive qualities in your friend? To which the actors responded:

Jared: Nice ass!

Jensen: Amazing smile and laugh!

Recently, questions from concerned fans have begun to appear on forums. It began to seem that within the framework of the show, the characters of Jared and Jensen were fighting various evil spirits, from demons to werewolves and even angels, but in real life the actors had to face something more terrifying - fatherhood.

Ackles and his wife Danneel Harris welcomed their daughter this summer, while the Padaleckis are expecting their second addition to the family. Perhaps it was because of this that the friends began to communicate with each other less often, but this does not mean that Jensen and Jared moved away from each other.

“It's great that we're two guys from Texas and our roles on the show are very similar. I don't feel like we have any rivalry. I think he's my biggest supporter, and I know I'm his biggest supporter, too,” Jared says.

“We are best friends now. But, actually, he is my best friend for life. I don't think it's that big of a deal, but it's really special anyway,” Jensen admitted.

A selection of photos of Jensen and Jared

For some reason I wanted to make a short link to my favorite J2 fanfictions.
One from each author.
Although each author has many more favorite works. And there are many more favorite authors. I’ll gather my strength and write another post.

Name: "Program error"
Author: verutzi
Beta: Hope
Pairing: Jared/Jensen (Supernatural RPS)
Rating: Starting from PG-13 to NC-17 in later chapters.
Total word count: 38,570
Genre: mmm, cyberpunk? mysticism, drama, romance, angstoshmoop with HE, obviously
Disclaimer: J2 belongs to themselves, as do all the other people mentioned in the fic.
A/N: this is an AU, people. A complete set of stamps is guaranteed.
I don’t understand a damn thing about the filming process. I don't understand shit about
Matrix. And in general, this is my first RPS (“Padaleki Method” does not count),
I don't know anything! This is just a joke written to
have fun myself and amuse my friends. Moreover, I brazenly carry
ideas, words and scenes from English fics, I insert obscene language into
assortment and turning the Russian language inside out, trying to make
graphic descriptions of sex are beautiful.
Summary: If Jensen Ackles didn't exist, he would have to be invented.


RPS (Supernatural)

curious_werewolf, kitiaras

Number of words:

Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki



AU, Hurt/Comfort, OOC, UST, Obscene language, OGB, WMD


As you know, there are no former cops. Are there any former whores?..

*line from a children's song

Name : "Heir of the Clan"
Cover design: Laluna 1
Status: finished
Rating: R
Size: mini
Characters: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jared never took omegas seriously. Until I met Jensen.
Warnings: omegaverse, no worries

Name: I'll come for you
Hank Stamper;
Pairing: Jensen/Jared;
Genres: AU; kink; OOS; PVP;
Status: completed
Rating: NC-17
Size: mini
For application from Jensen-top No. 5.65. Jensen is a prisoner in prison. Jared
- a new young security guard that Jensen has his eye on. Why -
at the mercy of the author. But I won’t give up the intrigue. A certain amount of humor
welcome. Hot scenes in... anywhere. Not fluff.