Products that inhibit the development of cancer cells. How and with what to destroy cancer cells

Being diagnosed with cancer at any stage is a serious blow for patients. Even if a person has a chance of successful surgery, this news causes great stress, which in turn develops into anxiety disorder or depression. Sometimes patients feel that they have too little time to complete everything necessary procedures, increasing the chances of survival.

Fortunately, scientists have found additional measures that can be allies in the fight against the spread of new cancer cells. Did you know that there are certain foods that help stop the growth of cancer? Let's talk about them in more detail.


This seasonal berry is a favorite treat for many people. In addition to its incomparable taste and aroma, strawberries have health benefits due to powerful antioxidants and flavonoids. These natural compounds have beneficial effects on your skin and can also stop the growth of cancer cells in the breast, bladder and lungs. Even a small amount of berries can cause apoptosis - a phenomenon in which an unwanted cell breaks down into individual apoptotic bodies.

Doctors advise patients to get the most out of their diet by eating one cup of strawberries on a daily basis. Here's what nutritionist Nigel Denby says: “Strawberries have good reason to claim the title of queen of anti-inflammatory processes. This product protects your heart and has anti-cancer properties" There is no doubt that your favorite delicacy should be on your table not only in the summer.

Heat-treated tomatoes

You may love the taste of fresh tomatoes, but the most... best choice tomatoes that have been subjected to heat treatment. Especially if we're talking about about the fight against cancer prostate gland. The secret to the success of any colorful vegetable is the carotenoid pigment lycopene, but tomatoes contain the highest concentration of the compound. Lycopene slows down the growth of cancer cells in the body and also increases the effectiveness of other treatments. And if you have a choice - eat a salad of fresh tomatoes or make the sauce at home, choose the second option. The photochemical lycopene is one of the best compounds on your plate.

Bok choy

Bok choy is a type of Chinese cabbage and contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients. But in the context of today's topic we are interested in chemical compound called brassinin. This substance has been well studied by scientists and has long earned a reputation as a powerful ally in the fight against the growth of cancer cells. Brassinin is also found in other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, but in smaller quantities. Doctors are confident that bok choy is the most effective cabbage in preventing the growth of breast cancer and advise patients to plan their meals so that their plate contains a 100-gram portion of the finished product three times a week.


Like most ocean fish, flounder contains beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, which are well known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Monounsaturated fats prevent cardiovascular diseases, reducing general level cholesterol in the blood. However, the benefits of useful fatty acids multifaceted and extends to the fight against malignant formations. Diversify your diet by introducing into your diet not only the now popular shrimp, but also salmon, haddock and sardines.

According to Doctor of Medical Sciences Mehmet Oz, flounder copes best with the spread of cancer cell formation in organs digestive tract. This product has been shown to increase life expectancy in a group of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Also fatty fish enhances the effectiveness of standard anticancer drugs medical procedures. To achieve best results Our expert advises eating a 200g piece of fish at least once a week.


Artichokes are not popular on our tables, and for good reason. These original flowering plants are full of anti-cancer antioxidants that scavenge free radicals, induce apoptosis and slow the growth of cancer cells. The product is most effective in the fight against prostate cancer and breast cancer. Artichokes can also be used in the diet of patients with leukemia.

Here's what Breast Cancer Foundation co-founder Don Bradford Lange says: "When you regularly consume antioxidant-rich foods like artichoke fruits and leaves, you're providing your body with all the anti-aging benefits and protection against degenerative diseases." For maximum effect, the expert recommends eating a quarter cup medicinal plant per day.

Cancer is quite serious and serious illness and, despite cutting-edge technologies And medicines, practically untreatable. Anyone can get cancer. Therefore, to prevent the development of this malignant pathology, it is necessary to take a closer look at the products indicated for this disease.

It is better to include anti-cancer foods that will help prevent it in your diet and consume them every day. Since thanks to precisely these necessary and useful products You can feel like an absolutely healthy and energetic person for many years.

Eating right means being healthy

“We do not live to eat, but we eat to live.”


Food modern man far from ideal. After all, its menu often consists of semi-finished products, literally stuffed with carcinogens and dyes. Also, daily meals are loaded with sugar, a large number baked goods and smoked sausage with sausages.

Such nutrition has the most negative impact on human health and well-being. And if we add stress and insufficiently good ecology to this big cities, it becomes clear why doctors in lately More and more people are being diagnosed with cancer.

Anti-cancer products are ordinary and simple food components endowed with the ability to primarily stop the proliferation of cancer cells with the ability to strengthen the immune system and increase the overall tone of the body.

Important! According to experts, cancer prevention products should be served daily in the following ratio: 2/3 plant ingredients and 1/3 protein ingredients should be placed on plates.

Antioxidant foods and their role in the fight against cancer

Antioxidants are oxidation inhibitors, as well as substances of both synthetic and natural origin. It is better to replenish the body with antioxidants - cell protectors - during the process of absorption of food.

Thanks to research using a number of food components, scientists have drawn conclusions about the content huge number antioxidants that help fight cancer in the following product names:

  • In beans, any kind;
  • In wild and garden currants;
  • In cranberries;
  • In raspberries, strawberries, and other red berries;
  • In apples, cherries and plums;
  • In nuts and dried fruits;
  • In tomatoes;
  • In green tea.

Many anti-cancer products contain generally recognized antioxidants in the form of vitamins A and E, provitamin A, lycopene, flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins, which are recommended for inclusion in daily diet humans for the treatment and prevention of the described disease. For example, it is a well-known fact that there is vitamin C in lemons, oranges and acai berries, vitamin E in sprouts and provitamin A in carrots.

The need for selenium when diagnosed with cancer

Selenium is a valuable trace element necessary for normal life. human body. Selenium deficiency leads to poor digestibility on cellular level iodine and vitamin “E”, which entails the development of pathologies thyroid gland, liver, along with decreased immunity and anemia. Selenium also plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

Being a powerful antioxidant, Selenium helps strengthen the immune system and heal cancer diseases prostate gland in males and mammary glands in females.

The list of anti-cancer products saturated with selenium consists of:

  • From liver, eggs, rock salt;
  • Seafood (herring is rich in selenium);
  • From exotic seafood - crabs, shrimps, lobsters;
  • From wheat bran, corn, seeds, nuts, and brewer's yeast;
  • And also from tomatoes, mushrooms and garlic.

The above products included in the diet are guaranteed to help provide a person with high-quality cancer prevention.

List of the best products that help treat cancer

The most valuable products helping to prevent the development oncological diseases in humans are:

  • Representatives of the cabbage family , these are vegetables in the form of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc. Indoles included in these vegetables are involved in the formation of antioxidants, contribute to the deactivation of excess estrogens, which provoke cancer, especially breast cancer in women. It is more advisable to eat the described products raw or by steaming;
  • Soy products . Beans and any others food ingredients from soy help prevent the division of cancer cells. Such products are saturated with isoflavones and phytoestrogens - substances with antitumor effects. Besides soy components provide assistance in healing the body after radiation and chemotherapy procedures;
  • Onions and garlic . The vegetables described have a detoxifying effect, the ability to cleanse the body of toxins. Garlic, by activating white blood cells, triggers processes to destroy cancer cells. Therefore, when consuming garlic, the likelihood of developing cancer in humans is noticeably reduced. The effect of onion is similar to garlic, but to a slightly lesser extent.
  • Nuts. Almonds contain a natural substance in the form of leatril, which suppresses the development of cancer. Apricot pits and the seeds they contain have been around since the time Ancient Greece were used as a means of capable prevent Cancer. Nowadays, the relevance of this remedy has been proven, and the product is indicated for use.
  • Seeds . Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are of great value in the treatment of cancer and their prevention. The lignanans they contain (substances that imitate estrogen hormones in their action) have been found to remove excess estrogen from the human body and thereby prevent the formation of cancer cells.
  • Tomatoes. Tomatoes, saturated with the most powerful antioxidant in the form of lycopene, which has antitumor properties, are indicated for daily consumption as a preventative against cancer.
  • Fish and eggs being the main sources of omega-3 fatty acids prevent the formation and division of cancer cells and prolong a person’s life;
  • Seasoning Turmeric – has anti-cancer properties, most often it is used in the treatment of oncological diseases of the intestine and bladder. By reducing the amount of enzymes, turmeric prevents inflammatory processes and the development of cancer.
  • Tea of any kind has cancer-preventing properties. This drink, rich in antioxidants, saturates the human body with energy and prevents the division of cancer cells.

Foods that promote cancer

In order to prevent cancer or stop this disease, a person first of all needs to refrain from consuming smoked ingredients, meat with a high percentage of fat, fried foods, alcoholic drinks, and food filled with nitrates.

The foods described above have a negative impact on the body and lead to inflammation and cancer.

List of foods that cause cancer:

  • Refined sugar;
  • Premium flour;
  • Sugar substitutes;
  • Vegetables and fruits saturated with pesticides;
  • Refined oils;
  • Salted, pickled and smoked food ingredients;
  • GMO products;
  • Sweet sodas.

And in conclusion, we can say that anti-cancer products indicated for consumption are mainly due to plant origin. It is these food components that are saturated with vitamins, acids and minerals. The second place is occupied by seafood and fish, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Therefore, it would be more advisable to use these beneficial and significant products against cancer than more expensive and harmful food components in the form smoked sausages, sausage, white bread etc.

Unfortunately, a little over 2 years ago, trouble came to our family. My grandfather fell ill with cancer. I won’t go into details of the treatment, surgeries and experiences, but the cancer was defeated. Grandfather was very lucky that, despite his 70 years, his body showed adequate resistance to the disease. And oncology was diagnosed at one of the early stages.

After my grandfather recovered, I decided to undergo an examination, since no one canceled heredity. Tests did not confirm the presence of cancer cells. However, I can’t shake the feeling that something needs to be done, something needs to be done about prevention.

I came across an interesting article about healthy eating and certain products, which are able to fight cancer cells. There was even information that these products help with already diagnosed cancer. I'm a skeptic. I believe that if you have oncology, you cannot self-medicate. Such nutrition will not cure, but will well support the body in the fight for life without cancer.

Let's move on to these “magic” products.

1. Beetroot

Scientists have conducted studies that have shown that beets contain large amounts of anthocyanins (red pigments), which help fight tumors. Moreover, there are 8 times more of these pigments than in any other plant.

In addition, beets contain:

  • magnesium – also helps in the fight against cancer cells;
  • antioxidants – normalize the pH of the blood;
  • vitamin C – supports immune system;
  • betaine – improves liver function;
  • natural antiseptics – help fight infection;
  • Carbohydrates – maintain energy in the body.

However, not every beet is suitable for the role of a healer. Root vegetables with white veins are not suitable, they contain large number neutrates. The best are the red varieties with an oblong shape. The vegetable should be eaten raw.

2. Fish

It is a rich source of omega-3 acids and vitamin D. They strengthen the immune system and help in the fight against cancer. Flounder contains the most omega-3. It is advised to eat 150g of seafood per day.

3. Cruciferous

These include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, etc. These vegetables have long earned a reputation for fighting cancer. They contain indoles, which stimulate the formation powerful antioxidant– glutathione peroxidase.

Scientists believe that indoles break down excess estrogens, which often cause cancer, especially breast tumors. For maximum benefit They are recommended to be consumed raw or after steaming.

I myself have encountered the benefits of indole. It was discovered that I had elevated estrogen, and some health problems were associated with this. The doctor prescribed tablets containing indole. After reading information on the Internet, I realized that indole can be obtained naturally. I started eating more steamed broccoli. A month later, the tests improved. Of course, I didn't limit myself to just broccoli. The amount of coffee was reduced, alcohol and a number of other products containing estrogen were excluded.

4. Sesame and flaxseed

Lignans (phytoestrogens) are also found in pumpkin and sunflower seeds, soybeans, miso, tofu.

5. Tomatoes

6. Onions and garlic

Onions contain quercetin, which prevents cell mutation. Very effective for malignant neoplasms breast, prostate and ovaries.

Garlic is good source selenium, which protects the esophagus, oropharynx, stomach, colon, skin and mammary glands from carcinogens.

7. Seasoning

Turmeric is a bright yellow spice from a tuber of a plant in the ginger family. Who would have thought that the well-known turmeric has anti-cancer properties, especially useful in the treatment of tumors of the bladder and intestines. It acts in such a way that it reduces the production of enzymes in the body that are associated with inflammatory processes.

8. Tea

Personally, I'm talking about healing properties I have known green tea for a long time. Its main advantage is that it contains a large amount of antioxidants (catechins), which can also prevent the division of cancer cells. But it turns out that black tea also has these properties, although to a lesser extent than green tea.

Scientists have proven that green tea leaves contain up to 40% polyphenols (catechins). In fact, for this reason, it is recommended to drink it to prevent the occurrence of cancer of the intestines, lungs, stomach, pancreas and liver.

9. Almond

These nuts contain leatryl (B17), a natural substance that contains benzene hydride, glucose and cyanide. Cyanide is a poison, but in the dose it is contained in a vitamin molecule, it is not harmful to humans. On the contrary, it actively fights malignant cells. It is enough to eat 10 nuts a day.

10. Bran

Their main effect is to stop carcinogens entering the body. This happens due to the content of vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium. The fiber included in the composition helps to quickly and thoroughly remove waste and toxins from the body. Bran is especially effective for intestinal tumors.

You should eat 2-3 tablespoons of this product per day. It makes no difference how you use it. I like to mix the bran with yogurt, it makes it easier to eat.

11. Carrots and pumpkin

I don’t really like carrots themselves, but it turns out that you can make delicious fresh fruit and vegetable salads using them.

Of course, it is not realistic to eat only this list of products. However, it is very beneficial to include them in your daily diet, avoiding junk food. Then you will not only protect yourself as much as possible from cancer, but also live a long, energetic life.

In oncological practice, an important component of successful prevention and treatment is proper nutrition.

Newest medical research confirm the anti-cancer power of certain foods. The secret lies in the content of special chemical compositions, which remove, neutralize carcinogens or reduce their harmful effects.

The top ten anti-cancer products include absolute record holders. They should be present in the diet of everyone who cares about their health.


This tropical fruit eastern origin attracted the attention of scientists high concentrations plant antioxidants. Mangosteen also contains 12 key vitamins, including those with antioxidant activity: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E. They neutralize the action of free radicals that can cause pathological changes genetic apparatus and, as a result, cancer.


The value of grapefruit in the fight against cancer lies not only in loading doses vitamin C, but also in the presence of lycopene. And although the concentration of lycopene in the juicy pulp of grapefruit is slightly lower than in tomatoes, this citrus representative is of keen interest to oncologists from all over the world. Red grapefruit contains maximum quantity anti-cancer agents, while a white man cannot boast of this.


Broccoli has revealed another biochemical mystery to scientists called sulforaphane. This unique substance Broccoli resists the development of ulcers and stomach cancer. This cabbage is also useful for smokers - it helps remove pathogens from the lungs, promotes the natural process of expectoration and, to to a certain extent, is prophylactic from cancer.


Wine is widely known to have certain anti-cancer properties. But this does not mean that this particular drink should be used to combat serious illnesses. The lion's share of its beneficial properties is obtained from fresh grapes, which contain many bioflavonoids - strong antioxidants that protect the body from various kinds tumors. Dark (red and black) varieties contain more substances that are effective for the prevention and treatment of stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, and breast cancer.

Concord grapes are especially good. Scientists advise eating it with the skin and grape seeds– they contain the most resveratrol, which protects against cancer. Resveratrol is also present in concentrated grape juice and dry red wine.

Red beets

Beetroot rightfully takes its place among the most effective products from cancer. This is the main vegetable in the fight against malignant tumors. The content of anthocyanin pigments in beets is 8 times higher than their content in any other vegetable. Anthocyanins are known cancer opponents. In addition to them, the root vegetable can provide the body with a set of antioxidants (including vitamin C and betaine), which normalize blood pH, regulate liver function, and support the immune system. The healthiest beets are a deep red color without white or yellowish streaks in the pulp. It's also high in magnesium, which helps kill cancer cells.


The key substance with anti-cancer activity in fresh watercress is phenethyl isothiocyanate. It prevents damage from free radicals and the transformation of a healthy cell into a cancerous one. Regular consumption of watercress has a positive effect on the blood, gives it tumor-blocking properties, and increases immune protection body.


High-quality chocolate should consist of at least 65% cocoa beans, because they are rich in protective antioxidants. For the prevention of cancer, chocolate, especially bitter chocolate, is an excellent product, but as the disease develops, excess sweets in the diet will feed the tumor, promoting its growth.

Olive oil

Scientists today have a genuine interest in the food traditions of the Mediterranean people. It turned out that local women are less likely to get breast cancer. The secret lies in oleic acid from olive oil. He is loved and appreciated by the Spaniards, Italians and Greeks. Therefore, the Mediterranean diet is another way to protect yourself from deadly cancer.

Bran bread

Bakery products containing dietary fiber are a reliable companion in the fight against carcinogens (pesticides, waste chemical industry, radionuclides, etc.). Once in the intestines, plant fiber binds and removes from the body harmful substances, causing cancer. Timely cleansing of the body using natural dietary fiber- the key to a long healthy life.


For a long time, the beneficial pineapple attracted the attention of doctors solely as dietary product. It turns out that biologically active substances (bromelain and enzymes), which stimulate intestinal activity, speed up metabolism and promote weight loss, also have anti-cancer properties, cleanse the blood and strengthen the immune system.


Numerous studies have shown healing power juices Juices made from wheat germ, celery, parsley, and pepper have produced excellent results when used by cancer patients. Fresh juices replenish the body biologically active substances, which increase human immune responses, which is especially important in the treatment of cancer.

If you include juices in your diet medicinal plants, you can cleanse the liver and kidneys of poisons during chemotherapy treatment, cellular waste, radionuclides from radiation therapy.

Plant juices eliminate vitamin and mineral imbalances that occur in a sick body; they are strong antioxidants and have a significant antitumor effect. Under the influence of juices functions digestive system recover much faster. Plant juices play important role in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Treatment of the brain and liver according to N. Walker

Juices according to the recipes below are taken in a total amount of 0.5 liters per day (for three weeks or more) every 1–2 hours.


2. Carrots – 226.4 g, celery – 141.5 g, parsley – 56.6 g.


4. Carrots – 226.4 g, spinach – 113.2 g, watercress – 56.6 g.

Treatment of lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease)

1. Carrots – 311.3 g, beets – 84.9 g, coconut – 56.6 g.

2. Carrots – 198.1 g, apples – 169.8 g, beets – 84.9 g.

3. Carrots – 283 g, spinach – 169.8 g.

4. Carrots – 254.7 g, dandelion – 84.9 g, lettuce – 113.2 g.

Treatment of leukemia

1. Carrots – 500 g.

2. Carrots – 311.3 g, dandelion – 84.9 g, turnips – 56.6 g.

3. Carrots – 254.7 g, lettuce – 113.2 g, alfalfa – 84.9 g.

4. Carrots – 367.9 g, beets – 84.9 g.

Cancer of unknown etiology

1. Carrots – 500 g.

2. Carrots – 283 g, spinach – 169.8 g.


1. Carrots – 283 g, beets – 84.9 g, cucumber – 84.9 g.

2. Carrots – 500 g.

3. Carrots – 283 g, spinach – 169 g.

Experts offer the whole complex treatment with juices in combination with other nutritious liquids.

Tumors of the stomach and tonsils

50 ml beet juice, 100 ml low-fat kefir, 5 ml lemon juice.

Mix and drink a glass in the morning and evening for 1 month.

50 ml beet juice, 50 ml carrot juice, 100 ml low-fat milk, 1 tsp. spoon of honey.

Mix and drink in the morning and evening for 10–12 days.

50 ml orange juice, 50 ml peach juice, 50 ml lemon juice, 50 ml mineral water.

Drink ½ glass 3 times a day after meals for a month during chemotherapy. The course is repeated 3 times a year.

It is believed that it is very good to drink 1 glass vegetable juice 30 minutes before meals to activate the function gastrointestinal tract, and thanks to this food is well absorbed.

IN medicinal purposes It is permissible for an adult to drink 1.5–2 liters of fresh carrot or beetroot-carrot juice per day. Beetroot juice should not be consumed separately, as it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and may cause painful sensations in the throat. It is better to dilute beet juice with carrot juice in a ratio of 1:3.

Products with anti-cancer effects

Apple. Apples help remove toxic substances from the body and stimulate hematopoiesis. During the treatment period, it is imperative to include apples with a total weight of at least 100–150 g in the diet. Medicinal properties Not all varieties of apples have it. Medicinal varieties include, for example, Antonovka and Simirenko. The pectin contained in apples helps remove toxic elements from the body, improves metabolism, and removes excess cholesterol and radionuclides. Studies have shown a direct link between apple consumption and progress in treating the disease, with different stages. The flavonoid quercetin found in apples prevents prostate tumors. The skin of apples contains phytochemicals that suppress the development of mutated cells by almost 50%. The chance of getting sick is almost halved lung cancer for those who regularly consume apples.

Apple soup. 500 g apples, 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina, 20 g of sugar, a sprig of lemon balm.

Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into pieces. Add a sprig of lemon balm to the resulting mass and cook in water for 10 minutes after boiling. The finished compote soup is then combined with semolina, sugar is added (you can do it without sugar). You can add red wine to the soup - 20 g.

Beet. Beets have powerful anti-oncological properties. It regulates metabolism, improves the blood formula, stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and has general strengthening properties. Long, dark-colored beets are most suitable. Beets with white veins are not suitable. When cooking beets, cut off the top by almost a third, as the tops accumulate toxic substances from soil and fertilizers. The peel should be peeled to a thickness of up to 3 mm.

You can drink up to 600 ml per day beet juice. You need to accustom yourself to taking it gradually, introducing juice into your diet gradually in small portions (starting with two tablespoons). If there is damage to the digestive system, steam the beets. The juice is drunk five times a day. After the juice is squeezed out, it is allowed to stand open for two to three hours (otherwise vascular spasm may occur due to certain substances contained in beets).

Grated beet salads (raw and boiled), fresh juice Beetroot is recommended to be taken as an addition to the main therapeutic medicinal methods in the treatment of cancer. It is necessary to include beets in the diet if the tumor is localized in the stomach, lungs, bladder, or rectum.

A. Ferenc (Germany) wrote the book “Red beets as an additional therapy in patients with malignant tumors,” in which he described cases of healing from cancer of the rectum, stomach, lungs, bladder and others thanks to the use of beet juice and beet salads. According to A. Ferenc, after just two to four weeks, many patients felt better, their blood composition improved, their weight began to increase, the malignant tumor decreased, and in some cases even disappeared.

The main effect is exerted by anthocyanins, which suppress putrefactive microflora in the intestines and increase the effect of vitamin C. Red beet anthocyanins function many times more intensely than this substance in other plants. Boiled beets and boiled beet juice do not provide a very large antitumor effect. When choosing beets, you need to pay attention to elongated, dark, eyeless beets with a size of no more than 10 cm in diameter. If the functions of the digestive tract are impaired, beets should not be consumed raw. In order not to cause hostility to beet juice, since beet therapy must continue long time, it is mixed with cereal, yogurt, etc. It is better to drink the juice 20 minutes before meals in small sips, keeping it in your mouth for a long time. Don’t forget to let the juice sit for several hours (you can put it in the refrigerator). In addition to juice, beets are taken as a boiled side dish, in borscht and salads.

You can also drink a mixture (1:1) of beet juice and vegetable oil half an hour before meals. Drink in courses of 7 days with breaks also of 7 days.

Carrot. N.I. Pirogov wrote about “the miraculous effect of freshly scraped carrots on cancerous ulcers.” Carrot juice has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect, and promotes tissue restoration. The best variety is punisher. The tops of the carrots are removed when juicing. For stomach cancer, drink one or two glasses of juice per day. You can drink carrot juice with the addition of celery, spinach, cabbage, beets. Boiled carrots not as effective as fresh. In addition to juice, carrots can be used for salads, preparing second and first courses. 200 g of carrots, subject to daily consumption, prevent malignant tumors on the skin, pancreas and mammary gland, lungs, cervix, prostate, and large intestine.

Potato. Potatoes, in addition to other vital and useful elements contains copper and nickel, which, according to research, prevents and stops growth malignant tumors, and the group of B vitamins present in this product helps remove poisons from the body. Potassium restores the potassium-sodium balance in the body. As antitumor agent Potatoes are taken in the form of grated gruel: three tablespoons every day for one month. This will reduce the rate of tumor growth and improve immunity. Potato juice, which is taken ½ glass twice a day half an hour before meals in the morning and before bed, is a good prevention of the development of malignant diseases. If the potato is obviously clean, has not been sprayed with poisons and is not fertilized with chemicals, then juice can be made from its peel, which has been thoroughly washed beforehand. Usually they take the juice for 10 days in a row, then take a break, and after another 10 days they resume taking the juice. It is good to introduce a mixture of potato and carrot juice into your diet in a 1:1 ratio and take it on an empty stomach, ½ glass in the same course as potato juice. In order to save beneficial properties potatoes, they are baked or boiled in their skins.

Olive oil. Olive oil contains a component - oleic acid, which blocks certain oncogenes (especially oncogenes that cause breast tumors), - scientists came to this conclusion after research (in particular, research was carried out at Northwestern University in Chicago at the Faculty of Medicine). Oleic acid in olive oil also increases the effectiveness of medications that patients take due to the disease. Olive oil is used as a salad dressing and has proven itself excellent in Mediterranean diet, it can be used for sautéing vegetables and seasoning soups. Daily dose– up to 50 g.

Garlic and onion. The Austrian healer Rudolf Breuss said in his book “The Complete Course of Cancer Treatment”: “Cancer, leukemia and other diseases considered incurable can be treated natural means" He offered to cook and eat onion soup. Researchers have identified a large number of antioxidants in onions that affect tumor development. The content of the substance quercetin, which persists even after heat treatment, prevents cells from mutating. Effective against malignant neoplasms in the ovaries, mammary and prostate glands.

Onion soup (for several servings). 700 g onions, 30 g vegetable oil, 2 cloves of garlic, 100 g white wine, 150 g cheese, 1 liter of water or vegetable broth, 6 pieces of white bread.

Poured into a saucepan vegetable oil, heat up. Peel the onion, cut into rings, place in heated oil and simmer in it for 20 minutes over low heat, then add chopped garlic and simmer together for 1 minute. After this, add water or vegetable broth to the pan, lightly salt it, pour wine, cover and cook for 1 hour over low heat. Served with breadcrumbs, which were previously baked with cheese in the oven.

Garlic contains allicin, as well as sulfonic acids, which have a strong anti-cancer effect. Therefore it is necessary to enter into daily meals onions and garlic in the most variety of dishes: from salads to soups. These products are especially useful in their raw form: 1 clove of garlic 3 times a day, 10 g of onion 3 times a day with meals - the daily dose for healthy eating. Garlic will protect the stomach, skin, pharynx, esophagus, colon, and mammary glands from carcinogens.

Walnuts. Walnuts contain flavonoids, which have a strong anti-oncological effect and can not only prevent cancer, but also stop the growth of an existing tumor. In addition, walnuts are low in sodium, which helps maintain the mutated cell.

Salad with walnuts.½ celery root, 100 g walnuts(purified); for the sauce: ½ yolk, 1 / 3 glasses of olive oil, 50 g of cheese, 3 sprigs of parsley, ¼ lemon.

Boil celery root, chop it, add chopped or crushed walnuts. Prepare the sauce: grind the cheese and yolk, add olive oil and lemon juice. Refueling nut mixture sauce, sprinkle with parsley.

Horseradish, celery, radish. They contain substances - indoles and isothiocyanates, which inhibit carcinogenic effects on the body from the outside. Daily dose – 50 g.

Red wine. Its action extends to oncogenes of the kidneys and lungs. Rich in quercetin and is an anti-oncological product. Daily dose 50-100 g in several doses before or after meals.

Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel Thanks to omega-3 acids, vitamin D helps create anti-cancer immunity. Daily dose 150 g.

Prunes– can resist the appearance cancerous tumors and retardation of their growth in the early stages. Daily dose: 5-6 dried plums.

Broccoli and other types of cabbage have high amount substances that are converted in the human body into substances (isothiocyanates) that have very strong anti-cancer properties. Eating these foods dramatically reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of the lungs, breast, ovaries, rectum, bladder, etc. It is better if these foods are consumed raw or steamed. Daily requirement– 50 g.