My heart hurts a lot: what to do at home. My heart hurts. What to do? Urgent measures

Heart pain is the main symptom of many cardiac diseases. However, pain in the heart is often caused by other reasons: intercostal neuralgia, cervical osteochondrosis, depression, and lung diseases. Severe pain in the heart is a serious reason to seek help. medical care. While waiting for doctors, the patient’s condition will be helped to improve medicines.

What can you take for heart pain?

Heart pain often occurs during physical exertion and strong emotional experiences, therefore, during an attack you need to stop any activity and try to calm down. Decrease discomfort Medicines with menthol will help, in particular validol. It should be placed under the tongue and kept in the mouth until completely absorbed. You can replace validol with valocordin in the amount of 30-40 drops dissolved in 1/3 glass of water. If you don’t have any medications at hand, use vodka or cognac: hold a small amount of alcohol in your mouth for a few minutes and then spit it out. You can't swallow alcohol!
Pain during an attack of angina is well relieved with 1 tablet of nitroglycerin under the tongue or one dose of Nitromint aerosol.

Nitroglycerin dilates coronary vessels and improves myocardial contractility, therefore it is universal remedy to stop heart attacks. The lack of effect from its use may indicate the development of myocardial infarction, which requires immediate medical intervention.

Nitroglycerin will not help if the pain is associated with rheumatic heart disease. In this case, it is better to take anti-inflammatory and analgesics, such as aspirin and analgin.

In patients with hypertension, pain may be caused by lifting blood pressure. Will help reduce it antihypertensive drugs prescribed by a doctor. Fast and effective action renders .

What not to take for heart pain

If the patient does not suffer from heart disease, it is not advisable for him. This drug is recommended only for those patients who know for sure that they have cardiac problems. For people with hypotension, nitroglycerin can be very dangerous because it has the ability to dilate blood vessels and thus further lower blood pressure.

Most people who have reached adulthood have encountered. Painful sensations in chest This is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical help.

A person may experience pressing, stabbing, squeezing, aching or sharp piercing pains. In many cases they “give” under the shoulder blade, in left hand or to the corner lower jaw. The duration of the attack varies from one or two minutes to several hours, and sometimes the pain bothers the patient for several days in a row. The intensity of unpleasant sensations often changes when changing body position and breathing movements. Pain in the heart can develop both during complete rest and during physical exertion or psycho-emotional experiences. By character pain syndrome it is possible to establish with a high degree of probability the cause of its occurrence.

Important: the intensity of pain does not always correlate with the severity and severity of the pathology, but ignoring the appearance of this symptom is absolutely unacceptable! Just as it is unacceptable to take any medications for heart pain without consulting a cardiologist or therapist!

Why does my heart hurt?

Most common reasons The following pathologies cause chest pain:

  • IHD – (and are variants of its development);
  • rheumatic lesions;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocarditis;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • diseases of the thoracic spine (kyphoscoliosis, etc.);
  • organ diseases digestive tract(in particular – the esophagus and stomach);
  • pinched nerve roots;
  • muscle diseases;
  • radiculitis.

Pain, the occurrence of which is directly related to the heart, can be divided according to its origin into two most important categories - angiosis and cardialgia. Angious(vascular) are a characteristic clinical manifestation various forms and stages of ischemic heart disease . Cardialgia due to inflammatory diseases organ, rheumatic lesions or congenital pathologies(vices).

Angious pain in the heart occurs when insufficient blood supply myocardium and, as a consequence, oxygen starvation fabrics. The impetus for their development is often nervous excitement or physical work. The nature of the pain is burning, pressing or squeezing. They are usually localized behind the sternum; Irradiation to the left arm, under the scapula and lower jaw is also quite typical. Often such pain is accompanied by shortness of breath. They usually go away after rest.

Important:establish the exact cause of the appearance unpleasant symptoms Only a qualified cardiologist can do this after a complete examination of the patient. Only after production accurate diagnosis adequate therapy can be prescribed. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-diagnosis or self-medication!

Intense burning, squeezing or tearing pain is one of the signs of a heart attack - acute condition, in which, against the background of impaired blood supply, necrosis of a section of the heart muscle rapidly develops.

Cardialgia caused by inflammation of the myocardium or pericardium, as well as the rheumatic process, is usually quite long-lasting. They are diffuse, aching or stabbing. The typical location is to the left of the sternum. They tend to get worse when coughing and breathing excursions.

To decide what to take for heart pain, you need to make sure that the pain behind the sternum is precisely heart pain. After all, such sensations can provoke a variety of pathologies.

For chest and lesions cartilage tissue ribs are characterized by pain localized to the right or left of the sternum. Their intensity changes with deep inhalation, active exhalation, movements in shoulder joint, and changes in body position.

Aching, stitching and clearly localized painful sensations quite characteristic of neuroses. Intense pain in the intercostal spaces in some cases may be one of the first clinical manifestations herpes zoster.

Pain in the upper chest (closer to the neck and shoulder girdle) appear in the background nervous disorders. One of the reasons for severe pain in the chest is (muscle inflammation).

Please note: specific feature Neuralgic pain is their unstable nature and changes in intensity with changes in body position.

Stitching or squeezing pain is sometimes provoked by flatulence. If pain behind the sternum appears soon after eating, or its development is associated with fasting, then perhaps the cause lies in the pathology of the stomach (or) or pancreas.

Please note:Transient pain sensations can be caused by banal overeating.

What medications should I take for heart pain?

Angious pain due to an attack of angina pectoris

They last, on average, about 20 minutes and are relieved with Nitroglycerin (0.0005 g) or Nitrocor (1 tablet or capsule sublingually). An alternative drug in this situation is Nitromint (aerosol). Nitroglycerin for heart pain can be taken repeatedly, but no more than 3 times, and within a 5-minute interval.

It is important not to panic and try to calm down, since increased nervous tension often makes the situation worse!

Please note:It must be taken into account that Nitroglycerin helps lower blood pressure. After taking it, weakness, sweating and headaches are possible. Under no circumstances should you take 2-3 tablets (capsules) at once.

The patient needs to unfasten or remove the restrictive outerwear. It is also necessary to ensure an influx fresh air into the room.

Validol has a reflex vasodilator effect, and Valocordin has a sedative effect; therefore, they will not help with angina pectoris.

Pain in the heart during a heart attack

When the pain does not go away for more than half an hour, it becomes unbearable, accompanied by suffocation, severe weakness, sweating and paleness. skin, as well as bluish lips and fingertips, this may most likely indicate the development of a heart attack. In such cases, you should immediately call an emergency team!

Nitroglycerin is almost useless for a heart attack. Before the doctors arrive, it is better to take 1 tablet of Analgin and Acetylsalicylic acid(0.5 g each), washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

The patient must be seated with his legs down (lying is not recommended) and allowed to dissolve the Validol tablet. For prolonged intense pain in the heart, it is advisable to take drugs such as Corvalol or Valocordin (30-40 drops). Local warming and distracting procedures (hot foot baths with mustard or mustard plasters on the calf area) have a good effect. It is important to ensure complete rest for the patient.

  • Sorbitol;
  • Nitrosorbitol;
  • Nitranol;
  • Sustak.

Therapeutic effect of the listed pharmacological agents develops within 10-15 minutes.

Heart pain due to high blood pressure

If pain occurs due to increased blood pressure, you should urgently take an effective antihypertensive drug (for example, Corinfar).

In parallel with taking medications orally, rubbing with bee venom, as well as Efkamon and Bom-Benge ointment.

Pain due to cardialgia

For cardialgia (for example, against the background of prolapse mitral valve) Nitroglycerin is ineffective, but pain of this kind is relieved after taking analgesics.

Pain in neurotic conditions

At neurotic states and the pain in the heart they cause can be taken (in the form of tablets or pharmacy tincture).

Often the attack can be stopped on its own (if we are not talking about a heart attack). Even if emergency assistance is not needed, in any case you need to call a local therapist to your home on the same day. It's important to pass full examination to establish true reasons the appearance of pain in the heart.

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist

Pain is a signal indicating a problem in the human body. Particularly frightening painful sensations arising on the left side of the chest. Physical activity emotional stress in the presence of cardiac pathologies, they can cause acute pain radiating to the area of ​​the left shoulder blade or shoulder.

Calling an ambulance is the first thing they do when they appear sudden pain. This is correct, since pain can be a sign of serious pathologies: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction.

Knowing what to take for heart pain, you caneaseconditionebefore the ambulance arrives.

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    Types of pain in the heart area

    What to do if your heart hurts? This question arises when there is a sudden onset of pain localized in the chest area. First, calm down. If there were no such manifestations before, the person was not seen by a doctor, it is worth figuring out what caused them.

    Need to know! Not all chest pain is a consequence of cardiac pathology. It can be a symptom of a number of other diseases: pleurisy, neuralgia, cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis.

    Symptoms of a heart attack: sudden onset pressing pain, it is characterized by a burning sensation and aches. Left shoulder blade, left shoulder, left half neck, lower jaw, chest - these are the places where the most severe pain occurs.

    With heart pain, a person may have the following pathologies:

    • myocardial infarction;
    • acute coronary insufficiency;
    • angina pectoris;
    • aortic aneurysm;
    • pericarditis.

    Attacks of angina

    An attack of angina occurs after fast walking, physical activity, nervous stress, large meals. The painful focus is in the sternum area. The nature of the pain is burning, pressing. The pain radiates to the area between the shoulder blades, left shoulder or left jaw.

    What to do if your heart hurts and the pressing pain does not go away for several minutes? It is recommended to use nitroglycerin. You can buy the drug in pharmacies different forms release:

    The tablet should not be swallowed, but placed in the mouth, pressing it with the tongue. After a minute, it will completely dissolve, the medicine will enter the blood through the oral mucosa and begin to act. If you have on hand not tablets, but an oil or alcohol solution, drop three drops onto a piece of sugar and dissolve it.

    Medicine, dilates blood vessels of the skin, muscles, organs abdominal cavity, thereby reducing cardiac workload. Spasms coronary arteries are removed. Oxygenated blood enters the myocardium. Pain relief occurs.

    Need to know! Hypersensitivity to the drug is possible. For the first time, use only 0.5 tablets, if the solution is 2 drops. At the same time, it is worth checking your blood pressure and pulse.

    What to do if heart pain suddenly appears? Take a number of actions:

    • Postpone all activities related to physical activity.
    • If possible, lie down if necessary public place- sit down as comfortably as possible.
    • Only when lying down or sitting position take nitroglycerin. Taking the drug while lying down or sitting will relieve possible fainting caused by a sharp drop in blood pressure.

    To relieve a pain attack, you are allowed to take up to three tablets with an interval of 5 minutes. The effect of the medicine lasts no more than 15 minutes. Six tablets - daily norm, which should not be exceeded.

    Side effects:

    • dizziness;
    • headaches;
    • sensation of tinnitus.

    These manifestations do not mean that you need to stop taking the drug. You just need to reduce the dose. If you take the medicine, an angina attack should not last more than 15 minutes.

    Myocardial infarction

    The heart could periodically ache without causing serious concern. Until there was an aggravation. An attack is characterized by intense pain, burning, squeezing, pressing, so sharp that it can be compared to the pain of a blow from a dagger. A person becomes covered in sweat during an attack.

    The following factors cause an attack:

    • suffered stress;
    • previous surgery;
    • injury received;
    • overheating or severe hypothermia.

    Statistics: every third person dies from a heart attack. Every second in the first hour, if myocardial necrosis has developed.

    When such pain occurs in the heart, what should you do? This condition is accompanied by feelings of fear, anxiety or apathy.

    • The first thing to do is to seat the person. Prohibit lying down. Give validol.
    • Pour a basin warm water, lower your legs. Find drugs Valocordin or Corvalol. Add forty drops. If these measures do not help, give nitroglycerin and call an ambulance.
    • Before the ambulance arrives, offer an aspirin or analgin tablet (if there are no contraindications). Taking aspirin can reduce the chance of a blood clot forming, a blockage of an artery.

    It will not be possible to cope with this condition at home; urgent hospitalization will be required. While waiting for the doctors to arrive, you need to measure your blood pressure and temperature. When the team arrives, tell in detail how the attack developed, what medications the sick person took.

    What is pericarditis?

    After the postponed infectious diseases A viral or bacterial infection can cause pericarditis, a serious heart disease.

    It is characterized by dull, aching, lasting pain for a long time. Coughing, swallowing, deep breathing lead to its intensification. Nitroglycerin doesn't help. Analgesics provide short-term improvement.

    It is easier for the patient when he sits, especially if he leans forward a little. Often the pain is accompanied by a cough, chills, shortness of breath, and the heart beats faster. The patient complains of chest tightness. Possible swelling of the face and neck.

    This kind of pain cannot be treated at home; it is necessary to consult a cardiologist as soon as possible, where appropriate diagnostics will be carried out and treatment will be prescribed. Before this, eliminate all physical activity, ensure bed rest, take medications to relieve heart pain: Corvalol, Validol.

    If your heart hurts due to neurosis

    Very often those who work a lot are coffee lovers and strong drinks may complain of discomfort in the heart area. They say that the heart sometimes stops, sometimes it beats faster and lasts for a long time dull ache. The same symptoms are often experienced by people during active sports, women during menopause or menopause.

    What to do for pain in the heart caused by neurosis? Corvalol will help. It will calm the nervous system, dilate blood vessels, and relieve pain.

    The medicine is available in the form of drops and tablets. It is better to take before meals. The recommended dose is 20 drops, if severe tachycardia - 40 drops.

    Baths are good for relieving symptoms. The water temperature should not be higher than 38°. Adding will help you relax aromatic oils, better with pine notes. The pain will be relieved herbal preparations Persen cardio, Novo-passit, motherwort extract.

    The right attitude towards life will help with such conditions. Get enough sleep, give up coffee, alcoholic drinks, strong tea. Walk a lot. Explore recipes traditional medicine and choose some of them for yourself.

    Medicinal herbs taken in the ratio 1:1:1:3:2 represent a good calming mixture with a hypnotic effect:

    • valerian(1);
    • fennel(1);
    • lemon balm(1);
    • chamomile(3);
    • three-leaf watch (2).

Heart pain can manifest itself various ailments, not necessarily related to cardiology. Gastrointestinal diseases have similar symptoms, respiratory system, skeleton, as well as various neurological disorders.

What to do if your heart hurts? If such sensations occur, it is necessary to be able to accurately determine their nature, because in most cases the patient may require urgent qualified assistance. It is very important to know the manifestations of a heart attack, the consequences of which can be very dire.

Why does my heart hurt? Unpleasant sensations in the chest can occur in a person, regardless of his physical condition and age. Their possible reasons are:

  • heart pathologies;
  • previous injuries;
  • skeletal diseases;
  • dysfunction of the respiratory system;
  • pathologies arising in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous overstrain.

Considering the reasons described above, if discomfort occurs in the chest, the patient should figure out what exactly is hurting him. It is necessary to know what symptoms of pain in the heart indicate the development of diseases of this organ.

Development mechanism

The heart is a hollow organ that pumps blood throughout the body through contraction muscle tissue. It works continuously throughout a person's life, and a case of cardiac arrest leads to fatal outcome.

Normal myocardial function is ensured due to sufficient supply of the organ nutrients and oxygen. If the level of blood flow in the heart muscle decreases, this triggers the breakdown of glucose without the participation of oxygen, provoking the release of lactic acid.

The organ contains many nerve endings that are irritated when high concentrations lactic acid.

The most common cause of pain is insufficient nutrition of the heart.

Often, against the background of nerve irritation, the process of inflammation begins, localized anywhere in the organ. Depending on the cause and type of lesion, pain can be of a different nature.

How to recognize a heart attack

Heart disease can be identified by a number of characteristic features. It should be noted that often with diseases of this organ, the patient does not experience any pain or discomfort. In other cases, patients complain of heaviness in the chest, heart pain and difficulty breathing, but as a result, these symptoms are in no way related to diseases of a cardiac nature.

One of the most terrible reasons pain in the chest area is a heart attack. This is not a medical diagnosis, but one of the courses of cardiac diseases. If it occurs, it is necessary to take urgent measures aimed at saving the patient’s life. Therefore, it is very important to promptly recognize following symptoms:

  1. Pains of a pressing and squeezing nature, localized behind the sternum and radiating to the left arm, neck, back, jaw. In this case, shortness of breath, attacks of nausea, and increased sweating may occur.
  2. Even with minor exertion, the patient begins to choke. We are talking not only about physical, but also about psychological factors. Usually, to relieve pain, it is enough to take Nitroglycerin.
  3. Shortness of breath when lying down and while eating. Before an attack, the patient suffers from insomnia or, on the contrary, he may fall asleep while sitting.
  4. Increased fatigue can overcome the patient a couple of months before the attack.
  5. Cardiac dysfunction is manifested by swelling. At first they are insignificant and are noticeable only by marks from shoes and rings on the fingers. If the patient experiences serious swelling, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.
  6. Erectile dysfunction in men occurs several years before ischemia is detected.
  7. Stopping breathing during sleep is a sure sign of a heart attack.

A heart attack can last up to half an hour. Taking Nitroglycerin is not able to improve the patient's condition.

Myocardial infarction

This disease often leads to death. It affects the heart muscle, negatively affecting the functioning of the organ. Most often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • heaviness, pain of a squeezing or pressing nature, localized in the center of the chest and spreading to the left arm;
  • increased heart rate, irregular heart rhythm;
  • dizziness, nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  • general weakness and anxiety;
  • pale skin, increased sweating.

Another course of a heart attack is possible, in which there are no symptoms. In that case we're talking about about painless heart attack. Signs extensive heart attack resemble acute heart failure, when the patient experiences suffocation, shortness of breath, blue discoloration of the fingertips and lips, accompanied by loss of consciousness. If you suspect this disease, you absolutely cannot wait.

Coronary heart disease

For the most part, this disease manifests itself with signs of angina pectoris. Patients most often complain of heaviness and pressing sensations in the chest. Severe pain can radiate to the shoulder blade, neck, arm, lower jaw and throat. Most often this occurs due to physical exertion and stress.

Experts identify the following symptoms of the disease:

  • rapid heartbeat;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • irregular pulse;
  • sweating

IN advanced cases Disease attacks can appear at any time. If your heart hurts at night, then this is an unfavorable symptom.

Inflammatory heart diseases

One of the causes of a number of heart diseases is various inflammations. The differences between the ailments of this group are determined by the location of the pathological focus. Depending on its location and size, the manifestations of the disease may differ.

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. In this case, pain occurs in the middle of the chest, which radiates to the neck, arm and back, intensifying when coughing, inhaling or swallowing. Most patients report severe pain when lying down. There is some relief when bending forward or sitting.

Most often, the pain in the heart is dull and paroxysmal, but occasionally it can become cutting. This occurs against the background of an increased heart rate.


This disease is characterized by inflammation of the heart muscle, namely the myocardium. Most patients with this disease complain of pressing, aching or stabbing pain. They occur in the heart area, regardless of physical activity. They can be observed even at rest. At the same time, the drug “Nitroglycerin” does not relieve pain.


Almost all patients who have been diagnosed with this condition experience pain. Most often they occur when hypertrophic form diseases. With the development of pathology, pain sensations may change:

  1. At the first stage, they are long-term and not associated with physical activity. Localization can be almost everywhere in the upper body.
  2. In an advanced state, the disease manifests itself as spontaneous paroxysmal pain that occurs as a result of physical exertion. Nitroglycerin can help, although not in all cases.

Valve diseases

The symptoms of these ailments directly depend on their severity. A seriously ill person may not have any complaints. Therefore, the disease is recognized by the following signs:

  • shortness of breath, as well as breathing problems that occur during exercise and in a lying position;
  • discomfort in the form of squeezing and heaviness in the chest, which occurs when inhaling cold air and exertion;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • arrhythmia, increased heart rate and disruptions.

Valve diseases can lead to the development of heart failure. Its symptoms are swelling of the legs, obesity, and bloating.

Other cardiac diseases

There are a number of other heart diseases that manifest themselves as follows:

  1. Arrhythmia. Pain in the heart, which in advanced cases affects the arm.
  2. Heart defects. Regardless of the nature of the disease (congenital or acquired defect), it may not have any manifestations for many years. As symptoms, experts note pain of various natures (aching, cutting and even stabbing). In this case, swelling of the limbs and surges in blood pressure are possible.
  3. Aortic stenosis. At first, the patient experiences shortness of breath due to physical exertion, fatigue and general weakness. Possible failures in heart rate and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. When the disease is complicated by coronary insufficiency dizziness and fainting, angina pectoris and cardiac asthma are observed.
  4. Mitral valve prolapse. In the area of ​​the heart there are severe pain, which do not depend in any way on physical activity person. Most often they appear at night and in the morning, when the patient faints, becomes dizzy, the pulse exceeds the norm, and the patient himself complains of lack of air.
  5. Aortic diseases. Pain in the chest occurs suddenly and is described by patients as excruciating and bursting. Sometimes they reach such strength that they can lead to loss of consciousness. Therefore, the patient requires urgent hospitalization. An aortic aneurysm is accompanied by unexpressed throbbing pain that can spread to the back. If an aneurysm ruptures, the pain becomes unbearable and death is possible.
  6. Thromboembolism pulmonary artery. The pain intensifies when inhaling. The difference between the disease and the manifestations of angina pectoris is that the pain does not spread to other places. Noted sharp drop pressure, bluishness of the skin, severe shortness of breath and increased heart rate.

Chest pain of non-cardiac origin

Very often, patients complain of severe pain in the heart, but diagnostics show that they are caused by a disease that is in no way related to cardiology. Due to the similarity of manifestations, the patient may simply confuse the symptoms, because pain in the chest area does not always indicate cardiac problems.

Intercostal neuralgia

Signs of this disease are often mistaken for heart pain. Patients with neuralgia experience symptoms similar to angina pectoris, but there are significant differences:

  • The pain with neuralgia is sharp, shooting in nature.
  • When moving, turning, taking sharp breaths, laughing and coughing, an increase in pain is observed.
  • It is possible to have both a quick cessation of pain and a significant attack (hours or even days), when with every movement the patient’s condition may worsen.
  • The localization of pain occurs between the ribs pointwise (left or right), and can radiate to the lower back, heart, back, spine.

Pain in the heart area can manifest itself in both chest and cervical osteochondrosis. Symptoms of this disease in many ways resemble angina pectoris. Most often, patients complain of the following pain sensations:

  • severe heart pain;
  • irradiation to the left arm and the area between the shoulder blades;
  • pain in the back and upper abdomen, which intensifies with inhalation and sudden movements.

When the pain appears at night, it resembles heart pain, accompanied by causeless fear. The drug "Nitroglycerin" is not able to reduce discomfort.

CNS diseases

When such disorders occur, most patients complain of heart pain. Most often, they describe their condition in different ways:

  • most complaints are related to sharp pains short-term or permanent;
  • Some patients experience aching pain and burning sensations.

Accompanied by this nearby autonomic disorders. Appears:

  • general irritability;
  • loss of sleep or constant drowsiness;

  • anxiety;
  • fever, feeling of chilliness in the extremities;
  • dry or, on the contrary, too moist skin;
  • discomfort in the stomach area, muscle pain and headaches.

Most often, people suffering from neuroses are able to describe in all colors false symptoms. At the same time, heart patients, as a rule, talk about their feelings extremely sparingly. Due to the absence of changes on the ECG, cardioneurosis is very often confused with coronary artery disease.

Problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract

If pain is caused by pathologies of the digestive system, then it is characterized by a longer duration than cardiac pain. In this case, heartburn, nausea and even vomiting are observed. Typically these symptoms occur after eating.

Often, with acute pancreatitis, the patient is diagnosed with a heart attack. Against the background of this disease, severe vomiting appears. Gallbladder spasms can also cause pain in the left side of the chest. Most patients mistakenly attribute this to heart disease, when they need completely different treatment.

The way your heart hurts may indicate development certain disease, not necessarily of a cardiac nature. The features of the manifestation of most ailments that cause discomfort in the chest area were described above. This knowledge will help the patient recognize the first signs of the disease and understand that he needs urgent treatment.

Heart pain, whether it occurs spontaneously or is a constant companion, deprives the suffering person of the joy of life. He always remembers her and cannot completely relax. In most cases, if the heart hurts, this is a sign of cardiac pathology. In addition to the main medications prescribed by a doctor, there are many folk recipes. This therapeutic tandem makes it possible not only to relieve pain, but to reduce the frequency of occurrence of the insidious pain symptom.

Important! Without medical consultation and diagnostics, you cannot take heart medications on your own or use any traditional medicine!

Help of drugs for heart pathologies

The main symptom is pressing pain behind the sternum, in the region of the heart. It can be combined with increased blood pressure, dizziness, and headache.

The following are called upon to help cope with an attack:

  • A group of nitrates that promote myocardial relaxation, reduce spasm and oxygen needs.
  • Nitroglycerin tablets are used during an attack.
  • Nitrosorbide relieves the myocardium and increases resistance to physical stress.
  • Nitroderm - stickers on the body with active substance, which must be glued to the chest area.
  • Adrenergic blockers reduce heart rate.
  • Anaprilin long acting, taken once a day.
  • Atenolol once a day after meals.
  • Cardiac glycosides are characterized by an immediate effect, which occurs in a few minutes and lasts up to 2 days: digoxin, strophanthin must be administered intravenously. Digitoxin is conveniently available in the form of tablets and suppositories and does not require assistance from a stranger for administration.
  • Calcium antagonists relieve arterial and vascular spasm.
  • Diltiazem. You can take up to 6 tablets per day.
  • Gallopomil is taken during an attack, 1 tablet up to 4 times a day with a mandatory interval of 6 hours. In addition to angina attacks, it helps prevent recurrent myocardial infarction.
  • Long-acting verapamil. Do not exceed a dose of two tablets per day.
  • Diuretics, due to their diuretic effect, quickly relieve swelling, are taken together with previous medications. Most often, diuretics are included in the regimen inpatient treatment, but can be used in emergency situations when the attack is not controlled by nitroglycerin.
  • Chlorthalidone, in addition to pain, reduces blood pressure. It is administered once, but if the attack is repeated, the dose is increased.
  • Lasix is ​​an aggressive diuretic and must be used with sodium, magnesium, calcium and magnesium once a day during an attack.

The following remedies can be prepared at home:

  • Mix 0.5 honey and vodka, heat until white foam appears, leave in a warm place for several days. Take a teaspoon at night after meals.
  • Take a tablespoon of motherwort, chamomile, dried cucumber, bird knotweed, valerian root per liter of boiling water. Stir and leave for 7 days in a dark place. Strain, take a teaspoon 2 times a day.
  • Take 100 ml of vodka per 25 grams of propolis and leave to brew. At the same time, place the garlic tincture in a dark place: pour 100 grams of vodka over the crushed head. After a week, mix both infusions, take 6 drops per 100 ml of water.

Important! Medicines made according to prescriptions do not completely replace basic medications and must be used in combination!

Pain with vegetative-vascular dystonia

It’s not for nothing that there is a saying that all illnesses come from nerves. VSD refers to pathologies nervous system and is characterized by a combination panic attacks. Heart pain often occurs against a background of nervous tension.

You can relieve an attack with the help of sedatives and hypnotics:

  • Novo-Passit.
  • Persen.
  • Domiplant.
  • Sedaphyton.
  • Phytoson.
  • Validol in drops or tablets.
  • Valerian extract in drops or tablets.

Also good effect infusions and decoctions have, instead of medicine:

  • Mix tinctures of valerian and hawthorn 1:1, add 30 drops per 100 ml of water.
  • Take two tbsp. chopped lemon balm per 300 ml of boiling water. Divide into three doses.
  • Take 30 unripe walnuts for 1 liter of vodka and place under sun rays for 2 weeks. Use 20 drops mixed with 100 ml of water.
  • Take liter jar and fill two-thirds with large birch catkins. You can drink from 15 drops to 1 tsp at a time. twice a day half an hour before meals.

Important! You can reduce the number of attacks if you exclude stressful situations!

Pain due to intercostal neuralgia

The disease is not associated with cardiac pathology, is distinguished by its rapid onset, burning nature and is combined with surges in blood pressure and motor limitation. In contrast to cardiac pathology, vascular system not controlled by heart medications.

You can relieve the pain symptom with the help of non-steroidal drugs:

  • Diclofenac – in tablets, injections, suppositories or ointments
  • Nurofen - in capsules.
  • Capsicam in gel form.
  • Ketorolac for a severe attack.

Traditional methods for relieving heart pain:

  • When you don’t have nitroglycerin at hand and your heart hurts, you can replace it with a clove of garlic, which you need to chew slowly.
  • Pour a 1:1 mixture of glycerin and iodine into an opaque container and shake well. Use a cotton pad to wipe the area in a circular motion where the pain is located. Place fabric on top or wear tight-fitting underwear made of natural material, without adding synthetics. After this, go to bed and wrap yourself in a blanket. To prevent recurrences, take a 15-day course.
  • Fill birch buds 0.5 liters of vodka or moonshine, leave for a week and a half in a place protected from light. Rub the sore spot.
  • Take squeezed horseradish or radish juice and wipe the affected area.
  • Pour boiling water over flax seeds and apply to areas where there is severe pain.
  • Prepare an ointment from one part of dried lilac buds and 4 parts of rendered pork fat. Apply the composition to the affected area.
  • Apply a burdock leaf to your chest inside and wrap with a warm towel.

Important! Radish or horseradish juice may irritate the skin, so hypersensitivity It's worth adding a few tablespoons of olive oil!

Pain due to osteochondrosis

Cardiac pain symptom appears due to intervertebral disc lesion in thoracic region. The person experiences discomfort due to difficulty breathing and the appearance of aching pain in the area of ​​the heart.

You can reduce pain using self-massage, as well as using the following medications:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: meloxicam, ketoprofen, nimesulide, ibuprofen, diclofenac.
  • Vasodilators: trental, actovegin, berliton.
  • Muscle relaxants: mydocalm, baclofen, sirdalud.
  • Anti-inflammatory Ointments: indomethacin ointment, ketonal, voltaren emulgel, nurofen ointment.
  • Pain-relieving ointments: capsicam, finalgon, nicoflus, turpentine.

In addition to medications, you can relieve heart pain with alternative medicine recipes:

  • For one liter of water add 1 tbsp. salt, boil the solution. Moisten the gauze and wipe the painful areas.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of small bay leaves, pour 300 g. boiling water. Leave for 4 hours and drink in small sips. The infusion is drunk throughout the day. Use no more than 4 days.

Important! Pain relief is not considered a complete treatment. To achieve stable, guaranteed results, you need to complete the full course of treatment!

Bottom line

When your heart hurts unbearably, you want to accept magic pill and forget about discomfort for a while. But first of all, it is necessary to exclude a serious pathology so as not to worsen your condition. If a person knows about his illness, then he can influence it with the help of diet, refusal bad habits and strengthening the suffering organ with the help physical activities. Do not forget about the medications prescribed by your doctor, and also use folk remedies constantly, not occasionally. Only then will heartache not bother a person and life will be filled with bright colors.