Gynecological baths at home. Vaginal bath (therapeutic). What do vaginal baths do?

In the female body, the cervix is ​​one of the most complex organs, which is characterized by many pathologies. The cervical canal inside consists of a single layer of columnar epithelium. The vaginal side is covered with stratified squamous epithelium. At the junction of two different types of cells, various pathologies are formed. Cervical disease is treated with vaginal baths.

Vaginal baths are a medicinal gynecological procedure. Their goal: to carry out sanitation of the vagina and part of the cervix. During the procedures, the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​immersed in a solution with various medications. The process takes up to 15 minutes. The vagina is treated until the inflammatory process is completely removed. Such treatment is an addition to complex treatment.

Indications for vaginal baths

Vaginal baths are prescribed for fairly common gynecological diseases and preparations for certain procedures:

preparation for the examination;

preparation for surgery;



However, there are a number of contraindications when vaginal baths should not be done:

during menstruation;


threat of miscarriage

after childbirth;

after abortion.

Preparatory steps before vaginal baths

Vaginal baths are performed only when the bladder and rectum are free. It is imperative to pay special attention to the toilet of the external genitalia. Vaginal baths are prescribed before using tampons and suppositories with medications, vaginal tablets. It is also possible to use it independently when combined with some therapeutic measures.

How to do vaginal baths

Before starting any procedures, an examination and recommendations of a gynecologist are required. Only a doctor can correctly draw up an individual procedure for treating the vagina. The gynecologist will clearly explain the need for vaginal baths and all stages of the procedure.

Conventionally, all actions can be divided into 3 stages:

Preparation - the patient lies comfortably on the gynecological chair.

The main one is that the obstetrician inserts and secures the Cusco speculum into the vagina. Sterile cotton balls are used to remove mucus. The solution is poured in two stages. After pouring, the first part is immediately drained by tilting the mirror down. The second part of the solution should completely cover the entire vaginal area of ​​the cervix. The solution is drained after 5-15 minutes by opening the lock and tilting the mirror.

Final – dry the vaginal walls with cotton swabs and remove the speculum.

Instruments and equipment must be completely sterile. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. There is no need to remain in a medical facility after completion. Only disposable instruments and high-quality drugs are used. The doctor must be proficient in the technique of inserting a speculum into the vagina, so as not to damage the patient’s internal organs. Before the first procedure, it is necessary to study the patient’s allergy history.

After the course, pain decreases or completely disappears, inflammatory infiltrates resolve.

Furacilin, tinctures of chamomile and eucalyptus, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, lactic acid, Romazupan, boric acid, vagoti and some antibiotics are used as medications. The listed products cannot be used in their pure form. All of them are diluted in water in certain proportions.

The following complications are possible:

injury to the vaginal mucosa;

difficulties with removing the mirror;

pain when inserting a speculum;

allergies to the drugs used.

The following problems are possible due to the intervention:

the patient’s fear of a gynecological procedure;

psychological discomfort, feelings of shame;

fear of pain when inserting a speculum;

spasm of the muscles of the vagina and perineum when a speculum is inserted.

Vaginal baths speed up the healing process. If the gynecologist prescribed them for you, then you should definitely complete the full course.

The number of procedures is prescribed depending on the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the patient.

Vaginal baths are a simple procedure that is indicated for a fairly large number of gynecological diseases. Therapeutic solutions used to sanitize the vagina heal wounds and erosion, soothe irritated mucous membranes, and suppress pathogenic microflora. As a result, all unpleasant ones decrease or disappear.

What are vaginal baths

Vaginal baths are a method of therapy for various pathologies of the cervix. To treat some gynecological diseases, the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​immersed in a medicinal solution for 10-15 minutes. This is how antiseptic treatment of the female external genitalia and vaginal part of the cervix is ​​performed. The procedure is not independent, but should be part of a general therapeutic complex.

Main indications

In gynecology, vaginal baths are prescribed quite often. The manipulations are very simple, but they must be performed by an experienced doctor. During the procedure, a certain part of the reproductive organ is filled with a special solution, resulting in a therapeutic effect. Exposure time is about 15 minutes. The number of procedures is determined by recovery or elimination of inflammation.

The main indications for vaginal baths are:

  1. Preparation for surgery on the reproductive organs.
  2. Preparation of the genital tract for diagnostic procedures.
  3. Diagnosed cervicitis is inflammation of the vaginal part of the cervix. It is characterized by cloudy discharge, pain in the lower abdominal segment, pain during urination and sexual intercourse.
  4. Revealed erosion. This is one of the common diseases in women of childbearing age, characterized by disruption of the integrity or ulceration of the mucous membrane of the vaginal wall.
  5. Endocervicitis is an inflammatory process localized in the cervical canal. Caused by mechanical damage and injury, penetration of infectious agents.
  6. Progressive colpitis (vaginitis). This is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, the causative agent of which can be pathogenic microorganisms.

As a result, pain decreases, symptoms weaken or disappear altogether, pathological microflora is suppressed, microtraumas and erosive damage heal.

Contraindications for sanitation

Treatment with vaginal baths is contraindicated for some categories of patients. It is difficult to carry out the procedure and there will be no desired effect during menstruation. The only way out is to wait until the end of your period. In addition, baths are prohibited during the postpartum and post-abortion period. Douching at this time disrupts the vaginal microflora and increases the risk of infection.

During pregnancy, vaginal baths can be performed after the 12th week and only if indicated. The doctor must be aware of the woman's situation in order to prescribe a drug that will not harm the fetus. Up to the 12th week inclusive, sanitation is carried out only if the expected benefit for the woman is greater than the possible harm to the fetus. The procedure can be prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage due to vaginitis, erosion and other gynecological diseases for which baths are indicated.

Preparation for the procedure

Carrying out vaginal baths requires some preparation. The woman should have a completely empty rectum and bladder. If necessary, you can do an enema. Before the procedure, a thorough toileting of the external genitalia is performed. They also preliminarily douche with a soda solution to dissolve natural mucus. Otherwise, the procedure will not be as effective.

A bath is made before treatment with special tampons, suppositories or tablets. It is recommended to use this method of therapy in combination with therapeutic treatment with medications. Baths can be done at home, but you should first discuss this with your doctor.

Vaginal baths: algorithm

When performing the procedure in a medical facility, the patient first lies down in a gynecological chair. The gynecologist inserts a speculum into the vagina and removes mucus. Then the usual mirror is replaced with a folding one, through which the medicinal solution is poured. The patient should remain in a supine position for 5-10 minutes. In this case, you need to ensure that part of the uterus is immersed in the medicinal solution.

After the procedure is completed, the speculum is carefully removed from the vagina. In anticipation of the vagina, the speculum is tilted so that the liquid pours into a substitute basin. The remainder of the solution is dried with a gauze or cotton swab until the gynecological instrument is completely removed.

Carrying out the procedure at home

At home, before performing a vaginal bath, you need to carry out the same preparation, that is, empty your bladder and intestines. It is important to first obtain permission from a gynecologist for such a procedure and to exclude allergies/individual intolerance to the drug, solution or decoction of medicinal herbs. The technique of vaginal baths differs significantly from the procedure performed on an outpatient basis. The only tools you need are a syringe or syringe.

So, at home, vaginal baths are performed using a special syringe or syringe without a needle. You need to prepare a medicinal solution, toilet the external genitalia, and then draw the medicine into a douche or syringe. The tip of the device is carefully inserted into the vagina as deeply as possible. After this, you need to slowly release the medicine. The manipulation must be carried out several times. After this, the syringe is removed. The patient should be in a comfortable position, but so that the treatment solution does not leak out, for 5-10 minutes.


What are vaginal baths used for? To effectively relieve inflammation, antibiotic or antiseptic solutions are used. Most often in gynecology, silver sulfate, Protargol solution, furacilin, and Romazulan are used. The silver solution is made 1-2%, the “Protargol” solution is 2-3%. All drugs should be used only in the form of a solution and heated.

Folk recipes

Healing and soothing douches are indicated to treat recovery after gynecological surgery or abortion. Aloe will help restore normal microflora. For the procedure, you need to prepare a fresh leaf from a plant that is at least two years old. The juice should be mixed with warm water in a ratio of one part to ten. Can be used twice a day.

The safest and most reliable composition is chamomile decoction. This plant can be used even by pregnant women. One tablespoon of flowers should be boiled in two glasses of clean water, cooled, strained, and then given a bath. Natural yogurt contains bacteria that are beneficial for female microflora. Yogurt also soothes irritated genital mucosa. Fermented milk product can be used undiluted, but only if we are talking about natural yogurt and not store-bought.

Oak bark helps with foul-smelling discharge or thrush. To prepare the decoction, you need to combine two tablespoons of raw materials with a liter of water. Boil the composition for 20-25 minutes over low heat under the lid. Cool the solution, strain and use to irrigate the vagina several times a day. You can take baths until the itching and other unpleasant symptoms go away.

  1. Anatomy of the female genital organs. Internal genital organs: vagina (structure and function, degree of purity of the vaginal flora), uterus, appendages.
  3. Enzyme immunoassay Ingredients, setting, accounting, evaluation. Areas of application.
  4. Methods for setting up artificial teeth. Placement of artificial teeth using the Vasiliev table.
  5. Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids. Technique of supravaginal uterine amputation, hysterectomy, conservative myomectomy.

Equipment: Cusco mirror, long anatomical tweezers (2 pcs.) or forceps (2 pcs.), medicine prescribed by a doctor, container for waste material, sterile balls and napkin, oilcloth lining (diaper), disposable gloves, documentation (prescription sheet).

Preparation for manipulation:

1. Inform the patient about the progress and purpose of the manipulation.

4. Warm up the medicine prescribed by the doctor to t -37-38 0 C.

Performing the manipulation:

1. The patient is on a gynecological chair in a typical position, a sterile diaper (oilcloth) is placed under the buttocks.

2. Insert the Cusco speculum into the vagina with the lock up, open it and secure it.

3. Pour in the first portion of the medicine, immediately pour it into the container and replace it with a new portion, so that the cervix is ​​completely immersed in the solution.

4. After 10-15 minutes, pour out the solution, slightly tilting the Cusco mirror downwards.

5. Dry the vagina with sterile balls.

6. Remove Cusco's speculum from the vagina.

Completing the manipulation:

1. Inform the patient about the completion of the manipulation.

2. Disinfection of reusable equipment: mirror, lifting forceps according to OST in 3 stages (disinfection, pre-sterialization cleaning, sterilization). Disinfection of used gloves: (O cycle - rinse, I cycle - immerse at 60 /) with subsequent disposal class “B” - yellow bags.

3. Disinfection of used dressing material with subsequent disposal in accordance with SanPiN 2.1.7. – 2790-10.

4. Treat the gynecological chair with a rag soaked in disinfectant. solution twice with an interval of 15 minutes.

5. Wash your hands as usual and dry. Treat with moisturizer.

6. Help the patient rise from the chair.



Gynecological chair, phantom with uterus, Esmarch mug with rubber tube and tip, long tweezers or forceps (2 pcs.), tripod, medications prescribed by the doctor, sterile lining or oilcloth, gloves, container for collecting waste material, documentation (prescription sheet ).

Preparation for manipulation:

1. Inform the patient about the progress and purpose of the manipulation, obtain consent.

2. Warn about the need to empty the bladder and toilet the external genitalia.

3. Wear sterile gloves.

4. Fill Esmarch’s mug with the medicine prescribed by the doctor in an amount of 1.5-2 liters, preheated to a temperature of 36-37° C.

5. Mount Esmarch's mug on a tripod, at a height of 70-100 cm from the level of the woman's pelvis.

Performing the manipulation:

1. Place the patient on a gynecological chair in a typical position, place a sterile oilcloth (diaper) under the buttocks.

2. Using two fingers of your left hand, separate the labia majora and minora, and with your right hand carefully insert the tip into the vagina to a depth of 5-6 cm.

3. Holding the tip with one hand, open the clamp with the other hand to allow liquid to flow in and carefully move the tip closer to the vaginal vaults, while treating all the walls of the vagina.

4. Carefully remove the tip from the vagina in an anterior and downward direction.

5. Give the patient a sterile napkin (pad).

Completing the manipulation:

1. Treat the used handpiece, instruments, gloves (O-disinfection, disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization).

2. Wash your hands with soap under running water and dry.

3. Mark the completion of the manipulation on the assignment sheet.


When performing the manipulation, you can use a Simps spoon-shaped mirror.


Date added: 2014-11-24 | Views: 5443 |

Chamomile baths help with various diseases: from skin problems to serious gynecological ailments. They are based on decoctions and infusions of chamomile inflorescences. For a quick cure, you should choose the right method of carrying out the procedures.

What are the benefits of chamomile infusions and how to prepare them?

How to make baths with chamomile?

Chamomile baths relieve pain, calm nerves, soften and disinfect the skin and mucous membranes, and stop inflammatory processes.

How to properly make chamomile baths:

  • Shared baths. In order to get rid of skin problems, heal wounds, as well as for general health, take baths to which an infusion of 500 grams of plant material is added. It should be boiled for 10 minutes, left for another 10 minutes, and filtered.
  • Sitz baths. Most often they are used for diseases of the pelvic organs. You can prepare a bath either according to the previous recipe, taking 250 g of raw materials, or according to a special method for treating a specific ailment, recommended by a doctor.
  • Local hand or foot baths. They are good for problems with the skin of the hands and feet, joint pain, fungal diseases and for strengthening nails. You need to boil 3 large spoons of flowers for 10 minutes in a liter of boiling water. Filter and dilute with the same amount of warm water.

The water temperature should not be lower than 35 and higher than 40 degrees. The average session duration is 15 minutes.

How to make baths with chamomile for women's problems?

Baths help cure women from cystitis and vulvovaginitis. In the first case, 170 g of dried flowers will require a liter of cold water. The mixture should be boiled for 10 minutes, then filtered and poured into a sitz bath. To quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, the procedure should be carried out twice a day for 10 minutes. But even if the signs of the disease go away, you should continue to take baths for a week to consolidate the results.

Chamomile alone is not enough to treat vulvovaginitis. Dried cinquefoil herb is also required. A large spoonful of a mixture of plants in equal parts is steamed in a liter of boiling water for 20 minutes and filtered. Add to sitz bath. The procedure here lasts 20 minutes. and is carried out once a day for 14 days.

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