Monastery collection of Father George, composition and properties. Anti-cancer herbal collection of Father George (Timashevsky Monastery in Kuban)

Monastic collection of Father George is unique herbal tea, which includes sixteen herbs.

Be sure to adhere to correct scheme use, because only then will the product be able to give the desired result.

Why is it important to correctly accept the monastery collection of Father George?

The healing effect of tea is influenced by the correctness of its preparation and frequency of use. If you do not follow the proportions of herbs, you will get a completely different remedy, the use of which will not bring the desired effect.

If you drink tea less often than what is written in the instructions, then useful components, will accumulate very slowly, as a result of which treatment will be delayed for quite some time. long term.

Drink tea more often than prescribed quantities are also not recommended, since it will be eliminated from the body very quickly naturally. When using the product according to the instructions, you can completely avoid possible side effects.

Recipe and instructions for use

For self-cooking of the described collection, herbalists advise observing the proportions that have been verified over many years of practice.

What is required to prepare the collection at home

You should take 10 grams of chamomile, linden flowers, birch buds, dried flowers, motherwort, thyme, buckthorn bark, cudweed and yarrow.

Add 15 grams of wormwood, By 20 grams of bearberry, immortelle, string and rosehip And 35 grams of sage. All components are taken dry.

How to brew

For therapeutic effect collection, it is important to brew it correctly. It's best to take a small one ceramic teapot, but you can also use a simple cup.

The selection of such dishes is explained by the fact that for the safety of everyone useful substances, present in the herbal collection, there must be access to oxygen during brewing.

Having selected the dishes, you can proceed to the brewing procedure:

  1. Grind the collection: required 1 tablespoon herbs, therefore, they need to be broken by hand or crushed with a pestle.
  2. 1 tablespoon brewed in 500 milliliters already some cooled water(pouring boiling water is strictly prohibited).
  3. The tea is infused for 30 minutes During this period, the water will absorb all the beneficial components present in the herbs, and the taste will become more intense.

The drink brewed in this way is stored in the refrigerator. for two days. When taking it again cannot be heated, but you can add boiling water. If desired, the prepared collection can be stored in a thermos, then it will be hot all the time.

The second method is more complicated. They take 3 tablespoons herbs, poured two liters of water and bet on very low heat for two hours.

Excess water should evaporate during this time. After this, the solution is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

You can prepare the collection in the form of a tincture. For this they take part herbs and four parts vodka or alcohol, mix and infuse within a month in a dark place.

When can you drink

The collection brewed in the usual way is accepted 150 ml three to four times a day thirty minutes before meals.

The collection prepared in the second way, using evaporation, is drunk one tablespoon four times a day an hour before meals.

The tincture should be taken three to four times a day. She is being bred into teaspoon of water.

Attention! If the organ for treatment, which is used by the monastery collection, is placed above the waist, then it is recommended to drink tea after or during meals, if the organ is placed below the waist, then they drink tea before meals.

The collection is accepted throughout months, do 12 days break and repeat the course again. The treatment has a cumulative effect and positive results you can wait in a week.

Important! It is not recommended to take during the course other herbs and infusions, since it may be violated permissible dosage, which is not very beneficial for the body. If desired, add flavor to the tea by adding 1-2 spoons of sugar, you should avoid using lemon.


To prevent herbal tea from losing its medicinal qualities, it should be stored only under certain conditions.

Photo 1. It is best to store the collection in similar glass jars with a lid; herbs cannot be kept in a plastic bag.

The product is stored in a sealed bag until opened. Then the collection is poured into a glass jar with a lid and removed to a dark place. The product cannot be stored in the light, otherwise a musty smell will appear and the product will disappear. medicinal properties.

Optimal storage temperature - 15-20 degrees, shelf life - 2.5 months. Do not store herbs in a plastic bag.

In the conditions of a modern metropolis, the body is exposed to daily negative impact. Poor environment, constant stress and lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle life, lack of vitamins, decreased immunity and other factors can undermine health. The monastic collection of Father George per course can have a complex effect on the body therapeutic effect and solve all problems.

Causes of health problems

One of the main causes of many diseases is decreased immunity. Scientists say that immune system has not yet been fully studied. But only she is able to defend the body and support it normal functioning and ensure viability in any situation. Equally dangerous are metabolic and hormonal disorders. poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. They deal a direct blow to all internal organs and lead to malfunctions in their functioning. Constant stress, overwork, poor ecology, noise and light pollution can disrupt biological rhythms.

Unfortunately, most people neglect prevention and begin to take care of their health when necessary. serious treatment. Father George's herbal collection will help solve any problem.

The herbal collection consists of 16 medicinal herbs collected in ecologically clean areas of the Krasnodar region remote from civilization and dried by hand. The product is well known to local residents, its effectiveness has been tested in practice. The composition is perfectly balanced, the effect of taking it is cumulative and prolonged. After completing the course of treatment, there is no deterioration in health.

In terms of effectiveness, the collection is comparable to potent pharmaceutical drugs, but at the same time it combines all the benefits of herbal medicine and does not harm the body. Opens up many opportunities for self-treatment at home.

The collection has been known since the time Ancient Rus'. He appeared in monasteries on northern territories, with its help we successfully dealt with wide range ailments. The decoction quickly put people on their feet and alleviated the suffering of seriously ill patients. Then the recipe was lost, but in the second half of the 20th century it was restored by Archimandrite Georgy from the Holy Spiritual Timashevsky Monastery.

The monastic collection of 16 herbs is simple and completely safe way at minimum costs restore and improve the body within a few months without long-term and fraught with side effects drug treatment.

Therapeutic effect

The collection has a comprehensive and very gentle effect on the body, without causing harm to health. It works in stages, after the first dose there are no visible results. This is due to the fact that herbal medicines do not begin to work immediately after entering the body. First comes the process of accumulation of useful substances. Light improvements are noticeable after a few days of regular use in accordance with the instructions and with proper preparation. Positive dynamics in the treatment of diseases and significant improvement general condition appear after 2-3 weeks. First to react gastrointestinal tract and liver, the sleep necessary for speedy recovery. In general it all depends on individual characteristics the body and its condition at the time of the start of herbal treatment.

Father George's collection has an effect on the body positive influence in the following areas:

The monastic collection of 16 herbs can be used as an independent therapeutic agent, as part of complex drug treatment and for prevention. It does not reduce the effectiveness of classic medicines and does not interfere with their correct absorption.

What's included

The unique composition of Father George’s collection is the result of many years of work on selecting herbs and identifying optimal proportions. The composition is 100% natural, among the components only environmentally friendly medicinal herbs, collected and dried by hand.

The collection includes the following herbs:

Each component has a diverse effect on the body positive impact. Together, herbs enhance each other's effects and give a synergistic effect. More than one problem is treated; it has a profound effect on all systems of the body.

How to prepare and take

The recipe for preparing the collection is simple, but technology is required. Dried herbs require additional chopping with hands, a knife or scissors. There is no need to turn it into dust completely. 1 tablespoon of “leaf tea” is placed in a tightly closed container and 0.5 liters of boiling water is poured in ( daily norm). Herbalists recommend using holy water to enhance the effect. The collection should sit for at least half an hour. During this time, useful substances will pass into the water and begin to interact with each other.

It is possible to prepare the decoction in a water bath or in a thermos. The latter option uses water at a temperature of 85 degrees, and you need to leave it for about an hour. There is no point in preparing the collection in liters in advance, it quickly disappears, especially in the refrigerator.

It is better to take the decoction warm, this way the metabolism is activated and the absorption of nutrients is accelerated. There is no connection to meal times. Uncontrolled use instead of regular tea is prohibited, only in accordance with the instructions. The maximum duration of continuous use is 3 months, 3 times a day, then a break is needed from 14 days to 2 months. There is no point in preparing the collection yourself. It will not be possible to maintain the proportions; it is impossible to control the quality of the raw materials used.

Father George's brew tastes like ordinary herbal tea. A slight bitterness may be felt, so you can add honey, lemon or rosehip syrup; it is better to avoid sugar. A cup of decoction in the morning is much healthier than your usual coffee or tea. The body will quickly become toned, have more energy and good mood enough for the whole day.

Who is the fee suitable for?

The herbal collection is indicated for use in the presence of a variety of health problems, if quality prevention is needed in the autumn-winter period and the need to support the body.

A monastic collection of 16 herbs can help in the following cases:

  • diseases different systems body (digestive, cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system);
  • diseases of the pelvic organs in men and women, including infertility and sexual dysfunction;
  • overwork, stress, phobias, sleep disorders;
  • neurological diseases ( vegetative-vascular dystonia, headaches, migraines, etc.);
  • hormonal imbalances and metabolic disorders;
  • poisoning and intoxication;
  • decreased immunity, vitamin deficiency, anemia, exhaustion.


The herbal mixture has no obvious contraindications due to health or age. Pregnant and lactating women should use it with caution; children under 7 years of age should be given the infusion only after consultation with a pediatrician. Reception is strictly regulated by instructions; amateur activities are prohibited.

Possible individual intolerance components included in the composition. Before starting a course, it is recommended to do a simple test for possible allergic reaction. You need to drink a small amount of decoction and observe the condition of the body throughout the day. Subject to availability serious illnesses It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor, although a mandatory prescription is not required.

The collection took place on a large scale clinical studies. All patients confirmed it high efficiency and safety, some were completely cured of serious illnesses.

Doctor's review

Elena Valerievna Kubasova, therapist, 15 years of experience, city ​​clinic No178.

“Father George’s collection is not inferior to expensive advertised vitamin complexes And sedatives. It has a powerful complex therapeutic effect, the effect is cumulative and prolonged. Preventative treatment after course treatment It is enough to repeat once every six months. All my patients note improvement from regular use of the collection, the effectiveness of herbal medicine is confirmed. But the decoction should not cancel or replace the treatment prescribed by the doctor.”


The cost of collection cannot be low due to the unique recipe and natural, environmentally friendly ingredients. Now there is an opportunity to purchase the product at a discount. Within the framework of the promotion it is 50%. Cost for different countries next:

  • Russia - 990 rubles;
  • Belarus - 30 Belarusian rubles;
  • Moldova - 380 lei;
  • Ukraine - 350 hryvnia;
  • Kazakhstan - 5,600 tenge.

Where to buy

The collection is extremely popular, and cases of falsification have become more frequent. You can buy Father George’s collection on the official website, which is directly connected to the manufacturer. In this case, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product that benefits your health. The collection is not sold through pharmacies or in regular stores.

9 reviews about

    U this fee very rich composition. I used to collect and dry some herbs myself. Then in winter I brewed healing tea. But many herbs cannot be found now, but this collection already contains everything unique herbs and in a balanced dosage. I took it myself after a severe cold. Was severe cough. Thanks to this healing tea, the seagull recovered faster and was no longer sick in the winter.

    Many are familiar with the collection of Father George. Only before it was simply called “fee for five years.” At least in my surroundings. They prepared and drank. Next course You could drink it only after five years. I haven’t taken it for a long time, so I went to the Internet to find out the ingredients. And I came across a ready-made collection with a wonderful new name “Monastery Collection”. And inexpensive. I just want to add that a spoonful of honey is definitely needed here. It becomes healthier and tastier. And would you like to know more about repeating the course?

    My sister once took up the use of the Monastic Collection and boasted greatly about it, but turned a deaf ear to everything, until one day she fell ill. Then my sister began to give me this tea, and my condition immediately began to improve. You could say from the first appointment. I believed in this collection and began to use it myself. After that, I didn’t get sick even once for three years.

    I saw Father George’s collection from a colleague, asked, she explained what was what, so I ordered and have been drinking 2 cups a day, one during the day and the other before bed for the second month now. I have become more cheerful, energetic and I like this state. She also noted that her complexion had improved. In general, the collection will be in my diet for a long time; a cup or two a day certainly won’t do any harm.

    Since my teenage years, I have had one health problem after another, because everything in the body is connected. I’m very tired of this and the exhausting schedule of my life. I came across this tea by accident on the Internet. I brew in small portions in a thermos. Miracles did not happen, but I gained more strength. The sudden changes in health disappeared. I sleep better and feel less nervous. It seems to me that I have become less susceptible to colds and changes in weather.

    I’ve been sick for a long time, sometimes I feel like I can’t recover quickly from the flu. The last time the temperature was high was 38.5. I decided that it was time to take care of my immunity, so I bought pills and Father George’s Monastery Collection. I noticed that the result was already a week after I got sick. Before, I could have had two illnesses, but nothing helped. There are a lot of 16 herbs, so the tea turns out healthy and rich. Even with just one mug a day, I already felt that my health was improving. The fever quickly subsided, and by evening I was already on my feet. And the next day the temperature did not rise. I liked the taste of the tea.

    I have a positive attitude towards everything natural. The monastic collection replaced a number of medications for me during an exacerbation of gastritis. In addition, I set up work digestive system. Not only has it improved physical condition, but also emotional. The feeling of malaise and overwork disappeared. I became calmer. Performance is excellent. In the morning I wake up rested, this has not happened for a long time.

    I’m gradually trying to stop taking pills, trying to find salvation in herbs, in what kindly gave us mother nature. I do not take artificial immunomodulators. But in the fall it is so difficult to protect yourself from a cold. That I decided to try Father George’s Monastery Collection. It is completely natural, does not cause any harm, and is completely beneficial. The only thing that is not sold everywhere is difficult to get. If I feel like I’m starting to get sick or I’m frozen on the way home, then in the evening I make sure to brew myself a cup. In addition to the great taste, there is an effect. In the morning I wake up cheerful, the symptoms disappear. So I recommend it.

    About this herbal mixture a work colleague told me. I became interested because the gastrointestinal tract was working disgustingly, I had insomnia and some kind of anxiety. I started taking it a month ago. The drink tastes good, I didn’t encounter any side effects. After 10 days my intestines started working normally, I sleep well. Emotional state normal.

The monks took care of the health of the future generation of people, leaving old recipes monastery tea. Below you will see various reviews about the monastery tea of ​​Father George. The uniqueness of this drug lies in its naturalness and undeniable healing effect. Today, not only church ministers, but also everyone can be treated with this drink. After all, the monastery collection of Father George has healing properties, allowing you to get rid of many ailments.

The miraculous monastic medicine has a recipe that for a long time were not disclosed. She was known only to the monks. Value of this drink proven by time. Every priest who took tea constantly had good physical and mental form, wasn't sick. After all, in the monastery the workers had to work hard, and at the same time it was necessary to observe strict fasting with a very modest diet.

The composition of the monastery medicine consists of herbs growing near the monastery. These are environmentally friendly places. Collection of dried healing berries performed with careful hands. The drink is rich in biologically valuable active ingredients, vitamins, antioxidants and various microelements.

If we consider what tea consists of, it only contains healing herbs: motherwort, yarrow, chamomile, thyme, string, immortelle. And also sage, bearberry, nettle, rose hips. Swamp dried grass, birch, linden, wormwood and dried flowers. All these herbs have healing properties.

Chamomile and thyme have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antiseptic effects. This tea can be used to relieve inflammation, disinfect the inflamed area and heal wounds. For diaphoretic and diuretic action and stopping inflammatory process Birch and linden are used.

According to Hippocrates, the body begins to recover and rejuvenate itself when consuming rose hips and sage. For the treatment of any women's diseases, use a collection with motherwort, yarrow and succession. To cleanse the subtle spiritual and physical world, the ancient Slavs used wormwood. Bearberry with immortelle is used as a hemostatic and soothing composition. Antispasmodic properties are produced by dried flowers, dried flowers and buckthorn.

Father George's tea contains 16 herbs that produce soft psychostimulant effect, blood purification, increased immunity, improved memory. Raw materials collected for healing tea, stored and dried in the monastery according to all the rules. The tasty, fragrant medicine is illuminated by the icon. Each monastery makes tea according to its own recipe.

Beneficial properties of tea

The presence of polyphenols in the monastery tea helps to provide an antioxidant effect. Fat accumulation and cholesterol are eliminated, the blood is purified, the body stops aging, and an increase in vascular tone. The intestines are not inhabited by pathogenic flora. Due to polysaccharides, the body receives energy in the right quantity, the vascular walls are strengthened.

The astringent properties of tannins contained in tea help solve intestinal problems and produce a hemostatic and antihemorrhoidal effect.

The presence of amino acids in Father George's tea helps to enhance brain activity.

WITH essential oils It has an antispasmodic, regenerating, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effect.

Each leaf and blade of grass has its own healing powers. IN human body Natural mechanisms begin to work that “eat” the disease.

When a person has a chronic disease, he feels general fatigue, his activity decreases and the body is exhausted. It requires additional recharge.

With this Belarusian drug, you can perform maintenance therapy while taking serious drug treatment that suppresses the immune system.

Having a hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of a particular disease, you can adolescence start drinking the Belarusian drug as a preventative measure.

You should contact official resources to purchase this product. Beware of fake tea!

Only by visiting the official website of Father George’s tea can you count on a real healing tea. In addition, there are discounts and promotions on the official website.

Every year Father George’s collection undergoes tests and quality checks. It has all the necessary certificates that prove its safety and beneficial effect on the body.

The buyer who decides to start treatment with this healing drink, should not refuse the main treatment, as it is a kind of dietary supplement or a pleasant herbal drink.

You should not believe unscrupulous sellers who claim that the collection can be used for healing. complex diseases such as cancer or diabetes. The miraculous drink of Father George can be consumed as additional means, but not the main one.

It should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. None special contraindications No.

How to brew Father George's tea correctly

Due to unique composition Various ailments can be cured faster.

  1. pour one spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiled water;
  2. leave to infuse for half an hour;
  3. drink throughout the day, diluting with hot water.
  • You should not boil the herb in water.
  • The boiled water used should not be too hot.
  • According to some experts, to simmer the drink, you need to put it in a warm and dark place for one hour. After this, you can strain.
  • You can simmer the product in a stove, a warm oven, near a radiator. A thermos can also be used.
  • The infusion should not be heated; the composition is diluted with boiling water.

Narcologist-psychiatrist Nikolai Grechko expressed the following opinion about this product:

“It’s very difficult to look at many patients who are addicted to alcohol and because of which their friends and relatives turn away from them. And besides, they become sick. Their relatives have to code them or place them in a special clinic. When using the monastery collection during therapy, the body is more naturally cleansed of poisons. And also from medications that have already had their effect and are no longer needed in the body. In addition, there is an increase in immunity, improved memory, recovery nerve cells and liver.

Almost all patients who drank this tea got rid of alcohol addiction.”

Narcologist Oleg Lavrentievich Bespalov with twenty-six years of experience achieved excellent results in treating his patients from smoking. “With this healing herb you can not only recover from prostatitis and alcoholism, but also from the habit of smoking. Because of this, many people also die. The doctor recommends using this remedy to all his patients and even just friends and acquaintances, as he is confident in its effectiveness.

Monastic collection of Father George, composition of 16 herbs - universal remedy used for treatment various diseases, increase vitality. The drug is recommended for women, men of any age, and children. Has good taste, you can drink it like regular tea with added sugar and honey.

The basis of the Monastic collection of Father George - medicinal plants with different healing properties. The recipe was selected long time a priest from Kuban who calls himself Father George. Herbs are familiar to everyone; they grow in our area. But their correct combination made it possible to obtain a unique result. The decoction helps cleanse the body, strengthens strength, adds energy, and helps cope with chronic fatigue and malaise.

There is another belief that the priest’s monastic decoction also works due to the fact that it is prepared on the territory of the sacred temple, absorbs healing energy, and is pre-programmed for a person’s recovery. For example, a similar collection collected from pharmaceutical flowers will not give such a solid result as the decoction of Father George.


The monastic collection of Father George is used for disease prevention and therapy various ailments, and also simply to increase energy potential.


Natural remedy recommended for women and men of different ages, as well as children over 12 years old. It has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components. Allergy appears skin rashes, deterioration in general health. It is extremely rare. An overdose if the instructions are followed is impossible; there are no side effects as such. However, it should be taken with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is advisable to first consult with specialists.

Indications for use

The monastic collection of Father George is used for any disease internal organs, systems, as well as to strengthen the immune system and increase energy potential.

  • Colds, viral diseases;
  • Headache;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, gall bladder;
  • Disruption of the nervous system;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Climax;
  • Premenstrual syndrome;
  • Bleeding;
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Violation of the monthly cycle;
  • Dizziness, weakness;
  • Decline protective functions body;
  • Oncology;
  • Benign tumor;
  • Women's diseases;
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Cystitis and much more.

How to properly brew the Monastery Collection of Father George

The instructions for use are extremely simple, but require strict adherence. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture, cover with a lid, and leave to steep for half an hour. The dishes must be glass or clay. You should not cook herbs on the stove because they will be lost. beneficial properties. It is advisable to place the decoction for infusion away from direct sun rays. The use of a thermos is allowed. Preparation begins in the evening. In the morning you will be able to drink the finished medicine.

The decoction turns out to be saturated, so it can be diluted boiled water. If you drink a glass, add boiling water to 1/3 of it. If you don’t have time for long cooking, the process can be speeded up. Pour boiling water over the grass and leave for 5 minutes. in this case, only 200 ml is prepared and is not further diluted.

How to drink

The Monastic Collection of Father George should be consumed warm after meals. 500 ml of product is divided into 3-4 doses. Every day you need to brew a fresh decoction, so it will be more beneficial. The course of therapy depends on the complexity of the disease, but not less than 14 days. The maximum term is 3 months with a short break every 10 days for 2 days. To enhance the effect, the priest recommends initially reading the Lord’s Prayer or another.

How to cook it yourself

There is nothing complicated about this. All herbs are sold in pharmacies. Mix in approximately equal proportions. For better effect The collection of herbs needs to be further crushed. The cost of each individual tea is on average 70 rubles. To collect full composition collection of Father George, you will have to pay 1120 rubles. At the same time, a package of the finished product 50 mg costs from 700 rubles. up to 1000 rub. If you want, you can cook healing agent on one's own.

However, product distributors emphasize that the collection collected on the territory of the monastery has special healing properties. That is, in this case, energy is also important. Of course, you can do this - prepare tea, read prayers over it, or go to church to bless it. To make or buy is an individual decision.

Can children drink it?

IN official instructions The monastery collection of Father George is age limit up to 12 years old. In this case, manufacturers are once again playing it safe. Since individual intolerance to one of the components may occur. Moreover, in childhood No large quantity chronic diseases that need to be dealt with, it's okay with energy potential. However, with frequent respiratory diseases, pathologically weak immunity, natural remedy It is allowed to use, but not more than 200 ml per day. The maximum course of therapy is a month.


A 5-year-old child began to get sick very often. At first it was an anal cold with a runny nose, cough, and no fever. Then everything developed into bronchitis, then purulent otitis media. We were treated for about two months. went to kindergarten, a week later again cough, throat, snot. Before we had time to recover from this, we contracted the flu. As a complication - purulent otitis media. All this lasted for about a year. I no longer had any strength. I bought Father George’s monastery collection for myself and my child. Drank with him at the same time a whole month, only I gave him 1 glass per day. As a result, my son stopped getting sick and his immunity strengthened. I also felt better, chronic fatigue went away, my nerves calmed down, my digestion improved.

Irina, Moscow

Can it be used by pregnant women?

After conception, hormonal changes are observed, which lead to weakened immunity. In the first months of pregnancy, a woman experiences symptoms of intoxication, and in the last months she suffers from heartburn, constipation, and digestive problems begin. The herbs included in the collection affect the circulatory system and can help increase the tone of the uterus, change blood pressure. Therefore, the product must be used with extreme caution and under control. If after 200 ml of decoction your health worsens, further treatment It's not worth continuing. There is no need to drink the Monastic Collection if the pregnancy is progressing well and the woman’s health is satisfactory.


While pregnant, I began to get sick often. First, cold symptoms appeared at the end of summer, then I was sick all autumn. My nose was so blocked that I couldn’t breathe. I was not really allowed to take medications. insisted on safe means, traditional treatment. I chose the Monastery Collection for myself. I liked the name. I started drinking. The product tastes good and is drunk like regular tea. 500 ml per day, according to the instructions. I noticed that I began to feel much better, until the end of pregnancy - 6 months, I did not get sick. On last trimester I was tormented by heartburn, tried to drink again, but this time the potion did not help.

Tatiana, St. Petersburg

Efficiency according to reviews


“Stomach problems started when I was 20 years old. By the age of 30 there were already several chronic diseases - gastritis, sinusitis, osteochondrosis cervical region. From time to time my blood pressure dropped, my head hurt, I suffered from heartburn, increased acidity, stool disorder. Plus I started getting sick often colds, and after them the sinusitis worsened. Some kind of vicious circle. I didn’t have time to cure one thing, something else appeared. Then they discovered inflammation of the uterus. I was treated as expected, with a bunch of medications, antibiotics, to no avail. They advised me to strengthen my immune system, and everything else would follow. I bought Father George’s monastery collection to get rid of all my ailments at once. As a result, I began to feel better, the inflammation went away, I did not get sinusitis in the fall, and gastritis did not make itself felt for six months. My head stopped spinning and didn’t hurt as often. I took the product for a month, but every day.”


“I decided to strengthen my immune system, improve my health, and cleanse my body in the spring. I spent a long time choosing what to buy and decided on Father George’s collection. The tea smells nice and is prepared quickly. You don’t have to keep it for half an hour, brewing for 5 minutes is enough. I immediately felt some kind of lightness, my stomach stopped pressing, my appetite improved, my stomach stopped rumbling. A week later, my head cleared, I had more energy, and my ability to work increased. I drank heavily for 14 days, then began to take short breaks, but did not give up treatment completely. As a result, in 2 months I felt much lighter, better, calmer, and chronic fatigue went away.”



“I began to feel better about herbs after I treated gastritis with medications, but they did not help. Then I took a course of antibiotics for sinusitis, a month later I got sick again, and this time Chlorophyllipt helped me. After these cases, I began to carefully study the effects and properties of herbs. At one time I bought a collection for the treatment of the stomach and intestines. It became easier in just a couple of days. Gradually I came to the purchase of the Monastery Collection of Father George. I treated everything with it - stomach, head, back, genitals, weak immunity. The result becomes noticeable afterwards. When you notice that your head has stopped hurting, no chronic fatigue, not bothered by a runny nose and other troubles.”



“The decoction helped me normalize hormonal background. The cycle was disrupted, I felt unwell, problems with digestion appeared, my stomach was rumbling, my lower abdomen was aching, my discharge was yellowish. I went to the gynecologist, in principle, everything was fine, no special treatment were not appointed. I decided to drink weed and bought the Monastery Collection. My condition improved after a week, and in the next cycle my periods came as expected. Increased sexual desire and sensations during sex. And the painful sensations went away.”

Here you will learn how to restore health with the help of the monastery collection of Father George for 1 course of use. We'll tell you how to prevent impending dangerous diseases, normalize the functioning of the whole body. We will show you what tea contains and how it affects the body. Read about the results of use, write your reviews.

Recipe from the rector of the Holy Spiritual Monastery, Archimandrite George

It’s impossible to convey how scary it was to wait for the results of the examination, but it all worked out, although the problem with acute pain was never resolved. That’s how I suffered until the doctor advised me to try the collection. In response to my questions about what it is, he quite professionally explained that the product is completely natural and “native”, in the sense that it is made from our local herbs. But it's better to do everything in order.

Now in the Monastery Collection of Father George there are medicinal herbs that were used in Ancient Rus', but then as a result of wars and coups, the recipe was forgotten. We remembered him when we were looking for a universal way to treat serious diseases. So the recipe was resurrected only at the end of the 20th century.

Contains 16 beneficial herbs.

Safe and beneficial for the body.

Cure from diseases by Mother Nature herself.

Proven effect on the body:

  • your condition will improve with any disease;
  • in 99% of cases it is possible to avoid operations;
  • The monastic collection of Father George cleanses the blood, increases immunity;
  • infections, tumors and viruses die because they are not able to live in such an environment;
  • as a result, all are activated enzyme systems(The gastrointestinal tract begins to work like a clock);
  • the functioning of the liver and biliary organs is restored;
  • blood pressure and heart rate stabilize;
  • the entire body is cleansed at the cellular level;
  • blood vessels are cleansed, salts are removed, cholesterol is reduced;
  • normalizes general health, new forces appear (due to the fact that mitochondria produce energy in new young cells);
  • even decreases negative influence pharmaceutical drugs on chemical basis(even if you continue to take pills and medications, the danger from their influence is reduced tenfold);
  • the body is saturated with useful microelements.

Herbal composition

In fact, the effect of herbs is antitumor. The recipe is ancient, but recently restored, made by Father George, from the Holy Spiritual Monastery. The collection relieved pain symptoms so well that people came from afar to get it. The action and results are very fast, relief came literally on the second day. This made me happy; finally I could walk straight, and not bend over in pain.

Having brewed a mixture of 16 herbs and drinking this decoction three times a day, I noticed that I had more energy, my head didn’t hurt, I immediately lost 5 kg, but I forgot about gastritis, how... nightmare. My doctor noted such improvements that I was even a little sorry that I had not learned about herbs earlier.

In this paper eco-bag you will receive the monastery collection of Father George.

The tea tastes good because the monastery collection of Father George 16 useful herbs. We can talk a lot about them, here are just some of their properties:

  1. Nettle cleanses and relieves inflammation;
  2. Sage plays the role of a herbal antibiotic, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels;
  3. Immortelle promotes the production of bile, lowers cholesterol, kills tumors, reduces the toxicity of chemotherapy;
  4. Rosehip improves immunity, saturates the body with nutrients;
  5. The sequence stimulates the glands, cleanses the blood;
  6. Bearberry as an antioxidant, does not allow cells to mutate, stops the development of tumors;
  7. Yarrow has an anti-inflammatory effect, restores;
  8. Wormwood kills infection, microbes, enhances the work of other herbs;
  9. Thyme is a strong antiseptic, removes inflammation;
  10. Birch buds increase the body's resistance to disease;
  11. Buckthorn restores the functioning of the hormonal system;
  12. Linden flowers influence the creation of good blood, improve metabolism;
  13. Marsh grass normalizes blood pressure, removes weakness, cleanses the kidneys;
  14. Motherwort calms the central nervous system, normalizes blood pressure;
  15. Chamomile improves immunity, removes allergies;
  16. Dried flowers relieve spasms in blood vessels and muscles, and normalize the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Admission rules

  1. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of herbs, 200-250 ml in a cup;
  2. Infuse the monastery collection of Father George for 3-5 minutes;
  3. You can drink 3-4 times a day, regardless of food, but for at least 1-3 months to consolidate the result.

You should feel improvements already in the first days of taking it. And then your health and well-being will only improve.

What diseases are treated

The monastery where tea is harvested is known for many thousands of kilometers. With him, the treatment of complex diseases has become simple.

Monastic collection according to the recipe of Father George from 16 useful plants can cure chronic and severe diseases.
  • Liver diseases (hemangioma, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, fatty hepatosis);
  • High or low blood pressure;
  • Problems genitourinary system in men and women;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • Metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Cancerous tumors;
  • Poor eyesight;
  • Varicose veins.
  • Cough, sore throat, thyroid disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • Infertility;
  • Diseases: lungs, joints, back;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Anomalies of the circulatory system.
  • Viral and infectious diseases;
  • Headaches, weakness, loss of strength, physical exhaustion, stress, depression, phobias;
  • Departures, intoxication;
  • Sudden weight loss or gain;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Poor immune function.

The collection also helps to quickly recover from any illness and surgery.

Where to buy

The main disadvantage is that it cannot be bought at the pharmacy. But I searched the Internet, and I was lucky, I found the official website. I ordered it, they sent it to me, and that’s how my recovery began. I didn’t regret it for a second because before it took many times more for treatment.

At the time of writing the review, the price was 1980 rubles. But the manufacturer sometimes runs promotions, check.

It’s very easy to place an order: leave a request and a manager will call you in 10-15 minutes. After the delivery has been confirmed, the parcel will be sent by mail or courier, according to your choice. You will pay upon receipt, in cash.

The study, which involved more than 1,000 people, surprised even doctors. By the end of the month, absolutely all patients showed significant improvements. Even in severe cases of diabetes and hypertension, there have been advances in treatment, and some have become completely healthy.

Thanks to the monastery collection of Father George, the herbs from the composition have a beneficial effect on everyone, so they will help you too. It's a matter of time, everyone various diseases and time for complete cure may vary. One person will need 2-3 months, but 1 month may be enough for you.