Cauterization of erosion during early pregnancy. There are other possible reasons. Treatment of erosion with douching during pregnancy

Cervical erosion is not such a rare diagnosis these days. Hearing such a diagnosis is far from pleasant, and even scary, because not everyone knows how to treat erosion.

Many pregnant women, having heard a diagnosis of “cervical erosion” from a doctor, are frightened because they do not understand how dangerous erosion is for the unborn child, how it will affect the course of pregnancy, can it be treated and, if so, how to do it correctly?

Pregnancy against the background of cervical erosion - this situation occurs quite often. It has been proven that these two conditions of the body mutually aggravate each other. But what to do if the pregnancy is desired, do not terminate it?

All doubts can be completely dispelled only after talking with your doctor and full examination from a qualified specialist. However, our article today will help debunk some myths.

How does erosion affect the course of pregnancy?

According to many experts, almost 50% of women carry a pregnancy and give birth with erosion. At the same time, they are born healthy children, without any pathologies.

From here we can draw the main conclusion: cervical erosion with constant monitoring by a doctor will not harm pregnancy. As a rule, throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the disease does not manifest itself with any symptoms and does not cause discomfort. Erosion will not affect the birth process itself.

However, a caveat is worth making here. Sometimes there are cases when pathology still makes itself felt, causing the appearance unpleasant discharge, sometimes bloody.

Bloody discharge due to erosion

The appearance of blood in the discharge is a signal of many diseases. During pregnancy, for example, this may be a symptom of placental abruption or even an incipient miscarriage. Blood may also ooze from erosion on the cervix, especially if the size of the pathological focus is large enough.

When erosion begins to bleed, leaving it untreated is already dangerous. In this case, doctors prescribe certain treatment.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy: treatment

It must be said that doctors always prescribe very careful treatment for pregnant women, which is mainly in the nature of preventing exacerbations. The range of drugs allowed for use in pregnant women is very limited.

Many drugs are strictly contraindicated, most are not recommended. Prohibited and traditional method Treatment of this disease is cauterization of erosion with a laser. That is why a competent specialist always advises his patients to get rid of erosion even before pregnancy.

However, if treatment is necessary due to itching, discomfort or bleeding, experts may advise the following:

1. Suppositories with methyluracil - can be prescribed for bleeding erosion. This drug It is most often used to treat injuries to the rectum, including in pregnant women. Many experts claim that methyluracil is completely harmless to the fetus, and its use in expectant mothers is completely justified.

2. Sea buckthorn candles- the oldest folk remedy that is used to treat erosion most often in folk medicine. Sea buckthorn has healing properties, and its use often brings good results.

3. In the event that erosion is accompanied by inflammatory processes, prescribed antiviral drugs or antibiotics.

Herbal medicine for cervical erosion

Many women believe that herbal medicine is absolutely harmless to the child. In fact, herbal treatment of cervical erosion without prior consultation with a qualified doctor can have a very unpleasant consequences, especially when it comes to pregnancy.

Traditional treatment of erosion during pregnancy

The list of drugs that can be used to treat erosion can be continued for more than one page. However, each of them has at least one contraindication. Even seemingly harmless chamomile is prohibited for use in people with hypersensitivity to her.

It is not advisable to use St. John's wort during pregnancy, since this herb has quite a strong action and has side effects.

Aloe, which is so widely used among people, cannot be called absolutely harmless. To choose suitable remedy, to the expectant mother You should consult your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine whether she can use a particular plant.

Most doctors have a negative attitude towards the treatment of erosion on the cervical mucosa with the help of phytotampons specifically during pregnancy. Perhaps their advice should be heeded.

Douching with herbs for erosion

As for douching with decoctions or herbal tinctures, opinions differ.

Some experts in the field of gynecology believe that douching should not be done at all, and not only during pregnancy. Many people tend to believe that douching is a completely acceptable measure for the treatment of certain diseases.

Most doctors are inclined to think that, if necessary, douching can be done by all women who suffer from unpleasant discharge, itching, burning and other symptoms of diseases that, for certain reasons, at the moment Medicines cannot cure it. The same applies to the treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous girls and during pregnancy.

However, douching should be carried out strictly according to the rules.

Treatment of erosion with douching during pregnancy

To treat erosion, pregnant women can use the same decoctions of calendula, chamomile, and oak bark. When treating the disease, the following points should be kept in mind:

1. The duration of the course of treatment with douching should not exceed five days.

2. For douching, you should use a bulb with a soft rubber or silicone tip.

3. Before each procedure, the pear must be sterilized by dousing it with boiling water.

4. The temperature of the liquid for douching should be comfortable.

5. Pour in the liquid carefully, in a small stream. The tip of the bulb should not penetrate too deeply.

If you follow all the rules and at the same time observe the dynamics of the disease with a doctor, even bleeding erosion can be kept under control throughout the entire prenatal period.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy does not pose a serious danger. If the disease causes any discomfort, you should definitely get rid of it. unpleasant symptoms Any of the recipes suggested above will help.

Cervical erosion (ectopia, ectropion) - quite insidious disease, discovered incidentally in women during a routine visit to the gynecologist or during examination during pregnancy. The danger lies in the fact that cervical erosion has the ability to be asymptomatic, without obvious discomfort. Erosion may not bother a woman for a long time and may not cause any inconvenience. However, sometimes some people experience some of the symptoms, and in order to pay attention to them in time, you need to know some aspects of the disease. And you should also not forget about timely visits to the gynecologist to monitor your health.

Many women experience cervical erosion during pregnancy. Most often, a pregnant woman learns about the presence of erosion during examination or ultrasound.


Cervical erosion has several types: congenital, untreatable and acquired. In the first case, a woman needs to monitor the course of the disease every six months in order to promptly prevent the development of cancer cells. In the second case, erosion is not a pathology and is successfully cured. The main thing is to detect it in time and consult a doctor for recommendations.


During pregnancy, a woman undergoes hormonal changes throughout her body. This creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of the disease. In the case of pregnancy, excessive blood flow occurs in the cervix; this fact during the examination may indicate inflammation. The infection must be eliminated because existing infection may adversely affect the membranes, causing the development of fetal abnormalities and contribute to miscarriage and fetal death.

Chronic inflammation, such as salpingo-oophoritis, adnexitis, endometritis, creates favorable conditions for the formation of cervical erosion.

In addition, ectopia could have occurred long before pregnancy, for example, when a woman took oral contraceptives for protection.

Childbirth, uterine injuries (abortions, miscarriages), early start intimate life, frequent change sexual partners, unprotected or rough sexual intercourse can also be an impetus for the appearance of ectopia.

But most often the cause is sexually transmitted infections. For example, herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, papillomavirus. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist for examination, identification of pathologies and their timely treatment.

Previously, it was believed that erosion occurs in women around forty years of age. But now there is a tendency for the disease to appear at any age. Now even nulliparous erosion cervix can be diagnosed. The reason is the most common problems in endocrine systems That is, simply put, a hormone imbalance. As a result of excessive cell division and growth of mucous membranes, erosion of the cervix results.


Symptoms of cervical erosion during pregnancy are mostly absent. Usually erosion does not cause discomfort and does not manifest itself in any way, but it happens that a woman is still bothered by:

  • Bleeding, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. You should immediately contact a gynecologist; the doctor will carefully and accurately determine the degree of threat to your health and the health of your child.
  • Intense discharge.
  • Feeling pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Disgusting odor from the vagina.


To prevent erosion, it is necessary to undergo an annual gynecological examination, without delaying it until any unpleasant symptoms or discomfort appear. Used when treating with medications hormonal drugs, the main component of which is the compound hyaluronic acid and zinc.

There are the following methods of influencing cervical erosion:

  • Laser. Modern, effective and less traumatic method. Using a laser, columnar epithelial cells are burned off the surface of the cervix.
  • Radio wave therapy. Due to the high cost of equipment and the need for qualified specialists in recent years not actively used
  • Current. Despite the “age”, this technique, as before, remains (more than 90%) effective. Using special electrodes, the doctor removes the surface of the pathological spot on the cervix. Scars remain, therefore, cervical erosion in nulliparous women cannot be treated with this method due to the risk of infertility.
  • Liquid nitrogen. Impact on the cervix during low temperatures carried out with nitrous oxide. Less traumatic and does not leave any scars.
  • Chemicals (Vulnostimulin, Vagotil, Solkovagin).
  • Suppositories.

When cervical erosion occurs during pregnancy, it is very important to diagnose it in a timely manner. In the absence of infections, the disease can be treated after the baby is born, but a series of regular laboratory research, carry out constant medical supervision, cytology and colposcopy. With significant form and pathological changes Treatment of cervical erosion during pregnancy is recommended to be carried out in the least radical and gentle way.

The most gentle and painless method of treating cervical erosion is the technology of acupressure - laser vaporization (cauterization). This treatment method stimulates the regeneration process, triggering cell repair, thereby reducing inflammation and removing altered erosive tissue. Laser treatment does not interfere with the normal course of labor, providing fast healing. During pregnancy, cauterization of cervical erosion is usually not performed. Doctors recommend waiting until childbirth, constantly observing and monitoring the course of the disease and the well-being of the pregnant woman. Most often, less radical tactics are used in the form of wound-healing ointments, anti-inflammatory medications, hemostatic and antifungal therapy. It is worth remembering that you should never self-medicate, use any medications or traditional methods may be dangerous without consulting your doctor.

Alternative Methods

As one of the alternative methods To restore the epithelium of the cervix, treatment with leeches and acupuncture can be used. But they were not widely used due to their unproven effectiveness.

Traditional medicine

Treatment folk remedies cervical erosion is applicable, but will not bring much effect. It consists of the following therapies, such as douching with a solution copper sulfate, the use of tampons with sea buckthorn oil, Levomekol ointment, water and alcohol solution propolis, herbal medicine in the form of douching with infusion of calendula, boron uterus, calamus root, chamomile. It is worth noting that none of the listed methods of treating cervical erosion with folk remedies provides any guarantee. And even more so, in case of serious pathologies, there is no need to waste time and hope for “maybe”.


According to statistics, cervical cancer is diagnosed in approximately six hundred thousand women a year, the cause of which is untreated cervical erosion. Changes in the cervix imperceptibly become precancerous in nature and after some time become a malignant pathology. Therefore, it is better to prevent the occurrence of any dangerous diseases, for this you need to visit a gynecologist once every six months for a routine examination.

Why is cervical erosion dangerous during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, due to reduced immunity and hormonal changes in the body, ectopia can lead to infectious inflammation. And when erosion itself during pregnancy is not dangerous and does not have any effect on the fetus, then an infection that occurs as a result of the disease can become critical. Due to negative impact may develop various pathologies, formation is disrupted internal organs, infection of the body, pregnancy loss and fetal death. Accordingly, the consequences of pregnancy with cervical erosion can be catastrophic for both mother and child.


During a routine gynecological examination, it is impossible even for professionals to identify the nature and extent of damage to the uterine mucosa by eye. Therefore, to stage correct diagnosis carry out a whole series comprehensive research:

  • Cytology.
  • Bac sowing.
  • Colposcopy.
  • Biopsy material.
  • Blood test for hormones.
  • Blood examination for sexually transmitted diseases (genital herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, papillomavirus, syphilis, HIV).

After the examination, the gynecologist will establish a final diagnosis, find out not only the cause of the formation of cervical erosion, but also prescribe effective treatment.


In order to prevent cervical erosion, you should increase your immunity, monitor the health of your sexual partner, and observe intimate hygiene, do not forget to visit a gynecologist for periodic examination and examination, and in some cases, vaccination.

In conclusion

It has long been known that it is advisable to cure all existing diseases during planning, before pregnancy. From the moment of conception, the hormonal picture of a woman’s body changes dramatically, immunity decreases and the risk of formation increases. various diseases. The placenta is temporary endocrine organ in the mother's body. The vaginal lining of the uterus does not remain unchanged. Throughout pregnancy, changes occur that should be monitored by gynecologists. Cervical erosion during pregnancy sometimes causes minor recurrent bleeding, the main thing is not to be afraid or panic. Continuous monitoring by a gynecologist will help avoid serious complications, the birth will be successful, so you must strictly adhere to all his prescriptions and recommendations.

Cervical erosion is often detected in women during examination for delayed menstruation and confirmation of pregnancy. Naturally, the most pressing questions become whether she will be able to give birth safely, whether the baby will be healthy, whether treatment is necessary and in what ways. Doctors usually advise getting examined while planning a pregnancy in order to avoid problems later. But even in the case when erosion is detected already during pregnancy, most often the situation is not dangerous. The need and methods of treatment are determined by the doctor.



Cervical erosion is an abnormal change in the structure of the mucous membrane (epithelium) of the cervix in its vaginal part. Distinguish true erosion And pseudo-erosion (ectopia). With true erosion, cracks appear on the vaginal part, into which the cells of the columnar epithelium lining the cervical canal enter and grow. With ectopia, no surface damage occurs. Redness and thickening of the tissue appears in the area of ​​​​contact between the internal columnar epithelium of the canal and the outer squamous epithelium of the cervix.

Changes appear both before pregnancy and during it. Pathology occurs as a result of diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems. There are other reasons for erosion:

  • hormonal shift;
  • natural weakening of the immune system;
  • sexually transmitted infectious diseases (chlamydia, herpes, trichomoniasis and others);
  • an increase in the size of the uterus and changes in the structure of the epithelium;
  • increase in body weight.

If the cervix was injured during a previous birth or abortion, this also contributes to the occurrence of erosion.

Is erosion dangerous during pregnancy?

After detection of pathology, a mandatory examination of the woman is carried out for the presence of infectious diseases and cancer. If no diseases are detected, then cervical erosion during pregnancy does not pose a danger, and its treatment is carried out after childbirth.

If, when erosion is detected, tests show the presence of infectious diseases, then the danger is as follows:

  1. Some infections present in the mother's body (human papillomavirus, gonorrhea, herpes, trichomoniasis, chlamydia) lead to impaired fetal development, the appearance of physical abnormalities and mental retardation in the unborn child.
  2. On early stages the infection causes endometrial damage and miscarriage.
  3. On later Complications during childbirth may occur (too early discharge of amniotic fluid, premature birth).
  4. Infection birth canal leads to infection of the fetus and the birth of a child with diseases such as conjunctivitis, otitis media, pneumonia.

If the erosion is advanced, there is severe dysplasia (epithelium cervical canal turned outward), the size of the affected area is large, there is a possibility of malignant degeneration, then erosion is treated without waiting for childbirth. During pregnancy, a small erosion of the cervix may increase in size. If so far she has not shown anything, then during this period the woman may experience profuse mucous yellow discharge, pain during sexual intercourse, bloody discharge, which are sometimes mistaken for menstruation.

Diagnosis of the disease

If erosion is detected in a pregnant woman during a visual gynecological examination, clarifying tests are done. A vaginal smear is examined to determine the presence of bacteria and viruses. A colposcopy is performed, an examination of the vagina and cervix through optical magnification of individual areas. This method allows you to distinguish erosion from cervical cancer.

If there is severe dysplasia, which often degenerates into malignant tumor, or suspicion of oncology, then a biopsy is taken by plucking out a piece of the affected tissue. It is examined under a microscope to determine the structure of the cells.

Addition: A biopsy during pregnancy is only used in very serious cases, as plucking the tissue can cause dangerous bleeding.

Video: Is it necessary to treat erosion during pregnancy?

Treatment method

The need for treatment of cervical erosion during pregnancy is determined individually based on the results of the examination. Treatment is carried out to prevent exacerbation of the disease.

In the presence of infections dangerous to the fetus, if a malignant degeneration of erosion is detected, the pregnancy is artificially terminated in the 1st trimester. If detected later, it is assessed possible risk for mother and child, a decision is made to continue the pregnancy or terminate it.

To treat pathologies caused by inflammatory and infectious diseases, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are prescribed. If a smear shows the absence of infectious diseases of the internal and external genital organs, then erosion does not pose a threat to the course of pregnancy, has no effect on the child, and does not affect the course of labor. Treatment is postponed and carried out 2 months after birth.

The gynecologist leading the pregnancy periodically examines the affected area and also takes a smear for infections. If a pregnant woman has at least mild dysplasia, then a repeat colposcopy is done every 3 months to monitor changes.

Cauterization of erosion during pregnancy is not done by any means. This can cause bleeding in the woman and death of the fetus. Sometimes, if itching bothers you, spotting, discomfort, the doctor prescribes suppositories with methyluracil (a wound healing agent) or sea buckthorn.

Note: Douching should not be done during pregnancy. This provokes a miscarriage. In addition, the site of erosion is easily injured, which leads to bleeding. During douching, you can introduce an infection into the vagina and disrupt the composition of the microflora.

Traditional medicine recommends using decoctions of chamomile, calendula, celandine, St. John's wort and yarrow for drinking, as well as honey, propolis, mumiyo, aloe, pumpkin pulp, for the treatment of cervical erosion during pregnancy. oak bark, sea ​​buckthorn oil for preparing tampons.

Using traditional methods, you must remember that components can cause allergies and other side effects. You should consult your doctor before using such products.

Video: Treatment of cervical erosion with sea buckthorn oil

Various sources of information about cervical erosion they give conflicting information: some are afraid that it will turn into cancer and insist on treatment, others claim that it will “resolve on its own” and nothing needs to be done. It is clear that such a discrepancy does not inspire optimism, but it did not arise by chance.

There are very clear reasons for such diametrically opposed opinions. They are connected with the term “erosion” itself. Let’s make a reservation right away: the term “erosion” can only be used initial stage examinations. Underneath it lies many (more than twenty) diseases with completely different treatment tactics. Having heard such a doctor’s verdict, it is important to understand only one thing: an examination is necessary until this term is replaced by others that reflect the true picture of the disease.

What is cervical erosion?

To better understand this issue, you first need to make small excursion into anatomy. The uterus has a cavity communicating with external environment through the cervical canal (cervical canal), the main functions of which are protection against infections and ensuring that sperm enter the uterine cavity precisely during the period of ovulation, i.e. when the egg is released from the ovary and conception becomes possible. The cervical canal is 3–4 cm long.
It opens with an external opening (throat) into the vagina, and an internal opening into the uterine cavity. Its inner layer (cylindrical epithelium) produces mucus. It is formed by just one row of cells tightly adjacent to each other and has a bright red color due to the close arrangement of blood vessels. On the vaginal side, the cervix is ​​covered with stratified squamous epithelium of a pale pink color. So, sometimes the junction of the columnar epithelium of the cervical canal and the multilayered epithelium is displaced, and it can be seen from the outside on the cervix. Under normal conditions gynecological examination“in the mirrors” the only thing the doctor can see is a red area around the opening of the cervical canal, which is perceived as a tissue defect or erosion (from the Latin “erosio” - corrosion, destruction). The area of ​​redness may be small or spread over the entire surface of the cervix.

What is hidden under “erosion”? True cervical erosion, i.e. mucosal injury is rare. Its appearance is associated with mechanical impact (for example, during extreme sexual intercourse). Without treatment, such damage can heal on its own within a month or develop into pseudo-erosion (see below). Some infections, such as herpes and trichomoniasis, can also cause true mucosal damage. During pregnancy planning true erosion requires additional examination for infections and observation until healing.

Congenital ectopia

The term " ectopia"(from the Greek ektopos - displaced) means the appearance of any tissues in atypical places. In the case of the cervix, the junction of the squamous and columnar epithelium shifts to the outer surface of the cervix. This condition can normally be observed in adolescence, during pregnancy, use hormonal contraceptives. Violations can contribute to the appearance of ectopia menstrual cycle due to hormonal problems.

Ectopia discovered by chance when scheduled inspection, does not bother the woman in any way and is not a precancerous condition. It can go away on its own or transform into pseudo-erosion. During pregnancy planning, no action needs to be taken, you just need to monitor her condition.

Ectropion is ectopia, resulting from trauma to the cervix during childbirth, abortion and various gynecological interventions. The term means turning inside out and reflects the mechanism of occurrence of this defect.
Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix. Various sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, myco- and ureaplasma, trichomonas, viruses (primarily papillomavirus and herpes), vaginal dysbiosis (colpitis, bacterial vaginosis and thrush) lead to the development of inflammation in the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, as a result of which it turns red, which can also look like erosion. When planning a pregnancy in such cases, you will definitely have to undergo treatment to get rid of the infection that caused cervicitis.


Pseudo-erosion- the most common condition. Since the vaginal cavity has a different environment than the cervical canal, the area of ​​ectopia is damaged and becomes inflamed when an infection occurs. In response to this effect, epithelial cells rapidly divide, trying to close the resulting wound surface. Actively dividing cells can turn into both columnar and squamous epithelial cells. The area of ​​such cell transformation is called the “transformation zone”. While it is active, there is an increased risk of the appearance of atypical cells, i.e. development of cervical cancer. But in 99.9% of cases, the transformation does not lead to the appearance of atypical changes and ends with the formation of multilayered squamous epithelium.

Therefore, uncomplicated pseudo-erosion, like ectopia, requires observation and treatment of associated gynecological diseases(infections, cycle disorders, etc.). Problems begin when proper transformation is disrupted by other factors, primarily the addition of the human papillomavirus (HPV). The insidiousness of human papillomavirus infection lies in the fact that it does not manifest itself in any way and the existence of the virus in the body can only be determined through tests. At the same time, it can cause dysplasia (atypical changes in the epithelium) and cancer of the cervix and rectum.

Based on this criterion, all HPVs are divided into types of low, medium and high oncogenic risk. HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 68 are high oncogenic risk varieties. Changes in the cervix, characteristic of the human papillomavirus, always alert the doctor, because women who have this virus for a long time have a 65 times greater risk of developing cervical cancer than those who do not have it. However, the presence of a virus in the body high risk does not mean that a woman will definitely get cancer. Additional factors must be present for cells to become malignant.

But the fact of detection of HPV of high oncogenic risk against the background of existing pseudo-erosion of the cervix is ​​a reason for active treatment before pregnancy. It could be like conservative therapy, and surgical removal of lesions. What the treatment will be is determined individually. Unfortunately, in very in rare cases Cervical cancer may be hidden under the mask of “erosion.” Therefore, a woman planning a pregnancy, regardless of the nature of the “erosion,” must be thoroughly examined before conception.

Cervical cancer can be aggressive while expecting a baby and often requires termination of pregnancy with removal of the uterus. If cancer is detected in a timely manner, early stage A 100% cure is possible with the use of technologies that make it possible in the future to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Diagnosis of cervical erosion

Any diseases of the cervix may not manifest themselves for a long time. In some cases, women complain of discharge, pain during sexual intercourse and slight spotting after it. If, when examining a woman on a gynecological chair, the doctor detects redness (spots) on the cervix, then the following examinations will need to be carried out:
  • Colposcopy is an examination of the vaginal part of the cervix using a special microscope - a “colposcope”, which allows you to identify the nature of the lesion in the cervix and, if necessary, take an analysis or biopsy. The procedure is carried out in the same way as a regular examination on a gynecological chair. A special speculum is placed in the vagina, and the doctor examines the cervix under a directed light mounted on a colposcope. The procedure does not take much time - it lasts only 10–20 minutes. There is no need for special preparation for colposcopy; before the procedure, you should abstain from sex and the use of vaginal devices for 1–2 days. medicines, tampons, douching. This study Do not do it during menstruation.
  • Cytological examination or PAP test. During a cytological examination, the structural features of the cells of the surface and canal of the cervix are studied under a microscope, as a result the cytologist makes a conclusion about the presence or absence of inflammation or atypical changes, i.e. dysplasia. A smear is taken for this test special tool– with a spatula or brush during examination on a gynecological chair or colposcopy.
  • Flora smear. Using this method, you can identify the inflammatory process (by the number of leukocytes), detect some types of infection (fungal, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis). If there are changes in the cervix, be sure to perform a test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - chlamydia, myco- and ureaplasma, herpes virus, HPV, for the detection of which you need special methods research. Tests for STIs are taken from the cervical and urethra. These infections must be treated, since any of them worsens the course of cervical diseases, can lead to infection of the fetus, as well as placental insufficiency and oxygen starvation fetus
  • A cervical biopsy is a procedure in which a small piece of tissue is removed from the cervix to be tested for dysplasia or cancer. Biopsy is considered minor surgery, therefore, before it is carried out it is necessary to pass general tests and a smear on the flora. And in order to reduce discomfort during the procedure, local anesthesia is first given before it.

Cervical erosion and pregnancy

Most often, with erosion, pregnancy proceeds normally and healthy children are born. However, there are still certain nuances:
Pregnancy aggravates the degree of dysplasia, worsening the course of the disease. Cervical erosion– a favorable background for the development of infection. The wound surface becomes infected, the aggressive environment that forms during inflammation can “melt” bottom part amniotic sac and lead to rupture of amniotic fluid, which means miscarriage or premature birth.
Cervical erosion is one of the causes of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in which the cervical canal opens slightly and can no longer perform its “obturator” function, keeping the fetus inside the uterus and preventing premature termination of pregnancy. During childbirth, the eroded cervix stretches less easily and ruptures more easily, which increases the likelihood of bleeding and stitches after childbirth.
For pregnant women with erosion, doctors often prescribe preventive treatment, preventing the exacerbation of the disease, while the choice of drugs, the use of which is possible during pregnancy, is very limited. If erosion is accompanied by inflammatory processes, antiviral drugs or antibiotics are prescribed.
It becomes clear that in order to avoid such problems during pregnancy, you need to be treated before conception.

Treatment of cervical erosion

There is an opinion that nulliparous girls and women cervical erosion cannot be treated. This is not entirely true. Treatment tactics, as we have already said, depend on the diagnosis hidden under the guise of “erosion”. In young nulliparous women, cervical ectopia and pseudo-erosion without inflammation really only require observation. Any inflammation of the cervix must be treated with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Dysplasia most often requires surgical removal or the use of special “destructive” methods – “cauterization”. Classic method- This is diathermocoagulation: an electric current that, in contact with tissue, leads to a burn. This method of treating erosion is still used, but if a woman is planning a pregnancy in the near future, it is not the best choice.

The fact is that due to deep damage to the tissue of the cervix and its deformation, problems with bearing the baby and during childbirth are possible in the future. Now there are many modern methods that do not lead to the appearance of rough scars that prevent the dilation of the cervix during childbirth.

This includes laser coagulation (removal using targeted laser beam low intensity), and cryodestruction (the erosion site is frozen with liquid nitrogen), and chemical coagulation (treatment of the cervix special drugs, which remove irregular epithelium). When performing these procedures squamous epithelium does not suffer and quickly covers the area of ​​erosion. The most gentle and modern method treatment - radio wave. The influencing factor is a radio wave. “Unnecessary” cells are not cauterized, but simply evaporate, so side effects are minimal. For severe, extensive lesions, removal of part of the cervix may be used. surgical method or by means of an electric or radio knife (conization). But after conization, pregnancy is often accompanied by the threat of termination, and childbirth is carried out by caesarean section. Having carried out timely treatment of cervical erosion At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, a woman has every chance to safely carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Sometimes, during the first examination by a gynecologist, when a woman just finds out that she is pregnant, the joyful phrase “You are pregnant” is overshadowed by other information about cervical erosion. Why does it appear during pregnancy and how to overcome it?

Cervical erosion is unevenness in the mucous layer that looks like redness on the walls of the cervix.

In most cases, erosion does not manifest itself as any sensation of discomfort, which is why it is diagnosed directly during a visit to the doctor, randomly. But if the disease occurs before pregnancy, that is, it is likely that it will worsen during pregnancy hormonal imbalance, which is typical when carrying a child. Then there may be following symptoms disorders of the uterine epithelium:

  • discharge after sexual intercourse in the form of ichor (not associated with menstrual flow);
  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • purulent or mucous discharge.

Discharge from erosion during pregnancy may portend a miscarriage or other genital tract disease that is accompanied by infection. In any case, you should consult your doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. If there is an infection, it can negatively affect your health and normal development fetus

Diagnosis of cervical erosion during pregnancy

First of all, cervical erosion during pregnancy is diagnosed clearly visible upon inspection using gynecological mirrors. But an examination by a gynecologist is half the way to an accurate diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis and the causes of the disease are established only after testing.

Basic analysis - for flora , which is done during any examination by a gynecologist, regardless of whether you are pregnant or not. If everything is normal in this analysis, but the doctor clearly saw a violation of the mucous membrane, then an experienced specialist will advise not to treat erosion before birth, and after the birth of the child an additional examination will be carried out, which will determine the extent of the damage and the method of treating erosion.

But, if the analysis reveals dysplasia, then an additional test is taken for the presence of the papilloma virus and a calposcopy is performed. Calposcopy – this is a slightly painful procedure, as well as an examination by a gynecologist only with the help of a medical “magnifying telescope”. The affected area is examined in an enlarged view to determine the danger from the oncological side of the disease. If calposcopy is negative, then treatment is again postponed until postpartum period.

They also conduct tests for the presence of various infections that can lead to inflammatory processes, due to which erosion bleeds during pregnancy.

If there is a suspicion of cancer, then you will be sent to biopsy . A biopsy during pregnancy is carried out only after the consent of the parents, who make the decision thoughtfully, since a pinch from the cervix can lead to bleeding during pregnancy.

Causes of erosion

The true causes of erosion during pregnancy can only be determined by tests. If infections are not detected, stress may be the cause. hormonal disorders, genital tract injuries.

The natural occurrence of cervical erosion during pregnancy in many women occurs as a result of a physiological increase in the diameter of the uterus. Doctors characterize such erosion as inversion of the cervix caused by a physiological reason.

The effect of cervical erosion on pregnancy

Experts believe that cervical erosion during pregnancy is not dangerous for the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy if, as a result of tests performed during an examination by a gynecologist, no pathological infections of the genital tract were detected.

Erosion is dangerous during pregnancy if infections have been detected (herpes, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, human papillomavirus), which can cause pathology of fetal development or even.


It was said above that if flora tests and calposcopy gave negative result, then treatment of erosion is postponed until the postpartum period. But the presence of erosion must be noted in the chart, so that the doctors who will deliver the baby will pay attention to this fact.

If the doctor believes that treatment is necessary, then treatment is carried out with the help of medications. drugs , which slow down the process of damage to the walls of the uterus. This treatment is carried out in the form lotions to places affected by erosion.

Cauterization erosion during pregnancy by any existing method is not carried out. If, as a result of tests, the cause was determined to be an infection, then after cauterization, the erosion may reopen along with bleeding, which can lead to a miscarriage.

Also with local treatment elimination is being carried out the real reason the occurrence of erosion. If the cause is eliminated, the erosion may disappear on its own, without drug intervention.

Pregnancy and childbirth after treatment of erosion

It is impossible not to treat erosion at all. The doctor may delay treating it until postpartum, as it sometimes goes away on its own during labor. But erosion can also progress (the affected area will increase) as a result birth injuries. Treatment of erosion is usually carried out after full recovery a woman's body after childbirth.

It is believed that nulliparous women Erosion cannot be treated with cauterization. The methods that were previously used to cauterize erosion resulted in not only recovery, but also the formation of scars.

The scars made it difficult to get pregnant, and during childbirth they did not allow the uterus to stretch normally, which caused pain. But today's technologies make it possible to become pregnant, carry a pregnancy and give birth after the procedure of cauterization of erosion.

There are several methods for cauterizing erosion. After each method there is a certain period of recovery of the body and a period of restriction of pregnancy planning. Thus, planning pregnancy after cervical erosion depends on the method of cauterization.

Cervical erosion: treatment

Several types of erosion treatment are practiced today:

  1. Cauterization electric shock. After this method of treatment, sexual rest is required for 4 weeks, and the period for complete recovery of the body is 7 weeks. Often, when serious damage uterine tissue, after such cauterization, C-section, but this is individual;
  2. Cauterization using a laser. Today, it is the most gentle method of treatment, which does not leave scars on the tissues of the uterus and makes it possible to give birth painlessly. Already a month after the procedure, you can plan a pregnancy;
  3. Treatment using liquid nitrogen. After such treatment, rapid pregnancy planning is not recommended;
  4. Radio wave cauterization ensures self-evaporation of unhealthy cells of the uterine mucosa. Full recovery occurs within 4 weeks, and the absence of scars makes it possible to quickly become pregnant and give birth safely;
  5. Impact chemicals over 5 sessions. This procedure is possible with a small area of ​​damage, but it does not guarantee complete healing, so there is a possibility of erosion occurring again during pregnancy.

Do not be afraid of the diagnosis of cervical erosion. If you want a baby, then cervical erosion is not an obstacle to planning a pregnancy if it is diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.