Blood after postinor a week later. What does brown discharge indicate after taking Postinor?

To minimize the chance of pregnancy, women can use the most different drugs, including emergency contraceptives, which includes “Postinor”. It is in great demand, although its use sometimes causes certain difficulties and inconveniences. Women are especially concerned about the delay after Postinor (as during pregnancy) or, conversely, too much bleeding.

Characteristics of the drug

"Postinor" is an oral contraceptive intended for emergency use immediately after completion of sexual intercourse (postcoital). It is available in the form of tablets, packaged in 2 pieces in special blisters, which are placed in cardboard box. The drug also comes with detailed instructions.

Main active substance m "Postinora" is levonorgestrel, contained in each tablet in the amount of 750 mcg. The composition also includes excipients.


It is best if you take the first Postinor tablet immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse. The longest acceptable time interval between these two events is 72 hours. After the first capsule, you need to maintain an interval of 12-16 hours, then take the second tablet.

If you follow the above sequence of actions this remedy emergency contraception exhibits maximum effectiveness, preventing at least 95% of unwanted pregnancies.

But if the fertilized egg has already been implanted into the intrauterine endometrium, Postinor becomes useless.

The effectiveness of the contraceptive is noticeably reduced if at the same time a woman takes:

  • "Oxcarbazepine";
  • "Ampicillin";
  • "Rifampicin";
  • "Tetracycline";
  • barbiturates;
  • anticoagulants;
  • hypoglycemic agents.

You can use Postinor no more than 2 times a year. If regular protection from probable pregnancy, then you should use other means, selecting them together with the gynecologist.

Effect of the drug

"Postinor" begins to work after it dissolves in the intestines. The effect lasts for the next 24 hours. Under the influence of birth control pills, a woman experiences heavy intermenstrual bleeding, which should begin within the first week from the moment the drug was taken.

All this happens due to the action of levonorgestrel, which provokes a strong hormonal release, inhibiting motor activity uterine muscles. However, the exact nature of the drug's effect will depend on during which stage menstrual cycle it is used:

  1. Before ovulation."Postinor" provokes inhibition of the process of egg maturation or affects the walls of the follicle, which leads to their compaction and prevents the oocyte from exiting the fallopian tube.
  1. After ovulation. The use of the drug leads to changes in the structure of the endometrium, due to which the fertilized egg is rejected. The result is an abortion effect.

During any phase of the cycle, the contraceptive produces mucus in cervical canal more viscous, which prevents the sperm from penetrating the egg.

If a woman vomits within 4 hours of taking the drug, she should immediately take another pill, otherwise the level of effectiveness of the contraceptive will noticeably decrease.

It can be used any day, regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle. But if your periods are irregular, you must first make sure that you are not pregnant.

When the drug completely stops working (this happens within 2-5 days from the moment of its use), there is a significant decrease in hormone levels, which leads to severe bleeding. In this case, the beginning of normal menstruation will follow the usual schedule, although there may be minor deviations.

Effect on the body

When using Postinor, you can not only get the desired result in the form of pregnancy protection, but also experience discomfort from a number of side effects arising due to the effect of the contraceptive on the body as a whole.

Most often in women using the drug:

  • stomach pain (lower part);
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea occur;
  • the menstrual cycle goes astray (scanty periods or acyclic, i.e. irregular discharge);
  • headache and dizziness;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • nipples become more sensitive;
  • bloody uterine discharge appears;
  • Breasts become engorged and sore;
  • allergic reactions are observed.

If the prescribed dosage is exceeded, all manifestations of this list noticeably intensify. Since there is no counteracting agent for this drug, treatment is carried out symptomatically.

When is Postinor prohibited?

The product can be used if sexual contact was unprotected or the means of protection used seemed unreliable. However, its use is unacceptable when a woman:

  • under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant;
  • have recently consumed alcohol;
  • suffers from:
    • kidney or liver diseases;
    • lactose deficiency;
    • intolerance to lactose or other components of the drug;
  • I previously suffered from jaundice.

Delayed menstruation after Postinor

The occurrence of a delay when using this remedy is usually associated with a significant hormonal surge from use synthetic drug. It will be possible to guarantee the preservation of a woman’s reproductive function only if the pills are taken again no earlier than 6 months.

It is also necessary to remember that a delay can be caused not only by the drug, but also by the presence of chronic diseases(especially gynecological).

Bleeding after taking Postinor

Moderate bleeding that appears after taking the drug is considered completely normal. They should begin within a week from the moment the tablets enter the body. More active bleeding may be observed if the duration of action of the drug coincides with the onset of menstruation.

In women who have given birth, bleeding is usually more profuse and lasts 2-3 days longer than in other cases. If after 10 days they do not end, and the girl feels weak, dizzy and short of breath, then she should immediately consult a doctor.

For discharge after Postinor it may be characterized by the presence brown, but there is no need to worry about this.

If the discharge has a pink tint, this may indicate the presence of inflammatory processes, so in such cases it is recommended to immediately contact a gynecologist.

Postinor and pregnancy

It is prohibited to use Postinor during pregnancy or even if you suspect it. In cases where pregnancy still occurs after taking the drug, you should definitely visit a gynecologist and consult with him regarding further actions. But it must be taken into account that there is no teratogenic (affecting embryonic development) no effect on the fetus was found in numerous studies.

If, a week after using Postinor, a woman still has tightness in her lower abdomen and pain occurs (along with this, she may experience a little “smearing” in the middle of the cycle), then she should immediately consult a specialist to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

It must be taken into account that with this type of fetal development, the result of a special test will be negative, so it is not possible to identify the pathology on your own. This situation is considered especially dangerous, since with ectopic conception the only way management of therapy - termination of pregnancy at early. Otherwise, the woman’s life will be in danger.

The drug can be used during lactation, but after taking it you need to interrupt feeding for 24 hours.

If there is no bleeding after postinor

Characteristics of Postinor

As an alternative, they also write that it is better to take a COC in emergency situations - Marvelon or Mercilon. Is it better to take something else (Marvelon or Mercilon) in emergency cases - or is it actually the same thing? Or should I never do this again?

Is taking Postinor an abortion? I believed that this was still a method of contraception in case other methods had failed, and that it still had a contraceptive effect (i.e., prevent pregnancy), and not a “killer” one (i.e., destroy an existing pregnancy).

This is a large dose of the hormone - very large, several times more than what your body produces - in one tablet (in two tablets with a 12-hour interval - even more). The next day you don’t take the pill, and it turns out that the body first receives a huge dose, and then it is taken away from it. Premature menstruation occurs due to this difference. Must happen.

Then everything depends on your initial hormonal status and the day of the cycle when you take the pill. If initially your body produces a lot of progesterone and you drink in the second phase, then there may be no reaction at all, and the body does not see anything special in excess progesterone, and its withdrawal is insensitive to it, because you yourself have a lot of progesterone. This also happens - then, on the contrary, it is not premature menstruation that occurs, but a delay. Then postinor does not work - neither as emergency contraception, nor as a means harmful to the body.

When it works, it is a hormonal disruption that the body does not expect. It may be fraught with temporary impairment hormonal levels. Then of course he recovers. If there is no negative reaction in the coming days or weeks after using postinor, then it will not happen. You must understand that it is useless to take it more than once a cycle, because its effect is the rejection of the endometrium in this cycle.

The main harm of postinor is that it is a method of postcoital contraception, which means, in essence, medical abortion, in that it is not very effective, in that the pregnancy may continue and you will have to have a real abortion. More social harm than physiological. But it's a big secret :)

18.05.2007 | Medical center"INTELmed"
The question is answered by a gynecologist, Ph.D. Golitsyna Elena Valerievna. Hello, Anna! Taking postinor and mifepristone could lead to serious hormonal changes in the body. In addition, if after taking postinor there was bleeding, then the mucous membrane in the uterine cavity has not yet had time to grow again, therefore, in response to taking mifepristone, it is not rejected, and therefore there is no bleeding. But all this does not exclude the possibility of pregnancy. Therefore, undergo a transvaginal ultrasound and get a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist. In addition, you should choose a more reliable method of contraception.
make an appointment

I heard that you can use Mifepristone as a “firefighter” contraceptive. And on the 27th day of the cycle. This is true? If yes, where can I get it?

Mifepristone is not a contraceptive, but a means for terminating short-term pregnancies. It is only allowed to be used in hospitals.

Is the harm to the body the same if conception occurred and Postinor destroyed the embryo (medical abortion) and if Postinor was taken empty, i.e. conception did not occur during sexual intercourse. And one more question: is it really necessary to take a second tablet 12 hours after taking the first Postinor tablet. Or is this just an additional degree of protection that pharmacologists adhere to. Tell me, does bleeding occur after a few days in any case after taking it, or only if there was a pregnancy and Postinor interrupted it?

In any case, Postinor is drunk for 3 days, when there is no conception. Conception occurs a few days after intercourse, and Postinor is taken before this. So it does not destroy the embryo, but only causes premature menstruation.

You need to take a second tablet, otherwise the dose is small and there will be no effect, then why take the first? and two are often missing.

Withdrawal bleeding does not depend on pregnancy; moreover, once again, it occurs after the action or inaction of the postinor, and not before. If it has come before, he cannot act on it.

An important indicator is how long the bleeding lasts after postinoration. Often, menstruation lasts one or two days longer than usual after taking this drug. Sometimes they can even last seven or eight days. If after the fourth or fifth day the bleeding becomes light and does not cause discomfort, you are most likely fine and will stop completely in a few more days. If you continue to experience heavy bleeding for six to seven days, you should definitely seek medical attention. medical care. If bleeding lasts more than ten days, you should go to the doctor, regardless of whether it is heavy or not.

and my POSTINOR has been running around the apartment for 6 years now.....that’s 5% ineffectiveness))

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Postinor and other EC means should not be abused. It is not recommended to use the drug more than once during the menstrual cycle due to the increased frequency of acyclic bleeding. It is best to avoid EC products altogether or use them no more than once or twice a year, because sometimes after taking Postinor there are no periods at all or severe bleeding occurs that requires seeing a doctor.

In almost all countries, a drug such as Postinor is prohibited for use, but in Russia it is widely used, even despite the side effects. After taking Postinor a common complication is bleeding. Heavy bleeding It does not always appear, but even long-term astringent discharge brings a woman no small concern.

About Postinor

Postinor is an emergency contraceptive and is taken after unprotected sexual intercourse. Levonorgestrel is the active ingredient this drug. Its dose in one Postinor tablet is 0.75 mg, which greatly exceeds the progestin content in oral contraceptives. For contraceptive action you need to take two tablets after unprotected sex in the first three days. Postinor has antiestrogenic, progestogenic and contraceptive effects.

Mechanism of action of Postinor.

This drug has triple action, which is based on preventing the release of a mature egg from the ovary and suppressing ovulation: the impossibility of implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus due to changes in the properties of the mucous membrane; thickening of the mucus that is located in the cervical canal, which prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity.

Given these side effects, taking Postinor is not recommended for women who are sexually active.

The appearance of bleeding after Postinor.

Taking this drug quite often leads to uterine bleeding. The most common side effect is spotting, which appears after a few days or immediately after taking the second tablet. Such discharge is quite often long-lasting; it can last for a month. This remedy also leads to menstrual cycle disorders. Taking Postinor often provokes the appearance of abundant uterine bleeding. This is due to the action of the main active substance– levonorgestrel, because in its structure levonorgestrel is synthetic analogue hormone corpus luteum, that is, progesterone, which leads to changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus. Reception large quantity levonorgestrel causes such changes, and after the drug is discontinued, severe bleeding appears.

Such bleeding is often associated with violations of the rules for taking Postinor. For example, failure to observe a break of twelve days between taking two tablets, or in case of an overdose of the drug, when a woman drinks three and more pills, instead of the two required.

Clinical manifestation of bleeding.

After using Postinor, bleeding is quite dangerous. These bleedings can be so severe that women do not have time to change pads. Also, intense bleeding causes increased heart rate, leads to pale skin, increased sweating and severe weakness, and sometimes even lead to loss of consciousness. Such bleeding cannot be stopped on your own at home, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Anna asks:

Hello, please help. I am 17 years old. I have been sexually active for 4 months. On 4.10 my period ended, on 6.10 I had sexual intercourse, the condom broke and some sperm got into the vagina. After 18 hours I took one tablet of Postinor (for the first time in my life), and after 12 hours I took another one, there was no nausea, vomiting, or any pain. 11.10 I started bleeding,at first they were spotting, then more abundant, then spotting again, 13.10 they are not over yet. What does it mean? Could I be pregnant? How long should such discharge last after taking Postinor? Help, please, I'm really looking forward to your answer, thanks in advance.

After taking the drug Postinor, as a rule, bleeding begins on the 5-6th day and can last 3-5 days. In this case, you do not need to worry, the drug works according to the instructions. There is no pregnancy in your case, no need to worry. You can get more information about this medication from the section: Postinor

Anna asks:

Hello, help me again, please. My name is Anna, I'm 17 years old. I have already addressed you with the same question, but I am still concerned about some questions that I have not asked, please explain to me.
After I took Postinor, I started bleeding for 5 days.
When should I expect my next period now? They should arrive around 1.11.
Will I be able to give birth in the future?
Did I really hurt myself?
I drank Postinor once in my life.
Is it possible to have a clitoral orgasm?
Thank you very much in advance.

After taking Postinor, the next menstruation may begin in 3-4 weeks. Postinor does not affect your ability to become pregnant or give birth in the future. You will have absolutely normal pregnancy and normal birth. Postinor warns unwanted pregnancy, it does not cause any harm to the body if used rarely (no more than once every 2-3 months). Of course, it cannot be used for permanent contraception, since it causes frequent use hormonal imbalance. Clitoral orgasm is one of the types of orgasm. You can learn more about the medicine Postinor from the thematic section: Postinor

Julia asks:

Hello, please help!
At the end of the sexual intercourse, the condom broke and we noticed it after the end of the sexual intercourse, but it was too late. My period was supposed to start on the same day. About 10 hours later I took a Postinor tablet, and after 12 hours I took another one (according to the instructions). The next day, my stomach started to hurt, like before my period, but it wasn’t blood, but discharge like on the last day of my period, and now I’ve been smearing for the third day, but not much. How to explain this?

Most likely, there was a disruption in the menstrual cycle and as a result, spotting appeared. In your case, the risk of pregnancy is minimal, because Based on the calculation of the day of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy could not occur. Your normal menstrual cycle will be restored within 1-2 months. You must remember that uncontrolled use of this drug can lead to infertility.
Read more about the effect of the drug Postinor on reproductive system female body, read by following the link: Postinor.

Yana asks:

Hello. Please help! I am 16 years old. On June 14, my period ended, on June 17 I had PA, but at the end we saw that the condom broke and we could not figure out at what point. After 24 hours I took Postinor and after 12 hours, as per instructions, I took a second tablet. after that I felt a little pain in my lower abdomen. My next period should be on July 5th. Today (on the 5th day after taking it) it started to smear brownish and there was pain in the lower abdomen, like during menstruation. tell me, is this normal? is there a chance that I am pregnant?

In this situation, pregnancy is excluded. Spotting is a consequence of taking contraceptive drug Postinor and confirm the absence of pregnancy. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: Postinor

Yana asks:

Sorry. one more question. and bleeding after postinor can be different for everyone? Well, for example, for one it’s easy to smear for 3-4 days, and for the other it’s a lot. could it be so?

Yes, the nature of the discharge after taking Postinor may be different, and in some cases there is no bleeding. You can get more information about the contraceptive drug Postinor from the thematic section of our website: Postinor

Inna asks:

After taking Postinor, heavy discharge began 5 days later and lasted 4 days. Now the lower abdomen hurts, like during menstruation, periodic pain. Is there a possibility of pregnancy?

As a rule, after taking the drug Postinor, bleeding begins on the 5-6th day, which indicates that pregnancy has not occurred. You can learn more about the action of this drug and the rules for taking it from the thematic section of our website: Postinor

Natalya asks:

I am interested in a question about postinor. After taking the drug, I have no bleeding, even though 5 days have passed. This is bad? Could I be pregnant?

If you take the drug Postinor according to the instructions, then around the 6th day there should be spotting, indicating the absence of pregnancy. According to the instructions, both tablets should be taken in the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, and the second tablet should be taken no later than 12 hours after taking the first. In some cases, there may be no bleeding on the 6th day. If there is no bleeding, then you can do a hCG test to make sure there is no pregnancy. This study can be carried out 7-10 days after unprotected sexual intercourse. Read more about this drug and the rules for its use in the section of our website: Postinor

Alice asks:

Hello, I'm 19 years old. After taking Postinor, after a couple of days, colorless discharge began to appear, and after a week or 10 days, the pain appeared as before menstruation and bleeding appeared, which has continued for the 3rd day. Tell me, is this a normal side effect of the drug or is there something wrong with me?

In this situation, this is a common effect after taking the drug Postinor, so there is no need to worry. Keep applying barrier methods contraception. You can learn more about the action of the drug Postinor from the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Postinor

Olga asks:

hello, I’m 18 years old. On October 19, I was born, the condom broke, which we noticed at the end. After about 40 minutes, I took 1 tablet of Postinor. After 12 hours, respectively, the 2nd. After 5 days (October 24), my period began, as it should according to the schedule. But in I didn’t have my period in November, and now it’s December 5th and I still haven’t had any... could I be pregnant?

In this situation, pregnancy is practically excluded, and a shift in the menstrual cycle may be associated with taking hormonal contraceptive Postinor. If you did not have unprotected sexual intercourse after taking Postinor, you have nothing to worry about - bleeding that began after 5 days indicates the absence of pregnancy. Get more detailed information on a question that interests you, you can find out about the action and effectiveness, indications and contraindications for the use of emergency contraception in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor

Ira asks:

After taking Postinor, my period started on the 3rd day. After 2 days during my period, PA occurred and the condom broke. Is pregnancy possible?

In this case, pregnancy cannot be excluded, since the drug Postinor cannot be effective against sexual intercourse that occurred after taking it. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor

Olga asks:

hello, I'm 18 years old. It was 10/19
nah, the condom broke, which was noticed in
at the end, after about 40 minutes I took 1 tablet
postinora.after 12 hours, respectively
2nd 5 days later (October 24) my period started, as
and they should be on schedule. but in November there were no periods, and now it’s 5.12, and they’re not there.. can I
be pregnant?

There was no pas after that (10/19)
Is it normal to not have a period for a month?

After taking Postinor, the menstrual cycle may shift, but if after this you have not had unprotected sexual intercourse, then there is no reason to worry - pregnancy is excluded. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant

Marina asks:

Hello. I am 29 years old. Was unprotected act. I took Postinor for 72 hours according to the instructions. A few days later I started having heavy periods out of schedule. went well. 3 weeks later there was an unprotected act again. But I didn’t take any pills anymore. and now a week later there are small bloody smears almost every day. I took a pregnancy test - negative. Perhaps these are the consequences of taking postinor and the menstrual schedule has gone wrong? or possible pregnancy? Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after postinor, because time must pass for the body to recover?

These discharges may be associated with taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor. Pregnancy in this situation is possible, since Postinor allows you to prevent unwanted pregnancy, for which it is taken immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse. This contraceptive cannot protect against all other unprotected sexual acts and there is a possibility of pregnancy. You can get pregnant after taking Postinor in the same cycle. You can get more detailed information on questions that interest you in the thematic sections of our website by clicking on the following links: Postinor, Probability of getting pregnant

Katerina asks:

Hello. After taking Postinor, spotting started on the 6th day, is this normal? and when can I expect it to be normal? menstrual days. The last time I had my period was on December 20, I took Postinor on December 30. Thank you for your answer.

As a rule, after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, bleeding begins, which indicates the absence of pregnancy. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in and learn about the features of using Postinor in the appropriate section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. The next menstruation may come late after taking Postinor - by 1-2 weeks. During this period, you need to use barrier methods of contraception to exclude pregnancy.

Elena asks:

Hello. I am interested in this question. I took Postinor for the first time in my life, after which bleeding started on the 7th day. Approximately how long will it last?

As a rule, bleeding caused by taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor begins on days 6-7 and can last 3-5 days. The next menstruation may come late. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. More information about contraceptive methods and modern contraceptives contained in the corresponding section of our website: Contraception and contraceptives

Katya asks:

Please help! I took Postinor about 10 days ago, on the 6-7th day I started bleeding and my stomach hurts a little like during menstruation, but there are still 2 weeks before menstruation. Do these bleeding indicate that I am not pregnant? And why did weakness occur after 10 days and when will it end?

Bleeding that occurs 6-7 days after taking Postinor is normal reaction to take this contraceptive and means that there is no pregnancy. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. Your complaints of weakness are unlikely to be related to taking Postinor. I recommend that you monitor your state of health and, if you have prolonged weakness, do general analysis blood, urine, personally visit a general practitioner for an examination.

Julia asks:

Hello, I was 16 and was protected on the day of ovulation (the condom did not break and was bought at the pharmacy after the test, it was intact), but I was scared, but on the day of ovulation I decided to drink pastenor 5 hours after the session and after 12 hours the next 5 days passed, no discharge and now I should have my period in about 2 hours, I'm very worried, can I be pregnant?

If there is no ejaculation in the vagina, there is no cause for concern and there is no need to take any contraceptives. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. Pregnancy is absolutely impossible in your case, so no need to worry. After taking a hormonal contraceptive, the menstrual cycle may shift, which is due to the peculiarities of the action of the drug Postinor. Read about this in the section: Postinor

Lisa asks:

Hello, I have a question. After pas, I took 1 tablet within 74 hours. After (12 hours later, as per the instructions, the 2nd tablet). The next day I had brown spotting. Could this mean. That I'm not pregnant? If they say here that spotting usually occurs through. 3-5 days, and on my next day. day.
Thanks in advance for your answer.

After taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, spotting usually appears on the 6th day, but can occur earlier or later. Their appearance confirms that you have not become pregnant. Read more about this issue in the thematic series of articles on our website by following the link: Postinor. Find out about different situations, after which pregnancy may occur, as well as the dependence of pregnancy on the phase of the menstrual cycle, you can read the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Anya asks:

Hello! On January 10, my period came, on the same day I had a periodontal procedure, the condom broke; we noticed this only at the end of the periodontal period. On January 12 I took Postinor. I had my period, and then there was spotting and then heavy bleeding. It's the 3rd day. How soon will they end? What to do with them? Is it dangerous?

During this phase of the menstrual cycle, there was no need to use barrier methods of contraception, nor to take the hormonal contraceptive Postinor - pregnancy in this case is impossible. You can get additional information on the issue you are interested in in the appropriate section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. Any complaints you currently have are related to the reception contraceptive Postinor, the discharge may continue for 5-6 days and is not at all dangerous, so there is no need to worry. You can find out more about this medication in the section: Postinor

Maria asks:

Hello. During PA, the condom broke, I drank Postinor according to the instructions. Suddenly, after 5-6 days, discharge with blood and pain in the lower abdomen began (pain emphasis on the right ovary). The discharge coincided with the day of ovulation. Can we say that everything is fine?

Bleeding after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor should not scare you - according to the instructions, after using this drug on the sixth day, bleeding begins, which indicates that pregnancy has not occurred. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. Pain in the lower abdomen is common occurrence, associated with taking postcoital contraceptives, so there is no need to worry about this.

Julia asks:

Hello! Please tell me whether acyclic discharge that began on the 5th day after taking Postinor excludes the presence ectopic pregnancy?

Bleeding after taking Postinor indicates that pregnancy has not occurred. Ectopic pregnancy after taking of this medication practically excluded. Read more about this issue in the corresponding series of articles on our website by following the link: Postinor

Julia asks:

Is it possible to take acyclic discharge on the first day after taking Postinor? birth control pills or wait until the first day of the menstrual cycle?

You should start taking cyclic hormonal contraceptives on the first day of your menstrual cycle. They should not be taken if bleeding begins after taking Postinor. Read more about this issue in the corresponding series of articles on our website by clicking on the link: Hormonal contraceptives

Masha asks:

Hello, please tell me what this could be. It’s been a week now, I have an incomprehensible condition: I get motion sickness in transport, my head hurts wildly in the temple area, sometimes accompanied by dizziness and pain in the heart. The pills don’t help for long, I’m already so tired that when I approach stopped and is already starting to feel sick from fear. What could this be?? please help

These symptoms may be associated with disorders vestibular apparatus, impaired microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, as well as impaired blood circulation in vertebral arteries. I recommend that you personally visit a neurologist for an examination and to determine a further plan for examination and treatment. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Dizziness Neurologist and neuropathologist

Katya asks:

After an unprotected PA. I drank Postinor after 10 hours, the second after 12. 9 days have already passed. There was no bleeding after taking it! The only thing was white discharge, but it is no longer there. My chest hurt, and sometimes my lower abdomen felt tight. Now my nipples are starting to hurt. My period is due on June 4, 2014. Postinor was accepted on 05/20/14. Is it possible that I'm pregnant?

In some cases, after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, there is no bleeding after 6 days, however, this does not indicate the presence of pregnancy. If you have not had unprotected intercourse after taking Postinor, pregnancy is excluded. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. Additional information You can also get it in the next section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Anastasia asks:

Hello! I am 16 years old, I had unprotected PA on May 20, I haven’t had any marks for 12 days after taking it. Before this, I took Postinor about a month or 1.5 months ago. Everything was fine, as in the instructions. And today I saw some watery, bloody stains. Postinor I took 1 tablet almost immediately after the PA and the second one was a little late, I took it not after 12 but after 14 hours. Now my stomach hurts a little. Could I be pregnant? Should I do a test or go to a gynecologist?

Pregnancy in this situation is unlikely given that the hormonal contraceptive Postinor was taken; however, being late in taking the second Postinor tablet is a violation of the instructions. I recommend that you take a blood test for hCG to rule out pregnancy. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Anastasia asks:

Hello, June 23rd I had unprotected PA, an hour later I took the first Postinor tablet, and the next morning (12 hours later) the second.
Yesterday (June 29) I started bleeding like menstruation. Please tell me

And when should I expect my period if I had one (17.06-22.06)?

As a rule, after taking emergency contraceptives (Postinor, Escapelle, etc.), spotting begins after 6 days, which indicates the absence of pregnancy. The next menstruation may come with an average delay of 7-10 days. I also recommend that you continue to use barrier methods of contraception, and if you have regular sexual activity, consult with your gynecologist regarding the selection of adequate contraceptive measures for constant use.

You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Emergency contraception and in the series of articles: Contraception and contraceptives

Christina asks:

The menstruation ended on July 12, on the same day the PA took place, the torn condom was noticed already at the end of the PA, but I managed to pull it out in time, almost everything spilled out, some remained on the external genital organs, they were afraid that something could get inside - I drank Postinor, almost an hour after PA, then another 12 hours (as in the instructions), after another 12 hours there was a slight bleeding. Today, that is, 17.07, no symptoms are observed. What is the probability of getting pregnant?

Considering the phase of the menstrual cycle, there was no need to take emergency contraception, in particular Postinor. Pregnancy is completely excluded in your situation, so there is no reason to worry. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Sexual relations and in the series of articles: Menstrual cycle and menstruation

Ekaterina asks:

Hello! Please tell me, is it normal that after taking the first postinor tablet I started having bleeding, just like menstruation? And can I also start taking it right away? hormonal pills Qlaira (the doctor prescribed them to me after removal of an ovarian cyst) or should I wait until my next period to start drinking them?

Regardless of the nature and intensity of bleeding after taking the first Postinor tablet, you need to promptly take the second tablet after 12 hours. You can take cyclic hormonal contraceptives from the first day of your next menstruation, and not now, when bleeding is caused by taking Postinor. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in the series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Eva asks:

Hello! I am 18 years old. On July 18, during intercourse, the condom broke and a smaller part of it remained in me. The PA was interrupted, i.e. the sperm did not enter the vagina. But as we know, male “lubricant” (pre-ejaculation) contains sperm and can cause pregnancy. In addition, this was the second PA of the evening (but during the first, everything was fine). Therefore, in the next 12-14 hours I took Postinor (as expected, according to the instructions) the first tablet, therefore, after another 12 hours - the second. So there you go! From 20.07 homogeneous discharge began white. On July 21, they were more abundant and just on that day that part of the condom (mentioned above) came out of me. The discharge continues to this day (July 24), but is weak. Your period should start between 2.08 and 3.08.
Is this discharge normal? Is pregnancy possible, given that this was the second PA within a few hours, and that after the first PA some of the sperm could remain on the penis? What to expect in the near future, and should you worry?

The possibility of pregnancy in this situation is excluded, so there is no cause for concern. As a rule, after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, bleeding begins after 6 days. The presence of discharge may be one of the signs inflammatory process caused by thrush or other reasons. I recommend that you personally visit your gynecologist and have a smear test.

Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception, Smear - why is it needed. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Anna asks:

Hello, Pa was protected, but the condom fell off my partner, I took the pills within 72 hours, I merged 2 pills, after 1 day I went to the gynecologist for an examination, he said that there was no pregnancy. After 5 days, my periods came very little, they came 2-3 days, then it started brown, then bloody, then light brown, after that there was cloudy discharge, my lower back hurts. Tell me, please, what is this?))) I drank Postinor, please help. And now there is white and cloudy discharge )

According to the instructions for taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, 1 tablet is prescribed at an interval of 12 hours. Bleeding that begins after 5 days is not menstruation - it is caused by taking this medication, so do not worry. The next menstruation after taking Postinor may come late. We recommend that you use barrier methods of contraception. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Postinor

Anna asks:

What does this mean? pregnant or not?

Pregnancy is excluded, given the timely use of the hormonal contraceptive Postinor and the menstrual-like bleeding that began after 5 days. We further recommend using barrier methods of contraception. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in the series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

inna asks:

Hello. After my period, the next day I had unprotected sexual intercourse, I took the first pill of Postinor 14 hours later, and the second 12 hours later. After 7 days, there was a bloody discharge, 4 days lasted like a period, and then 6 days of spotting brown-red ones, there are few of them, but they are there .when will they end?

During this phase of the menstrual cycle there was no need to resort to emergency contraception. Considering that after taking Postinor you started bleeding, the possibility of pregnancy is completely excluded. Such discharge may continue for 7-10 days. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in the series of articles: Emergency contraception.

You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Vika asks:

I had my period from July 22 to July 27, and on July 28, I had sexual intercourse, the condom broke and some sperm got into me, the next day I took one pill, and 12 hours later a second, there was no nausea, vomiting, or anything like that. I took the pill on July 29, there has been no discharge for the 3rd day, what does this mean? I’ve been sexually active for 1 month, I’m 15.

At this phase of the menstrual cycle there was no need to resort to emergency contraception, but, nevertheless, you took a hormonal contraceptive. The possibility of pregnancy in this case is completely excluded. As a rule, after taking medications intended for emergency contraception, spotting appears after 6 days, but in some cases it may be absent.

You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in the series of articles: Emergency contraception, Escapelle. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Svetlana asks:

Hello, I’m 18 years old, my last period was on July 26 and lasted 5-6 days, on August 2 it happened, and part of my partner’s lubricant got into me, within 24 hours I took the first pill and the next one after 12 hours, on August 8 heavy bleeding began, I feel like during menstruation, is this normal?

As a rule, after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, menstrual-like bleeding begins after 6 days. This bleeding is not menstruation; the next menstruation may come late in the month when the Postinor contraceptive was taken. There is no cause for concern in this situation. We further recommend continuing to use barrier methods of contraception. If you have regular sexual activity, we recommend that you consult a gynecologist regarding the selection of adequate contraceptive measures.

You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in the series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Natalie asks:

I am 16 years old. 10.08 The next day after the end of my period, I had sexual intercourse, as a result of which the condom broke and the young man came inside me. I washed myself and an hour later I took the first Postinor tablet. After 12 hours I took the second tablet. Bloody discharge started on the third day. 13.08 Is this normal?
Can pregnancy be ruled out?

Starting after 6 days or bleeding earlier indicates that you are not pregnant, so there is no reason to worry. Pregnancy in this situation can be excluded. We recommend that you personally consult with your gynecologist regarding the selection of a reliable contraceptive method, If sex life you have a regular one.

You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor Postinor and in the series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Eva asks:

On the 5th day of my cycle, I had unprotected sexual intercourse and the condom broke. Somewhere on the 11th day, a little bloody discharge began (this always happens to me in the middle of the cycle). Could this indicate the presence of ovulation and absence of pregnancy? (didn't take any pills)

The likelihood of pregnancy during this phase of the menstrual cycle is excluded, so there is no reason to worry. The presence of discharge on the 11th day of the cycle may indicate ovulation. We recommend that you not worry and continue to use barrier methods of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Olga asks:

Hello. I have this situation... On September 14, I took Postinor according to the instructions. 21.09 scanty spotting appeared brown discharge and have been going on for 11 days. When can they end and what is it all about?

As a rule, after taking an emergency contraceptive such as Escapel, spotting begins after 5-6 days and can last for an average of 5-7 days. If bleeding continues for a long period of time, hormonal imbalance cannot be ruled out, and it may also be side effect of this medication. We recommend that you visit your doctor in person.

Anya asks:

Hello, I’m 20 years old, please tell me, I had my period on September 20 to 25, everything was as usual, after that I had sex every day until Wednesday October 1, but on Monday I drank Postinor. Today is October 4th and I’ve been having terrible pain in the morning and I’m starting to get my period again... all these days, including the day of the appointment, I’ve been drinking alcohol. What's wrong with me?

In this situation, there is no need to worry - as a rule, after taking the emergency contraceptive Postinor, bleeding begins after 5-6 days, associated with the mechanism of action of this medication. Next, we recommend that you use barrier agents contraception and keep in mind that this group of drugs should not be abused due to the risk of hormonal imbalance.

Anna asks:

Hello! On 29/09 there was an unprotected PA, I took Postinor according to the instructions within 24 hours. It was the 11th day of the cycle. On the 8th day, very scanty brown discharge began (literally once or twice a day and that’s it). Continue for now (2nd day). My chest hurts very much: (Please tell me, does this discharge mean that I am not pregnant? What is the risk of an ectopic pregnancy with such symptoms? Thank you!

As a rule, after taking the emergency contraceptive Postinor, bleeding begins after 6 days and indicates that pregnancy has not occurred. In some cases, discharge may be later or absent altogether, which is also not a basis for confirming pregnancy. The risk of ectopic pregnancy when taking Postinor is practically eliminated. In the event that your next menstruation is absent, we recommend that you take a pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG, which will allow you to diagnose pregnancy in a timely manner, although its likelihood is practically excluded.

Victoria asks:

6 days ago I had PAD, but the condom broke, part of it got into me, but I immediately washed it off, after 2.5 hours I took the first tablet of postrinor, and after 12 hours the second tablet. I read that bleeding starts on days 3-5, but I don’t have any. Is this normal? My period is on the 20th.
+my appetite has increased
could I get pregnant?

In this situation, given that, according to the instructions, the drug Postinor was taken in a timely manner, there is no likelihood of pregnancy. Bloody discharge after taking this drug there may be 6 days later, but in some cases they are absent, which also does not indicate the likelihood of pregnancy. We recommend that you continue to use barrier methods of contraception.

The list of side effects after taking emergency contraception is quite wide: it can include atypical discharge, nausea, and painful sensations, And severe violations hormonal background. Bleeding after Postinor is not a deviation from the norm, nor is its absence. It is not difficult to understand whether the symptoms that have arisen are within normal limits: it is enough to know in what phase of the cycle the pills were taken, listen to yourself and adequately evaluate general condition body.

Why is there bleeding and should it be like this?

The action of Postinor is based on the delivery to the body of a single large dose of levonorgestrel, a synthetic hormone similar to gestagen. It significantly reduces the likelihood of conception by increasing the viscosity of cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate the uterus. Moreover, it changes physical properties endometrium, preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

Its effectiveness is 98% if the tablets are taken on the first day after unprotected intercourse. As the interval increases, this figure drops by 7-20%, so when taking it you must follow the instructions. Bleeding that occurs after taking the pills does not necessarily mean a guarantee of absence of pregnancy, especially if the timing of administration was violated. Summary statistics of the effectiveness of the drug within 72 hours after sexual intercourse are about 80%.

Taken at the beginning of the cycle, Postinor inhibits the release of the egg from the ovary simultaneously with a decrease in the production of estrogen, which was supposed to ensure its maturation. In the middle of the cycle, this drug blocks ovulation due to the same effect: inhibition of the production of a hormone that promotes the maturation and release of the egg. In the second half of the period, the action is based on reducing the synthesis of progesterone and creating unfavorable conditions for the attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus.

Thus, bleeding after taking Postinor is considered artificially induced menstruation and cannot be considered as dangerous symptom. But in order to correctly assess the situation, you need to pay attention to the accompanying signs:

  • is the bleeding accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, or other unpleasant sensations;
  • is there any discharge other than blood: foamy, purulent, etc.;
  • how intense is the discharge compared to typical periods;
  • how many days passed from taking the pill to the start of bleeding.

To external signs to consider the effect of the tablets to have taken place, there should be bleeding after Postinor, reminiscent of ordinary menstruation, without sharp changes well-being. Its normal duration is from 3 to 10 days.

If after this the menstrual-like discharge does not stop, you need to contact a gynecologist for examination. It must be remembered that Postinor (and him similar drugs) always provokes a strong hormonal imbalance, therefore, in order not to trigger its possible negative consequences, better control your condition, including through consultation with a doctor.

How many days does it take for bleeding to start?

The natural response to large dose hormones is bleeding: it begins 5-6 days after taking Postinor. It can last 5-6 days, like the next menstruation, but due to the individual reactions of the body it can last up to 10-14 days. The main factors influencing this period:

  • dose of the drug (1 or 2 tablets);
  • cycle phase, proximity of the expected next menstruation;
  • woman's age;
  • possible gynecological diseases;
  • hormonal status.

The absence of discharge reminiscent of menstruation after using Postinor also cannot be considered a deviation from the norm and regarded as a lack of effect from the tablets. But in this case, it is better to test the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) 7-10 days after taking the pills or use a test strip after 2 weeks.

The fact is that if sexual intercourse occurred during ovulation, then the effect provided by this drug may not be enough to create obstacles to the attachment of the egg. And if fertilization and cell attachment occurs not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube, the absence of bleeding may result in its onset in 4-5 weeks, and this will be accompanied by severe pain.

How to stop bleeding

The relevance of the question of how to stop bleeding after Postinor depends on how to classify this condition. If the discharge is as close as possible in character, color and intensity to menstrual discharge, then no special measures are needed to stop it: after a few days it will go away on its own.

If the intensity of blood secretion slightly exceeds this indicator during normal menstruation, this is also considered a variant of the norm, because due to hormonal imbalance. In this case, there is no need to stop the bleeding, just wait a few days until the bleeding from Postinor stops naturally. The next menstruation should already be normal.

You should be wary if there's blood coming out after Postinor for 14 days or more: this may mean both problems with clotting and the presence of neoplasms in the tissues of the uterus and neighboring organs. Here you definitely need to consult a doctor: uncontrolled drug treatment in this case it is unacceptable, because may cause even more dangerous consequences.

If the blood flows too much (the criterion is changing pads more often than once every 3 hours), and this lasts more than a day in a row, if signs of anemia appear (weakness, dizziness, pallor, cold hands), you need to get examined by a doctor as soon as possible or even call an ambulance for this purpose. This condition can result in acute blood loss, so you need to find the cause as soon as possible and take measures to stop the bleeding. Given the hormonal imbalance, blood loss, regardless of the cause, will require long and difficult rehabilitation.

If on the fourth or fifth day the intensity of bleeding decreases, this indicates that pathologies are unlikely and the discharge will soon end. In these cases, there is no need to stop the bleeding, but sometimes the doctor may prescribe medications that increase clotting.

In addition, to slightly reduce the intensity of bleeding, you can drink decoctions of herbs that have the following properties: this may be shepherd's purse, nettle, viburnum, barberry, yarrow, etc. They have virtually no contraindications, but in order to avoid unwanted side effects, it is better to discuss with your doctor the possibility of their use during the recovery period after taking the drug for emergency contraception.