Medicinal herb angelica: medicinal uses and beneficial properties of the plant. An ancient helper for many ailments - angelica

Almost all plants can help a person, including with health problems. Looking for suitable product To combat a specific ailment, some go to extremes and begin to use everything without devoting time to a detailed analysis of the properties of the plant. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the features medicinal angelica- an umbrella plant, the use of which in folk medicine is widespread. By understanding all aspects of its impact on the body, we can extract greatest benefit from application in a given situation.

Angelica - what kind of plant is it and what does it look like?

Angelica is a biennial plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family. It can reach a height of two and a half meters, and once you meet it, it will be difficult to confuse it with any other plant. Above the ground, at the very root of an adult plant, a rosette is formed, from which emerges a lush bunch of leaves and a tall, erect trunk. The stem visually looks very massive, but inside it is hollow, which ensures its relative lightness in weight. At the very top of the plant an inflorescence is formed - a complex large spherical umbrella, which reaches 15-20 centimeters in diameter and is endowed with several dozen rays with small, inconspicuous flowers.

Angelica grows both wild and cultivated. Preferred for him climatic conditions is a swamp, forest ravines, spruce and pine-birch forests. It is worth noting that the plant has very pleasant aroma, which will definitely attract attention to this unusual representative of the flora.

Beneficial and medicinal properties of medicinal plants

Medicinal angelica contains a huge amount of substances beneficial to humans, so it is often called strength-giving. All parts contain: essential oil, malic, acetic, valeric and other acids, tannins, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, B 12, resins and other components. Based on this, angelica can be used as:

  • diuretic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant action;
  • means for activating blood microcirculation and lowering blood pressure.

What diseases are the root and the herb used for?

The active use of angelica in medicine is a consequence of the properties that it can have on humans. Of course, as the only thing remedy it is not used, but the plant can have a powerful auxiliary effect in one aspect or another, therefore it can be used for the following health problems:

  • indigestion;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • gout, rheumatism;
  • cholelithiasis and problems with kidney function;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • violations menstrual cycle;
  • cough due to bronchitis or cold;
  • spasms in the digestive tract;
  • for allergies.

What are the benefits of plants for women in gynecology?

The plant in question should be classified as a group of products that have great benefits for women's health. Due to the fact that angelica has vasodilating and antispasmodic properties, it is simply irreplaceable for menstrual pain. By improving blood circulation in the pelvis, the plant allows you to minimize discomfort on different stages menstrual cycle.

Angelica is also able to have an effect on the level of estrogen in a woman’s body, and therefore is actively used during menopause (relieves symptoms, including alleviating hot flashes). The plant can be used in other situations:

  • endometriosis;
  • excessive bleeding during menstruation;
  • the need to restore the cycle after long-term use hormonal contraceptives.

Methods of use in folk medicine - recipes

Obtaining results from herbal medicine is a consequence of the correct selection of the form and amount taken medicinal composition. Let's look at the basic recipes based on medicinal angelica.

For potency

Considering angelica as a tonic for blood circulation, it is fair to note that its use will also be useful for enhancing attraction to the opposite sex, that is, for enhancing libido. Improving microcirculation in the external and internal genital organs of a person will also be important in this matter. The easiest option would be to purchase special angelica tea at the pharmacy, which is pre-packaged in disposable tea bags, or to prepare it yourself. To do this, you will need to pour two teaspoons of dry plant roots with a glass of boiling water and leave under a closed lid for about 10 minutes. Drink it in small sips, warm, up to three mugs a day.

If your period is late

Angelica is one of the most popular herbal remedies, which is used by women when menstruation is delayed. The decoction allows you to activate blood circulation in the uterus, thereby provoking the discharge of unnecessary epithelium. So, to prepare the composition you will need to take a couple of tablespoons of the dried product (leaves or roots) and add liquid in a volume of 200-250 ml. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for about half an hour, cooled and filtered. You need to take the medicine 50 milliliters twice a day until the desired result is obtained.

Before you start using this tool to provoke menstruation, you should completely make sure that pregnancy is excluded as the cause of the delay. Otherwise, there is a high probability of harming the fetus.

For infertility

Infertility can be the result of a wide variety of reasons; in some situations they are simple and easily solved, while in others they are insurmountable. Often a woman cannot become pregnant due to the fact that the pelvic organs receive little blood (this is observed when sedentary work) or the patient suffers from anemia. In such situations, pharmaceutical angelica can help to conceive such a desired baby, as it eliminates the problems described. The following recipe will be relevant:

  1. to prepare a water infusion you will need a tablespoon of plant roots and a glass of boiling water;
  2. the ingredients are combined and left to infuse for several hours;
  3. Afterwards, the mixture is carefully filtered and drunk a day - 100 ml in the morning and evening.

The infusion well activates the body and the processes occurring in it; it can be used from time to time as a preventive product.

For weight loss

A good helper in the fight against extra pounds will be an alcohol tincture prepared independently. The procedure looks like as follows: a couple of tablespoons of dried rhizomes are placed in a jar and 250 ml of vodka is poured. After a week of infusion, the product can be used - a dessert spoon three times during one day. You shouldn’t arrange courses that are too long – about 10 days will be enough. At the same time, an ideal result can only be achieved if the right image life and nutrition, regular physical activity(in acceptable quantities).

Preparations based on angelica

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of angelica products. So, you can purchase the plant in the form of a mixture dried leaves, roots, alcohol tinctures, tablets, capsules, bagged and loose teas (as in pure form, and in combination with other phyto-ingredients). They are presented as dietary supplements and are not official medicines. There are many companies involved in the production of such products, so it is not advisable to mention them.

Angelica can also be part of a multi-component composition, such as Planetary Herbals tablets, designed to tonify the female body.

What are the differences between angelica and hogweed?

When collecting herbs on your own, there is always a danger of losing vigilance and taking not the desired plant, but its dangerous “double”. Thus, angelica officinalis can easily be confused with hogweed, which in turn is poisonous to humans. When its juice gets on the skin, an active response develops, blisters form and dark spots, which take a very long time to pass. There are some differences in appearance, which will help distinguish useful from dangerous: angelica has an exceptionally smooth trunk, a little reddish at the very bottom, and the inflorescences tend to be ideally large round shape, and the poisonous “analogue” has all the elements covered with stiff hairs. When a green leaf of hogweed is damaged, very bad smell, while the aroma from angelica is very attractive.

Harm from consuming the plant

Harm from consumption angelica-based products can occur only in two situations: when contraindications are ignored, and when the recommended rules of administration are violated. So, if the dosage is exceeded, a condition may occur severe poisoning body, accompanied by nausea, loose stools and vomiting. If you suspect a negative reaction to the plant, you should immediately call an ambulance.


The peculiarity of the product is its photosensitizing effect, that is, the ability to increase a person’s sensitivity to light. Thus, the product should not be used by patients with fair and thin skin, especially before a planned vacation. If plant juice is applied to the skin, then upon contact with the sun's rays a severe burn or skin reaction in the form of dermatitis.
You should also avoid using angelica:

  • during pregnancy, as the product can have an abortifacient effect;
  • with severe uterine bleeding;
  • during menstruation (if they proceed normally);
  • with a high tendency to bleeding;
  • when diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • during an attack of tachycardia or fever.

A separate point worth noting is such a standard limitation as individual intolerance.

Angelica is a healing biennial. It is widely used in the treatment of diseases digestive system. Angelica increases appetite, has an antiseptic effect in the intestines, and ultimately helps cope with gas, bloating and abdominal pain. For medicinal purposes, decoctions and infusions from the rhizome of the plant are used.

The healing composition of the plant

Angelica is famous for such useful qualities, How:

  1. Its essential oil has many healing qualities for humans; it is used as a choleretic, diuretic, tonic, analgesic, expectorant and antispasmodic.
  2. The acids contained in its composition belong to natural antioxidants.
  3. Resins have a bactericidal, laxative and immunostimulating effect.
  4. Bitterness activates appetite.
  5. Tannins will help eliminate inflammation.
  6. Pectins remove toxins from the body and stabilize metabolism in the body, lowering cholesterol.
  7. Nutrients, sugars in short time regenerate vitality.
  8. The wax has a strong antimicrobial effect, which heals wounds and skin diseases.
  9. Carotene and proteins.
  10. Calcium stabilizes blood pressure and heart rate, stimulates enzymes, removes toxins.
  11. Phosphorus strengthens bone tissue, stabilizes the functioning of the kidneys and heart.
  12. Pinene increases bile function and has an expectorant effect.
  13. Coumarins slow blood clotting and are used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, stroke and heart attack.

This set of healing characteristics of the plant is excellent in therapy; the calorie content of angelica is no more than 10 calories, which does not lead to excess weight.

Medicinal qualities of the plant

With the help of the plant you can treat and perform preventive measures By using angelica-based preparations, a person’s well-being significantly improves:

  • The NS is normalized, the arrhythmia goes away.
  • Cures neuralgia, initial signs of rheumatism, joint diseases.
  • The fever decreases.
  • Breathing stabilizes.
  • Reduces pain during the menstrual cycle.
  • Used to prevent atherosclerosis.
  • Blood pressure returns to normal.
  • Gas formation occurs in the intestines.
  • The condition of the limbs improves with VSD.

Angelica contains many healing substances, which help with their beneficial effects:

  • Increases appetite.
  • Stabilizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Stimulates the choleretic pathways.
  • Increases bile secretion.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

Angelica therapy

Plant-based remedies can improve the functioning of the pancreas and treat diseases such as:

Violation motor functions biliary tract.

  • Different types of neuroses.
  • Gastritis.
  • Duodenitis.
  • Colitis.

Also, with the help of rhizomes you can cure:

  • Respiratory tract diseases.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Dropsy.
  • Spasms.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Measles.
  • Scarlet fever.
  • Asthma.
  • Ulcers.
  • Women's diseases.

The root of the plant is recommended to treat various internal diseases. Angelica has many qualities, one of them is anti-inflammatory. Done healing compounds consumed at:

  • Colds.
  • Neuroses.
  • Gingivitis.
  • Insomnia.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Lumbago.
  • Gas formation.

An infusion of the rhizome is used as a compress and cures:

  • Rheumatism.
  • Gout.
  • Myositis.
  • Myalgia.

The foliage of the plant is used to prepare teas or infusions for rubbing. A remedy made from crushed leaves with the addition of rue leaves and honey will help against insect bites.

Is it possible to overdose?

Due to the fact that angelica contains a significant number of substances, you can get an overdose and, accordingly, intoxication of the body, and signs appear:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • High temperature;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Migraine;

An overdose of angelica has negative impact on the central nervous system. When using the plant externally or internally, do not for a long time spend in the sun, exposure sun rays may cause irritation to skin, burns and dermatitis.


  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Heavy periods.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Insufficient blood clotting.
  • Tachycardia.

Use in alternative medicine

To use the product internally, prepare an alcohol tincture: 30 grams of dry raw materials are finely chopped and poured into a container. Then pour in white wine, about a liter, and leave for a day. The composition is stirred regularly. Then filtered. Take 30 g twice a day before meals. The infusion can be used to get rid of pinworms, and also make compresses for rheumatism.

A decoction of angelica seed is used as a diuretic and breastfeeding. To prepare it you will need: a spoonful of seeds and half a liter of boiling water. The raw materials are diluted with boiling water and cooked on the stove for no more than 5 minutes. Leave the broth for a while until it cools down. Drink 100 g 5 times a day. The resulting broth can be used to rinse your mouth for gum inflammation.

Medicinal plant for the weaker sex

The benefits of the plant for women are very great; it is not just considered one of them the best means for treatment women's diseases. Due to its antispasmodic effect, the plant is good at removing pain during the menstrual cycle, which is important for women. Angelica will help:

  • restore hormonal levels;
  • stabilize menstruation;
  • alleviate the condition during menopause.

It is used for complex therapy inflammation of the testes and fallopian tubes. The plant prevents the growth of anemia, it is used to stimulate birth process. The plant has a sedative effect, which is useful for a woman due to her high emotionality and sensitivity.

Honey is obtained from a medicinal plant, which has green tint and an unusual smell. You can store it for a long time without losing its healing qualities. Honey contains many macro- and microelements, fruit sugars and glucose.

Consumption of honey tones the nervous system, makes it stronger, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, relieves spasms and is used to treat many diseases.

Alternative medicine recipes

The drug will help regenerate the function of the gastrointestinal tract. The tincture can be used to treat female diseases. Drink it 3-4 times a day, 0.5 cups. 20 grams of crushed rhizome is poured into a liter hot water and leave for 8 hours, or better yet overnight. The composition is filtered and taken orally.

Product based on all parts of the plant
The composition will be beneficial for intestinal contractions. The tincture increases appetite and cleanses the intestines of pathogenic microbes and accumulated gases. It can also be used when colds, for the treatment of abnormalities of the respiratory system.

We offer you a recipe that includes all parts of the plant. The tincture will help with cholecystitis, inflammation of the pancreas, and removes stones from the gall bladder. Most often it is consumed half a glass three times a day. However, the specialist may prescribe a different treatment plan.

To prepare the infusion you will need:

  • A spoonful of angelica rhizome.
  • A spoonful of plant seeds.
  • A spoonful of finely chopped leaves.
  • Three mugs of water.

All components are thoroughly mixed and boiling water is added. The vessel is sealed and allowed to brew for about 6 hours. Then the composition must be filtered.

The resulting infusion can be used for healing baths for joint diseases or muscle pain.

To prepare the drink, 100 grams of crushed rhizome is poured with a liter of alcohol. The composition is stored in a cool, dark place for three weeks, stirring occasionally. Then the composition is purified and taken orally.

Due to the wide range of uses of the plant in folk medicine, you must have it in your possession. home medicine cabinet. Any remedy based on angelica will help cope with many diseases.

Video: medicinal properties of angelica

Angelica is a biennial medicinal plant family Umbelliferae. Grows throughout the area Western Siberia and Europe. This crop has long stems up to 2 m in height, a large umbel with small white or greenish-yellowish flowers and large carved leaves. The fruits are represented by pale yellow two-seeds. In medicine and for the preparation of folk recipes, the following types are used:

  • angelica officinalis;
  • Siberian angelica or honey plant;
  • angelica.

The plant grows most often on the banks of reservoirs, in forest-steppe zones and on flooded reservoirs and consists of a powerful root system. All parts of the herb have medicinal properties, but the root of the plant is most often used for treatment. Angelica begins to bloom in its second year between June and August, and the fruits ripen in August and September.

For harvesting, it is better to use the roots of the plant grown in the first year. Harvesting begins in September or late October. At the same time, you need to pay attention to a plant damaged by insects, losing its healing properties. Growing this crop is also possible as a decorative plant for the home.

Angelica Siberian is widely used in medicine and is characterized as a first-class honey plant. Bees enjoy visiting blooming flowers and collect nectar and pollen from them. The resulting honey has a reddish tint and is a valuable variety for the prevention and treatment of most diseases.

Due to the high content useful substances Angelica officinalis is also called a plant that gives strength. All parts of the herb, and especially the root, are filled with the following healing components:

  • resin;
  • pectin substances;
  • essential oils;
  • acetic and malic acid;
  • tannins;
  • protein;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamin B12;
  • ascorbic acid etc.

This plant is especially popular among women. Angelica copes with circulatory disorders, postpartum and prenatal weakness, reduces sexual bleeding and helps with painful menstruation. In some cases, when consuming the herb, pregnancy may occur in anemicly infertile women, as it normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
The medicinal properties of this plant strengthen the immune system and increase performance. Angelica officinalis has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic effects. This drug has a beneficial effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. For diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, Siberian angelica increases the secretion of pancreatic juice and bile secretion, and helps with cholelithiasis.

Honey plant increases appetite, helps normalize digestion and contains disinfectant and antispasmodic properties. The use of this plant enhances secretory and motor function internal glands. This herb is especially valued in cosmetics and perfumes. Angelica officinalis is also used as a food flavoring for many dishes.

For what diseases is it used?

The properties of this plant can provide therapeutic effects for most diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • psoriasis;
  • stomach cramps;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • amenorrhea;
  • skin rashes;
  • hypertension;
  • arthritis;
  • mastopathy;
  • neuralgia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • flatulence;
  • gynecological diseases in women.

Honey plant has a mild sedative effect on the nervous system, helping to get rid of nervous conditions and stress.

Folk recipes for using angelica

Before preparing tinctures and decoctions, you should follow the advice and recommendations of your doctor. It must be used in accordance with established standards and doses, taking into account the described contraindications to the drug. It is also worth noting that the use of angelica preparations increases sexual sensitivity in women. The medicinal properties of the plant can be noted when using the following folk recipes:

  1. From neuroses and mental disorders you can take 3 tablespoons of angelica, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for half an hour. The use of this recipe is recommended 3 times a day. The medicinal properties of this plant also help with rheumatism, gout and give strength to the body.
  2. When craving for alcoholic drinks You can make a decoction consisting of 20 grams of crushed angelica roots and 1 liter of boiling water. The decoction is infused for 2 hours. After which it is decanted and consumed as tea, 1 glass 3 times a day.
  3. At inflammatory processes, diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary and gall bladder, an infusion is prepared from 350-450 ml of chilled boiled water and 10 grams of grass. Next, you need to infuse the mixture for 8 hours and take 100 ml 2-3 times a day.
  4. For joint damage and purulent-inflammatory processes good effect provide baths using 150 grams of crushed root. Some contraindications should also be taken into account before using bath procedures - skin hypersensitivity. In this case, it is best to abstain.
  5. Angelica root produces an effective juice for treating toothache and runny nose.
  6. For inflammation bladder a mixture of 1 teaspoon of juniper berries and 1 teaspoon of angelica seeds is used. All components are mixed and 500 ml of boiling water is poured. Next, the mixture is boiled, cooled and drunk 100 ml 5 times a day. You can add a little honey for taste.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Angelica officinalis has its contraindications for use. This is due to high content essential oil, in case of an overdose, side symptoms of poisoning are observed:

If you take the plant in high doses constantly, a paralytic effect of the central nervous system may occur.

Honey plant has photosensitizing properties, because of this, with prolonged exposure to the sun and prolonged use of this medicine burns, dermatitis and irritant reactions of the skin occur.

Of particular note are the contraindications for using the plant for women. Honey plant should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, spontaneous abortions and severe uterine bleeding. Angelica should be used with caution in case of thrombosis and other diseases. circulatory system, because the plant increases blood clotting.

Modern man has become very distant from nature and the knowledge that our ancestors passed on to us. But this did not make him any healthier, and sometimes after many unsuccessful attempts To cure this or that ailment, we turn to herbs and healers. To regain knowledge again, you need to study plants and their properties. And today you can learn about one very useful herb called angelica.

Angelica grows in many regions of our country

This plant has existed on our planet for thousands of years. And for the same amount of time it has been known for its beneficial qualities for humans. Angelica was used to treat many diseases, and the effect of the treatment was good. Over such a long history of its existence, the plant has acquired many other names - angelica, meadow oaks, bordanka, sweet trunk, angelica.

Did you know? According to ancient legends of some peoples of the world, angelica was given to people from heaven. This happened when people were struck by the plague, and there was no salvation from the disease. At that moment, an angel sent by God descended from above, and in his hands was the root of a wonderful plant. Then people called angelica archangelica (Latin).

According to scientists, the grass has a homeland in the northern regions of Eurasia. In the 14th century, angelica was brought to European countries from the Scandinavian regions. Since ancient times, our Slavic ancestors used it for therapy. various ailments. The plant gave health, strength, beauty. Moreover, it was angelica that saved a person from poison after a snake bite.

The grass still grows in our country. At the same time, it is quite widespread throughout the territory; herbalists can prepare angelica in the European part, and in the Urals, and in Siberia. It grows in the mountainous Caucasus and Far East. Here the grass grows wild. Sometimes it can be specially cultivated in certain regions. But in Europe, many countries grow angelica purposefully.

Description of the plant

So that you can better understand what we're talking about, look at the photo of angelica. This grass has a tall stem that exceeds the height of a person. Blooms with umbrellas with white or yellow flowers. The sheets are beautiful as they have carved contours. The grass has a rather pronounced aroma, its roots grow over a long distance, holding tightly to the soil, but at the same time they do not grow deep. Angelica root also has its own subtle aroma.

The stem has many branches, the leaves on it are large, and there is a silvery coating. The plant blooms in the second and third decades of summer. If angelica is a year old, then it does not bloom and its harvesting dates are September and October. If the herb is two years old or older, it will flower and be harvested in April and May.

For information! The powerful root of angelica is very healing and smells pleasant. It is the raw material for medicines for many diseases. To understand why the herb is valued, read further on its composition.

Angelica officinalis. What is his strength?

Of course, every medicinal plant helps a person because it contains various necessary components and vitamins. Angelica is considered a herb that can give health and strength. It contains a lot of essential oils and acids (malic, acetic, valerian, etc.). The composition is also rich in tannins, carotene, antioxidants, sugars, resins, and bitter substances. That's not all.

Nature did not deprive the plant of proteins, vegetable fats, calcium, pectin components, ascorbic acid, phosphorus. Without these components, our body cannot be healthy, and they can be replenished so easily by using the plant in your everyday life. It is worth noting that angelica contains fiber, and our gastrointestinal tract needs it for digestion and cleansing the body of all harmful and unnecessary substances.

For information! Essential oil is made from the rhizome of the plant and is used for therapy. It contains all the beneficial substances, while its aroma is subtle and has notes of musk. Scientists also believe that the oil contains one of the very important components– felandrene.

Angelica plant. Its benefits and contraindications

Medicinal properties

  • Used as a powerful remedy for immunity.
  • The plant has always been valued for its ability to help our cardiovascular system, improve blood flow.
  • Removes bile and helps kidney function. It has a good effect on the health of people who were or are dependent on alcohol.
  • Stimulates and tones the nervous system.
  • An excellent assistant for those people who suffer from various back pains and diseases. To do this, use alcohol infusions as a rub.
  • And during a cold, angelica is our assistant, as it can lower the temperature, cope with the pathogenic environment of microbes and bacteria, and relieve a painful cough.
  • The herb normalizes blood pressure and improves motor skills.
  • Infusions based on angelica root help our digestion. The body begins to get the maximum nutrients, and waste, toxins, and carcinogens are removed from it.
  • Medicinal components help lower cholesterol levels.

Agree how unique this herb is. So, why don’t we know anything about it, and even if we know where it grows, we don’t use it for therapy. After all, it is much easier to use natural gifts than to drink tablets with a chemical composition.

Angelica officinalis for women

All of the above qualities of the herb are beneficial for everyone, but angelica has certain properties that can help women's health. Namely, the plant gives a chance to become pregnant to women who suffer from anemia, problems with blood circulation, and constantly feel tired. Against this background, it is very difficult to conceive a child.

If you use angelica for therapy, you can gain strength, because we remember how the Slavs called angelica in ancient times. The woman will regain health, her skin will not be pale and dry. The plant also helps those who have already given birth to remove weakness, restore menstruation, and relieve pain in the pelvis. In a word, angelica is necessary for women’s health for its medicinal properties and composition.

Contraindications. Who should not use herbs for therapy?

Whenever using a particular plant or products made on its basis for treatment or prevention, it is necessary to understand individual intolerance components. Someone can drink the infusion as tea, while others can get severe allergies. After all, we all have different bodies.

Endlessly useful angelica doesn't have any special contraindications or side effects, it is prohibited for two categories of people - women, when they are already carrying a child, note that after childbirth and for conception, the herb is useful, and people with diabetes mellitus. Well, as was said earlier, plants are not allowed for those who may be allergic to them.

Important! Even if you know everything about the state of your health, what diseases you have or don’t have, still never engage in treatment at home without consulting a doctor. Women need to be especially careful, because sometimes we may not immediately find out about our pregnancy, during which we should not drink decoctions or infusions based on angelica root.

We must use the medicinal properties of the plant for our health, immunity, and prevention. After all, anyone can collect raw materials, as well as make an infusion, and you will receive an environmentally friendly medicine. Properly selected weed can get you back on your feet after the very serious illness, so, is it worth neglecting such gifts?

We hope you found the article useful, and now your knowledge about traditional medicine has become more complete. You can prepare the herb yourself or buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. But remember the collection deadlines.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Angelica officinalis ( Archangelica officinalis), or Angelica officinalis– a herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Angelica of the Apiaceae family. This plant is native to northern Eurasia. In culture, angelica is grown as a medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plant. Otherwise, this plant is called angelica, wolf's pipe, meadow pipe, grass, grass, angelica, piper, and in Europe - angelica or angel grass. IN Central Europe Angelica was brought from Scandinavia in the 15th century, from there it spread to other regions. It grows in forest ravines, in spruce and pine-birch forests, along the banks of rivers and streams.

Planting and caring for angelica (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in open ground– in September. Stratified seeds can be sown in early spring.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight, penumbra.
  • Soil: well moistened, permeable and fertile.
  • Watering: only in severe drought.
  • Feeding: 2 times per season with complex mineral fertilizers.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Diseases: powdery mildew and rust.
  • Pests: spider mites.
  • Properties: The plant has healing properties and is grown as a medicinal plant.

Read more about growing angelica below.

Angelica herb - description

Angelica officinalis – two years aromatic plant, which in the first year of life forms only a basal rosette from a bunch of leaves, and develops a stem and peduncles in the second year. The rhizome of angelica is brown, short, radish-shaped, up to 8 cm in diameter, overgrown with numerous adventitious roots. It contains yellowish or white milky juice. The stem of angelica is up to 2.5 m high, erect, single, bare, thick, cylindrical, hollow inside and branched at the top.

In the photo: Growing angelica in the garden

The leaves are thrice pinnate, alternate, with large three-lobed or two-lobed ovoid segments: the basal leaves are long-petiolate, large, triangular in outline, the stem leaves are not as large as the lower ones, and with a stem-encompassing sheath. The inflorescence of angelica is a large, complex, almost spherical umbrella with a diameter of up to 15 cm with twenty to forty rays, blooming on a peduncle that is densely pubescent in the upper part. The umbrella consists of inconspicuous, small yellowish-green flowers with five petals. The fruit of angelica is an elliptical greenish or yellow two-seed that splits into two semi-fruits. Angelica herb blooms in June-August in its second year, and its fruits ripen from July to September.

Sowing angelica

Angelica grows best in semi-shaded or sunny areas in well-moistened, fertile, permeable soils. Before sowing, the soil on the site is dug up with compost or humus and leveled. The angelica plant is sown before winter, in September, since its seeds need stratification by cold. The sowing should be dense, since the germination rate of the seed is relatively low. If angelica grows too thickly in the spring, it needs to be planted according to a 60x30 or 60x40 cm pattern. There is no need to cover angelica crops for the winter.

If sowing is carried out in the spring, the seeds are kept in a vegetable drawer in the refrigerator for three winter months, after being mixed with wet sand and placed in a container. However, by spring the number of viable seeds may decrease.

Angelica care

When angelica shoots appear, the area is mulched with moss to increase productivity. Caring for angelica is simple: watering during the dry season, weeding, frequent loosening of the soil around the plants, adding mineral fertilizers to the soil twice a season, protection from diseases and pests - that’s all this plant expects from you.

Pests and diseases of angelica

Under certain circumstances, angelica can be affected by fungal diseases rust or powdery mildew. Treat plants chemicals undesirable, since angelica tends to accumulate poisons, so it is necessary to fight possible diseases preventive measures: compliance with crop rotation, regular destruction of weeds on the site, use of mineral fertilizers with a reduced nitrogen component.

In the photo: Angelica inflorescence

Among insects dangerous for drought-resistant angelica are spider mites, which also do not like dampness and moisture. To repel ticks, angelica is treated with tobacco infusion: 200 g of shag or tobacco should be poured into 3 liters of water, left for 24 hours, then strained, added for stickiness with 50 g of liquid soap and sprayed on the plants and the soil under them.

Collection and storage of angelica

IN medicinal purposes They mainly use angelica root, and sometimes its seeds and leaves. The roots of plants of the first year of life are harvested in the fall, in September-October, and the roots of plants of the second year - in March and April. They are carefully dug up, freed from the ground, separated from the ground part and carefully examined: rhizomes damaged by voles or moles lose their healing properties. Whole rhizomes are washed in cold water, cut lengthwise and laid out in one layer on paper, a wire rack or thin cloth to dry in a well-ventilated area or in the shade on outdoors. If you decide to dry the raw materials in an oven, you need to do this at a temperature of 35-40 ˚C.

Angelica leaves are harvested during flowering and dried in the shade in the open air. Store finished raw materials in bags or tightly closed cardboard boxes no more than two years.

Types and varieties of angelica

Angelica officinalis has three subspecies:

  • Angelica archangelica subsp. archangelica;
  • Angelica archangelica subsp. norvegica;
  • Angelica archangelica subsp. litoralis.

Domestic breeders did not develop varieties of angelica, but among the European varieties of angelica, the most popular are Jizerka and Budakalaszi.

Properties of angelica - harm and benefit

The healing properties of angelica

Angelica officinalis contains many useful substances: the roots contain essential oils, valeric, malic, acetic, angelic and other acids, as well as resins, wax, sugars, carotene, pectins, bitter and tannins. The composition of the essential oil squeezed from the rhizome - a liquid with a musky aroma - includes protein, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, fixed oils, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid. The characteristic odor of the oil is given by the substance ambrettolide.

Since ancient times it has been known that angelica stimulates blood circulation, has a tonic effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, strengthens the heart and immunity, increases the secretion of bile and pancreatic juice. Angelica is used for rheumatism, gout, and kidney disease. Alcohol tincture Angelica is used to rub the lower back for pain.

Angelica root is included in preparations prescribed for the treatment of alcoholism. It also has expectorant, antimicrobial, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used for bronchitis, colds, indigestion, infertility in anemic women, circulatory disorders, prenatal and postpartum weakness and dizziness. Antiseptic properties plants allow it to be used for rheumatic inflammatory processes and cystitis.

In folk medicine, angelica is used to treat psoriasis, irritation and aging of the skin.

In the perfumery and cosmetic industry Angelica fragrance is often used, especially in perfumes and colognes with an oriental bouquet. IN food industry Angelica is used to flavor non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks.

In the photo: How to grow angelica in the garden

Angelica honey is highly prized and can be any shade from dark brown to amber red. The consistency of angelica honey can be fine-grained, lard-like, resinous and even thicker. Characteristic feature Angelica honey has a weak ability to crystallize. Honey has a specific aroma, and the taste is sharp but pleasant, with a barely noticeable bitterness and a candy-caramel aftertaste.