Avoid foot odor. Feet sweat and smell a lot: what to do to eliminate the unpleasant phenomenon

A person whose feet sweat a lot and smell unpleasant is treated with some degree of disgust by those around him. In order not to experience awkwardness and discomfort, you need to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Why do my feet sweat and stink? Now you will learn about this, because you can overcome sweating and unpleasant foot odor only after determining the causes of their occurrence. There is often a combination of factors that led to the problem. Some of them:

Excessive sweating is not life-threatening, but can contribute to the appearance of skin diseases and psychological disorders:

  • mycoses ( fungal infection) arise due to ideal conditions for the activity of fungi. Moisture and heat in shoes promote their reproduction. When treating nail and foot fungus, medications, ointments, creams, etc. are used;
  • skin diseases in the form of warts, boils and carbuncles. Atopic dermatitis may worsen;
  • bromhidrosis;
  • psycho-emotional stress, in which a person experiences a feeling of inferiority and tries to avoid public places.

Feet sweat and stink: should I consult a doctor?

If the problem cannot be resolved on your own, you need to contact a specialist. A serious failure could occur in the body. First, you should consult with a therapist who will prescribe comprehensive examination for the presence of pathologies. If they are absent, you need to visit a dermatologist and get his recommendations.

The doctor may prescribe medications against increased sweating and recommend sedatives.

This is due to the fact that hyperhidrosis is caused by nervous tension or constant stress.

Usually they resort to tincture of valerian, motherwort, peony root and other medicinal plants.

The help of tranquilizers or bromides is resorted to in exceptional cases, since they have side effects, you quickly get used to them and can be taken for no more than three weeks.

Pharmacological agents

Your feet are very sweaty and stinky, but you don’t know what to do? We suggest considering some drugs:


Most often to prevent copious discharge sweat and odor, you just need to maintain hygiene:

  • Wash your feet 1-2 times daily with antibacterial soap. It cleanses the skin better than other products; it can be liquid or lump. Washing should begin with warm water, gradually reduce its temperature and rinse with cold or tea leaves strong tea. Application contrast shower also very useful;
  • Dry your feet thoroughly with a towel specially provided for this purpose. This will prevent the growth of bacteria;
  • use special baths, use special creams, sprays and powders.

Shoes and socks

Shoes and hosiery directly affect the condition of the skin of the feet. Therefore, their condition must be taken very seriously:

Manganese solution, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide are used to remove stench from shoes. Internal surfaces are processed.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods have an excellent effect in combating sweating and foot odor and are used for preventive purposes.

You can powder the skin of your feet with potato starch and put on socks on top. Excess moisture is absorbed, as a result of which bacteria will multiply less.

Oat straw (2 tbsp) is poured with boiling water and infused for about an hour. Do not strain the resulting infusion and dilute it warm water. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes.

Place birch leaves in socks and change them twice a day.

Vinegar has destructive acidity for bacteria and fungi. Baths are made both from a diluted product and from a pure one. To do this, you need to warm up the vinegar a little (1 liter), pour it into a basin and lower your feet there.

Keep for 15–20 minutes. After the procedure, do not wash off the vinegar. Take baths five times every other day. For delicate dermis, vinegar is diluted with water.

There are many recipes for baths. In most cases, they are made on the basis of: oak bark, mint, sage or chamomile. Also used linden blossom, tea brewing, nettle, celandine, salt, soda, manganese and iodine.

To wipe the feet after a bath, use lavender, sage, thyme and essential oils, as well as lemon peels and apple cider vinegar.

They add fragrance to the skin, fight bacteria and disinfect skin.

Urgent measures

What can be done to get rid of it urgently? unpleasant odor sweaty feet? For urgent elimination odor and sweating must be taken water procedures and change socks, then:

  • use a special deodorant;
  • wipe the skin with alcohol;
  • treat the dermis and nails with undiluted vinegar.

Prevention of sweaty feet

  1. Avoid stress.
  2. Maintain hygiene.
  3. Cut your nails regularly and preferably have a pedicure.
  4. Cleanse feet from keratinization. You can use pumice for this.
  5. Eat right. Excessive use Eating spices, garlic, coffee, and strong tea can lead to increased sweating. The diet should include foods containing zinc.
  6. Pay close attention to your shoes. Wear only high-quality models and cotton socks.
  7. Consult a doctor promptly if you have diseases that cause excessive sweating.

Products to combat sweating and unpleasant foot odor great multitude. Due to the individuality of everyone human body, the best result can only be obtained through repeated experiments and trials.

More information about hyperhidrosis of the legs is in the next video.

It may seem frivolous. Meanwhile large number people experience discomfort and inconvenience about this. They avoid going to visit people, because there they will have to take off their shoes and blush for “. Are they embarrassed to bring a girl home or are afraid to wear open shoes so as not to spoil your impression of yourself with the smell of sweat. In such cases, only pharmaceutical anti-sweating products can really save you.

Naturally, medicine, pharmacology and cosmetology have not left people with similar problems. Today, anyone suffering from an unpleasant odor or increased sweating feet, when you come to the pharmacy, you can easily select the medicine you need for sweat and odor.

According to the methods of application and therapeutic results, they are divided into: following types which can be bought at the pharmacy:

  1. Creams, ointments, solutions and powders with therapeutic effect.
  2. Sprays and deodorants for feet, fragrances for.

Medicines are used to treat excessive sweating of the feet, eliminate the terrible “smell” and destroy fungal diseases. Drugs that only mask an unpleasant odor most often do not have a therapeutic effect.

Eliminating the causes of odor and sweating

To solve the problem of sweating feet, to get rid of it, you need to approach it from the position of “treating the cause, not the symptoms.” Modern medicine and pharmacology have been successfully coping with all these ailments for a long time. All you have to do is choose the right product at the pharmacy.

Designed to eliminate the main problem – sweating. This product dries out the skin thanks to the boric and salicylic acids it contains, as well as the main component – ​​formaldehyde. In addition to the active substances, the composition of this medicine mint oil is included, which gives it a pleasant aroma.

To obtain clinical results, apply to clean, dry skin. Depending on the tolerance of the components that make up the paste, it is applied for a period of half an hour to two hours. After this, the product must be rinsed off with warm running water. The effect of the drug lasts about 6 hours. This procedure should be repeated once a day for 3-4 days. To avoid skin addiction, after this period you need to take a break for 20–30 days, after which you can go to the pharmacy again and purchase this product.

Foot cream “5 days”

The medical name of this product is “GalenoPharm 5D”. It is sold in almost every pharmacy. Based on the name, it is not difficult to guess that positive result from the cream is achieved 5 days after the start of daily use.

Numerous reviews about this product indicate that after a course of treatment, excess sweat and a terrible odor disappear immediately. for a long time- up to six months.

The composition of this medicinal cream includes: talc, boric and salicylic acid, and also excipients- camphor, zinc stearate, menthol and magnesium carbonate.

Using this anti-sweating remedy is very simple. It is enough to pour the powder from special bags into shoes (one bag per shoe), which should be worn for at least 4–5 hours.

An active antiseptic substance, the main component of which is formaldehyde. Used for problems with excessive sweating of the feet. Pharmacological action This drug is achieved by reducing activity to zero. However, his frequent use leads to addiction and decreased effectiveness.

To achieve best result, the gel should be applied to clean and dry skin of the feet. After half an hour, the drug must be washed off. The positive effect after using Formagel lasts up to two weeks. Ask for ointment at pharmacies in your city. According to reviews, this is best medicine to get rid of sweat odor.


Remedy for leg hyperhidrosis therapeutic effect– fights fungal skin infections and destroys bacteria that cause odor. In composition and application, this gel is very similar to the “5 days” cream. Borozin is also available in powder form, which should be sprinkled into shoes. Manufacturers claim that the product penetrates the skin very well, due to which a long-term (several months) effect of the drug is achieved.


This medical product from sweaty feet. Basic active ingredient This product is oak bark. This natural material has always been famous for its ability to treat problems with the skin of the feet - normalize sweating, tighten pores, eliminate, and improve the health of the skin of the feet. These properties are also characteristic of the Quercus pharmaceutical product.

The medicinal product is available in powder form, which must be dissolved in warm water before use. Then you need to immerse your feet in this solution for 10–15 minutes.

After the procedure, the feet should be wrapped in a towel, removing moisture from the feet, then simply hold the feet on outdoors. It is necessary to be treated in this way before three times per week until this disgusting smell is eliminated.

Getting rid of odor

In every pharmacy today you can find products that are inexpensive, easy and quick to use, but often do not treat the root of the problem. Deodorants and foot sprays, antiperspirants, shoe fragrances are products that can effectively eliminate or mask the “aroma” from shoes, and you can buy them in all pharmacies in your city. But not all of them have a healing effect. Therefore, you should not expect that the passion for such sprays will lead to long-term results or a radical solution to the problem. .

These tools can be used on initial stage treatment medicines when the result is needed now, and the process of getting rid of sweaty feet may take a long time. In addition, pharmacy products that simply eliminate or mask odor are often much cheaper than drugs created specifically to treat the causes of these problems. Therefore, using concealers is easier and cheaper.

However, it is worth understanding that unpleasant foot odor and excessive sweating are problems that, sooner or later, need to be treated. And when a person who wants to restore health to his feet comes to the pharmacy to buy a remedy to treat the problem, he must remember: when using any anti-sweating drug, you should consult a doctor, carefully read the instructions for ointments and creams, check their expiration date and authenticity. And remember - buy medications only in pharmacies where pharmacists work and have a license.

Unpleasant foot odor in women is a problem that needs to be solved. As a rule, the cause of a strong “aroma” of the feet is increased sweating (hyperhidrosis). This problem has not only a physical, but also a psychological component.

A woman prone to hyperhidrosis of the legs begins to feel stiff and restless. For effective elimination odor, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease and begin treatment.

Finding out the reasons

The feet have a large number of sweat glands, through which organic compounds and salts are removed from the body. Since the feet are almost constantly covered with shoes, socks and stockings, it is much more difficult for the moisture removed from the body to evaporate.

It accumulates in a warm space closed from free air circulation. It is precisely this environment that is favorable for the spread of bacteria.

Important! Foot odor in women is caused by bacteria, not sweat itself.

Not all girls and women are susceptible to foot hyperhidrosis. There is a list of the main reasons why feet may smell unpleasant:

Advice! To know exactly how to remove odor and eliminate excessive sweating, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Eliminating unpleasant odor: where to start

Increased sweating and, as a result, odor is one of the components of the problem. If there are diseases that cause foot hyperhidrosis, then you need to start treatment.

The occurrence of foot odor in women may be a symptom of one of the following diseases:

Important! You must find the reason causing the appearance unpleasant odor and sweat and treat comprehensively.

Regardless of the cause of the odor, it is recommended to adhere to general recommendations on personal hygiene and shoe care.

You can get rid of an unpleasant odor by using general advice, the implementation of which will not be superfluous even with slight sweating of the feet.

The main points include:

  1. Foot hygiene.
  2. Proper selection of shoes and care for them.

Foot hygiene includes the whole complex measures that can significantly improve the situation with unpleasant odor. Hygienic procedures that have become a habit will not take much time and cause discomfort. They also prevent fungal infection.

Important! Foot hygiene should be regular and thorough.

Washing feet

If the problem with foot odor has become urgent, then you should use it for daily foot washing. special soap, marked “bactericidal”. The washing process should take place in pleasant warm water with gradual cooling.

Choice of cream

To combat unpleasant foot odor, women are advised to use foot creams that have deodorizing properties. Apply such products in a circular motion, without using aggressive rubbing.

Talc in the fight against unpleasant odor

Talc for feet is pharmaceutical product, which is applied to clean and dry feet. These types of powder preparations may include antibacterial and antifungal components.

A hygienic pedicure is mandatory for women who are prone to unpleasant foot odor. Before treatment, namely the removal of calluses, corns and keratinized skin, the feet must be steamed.

Deodorants and antiperspirants

Deodorants and antiperspirants are good for eliminating unpleasant odors. In order for the purchased product to have an effect, it must contain triclosan or terpene farnesol, as well as chlorhexidine.

Socks or women's stockings?

At profuse sweating and a noticeable repulsive foot odor, women are recommended to use cotton socks. Cotton is hygroscopic and allows the skin of the feet to be well ventilated.

The use of synthetic materials, such as polyamide, for example, in hosiery is highly undesirable. Wearing such items can aggravate the situation with unpleasant foot odor.

For healthy feet, it is advisable for women to give preference to shoes made from natural materials. Shoes made of real leather not only have a presentable appearance, but also allow the feet to “breathe” without blocking the air flow. In addition, this shoe material tends to stretch slightly when worn, taking the shape of the foot. This property is also beneficial for blood flow in the lower extremities.

Experts advise having not just one pair of shoes for each season, but several. Why is this necessary? So that the shoes you wear have time to dry and air out. If inner part shoes are wet after wearing them, then when drying, the insole should be pulled out. It is advisable to treat the interior space with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Advice! If your occupation allows it, then it is advisable to change your shoes at work.

People suffering from hyperhidrosis of the feet should change the insoles in their shoes every three to four months, since the insoles that are heavily saturated with sweat can themselves be a source of an unpleasant odor.

Important! Shoes must be dry inside. Do not wear shoes that are not completely dry.

Medicines to combat unpleasant odor

Pharmacy medications not only reduce sweat on the feet, but also have antiseptic properties. Among the most common:

  • Formidron;
  • Teymurov's pasta;
  • Boric acid.


Available this remedy in the form of a solution. It is recommended to apply Formidron up to two times a day for clean skin legs Leave for three minutes and rinse with water. The effect of use is up to 14 days.

Pasta Teymurova

The duration of treatment is 7 days. The paste should be applied up to three times a day. It is also recommended to apply it to clean, dry skin.

Important! This drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Boric acid

There are several options for using this tool:

  • as a powder (dry);
  • in the form of a solution for foot baths.

Having antimicrobial and antifungal effect, this drug most often well tolerated.

Important! Effect of use boric acid not instantaneous, but appears only after 10 - 14 days.

Fungus as a cause of unpleasant foot odor

Fungal infections of the feet, toes and nails often cause strong smell. Treatment of this disease must be carried out by carefully following medical recommendations and using special medications.

Anti-fungal drugs are available in various forms and contain active active ingredients to fight the disease.

The most effective include:

  • Lamisil;
  • Exoderil;
  • Mikonorm;
  • Zalain;
  • Nizoral et al.

Important! For effective treatment It is advisable to consult your doctor first.

Treatment with folk remedies

In an integrated approach to the treatment of foot hyperhidrosis and elimination of unpleasant odor, it can be applied in practice folk recipes. They include accessible tools and are not complicated.

Advice! When dealing with the unpleasant foot odor that hyperhidrosis leads to, you should pay attention to your diet. In particular, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of alcohol, chocolate, coffee, tea, spices and salt.

Thoroughly dissolve 2 tbsp in 5 liters of boiling water. salt. To enhance the effect, you can enrich the solution essential oil lavender or eucalyptus. This should be done by first mixing up to four drops of the selected oil in a tablespoon of milk.

Important! Apply this recipe It is not possible if there are lesions on the skin of the legs.

Soda baths for odor and sweating

For cooking therapeutic bath take 2 tbsp. l. soda and 1 liter of warm water. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The feet are immersed in the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes.

Using tea to solve a problem

Strongly brewed tea contains a large amount of tannins, which help cope with intense sweating. Black tea is brewed and the feet are rinsed with it.

Alcohol as a control method

To combat microbes that cause unpleasant odor in hyperhidrosis, you can wipe your feet with alcohol or vodka. This method is used as a course, later moving on to the use of a special foot cream.

Oak bark

Oak bark has bactericidal properties (to eliminate foot odor) and contains tannins(to reduce the intensity of sweat secretion). 6-7 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with a couple of liters of boiling water and left for an hour. After filtering, the solution is ready for use. The prepared decoction of oak bark is used as foot baths. It is recommended to do it three times a day for a quarter of an hour.

Advice! Instead of oak bark you can use chamomile, which gives the same effect.

If you have severe foot sweating and foot odor, sometimes it will be enough to follow the advice on personal hygiene and normalize your diet. In other cases, a qualified consultation with a doctor is necessary, who will select treatment and prescribe medications.

83 615 0 Unpleasant foot odor is not the most pleasant problem. It causes serious psychological discomfort and can drive a person into deep complexes. It is awkward to take off your shoes when visiting, and leather shoes absorb odors and require special care... How to get rid of unpleasant foot odor at home?
  • Poor hygiene
  • Insufficient shoe cleaning

Shoes not only need to be cleaned from the outside, they also need to be washed from the inside. This is especially true in the cold season if you have to wear warm socks and spend a lot of time in a warm room in the same boots or shoes.

You can only wear dry shoes: a damp environment is an ideal place for the growth of a variety of microbes and bacteria. Ideal option– always have a spare pair.

Place your shoes on the radiator to dry overnight.

  • Shoes made from low-quality materials

Stores offering cheap shoes are very popular, but buyers do not always think about the harm that inexpensive shoes or boots will cause. Manufacturers do not care about ventilation of the skin, and in shoes made of artificial materials, feet sweat much more.

  • Fungus

Fungus of the feet or nails can lead to disruption of the water-salt balance of the skin and the appearance of a specific odor. It will be difficult to get rid of this problem, and you should not rely on popular remedies: it is better to visit a doctor. On our website you can read an article about how to prepare a foot bath for foot fungus

  • Features of the body

In some cases, the cause is the body’s pathological tendency to excessive sweating– hyperhidrosis. In this case, it is difficult to get rid of sweat; all efforts will have to be directed to ways to reduce the unpleasant odor.

If for certain reasons it is enough to simply change your shoes, then for others you will have to use other methods. Not everyone wants to visit a doctor, and these visits do not always help to cope with the problem. Then the question arises - how to get rid of foot odor at home?

If some special treatment It’s not necessary, but you can’t reduce sweating, the question arises - how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of feet? There are several recommendations.

  1. for feet, which can be purchased at pharmacies or cosmetic stores. The peculiarity of their action is that the product applied to the skin of the foot blocks the sweat ducts. You can use them daily, but in the evening you should definitely wash your feet thoroughly.
  2. You can choose special insoles that will absorb sweat and unpleasant odors, and also provide the skin with the necessary ventilation.
  3. There are special shoe fresheners on sale - they do not affect the level of sweating, but successfully combat unpleasant odors. This freshener can be carried with you and used at any convenient time.
  4. Natural fragrances, such as lavender or carnation flowers, also help neutralize the smell. You just need to put them in your shoes.
  5. Dry substances applied to clean feet before putting on socks help to slightly reduce sweating. Powder, talc or even “kitchen” products are used - table salt and corn starch.
  6. When drying shoes, you can put crumpled newspaper pages in them - the paper absorbs not only excess moisture, but also unpleasant odors.
  7. If in autumn or winter you have to sit in warm boots in a warm office all day, you need to have spare shoes - light shoes, sandals or sandals. The skin of the feet will receive the necessary ventilation and rest, and the outdoor shoes will dry during this time.

Foot hygiene

Compliance with all rules and regulations of hygiene is one of the most effective ways get rid of unpleasant
body odors. You need to wash your feet daily, and if you sweat excessively, several times a day. Simple water is not enough here: soap or a special gel must be used. After washing your feet, you must dry them thoroughly - any remaining moisture is favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

If your feet sweat a lot during the day and you have nowhere to take a bath, antibacterial wet wipes or even hand sanitizer can help. If possible, it is advisable to wear clean socks after treatment. They should consist of natural materials (for example, cotton) without any synthetic admixture.

You can take antibacterial baths a couple of times a week. Two or three times a month it is necessary to treat the skin of the feet with special graters or pumice: this helps get rid of dead cells.

Despite the wide range of different pharmaceutical drugs, “home” medicine remains popular. How to get rid of foot odor using folk remedies?

Anti fungus

Dairy products help get rid of foot fungus. You can use cream, kefir or even sour cream. Every evening you need to apply a kind of mask from these products to your feet. Leave on the skin for about twenty minutes, and then simply rinse off.


  • With salt: for five liters hot water– two glasses of salt, cool and lower your feet for 5-10 minutes. The recipe can only be used if there are no wounds, ulcers or abrasions on the skin.
  • with lemon and ice: for three to five liters of water - the juice of one whole lemon and as much ice as the cold your skin can tolerate. It is not recommended to hold your feet for a long time to prevent hypothermia.
  • with vinegar: for three liters of water - one glass of vinegar, you can also add fir or thyme oil.
  • with tea: boil a tablespoon of black tea in a liter of water (you can replace loose tea with bagged tea), dilute with cold water.
  • with soda: per liter of water - a tablespoon baking soda. The solution increases the alkalinity of the skin, which helps kill bacteria.
  • with potassium permanganate: add a little potassium permanganate to a warm bath - the water should be pale pink. The feet are simply lowered into the water for 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to wipe them; the skin should dry on its own.

Foot odor oil

Also used lavender oil from foot odor. Before going to bed, rub your feet with it and put on cotton socks on top. This must be done daily, the “course” continues until the unpleasant odors completely disappear.

Experts recommend using foot massage: it normalizes sweating and improves blood circulation. Various types of stimulation are used during such stimulation. aromatic oils. The most effective of them is lavender, which not only removes odors, but also kills bacteria.

If you experience excessive sweating and an unpleasant odor, you should pay attention to your diet. You don't need a special diet, but some foods impart specific nasty odors to your sweat. So keep this in mind the next time you use them. These products include:

  • alcohol;
  • tobacco;
  • strong black tea;
  • natural coffee;
  • onions;
  • garlic;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • spicy spices.

A foot paste based on tar and oils is well suited for treating the skin. tea tree. This product must be used to thoroughly treat not only the feet, but also the areas between the toes and around the nails. The procedure is carried out overnight, the course is about five days. The product can be purchased at a pharmacy; it is inexpensive, but you can notice the effect after just a couple of uses.

  • "Formidron";
  • "Borozin";
  • “Drisol;
  • Teimur paste.

The drugs not only kill unpleasant odors, but also successfully fight fungus. Before use, you must carefully study the instructions and, if possible, consult a doctor. All medications must be used with caution: they can cause allergies, and it is very difficult to predict the body’s reaction.

It is worth understanding: it is unlikely that you will be able to find a universal recipe for getting rid of odor, and certainly not on the first try. You can follow one of the most convenient recommendations, but you may not see any results. The problem requires integrated approach: healthy image life, compliance with all hygiene rules, foot care products and high-quality shoes are the key to successfully combating unpleasant odors.

An unpleasant foot odor has become a pressing problem for many people - it prevents them from feeling comfortable in society and deprives even the most confident people. successful people. At the same time, the unpleasant odor of feet tends to spread even with shoes on, and this process occurs especially intensely with wet shoes. In general, this all leads to irritability, nervousness and even depression.

Table of contents:

The mechanism of unpleasant foot odor

The condition in question can also arise from natural reasons, and pathological.

Natural causes

On the surface of the skin of the foot there are sweat glands that perform a thermoregulatory function. The basis of the unpleasant odor is precisely the secretions of these same sweat glands of the foot.

If on the street elevated temperature air, a person experiences high physical activity wears too warm socks, the sweat glands begin to work more actively, in some cases more than 200 ml of sweat is released per day! The liquid itself (sweat) has no odor - it consists of 99% water, and 1% is chlorine, acids, salts and ammonia. An unpleasant odor is caused by bacteria that actively multiply on the surface of the feet - a warm and humid environment for them is the optimal condition for life.

But it should be borne in mind that the smell is different. Some people have such a smell of sweat that they themselves can smell it very well. This is not a problem because, knowing this physiological feature body, a person will simply carry out hygiene procedures and use by specific means to lighten the "aroma".

Pathological causes

Unpleasant foot odor may be a consequence of the development of certain pathologies. These include:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • improper diet and regimen;
  • permanent, nervous diseases and even phobias;
  • some cardiovascular diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system.

Therefore, doctors warn that if sudden appearance If you have an unpleasant foot odor, although this has not been noted before, you need to undergo a medical examination.

It is worth mentioning separately some factors that can cause unpleasant foot odor. These include:

How to get rid of unpleasant foot odor

Please note:to get rid of the phenomenon in question, you need to make sure that there are no pathological causes unpleasant foot odor. Otherwise, even using the best and most modern deodorants will not give any effect.

Foot fungus

We recommend reading:

Fungal diseases are considered very contagious, but even with direct contact the disease itself may not develop. The point is that if immune system If a person is strong, then it is quite capable of “fighting back” fungal colonies, but even with a slight weakening of the immune system, the fungus will begin to spread rapidly.

As a rule, treatment of foot fungus takes a long time, but the exact duration of therapy and the medications itself should be selected by a specialist . As a rule, when treating fungal diseases lower limbs the following remedies are prescribed:

  • antifungal creams – Nizoral and/or Zalain;
  • antimycotic - Demicten, Batrafen and/or Lotseril;
  • – Fluconazole, Ketoconazole and/or Intraconazole;
  • antifungal sprays - Terbix and/or Lamisil.

Only strict adherence instructions for use of these medicines with an antifungal effect, observing personal hygiene rules and disinfecting shoes and socks/tights will help get rid of fungal disease, and from unpleasant foot odor.

Personal hygiene

Even if you use the most powerful remedy for unpleasant foot odor, treat fungal diseases modern drugs, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules will nullify all efforts.

Rules for personal foot hygiene:

Foot deodorants

This is the most accessible remedy To combat unpleasant foot odor, it can be used every day. There are several types of foot deodorants - fragrances (they mask the odor), antiperspirants, normalizing perspiration and medicinal. The product in question can be produced in the form of a gel, aerosol, cream or talc.

Antiperspirants block sweat ducts, but they cannot be used around the clock - the skin of the feet must also breathe, otherwise the result will be reverse effect. Antiperspirants Klima Surefoot Spray and Odor Control Neutra-Activ have proven themselves to be quite good.

Deodorants that can normalize sweating do not block the sweat glands, like antiperspirants, but maintain their functionality within normal limits. Prominent representatives similar products are Vichi 7 days and Deo-control - they can be used daily and for a long time.

Therapeutic deodorants are the most effective and “correct” means for getting rid of unpleasant foot odor. They prevent bacteria from spreading, and this already eliminates the root cause of the problem in question. An example is the medicinal deodorant Gevol honey. But doctors warn that it is not advisable to constantly use such a product - it is well known that bacteria can get used to the product and become resistant to harmful substances.

Any of the listed deodorants should be applied to dry and washed skin of the feet. Next, you need to wait until the product is completely absorbed or dry and only then can you put on socks and shoes. In the evening, be sure to wash off the deodorant!

Creams and lotions for unpleasant foot odor

You can find quite a lot of creams on sale that help control sweating on the feet and get rid of unpleasant foot odor. The good thing about such products is that you can use them all your life, the main thing is to choose the right cream.

The most popular foot creams:

  1. Dry-Dry. Represents clear liquid, which contains aluminum chloride hydrate and denatured alcohol. These active substances they create a kind of plug that does not allow the sweat glands to secrete foot sweat, but allows it to come out in other places, or is excreted by the kidneys.

If you use this product correctly, the protection lasts for 3-5 days. The liquid is applied to the clean and dry surface of the feet in the evening, and in the morning you can carry out hygiene procedures.

Apply the product in small quantities to clean skin of the feet; after it is completely absorbed, you can swim or play sports. The next application of the cream should be no earlier than an unpleasant odor appears.

  1. Galeno Pharm “5 days”. As part of this combination remedy contains zinc oxide (has a drying and disinfecting effect), cetyl alcohol (retains moisture in the skin), camphor (an antiseptic) and menthol, which gives freshness and cools the feet.

Please note that this cream has an oily structure, so you need to apply it to your feet in a minimal amount - one that is completely absorbed.

  1. Deo-control from Kalina. The composition contains a unique combination of shea butter, lavender, tea tree, cocoa, vitamins A, E and B5. Deo-control destroys bacteria, creating an invisible protective film on the skin of the feet.

Apply the product after washing your feet thin layer, and the next application should be either after the next hygiene procedures, or when there is a smell of sweat.

  1. Green pharmacy. The cream has a deodorizing and antifungal effect, and the manufacturer promises five-day protection against unpleasant foot odor.

Apply the product to dry and clean skin of the feet; it is very good to use after visiting a bathhouse and/or sauna.

Pharmaceutical products against foot odor

There are also a number of products that are sold exclusively in pharmacies - they have been certified and fully meet the declared quality characteristics. These include:

Folk remedies for foot odor

Well, of course, the problem of unpleasant foot odor has been known to mankind for a long time - our ancestors could also cope with the problem without special medicines. Here are just a few recipes from the “traditional medicine” category:

Unpleasant foot odor is a very unpleasant phenomenon. But if you make some effort, you can get rid of both the unpleasant smell of your feet and increased sweating. The only recommendation is to visit a doctor to find out the cause of the situation in question, because if a pathology is detected, any action will be inappropriate until complete recovery.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category