Cinnamon method of use. Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss. Cinnamon - an assistant in weight loss

I’m sure everyone is familiar with cinnamon and we use it exclusively as an aromatic spice. Do you know that it not only adds aroma and taste to the dish. The beneficial properties of cinnamon and its contraindications have been known since ancient times, using it for health and beauty.

Everyone knows the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite, whose charms neither mortal nor celestial could resist.

One of the legends describes that Aphrodite wore a belt, and it was in it that the power of her love lay. A magical aroma emanated from the belt, so much magic was concentrated in it that even Great Hera She borrowed it more than once in order to captivate Zeus even more. Aphrodite sewed an aromatic spice - cinnamon - into this belt and she herself went down to Earth to get it.

Cinnamon - beneficial properties and contraindications

Cinnamon is still considered the No. 1 spice for a romantic dinner, being the most powerful stimulant of women's charms. In order to attract attention and win over the chosen one, cinnamon has always been added to a drink or food. Apparently it's not just that Victorian era In the language of flowers, cinnamon meant “My destiny is in your hands.”

Cinnamon was such a valuable spice that disputes over the ownership of the territory where it grew more than once spilled over into hostilities.

But I don’t think that wars would be fought just because of the romantic characteristics of this spice. In ancient times, poems were dedicated to her and she was accessible only to rulers and their entourage.

Why was aromatic cinnamon so valued and is still valued to this day? This is what we will talk about today.

Before we start talking about the beneficial properties of cinnamon and its possible contraindications, let's first figure out what kind of spice it is and what kind of plant cinnamon is.

Cinnamon - how it grows, how it is collected

Cinnamon is a plant, or more precisely, a shrub from the laurel family. Most often found in southern India and Sri Lanka. It has oblong-oval leaves about 18 cm long. Bunches of flowers form inflorescences and have a greenish tint.

One might assume that such a fragrant spice is made from flowers. But no, the flowers of this plant have an unpleasant aroma. To prepare the spice, the bark of this shrub is collected. But it's not that simple.

First, it is grown for 2 years, then it is cut off at the root, new shoots grow and the bark is taken from these shoots. But to prepare the spice, the entire bark is not used, but only the inner one. thin layer, which is cut off and when dry, it curls into tubes.

The most popular are 4 types of plants and, accordingly, spices:

  • Ceylon - aromatic, slightly hot with a sweetish taste, another name is kinamon or noble cinnamon- the best and most valuable;
  • Malabar - has a pronounced bitter taste;
  • cinnamon - with a spicy taste and pungent odor;
  • Chinese - not very fragrant, hot and sharp, another name for cassia or Indian.

Benefits of cinnamon for human health

The beneficial properties of cinnamon for human health are evidenced by its valuable composition, and now you will see this for yourself, read on.

Quite a high-calorie spice - 247 kcal per 100 g. product. The composition includes a large amount of carbohydrates, exceeding the content of fats and proteins.

Cinnamon is very rich in the presence of useful substances:

  • Vitamins - A, group of vitamins B, C, E, K, PP.
  • Mineral composition - iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, selenium.
  • Cinnamon also contains a lot of fiber, tannins, gum, resin, pectin, coumarin, from 2 to 3.5% essential oil, consisting of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol.

Impressive, right? So let's find out what effect cinnamon has on human health and what its benefits are.

For people with diabetes, it helps lower blood sugar levels and activates insulin production. More detailed information look in the video.

Cinnamon for hypertension

Cinnamon helps prevent cardiovascular diseases; it is indicated for the prevention of strokes, heart attacks and other circulatory disorders. It is a vasodilator and prevents the formation of blood clots. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

For health, it is enough for hypertensive patients to take less than a teaspoon of spice per day, but not in its pure form, but as an ingredient in healthy drinks and dishes. As a quick measure to normalize blood pressure in case of hypertension, it is recommended to drink the following drink:

Mix a pinch of cinnamon with a spoonful of honey and dilute it in a small amount of warm water.

This drink will prevent the development of a stroke and soothe headaches.

Benefits of cinnamon for women

In addition to the above beneficial effects on the body, there is something that concerns women specifically:

  • cinnamon helps during PMS and the menstrual cycle, reducing pain, normalizing hormonal levels; improving mood.
  • in the first 2 weeks after the birth of a child, cinnamon promotes uterine contractions.

But it is precisely this property of cinnamon that makes it a product that should not be consumed by pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriage.

  • For nursing mothers, tea with cinnamon and milk can improve lactation.

Benefits of cinnamon for men

Cinnamon also has beneficial effects on the male body:

  • Regular consumption of the spice not only prevents prostatitis, but also facilitates the treatment process.
  • spice helps accelerate glucose metabolism, which increases the production of testosterone, which is so necessary for normal erectile function.
  • With age, men's blood gradually thickens, and cinnamon can thin the blood, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and congestion in the pelvis.
  • cinnamon is a natural and strong aphrodisiac that can tone and invigorate a man, increase his libido and sexual performance.

Benefits of cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon is also known as a means of helping with weight loss:

  • this spice accelerates metabolism, including the metabolism of carbohydrates, preventing them from being converted into fat;
  • cinnamon slows down the digestive processes in the stomach - it important property for those who want to lose weight - with the support of spice, it is easier to wait until the next meal without additional snacks;
  • the inclusion of cinnamon in the diet reduces the glycemic index of food by 18 - 29%, and this is also important for weight loss;
  • cinnamon can increase metabolism;
  • nutritionists claim that cinnamon reduces cravings for sweets and that losing weight with cinnamon is much easier.

Cinnamon is also in demand in cosmetology due to its healing effect on the skin of the face, body, hair, has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates metabolic processes in skin cells, all this thanks to the presence of antioxidants and tannins in cinnamon.

So the area of ​​application of cinnamon is quite extensive - cooking, traditional medicine, cosmetology, aromatherapy.

Cinnamon will be appropriate in fruit salads, cereals, hot drinks, good in baking, it can be used for home canning due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

In aromatherapy, cinnamon is used to increase performance and improve memory.

In cosmetology to soften, lighten hair, improve skin condition.

In folk medicine in the treatment of colds, to strengthen the immune system, in the treatment of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and many other diseases.

A separate story is the benefits of honey and cinnamon - scientists from different countries, studying these two products, came to the conclusion that this combination - honey and cinnamon - has a beneficial effect on the entire body, strengthening it, slows down the aging process of the body, improves the quality of life and increases life expectancy.

Here it would be nice to move on to recipes, but there were so many of them that I decided to separate them into a separate article, so stay tuned to the blog.

But the topic is not finished yet, because we have not yet talked about the dangers of cinnamon and whether it exists.

Harm of cinnamon to human health

Despite so many advantages, there are also disadvantages, although they are much fewer. And despite its beneficial properties, cinnamon can also cause harm to human health, so you shouldn’t eat cinnamon with spoons, it’s still a spice and it only serves as an additive to our diet.

  • I said earlier that it helps with stressful situations and depression, but if you overdo it with the spice, it can cause reverse effect, apathy and depression can only intensify.
  • A healthy person can use cinnamon without fear for their well-being, but as I said, within reasonable limits. There are no clear recommendations - how much - apparently it is assumed that it is quite difficult to overdo the spice. But some sources have information - no more than 1 teaspoon and not at one time.
  • Doctors recommend using cinnamon carefully and not often for people with high blood pressure and people with heart problems, but you shouldn’t give it up at all, because it lowers cholesterol and reduces the formation of blood clots.
  • Pregnant women should not consume this spice as it can cause uterine contractions and thereby cause miscarriage or premature birth.
  • It is better not to give cinnamon to children under 3 years old, so it is prohibited for nursing mothers. Children under 12 years of age should use cinnamon with caution.
  • It is recommended to exclude cinnamon from the diet for people with low blood clotting, as well as people with individual intolerance.

In any case, if you have some kind of chronic disease and are in doubt whether you can use cinnamon or not, it is better to consult your doctor.

There is one more disadvantage, but it does not apply to real Ceylon cinnamon (Ceylon Cinnamon). This minus applies to cassia (Cassia Cinnamon). No, cassia also has beneficial properties.

What's the matter then? But the point is only in one substance - coumarin, which is part of cinnamon. Coumarin is a useful substance and thanks to this substance, cinnamon reduces blood clotting and, accordingly, reduces the risk of blood clots. But excessive consumption of coumarin has a very unfavorable effect on the condition of the liver and kidneys.

For comparison, Ceylon cinnamon contains 0.004% coumarin, which is enough to make cinnamon useful product. Cassia contains much more coumarin - 5%.

The conclusion suggests itself - we buy Ceylon cinnamon, but... whether it is in our supermarkets is a big question. It is said that most of the cinnamon sold is cassia, as it is much cheaper and more readily available.

If you do not often use cinnamon, then cassia will not harm you, but if it is constant in your diet and if you want to use cinnamon for treatment, then you need to be more careful when choosing this spice.

How to distinguish real cinnamon from cassia

With cinnamon sticks it is somewhat simpler - Ceylon cinnamon sticks are usually tightly curled, as a thin inner layer of bark is used. The cassia stick has very few curls and is thicker in appearance. A Ceylon cinnamon stick can be easily broken by hand and ground into powder. Doing this with cassia is quite problematic.

But with ground cinnamon it’s much more difficult, but mostly we sell ground cinnamon. Then we look at the packaging - pay attention to the Latin name - “Cinnamomum zeylonicum” is Ceylon cinnamon, “Cinnamomum aromaticum” is how cassia is labeled. You also need to pay attention to the country of origin - if Ceylon, Sri Lanka, then this is what we need, but if China, Indonesia, Vietnam - then it is cassia. It is also not recommended to buy cinnamon from Germany, the USA, Israel, it does not grow there, but whether they will sell expensive Ceylon cinnamon is a question...

Already purchased cinnamon can be checked using iodine - you need to drop a few drops of iodine on the cinnamon and if it turns dark blue, then it is cassia; Ceylon cinnamon is practically not colored.

Another way that one cinnamon may differ from another is the price; Ceylon cinnamon will be many times more expensive.

How to store cinnamon

Cinnamon should be stored in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid away from light and moisture. Ground cinnamon retains its beneficial properties for six months, in sticks - for a year. If you want to keep it longer, then you need to keep it in the refrigerator.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Cinnamon is a spice known since ancient times, originating from an evergreen tree of the genus Cinnamomum. It is the inner bark of a cinnamon plant, rolled into beautiful tubes. The warm, delicate, sweetish taste with a hint of slight bitterness and citrus fruits is fascinating, and its properties are so diverse that cinnamon is widely used in cooking, medicine, perfumery, and cosmetology. It is effective for weight loss.

The benefits and harms of cinnamon for weight loss

Currently, several types of this spice are known, some have different effects on weight loss:

  • Ceylon. It has a delicate aroma and a sweetish-spicy taste.
  • Chinese. More pungent, taste qualities are sharply expressed.
  • Cinnamon. Characterized by a strong spicy odor.
  • Malabar. The most “bitter” variety, vaguely reminiscent of hot pepper.

For what miraculous properties did royalty and ordinary people love cinnamon? Rich in microelements, fat-soluble vitamins E (“elixir of youth”), K (stimulating beneficial microflora stomach), it covers the daily need for these substances by 40-80%, promoting weight loss.

Special chemical composition makes this spice unique:

  • cinnamic acid aldehyde has an antibacterial, warming effect; when losing weight, it is effective as an antioxidant;
  • tannins good for peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract;
  • eugenol valuable for its analgesic and antiseptic effects; flavonoids and phenols help reduce blood glucose levels, which is very important for patients with diabetes when losing weight;
  • lowers blood pressure, indicated for hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

“Real” Ceylon spice remains expensive in our time, which is why most supermarkets sell “False Cinnamon” – cassia. It is not difficult to distinguish the different varieties, but to do this you need to have cinnamon sticks available. Ground cinnamon often does not have healing properties for weight loss, because There is a high probability of counterfeiting and the addition of other substances.

Many years of research by scientists have confirmed the presence of fat-burning functions of the spice during weight loss. It is recommended to actively use it as an additive in diets, cocktails/drinks to combat excess weight; during massage and water procedures in the form of essential oil. What are the benefits of cinnamon for weight loss?

  1. With constant use in food, as well as in drinks, it reduces glucose levels by 30%.
  2. Helps convert sugars into energy.
  3. Helps fight fat deposits by launching metabolic processes.
  4. Normalizes the activity of the digestive system, stimulating weight loss.
  5. Essential oils have a beneficial effect on olfactory receptors and normalize sleep.

Modern nutritionist programs for weight loss suggest using cinnamon for weight loss in a variety of drinks, juices, tinctures, and dishes.

How to drink honey water with cinnamon on an empty stomach in the morning and at night

An ideal option would be cinnamon for weight loss in a warm drink. The tonic properties of honey will give you vigor, gently cleansing the intestines of pathogenic microflora. Long-term and regular intake of honey-cinnamon water in the morning on an empty stomach will help remove excess belly fat, accelerating metabolic processes.

Features of preparing a flavored drink for weight loss:

  1. Boil the water.
  2. Pour 200 ml of water into a cup or glass, let cool to a temperature no higher than 70⁰C.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon/stick of ground cinnamon.
  4. Let it brew for a couple of hours at room temperature.
  5. For weight loss, take daily morning and evening for a month. You should drink no more than 200 ml of a diet drink with spices per day.

How many days to drink and what results should I expect?

The answer to the question that worries most people who are losing weight: “How many kilograms can you lose in a month at home?” will pleasantly surprise you. You can get rid of 1 to 5 kg of excess weight, and by adding sports, switching to balanced diet, the results will become more noticeable.

The duration of taking the weight loss drink is not limited in time. However, intervals of 2-3 weeks should be taken every three months.

Drinking cinnamon-honey water will help:

  • normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • maintain a balance of useful/ harmful bacteria in the intestines;
  • reduce appetite;
  • burn internal (visceral) fat that interferes with weight loss; improves food digestibility.

How to prepare and use cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon will become the ideal remedy for those who want to lose weight. This seasoning deserves special attention from those who have accumulated reserves in the abdominal area through “backbreaking labor,” which are so difficult to respond to diets and even physical activity. How to use cinnamon for weight loss in drinks?

Kefir with ginger and cinnamon

This spiced drink relieves hunger for a long time, is tasty and low in calories. Adding green grated apple and turmeric will help diversify the taste of the weight loss drink, and you can replace kefir with natural low-fat yogurt. Take the ingredients for the cocktail in the following proportions:

  • Low-fat kefir (natural yogurt) - 250 ml.
  • Ground cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Ground ginger root, turmeric - a third of a teaspoon.
  • An apple is a medium-sized half.

Recipe for a weight loss drink:

  1. Pour the fermented milk product into a container.
  2. Leave to warm to room temperature.
  3. Grate the cinnamon stick and ginger root.
  4. Chop half an apple, removing the stems and skin.
  5. Add to kefir/yogurt, mix with a blender.
  6. Let it sit for 10 minutes. The weight loss drink is ready!

Fat burning cocktail with red pepper

You can enhance the fat-burning effect by preparing a fermented milkshake for weight loss according to the above recipe with the addition of hot pepper. Take a pinch (or ¼ part teaspoon) of ground red pepper and add to the indicated ingredients. This drink should be consumed no more than once a day. To avoid disturbing acidity, do not use on an empty stomach.

Recipe with cloves

Hot tea with oriental spices has therapeutic effect for colds. This weight loss drink is irreplaceable: with cloves, a vanilla stick and cinnamon. By stimulating metabolism, it will invigorate the body, filling the body in the morning vital forces and energy.


  • Vanilla - 1/3 stick.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 sticks of cinnamon bark.
  • Cloves - 1 pc.
  • Black/green tea - 1 teaspoon.
  • Water - half a liter.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to brew a healing drink for weight loss:

  1. Cool the boiled water to 90⁰C.
  2. Pour a spoonful of tea into the teapot and fill it with water. Set aside for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Prepare spices that help you lose weight by grinding them in a blender to a powder.
  4. Add spices to the teapot.
  5. In 15-20 minutes the magic elixir is ready!

How to brew green tea with a cinnamon stick

Cinnamon is good for weight loss in green tea, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • Green tea - 2-3 spoons.
  • Cinnamon stick.

Recipe for a weight loss dish with spice:

  1. Rinse the dry teapot with boiling water and dry.
  2. Cool the boiled water (500 ml) slightly.
  3. Pour in the tea leaves and fill with hot water.
  4. After 2 minutes, add the cinnamon stick.

How to drink coffee with cinnamon to lose weight

Aromatic coffee is ideally combined with spice, which enhances the fat-burning effect of caffeine. After brewing a portion in a Turk or coffee machine, replace the usual sugar with a third teaspoon of freshly ground cinnamon. Do not consume sugar or its substitutes, which contribute to the release of insulin, and, therefore, aggravate the feeling of hunger and interfere with effective weight loss.

Cinnamon infusion with honey

It is better to prepare a tincture with honey and cinnamon for weight loss in advance. If you plan to drink it during the day, make this drink the night before based on 2 liters of water: 1 tsp. ground cinnamon (or 1 stick of cinnamon bark) and 2-3 tablespoons of honey. This spice infusion should be taken in 100 ml portions throughout the day.

Drink with lemon

By adding 2-3 slices of lemon to honey-cinnamon tea, you will enrich the body with vitamin C. Flavonoids and phytoncides of essential oils will have a tonic effect, and the drink will give you a good mood, energize you, promoting active image life and losing weight.

How to take milk and ground cinnamon mixture

A milkshake with cinnamon flavor is not only useful for weight loss, but will also help replenish calcium reserves in the body and keep you warm in cold weather. To prepare the drink, boil a liter of low-fat milk and cool. Add no more than 10 g of spice per 250 ml of liquid. The course of admission is 2 weeks with an interval between courses of 10-15 days.

How to lose weight with cinnamon and bay leaf

An infusion of bay leaves with the addition of cinnamon will help remove toxins, free the body of toxins, and lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The secret to preparing a weight loss drink is simple: pour a liter of boiling water over 3-4 bay leaves, then after a couple of minutes add a cinnamon stick. Infusion time – 2 hours. It is recommended to consume 100-150 ml in the morning on an empty stomach.

Cinnamon Diet

Nutritionists offer several options for organizing meals with the active use of cinnamon spice. Conventionally, they are divided into express diets, which help in intensive mode to lose 3-4 kilograms, and a permanent diet, which is more accurately called not a diet, but proper nutrition. Let's look at a number of diets in which cinnamon plays an important role for weight loss.

Curd diet (five days).

Balanced in proteins, fats, and lacks carbohydrates. Every day, half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach, drink 200 ml of honey-cinnamon infusion, and before going to bed, 100 ml of a spiced kefir drink. Approximate diet plan for quick weight loss:


  • Breakfast - oatmeal, cottage cheese and honey, coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner - vegetable soup, bran bread.
  • Dinner - boiled chicken with cinnamon, fresh vegetables.


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese, seasoned with yogurt and ground cinnamon.
  • Lunch - steamed turkey fillet, stewed vegetables.
  • Dinner - brown rice, seasoned with cinnamon, salad.


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, brewed coffee with cinnamon for weight loss.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup with a piece of beef.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, cottage cheese, baked chicken fillet with spices.


  • Breakfast - 2 pieces of toast, spread with cream cheese and cinnamon.
  • Lunch - buckwheat, turkey fillet.
  • Dinner - low-fat fish, stewed vegetables.


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese plus cinnamon and honey.
  • Lunch - soup in vegetable broth without potatoes.
  • Dinner - poultry fillet with cheese sauce and oriental spices, stewed vegetables.

Fasting express diet

Designed for 3 days. Good for weight loss, helps to lose weight, low in calories, recommended no more than once a month. The menu is the same all days.

  • Breakfast- a glass of kefir drink, an apple baked in the oven with spices.
  • Snack- lettuce, celery.
  • Dinner- soup with vegetables without oil, 1 loaf of bread.
  • Snack- carrots, apple.
  • Dinner - light salad, cottage cheese with cinnamon, which helps you lose weight.
  • Second dinner- yogurt with cinnamon.

Full five meals a day

Five meals a day for weight loss with the addition of cinnamon to dishes.

  • The diet is designed for a long time.
  • It is recommended to drink cinnamon tea/infusions throughout the day.
  • Serving size - 300-400 g with the classic division of proteins, fats, carbohydrates: 50% protein foods, 30% unsaturated fatty acids, 20% carbohydrates.

The effectiveness of the diet is achieved by taking cinnamon with honey (1-2 teaspoons) 10-15 minutes before the main meal, which will help reduce appetite and ensure good weight loss results. Once a month, have a fasting day with kefir (up to 2 liters) with the addition of cinnamon and other spices.

Procedures to help you become slimmer

Not only cinnamon, but also its essential oils have magical properties for weight loss. Cosmetic procedures of wrapping and massage with cinnamon oil contribute to normalization metabolic processes, stimulate the production of collagen, eliminating stretch marks, lumpy skin in the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. With cinnamon, you will gain ideal shape without noticing.

Cinnamon Essential Oil Wrap Recipes

An effective way to lose excess weight and remove toxins is to use cinnamon essential oil as part of a mixture for weight loss wraps. Making it at home is not difficult.

Will be needed:

  • Ground coffee beans - 50 g.
  • Cinnamon powder - 50 g.
  • Ground hot pepper - 20 g.
  • Essential oils - optional.
  • Blue clay - 50 g.

Dilute the resulting weight loss mixture to a paste with warm water or milk. After applying to problem areas, wrap the body with cling film and dress warm clothes made from natural fabrics and crawl under the blanket. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with spice oils under running water using the method contrast shower. Course duration – 2 weeks.

Anti-cellulite massage

An anti-cellulite massage with essential oils will help remove stretch marks, tighten and rejuvenate the skin. It will remove the “orange peel”, lumpy skin, and promote weight loss. Prepare your own massage oil on a moisturizing basis by adding 2-3 drops of essential oils of cinnamon, almond, and hot pepper.

Baths for weight loss at home

A unique aroma of spice, a wonderful rejuvenating effect, toning muscles, and, most importantly, an excellent mood and energy vital energy They will give you weight loss baths with the addition of cinnamon. All you need is a packet of cinnamon powder and a few drops of essential oil. It is good to combine such procedures with physical activity.

Contraindications to consuming cinnamon

Doctors and nutritionists advise giving up the spice and losing weight if you:

  • You suffer from hypotension.
  • You have peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.
  • Persons with tachycardia should reduce the dosage and reduce the course of administration by 2 times.
  • For liver and kidney diseases, cinnamon is not suitable for weight loss.
  • If you have problems with blood clotting or bleeding, avoid spices in dishes and drinks.
  • Eating food with cinnamon during pregnancy for weight loss is strictly not recommended: it can cause premature birth, and in the short term, miscarriage.

Health 07/09/2014

Dear readers, today’s article will be very aromatic and spicy, because we'll talk about cinnamon - a fairly well-known spice among us, which we mainly use as a culinary seasoning. But cinnamon has many more “advantages”, which I want to tell you about today. We'll talk about cinnamon, its beneficial properties and contraindications.

Something you may have known about will become a discovery for you. But in any case, I hope that the information will be interesting and useful for you. For example, that cinnamon can be not only a seasoning, but also a medicine, a cosmetic, and even help keep your figure slim. I already told you in the article how cinnamon in combination with honey promotes weight loss.

Today we’ll talk about cinnamon from a broader perspective. I used to always associate cinnamon with mulled wine and buns. But separately, of course. That is, she knew that it was added to prepare a warm aromatic wine drink. Also used for baking confectionery– for example, apple strudel or the already mentioned cinnamon rolls. One of my friends also used cinnamon sticks to decorate her crafts and create all sorts of interesting interior items and souvenirs. Previously, my acquaintance with cinnamon was limited to this. But when I began to learn more about the spice, I was amazed that it can not only add a hint of flavor, but also be used purposefully, in order to solve certain health problems. And what a smell she smells... There are simply no words.

Cinnamon is an evergreen plant of the Laurel family, from the bark of which the famous spice is obtained. Actually, cinnamon is the bark of a tree rolled into a tube and, if necessary, crushed. Those. tubes, sticks that we buy in stores or at the market in the spice department - this is the bark of the tree. The tree itself grows exclusively in the jungle, and its bark is collected during the rainy season.

Did you know that cinnamon was once worth its weight in gold? Yes, yes, literally. IN ancient China a thousand years BC it was considered a very expensive spice. For one measure of this spice they gave the same measure of gold. Just imagine that for a couple of kilograms of cinnamon you would have to give a couple of kilograms of gold.

And today, cinnamon is available to everyone on the spice shelf of any supermarket. Housewives add it not only to baked goods, but also to hot dishes - soups and cereals, as well as to meat or fish, and use it in sauces and marinades. And, of course, we all remember about the simplest aromatic spice, bay leaf. For us it is a more familiar, accessible and simple spice. And for those who want more refined tastes, let's continue talking about cinnamon.

What are the benefits of cinnamon?

Cinnamon. Useful properties.

  • It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It contains eugenol, which kills germs.
  • Stimulates the body's protective functions and strengthens the immune system.
  • Is a natural antioxidant.
  • Reduces blood glucose levels.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestion process and prevents the accumulation of fat, converting glucose entering the body into energy.
  • Dilates blood vessels, activates brain function.

Cinnamon - health benefits.

Benefits of cinnamon for diabetes.

Consuming cinnamon is good for diabetics. It helps reduce blood sugar levels. When fighting diabetes, you can use the following recipe: eat half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder every morning.

Cinnamon for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Cinnamon is recommended for various diseases Gastrointestinal tract. It would seem like a paradox - a spice, but it speeds up the healing process of ulcers, lowers acidity and even reduces pain in the stomach. In addition, cinnamon can cleanse the intestines of germs and bacteria that slow down normal digestion. It will relieve bloating and eliminate colic.

Cinnamon as a natural antiseptic.

Cinnamon is an excellent natural antiseptic. The whole secret is the eugenol oil contained in the spice. It not only acts as a disinfectant, but also reduces pain. You can sprinkle cinnamon on a wound or cut and it will heal faster. By the way, such troubles as fungus, eczema and other skin diseases can also be treated with cinnamon.

Interesting facts about the antimicrobial properties of cinnamon.

I will share with you the latest medical research on the antimicrobial properties of cinnamon. We took a cinnamon oil extract containing eugenol and dropped it into regular meat broth at a concentration of less than 1/100%. This kind of meat broth sits for two months at room temperature and doesn’t turn sour! Once again, we are not talking about cinnamon sticks, but about cinnamon oil extract.

The benefits of cinnamon for strengthening the immune system.

Cinnamon is also used to strengthen the immune system. A traditional, proven and popular recipe is cinnamon with honey. The delicious recipe is simple: consume a tablespoon of honey mixed with a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon three times a day.

Benefits of cinnamon for the cardiovascular system.

The aromatic spice is also beneficial for hearts. Cinnamon helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Prevents the risk of heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis. It has a good effect on cardiovascular system, activates the brain, improves concentration, dilates blood vessels and tones. Among the folk recipes is tea with cinnamon and honey, as a means of prolonging the brightness of the mind and vigor of the body.

Cinnamon for colds.

Cinnamon will help with colds. Take a tablespoon of honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon three times a day. This recipe will relieve cough, improve sputum production and help get rid of a runny nose.

Cinnamon for weight loss.

And of course, cinnamon is used quite effectively as a weight loss product. Firstly, as mentioned above, it relieves digestive problems. Secondly, it promotes the proper processing of glucose - that is, converting it not into fat, but into energy. And thirdly, cinnamon gives you a feeling of satiety, which is also important for slimming. But cinnamon as a filling for buns won’t help you lose weight . We will talk about this in more detail in an upcoming blog article.

If you have any questions, I suggest you look at the material in more detail. Video about the beneficial properties of cinnamon.

Recipes with cinnamon.

Tea with orange and cinnamon

This wonderful drink good not only for its taste, but also for its beneficial properties. It will help weakened immunity, help burn extra calories and remove bad cholesterol. In addition, tea with cinnamon and orange will protect against the effects of toxins (such as cigarette smoke, alcohol) and will have a good effect on the oral cavity - it will stop the growth of bacteria.

Pour three tablespoons of tea leaves into a liter of boiling water and let it brew. In a separate bowl, mix a glass of boiling water and sugar (to taste, you can do without it). Keeping the water on low heat for just one minute, add the zest of one orange and a pinch of cinnamon. You can also add a clove bud for more flavor. Immediately remove from heat and let it brew. Then we combine the orange-cinnamon syrup, strained from the zest, with the brewed and also strained tea.

Alternatively, you can make apple tea with orange and cinnamon.

The first option is lightweight. Take the previous recipe and add 100 ml of natural apple juice to the tea.

Second option. We cut the orange into circles, each circle into four more parts. Sprinkle each slice with sugar (if desired) and cinnamon. Leave for soaking. Meanwhile, take an apple, peel it from the core and cut it into slices. We put the apple in the teapot, pour in the tea leaves, put the orange soaked in cinnamon in there and pour boiling water over everything (about 700 ml). Let it brew for 15 minutes and the tea is ready.

Note: to make the tea even more aromatic, pour boiling water over the teapot before brewing. This secret “works” for brewing any tea.

Kefir with cinnamon

This combination is also suitable for those who are struggling for a slim figure. It will improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and will dull hunger. You can diversify your daily kefir intake with the aromatic and healthy addition of cinnamon powder.

So, take a glass of kefir (low-fat, we are getting slimmer!) and add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to it. Let the products “get to know each other” for 20 minutes and drink for health benefits. If you are zealously struggling to burn calories, you can add half a teaspoon of dry grated ginger to this smoothie and ground red pepper on the tip of a knife. Now this is definitely a “calorie burner”. After all, the combination of “cinnamon pepper” and “cinnamon + ginger” is successfully used for weight loss, both individually and as a team.

Facial mask with cinnamon.

This mask is suitable for flabby and aging skin that has lost its elasticity. The vitamins contained in cinnamon will nourish the skin, and macro and microelements activate blood circulation, which means they will improve the color and condition of the skin.

Cinnamon mask to lighten facial skin and treat age spots.

Mash a third of the banana with a fork until it becomes a paste, add a tablespoon of sour cream. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to this mixture. Mix everything well again and apply it to your face in an even layer. Leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask refreshes well, improves complexion and tones the skin. It is also used to combat pigmentation and lighten skin.

Cinnamon mask for facial skin rejuvenation.

Combine two teaspoons of honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon. It is better to apply this mask with a flat spatula. Leave for no more than 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask with cinnamon and honey, when used regularly, has a good rejuvenating effect.

Cinnamon mask for acne problem skin.

Cinnamon will help and problem skin. I suggest watching a video about a face mask that will help get rid of acne.

Masks with the addition of cinnamon essential oil.

Masks can also be made with the addition of cinnamon essential oil. It doesn't occur very often, but you can find it if you want. Cinnamon oil has a healing, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the functioning of blood vessels. It is usually added in small quantities - 1-2 drops per 30 ml of regular cosmetic cream. Or add it to your favorite nourishing and rejuvenating face masks.

Cinnamon to strengthen and lighten hair.

In addition, cinnamon is also used to strengthen and lighten hair. By stimulating blood circulation, it strengthens hair follicles. And besides this, being completely natural remedy, can change your hair color

Video recipe. How to lighten hair with cinnamon. Honey, cinnamon and hair balm. Try it, the recipe is very simple.

How to choose cinnamon

You can find cinnamon in supermarkets, regular stores and on the market. Usually these are departments or counters with spices and herbs. It is found both in the form of sticks and ground. But it’s easier to fake cinnamon in powder, but it’s impossible to fake cinnamon sticks. And cinnamon sticks retain not only the aroma, but also the beneficial properties of cinnamon longer.

By type, cinnamon is divided according to the content of a special substance - coumarin. In large doses, it negatively affects health, so the lower the coumarin content in cinnamon, the “purer” it is, the better and more harmless. So, cinnamon happens:

Ceylon is the most expensive variety. It tastes sweet and somewhat pungent, grown in Sri Lanka. Also known as “true” or “noble” cinnamon, cinnamon.

Chinese - not so aromatic, with a more pronounced burning, pungent odor. It contains more coumarin. Also called "Indian cinnamon", "fragrant", "simple", cassia.

There is also Malabar cinnamon with a sharp bitter taste and cinnamon cinnamon - spicy and pungent.

How to determine the freshness of cinnamon?

As for freshness, it is determined mainly by aroma. A strong and sweet smell means the spice is fresh.

How to store cinnamon

It’s not worth buying cinnamon several months in advance. The aroma will disappear over time and the spice will lose its properties. However, the shelf life of cinnamon powder is 6 months, and cinnamon sticks even longer - a whole year. It is better to store the spice in hermetically sealed glass or ceramic jars in a dark and dry place, away from sunlight.

Cinnamon. Contraindications

Caution in the use and consumption of cinnamon should be observed based on the content of the mentioned coumarins in it. In large doses, they have a detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys. So you shouldn’t consume more than half a teaspoon a day of cinnamon in its pure form.

Cinnamon is contraindicated for children under two years of age and pregnant women. For expectant mothers, cinnamon can cause uterine contractions, so let those cinnamon rolls wait for now.

Do not use cinnamon at high temperatures. Keep this in mind when fighting a cold with any recipes that include cinnamon. Otherwise, the spice will cause a severe headache.

Be careful when using cinnamon externally - in masks. It is better to test any product first for possible irritation. Because individual intolerance to cinnamon also occurs.

Do not use cinnamon if you are bleeding various kinds, as it activates blood circulation.

So traditionally, let's be wise. Use cinnamon wisely and let it bring you only benefits.

My sincere gift will be unusual today. I want to present to you a gift that was given to me. Prepared by Svetlana Hepina. I won’t write much, I suggest you just watch everything...

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I wish everyone a wonderful summer mood, health, beauty, joys of life.

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Cinnamon has a number of beneficial properties, some of which contribute to effective weight loss. This spice:

  • reduces blood glucose and cholesterol levels;

  • stabilizes insulin production;

  • helps reduce appetite;

  • prevents the formation of new fat cells;

  • activates the work of internal organs.

In addition, the sweetish taste of cinnamon helps reduce the amount of sugar in foods and drinks or even eliminate the use of sweeteners, which also helps fight excess weight.

How to take cinnamon for weight loss

You can take aromatic spice for weight loss in various ways. Ground cinnamon can be added to porridge or cottage cheese mixtures, cold fruit soups or fruit salads, baked fruit desserts, smoothies. Cinnamon goes well with apples, pears or quince. Cinnamon is added to hot dishes immediately before cooking or before serving. Cold - simply sprinkle with cinnamon powder before use. If your diet includes honey, you can also add ground cinnamon to it, this is an excellent flavor combination.

However Cinnamon drinks are most effective for weight loss– it can be added to milk, tea, coffee, fruit infusions. Such drinks are not only healthy, but also tasty. Take them either in the morning or twice a day - morning and evening. To prepare them, you can use either ground cinnamon or cinnamon sticks.

It is best to prepare drinks with cinnamon immediately before use - the spice “gives off” its aroma quickly enough, so there is no need to steep it for hours.

Like any potent drug, cinnamon for weight loss should be taken in limited quantities– no more than half a teaspoon of spice per day.

Fragrant cinnamon water

The most concise and simple recipe for drinks with cinnamon is cinnamon water. To prepare it, divide the cinnamon stick into pieces, place them in a teapot, pour boiling water over them and leave to brew for 10 minutes.

This infusion can be drunk either warm or chilled throughout the day. This will help normalize metabolism and reduce the desire for “sweets,” which makes cinnamon infusion a good companion to any diet.

Honey water with cinnamon

Among the recipes for cinnamon drinks for weight loss, one of the most popular is this cinnamon with honey. Taking a glass of such a cocktail on an empty stomach can not only reduce weight, but also improve your figure (honey water with cinnamon primarily helps remove fat deposits from the abdomen). In addition, this drink helps improve digestion and has a beneficial effect on the overall tone of the body.

To prepare a portion of the drink, pour a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon into half a glass of hot boiled water, then wait until the water cools down a little and the cinnamon “infuses.” Put a teaspoon of natural honey into warm (35-40 degrees) water and stir well; if desired, you can also add a slice of lemon or lime. The drink is ready.

Cinnamon with honey for weight loss is taken twice a day - on an empty stomach in the morning, about half an hour before breakfast and before bed.

Cinnamon drink with kefir - three recipes

Low-fat kefir is a constant companion for those who are losing weight, so recipes for cinnamon cocktails based on kefir are quite popular.

The simplest recipe is to add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon to a glass of kefir and stir properly. Take this drink twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening.

Cocktail of kefir and apples with cinnamon– an excellent dietary breakfast option. To prepare it, take a glass of low-fat kefir, peel and chop two small apples and beat the cocktail in a blender. After this, add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and stir.

Very an effective remedy for weight loss - a drink made from kefir, cinnamon, ginger and red pepper. It is called the “supermodel cocktail” - it speeds up metabolism and relieves hunger for a long time, but it must be used with caution so as not to harm the body. To prepare such a drink, take half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon per glass of kefir and ground ginger and add a pinch of chili pepper. It is better not to take it on an empty stomach - the weight loss effect in this case will be noticeable, but the likelihood of problems with the digestive system is very high. You can drink the “model drink” no more than once a day.

How to make cinnamon milk

This drink helps reduce blood sugar and normalize cholesterol. Drink it twice a day - morning and evening.

At the same time cinnamon milk recipe is very simple. Heat a glass of milk (it is not necessary to bring to a boil), add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon powder, stir. Wait a couple of minutes. Cinnamon milk is ready.

If you use cinnamon sticks, the preparation method will be slightly different. In this case, you need to add cinnamon to the milk, bring to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes, then let the milk cool (it should be warm, not hot).

For breakfast, you can drink cinnamon milk with honey as a snack - this will help recharge your energy.

How to brew cinnamon tea

Cinnamon can be added to both black and green tea - this will also promote weight loss, and at the same time enrich the taste of the drink and sweeten it a little. In such cases, it is better to avoid eating sugar. This drink has a particularly beneficial effect on diabetics, normalizing blood sugar levels.

Pure (not flavored) tea is brewed with cinnamon. Place tea in a teapot, add ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon or a divided cinnamon stick, then brew as usual.

This tea can be drunk either in its “pure” form or with the addition of milk or lemon. If you use ground cinnamon for brewing, the drink will turn out cloudy. This is normal, because cinnamon does not dissolve in water.

Apple Cinnamon Tea Recipe

Helps reduce weight and normalize metabolism and apple tea with cinnamon. It can be drunk both hot and cold.

To prepare the drink, a medium-sized apple must be peeled, cut into slices or cubes and placed in a teapot along with a cinnamon stick. You can also use ground cinnamon (1/4 teaspoon per glass of water). Pour boiling water over and leave for 10-15 minutes.

You can add lemon or orange slices and mint leaves to the drink. During the hot season, apple tea with cinnamon can be drunk with ice - it is perfectly refreshing. If you like spicy teas, you can diversify the recipe by adding cloves, a small amount of ginger, a couple of allspice peas, orange zest, and so on.

Combining cinnamon with coffee can also help you lose weight, and in addition to the fat-burning effect, this duet has other advantages: cinnamon has the ability to “soften” the effect of caffeine, reducing nervous excitement. Coffee with cinnamon for weight loss is drunk without sugar, and it is better to use natural coffee rather than instant surrogates.

When making Turkish coffee, pieces of cinnamon are added at the beginning of the brewing process, along with the coffee, poured with cold water and brought to the top over low heat. If using ground spice, add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon before boiling, or directly into the cup.

You can also add other spices to cinnamon coffee, such as ginger or nutmeg.

Refreshing drink with oranges and cinnamon

In the summer heat you can cook a light orange-cinnamon drink that is enjoyed chilled throughout the day.

To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a cinnamon stick or ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder and let it brew until it cools. Cut two oranges into slices, place in a jug, add a sprig of fresh mint, pour in cinnamon water and add cold boiled water, bringing the volume to one liter.

This citrus-cinnamon water with a light, unobtrusive aroma perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. When using it, you can add ice cubes.

The effectiveness of cinnamon for weight loss: reviews, disadvantages, contraindications

Cinnamon is very effective for normalizing weight - according to reviews, regular consumption of drinks based on it can get rid of 4-5 excess weight in a month. However, in case of obesity, which is usually accompanied by a “bouquet” of diseases, including the endocrine system, it is better not to use cinnamon for weight loss – at least before consulting a doctor.

In addition, cinnamon is not very effective for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or do not think about healthy eating– moderate consumption of the spice is not able to “outweigh” all the factors contributing to weight gain, and taking it according to the principle “the more the better” is dangerous for health. At the same time, cinnamon is a very effective companion to diets and weight loss programs, and against the background proper nutrition and physical activity, the effect from its use will be maximum.

In small quantities, cinnamon is practically harmless, but Regular consumption of this spice in the amounts recommended for weight loss is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women (especially in the first trimester);

  • people with high blood pressure;

  • for diseases of the central or autonomic nervous system;

  • for infectious and inflammatory diseases (especially with increased temperature);

  • with increased excitability;

  • or significant blood loss.

But even in the absence of contraindications, regular Taking cinnamon may cause unpleasant symptoms : digestive disorders, abdominal pain, headaches. In this case, it is better to refuse for weight loss.

Oriental spices are not only flavor additives to various dishes, buns, but also great benefits for the human body. An unusual seasoning made from the dried bark of a plant can significantly improve immunity. What are the health benefits of cinnamon? Find out how spice helps you lose weight, improve the condition of your hair and skin, and is a means of preventing colds and other diseases.

Composition and beneficial properties of cinnamon

Medicinal properties cinnamon are manifested thanks to its unique composition. Cinnamic alcohol, aldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, essential oils, tannins, starch are the components of the spice particles. The substances have an antiseptic effect and prevent the formation of blood clots. Judging by the reviews, cinnamon essential oil helps a person recover from the flu and is used in cosmetology, just like ground cinnamon powder.

If you consume the spice with food, your blood sugar level decreases and your appetite level decreases due to the smell itself. A person’s feeling of hunger subsides for a while, metabolism increases and the person loses weight. What else is cinnamon good for? Spice neutralizes harmful effects intestinal toxins, waste, reduces cholesterol levels, improves intestinal and stomach function.

Cinnamon with honey is a very healthy and tasty addition to tea, but with sugar it loses its usefulness, gaining increased calorie content. This food spice reduces a person’s appetite and weight, makes age-related changes less harsh. People who suffer from diabetes and blood pressure surges can drink cinnamon tea. Spice is an active participant in the normalization of the hematopoietic system.

If you take a small spoon of honey with cinnamon every day, you can protect your body from colds and strengthen your protective functions. immune system. Blood cells appear more actively in the blood and a person’s health status improves. The composition is good for coughs folk recipe:

  1. 4 large spoons of honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
  2. Take a teaspoon three times a day and there will be no cough after a couple of days.

For the flu, you can use tea with a warming effect based on ground powder:

  1. Brew one cinnamon stick with 4 cups of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. If you want, you can sweeten the tea with honey, add orange or lemon zest.
  3. Honey is added to a warm but not hot liquid.

For diabetes

Thanks to its beneficial components, Ceylon spice has a beneficial effect on metabolic mechanisms, which is important for diabetes. With regular consumption of cinnamon, a person suffering from diabetes reduces glucose levels, maintains the level of good cholesterol, and improves glucose and hemoglobin levels. Harmful cholesterol is significantly reduced in the body, which prevents the effects of toxic substances in the body. Blood vessels dilate, insulin is absorbed better, and metabolic rate increases.

Before using cinnamon for medicinal purposes, consult an endocrinologist regarding individual tolerance, so as not to cause harm from the spice. If you want to use the spice as an additive to other products, then start with a gram to observe the body’s reaction, then increase the dose to 3 grams as needed, but only after prior agreement with your doctor.

For weight loss

Losing weight with the help of spices is also possible. Cinnamon for weight loss, when used correctly, after a while gives good weight loss results. How natural cinnamon is beneficial for your figure:

  • decreased glucose;
  • acceleration of the body's metabolic processes;
  • maintaining a feeling of fullness more long term;
  • enhanced effect of spice on reducing the belly and waist.

You should not eat cinnamon in its pure form, but by adding it to yoghurt, tea, porridge, jelly, cocoa, coffee, and cottage cheese. The spice will bring benefits when there is no sugar present in the dish. High efficiency There is such a method of taking cinnamon for weight loss as preparing a special drink:

  1. Dilute cinnamon powder with boiling water, and after the liquid has cooled, add honey, the proportions of cinnamon and honey are 1:2.
  2. Divide a cup of this drink into two servings: drink it in the morning half an hour before breakfast, and in the evening before bed.

If you like to drink kefir, fermented baked milk, or milk, then you can add spice: 1 teaspoon per cup (200 ml) of liquid. It will be tasty and healthy for your figure to eat cinnamon with cottage cheese; it goes well with fermented milk products. To lower sugar levels, brew cinnamon in boiling water without honey, drink small portions throughout the day, or after main meals.

From pressure

For the most part, oriental spice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure. With regular consumption of it, after a while, patients experience normalization of blood pressure. By adding a teaspoon of seasoning to food and drinks, a person with high blood pressure will soon be able to reduce their levels. Can be consumed with honey, milk, tea or plain boiled water. Kefir with cinnamon is also considered a useful product for hypotensive patients.

For hypotension, people are allowed to use the seasoning, but in small quantities. Coffee lovers are allowed to add a pinch of cinnamon to their drink in the morning to improve their well-being, because especially low blood pressure is observed in morning time. Thanks to this drink, the emotional background and general condition of the body increase. You can’t overdo it with the spice: in large doses it can significantly lower blood pressure.

In cosmetology

For cosmetic procedures, powdered seasoning and essential oil are used. What are the beneficial properties and contraindications of cinnamon in the cosmetology field:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Anti-cellulite effect when using wraps, body masks together with clay.
  3. Accelerated exchange substances in the skin.
  4. Slowing down the aging of facial skin.
  5. Hair strengthening, improved growth, useful lightening dyes. Cinnamon for hair is an alternative to coloring; decoctions and masks are ways to lighten curls over time.
  6. For women, it is useful to use cinnamon in masks and facial scrubs. This will make the skin soft, tender and radiant, and wrinkles will be smoothed out.
  7. The use of the product is not suitable for dark hair, otherwise it may cause lightening.

To strengthen the immune system

Frequent illnesses are a signal that immune defense the body is reduced. Cinnamon is useful assistant in restoring protective reactions. Ceylon and Chinese spices are especially effective for colds, because it contains many trace elements, vitamins, monosaccharides, disaccharides. What does cinnamon help with:

  • frequent headaches;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • spread of bacteria and viruses in the body;
  • pressure surges or hypertension;
  • capable of increasing defensive reaction from a negative environment;
  • excellent prevention of viral diseases.

How to use it correctly

There are several ways to use cinnamon with these ingredients:

  1. With honey. Add a spoonful of ground spice to a liter jar of boiling water. Stir when the mixture has cooled, add two tablespoons of honey and take 100 grams daily in the morning and evening.
  2. With kefir. The following drink is suitable for weight loss: add a small spoon of cinnamon powder to 200 ml of kefir. If you add hot pepper (a pinch), your metabolism improves, therefore, it is useful for those who are on a diet and want to look like the model in the photo.
  3. With milk. Add a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon to one glass of warm milk, heat it up; it is not necessary to boil this drink.
  4. Coffee with cinnamon. This drink is prepared in Turk and is useful for people who suffer from poor health in the morning. You will need: finely ground coffee - 1.5 tsp, a cup of water, a piece of cinnamon stick (can be crushed). Place all dry ingredients in a pot and fill with cold water. Put it on the fire and remove it just before it boils. Pour the infused drink into a cup. If desired, add cloves before brewing coffee.
  5. Tea with ginger and cinnamon. A healthy hot drink is prepared like this: a teaspoon of ginger, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, pour a cup of hot water and leave for three hours. If the resulting liquid is too spicy, add a slice of lemon or honey to taste.

Harm and contraindications

It doesn't always become cinnamon useful medicine. There are a number of contraindications for which the product should not be eaten:

  • allergic reactions;
  • uncertainty about the naturalness of the product. There is a fake made from Chinese cassia wood, which causes headaches and liver diseases;
  • in large quantities - toxic substance for internal organs, especially the gastric mucosa;
  • in case of bleeding;
  • prohibited during pregnancy and nursing mothers. Medicine confirms that spice leads to uterine contractions and even provokes miscarriage;
  • Do not use if you have gastritis or ulcers.

Video: the benefits and harms of cinnamon for the human body

Cinnamon. Benefits and harms

Irina 05/30/2016Cinnamon. Benefits and harms

Dear readers, today I will continue to talk about such a beloved and popular spice among us as cinnamon. We will talk about the benefits and harms of cinnamon for our health, slimness and beauty. You can also read new recipes for treatment various diseases using this spice.

In our country, most people perceive cinnamon, as well as most herbs and spices, mainly as a flavoring additive to various dishes, and very few know about its extraordinary and versatile abilities for treating many diseases.

In this regard, the countries of the East compare favorably with us: in China, for example, there is not a single recipe for traditional medicine that does not contain this spice. And in traditional Indian medicine it is believed that no disease can resist the influence of cinnamon, cardamom and ginger.

And this is understandable: after all, in the East, various spices and herbs were present in everyday use for thousands of years, but for Europe, for many centuries, just centuries, it was something exotic and very, very expensive. Only relatively recently have oriental spices and herbs become widely available.

In what form is it possible and best to use cinnamon for treatment and healing? As already mentioned, it is definitely not a part of baked goods: firstly, a lot of flour, butter and sweets are not healthy, and secondly, if the baked goods are store-bought, then it is not known what type of cinnamon was used for its production. In the article you will find useful recipes with cinnamon for our health. Now we will talk about the benefits of cinnamon in general for our health.

The benefits of cinnamon for our health, slimness and beauty

Cinnamon has the following beneficial properties:

  • Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It contains eugenol, which kills germs.
  • Stimulates the body's protective functions and strengthens the immune system.
  • Is a natural antioxidant.
  • Reduces blood glucose levels. Therefore, it is useful for diabetics.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestion process and prevents the accumulation of fat, converting glucose entering the body into energy. Eliminates colic and helps with problems such as bloating.
  • Dilates blood vessels, activates brain function.
  • Cinnamon is beneficial for all heart-healthy people. It reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, cinnamon is an excellent remedy for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, atherosclerosis.
  • Improves memory, promotes better concentration.
  • And cinnamon also helps us gain harmony. You can take it and inject it and do wraps.
  • Cinnamon is also used to lighten hair.
  • Cinnamon face masks will give us youthful skin, help get rid of pigmentation, acne, and nourish our facial skin.

Milk and kefir with cinnamon. Benefits and harms

Cinnamon goes well with milk and various fermented milk products: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir. Personally, I really love this combination. In addition, to the healing properties of cinnamon, the beneficial properties of milk + calcium are added, which many of us really lack.

What is the benefit of this combination of products? In addition to the struggle for graceful forms, kefir with cinnamon is also a remedy for high blood pressure, improves the functioning of the entire digestive system.

Recipe: stir 1 tsp in a glass of kefir. ground Ceylon cinnamon. Drink the mixture before going to bed. If you are zealously struggling to burn calories, you can add half a teaspoon of dry grated ginger to this smoothie and ground red pepper on the tip of a knife. Now this is definitely a “calorie burner”. But you need to pay careful attention to contraindications. We will talk about them at the end of the article.

Cinnamon with honey. Benefits and harms

I already talked about this sweet couple on the blog. The combination of cinnamon and honey truly works wonders and has been used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years: it is believed that with its help you can overcome most diseases. The most important thing here, I think, is that not only, in my opinion, is it tasty and healthy, but you also receive indescribable pleasure and are treated.

Healthy jam with cinnamon and honey. Recipe

By the way, it is not at all necessary to take cinnamon with honey in water. It’s very cool and healthy to start your day with this jam: mix 1-2 tsp. Ceylon cinnamon and 1 tsp. honey - the “jam” is ready. Now you can spread it on a thin slice of bread and enjoyment is guaranteed.

If you eat such a sandwich in the morning, you can not only get rid of a couple of extra pounds, but also cleanse your body of everything unnecessary and harmful that has accumulated in it, because cinnamon does an excellent job of this task.

You can find a large number of recipes for your health and weight loss in my article Cinnamon with honey - a sweet pairing for health and weight loss. And there I talked in detail about the health benefits of cinnamon and honey.

Tea, coffee and wine with cinnamon. Benefits and harms

I have already given recipes for tea and coffee with cinnamon on my blog. They can be viewed here. In addition to tea and coffee with cinnamon, cinnamon can be consumed with wine, preferably red. I usually use Cahors for these purposes, you can also take natural primary homemade wine, just buy it from trusted people. Natural red wine in itself is a very valuable medicine, and when combined with cinnamon it acquires new additional properties.

Cinnamon is often used to prepare well-known alcoholic drinks: punches, mulled wine and grog. These cocktails are served hot. Such hot alcoholic drinks can provide an invaluable service in damp rainy weather, when a person is wet and cold, in order to avoid a possible cold.

Hot wine with cinnamon and honey will not only help you warm up and improve blood circulation, but also has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effects, and improves immunity. But the main thing, again, is that we need our wisdom - drink a small glass and limit it to that!

Cinnamon. How to take for health benefits?

I would like to draw the attention of readers to one point: although there are many recipes in which cinnamon powder or sticks are brewed with boiling water or even boiled, nevertheless, there is another opinion.

Some experts claim that when exposed to high temperatures, the healing properties of cinnamon are lost and therefore, if you want to use cinnamon for treatment, do not add it to hot tea or coffee, or brew it with boiling water. For medicinal purposes, it can be used in cold or, in extreme cases, warm drinks and dishes. The choice is ours!

Cinnamon. Dosage

The dosage when taking cinnamon entirely depends on the individual tolerance of each individual person and on average is 0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon per day. In India and in countries that grow this spice, cinnamon is used in large quantities: from 0.5 to 1 tsp. for 1 kg. product.

My advice: be prudent and start treatment with minimal doses, gradually increasing the amount, depending on how you feel.

How to choose the right cinnamon for treatment

I have already written that there are several types of cinnamon: Ceylon, Chinese, Malabar and cinnamon. For treatment, you should buy Ceylon cinnamon, since, among other things, taking other types of cinnamon for these purposes, even within the dosages I indicated above, can be harmful to your health. These types of cinnamon can be safely used in cooking and baking.

Since Ceylon cinnamon is the most expensive, it is counterfeited very often. This species has a distinct sweet smell and taste: anyone who has consumed it will never confuse it with other species. The easiest way to identify cinnamon is when it is in the form of tubes.

Look carefully at the side of the cinnamon tube: only Ceylon cinnamon and no other have longitudinal edges at both ends that curl inward and resemble ram horns.

And now a few more new recipes with cinnamon.

Healthy recipes with cinnamon

Cinnamon for the heart. Heart tonic - recipe from Indian medicine

Prepare yourself a heart tonic (this recipe is from Indian medicine): 15 gr. hawthorn berries and 1 tsp. cinnamon pour 0.5 l. water and boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Cover the container with a lid and wait until the liquid becomes lukewarm, strain - this is the daily norm. Take warm with honey 3 times a day before meals.

Cinnamon to improve memory

Cinnamon is good remedy to stimulate brain function, improve memory and concentration. For these purposes try next complex, which consists of three teas: the first of which should be drunk for breakfast, the second for lunch and the third for dinner. These teas contain various spices, including cinnamon.

Tea for breakfast. A pinch of ground ginger and cardamom root, 1/3 tsp. pour 250 ml of ground cinnamon. boiling water, leave for 5 minutes. Drink after breakfast.

Tea for lunch. 1/3 tsp. pour 250 ml of crushed greens of cumin, coriander (cilantro) and anise. boiling water, leave for 5-10 minutes. Drink after lunch.

Tea for dinner. 1/8 tsp anise, 1/3 tsp. cinnamon and chamomile, pour 250 ml. boiling water, let it brew and drink after a light dinner.

I suggest you look at additional material about the benefits and harms of cinnamon. What do doctors say about this?

Harm of cinnamon to health. Contraindications

Anyone who decides to start treatment with cinnamon should know that this spice has plenty of contraindications, and an allergic reaction to it is also possible.

  • Cinnamon may increase acidity gastric juice.
  • Cinnamon should be used with great caution if there is any internal bleeding.
  • Although cinnamon is used to treat inflammation of the bladder, one must nevertheless remember that an excess of this spice is harmful to this organ.
  • If you have low blood pressure, you should consume cinnamon in minimal quantities and in in rare cases.
  • Although there is a claim that cinnamon is an effective remedy for colds with high fever, there is another opinion: at high temperatures, taking cinnamon can cause or worsen headaches.
  • Low blood clotting.
  • You should not overdo it with cinnamon if you have nervous exhaustion.
  • Cinnamon is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriage. You can occasionally use the spice in small quantities as part of culinary dishes.
  • At breastfeeding Cinnamon intake should be reduced to a minimum or abandoned altogether.
  • Although there is a lot of talk about the anti-cancer effect of cinnamon, the issue remains controversial: there is information that this spice should not be used in cases of cancer.
  • Cinnamon should not be given to children under 3 years of age, then only as part of culinary products. You can start treating children with cinnamon only after consulting a pediatrician.
  • Cinnamon should not be taken in parallel with aspirin.
  • Individual intolerance and hypersensitivity.
  • Excess permissible dosage may provide negative consequences on the liver and kidneys, as well as cause headaches and increased nervous excitability.

Allergy to cinnamon

Exceeding the permissible dosage or individual intolerance can cause allergic reactions. What are the symptoms of a cinnamon allergy? This itchy skin, runny nose, rash, swelling, headaches, flatulence, upset stomach. Also, large doses of cinnamon can dull sensitivity. taste buds.

When consuming a mixture of cinnamon and honey, you need to remember that not only cinnamon, but also honey can cause allergic reactions.

Cinnamon for weight loss. Recipes, reviews Lightening hair with cinnamon

I wish everyone good mood, health and, of course, wisdom. And for the soul, today we will listen to GIOVANNI MARRADI - And I Love You So A very beautiful video with wonderful music by Giovanni Marradi.

Kiwi is more than just a fruit
Cinnamon. Useful properties and contraindications
Cinnamon and honey - a sweet pairing for health and weight loss
Cinnamon for weight loss. Recipes, reviews
Kefir with cinnamon for weight loss
Lightening hair with cinnamon

What are the benefits of cinnamon?

Cinnamon belongs to the evergreen trees of the laurel family. The tree is grown in tropical regions. Before it goes on sale, the plant grows for two years, then the bark is cut off and dried. The inner thin layer of bark is used as a spice. Cinnamon comes on sale in the form of twisted tubes and has a special, warm aroma.

Housewives have long found the use of this spice in cooking, adding it to baked goods. In perfumery, the essential oil of the plant is used to compose perfume compositions of perfumes, soaps, gels and tonics. The properties of the plant are also used in medicine. Mentions of it can be found in the treatises of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian teaching on health, where unique medical qualities are attributed to it.

    The chemical components of the plant are able to control blood glucose levels, which is an important factor for people with type 2 diabetes. The presence of flavonoids and polyphenols has a positive effect on this disease. Cinnamon reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels due to low lipoprotein density. Research conducted in this area by American scientists has proven that the properties of the plant can be used in additional treatment regimens for patients with diabetes.

    Consumption of just half a teaspoon of plant extract in the daily diet reduces glucose readings in patients with type 2 diabetes. You can add cinnamon to all kinds of dishes - porridge, tea, infusions.

    When faced with the phrase “bad cholesterol,” you should understand that this is a formation of a protein-apoprotein compound and is referred to in medicine as the LDL complex. Cholesterol itself has an organic compound in the form of a natural fatty alcohol. Its deposition on the walls of blood vessels leads to the deposition of plaques that clog the lumen of the vessel and interfere with the free passage of blood.

    The ability of cinnamon to reduce formation cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels makes it indispensable for improving brain function. Using the plant as an additive to culinary dishes, it is possible to reduce the percentage of LDL in the body and protect yourself from diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction.

    Wrong lifestyle, bad habits, consumption of foods with increased content fat, all this leads to increased body weight and unnecessary kilograms.

    Adding one tablespoon of plant extract to the main dishes of the diet, as a dietary seasoning, will improve digestion and help cope with excess weight.

    By consuming the plant in food, you can improve blood circulation, which will have a beneficial effect on its oxygen saturation and activates the metabolic activity of cells.

    The antioxidant properties of the plant make it possible to use the plant extract in anti-cancer preventive measures, combining them with in the right way life and physical activity, especially if there is a hereditary threat of the disease.

    In pharmacology, the properties of the plant's essential oil are considered one of the best, capable of counteracting the formation of viruses, bacteria and fungal infections. During the period of seasonal respiratory diseases, it is enough to wet clean the house with the addition of a few drops of oil and a disinfectant effect will be ensured.

    And tea with cinnamon normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity and eliminates pathogenic yeast-like candida fungi, which often occur against the background of a general decrease in immunity.

    People suffering from hyperhidrosis excessive sweating feet caused by fungal infections, the antifungal properties of the plant will help get rid of this problem. By adding 5-8 drops to water for foot baths, you can not only prevent unpleasant odors, but also prevent the appearance of fungus.

    Nutritionists recommend the use of spice in the diet due to the presence of large quantity micro and macro minerals of magnesium, iron, calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. It was found that the plant is capable of resisting inflammation caused by E. coli and improve digestive motility. Cinnamon is also an excellent source of fiber. Its components calcium and manganese are aimed at improving digestion by binding salts of bile acids and removing them from the body.

    Observations of patients with arthrosis, in which therapy using the properties of cinnamon was used, showed the ability of the plant to reduce cytokines that inhibit the production of cartilage lubrication. Patients who took ground cinnamon powder for 10 days felt significant relief and gained the ability to move freely without feeling pain syndrome.

    Many dental hygiene products include essential oil of the plant in oral care products. And this is justified. The antibacterial properties of the plant not only eliminate unpleasant oral odor, but also improve the condition of the gums.

    It is the cognitive abilities of the psyche (memory, attention, smell, etc.) that give us the opportunity to navigate in society. The processes of smell are physiologically closely related to the process of memory and memorization. Cinnamon is included in the list of essential oils that can have a stimulating effect on human cognitive abilities. If you say the word “cinnamon” out loud, everyone, without exception, will remember its pleasant aroma.

    Cinnamon not only activates processes brain activity, but is also an excellent tonic. Research conducted in Florida by Dr. Zoladz found the ability of cinnamon extract to improve memory quality and visual motor skills.

    One of the standout properties of cinnamon is its ability to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Scientific research in this area they give positive results, based on the effect of the spicy plant on the human brain. Prevention of this disease is based on daily use in the diet of cinnamon extract.

    The sweet aroma of cinnamon is an environmentally friendly means of repelling unwanted guests in our home - ants, mosquitoes, moths, flies and other insects. At home, you can prepare a spray for this purpose yourself by diluting a few drops of oil in one liter of water and treating insect areas with it. Cinnamon sticks can be hung in doorways, thereby protecting yourself from flies in the summer.

    Cinnamon not only repels insects, it is also an excellent preservative, often used in cooking. By putting a pinch of the plant powder in the refrigerator, you can get rid of the unpleasant odor in it. The bread will remain fresh and will not show signs of mold if there is a cinnamon stick in the bread bin.

    Organic cinnamaldehyde compound may help balance hormones female body during menopause and in the intervals between “critical” days, increasing female progesterone levels. Although the product is of natural plant origin, you should still consult a doctor before using it.

    Columbia University researchers have established the plant's ability to control female menstrual cycle with manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome, to which women are so often exposed.

    Possessing antibacterial properties, cinnamon can have an anti-inflammatory effect caused by sore throat. For this purpose, rinsing procedures are used. Cinnamon sticks infused in one liter of water for 24 hours saturate useful substances solution and soothe a sore throat.

    Essential extracts of the plant, irritating our receptors, call for a positive response to its smell, while awakening sexual desire in men and the desire of women. Many personal contraceptive items have a cinnamon scent.

    Cinnamon oil found wide application not only for medical, but also for cosmetic purposes. Providing skin transformation with its use.

    Cinnamon and honey mask

    Pre-melted honey in the amount of two tablespoons is mixed with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. After applying to the face, keep it on for 20-30 minutes. This procedure has a rejuvenating effect.

    Mask with cinnamon, honey and nutmeg

    Melted honey 2 tablespoons, mixed with one teaspoon of cinnamon. Add 1 tablespoon of finely ground nutmeg to the resulting mass. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes. The mask is not only nutritious, but also acts as a treasure.

    Cinnamon hair mask

    Essential oil cinnamon, having a tonic effect, is used in components for the care of dry, thin hair. The basic component for this procedure can be any oil you like - olive, burdock. Add 6-7 drops of cinnamon ether to 50 ml of base oil, distributing the product with massage movements along the entire length of the strands. The procedure time is one hour. It is recommended to repeat the manipulation once every five days.

In moderate doses, cinnamon has a positive effect on various body systems, but there are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account when consuming the spice. Cinnamon should not be consumed:

Beneficial properties of cinnamon

This aromatic spice is known to people all over the world. For some, it brings back memories of mom's apple pies, while for others, cinnamon is a storehouse of beneficial properties.

Cultivated mainly on the island of Sri Lanka. The spice is obtained from the bark of the cinnamonum tree. When dry, strips of bark curl into tubes. These are the same cinnamon sticks that we use in the kitchen.

The spice was popular back in Ancient Egypt, was considered a rare and valuable gift, available only to rulers and their entourage. Only the most influential Egyptian women owned secret recipes beauty for face and hair based on cinnamon.

There are two main types of spice: Ceylon, which is also called “true”, and Chinese cinnamon, or cassia, which is a more common and cheaper option.

The healing properties of cinnamon in detail

The specific taste and aroma of this spice attracts not only fans of gourmet cooking, but also those who care about their health.

Just one teaspoon of ground cinnamon contains as many antioxidants as half a cup of blueberries. It is equally useful for both men and women. But before use, it is important to make sure that cinnamon is not contraindicated for you.

  1. The spice is rich in antioxidant – polyphenol. One recent study tested 26 spices for their antioxidant properties. Cinnamon won, ahead of such leaders as garlic and oregano.
  2. The spice has the property of increasing the body's resistance to insulin. Cinnamon is recommended for people with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Just 1 g per day has a beneficial effect on blood markers.
  3. Anti-inflammatory properties: fights infections and repairs damaged tissues by active component– cinnamaldehyde. The oil is used in the treatment of infections respiratory tract caused by fungi. The spice prevents the growth of bacteria: listeria and salmonella.
  4. The spice minimizes the risk of heart disease by reducing “bad” cholesterol. The recipe is simple: 120 mg per day is enough for the effect.
  5. Compounds in cinnamon reduce the ability of tau protein, a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease, to accumulate in the brain. In the body of a person suffering from shaking paralysis (Parkinson's disease), the spice normalizes the level of neurotransmitters, improves motor functions and protects neurons from destruction.
  6. Reduces the growth of cancer cells and causes their death. Cinnamon is toxic to malignant tumors.
  7. Antiviral properties: fights the most common strain of the HIV virus. In a scientific experiment, out of 69 medicinal plants tested, it was cinnamon that showed the best results.
  8. For irritable bowel syndrome, it eliminates discomfort in the stomach and intestines. Useful for bloating. Kills bacteria and treats gastrointestinal infections.
  9. For arthritis and osteoporosis, a cup of cinnamon tea and a massage with cinnamon oil can relieve pain.
  10. Antibacterial properties: gets rid of harmful bacteria in the mouth without damaging teeth and gums. Cinnamon oil added to chewing gum, toothpastes and mouthwashes.
  11. At the onset of a cold, it is recommended to eat a little cinnamon. It can stop the oncoming disease. The secret is in the antiviral and warming properties of the spice.
  12. Premenstrual syndrome(PMS) in women manifests itself in mood swings and painful sensations. Doctors have found a relationship with a deficiency of manganese, calcium, chromium and copper in the blood. Cinnamon contains all of these elements.
  13. Impotence or erectile dysfunction in men is caused by: lack of self-confidence, cardiovascular diseases, stress, diabetes and high blood pressure. According to real reviews from men, this healthy seasoning helped them cope with the physiological problems on this list.

How to take cinnamon for weight loss?

The beneficial properties of cinnamon for weight loss are a scientific fact. Here are some simple diet recipes:

  • add a teaspoon of ground spice to oatmeal, muesli and yogurt;
  • mix cinnamon, honey and hot water, drink instead of tea during the day;
  • black tea and coffee, fruit juices and protein shakes with this seasoning will taste better;
  • the spice is combined with quinoa, fresh fruits, nuts and seeds;
  • you can freeze cinnamon in ice cubes to add zest and special flavor to your favorite drinks;
  • you can sprinkle ground seasoning on fresh fruit;
  • A pinch of spice in lentils, bean soup or vegetarian chili sauce won't hurt.

Let's see exactly how cinnamon helps in the difficult task of losing weight.

The spice has the ability to increase insulin activity in the body. Even for people who do not have diabetes, high sugar in the blood is a serious problem leading to obesity. Surprisingly, it is true: including cinnamon in your diet reduces the glycemic index of your food by 18-29%. This is a good incentive to lose weight.

This spice speeds up metabolism, including the metabolism of carbohydrates, preventing their conversion into fat. By eating foods seasoned with cinnamon, you burn more calories. The best weight loss product is difficult to find.

Another condition necessary for losing weight is a low level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Here again, biologically active compounds in the popular spice will come to the rescue.

Abdominal or abdominal fat is the first thing that catches your eye when you see an overweight person. But much more dangerous is the one that surrounds our internal organs - the visceral one. By consuming cinnamon regularly, you force your body to burn this fat first. So, in parallel with losing weight, you can improve your overall health.

Cinnamon slows down digestive processes in the stomach. This is an important property for those trying to lose weight. With the support of spice, it is easier to wait until the next meal without additional snacks. Nutritionists say that dried cinnamonum bark reduces cravings for sweets.

Losing weight with cinnamon is much easier. Lose excess weight for health benefits. Reviews of this spice from those who were on a diet are only positive.

Use of cinnamon in everyday life

Insect Repellent: The antimicrobial properties of cinnamon oil are used to kill ants, bedbugs, ticks, cockroaches and mosquitoes.

Disinfection: Oil diluted in water can be used to treat kitchen surfaces, sinks, refrigerators, door handles, toys and much more. This is relevant if there are children in the family or people with allergies who react poorly to the products household chemicals.

Food preservative: The spice prevents the growth of bacteria. That is why it is used in almost every dish in hot Asian countries.

Neutralizes odors: Cinnamon leaf oil does more than just mask unpleasant aromas, but kills the bacteria that cause them.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair

In Sri Lanka the spice is used in recipes traditional medicine and aromatherapy for centuries. Has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial effects on the scalp, improves hair condition.

Regular massage of cinnamon oil on the scalp, neck and temples causes blood flow to the follicles, thereby stimulating hair growth.

Combine 2 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tsp. ground cinnamon and olive oil. Stir until paste-like. Rub into scalp, apply evenly to hair and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair with shampoo. Some people recommend preheating the olive oil to make the procedure more effective.

This homemade hair mask can be done once a week.

We lose on average up to 100 hairs per day, but we usually don’t even notice it. Intensive hair loss begins with health problems. The undeniable advantage of cinnamon is that it affects the hair both from the inside and outside.

Use not only ground spice, but also natural oil. It contains substances beneficial for hair: eugenol and cinnamaldehyde, endowed with antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Cinnamon oil is suitable for treating dry and brittle hair, as it nourishes the hair follicles. The roots become stronger and hair loss is reduced.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the positive aspects of consuming cinnamon, some caution should be exercised when using it and contraindications should be taken into account.

  1. Toxicity. No more than 6 g per day for 6 weeks is recommended. This is the upper limit of safe dosage.
  2. Premature birth. During pregnancy, the spice is contraindicated, as it can cause uterine contractions or even premature birth.
  3. Harm to the liver. The high levels of coumarin in Chinese cinnamon can lead to liver failure if taken daily or in large doses.
  4. Allergy. Runny nose, watery eyes, difficulty breathing, upset stomach, swelling of the face or hands, anaphylactic shock and nausea are the main symptoms. If you are allergic to cinnamon, taking it in any quantity is contraindicated.
  5. In rare cases or in case of overdose, it increases the heart rate.
  6. Blood thinners, such as products containing salicylates or good old aspirin.

Spice can be a wonderful assistant in the fight for health and longevity for men and women of any age, especially if you like fatty and high-calorie foods - these are reviews from employees of the University of Pennsylvania.

Tell us about your experience of using cinnamon for medicinal, cosmetic and household purposes. Perhaps this seasoning helped someone get rid of extra pounds, and someone cured their hair. Don't be shy, we always welcome your feedback.