My stomach is upset, what should I do? A displaced or torn navel was corrected by simple gymnastics

Many people remember how in childhood their parents said that you should not overexert yourself, otherwise your navel will come undone. Of course, this is a figurative expression, but there is still meaning in such a phrase. With intense stress on the abdominal muscles, a microtear may occur or umbilical hernia. What to do if you tear your stomach? Surgeons often hear this question from people whose professional activity requires constant redundancy physical activity and athletes preparing for serious competitions.

Causes of the painful condition

The human body is subjected to a wide variety of stresses, which often exceed its capabilities. So, for example, you can rip your belly off by lifting weights or doing difficult exercises that require flexibility or stretching. Separately, it is necessary to point out childbirth. During the birth of a child, women experience enormous overloads, which often provoke a pathological condition.

Factors that increase the risk of problems:

  • a sharp change in body weight (obesity, strict diets worsen the condition of the abs);
  • physical trauma to the abdomen (impacts, compression or tears lead to rupture of the fibers);
  • problems with bowel movements (constipation provokes diseases gastrointestinal tract);
  • surgical intervention in the functioning of the pelvic organs (removal of appendicitis or tumors on the liver, postoperative scars significantly increase the risk).

It is important to understand that if you have torn your stomach, you need to seek help from specialized specialists medical institution. Complications of this condition can include inflammation internal organs, negative changes in intestinal loops and strangulation (with a hernia).

Symptoms and diagnosis of severe abdominal strain

Self-diagnosis is not allowed. Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to dangerous consequences. When you identify yourself the following signs illness, you need to urgently go to the hospital or call an ambulance.

After excessive physical activity, the following appear:

  • swelling of the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • color change skin around the umbilical ring;
  • pain on palpation (feeling).
When identifying additional symptoms, in the form of blood in the stool, sharp increase temperature and the appearance of a dark, cyanotic skin tone - urgent hospitalization is necessary.

When contacting a medical institution, the doctor conducts a visual examination, collects an anamnesis (questioning) and, if necessary, prescribes additional hardware tests. The most commonly used is radiography computed tomography abdominal cavity and herniography (if a hernia is suspected).

Broken stomach - treatment methods

Choice therapeutic actions directly depends on the reason pathological condition and intensity pain. To begin with, you should take a horizontal position and try to relax your abdominal muscles as much as possible. This should dull the pain.

For severe pain, cold compresses and painkillers are allowed. But such treatment must be agreed with the attending physician. It must be remembered that any drugs have contraindications and side effects, which can cause more harm to the body than a banal sprain.

If you tear your stomach and provoke an umbilical hernia, then most likely you will have to seek help from surgeons. The exception is small patients. In children, the abdominal muscles are just developing, so you can straighten the protrusion classic massage and physical therapy.

The essence of the operation is to install mesh implants above or below the umbilical ring, which allows you to return the internal organs to their place after abnormal protrusion. This procedure allows for a quick recovery and has a low relapse rate.

Preventive measures

There is only one way to prevent muscle strain - do not overexert yourself. It is important to know the capabilities of your body and not try to “jump in over your head.” It will also not be superfluous to strengthen the muscle frame and healthy image life.

People at risk should strictly follow the recommendations of doctors. For example, pregnant women with a predisposition to hernias need to wear a special bandage, and men who have undergone surgery on internal organs should avoid diseases characterized by excessive gas formation(flatulence) or constipation.

We must not forget about the right balanced diet. There is a theory that the likelihood of losing your stomach increases with a lack of calcium, silicon and potassium. Therefore, it is necessary to saturate your diet with all essential vitamins and minerals.

From a tear in the abdomen there are very unpleasant consequences: abdominal pain, pain in the groin on the right and left, debilitating diarrhea, I know cases surgical intervention. This disease can haunt you for the rest of your life. How to help yourself and others?
My mother called a tear in the abdomen parushenny (in Belarusian). This is when the spool located in the navel, under the influence of gravity, falls below its place (below the navel). Mom had a method for curing this disease. The entire district turned to her for help.
She placed the patient on the bed (without a pillow), on his back, with his arms along his body, not behind his head, and his stomach freed from clothing.
She crossed herself, read a prayer and moved her little finger around her navel. I lubricated my stomach with Vaseline (a little bit), if there was any. I put two hands side by side (it turned out to be 8 fingers, thumbs do not participate, they are below). She bent her fingers at a large angle and launched them into the muscles above the pubis. Without lifting it, pressing quite sensitively, she moved her hands to the navel and fixed (stopped) for 5-7 seconds in the navel itself, as if fixing the “spool”. Along this path, under the fingers, a pulsating, lowered spool could be felt below the navel. The healer's task is to place it in the center of the navel. She did the same to the right and left of the center of the abdomen. And everything was repeated several times.
Then my mother placed a medium-sized ball of woolen thread on her navel. The patient himself pressed the ball tightly with his hands, as if pressing it into his body. It hurt, but the pain gradually subsided. He lay there like that with the ball for about ten minutes. Mom taught the patient to stand up correctly: not on his back, but on his side. First you need to turn on your side, dangle your legs and only then stand up. The patient came 2 more times and became practically healthy.
A doctor in one of the sanatoriums - "Essentuki" - cast a spell on me in exactly the same way, only instead of a ball, she put a small piece of bread on my navel with 6-7 matches stuck obliquely to the edge and in the center, lit them and covered them with a half-liter glass jar for 5- 7 minutes. I did 6 such procedures. I also stood up on my side. And literally after one session the pain in the groin disappeared.
You can raise your stomach yourself, preferably at night. You just need to put a chair next to you and put everything you need: Vaseline, a piece of bread with matches, a half-liter jar and then cover yourself with something. Do not put your hands behind your head, lie on your back after the procedure for at least 30 minutes.
I learned this method from my mother, and my daughters can also help. I treat my dacha neighbors and taught them to help themselves.
If this illness has taken chronic form, you need to wear a bandage. This also has its own secrets: the bandage must be fastened when you are still in bed and have not gotten up. Then all the organs are in their places. You need to stand on your side again.
I read somewhere that organ prolapse occurs from a lack of silicon. There is a lot of it in unrefined oats, you need to drink decoctions (1 glass of oats per 1 liter of water, cook until soft over low heat for 30 minutes). Drink instead of tea. In a couple of weeks you will feel strength in your body. This has been tested for myself. You can use knotweed (preferably fresh). Eat 2-3 tbsp. spoons of raw leaves, wash down with vegetable oil, drink silicon-activated water.
I would be glad if the editors talk about this method and people can use it.
And now an answer for Liza Yangirova from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug () regarding bad breath.
If you have healthy teeth, look for the cause of bad breath in the tonsils. Most likely, a pathogenic staphylococcus or streptococcus has settled there. Especially staphylococcus gives a very unpleasant odor. Try it reverse side Press a teaspoon on the tonsils and remove the pus. Tighten your mouth muscles. If it doesn't work out, do it in the following way. Prepare a 20% solution of citric acid (dissolve 2 packs of 10 g in 100 ml boiled water). Use a pencil with cotton wool at the end to treat the tonsils, pressing lightly on them. Change the cotton wool for a fresh one every time. Do this 3-4 times a day. It will be sour, you have to be patient, don’t drink or eat for an hour after treatment. When you are cured, a jar of citric acid put it in the refrigerator. She will be normal for 6 months. When sediment appears, replace with a new one.
If there sea ​​buckthorn oil, dip a pencil with cotton wool into it and treat the throat. Sea buckthorn oil inhibits growth Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus and other pathogenic microbes. Art. Take a spoonful of oil into your mouth under your tongue and hold it as long as you can.
You can rinse your mouth (more often) with sage, chamomile, string, eucalyptus, solution baking soda(1 teaspoon per glass of water with 2-3 drops of iodine). There is an effective remedy based on eucalyptus, chlorophyllite (sold in pharmacies). Follow the instructions.
The smell may also come from chronic bronchitis. If you have such an ailment, drink expectorant herbs (decoction pine buds, coltsfoot, wild rosemary, etc.). At the same time, if possible, visit the sauna twice a week.
An effective remedy- horseradish infusion. I tested this method on myself. The flu caused complications - the tonsils grew to the size of large beans, and it was impossible to swallow saliva. There was a jar of store-bought horseradish in the refrigerator. The daughter prepared the following solution: 2 tbsp. I mixed spoons of horseradish in a half-liter jar with boiled, cooled water to 2/3 of the volume, stirred the solution and let it stand for 2 hours. I rinsed my mouth often. After 2 days I felt normal.
Be sure to brush your teeth at night. Toothbrush pour boiling water over each time, rinse your mouth after each meal.
And further. Go to the doctor and ask for a referral to the sanitary and epidemiological station to do an analysis of the microflora and the sensitivity of this microflora to antibiotics. Take this sensitive antibiotic (check with your doctor).
I will be glad if my advice helps someone.
To combat seizures I use pharmacy heparin ointment. I smear my legs from toes to knees and under the knee, too, 2 times a day, morning and evening (3 are needed). Already on the second day there is relief. I smear the entire tube and forget about cramps for a long time.

There is a list of unfavorable circumstances that result in the stomach changing its natural position. The organ may partially or completely move downwards, that is, prolapse or gastroptosis will occur. The reasons lie in the origin of the anomaly. The development of congenital or acquired prolapse is possible. Against this background, many gastrointestinal diseases appear.

Types and etiology

It is anatomically correct for the stomach to have a slightly elongated shape and be located on the left under the ribs, parallel to the diaphragm and with a slight slope towards the umbilical zone. This position is ensured by a system of smooth muscles and ligaments. When certain factors occur, the tone of the supporting muscle tissue goes down. As a result, the organ may prolapse. Even a slight displacement of a few centimeters leads to dysfunction of the stomach and related organs. There are two types of lowering:

  1. Constitutional descent, related to congenital anomalies. The problem often occurs in people of thin build with underdeveloped muscles and ligamentous apparatus. Several features of the constitution may contribute to the displacement:
    • elongated body parts;
    • narrowness of the chest;
    • narrow shoulders;
    • thin bones. A weak body and muscles cannot cope with the pressure exerted by organs on each other, so prolapse of the stomach and intestines is not the only problem. Often the displacement is accompanied by nephroptosis, that is, prolapse of the kidneys.
  2. Acquired subsidence. In this case, prolapse of the stomach is caused by a pronounced weakening of the muscle tone of the abdominal cavity and stretching of the gastric ligaments. The reasons are:
    • sudden weight loss;
    • previous resection of large tumors or other types of surgical intervention in the peritoneum;
    • removal of accumulations effusion fluid from the abdominal cavity;
    • a large number of births, difficult delivery or carrying a large fetus (in women);
    • vitamin deficiency or protein deficiency due to strict diets and fasting;
    • frequent overeating, heavy, stale, poorly prepared food;
    • excessive consumption of carbonated drinks.

Partial subsidence often occurs - anthropolyroptosis, which is accompanied by a strong decrease in the peristalsis of the organ with an elongation of its shape. Total prolapse or complete prolapse of the stomach develops against the background of flattening of the diaphragm, which deforms the gastric fundus. The cause of prolapse of the diaphragm is emphysema (obstruction) of the lungs or pleurisy. A completely prolapsed digestive organ can occur in those who have ruptured their stomachs during intense.

physical training

Stages and symptoms

  • Symptoms of gastric prolapse develop in accordance with the stage of the anomaly. There are 3 degrees of subsidence, determined by the location of the lesser curvature of the organ, which is stationary and localized above:
  • I - location of the lesser curvature 20-30 mm above the gallbladder;
  • II - on the same line with the gallbladder;

III - below the bubble.

  • The first two stages are asymptomatic. Rarely does the patient experience:
  • heaviness and discomfort in the epigastrium, in particular after a heavy meal;
  • instability of appetite;
  • craving for spicy foods;

aversion to dairy products.

and accompanied by a slowdown in intestinal motility, which makes feces difficult to pass. Stage III has severe symptoms. Appear sharp pains

  • in the epigastrium, which intensify with movement, especially if you lift a heavy object, and decrease with rest in a lying position. This is due to severe stretching of the ligaments that hold the stomach and irritation of the nerve plexuses present in them. Symptoms depending on the form of prolapse:
  • The constitutional type is characterized by a neurotic picture: increased heart rate, malaise, dizziness, loss of appetite, constant nausea. Acquired lowering by early stage often does not appear. IN There may be a feeling of heaviness after a heavy meal. Ignoring this symptom, prolapse continues to develop and cause others. discomfort: loss of appetite, change in food preferences, increased nausea with heartburn and bouts of vomiting. When bent against the background of a torn stomach, the passage of food masses is disrupted, gastrointestinal motility decreases, which causes severe constipation.
  • Complete gastroptosis is accompanied by descent into the pelvic area. The pain becomes sharp and prolonged. They are provoked by slight physical activity or sudden movements. The pain subsides when lying down. Secretory dysfunction of the gastric glands occurs, due to which food is poorly digested and poorly absorbed.

If the organ moves further and the prolapse progresses, stretching and weakening of both sphincter muscles occurs. As a result, reflux disease develops, accompanied by reverse esophagus. There is a bitter taste in, oral cavity constant nausea

and heartburn. Such disorders lead to erosions and ulcers on the surface of the mucosa, which can subsequently cause cancer.

Diagnosis of prolapsed stomach

  1. Symptoms of prolapse are similar to those of many gastrointestinal diseases, so a comprehensive diagnosis is required: Examination, palpation, history taking. With prolapse, the patient has a saggy abdomen. In the supine position, the upper part of the abdomen sinks, the torn pylorus and the lowered convex zone of the organ are palpated, the pulsation of the aorta and the outline of the stomach are visualized.
  2. If the patient complains of pain, when the peritoneum is pulled upward, the pain subsides.
  3. Laboratory tests of digestive juice. Achlorhydria is diagnosed - non-detection or decreased concentration of hydrochloric acid.
  4. X-ray with contrast. The X-ray image shows the contours of the stomach stretched upward, an abnormal convergence of the lesser and greater curvatures, and a deepening of the lower part of the organ into the pelvis.

Endoscopic studies: esophagogastroduodenoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract and fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy.

Treatment With a prolapsed stomach drug therapy is not effective. Held symptomatic treatment

  • , whose goals:
  • pain relief;
  • elimination of neurological signs;
  • stabilization of digestive function;

normalization of stool. Ways to combat a prolapsed stomach include normalizing physical activity and performing a set of exercises, stabilization of nutrition through the application of the principles of diet therapy. In case of severe symptoms, a support bandage is worn, which allows you to lift and support the drooping abdomen. The bandage is put on while lying down in the morning before eating, and removed before bed.

Surgical treatment is indicated in extreme cases. It's about about impaired functionality of most organs in the peritoneum due to the fact that the digestive organ is omitted.

Exercise therapy

If your stomach is upset, bed rest strongly not recommended. If you reduce activity, the stomach will shift even more, which will lead to progression and worsening of the abnormality. Physical activity should be moderate and clearly distributed. A relapse or worsening of the prolapse can be caused by intense exercise or the stomach will rupture again if the weight is suddenly lifted.
Designed by special complex physical therapy exercises for training the abdominal and abdominal muscles, which helps cure prolapse.
Professional massage and ethnoscience.

Exercise treatment

Charging is indicated for all patients diagnosed with an upset stomach, regardless of age. The exercises are performed lying on your back from a position with straightened limbs. The doctor will select what activities are necessary individually, depending on the degree of stomach upset. The general treatment package includes:

  1. Inhale deeply and exhale forcefully, pushing the air out with your abdominal muscles. Multiplicity - 10 times.
  2. You need to raise your straightened legs one by one. Multiplicity - 10 times.
  3. Pressing one leg to your chest as you exhale and bending the other at the knee as you inhale. Multiplicity - 5 times. Variation: movements are performed simultaneously.
  4. You need to lift your pelvis up, supporting your feet with your knees bent, your elbows and the back of your head. Multiplicity - 5 times.
  5. Simulation of cycling. Multiplicity - 10 times.
  6. You need to raise your arms up above your head while inhaling from a position along the body. Multiplicity - 10 times.

After completing each exercise you need to take a break. After charging, a 45-minute rest is required with a pillow under the lower limbs. During rest, you can do a massage: light circular stroking of the abdomen 10 times clockwise and back. You should also make spiral circles with your palm moving closer and further away from your navel.

The appearance of gastroptosis, which is popularly called a torn stomach, is congenital or acquired. The condition is caused by excessive stress or Not proper nutrition. Ignoring symptoms leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. On different stages The disease has special manifestations. It is important to take a comprehensive approach to therapy, playing sports, eating right and using medicinal decoctions.

Why is my stomach upset?

Causes of an undermined (prolapsed) stomach:

  • features of the anatomical structure;
  • wrong diet;
  • organ overstrain;
  • pain from overstraining the abdominal muscles when lifting weights;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • surgery, removal of tumors in the abdominal area;
  • reaction to the removal of effusion fluid that accumulates in the organ;
  • postpartum consequences (large fetus, difficult birth);
  • reaction to starvation and lack of protein in the body;
  • unhealthy diet, junk food, overeating;
  • stale food;
  • abuse of carbonated drinks.

You can upset your stomach during training or by consuming low-quality food and drinks. Lifting something heavy leads to tearing of the smooth muscles and ligaments of the abdomen, which provokes a decrease in tone and a change in the position of the organ. Displacement of the stomach is caused internal pathologies digestive system.

Symptoms of the pathological condition

Belching may be a symptom of an undermining digestive organ.

An undermined stomach manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • unstable appetite;
  • heaviness and discomfort after eating;
  • desire to eat spicy food;
  • refusal of dairy products;
  • nausea and belching;
  • increased gas formation;
  • problems with stool;
  • abdominal pain, especially in the navel area;
  • dizziness and weakness;
  • irritability and moodiness, if more than a child;
  • acceleration of heartbeat.

If your stomach hurts, this does not necessarily mean that the food organ is torn. Symptoms of a torn stomach appear based on the stage of prolapse of the organ. Only appropriate diagnosis by a specialist will give an accurate picture of the disease. Men who lift heavy things often experience a feeling of soreness. They have a higher risk of tearing their abdominal muscles. Symptoms depend on the number of years, the presence of underlying illnesses and physical training person. Pain in the navel area cannot be ignored; a diagnosis must be made, based on the results of which treatment will be prescribed.

Diagnostic methods

The doctor palpates the patient's abdomen to determine the exact clinical picture.

To determine the exact clinical picture of a prolapsed stomach, the doctor conducts a visual examination and interviews the patient. Next, a hydrochloric acid test is prescribed gastric juice for diagnosis (deficiency). To determine the contours of the organ, curvature and depth, as well as the degree of subsidence, fluoroscopy is performed using contrast. Then esophagogastroduodenoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract and fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy are performed.

Treatment: what to do about the disease?

A prolapsed organ should be treated comprehensively. Prescribed:

  • diet;
  • physical therapy complex;
  • traditional methods of therapy.

Synthetic medications are prescribed by a gastroenterologist based on diagnostic results and general condition patient. The doctor prescribes the drug, dosage and regimen. The method of getting rid of pathology is based on the reasons for its occurrence. It is not the symptom of the disease that should be eliminated, but the factors that provoke it. Applies complex therapy with proper nutrition and exercise. Treatment with recipes “from your grandmother” will help reduce symptoms and speed up the healing process, but they cannot overcome the decrease in muscle tone on their own.

The umbilical ring and the health of the body.
Where did the epic health of Russian heroes go? Everyone knows the expression “Navel of the Earth”. Why the navel? Previously people knew what great importance affects the condition of the umbilical ring on the health and strength of the body. Now this knowledge has been forgotten, and therefore the above-mentioned expression began to be used with an ironic overtone.
Internal organs of the abdominal cavity (liver, kidneys, stomach, bladder etc.) – this is soft fabrics. A strong, solid umbilical ring supports all internal abdominal organs in the correct position. This is his physiological role. The umbilical ring serves as a stabilizer correct location abdominal organs. If the umbilicus (the Latin name for the navel) is “torn off” or displaced, then the internal organs are displaced along with it. They descend, become pinched, and the ducts become twisted. Vital important processes events occurring in these organs are disrupted. It causes illness.
We walk vertically, and the internal organs fall under the influence of gravity. With weak muscle tone, a sudden lifting of a weight or a strong fall on the tailbone leads to the navel breaking off.
As my many years of experience working with patients shows, modern medicine makes the most frightening diagnoses and carries out the most complex operations in cases where the cause of the disease is a torn umbilical ring. Diagnoses, of course, do take place, since a torn navel due to a disruption in the functioning of vital organs entails the most serious diseases.
First, kidney prolapse occurs. This can cause frequent urination. In more serious cases, it leads to chronic renal failure (CRF). It comes down to the need to use hemodialysis.
Deterioration of kidney function causes an increase in intracranial and intraocular pressure. Hence strokes leading to paralysis of the body, glaucoma.
When the navel is torn off, the stomach drops and presses on the pancreas (gastroptosis). The pancreas should produce 2 g of insulin from the blood per day. With gastroptosis, the iron does not receive the amount of blood necessary for its work. As a result, lack of insulin leads to diabetes.
When the navel is lowered (torn off), the bile and hepatic ducts narrow, which leads to the formation of stones in gallbladder, skin rashes. In addition, blood clots occur varicose veins veins, other blockages in the body.
Violation of the integrity of the umbilical ring causes displacement (and pinching) of the vertebral roots. Hence radiculitis.
With a complete umbilical hernia, pregnant women have no contractions and no labor sensations. In such cases, doctors have to perform a caesarean section.
Due to a torn navel, prolapse of the pelvic organs occurs. Pregnant women experience miscarriages or premature births.
Poor circulation in the pelvic organs leads to a lack of potency in men and frigidity in women. In women, obstruction may also occur fallopian tubes, inferiority of the egg or its absence (in men - sperm). So infertility in most cases is caused by the same reason.
The navel should be in the middle of the imaginary line between the end of the xiphoid process of the sternum and pubic bone. The abdominal aorta then passes directly under this imaginary line. And if the navel is torn off, then it moves to the side, often to the left. This is easily detected by pulse diagnostics of the abdomen.
A sign of a torn navel is pain when pressing the area of ​​the umbilical ring. The presence of bulges around it indicates the existence of an umbilical hernia.
Correction method.
The method for fixing a torn navel is simple and accessible.
Take a “pot-bellied” ceramic pot with a volume of 1.5 liters (glass jars are not suitable - they may burst). A small stable washer is made from plasticine. Matches are stuck into it (to raise the cotton wool higher). Cotton wool soaked in 96% alcohol is placed on them. This design is placed on the navel of a person lying on his back. Set fire to the cotton wool and immediately cover it with the pot. The flame, having flared up, immediately goes out. A vacuum is formed inside the pot, which draws in the navel and sets it in its proper place. The greater the retraction, the stronger the effect. Do not wet the cotton too much to prevent alcohol from dripping onto your stomach. After 15-30 minutes, the pot and plasticine are removed.
The first time straightening the navel is very painful for 3-8 minutes.
Recovery proper operation internal organs, it is not enough to put the potty on once, you need to put it on every day for two to three weeks. A special belt should be worn below the navel. It should be made from a single thick piece of leather. At least 5-7 mm thick and about 100 mm wide. The clasp is a hook made of a solid metal plate, 70 mm long and 30 mm wide. A person wearing it does not get tired throughout the day. The belt is also good because it equalizes a person’s weight according to his height. It eliminates obesity and excess weight. Prevents swelling and other disorders in pregnant women. The belt supports the stomach, so the woman almost does not feel the weight of the child. It will not allow her to gain weight. After childbirth, the belly will look straight, and will not fall in a large extra fold. So a low-lying belt to maintain all vital human organs in healthy working condition is simply necessary for everyone.
For many, the pot helped eliminate hemorrhoids and restore normal blood supply to the walls of the rectum.
It happens that a torn navel leads to symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. There are times when a woman has to lie down on operating table due to these symptoms, and as a result of the operation it turns out that there is no ectopic pregnancy. The painful sensations that are these symptoms disappear if you use a pot to put the internal organs in their proper place.
Here's a simple example. The woman, a gynecologist herself, came from Nizhny Tagil to operate ectopic pregnancy. But from her friend, an anesthesiologist, with whom I worked together at that time, she learned that it was possible to do without the intervention of a scalpel. When this woman came to me, it turned out that she had somehow gotten off the tram, slipped and fell hard on her tailbone. “I hit it so hard that my vision went dark. I almost lost consciousness,” she recalled. The consequences of an umbilical hernia were corrected with a potty. And she went home safely without any surgery.
Today, medicine is in many ways just a business. Expensive medicines, ultra-modern clinics, sophisticated equipment. But everything ingenious is simple. And our body as well. There is knowledge among the people that is not for money, but for health.
Broken umbilical cord - a mistake or a crime?
There are moments in our lives that leave a mark on a person’s entire subsequent life. Of course, such a moment is the moment of birth.
In the first hours and days after birth, it is so easy to harm a person’s health. The health of society and the happiness of parents are entrusted to the hands of medical professionals.
While a house is being built on its foundation, a person’s health is being laid at this time. This foundation is the formation of a strong, solid umbilical ring and the associated process of processing the umbilical cord.
An entire generation is leaving maternity hospitals with their belly buttons torn off. Umbilical cords are cut off everywhere in babies, despite the appearance of blood and subsequent scabs. Usually on the 3rd day after the baby is born, the drying remainder of the umbilical cord is cut off. The child suffers from this, constantly cries and screams.
In the old days, people said that if a child's navel is cut off, then he will not live in this world. When the umbilical cord breaks and the scab is subsequently torn off, the umbilical arteries and veins are opened. Large blood losses are possible, leading to death.
In one of the maternity hospitals in our city, a child developed a scab after the umbilical cord broke. Then the nurse decided to cut her off. After some time, the woman came to feed her baby. Approaching the child, she discovered that the entire diaper was covered in blood, and he was lying dead. They took me to the city intensive care unit, then to the regional one. Somehow they saved me. (Case of 2005) This woman’s statement is now in the prosecutor’s office of our city, along with a whole bunch of other similar cases.
Statistics deaths in maternity hospitals it is kept silent. Doctors usually indicate that the cause of the child’s death was prematurity or infectious disease. While in most cases the cause of death is leaked blood from a torn umbilical cord.
Even a small amount of leaked blood is a huge loss for a small organism. The brain will also not receive this blood. With blood loss, hypoxia occurs, which leads to metabolic disorders and to the destruction of brain cells.
When the umbilical cord breaks, an umbilical hernia is formed. Sometimes it’s full circle, sometimes it’s partial. Prolapse of internal organs and metabolic disorders occur. Hence various diseases. Including such serious ones as: disorders in the cardiovascular system, heart defects, intracranial pressure, leading to strokes and cerebral hematoma. Oncohematological diseases, chronic renal failure,cerebral palsy, bronchial asthma and other health problems.
I have worked a lot with children suffering from childhood cerebral palsy(cerebral palsy). As my 20-year hospital practice shows, not a single case of cerebral palsy has occurred without a torn navel.
Pediatric oncology also often begins with the child’s belly button being torn off.
And this happens in all maternity hospitals in Russia. One year of work in one of central hospitals Crimea showed that the same situations exist there.
In Italy, despite the high level of medical care, doctors cut the baby's umbilical cord. And now no one can understand why an eleven-month-old child is sick diabetes mellitus. The child also lies motionless, his motor system does not work. The parents took their baby to Switzerland, but no one has yet been able to restore this child’s health.
And yet we will not pass an aggressive verdict on doctors. (See below about the main cause of health problems)
How to treat the umbilical cord without harming the baby?
There are two important points here. This is the separation of the placenta when the umbilical cord is cut, and the separation of the remaining umbilical cord from the baby's body. The main thing is to avoid bleeding. Therefore, firstly, after birth you cannot immediately cut the umbilical cord. This has long been abandoned in Canada. There they returned to the old method of processing. First, they wait for the umbilical cord to dry, then they cut it, leaving a long umbilical cord near the baby’s body.
As soon as the baby takes his first breath, blood from the placenta (50-100 mg of so-called reserve blood) enters his body through the umbilical cord. This process must be allowed to complete.
The umbilical cord and placenta are part of the baby's body. After birth, the child’s body switches to autonomous, independent of the mother, functioning of the nutritional and respiratory organs. For the previous 9 months he did this through the umbilical cord and at the expense of the mother’s body.
In the old days, grandmothers and midwives who delivered babies said that after birth a child still breathes (and even thinks) through the umbilical cord. Indeed, in terms of information, nutritious and breathing reflex There is still some time left through the umbilical cord. At this time, the umbilical cord dries out, becomes thinner and shortens. Its meaning, as they say, “fades away.” When cutting, it is important to leave a long umbilical cord.
Even if you don’t cut the umbilical cord at all, in the air it hardens on the second day and turns into a rigid rope, like a wire. The connection with the placenta is completely blocked without any harm to the baby. When the placenta is not in a hurry to be separated from the baby, the integrity of the living tissue of the umbilical cord is not compromised. It is best to cut the umbilical cord where it has become hard. The child grows up healthy, strong, mentally developed, strong in spirit and body. This is what our ancestors used to do. This principle was adhered to, for example, by North American Indians and other nationalities far from modern civilization.
And, secondly, to avoid bleeding, the umbilical cord must not be cut. Nature provides that it will fall off on its own when it dries out. This is the only way to preserve the child’s health.
A rupture of the navel with the appearance of a wound with open bleeding entails a serious risk of infection. There is no sterility if blood is allowed to appear. Zelenka and hydrogen peroxide, used as disinfectants, act only at the time of application. And then their effect is lost.
An interesting method of disinfection was used in ancient times. A nickel was used - umbilical [ antique coin tsarist times], from unrefined copper with a large admixture of silver. If you put it on a newborn's navel and secure it, then when it comes into contact with wet skin, an oxide will form under the heel. Copper sulfate and silver ions serve as a gentle and reliable sterilizing agent. Thus, the disinfectant is constantly present, around the clock, until it is no longer needed.
Another very important point. When a baby screams loudly, his stomach swells from tension. This leads to disruption of the integrity of the umbilical ring and an increase in the umbilical hernia. It has been noticed that the child will not scream if his umbilical cord is not torn off. Also, the newborn becomes very tense when pushing to empty the bowels or bladder. It is necessary to bandage the abdomen below the navel tightly, but not tightly, over the navel. In no case higher, otherwise it will put pressure on the kidneys, which will lead to a general hypertensive effect. (So ​​the ladies of the court, pulled into a tight corset, fainted). When the stomach is bandaged, the child has an emphasis. This will ease his efforts and prevent the appearance of an umbilical hernia.
In addition, tight swaddling of the abdomen promotes uniform redistribution of blood from the upper and lower pools. That is, the head receives enough blood for the development of brain cells, and therefore the whole body.
Alas, modern medical science prohibits wrapping the belly of newborn children, believing that this will atrophy the abdominal muscles. These are nothing more than theoretical speculations. Practice has shown: the abdominal muscles are strengthened.
Caucasian centenarians wear a belt from birth to death, Ukrainians wear a sash.
The issue of lactation today worries many nursing mothers. Massage of the mammary glands, when they try to squeeze out milk by force, is useless and harmful. The reasons for the lack of milk are renal failure during pregnancy, cervical osteochondrosis and inhibition of the central parts of the mammary gland. nervous system. And these factors are possible only with an umbilical hernia and are its consequence.
And finally, one more important point. Before the child swaddled with a special tape, starting from the shoulders to the knees. Result: the child’s sleep is not interrupted by sudden shaking of the arms or legs, which contributes to the development of a healthy child’s psyche. The child’s body is formed smoothly, without curvature of the spine and legs.
The main cause of health problems
The main purpose of this article is to prevent situations that are undesirable for us and to prevent health problems.
However, here is the situation. The daughter of a doctor I know was expecting a baby. He asked me to explain to the obstetrician - professor, doctor of medical sciences, who was supposed to deliver the baby, that the umbilical cord should not be cut off. I spent two and a half hours explaining to the professor why it was wrong to cut the umbilical cord, and he promised not to do it. But when the due date approached, for some reason he forgot about our conversation and on the third day after the birth of the child, out of habit, he cut the umbilical cord. Bleeding began, an umbilical hernia formed, and the child began to roar. However, the mother and child with a bleeding navel were discharged from the hospital. In addition, two days later, a visiting nurse came to their home and tore off the scab that had formed, again opening the bleeding and further enlarging the umbilical hernia.
It turns out that the reason for the occurrence of health problems lies not only in the lack of knowledge?
Need to find an answer general question– Why do situations of human health problems arise?
In fact, the state of health depends on the state of a person’s Consciousness. In what information field a person’s Consciousness is located, so will the state of health (and all life problems). If Consciousness is in a harmonious world, the navel does not break (a situation cannot arise in which health will be impaired).
Science is based on the belief in the existence and power of the “idol” – matter. This is a manifestation of the crisis of science. Working as a massage therapist in hospitals, I saw enough of thousands of people walking with thick medical cards from one doctor to another and without any improvement in their condition. That's why I've been searching and trying all my life alternative paths and methods of treatment.